7 Clever Ways to Clean and Sanitize a Toothbrush (2025)

Have you ever contemplated what might be lurking on the bristles of your toothbrush? The regular oral care it provides you and the moist environment where it resides can be a breeding ground for bacteria. We’ve got several cleaning methods that will show you how to clean a toothbrush so that it can get the job done effectively.

The American Dental Association has determined that there is not enough evidence proving that bacterial toothbrush growth will result in any adverse health effects or be detrimental to the immune system. While that may be the case, we still do not want to stick that bacteria into our mouth every day.

We’ve got a few ways to prevent this bacterial growth. Bacteria thrive in dark, moist, and warm areas. Therefore, storing your toothbrush in a closed container is a big no-no.

7 Clever Ways to Clean and Sanitize a Toothbrush (1)



Table of Contents

  1. The Best Ways to Clean a Toothbrush
    • Quick and Easy Way to Sanitize Your Toothbrush
    • Cleaning Your Toothbrush with Hydrogen Peroxide
    • Kill Germs on a Toothbrush
    • Using Ultraviolet Light to Sanitize a Toothbrush
    • Best Way to Sanitize a Toothbrush
    • Deep Cleaning an Electric Toothbrush
    • Clean Your Toothbrush Using Vinegar and Baking Soda

The Best Ways to Clean a Toothbrush

It is recommended that you keep your clean toothbrush in an upright position in a toothbrush holder where it can adequately air dry. Here are some other techniques that you can do to keep your toothbrush clean.

If you have dentures, you also need to know the best way to take care of false teeth. Not all the suggestions for cleaning a toothbrush work or are appropriate for dentures, so choose wisely to keep from damaging expensive false teeth and partials.

Quick and Easy Way to Sanitize Your Toothbrush

It’s crucial to have good oral hygiene, and this also means having a clean toothbrush. This method is one of the simplest when it comes to disinfecting your toothbrush. This process shows you how to clean a toothbrush by reducing the number of bacteria on the brush head.

After brushing your teeth, rinse the toothbrush under hot water to remove leftover toothpaste and food particles. Pour the antibacterial mouthwash into the cup and soak the toothbrush in the solution, head down, for about 15 minutes.

Make sure that you do not soak it any longer or damage may occur to the bristles. Rinse and place the toothbrush upright in a clean cup or holder.

Cleaning Your Toothbrush with Hydrogen Peroxide

This method is similar to the other one except that you’ll use hydrogen peroxide instead of mouthwash. Hydrogen peroxide is a mild disinfectant and antiseptic that is great for cleaning your toothbrush but also ideal as a form of dental care. It can also be used as a natural denture cleaner.


Hydrogen Peroxide Cleaning

  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Small container


Pour enough hydrogen peroxide into the container to cover the head of your toothbrush or to clean dentures stains. Soak the brush head for no longer than 15 minutes and discard the peroxide when done.

Never reuse any of the leftover solutions. Rinse the toothbrush or dentures off with tap water and place the toothbrush in an upright position to dry.

Peroxide is also a valuable ally to disinfect and clean your bathroom. Use it to wipe the sink, tub, and toilet to sanitize these much-used areas that can accumulate germs and stains.

Kill Germs on a Toothbrush

One of the simplest ways to kill germs on a toothbrush is the old fashioned way, with boiling water. This simple method kills many bacteria that may be thriving at the end of your toothbrush. The crucial thing to remember while doing this is the timing. Longer is not better.


Boiling Method for Toothbrush Cleaning

  • Saucepan
  • Water
  • Tongs


Bring a pan of water to a boil. Place the toothbrush into the boiling water for a maximum of three minutes. You do not want to boil the toothbrush any longer, or you may risk damaging or even melting the toothbrush head. Carefully remove the toothbrush from the water using a pair of tongs, and set it in the holder to dry.

Using Ultraviolet Light to Sanitize a Toothbrush

Ultraviolet light has been used to kill bacteria via sunlight for as far back as we can remember. It’s no different when it comes to your toothbrush. Ultraviolet light can safely sanitize your toothbrush, destroying 99.9% of germs that are hiding within its bristles.

Ultraviolet Light Sanitizing

There are several ways to utilize UV light for sanitizing your toothbrush. UV toothbrush holders are designed to hold your toothbrush between uses while killing germs during storage. These are ideal for traveling.

Other forms of UV light sanitizers are designed for interval cleaning. Place your toothbrush within the compartment, push a button, and the unit will emit the UV light onto the toothbrush head for ten minutes or so, depending on the unit.

Best Way to Sanitize a Toothbrush

This method is the best way to sanitize a toothbrush during cold or flu season. It’s essential to keep your toothbrush sanitized during this time so that you do not reinfect yourself and others. Before you go out and buy yourself a new toothbrush, give this method a try.

Dishwasher Toothbrush Cleaning

I bet you’re wondering if we made a mistake. Yes, you actually can wash your toothbrush in the dishwasher. Place your toothbrush in the silverware compartment of the dishwasher.

Run the unit on the hot water setting without soap. This simple and convenient technique will keep that toothbrush clean and sanitized. It’s as easy as that!

Deep Cleaning an Electric Toothbrush

If you’re the type of person who prefers using an electric toothbrush over a standard one, you need to keep it free of bacteria and germs. While some of the other methods can work for an electric toothbrush, the following technique is ideal for deep cleaning.


Toothbrush Head Cleaning

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon of bleach
  • Clean cloth
  • Q-tip
  • Small bowl


Mix the bleach and water in a small bowl. Dip the cloth into the solution and wipe down the entire toothbrush. Remove the toothbrush head.

Dip the Q-tip into the solution. Use the Q-tip to get into any crevices where the head attaches to the handle. Wipe down the unit with a clean, dry cloth.

Submerge the toothbrush head in the bowl of bleach and water. Allow the head to soak for one hour. Rinse the toothbrush head under clean water to remove any traces of bleach solution.

Clean Your Toothbrush Using Vinegar and Baking Soda

Is there anything that vinegar and baking soda do not clean? If there is, we have yet to find it! These two staples should be in everyone’s kitchen. This method of cleaning is simple and efficient at removing debris from your toothbrush while sanitizing it.


Vinegar and Baking Soda Toothbrush Cleaner

  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • Small cup


Mix the water, baking soda, and vinegar in the cup. Give the toothbrush a good rinse under running water to remove any food debris and toothpaste.

Put the toothbrush head first in the solution and let sit for 30 minutes. When done, rinse the toothbrush thoroughly and place it upright in a holder to dry.

While you’re cleaning and sanitizing your toothbrush, this is an excellent opportunity to clean your makeup brushes and do any brush cleaning for your hairbrushes, too.

Spritz the liquid on your brushes and use your fingers to work the cleaner through the bristles to get rid of old makeup and dirt. Rinse clean and air dry.

Keeping your toothbrush free of germs is the first step for optimal dental and oral health. Keep your toothbrush clean and your teeth happy by merely using items in your own home.

7 Clever Ways to Clean and Sanitize a Toothbrush (2)

A final bit of advice, if you have many family members in your household, make sure that everyone has a different colored toothbrush! Feel free to share these handy tips on how to clean a toothbrush on Facebook or Pinterest.

7 Clever Ways to Clean and Sanitize a Toothbrush (2025)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.