American Indian Studies Research Institute (2024)

The American Indian Studies Research Institute brings together faculty, full-time staff, graduate students, undergraduate students, and contract personnel from around the Bloomington campus to work together on research projects relating to American Indians. AISRI also works collaboratively with numerous scholars at other institutions around the world, as well as with tribal schools and colleges.

Jennifer Brown, Professor, Department of History; Canada Research Chair in Aboriginal Peoples in an Urban and Regional Context, and Director, Centre for Rupert’s Land Studies, University of Winnipeg
Regna Darnell, Professor, Department of Anthropology; Director, First Nations Studies Program, University of Western Ontario
Philip J. Deloria, Professor of History, University of Michigan
Emmanuel Désveaux, Professor of Anthropology, Ecole des hautes études, Paris
Ives Goddard, Curator Emeritus, Smithsonian Institution
Daniel Swan, Associate Professor of Anthropology; Curator of Ethnology, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, University of Oklahoma

Nicholas Belle, Director, First Nations Educational and Cultural Center
Serafín M. Coronel-Molina, Assistant Professor, Education
John A. Erickson, Managing Editor, Anthropological Linguistics; Assistant Scholar, Anthropology; Director, Center for Turkic and Iranian Lexicography and Dialectology)
Brian Gilley, Associate Professor, Anthropology
Wallace E. Hooper, Ph.D., Digital Library Program, Newton Project
Jason Jackson, Associate Professor, Folklore
Paul Kroeber, Ph.D., Research Associate, Anthropology
Philip LeSourd, Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Christina Snyder, Assistant Professor, History and American Studies; Research Associate, Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology
Daniel Frank Suslak, Associate Professor, Anthropology
David C. Williams, Professor, Law

Sally Anderson, Linguistics; Lexicographer
Jon Bowman, Director, CDEL
Dennis Christafferson, Project Manager
Travis Myers, Technology Director
Indrek Park, Linguistic Researcher
Cynthia Ramlo, Instructional Designer



Assistant Professor of Literacy, Culture and Language Education, School of Education
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Anthropology

Serafín M. Coronel-Molina (Wanka/Quechua Native from South America) is an AssistantProfessor of Literacy, Culture and Language Education at the School of Education and anAdjunct faculty in the Department of Anthropology and the American Studies Program atIndiana University. He is an educational linguist and sociolinguist. Dr. Coronel-Molina receivedhis B.A. in Translation (English, French and Cuzco Quechua) from the Ricardo Palma Universityin Peru in 1980; he obtained his M.A. in Hispanic Linguistics from the Ohio State University in1995, and his Ph.D. in Educational Linguistics and sociolinguistics from the University ofPennsylvania in 2007. He has published articles in Quechua, English and Spanish, and presentedpapers internationally. In addition, he has considerable experience in second and foreignlanguage education, having been a Spanish and Quechua lecturer at various universities in Peruand the United States. Before joining Indiana University in 2007, he was an instructor atPrinceton University for four years.

Professor Coronel-Molina's research interests include revitalization of indigenous languages(Quechua and Aymara), politics of language, language attitudes and ideologies, minoritylanguages and technology, language maintenance and shift, language contact phenomena, secondand foreign language acquisition and learning, issues of language, culture and identity in theAndes and beyond. His research is of an interdisciplinary nature, drawing on fields as diverse asmacro- and micro-sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, linguistic anthropology, education,ethnography of communication, language policy and planning, pragmatics, politics and history.

His research on Andean sociolinguistics, politics of language, language ideologies and languagecontact phenomena has been published in a number of book chapters and journals, such as TheInternational Journal of the Sociology of Language, The international Journal of BilingualEducation and Bilingualism, Amerindia, The School for International Training OcassionalPapers and the Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies. He has also co-edited with LindaGrabner a book titled Lenguas e identidades en los Andes: perspectivas ideológicas y culturales[Languages and Identities in the Andes: Ideological and CultuRAl Perspectives] (Abya-Yala2005). He is currently working on three articles to be published by Cambridge University Press,Oxford University Press and Blackwell Publishing respectively, and he is also working on abook manuscript titled Language Policy and Planning, and Language Ideologies in Peru: TheCase of Cuzco’s High Academy of the Quechua Language.

Selected Publications

Coronel-Molina, S.M. & Quintero,V. (in press). The Sociolinguistics of Indigenous Languages in South America. In Nicole Müller and Martin J. Ball (Eds.), Sociolinguistics Around the World: A Handbook. London, UK: Routledge.

Coronel-Molina, S.M. (2008). Inventing Tawantinsuyu and qhapaq simi: Language Ideologies of the High Academy of the Quechua Language in Cuzco, Peru. Special issue: Indigenous Encounters in Peru, Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies, Vol. 3, No. 3: 319-340.

Coronel-Molina, S.M. (2008). Quechua Phrasebook, 3rd edition. Victoria, Australia: Lonely PlanetPublications (Best Seller, 224 pp.).

Coronel-Molina, S.M. & Grabner, L.L. Eds. (2005). Lenguas e identidades en los Andes: Perspectivas ideológicas y culturales [Languages and Identities in the Andes: Ideologicaland Cultural Perspectives]. Quito: Abya-Yala. (420 pp.).

Coronel-Molina, S.M. (2005). Lenguas originarias cruzando el puente de la brecha digital: Nuevas formas de revitalización del quechua y el aimara [Indigenous Languages Crossing the Digital Divide: New Ways of Revitalization of Quechua and Aymara]. In Coronel-Molina, S.M. & Grabner, L.L. (Eds.), Lenguas e identidades en los Andes: perspectivas ideológicas y culturales (pp. 31-82). Quito: Abya Yala.

Coronel-Molina, S.M. (2005). Lenguas en contacto en el Perú: el español y el quechua. [Languages in Contac in Peru: Quechua and Spanish]. In Ferrero-Pino, C. & Lasso-von Lang, N.(Eds.), Variedades lingüísticas y lenguas en contacto en el mundo de habla hispana (pp.113-124). Bloomington, Indiana: AuthorHouse Publisher.

Hornberger, N.H. & Coronel-Molina, S.M. (2004). Quechua Language Shift, Maintenance and Revitalization in the Andes: The Case for Language Planning. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 67: 9-67 (Special issue on Quechua sociolinguistics edited by Hornberger N.H. & King, K.A.).

Coronel-Molina, S.M. (2003). La intelectualización de lenguas indígenas y su implicación en laeducación [The Intelectualization of Indigenous Languages and Educational Implications]. In La educación indígena en las Américas/Indigenous Education in the Americas, SIT Occasional Papers Series, Addressing Intercultural Education, Training and Service, No. 4 (Winter): 103-116. World Learning, School for International Training.

Coronel-Molina, S.M. (2000). Piruw Malka Kichwapiq Hatun Qillqa Lulay [Language planning for Peruvian Quechua]. Amerindia 24: 1-30. Also available at:

Coronel-Molina, S.M. & Hornberger, N.H. (2000). Data on Quechua for the World Language Report 2001. Bilbao: UNESCO/Lingua Pax. With Nancy H. Hornberger.

Coronel-Molina, S.M. (1999). Functional Domains of the Quechua Language in Peru: Issues of Status Planning. In Freeland, J. (Ed.), Indigenous Language Maintenance in Latin America. Special Issue of International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Vol. 2 (3): 166-180.

Coronel-Molina, S.M. (1999). Crossing Borders and Constructing Indigeneity: A Self-Ethnography ofIdentity. In Brown, J. & Sant, P. (Eds.), Indigeneity: Construction and Re/Presentation (pp.59-75). Commack, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Coronel-Molina, S.M. (1999). Planificación del corpus del quechua sureño peruano [Corpus Planningfor Southern Peruvian Quechua]. In Anita Herzfeld and Yolanda Lastra (Eds.), Las CausasSociales de la Desaparición y del Mantenimiento de las Lenguas en las Naciones de América(pp. 189-203). Hermosillo, México: Universidad de Sonora.

Cerrón-Palomino, R.& Coronel-Molina, S.M., et al (1998). Vocabulario políglota incaico. Quechua,aimara, castellano [Inca Polyglot Dictionary: Quechua (4 dialects), Aymara and Spanish],Updated and expanded edition. Lima: Ministerio de Educación del Perú. (551 pp.). Available online at:

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Chancellor's Professor of Anthropology and American Studies; Adjunct Professor of Folklore;
Co-Director, American Indian Studies Research Institute;
Curator of North American Ethnology, Mathers Museum.

B.A. (1968), M.A. (1970), Ph.D. (1971), University of Chicago.

My education in anthropology at the University of Chicago emphasized two complementary perspectives: British social anthropology in the tradition of A. R. Radcliffe-Brown as exemplified by Fred Eggan, my dissertation advisor, and American cultural anthropology in the model of the symbolic or interpretive anthropology developed by David M. Schneider and Clifford Geertz. The geographical area of my studies is North America, with an emphasis on Plains Indians; the topical areas of my studies include kinship and social organization, ritual and belief systems, oral traditions, and material culture; the methods of my studies include ethnohistory, linguistic and textual analysis, and symbolism. I began my graduate studies with an investigation of Sioux Indian kinship, a topic that has been central to my interests throughout my career. Kinship led inevitably to the structures of social life and the ideologies that support them, which in turn led to the study of religion broadly--the fundamental concepts, beliefs, and traditions that underlie the practice of everyday life. A symbolic approach offers an effective means by which to understand the relationship between social (behavioral) and cultural (ideological) patterns. Because American Indian life has changed so dramatically during the last two hundred years, bringing the Sioux from independent buffalo hunters on the Great Plains to reservation-dwellers dependent on federal and state economies, a historical approach is essential in order to understand the changes in Sioux society and culture over time. I use the ethnohistorical method, attempting to accomplish in my study of the past--through the use of written documents--exactly what anthropologists do in the field in the present. Anthropological theories and methods are brought to bear on the documentary sources (not only written ones, but photographs and objects as well) in order to understand the lived realities of previous time periods. This serves to reconstruct historical ethnographies of the past as well as to provide the historical background essential to the understanding of the present.

Since 1970 I have done fieldwork on reservations in the Dakotas, Montana, and Saskatchewan, where Sioux and the closely related Assiniboine peoples live. Much of my field study has been linguistic, recording texts of historical traditions, myths, and tales. My field studies are paralleled by archival, library, and museum studies to discover, edit, and publish major sources on the Sioux and Assiniboine past. Responding to needs expressed by Indian people themselves, I have undertaken studies for legal cases in support of treaty rights. More recently, in collaboration with Professor Douglas R. Parks, I have become involved in projects to teach the Sioux and Assiniboine languages, both on reservations and at IU.

My classes reflect the areas of my studies and frequently are focused around my current work. I offer undergraduate classes on North American Indians, as well as graduate seminars on ethnohistory, kinship, symbolic anthropology, history of anthropology, and a variety of American Indian topics. With Professor Parks, I teach Lakota language at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Through the American Indian Studies Research Institute, graduate students and occasional undergraduates with strong commitment to American Indian studies become directly involved in my research projects, and those of other institute members.

Selected Publications

1980 (new ed. 1991) Ed. (with Elaine Jahner) James R. Walker, Lakota Belief and Ritual. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

1982 The Lakota Ghost Dance: An Ethnohistorical Account. Pacific Historical Review, 51, no. 4 : 385-405.

1984 Ed. The Sixth Grandfather: Black Elk's Teachings Given to John G. Neihardt. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

1987 Ed. (with Douglas R. Parks) Sioux Indian Religion: Tradition and Innovation. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.

1992 (with Douglas R. Parks) 1492-1992: "American Indian Persistence and Resurgence." In Plains Indian Native Literatures. boundary 2, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 105-47.

1993 "These Have No Ears: Narrative and the Ethnohistorical Method." Ethnohistory 40, no. 4 : 515-38.

1994 Ed. (with Alfonso Ortiz) North American Indian Anthropology: Essays on Society and Culture. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.

1999(Editor, with Vine Deloria, Jr.) Documents of American Indian Diplomacy. 2 vols. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.

2001(Editor) Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 13: Plains. William C. Sturtevant, general ed. 2 vols. Washington: Smithsonian Institution.

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Associate Professor of Anthropology
Director, First Nations Educational and Cultural Center

Ph.D. Socio-Cultural Anthropology, University of Oklahoma (2002)
Master of Arts, University of Oklahoma (1997)
Bachelor of Arts, University of Oklahoma (1994)

My research concerns the ways local cultural logics are used by Native peoples to engage the colonial condition. For the last 15 years my work has focused Two-Spirit people (gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, queer Natives), with a particular emphasis on the relationship between historic gender construction and contemporary community social practice. This research has also emcompassed HIV/AIDS among contemporary American Indians and the etiologies produced by health crises. More recently I have become interested in local notions of autonomy and the ways they structure both contemporary and historic social practices and encounters with colonial administration.

Selected Publications

Forthcoming, A Longhouse Fragmented: Autonomy, Representation and the Settlement of the Ohio Iroquois in the 19th Century, SUNY Press.

2011 Queer Indigenous Studies, University of Arizona Press, Edited volume with S. Morgenson, Q. Driscoll and C. Finley.

2006 Becoming Two-Spirit: The Search for Self and Social Acceptance in Indian Country, University of Nebraska Press.

Recent Articles and Chapters

2012 Gilley, B.J. Gay American Indian Men's Mobility and Sexual Sedentarism in the United States Census Rules of Residence, Human Organization, 72(2), 149 - 56.

2010 Gilley, B.J. "A Balance of Authority: Ponca Women's Cultural Autonomy through the Appropriation of the Ethnographic Interview" INTERTEXTS: a Journal of Comparative and Theoretical Reflection 14(2): 43-52.

2010 Gilley, B.J. Native Sexual Inequalities: American Indian Cultural Conservative hom*ophobia and the Problem of Tradition, Sexualities, 13 (1): 47-68.

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Associate Professor of Folklore, Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology
Adjunct Associate Professor of Anthropology
Affiliated Faculty in American Studies and Cultural Studies Faculty Curator, Mathers Museum of World Cultures

B.A. (Sociology, 1990), University of Florida
M.A. (Anthropology, 1995), Indiana University
M.A. (Folklore, 1996), Indiana University
Ph.D. (Anthropology, 1998), Indiana University

American Indian Studies Research Institute (1) I joined the faculty of the Indiana University Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology in 2004, having returned to Indiana from the University of Oklahoma, where I had served as a professor of anthropology and as curator of ethnology in the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History. Prior to going to the University of Oklahoma, I was affiliated with the Gilcrease Museum in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where I served as Curator of Anthropology. The opportunity to participate in the Native American studies community at Indiana University, particularly the American Indian Studies Research Institute, was a major factor motivating my return to IU, as was the chance to join one of the world's leading centers for the study of folklore and ethnomusicology.

My research centers on ethnographic collaboration (since 1993) with the Yuchi and other Woodland Indian communities living in eastern and central Oklahoma. Following my original doctoral research, my positions at the Gilcrease Museum and the University of Oklahoma facilitated this work by enabling me to maintain long-term relationships with Yuchi friends, while also giving me the opportunity to expand my circle of contacts and experiences throughout the region.

This background has been particularly valuable because a central concern of my work is understanding the regional dynamics of ceremonial visitation that both facilitate the formation of an overarching Woodland cultural and social world and the perpetuation of distinct tribal identities. My work at present focuses on this pattern in ethnographic terms, but my long-term goal is to work back ethnohistorically to form a clearer understanding of the same patterns of intertribal social interaction as they have unfolded in the past. The social and religious conditions that shaped the work of the Shawnee prophet among eastern tribes are an obvious example. My general approach combines a concern with social systems derived from sociology and social anthropology with an interest in the systems of meaning that have traditionally been the focus of American cultural anthropology. My method, one associated with folkloristics and linguistic anthropology, is to focus closely on genres of cultural performance, such as the visual arts, narrative, oratory, festival, dance and music.

My experience as a curator has also entailed many of the responsibilities typically associated with a public folklorist—collaboration with tradition bearers, exhibition development, and the planning of programs that bring local cultural traditions to wider publics. I continue to work in museum contexts and to teach courses related to museum work and public folklore.

At both Indiana University and the University of Oklahoma, I work with a number of graduate students who are pursuing related studies in Woodland Indian country, but I also mentor students whose studies are focused elsewhere in Indian Country or who are addressing research topics related to my interests elsewhere in the world.

Additional information on Jason Jackson's work

Recent Publications

"Boasian Ethnography and Contemporary Intellectual Property Debates."Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 154(1):40-49, 2010.

"Picturing Traditional Culture: Heritage as Subject and Motivation in the Work of Three Muscogee (Creek) Painters." American Indian Art Magazine.37(1):64-73, 2011.

(editor) Yuchi Indian Histories Before the Removal Era. Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press, 2012.

Yuchi Folklore Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, forthcoming.

"The Story of Colonialism, or Rethinking the Ox-hide Purchase in Native North America and Beyond." The Journal of American Folklore. forthcoming.

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Associate Professor of Anthropology
S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1974);
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1989).

Research interests: linguistic theory and its application to the analysis of Native American languages, comparative Algonquian linguistics, Maliseet-Passamaquoddy, Wampanoag (Massachusett), and Arapaho.

I have come to anthropology from a background in theoretical linguistics. I received both my undergraduate and graduate degrees in linguistics at M.I.T., where I worked most closely with David Perlmutter (now of U.C., San Diego) and with Kenneth Hale. Perlmutter's abiding interest in linguistic universals sparked my curiosity about non-European languages, while Hale's accounts of his wide-ranging field work in Native American and Aboriginal Australian communities offered a panoramic view of the challenges that face any theory of universal grammar. Hale's work also demonstrated to me how important insights into the nature of language may be gained by combining linguistic analysis with research in cultural anthropology. An example is his work with the Walbiri and Lardil peoples of Australia, who have devised auxiliary languages that reflect subtle analyses of the semantic structure of their everyday languages, rivaling any research on lexical semantics in the Western tradition.

I received my first introduction to the Algonquian languages in a class on Mesquakie (Fox) that Ives Goddard taught at Harvard in spring 1975. At the end of the semester, Karl V. Teeter, also at Harvard, offered me a chance to ride with him to a joint meeting of several Micmac, Maliseet, and Passamaquoddy groups in Fredericton, New Brunswick, a conference that was being held to discuss writing systems for these languages to be used in several newly founded bilingual education programs. Somehow I wound up spending a day riding around Fredericton with a carload of Passamaquoddies from Maine, who had decided to speak no English that day. While I did not understood a word that anyone was saying, I thought the language sounded like music. (I would later learn that Maliseet-Passamaquoddy is a pitch accent language: the "tunes" to which individual words are "sung" do indeed play a fundamental role in the language.) I was hooked.

In summer 1976, at Ken Hale's urging, I took a job with the Wabnaki Bilingual Education Program at Indian Township, Maine, where I set about organizing a Passamaquoddy dictionary project and began trying to learn the language. The modest dictionary that grew out of my work over the next few years was published by the Micmac-Maliseet Institute in Fredericton in 1984. The results of my investigation of the phonological system of Passamaquoddy formed the basis for my dissertation, Accent and Syllable Structure in Passamaquoddy, which I completed in 1988.

My research continues to focus on Maliseet and Passamaquoddy, as well as several other Algonquian languages. I am currently collaborating with Karl V. Teeter in editing a collection of Maliseet texts that he collected in 1963 (from some of the best story-tellers of a generation that is now gone), working on a project in Ojibwa morphosyntax, and pursuing an investigation of the morphology of the Wampanoag (Massachusett) language. I have also begun conducting field work with the Northern Arapaho of Wyoming in order to establish a long-term project aimed at documenting their language, one of the most divergent members of the Algonquian family.

The founders of the Americanist tradition in anthropology, Franz Boas and Edward Sapir, regarded linguistics as an essential part of their discipline. Indeed, for much of this century, anthropology departments were the primary centers of linguistic research in this country. With the rise of departments specifically devoted to linguistic studies, however, the fields of linguistics and anthropology have tended to diverge, and thus to lose track of the contributions that each can make to the other. In my teaching, I seek to bridge this gap, to show how an understanding of the nature of language can contribute to our understanding other areas of culture, and to demonstrate how research in cultural anthropology, archaeology, and physical anthropology can provide essential insights for historical and analytical work in linguistics. Since the methods of linguistic analysis can only be learned by putting them to use, my courses place a strong emphasis on problem sets that give students hands-on experience in analyzing linguistic data.

Selected Publications:

"Vowel Length in Malecite" (with Karl V. Teeter).
Actes du Quatorzième Congrès des
, ed. by William Cowan, 245-48.
Ottawa: Carleton University, 1983.

Kolusuwakonol: Peskotomuhkati-Wolastoqewi Naka Ikolisomani Latuwewakon [Passamaquoddy-Maliseet and English Dictionary].
Micmac-Maliseet Institute, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 1984.

Accent and Syllable Structure in Passamaquoddy.
New York: Garland Publishing, 1993.

"Maliseet-Passamaquoddy Pronouns."
Algonquian and Iroquoian Linguistics 18:27-30, 1993.

"Diminutive Verb Forms in Passamaquoddy."
International Journal of America Linguistics 61:103-34, 1995.

"Toward a Lexical Representation of Phrasal Predicates" (with Farrell Ackerman). Complex Predicates, ed. by Alex Alsina, 67-106. Palo Alto, California: Center for the Study of Language and Information, 1997.

2007(Translator and Editor) Tales from Maliseet Country: The Maliseet Texts of Karl V. Teeter. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

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Professor of Anthropology (Part time)
Co-Director, American Indian Studies Research Institute.

B.A. (1964), Ph.D. (1972), University of California, Berkeley.

My training was in anthropological linguistics at the University of California-Berkeley. There, under the influence of Mary R. Haas, student of Edward Sapir, I developed a lifelong commitment to the documentation of North American Indian languages. The ultimate goal of that work is to contribute to the reconstruction of American Indian culture history generally, but the focus of it is the study of the languages of the Great Plains, particularly the Caddoan and Siouan peoples. My first field work was in Oklahoma during the late 1960s. Then, after living for a decade in the northern Plains region, where I helped develop language retention programs on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota, I came to Indiana University in 1983 to help found the American Indian Studies Research Institute, which was established to perpetuate studies in American Indian cultures, languages, and history.

A large part of my career has been devoted to the documentation of two Northern Caddoan languages, both endangered and spoken now by only a small number of elders: Pawnee (located in Oklahoma) and Arikara (located in North Dakota). This documentary work, which has extended over thirty years, is culminating in dictionaries, collections of native language texts, and grammars of these languages.

In an ongoing collaboration with Raymond J. DeMallie, I am studying the dialectal diversity of the Sioux, Assiniboine, and Stoney peoples on numerous reservations throughout the Northern Plains. An important part of that project is a documentary study of the Assiniboine language, itself dialectally diverse, that will ultimately result in linguistic reference works. A related project that I have undertaken is the compilation of a dictionary of Yanktonai, a Sioux dialect that has never been adequately documented.

An outgrowth of these documentary efforts has been my work with language retention and maintenance programs. In North Dakota, beginning in 1975, I helped establish programs for teaching three languages, Arikara, Mandan, and Hidatsa. My own work has focused on Arikara, which is currently being taught in the White Shield School (Fort Berthold Reservation). Currently, I am working with a team to revise older language curricula and develop new teaching materials in multimedia format for students at both the elementary and secondary levels. We are also collaborating with the Pawnee tribe to develop similar materials for teaching Pawnee

At present, I am working with another team that includes Professor DeMallie and Mindy Morgan to develop a program for teaching Assiniboine on the Fort Belknap Reservation in Montana. For it we are also producing materials in both printed and multimedia formats.

Another dimension of my career is native North American philology, the study of older linguistic records of American Indian languages, and the combination of American Indian language research with the writing and interpretation of history. The documentary record on American Indians is replete with native language material that requires identification, translation, and interpretation. It is a rich source of information on North American history and prehistory that has only recently come to be appreciated by scholars. Applying knowledge of American Indian languages to these documents unlocks their potential for study of the American Indian past. Exemplifying this effort is an edition that I recently prepared of the journals of the Saint Louis fur trader, Jean-Baptiste Truteau, who lived among the Arikara in 1795. The editorial work on these manuscripts required a firm grounding in the Arikara language as well as a comparative knowledge of Plains Indian ethnology and history.

Finally, a fundamental part of my study of endangered languages and North American culture history is the recording, editing, and translating of native language texts, both those recorded from contemporary raconteurs and those in documentary collections of stories compiled earlier in the century. Oral narratives are important historical and cultural sources as well as literary documents, and they provide an essential native voice in the study of the American Indian. To date this work in textual translation and redaction has resulted in an edition of Arikara narratives that I myself recorded and an edition of narratives recorded at the turn of the century from a Skiri Pawnee religious leader.

I teach courses in general anthropological linguistics, American Indian languages, and, specifically, a two-year Lakota language sequence. These courses reflect my current research projects. Through my research there is opportunity for graduate students to become involved in American Indian language documentation and description, textual analysis, language revival and maintenance programs, and historical linguistic study. I am also editor of the journal Anthropological Linguistics, which is produced on campus. With it there is opportunity for both graduate and undergraduate students to gain experience in academic publishing at both editorial and production levels.

Selected Publications

A Grammar of Pawnee. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc. (1976).

Ceremonies of the Pawnee. By James R. Murie, edited by Douglas R. Parks. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, 27. 2 vols. Washington, D.C. (1981); Reprint ed. with new Preface, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press (1989).

"The Importance of Language Study for the Writing of Plains Indian History." In: New Directions in American Indian History, Collin Calloway, editor. Pp. 153-198. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press (1988).

Traditional Narratives of the Arikara Indians: Vol. 1, The Stories of Alfred Morsette: Interlinear Linguistic Texts; Vol. 2, The Stories of Other Narrators: Interlinear Linguistic Texts; Vol. 3, The Stories of Alfred Morsette: English Translations; Vol. 4, The Stories of Other Narrators: English Translations. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press (1991).

An Introduction to the Arikara Language. Vols. 1-2. Coauthored with Janet Beltran and Ella P. Waters. Bloomington: American Indian Studies Research Institute (1998, 2001).

An Introduction to the Pawnee Language. Coauthored with Janet Beltran, Nora Pratt, and Nicole Evans. Bloomington: American Indian Studies Research Institute (2001).

A Dictionary of Skiri Pawnee. Coauthored with Lula Nora Pratt. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press (in press)

The Roaming Scout Narratives: Reminiscences of a Skiri Pawnee Priest. 2 vols. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press (in preparation).

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Associate Professor of Anthropology
Director, William R. Adams Zooarchaeology Laboratory

B.A. (Anthropology, 1990), University of Wyoming
M.A. (Anthropology, 1993), University of Wyoming
Ph.D. (Anthropology, 2001), University of California-Berkeley

I joined the faculty of the Indiana University Department of Anthropology in 2002, as a specialist in Plains archaeology and zooarchaeology. I am the director of the William R. Adams Zooarchaeology Laboratory, which houses a large collection of modern animal bones used by archaeologists to study the relationships between people and animals in the past. My work with the lab combines research, education, and outreach and offers opportunities to students and faculty across IU. I teach courses on North American archaeology, zooarchaeology, Native American subsistence, colonialism, and archaeological fiction. My research interests focus on interactions between foragers and farmers, the material and social effects of colonialism, multi-scalar analyses of residential spaces, bison food processing, and long-term social dynamics on the western North American Plains. I recently initiated an archaeological research project “Exploring Social and Historical Landscapes of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.” This project consists of two spatially separate locations around the Bighorn Basin of northern Wyoming and southern Montana, one adjacent to the Crow Indian Reservation on the western slope of the Bighorn Mountains and the other in the Shoshone homeland of the Absaroka Mountains. This is collaborative research with Northwest College in Powell, Wyoming; Little Big Horn College in Crow Agency, Montana; the National Park Service; and the U.S. Forest Service. As part of this research program, I teach a summertime archaeology field school in Wyoming and Montana every year.

I was recently selected as the recipient of the Society for American Archaeology-Amerind Foundation award based on my co-organized symposium called Across the Great Divide: Change and Continuity in Native North America, 1600-1900. The book that will be published as a result of this seminar reflects current research related to long-term social dynamics in Native North America that bridges the divide of scholarship between history and prehistory. My recent work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, Western National Parks Association, the IU Office of the Vice Provost and Lilly Endowment, IU’s Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP), and Cooperative Studies Ecosystems Unit Programs. I am a former member of the Board of Directors of the Plains Anthropological Society and continue to chair the annual student paper competition at the Plains Anthropological Conference every year. We encourage students and faculty members to become members of the organization!

I mentor students who are studying Native North America, both past and present. Popular courses for AISRI students that I teach include Culture Contact and Colonialism (ANTH P600) and North American Prehistory through Fiction (ANTH P363/663).

Recent Publications

Scheiber, Laura L. (2007) The Economy of Bison Exploitation on the Late Prehistoric North American High Plains. Journal of Field Archaeology. 32(3):297–313.

Scheiber, Laura L. and Charles A. Reher (2007) The Donovan Site (5LO204): An Upper Republican Animal Processing Camp on the High Plains. Plains Anthropologist 52(203):337-364.

Scheiber, Laura L. (2006) Skeletal Biology: Plains. In Handbook of North American Indians: Environment, Population, and Origins, Volume 3, edited by Douglas Ubelaker, pp. 595-609. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.

Scheiber, Laura L. (2006) The Late Prehistoric on the High Plains of Western Kansas. In Kansas Archeology, edited by Robert J. Hoard and William E. Banks, pp. 133-150. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence.

Scheiber, Laura L. (2005) Late Prehistoric Bison Hide Production and Hunter-Gatherer Identities on the North American Plains. In Gender and Hide Production, edited by Lisa Frink and Kathryn Weedman, pp. 57-75. AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek, California. In Gender and Archaeology Series, edited by Sarah M. Nelson.

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Associate Professor, History and American Studies
Faculty Curator, Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology

A.B., Anthropology, University of Georgia (2001)
Ph.D., History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2007)

A graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Ph.D., 2007), I am an ethnohistorian by training. My scholarship focuses on Native North America and on the histories of colonialism and slavery. In my first book, Slavery in Indian Country: The Changing Face of Captivity in Early America, I traced the dynamic nature of captivity from roughly A.D. 1000, when Native chiefdoms competed for regional power, through the conclusion of the Second Seminole War in 1842. Captivity was a fluid practice, which Southern Indians repeatedly reinvented to deal with a succession of challenges, including chiefly competition during the pre-Columbia era, post contact demographic disaster, and incorporation into the global economy in the colonial era. Not until the late eighteenth century did captivity transition from a kin-based to a race-based practice, a shift that had profound consequences for all inhabitants of the American South. In addition to enhancing the visibility of Native people in the broader narratives of early American studies and Southern history, this project addresses cross-cultural constructions of race and racism as well as the global history of slavery.

Currently, I'm at work on a book on Choctaw Academy, the first national Indian boarding school in the United States. Open from 1825 to 1848, the school was located on the plantation of prominent politician Richard Mentor Johnson. Although initiated by the Choctaw Nation, the academy became home to a diverse range of Native peoples from the Southeast and Midwest, including Creeks, Cherokees, Chickasaws, Seminoles, Potawatomis, Miamis, and Osages. In addition to white and Indian teachers, the school was supported by the labor of free and enslaved African Americans. During Choctaw Academy's lifespan, the United States transitioned from an east-coast nation to a continental power. The story of Choctaw Academy reveals how the emerging U.S. empire developed a tandem approach—violence and acculturation—to exert economic, political, and cultural influence far beyond even its extensive territory, and the complex ways in which colonized people met these challenges.

I offer a range of Native American and Indigenous Studies courses, including History A207: Introduction to Native American History; History A300: Native American Women; History J300: Natives and Newcomers in Early America; American Studies A275: Indigenous Worldviews; and AMST G605: Graduate Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Studies.

Selected Publications

Slavery in Indian Country: The Changing Face of Captivity in Early America, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2010).

"Race and Indian Removal: Perspectives from Choctaw Academy," in Oxford Handbook on the History of Race, ed. Matthew Guterl (New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming).

"The Lady of Cofitachequi: Gender and Political Power among Native Southerners," in South Carolina Women: Their Lives and Times, ed. Joan Johnson, Valinda Littlefield, and Marjorie Spruill (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2009).

"Conquered Enemies, Adopted Kin, and Owned People: The Creek Indians and Their Captives," in Journal of Southern History 73 (2007), 255-288.

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Associate Professor of Anthropology
Dept. of Anthropology & Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

B.A. (Linguistics, 1993), Reed College;
M.A. (Anthropology, 1996), University of Chicago;
joint Ph.D. (Anthropology & Linguistics, 2005), University of Chicago

I joined the faculty of the Indiana UniversityDepartment of Anthropology in January 2005, as a specialist in linguisticanthropology. I teach a range of courses including: Language & Culture,Ethnography of Communication, Endangered Languages in the Americas, andMesoamerican Languages.

Since 1991, I have been doing fieldresearch in southern Mexico on the indigenous languages of this region andthe social contexts in which they continue to be spoken. I have focusedmost closely on three members of the Mixe-Zoquean language family:Chiapas Zoque (spoken in the northwestern corner of the state ofChiapas), Ayapaneko (spoken in the state of Tabasco, near the GulfCoast), and Totontepecano Mixe (spoken in the mountains east ofOaxaca City). Over the last decade I have been working with Project forthe Documentation of the Languages of Mesoamerica (PDLMA) to producedictionaries, grammatical sketches and text collections for TotontepecanoMixe and Ayapaneko.

In broadest terms, my research focuses ongrammatical change and changing patterns of language use and how they bothform part of larger social changes. I am interested in how language servesas a medium through which people talk about the impact of economicdevelopment and globalization on their lives and how it becomes valued asa symbolic resource that social actors struggle to control and pass on tofuture generations. Over the past several years, I have been concentratingon the role of indigenous youth in these processes and on what happenswhen indigenous communities decide that they have a “youth problem.” I amcurrently preparing a book manuscript on young Mixe speakers and thechallenges they face.

Selected Publications

2004. The Story of Ö: Orthographyand Cultural Politics in the Mixe Highlands. Pragmatics 13(4):551-563.

2000. “The Woman and the Hawk”: A Guayabaleño Story. In KaySammons, Joel Sherzer, eds. Translating Native Latin American Verbal Art: Ethnopoetics and Ethnography of Speaking. The Smithsonian Series ofStudies in Native American Literatures. Washington, D.C.: SmithsonianInstitution Press.

1998. “The burning old woman”: ZoqueExplanations of the Eruption of Volcán Chichonal. Proceedings from SALSA V Symposium about Language and Society, Austin. Austin: Texas Linguistics Forum, University of Texas.

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SALLY ANDERSON, Dictionary Project Programmer.
She received her MA in Linguistics from Indiana University in 1994 and joined the AISRI staff in October of 2000. She primarily works towards the production of the Skiri Pawnee Multi-Media Database Dictionary Project, but is also involved in writing miscellaneous programs and scripts to facilitate other projects at the Institute.

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JOHN A. ERICKSON Managing Editor, Anthropological Linguistics
Assistant Scholar, Department of Anthropology
Director, Center for Turkic and Iranian Lexicography and Dialectology

Ph.D. (Central Eurasian Studies and Linguistics, 2001), Indiana University
M.A. (Uralic and Altaic Studies, 1989), Indiana University
B.A. (English, 1984), State University of New York at Geneseo

I first joined the AISRI staff in 1992 while still a graduate student in the departments of Central Eurasian Studies and Linguistics at IU, shortly after returning to the U.S. from an extended period of fieldwork in Uzbekistan. I was initially hired as a research assistant to work on dictionary projects for the American Indian languages Pawnee (Skiri) and Arikara. Soon afterwards I also became involved with the journal Anthropological Linguistics, initially as an editorial assistant in 1993, before being hired as full-time managing editor in 1994. As managing editor, I have been responsible for administration, production, marketing, and sales of the journal. During that time, with the support of AISRI, I finished my Ph.D. and have pursued my own research in the field of Turkic linguistics. More recently, I have embarked on a series of research projects involving the language Uzbek that have been funded by two Title VI grants from the U.S. Department of Education.

I received my Ph.D. with a double major in Central Eurasian Studies and Linguistics from IU in 2001. In my dissertation, “Language Contact and Morphosyntactic Change: Shift of Case-Marker Functions in Turkic,” I investigated the evidence for shift-induced interference in the case- marking system of Turkic languages. By means of a comparative analysis of data from modern Turkic languages, such as Uzbek, Turkish, and Kazak, as well as Old Turkic and Iranian languages, such as Modern Persian, I argued that the crosslinguistic similarity of many case-marking functions in Turkic and Iranian languages is in all likelihood the result of the indirect transfer of case-marking patterns from Iranian to Turkic languages.

I have lived and studied in a number of republics of the former Soviet Union, as well as in Turkey. In 1991 and 1992, I received two grants from the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) for a year and a half of language study and research in Central Asia, as a visiting researcher at the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR/Republic of Uzbekistan. During that time, I traveled extensively throughout the region in Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. In 1986, I also studied Turkish at the Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, under a grant from the American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT). I have subsequently returned to both Uzbekistan and Turkey since my original studies there. In recent years, I have also visited Uzbekistan in connection with my ongoing Title VI research projects.

I currently hold the position of assistant scholar in the Department of Anthropology, and I have recently been appointed director of the new Center for Turkic and Iranian Lexicography and Dialectology (CTILD) here at IU. The latter center has been established with the support of the College of Arts and Sciences to promote the production of general and specialized dictionaries of Turkic and Iranian languages and dialects for English speakers, as well as to conduct research in Turkic and Iranian lexicography and dialectology. Its inception grew out of two three-year Title VI grants that I have received from the International Research and Studies Program of U.S. Department of Education for the following research projects: (1) the Uzbek Dictionary Project, for which a new comprehensive bilingual dictionary of modern literary Uzbek is being compiled for English speakers, containing over 40,000 words in each of its Uzbek-English and English-Uzbek parts; and (2) the Title VI Web-based Multimedia Uzbek Dialect Dictionary Project, which builds on the work of the initial project by creating an online multimedia comparative dictionary that can be used as a self-learning tool by students to listen to, compare, and study the linguistic variation of Uzbek dialects and the literary language.

Both Title VI projects have received inspiration from ongoing lexicographic research projects at AISRI. Moreover, both projects also utilize the Indiana Dictionary Database software application developed at AISRI and draw on the technical support and skills of computer programmers and other staff affiliated with the institute.

My research interests encompass the fields of historical linguistics;anthropological linguistics; language contact and linguistic change, particularly in Central Asia; Turkic and Iranian linguistics; Uzbek lexicography and dialectology; and Central Asian arts and crafts.

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Research Associates


Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, St. Olaf College.

Carolyn Anderson did her undergraduate work at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois and did her graduate work at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. She lived in Minnesota since 1982. Prior to teaching anthropology at Gustavus Adolphus College last year, she worked in the exhibits department at the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul.

Her geographical areas of interest within anthropology are Native North Americans, focusing on the Dakota and Lakota, and Scandinavia, focusing on Sweden. She teaches courses about the history and theory of anthropology, kinship and social organization, language and culture, ethnicity and identity, gender, European ethnography and symbolic anthropology, as well as Native American history, cultures and religions.

Selected Publications

Dakota Identity in Minnesota, 1920-2000. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press (in press).

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University of Tampere, Finland

Ph.D., Indiana University (2003)

In 1999 Rani-Henrik Andersson received a Fulbright Graduate Grant and an Academy of Finland research grant for doctoral studies in the United States. He spent two years at Indiana University, American Indian Studies Research Institute, Indiana University, and wrote a dissertation entitled "Wanagi Wachipi Ki -The Ghost Dance Among the Lakota Indians in 1890 - A Multidimensional Interpretation." In 2004 he returned to AISRI as an Academy of Finland Post Doctoral Fellow and used that time to expand and revise his dissertation for publication. He is currently employed as an Academy of Finland research fellow in the North American Studies Program, Renvall Institute for Area and Cultural Studies, at the University of Helsinki.

Andersson's primary focus is Native American history and cultures, especially the Lakota. He has taught several classes and seminars about Native Americans and is currently working on a seminar project about National Parks in the U.S. and Canada.

Selected Publications:

Pohjois-Amerikan Intiaanikulttuurit-Tutkijan käsikirja (Native American Cultures – A Researcher’s Handbook), together with Riku Hämäläinen, SKS 2011.

Alkuperäisiä amerikkalaisia ja kansallispuistoja - Matka halki amerikkalaisen maiseman (Native Americans and National Parks: A Fieldtrip through American Landscapes), An Environmental and Cultural History of North American National Parks in Finnish, SKS 2012

Intiaanit – Pohjois Amerikan alkuperäiskansojen historia (Native North America - A Cultural History), together with Professor Markku Henriksson. A survey of Native American Cultures in Finnish, Gaudeamus 2010.

Lakotat – Kotkan ja biisonin kansa (The Lakota –The People of the Eagle and the Buffalo), History of the Lakota People in Finnish, Suomen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Helsinki Finland 2009.

The Lakota Ghost Dance of 1890. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln Nebraska 2008.

“Perspectives into the Lakota Ghost Dance of 1890,” in Reconfigurations of Native North America, ed. John Wunder. Lubbock: Texas Tech Press 2008

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Nicky's dissertation research examines symbolic elements of men’s dance clothing,beadwork, and back bustle styles that have originated among tribal peoples of SouthDakota and beyond this, how individuals employ clothing elements as symbols of identity. An initial goal of his research is to explore and identify native understandings of tribal,regional, and intertribal styles of dress that will result in a modern comprehensive folktaxonomy and lexicon of powwow costuming.

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BA University of New Mexico 1965
MA Indiana University 1965
Ph.D. University of Minnesota 1972

Besides teaching at universities in the United States, I have lecturedat universities in Europe, Malaysia and New Zealand. I have held aPostdoctoral fellowship at The Newberry Library (1975-76) and a Senior PostdoctoralFellowship at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History(1990-91). Other fellowships and grants include: Ford Foundation Grant (1971),American Philosophical Society Grants (1971-72,1984-85) and an IndianaUniversity Faculty Research and Development Grant(1987). From 1973 to 1975, Iserved as Resident Director of The Newberry Library's Center for the History ofthe American Indian (now the D'arcy McNickle Center for the American Indian). Ialso served as Research Historian and Expert Witness for the American IndianLaw Resource Center, 1979-1983 and served as Expert Witness for the NativeAmerican Rights Fund, 1999-2001. I have lectured throughout NorthAmerica, Europe, Malaysia and New Zealand and have pursued research not only in theUnited States but also in Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, The Netherlands,France, Russia, Finland, China, Australia and India. I have written fivebooks, edited another and have authored over sixty peer reviewed articles inmajor professional journals. Since leaving graduate school, I haveparticipated in over a hundred conferences. In the past, I was on the editorialboards of several journals and am currently on the board of two journals. From1983-84 I was book review editor of the American Historical Review.


Germany 1980-81, 1988-89
Hungary 1992-93, 1993-94
Finland 1997-98

Selected Publications

Bear. 2005. London: Reakton (this work has gone through six translations).

Native American Communities in Wisconsin, 1600-1960. A Study of Tradition and Change. 1995. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press (this work won the State Historical Society of Wisconsin's 1996 Book Award of Merit).

Contemplating Others: Cultural Contacts in Red and White America, An Annotated Bibliography on the North American Indian. 1990. Berlin: John F. Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien, Freire Universität at Berlin.

A Brief Historical Survey of the Expropriation of American Indian Remains. 1990. Boulder, Colo.: Native American Rights Fund.

Science Encounters the Indian: A Study of the Early Years of American Ethnology. 1986. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.

Johann G. Kohl, Kitchi-Gami. Life Among the Lake Superior Ojibwa (Intro. & Editor). 1985. St. Paul Minnesota Historical Society Press.

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Independent Scholar
Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley (1990)

Recent Publications:

Haida Music. (Coauthored with Wendy B. Stuart). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press (1996).

Haida Syntax. 2 vols. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press (2003).

Haida Dictionary: Skidegate, Masset, and Alaskan Dialects. Fairbanks: Alaska Native Language Center (2005).

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Ph.D., M.A., History, Indiana University Bloomington;
B.S., Computer and Information Science, University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Francis Flavin received his Ph.D. in history from Indiana University and, while in graduate school, worked as a research assistant at the American Indian Studies Research Institute. His interests include American Indian history and culture; the history of the frontier and the American West; the intellectual, social, and cultural history of early America and nineteenth century America; the history of the American Revolution; and North American exploration. He studies the images, symbols, and ideas associated with Native Americans and the American West, and the associated issues of representation. He is also interested in using computer technology to support education and research in the humanities, linguistics, and anthropology.

He taught for several years as a visiting assistant professor of history at the University of Texas at Dallas, and, while in Texas, lectured at the Amon Carter Museum and the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame in Fort Worth. He is currently a research historian working in Indian Affairs at the Department of the Interior in Washington, D.C.

Selected Publications

"The Adventurer-Artists of the Nineteenth Century and the Image of the American Indian." Indiana Magazine of History XCVIII (March 2002): 1-29."Documenting and Maintaining Native American Languages for the 21st Century: The Indiana University model" Authored with Dr. Douglas R. Parks, Dr. Julia Kushner, Dr. Wallace Hooper, Delilah Yellow Bird, and Selena Dimtar, Stabilizing Indigenous Languages, 1999

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Professor of Philosophy, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Ph.D. University of Hawaii, 1994
M.A. University of New Mexico, 1990
M.A. Goddard College, 1984
B.A.University of Utah, 1982

As a comparative philosopher and an interdisciplinary scholar, I am concerned with connections between history, language, thought, and culture. I am from the western U.S. and during my years at University of New Mexico I gained some knowledge of southwestern and Meso-American thought and culture. While at University of Hawaii, I became involved in Pacific Northwest studies, particularly Straits and Puget Sound Salish cultures, finding in Northwest Coast civilization outstanding traditions of knowledge and value expressed by means such as art, oral literature, environmental practices, and religious philosophy.I am interested in cooperation between native and non-native specialists to produce works representative of native views and voices; uses of digital technology for preservation, research and education; and ethical issues concerning access to, and protection of, intangible cultural property.

Selected Publications

A Totem Pole History: The Work of Lummi Carver Joe Hillaire(1894-1967),with companion media. By Pauline Hillaire, Scälla - of the Killer Whale, Lummi, b. 1929. Edited by Gregory Fields. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, forthcoming 2013.

Rights Remembered: A Salish Grandmother Speaks on American Indian History and the Future, with companion media, by Pauline Hillaire (Lummi). Edited by Gregory Fields. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, under contract.

Religious Therapeutics.U.S. edition: Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001.Asian edition: New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Press, 2002.

“Inipi: The Purification Rite and Black Elk’s Account in The Sacred Pipe.” In The Black Elk Reader, ed. Clyde Holler, Syracuse University Press, 2000, 168-187.

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Ph.D., Anthropology and American Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington, 2012
Ph.D., Minor, Native American and Indigenous Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington, 2010
M.A., Anthropology, Indiana University, Bloomington, 2008

Kellie Jean Hogue received her Ph.D. in Anthropology and American Studies from Indiana University in May 2012. Her dissertation, “We are all related”: Kinship, Identity and Pilgrimage in the Kateri Movement, combined historical, literary, and anthropological source materials with the experiences of Native Catholic devotees to explore ideas of kinship, identity, and pilgrimage within the contemporary context of the modern movement to canonize Kateri Tekakwitha, a 17th century Native woman. During her graduate career, Kellie was a two time participant in the CIC Newberry Library Spring Seminar, a Research Associate at the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, and an active participant in the CIC American Indian Studies Consortium (CIC AISC).

An ethnohistorian by training, she is currently working on a study of representations of Native females in the Jesuit Relations. Her interests include kinship, identity, race/ethnicity, religion, and ethnohistorical method and theory.

Selected Publications

“Swing Time: Narrative, Collective Improvisation, and the Ethnohistorical Method,” in Transforming Ethnohistories: Narrative, Meaning and Community (forthcoming 2013, University of Oklahoma Press).

“'We are all related': Kinship, Identity and Pilgrimage in the Kateri Movement,” Ph.D. Dissertation, May 2012.

“A Myth of Kinship? Reinterpreting Lakota Conceptualization of Kin Relationships vis-à-vis 19th and 20th Century Historical Narratives,” Journal de la société des américanistes 96-2, 2010.

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Ph.D, Anthropology, University of New Mexico, 1986; M.A, Anthropology, George Washington University, 1980; B.A., Anthropology, University of New Mexico, 1971.

My primary research focuses on the Comanche Indians, their culture history, and their representation in anthropology and in the popular media. I have been an associate member of the Comanche Tedapukunuu 'Little Ponies' since 1972. I am also interested in the development of modern Indian cultures, specifically political organization, the powwow and its variants, and the photographic representations of people, native and otherwise.

Selected Publications:

2006 "Los Comanches: Pieces of an Historic, Folkloric Detective Story." New Mexico Historical Review 81(1): 1-37 and forthcoming.

---- "Playing a Numbers Game: Counting the Comanches in History and Anthropology." Journal of the West 45(1):52-56.

2001 "Comanche" Volume 13 (Plains) Handbook of North American Indians. William C. Sturtevant (General Editor), Raymond J. DeMallie (Volume Editor). Smithsonian Institution.

1996 American Indian Portraits from the Wanamaker Expeditions. New York: Konecky & Konecky.

1996 "Comanche";"Pow-wow". Encyclopedia of North American Indians. Frederick E. Hoxie, Editor. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

1996 Comanche Political History, 1706-1875: An Ethnohistorical Perspective. University of Nebraska Press. [Reprinted as The Comanches: A History.]

1995 Reading Photographs: More than Meets the Eye. Photographs as Research Documents. Bloomington, Ind.: Mathers Museum Occasional Paper.

1992 "Southern Plains Dance: Tradition and Dynamics." Native American Dance: Ceremonies and Social Traditions. Charlotte Heth, general editor. National Museum of the American Indian.

1991 "Whose Village: Photographs by William S. Soule, Winter 1872-1873" Visual Anthropology Vol. 4, 1-24.

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Research Associate, Indiana University, Bloomington.

A.B. (1980), Linguistics, German, and Scandinavian, Harvard College; Ph.D. (1991), Linguistics, University of Chicago.

Kroeber has held postdoctoral fellowships at the University of British Columbia (1993-1994) and the Smithsonian Institution (1994-1995), and has taught linguistics at Reed College (1990-1992), in the Department of English at the University of North Texas (1992-1993), and in the Departments of Anthropology of the University of Wyoming (1995-1996) and Indiana University (1996-1997).

Kroeber's interests include the descriptive and historical linguistics of the Salish language family, including areal relations between Salish languages and other languages of the Pacific Northwest (focusing especially on relations on the Oregon coast). He has conducted fieldwork on two Salish languages (Mainland Comox and Thompson River Salish), and archival research on the Salish language Tillamook and its southern, non-Salish, neighbor Alsea. He has also been erratically involved with ongoing work on Lakota at the American Indian Studies Research Institute.

Selected Publications

The Salish Language Family: Reconstructing Syntax. Studies in the Anthropology of North American Indians. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1999.

"Inceptive reduplication in Comox and Interior Salishan." International Journal of American Linguistics, vol. 54, no. 2 (April 1988), pp. 141-67.

"Rhetorical structure of a Kalispel narrative." Anthropological Linguistics, vol. 37, no. 2 (summer 1995), pp. 119-40.

"Relativization in Thompson River Salish." Anthropological Linguistics, vol. 39, no. 3 (fall 1997), pp. 376-422.

"Prehistory of the Upper Chehalis (Q'way'áyilq') continuative aspect." E. Czaykowska-Higgins and M. D. Kinkade, eds., Salish languages and linguistics: current theoretical and descriptive perspectives (Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1997), pp. 421-52.

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Emeritus Anthropologist in the Department of Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution

Joanna is the former anthropologist/illustrations researcher for the 20-volume Handbook of North American Indians (1978-2006) project, Smithsonian, where she created a collection of over 100,000 images relating to American Indians currently housed in the Smithsonian, National Anthropological Archives. She has published several books, 23 articles (in Cultural Anthropology, Arctic Anthropology, Studies in Visual Communication, History of Photography, Visual Anthropology, European Review of Native American Studies, Nebraska History and others), many reviews, and three web sites relating to photographs of American Indians. Curator of the Wrensted Exhibition, which traveled throughout the United States from 1994 to 1996, currently available on the World Wide Web. In 2003 Scherer was curator of “Red Cloud’s Manikin and His Uncle’s Shirt: Historical Representation in the Museum,” exhibited in the Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History, also available as a website. She is past president and an active member of the Society for Visual Anthropology, a unit of the American Anthropological Association and is currently their Historian. Scherer received her B.A. from Syracuse University in 1963 and her M.A. from Hunter College of the City University of New York in 1968.

Author’s address: c/o Smithsonian Institution, Department of Anthropology, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012. E-mail:

Selected Publications


2008Edward Sheriff Curtis. Phaidon Press, London.

2006A Danish Photographer of Idaho Indians: Benedicte Wrensted, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

1990Special double issue of Visual Anthropology 3(2-3):Picturing Cultures: Historical Photographs inAnthropological Inquiry. (Joanna C. Scherer, ed.)

World Wide Web

2003Red Cloud’s Manikin and His Uncle’s Shirt: Historical Representation in the Museum as Seen through Photo Analysis.

1997Benedicte Wrensted: An Idaho Photographer in Focus.


2005“Red Cloud’s Manikin and His Uncle’s Shirt: Historical Representation in the Museum as seen through Photo Analysis.” In The People of the Buffalo, vol. 2, The Plains Indians of North America: Essays in Honor of John C. Ewers. Colin Taylor and Hugh Dempsey, eds., Tatanka Press, Wyk auf Foehr, Germany.

1999“W.H. Boorne’s Photos of the Medicine Lodge Ceremony: The Construction of an Icon.” European Review of Native American Studies, 13(2): 37-46.

1997“A Preponderance of Evidence: The 1852 Omaha Indian Delegation Daguerreotypes Recovered,” Nebraska History, vol. 78(3): 116-121. Available online:

1992“The Photographic Document: Photographs as Primary Data in Anthropological Inquiry,” pp. 32-41 in Anthropology and Photography. Elizabeth Edwards, ed. New Haven: Yale University. In 1994 this book won a Kraszna-Krausz Book Award for photography.

1988“The Public Faces of Sarah Winnemucca,” Cultural Anthropology Journal of the Society for Cultural Anthropology, vol. 3(2): 178-204.

1975“You Can’t Believe Your Eyes: Inaccuracies in Photographs of North American Indians,” Studies in the Anthropology of Visual Communication, vol. 2(2): 67-79. Reprinted in Exposure: The Journal of the Society for Photographic Education, Chicago, vol. 16(4), 1979. Reprinted in Working Papers on Photography, Science Museum of Victoria, Australia, 1980.

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Ph.D. (1992), Indiana University

Wally Hooper was Multimedia Projects Coordinator for AISRI from 1996 to 1999. Beginning in July, 1999, Wally began to concentrate on the design and creation of the Institute's Annotated Text Processor program, under the Northern Caddoan Dictionaries Project, funded by the NSF. Wally joined the AISRI staff in 1986, as the computer technician. Since fall 2007 he has worked for the Issac Newton Project in the Digital Library Program. Wally first developed fonts and programmed printers and software, then did hardware installations and configurations, and then defined formatting templates for the Institute's monograph series and for Anthropological Linguistics. He wrote programs in Assembler and C in the 1980s to translate fonts between the various contemporary printer formats, to do page formatting and to provide footnoting capabilities for "antediluvian" wordprocessors, to provide sorting and formatting functions for SIL's Interlinear Text Processor package, and to improve the sorting functions of ProTem's Notebook II flat-file database program. Working in C++ and Visual FoxPro more recently, he has written applications to concatenate WAV files, in support of AISRI's effort to produce language instruction cassettes, and to provide some utilities for the IDD program also being developed under the Northern Caddoan Dictionaries Project. He also actively participated in programming for AISRI's Authoware-based language instruction programs, and has created dictionary programs and a DLL to extend Authorware's capabilities.

Wally has a Ph.D. in the History and Philosophy of Science (Indiana, 1992), and his current area of research concentration is early modern mechanics, and the work of Galileo in particular. He has been researching the development of Galileo's new science of motion through the articulation of his technical vocabulary in its semantics and extension through rigorous use of pre-calculus, Euclidean geometry. He sees the problems of semantics and translation as the point of contact between AISRI's programs and his own research. He attended the Concordia Summer Institute of Paleography in 1992, and then became the post-doctoral Galileo Fellow at the Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza (IMSS), in Florence, 1992-93, and then the Maria Luisa Righini-Bonelli Fellow at the IMSS in 1995-96, where he worked with Paolo Galluzzi, author of Momento: Studi Galileiani. Prof. Galluzzi has supported the development of concordance software for use with Galileo's Opere, and Wally was able to use those tools in conjunction with his own studies of Galileo's manuscripts.

In his dissertation, Wally had proposed that the inks and papers in the Manoscritti Galileiani be studied with proton-induced x-ray emissions (PIXE). Information about the inks could provide a tool for establishing the order of composition of some undated collections of fragmentary notes of considerable scientific and historical interest among Galileo's papers. With Prof. Galluzzi's help, he began a collaboration with Profs. Pier Andrea Mandò, and Franco Lucarelli, of the Department of Physics at the University of Florence, to use the KN3000 van de Graaf particle accelerator at the Arcetri lab of the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics, to study the Ms. Gal. A collaborative project was set up between the IMSS and the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale (BNC), which houses and cares for the manuscripts, and more recently, with Jürgen Renn and Peter Damerow of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. That project has produced some publications and plans to conduct further PIXE studies—Wally visited Florence this autumn to present a draft report for publication. Wally is presently collaborating with Prof. Steen Anderssen of the Dept. of Math at IU to conduct multivariate statistical analyses of the PIXE data.

Wally is originally from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and continues to love the west.

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Nicky's dissertation research examines symbolic elements of men’s dance clothing,beadwork, and back bustle styles that have originated among tribal peoples of SouthDakota and beyond this, how individuals employ clothing elements as symbols of identity. An initial goal of his research is to explore and identify native understandings of tribal,regional, and intertribal styles of dress that will result in a modern comprehensive folktaxonomy and lexicon of powwow costuming.

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Dave is a Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology with a minor in Linguistics. His research and dissertation focus on Lakota or Western Sioux culture, language, history, and religion. David just returned from a year in the field, during which he lived on the Pine Ridge Reservation in south western South Dakota, conducting fieldwork and working on AISRI and Red Cloud Indian School's Lakota Language Project or LLP.

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Josh is currently working on his dissertation, which involves producing a dictionary and grammar, as well as a body of texts, of the Kitsai language. This is based on material gathered by Alexander Lesser from 1929-30 while working with the tribe's last fluent speaker. Though his work recorded this valauble material it has never been fully analyzed and published, leaving a gap in the record of Caddoan languages. This project will involve analysis of texts, lexical material and grammatical notes to produce a grammatical sketch and dictionary of this important and largely undescribed relative of languages like Pawnee, Arikara, Caddo, and Wichita.

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After receiving a master's degree in Anthropology from the Éole des hautes édes in Paris, Thierry is now graduate student at IU. His research focuses on the representation of the body in the Northern Paiute oral tradition. He identifies emic and meaningful actions in a system of representation by articulating subsistence practices, rituals and myths.

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American Indian Studies Research Institute (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.