In the Jaws of the Dragon : DW : May 18, 2024 4:15am-5:01am CEST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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the world of free speech, free press, access to free information for every stop dreaming. next, take action. hello dw global media for 2024 in bunch of any register. now, lots dissipates from all over the world to share their solutions and to shape tomorrow . and join us and register now for the d. w. global media for in 2024 the the day many have long warned about would begin with terrifying news. the china has invaded tie one experts are

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already confident of how china would proceed. taiwan is navy and air forces would be destroyed by bombing and tens of thousands of chinese soldiers would rush across the taiwan straits. china has made no secret of its ambitions. don't pretend that taiwan is not part of try to describe it as i think we can clearly see that states are linking up to redraw the world. matthew in boy, a rule between taiwan and china. it may seem very far away for germans, but the consequences for the country would be catastrophic because the blacksmith, yes, we do have supply shortages, mass unemployment and vicar market crash would hit both the economies very hard shop. few countries have made themselves so dependent upon china. that's a simple man. this is when i'm ready, as john is, have to ask ourselves. and what is this, what we want to limit us vocational sol to germany has made itself vulnerable. why?

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we wanted to find the closest and the offices in china, germany, and taiwan. is there a way to end this dependency? the there are many signs that things have gone arrive. that germany's dependence upon china has become dangerous. one such warning is the story of 6 year old, anton, from berlin and his doctor. and malik, but you never really get sick when he had a cold or a fever. he is still a go to the playground speeding until and got a serious infection in early may. a television crew happened to be filming his

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doctor's office and documented on tons, visit, plumbing, cause you know, we examined him and found that he had bronchitis verging on pneumonia. and we started him on antibiotics. and the antibiotics were initially available at the pharmacy. and so, but you to few and into low adults. i mean it's within the doors of the line between life and death can be said. it can be as small as a tablet. when it's there, you don't think about it when it isn't or as an until in this case there's not enough of it. things become dangerous. the reason for the shortage china wasn't then supplying enough stuff, a low sprints antibiotics without china. antoine wasn't payroll as a vendor when the time you stop sending us pharmaceuticals and we run short on separate us for and so you know, stuff us for into a very, very important, especially for severe infections in a z as they have just so that means people will die, but yes, there is no one tell you, don't worry,

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antibiotics will be available again. soon. shortages become the new normal doctor. but you had tried to circumvent the chinese problem by prescribing a lower dose. but it didn't work until one was admitted to hospital with severe pneumonia. shortly after these videos were taken, the, the dependency on china has been tolerated for years. the facts about relationship mazda so on problematic that we wouldn't have a concern that it could be used against us. and it's what we're seeing, how time has changed out. so now we have to change just how much time that has changed became evident in mid october at the new so growth for him in beijing, cj and paying side by side with a man who has an international arrest warrant loudy, me a portion full she, the brutal war is aggression against ukraine is no reason to avoid him. quite the

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contrary. the whole look that work only these external factors are common threats and the strength and russian chinese cooperation. i, she's got this machine we have to remain outside. unlike most of the western media follow the opening, said abrasions on the screen in the press center. for see the new silk road is a way to expand and sign this power and influence china promises. this is about to mom's legions. she threatens anyone who refuses to comply 5, be in a 5 that should be raised sh*t. i also see the development of other states as a threat and consider economic inter dependencies are risk, don't benefit and do not help improve their countries. 5 time of inquiry. see says, who's in fantasy of great power, they both want to incorporate other countries and so their respective empires.

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taiwan is to see what ukraine is to person sees. go is taiwanda, return to the motherland by force, if necessary. the ty pays national revolutionary murders. shrine commemorates the victims of the civil war when republican and communist chinese killed each other, concern over a return to that conflict can be felt everywhere. here, the small democratic island states is now amassing arms to deter the constant threats from its outsized brother. the national security council greets us in ty, one's presidential, palace, wellington, who has the challenging task of protecting his island from china. it's on woodson to the issue. he's trying to once unification with ty, when he's territory and is making no secret that it will take any step imaginable

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to do so. and then, but the tie when he's know that dictatorship and democracy are incompatible, ever since the republican troops fled from the communists. here in 1949, china has been demanding the return of what it sees as a renegade island. around 90 percent of taiwanese reject the notion most trust that their government will do everything necessary to protect them. for some though, that isn't enough that you all would afternoon. i'm trying you a told me i came back to you train 6 months ago and went to the 52 year old is a tour guide in japan. but in march, he decided instead to travel to the front to this like a nice fault with an ukraine. jungles. john keeps the gear, he used as a member of the international legion in ukraine's,

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in the military club. and ty pay, they mean that i'm going to use the ukrainian flag on the job. if you survive, it's a souvenir. or if you die just scraped over the casket. the guy that he this one type one tie, one east soldier has died in ukraine. but china brought more than just the ukranian flag home with him. courage also accompanied him back to the island nation. assigned to sign it. before i went to ukraine, i didn't know if we could resist the chinese for 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months on the going to after fighting. they are. i believe that if germany, france, great britain and the united states are ready to support taiwan with lessons and show the way they support ukraine this. yeah, let me quote that we can meet china the this, i mean i follow on what, when tons of digital k dot, back to john is preparing for

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a return to the historic civil war. today he's meeting with others who feel the same way. that all seems a long way away under the autumn, solomon munich, volkswagen wants to show its best side during an automotive show. but something is different. something casts a cloud over the industrial powerhouse. volkswagens electric cars are selling poorly in china. the world's biggest car market. one's the biggest brand v w was being de thrown into by chinese rivals. and one of them, b y d has set up directly opposite them. and automotive duel on unix, grand boulevard. everything is on the line for v w. no other german company is so dependent upon china. electric chinese cars in the poll position is an existential threat for volkswagen. and inspiration for china is carmakers. as i'll be happy to

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watch on this um business on that, we probably offer something a bit different than german manufacturers. seen in china. digital options are very important. paula: uh, folks will not be pads you moment all but they haven't gone these don't. i don't think they believed in electro mobility at all. folks bought volkswagen or jim they were dominating them. but what we see today is that chinese carmakers have over 60 percent of the market in electro mobility, so that you've uh, essentially support tens the box on pizza nota at the time being double use head of customer brands and sales inspects china is e car's german arrogance towards the chinese models was ones the legendary. but now managers are thronging to see the chinese and approve of their own shortcomings. bows gone porsche automotive, air and owner. a. v w is here with v w. c o 40,

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the blue man isn't off the floor and we are still the strongest car maker in china . it's crucial that we now succeed in the transformation to electro mobility and what we to take getting from the chinese c. german cars are on cool. i'd rather buy a, b, y, d for light and dw, we'll just get 20 or 30 percent of his profit from china, off it or shot would of course be a disaster for both score and a couple of schools. in the large exhibition hall in munich and alarmed who was who of german business moves into place. the chancellor alongside the car magnet, chancellor, showed rushes to munich to support the german car in the street. the chinese offensive is already damaging on this side of the world. german prophets aren't what they once were, and when prophets wayne so do jobs. the movie tips vender is the transformation of mobility is a big job, but it's a team effort. once i've come here today as part of that team, i talk to submit the business teams. that team is finding

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a worthy opponent. china's e cars are cheap because badging subsidizes them. germany could retaliate with punitive terrorist across europe to desktops or china strategies increase a level playing field and see if you protect your market and provide subsidies for to. so when we go to demand equal opportunities for more and we won't be pushed off the playing field, but would in germany, there would europe a risk engaging in a trade conflict with china? suddenly the automotive conference becomes something else. green peace activists crash the party body guards swarm around shouts while the activists decry climate change. it may be more than just the climate that's changing, maybe an entire industry. maybe the german economic model. trade with china has long been a party. former chancellor angle americal called beijing, a strategic partner. the principal, germany supplied engineering,

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and china provided cheap goods with us and i and them out to the to have them stop . we thought and authoritarian state wouldn't allow the freedom and create charity of a democracy. we just in that democratic that's why trade was easy with trying to blame those kinds of met, you know, but because the china would always tried to copy what we exported us, not to balance that they'd always be one step behind us. can obviously be an e, my instruction tone sign a mass of miscalculation trade with china was once highly profitable for germany. but china has now caught up, and in some areas even overtaken, the unemployment has reached a point where the balance of shifting impact chinese influence are increasing for some time these extra thoughts decreasing which of the balance is shifting towards china. and also this is when we as a job and these have to ask ourselves on site, is this what we want the smokers, you know? so the german business model is over just what do you see is the call it all. they

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a dispute out oft as well. it's because we import cheap products from china. be cheap gas from russia was the business all over the world, and the americans pay for our security jones. was that over now? what does the states definitive to and corona, and rush as war against ukraine have shown just how dependent germany is on global supply chains. but it's even more dependent on china and russia. what lessons has robert high back germany's economy minister learned about global trade? we haven't trauma, we had a 55 percent gas depending on the and we managed to keep the national economy running dusty for 95 and it wouldn't have been possible like 90 percent would have pulled the rug out from underneath our certificate. so 90 percent, that's how dependent gemini is on china for certain medicines and rule materials. venice sign up and if it comes to a conflict with taiwan,

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ties between germany and china will change overnight, but not completed in a role of aggression would result and sanctions against china. the world's most important trade routes would be cops between one 3rd and half of all global goods are shipped through the taiwan strait and none of that would arrive moody. we'd have supply shortages and faced mass unemployment tests. it wouldn't be much now. but suppose this cut, the german government has created a new china strategy. the goal is the risk and less risk around china, less no, even cheap. but what does that mean? how would it look tie one has been hedging its bets with china for years. the ace up its sleeve computer chips will fall off high went through. i think if taiwan is foreign, trade were interrupted in good faith, it would be

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a major disaster. what's your way? it's not just for taiwan, but for the whole world to go. because taiwan produced a 60 percent of the world semi conduct to the house. attention, cynthia, there is a good telephone dealership, a send up on the, on the tie. one semi conductor manufacturing company is one of the most important in the world. it's highly successful product. even has its own museum and can be found in refrigerators, cars and mobile devices around the globe. the t s. m. c. museum commemorates the 7 fathers of taiwan. so electronics industry, managers and government officials who met at a sewing milk snack bar 50 years ago. and made a ground breaking decision. christie issue is an economist. she knows t s m. c. inside out. over a sewing milk she reveals the founding fathers plan. taiwan should concentrate, it's expertise on one product. one which could not simply be copied by neighboring

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countries. the plan receive government support and became a complete success. the world now depends on taiwan for semi conductors. the production is uniquely sophisticated. if there are only because, because even they want to take g as in c, b will be just the factory just the building because people they have foods, right? they can't be right. and most of the senior engineers, the ts mc, probably have green car. so they can leave easily and then they'll be no way for uh, for that operation to continue. neither china nor the rest of the world could whether a stop in the supply of somebody, conductors. china has to think twice before actually attacking ty one and the international community would do anything to prevent a war with ty. one tie, one created a silicon shield, shield of semi conductors,

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the and germany. it needs its own silicon shield. there is no backup for the medicines on tone urgently needs. no alternative to the antibiotics. until this treatment isn't working until the parents are forced to take him to hospital with severe pneumonia. so there's also physically as oxygen levels were very low to, anton, wasn't bad shape. there's. he had trouble breathing trouble walking. he didn't want to do anything. he lacked all strength but there are lots of you. if you can't get antibiotics, it's just bad. it's very painful as a parent, being unable to help your child, there's nothing there to help them task. but antibiotics used to be produced in germany. penicillin production started in a frankfurt suburb in 1950 and after

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a few years could meet all of germany's demands, the easiest media come in. this medicine, it will save the lives of countless germans in the years to come, so they were released. if you can use it in the think about how much penicillin and stuff in a sparren's where a manufactured in just from off to the 2nd world war and how and into this millennium isn't found out at some point. the chinese boat. we don't like that to have what we want the market to be dependent on us on the flooded the market with substances. dunham price is a all scott stoffer because that's the case. and that means that china made sure that production in hooks ended on hooks to my hosting. yes. the hooks facility is now just an industrial monument. antibiotics havent been produced here since 2017. only the price mattered. germany's dependence on china quickly became apparent

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children. i went to the left side of the pool. i should see a boy that exploded in an anti bio 6 factory in eastern china in october of 2016. he, when it comes up to arthur, the key loop reduced power. so then antibiotic, at the facility and germany quickly liked the drug chinese manufacturers had won the supply will using extremely low prices for low spring production is now concentrated in just 3 large factories. we also the chinese companies for comments, but they refuse. we're seeing those corporate spies the companies use popular wedding to avoid prying questions from john and this. lauren is infiltrating china . the whole country is fighting spies. the companies come to dress political topics to sensitive this is the on. so from key to

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a major chinese antibiotics company. 3 3 thank you for that. what do you mean? we have no interest in working with foreign media. we have no external communication with foreign media. goodbye before also. yeah, we travel to one of the stuff last spring clubs and some she provence, t lose european exports increased by 130 percent last year. one employee agrees to talk to us at the main entrance. one that's where the sort of capture we produce the last sprint or product score, run the world, so very proud of that. so all prisons doesn't go unnoticed. discussing with security stuff at the main entrance. filming prohibited, china wants to make others dependent on them,

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while remaining autonomous themselves. the risking in china even has its own name, do you will circulation to prepare it. so for a trade war, china wants to boost domestic consumption and reduce its own dependence upon exports. but german corporations are risking even more investments into china continue to grow their skepticism. mentioned that i believe that there are still some in the economies saying we just want to increase profits with china, but they're not also trying to minimize risk. again, volkswagen wants to stay in the race and as invested 2400000000 euros into a project with horizon robotics. the chinese are the market leaders and self driving cars. we want to offer the customer the best. we're just using the best local solution. want to get it's expensive. vw hopes it's chinese strategy will

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run as predictably as many of its cars the didn't have to replace the chinese men could eventually because those companies will no longer play the role they have for the last 20 years. that's been seen sponsors, alex, be a tough even less well known companies are failing to adjust suppliers like no. yeah, it's on a hot vac lives is and it's 1000 employees full bath to his batch. built the company over the last 2 decades and added a plant in china 8 years ago. volkswagens chinese problems have become his 2 basses into the side. and the best times are when my brain is working. it's not believing i have slept relatively little in recent years. this year to this his company traditionally produces parts for combustion engines. but with the cars

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advancing, especially in china, 10 bought to make the transition. and what will happen to volkswagen? his most important customer will a struggling v. w still need his products kind of debit or something them all in medium size. often most of the businesses are under extreme pressure from moving from the combustion engine to the electric car. some certainly wouldn't make it a batch currently. it has the feeling that he's ok. he only saw his chinese colleagues on the screen during the pandemic. but in 2023, he can finally visit challenge and again, he's nervous with a company bunch before back in 2015, when he opened his 50000000 euro chinese factory used his passport. then almost as often as his credit card's as it commuted between

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2 worlds. attitudes were different about china. to the news, the boss lloyd were most the few private investors. it's not just our passion, that's a part of our existence. besides, it has to work with china. yes, it will work then. boucher has been here for 8 years now. his passport is no longer a familiar sight. china seems farther away now. if only because of corona while a lot of sizes on stagnant me, it was a long exhausting period. i am very surprised that we're in such good shape. this of the employees, the whole team has kept his business running on their own. a lie that isn't what we've, i'm love with a lot. it's not the pen demik could have served as a warning on dependency. what happens when one is suddenly cut off from supply

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chains or one's own investments? mine and my assessment is that it's german companies operating and china must know that their investments may be treated completely different, believe their own. and then a constitutional states like europe. and i'm a sponsor to have notes in patrick dot in the, in the whole part that their assets could be sees. that's not just the fear, radical possibility in what to lead to show movies caught box doesn't want to hear about the risk in the the gift of dave. this is sally. there is also the industrialization thing. everything starting with d is going downhill. we are very strongly organized in china, but our company's bottom line is to make sure our risk and china remains to tolerable product. china's aim is to minimize the risk to itself. it sees itself into a global competition with the u. s. dominance and certain roll materials that the

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hans of beijing strategy. you non provence, south west china. we're heading for one of the, you know, and she, home companies, mines, one of the biggest produces of germanium in the world. the quote for its video showcases its success stories, germanium and gallium, are extremely important in the production of semi conductors. germany has made itself vulnerable to extortion by becoming dependent upon red metals. a good haul. so if it's gallium comes from china and over 80 percent of its germanium, china has restricted the export since lucas 2023 to guess even with the us trade sanctions. the trade wall is also affecting germany. china is no longer supplying germanium and gallium, the you non mine defends 2 kilometers into the us. c home didn't respond to

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a request for an interview. we find faults via and a warning sign that the main entrance strictly forbidden for an authorized persons on vehicles. a security called a p as immediately we again request an interview. you'll have to ask the main office, they make the decision you're not allowed in. now understand that you can split the mood is tense. the security guard is visibly uncomfortable with all sudden appear in the company doesn't want to talk to us projections from government agents. these 2 only big to go vice president of the center for china and globalization. an official mouth piece of the communist policy agrees to be interviewed. china has absolute dominance inc. ria of en, red metals, and on the china, the sleeves in china sleeves. there are more than 2000 cards to play. china has no

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problem with germany, for example. but if germany joins the u. s. imposed on, justified sanctions against china, then export to germany will be under the same review as the chinese government has announced as far as g a. n g e germany also used to produce gallium on its own here, installed on their humbug. but early until 2016 started. gallium then became too expensive and honestly politically fog. and there is the political question, is the production of gallium in germany worth the effort to ensure supply and suitcase for competitive as each kite for the semi conductor industry?

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those questions seem to have been answer policies. in march 2023, both the president of the european commission and the german chancellor broke ground on a new semi conductor factory for infinity. and interest in the conductors are often referred to as the oil of the 21st century, the one raw materials. so to speak on which almost everything else depends. besides these biases, millions of mine by 2030, we won't. what together with industry and to double your share of the world wide, semi conductor production up to 20 percent in addition to ship small since the semi conduct to market is developing so rapidly. that means that we need to quite drupal, our current capacity of customers. as the e u has provided 43000000000 euros for semi conductor subsidies. that also makes president attractive to t. s. m. c. suddenly, conductor companies would be foolish to ignore such generous public investment. d s

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. m. c had once invested significantly in china. but the semi conductor industry is now part of tie one's national security woman the the thinking a lot about the economic security of semi conductor design sound down the unit. so we respect the global position of the company. what time wants to lead in this industry must remain intact. good since you most modern production processes and research and have to stay and tie one your issue. i say i'll deal with that type one countries which are recently all the allies everywhere they invest at the moment. i'm very close to time on. is that by time? oh no, it's not a coincidence. that means we agreed to develop a global networks, but to protect the supply chains, t s m. c only goes to countries with similar values,

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which are the to show industrial policy there. and here t s m c hopes to be producing semi conductors on this green meadow, and dressed and beginning in 2027. the most advanced chips will still be made in taiwan. but earlier generations will be made here to supply the european automotive industry. the taiwanese want to invest $10000000000.00 euros, about half of it, subsidies money will spend for germany and mine. we're sort of lying to ourselves. tasha the impact we're currently seeing in europe will not fundamentally change the global industry or the next 10 years and mixed in senior automation for them and talent them. although the chip can be manufactured in dresden, germany remains dependent on asia for rare metals. soldering at packaging and germany's economy minister disagrees.

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i'm for, i'm trying to, 1st of all, you have to start somewhere is include present me conductors will be everywhere soon. this year we will be well advice produced at least part of what we consume ourselves. steve, i welcome each other. sometimes i don't understand that myself because is all there are major concerns about germany's attractiveness for industry, which stands by when companies come here and build or wants to build for the leading industry over the next few decades. there's criticism to do yeah, of phone with hundreds of cookies, yet germany is at least trying to become more autonomy. but chinese high tech has long stood at the center of german communications, operating german mobile networks and critical infrastructure. can that be the risk to slice that? maybe that's the era in all the risk inc. this was because we actually went to motivation is peaceful and we just need to do research on minimizing the risk. so

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basically pacify something that there's, if the chinese leadership will notice, as if they aren't interested in the exact opposite of china, doesn't want to beat the risk numbers to miss the risk. yeah. first of life, german government wants to shipped. it's all feet. shoot is all feet, be my guest? no, we cannot stop you from doing the stupid things which will inflict all the time age and injury and loss as to the german people. i just personally hope the german government will be small to a wiser, as i always believe blacks one supposedly stand for china's resilience according to superstition. and while, why is company history, the books symbolized and unforeseeable event with serious consequences. huawei says the misfortune and threats they faced have made them even stronger. it's why the blacks ones are fed and loving the cad full on the company campus. the animals

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are supposed to continually remind the stuff to be as a vigilance the future as possibly is unimaginable as while wise corporate compass with the heidelberg causal aux with university and palaces from below me and chronology have open reconstructed according to the wishes of while wise found attribute to europe's inventiveness china is mega tech company is researching on developing behind these facades. we were invited on the tool we may see the tech company is clearly making an effort to appear open. i'm transparent, some german television, wined and dined by customs and why spokesman for germany, who usually works in the real district off in the us

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the only reason i access this through so our customer dustin drive. so i know it sounds like a marketing slogan, but it isn't business owners. well, why is self promotion is aimed at the federal government? there's another black one in the room. the use. well, why is telecommunications technology as a security risk and fee is china? couldn't stone malware, i'm spying on germany remotely. perhaps even switching of networks and critical infrastructure. preposterous says, well, why? yes, also stuff i'm kind of we is the supplier, have no access neither remote access to data in mobile networks, nor control of mobile networks. and that's and these, those are controlled by network operators supply about these a city. now this kind of espionage and sabotage is more science fiction on the on size from science fiction. but that fiction like the fear

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could become reality, signed those national security law requires companies to on. so to the policy and the states, the u. s. has long since out know what, why, why components funding chinese technology in germany could have a cooling effect throughout europe. we do not want to lose any country as a customer, especially the biggest, the marketing europe, the german market. so if you can survive and excel in the german market, it means you can survive and excel in many other markets. german telephone companies are also concerned about possible restrictions, threatening to sue berlin for damages. then not easily ignoring the security concerns. like call me because they just want relations with china to remain on changed the pressure on politicians as a numerous ship for museum of start. and i myself have always made it very clear that risk minimization also means not including technology from china that makes

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our own infrastructure vulnerable. and we have to have the self confidence to say, we won't let anyone pressure us move on to them. so that's which they apparently come. germany is now seeking compromise. only a small but significant pulse of the hallway technology will be banned with more transparency demanded from china. the risking light. germany's china strategy now list the country is a popular competitor. i'm systemic. rival and taiwan, people are happy about anything that adds distance to china. it give some hope that germany would, in the event of a conflict, be steadfast on the side of democratic taiwan to the well you and we would like to see that germany is ready to use. there was ships in asia pacific to accounting and i yeah. and to hold the military drills in the, in the pacific region, which i'm, yes,

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it's hard to die as they have recently changed to so but would international health come at all? many are counting on it with military discipline. they meet weekly at the open air stage of type pays that on part one to 40 digit. what kind of this or we're hoping we'll be able to demonstrate our determination to fight back. we can't expect other countries to help us. if we don't show the will to do it ourselves, being with them, they may have forgotten their wouldn't rifles today, but not their enthusiasm. self defense groups now exist all over the country, young tie when he's no longer have an emotional tied to the people's republic and want to be prepared for the worst case. single, the chan you way is their star guess today. the man who

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fought in ukraine last year is now lifting weights here today becomes emotional at the end of a long evening. the o. e. he's singing the ukrainian national anthem. oh, show me the gold stuff. mm. hm, oh mm. a low grade needs. so i want the, whether china will really attack tie one can be known, but taiwan is preparing for. it is germany. that's what we can. what we need to do

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in germany is become more independence and position ourselves against china. and i believe that will ultimately help create a better relationship with china. and the machine that's becoming less dependent and less vulnerable is going to be expensive in this. and do we have to be able to provide the basics for our population again? of the nice thing couldn't germany isn't simply china's mercy. she china needs the european market to and china also need european dom courts in berlin until and and his father are back at the doctors so she could back you family, please tell him. recovered in the hospital. his lungs are healthy again. it's been mrs. hayes, and i'm so glad this didn't end differently, but you don't want to ever be in a situation like this. again, i think it causes frustration and anger that it couldn't even come to this. but

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when i called you, you still remember what it was like when you had to go into the hospital now? yes. well even for one night 1st i didn't want to go to the hospital, i'm to solutions. cochran was the, how are you doing today? good for antoine, things have turned out for the best. the doctor butcher is now stock piling. medications that is patients no longer need should things become scarce again, he might have something in the cupboard. the vulnerability sometimes only become a parent when something happens. like with antoine moments when a turbulent world crashes into the life of a 6 year old book, dependence is most a mess of. ready we creates all dependencies and can reduce them if we want

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the, the, to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective. every showing of russians, military leadership suggests newton is digging in for a long range and plenty to harness for the russian economy to do so. what does this mean for ukraine under, on board mentioned losing ground in the northeast. join us this week on to the point to the point eastern in 30 minutes on the w, dancing to get the current flowing this club in, glasgow. sustainable. by using technology that converts body heat

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into energy, scott, show us how it works. the heart of the dancers, the smaller the electricity bill, euro mack, in 90 minutes on d. w. the crises was, every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out, navigating a changing world. now on youtube the

5:00 am

this is dw news live from berlin. israel finds the bodies of 3 hostages, taken by him off is really military says the 3 were among those killed at a music festival during the october 7th terror attacks. also coming up the most destructive wind storm in 4 decades rips through the texas strong leaves much of houston without power authority stay. it will take weeks to fix the damage the i'm in use of welcome to the program it.

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Borrow Program


How to Deal with China?

Captioning provided by Automated Speech Recognition, not the broadcaster

China 44, Germany 16, Us 3, John 3, Texas 1, National Security Council 1, Scott 1, Mrs. Hayes 1, Steve 1, Sally 1, Matthew 1, Europe 1, Israel 1, U. S. 1, West China 1, Russia 1, Munich 1, United States 1, East 1, Ukraine 1
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.