JSONterpreter:Story Arc Forum Fight Chapter 5 (2024)


Ehhhhhhhh, Discussions enabled? Check.

4th fight below.


Rules are essentially the same as the Random Forum Fights, but there must be a plot. OP weapons are allowed, just so long as they don't make infinite damage.

Dialogue is acceptable. Saying dialogue from other people is acceptable. Slandering other people is UNACCEPTABLE. Making plot twists from other people is UNACCEPTABLE. Making plot twists from yourself is acceptable. Forcing people to be the enemy is UNACCEPTABLE.

ADDITIONAL RULE THAT'S REALLY A SUGGESTION: Please try to shift the direction in the way others want to do it, NOT in the way YOU want it to go. At least, not all the time (just putting it out there, no one offended me or anything).

2017 February 24, 12:23:04


Last time...

Freddy F***boy and Co. were sent to somewhere else, but 404 Found wants to let them know that they are neutral.

Herobrine and co seem to be defeated for now due to the sheer brutality of the team.

Ehhhh, something else?

2017 February 23, 18:27:16


I appear in SAFF for the first time. G-1000 and Theepicosity soon appear as well.

Due to the nature of SAFF, I am locked in my Lavalord form.

2017 February 23, 18:33:31


I summon the great:


(cue TheFatRat: Epic)

It begins to eat up the land around everyone.

2017 February 23, 18:38:45


<Freddy> Inhale my dong enragement child.

<Enragement Child> Welcome my friends. What do you need?

<Foxy> F*** you and your f***ing merchandise.

<Bonnie> Freddy I need a guitar.

<Freddy> Okay we will get one guitar for Bonnie.

<Enragement Child> That will be 500 tokens my friend.

<Freddy> Here you go you greedy capitalistic bastard.

<Enragement Child> Now f*** off!

<Freddy> Bonnie are you happy with your instrument?

<Bonnie> Yes.

<Freddy> Okay let's go.

<Freddy> F***.

<Freddy> We're out of gas.

<Chica> Devour my hot bird a** Freddy.

<Freddy> We will not use your vital juice for the fuel Chica.

<Chica> Devour my hot bird a** Freddy.

<Freddy> No I am not concerned for your well being it is simply an insufficient fuel.

<Chica> Devour my hot bird a** Freddy.

<Freddy> No your male friends cannot provide fuel either.

<Chica> Devour my hot bird a** Freddy.

<Freddy> Wait.

<Freddy> You mean that they can get us to a gas station

<Freddy> and get us gas.

<Chica> Devour my hot bird a** Freddy.

<Freddy> Okay then here we go.

<Chica> Devour my hot bird a** Freddy.

<Foxy> F*** all of this f***ing trip.


<Freddy> Hello yes please I would like to buy your fuel for my journey.

Freddy gets the gas.

<Freddy> Yes.

<Bonnie> Are we set now to go off Freddy?

<Freddy> Yes let us be off.

They are off to some unknown location.

2017 February 23, 18:43:26


I throw a couple of fireballs at the LEGENDARY EPIC before running away. G-1000 takes note and starts to chase me.

2017 February 23, 18:45:01


Alpha654 finally arrives at the new universe.

<Alpha654> ...The world's fixed here... Hey! What's that thing!?

Alpha654 fires several plasma torpedoes at the Legendary Epic. Yes, he's still using the Wing Battleship.

2017 February 23, 19:02:46


<Freddy> I shall finally use the greatest weapon in the world.

<Freddy> Yes.

<Bonnie> What is this beautiful object Freddy?

<Freddy> It is the ultimate weapon.

<Freddy> The tickle fingers.

<Freddy> Time to use this baby.

He fires it at the Legendary Epic. It somehow explodes into tiny shreds.

<Freddy> Git gud.

Suddenly, they hear a laugh.

<Foxy> What the f***.

<Enragement Child> HAHAHA! Did you think I could be defeated??? I shall now take my ultimate form!

The Enragement Child turns into the Leviathan BB.

HP: Almost infinite

ATK: Almost infinite

DEF: Almost infinite

Regeneration: a lot

<Chica> F***.

<Freddy> Do not worry I have the Tickle Fingers.

Freddy throws the tickle fingers at Leviathan BB. No effect.

<Freddy> S***.


Leviathan BB has the powers of a universe breaker, but it's even stronger than Error Sans, Herobrine, and the Monster combined. Heck, it's basically everything that exists plus everything that doesn't exist plus one.

2017 February 23, 20:49:47


Oinite is riding on the Yatagarasu. The RED and BLU team is on a ship that the RED and BLU engineer created. The Hydragaryu is following the team, and they are heading towards Alpha654.

2017 February 26, 17:42:06

404 found

[Auditor] DANGER: Universe-breaking entity detected

set First Order to war mobilization.

set Project Nexus II to maximum


the Imperial Fleet heads toward Alpha.

2017 February 27, 00:12:07


<Leviathan BB> HAHAHA! You can't hurt me! *he stones the Imperial Fleet.

<Freddy> S*** the tickle fingers are beckoning.

<Freddy> Wait.

<Freddy> There is no tickle fingers.

<Freddy> Then

<Freddy> Oh.

<Freddy> Oh NO.

<Freddy> It's him.

<Puppet> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o.

<Freddy> F*** you Puppet Man you always ruin things for me.

The Puppet strikes the Yatagarasu, dealing extreme damage to it.

2017 February 24, 11:55:41


Music below.


Alpha654 notices the chaos, and hops back into his Wing Battleship.

This time, he's backed up by several other Royal Imperial battleships: Dreadnoughts, Champion Vessels, Beetle Drones, Ant Drones, Wasp Drones, and other Wing Battleships.

Plasma torpedoes, EMP torpedoes, tracking missiles, corrosive missiles and pretty much every kind of projectile from Gemini Strike is fired at Leviathan BB.

Leviathan III also steps in.

Odin Shields surround the ships, protecting them from damage as long as they are active.

2017 February 24, 13:20:45

404 found


the Imperial Fleet did not attack the leviathan. it just went for Alpha. so the response attack is unwarranted and illogical.


2017 February 24, 14:08:21


Oh... You must have misunderstood me. I went to attack Leviathan BB with a Royal Imperial fleet.

2017 February 24, 14:46:29


The Puppet somehow bypasses all the shields and begins destroying the Royal Imperial fleet.

Leviathan BB is an independent, meaning that he will go for anyone.

2017 February 24, 15:15:16


The Puppet, being an animatronic, is hit by several EMP torpedoes and stunned repeatedly, and is also torn apart by the other weapons.

2017 February 24, 17:04:11

404 found


I was talking to Sci.

the Leviathan attacked me for basically no reason.


the Imperial Fleet of the First Order reaches Alpha, and destroys the Puppet using the Molecular Disintegrator.

[Auditor] get rekt.

2017 February 24, 18:26:47


The Puppet is destroyed, but suddenly...

<???> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o.

<404 Found> No!

<Freddy> No.

<Freddy> It's the FUTURE Puppet.

The Future Puppet is advanced, meaning that it's really not an entity at all.

<Leviathan BB> Did you think that he would die?

Leviathan BB summons Cranky Kong.

<Chica> F***.

<Freddy> F*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f*** f***.

Cranky Kong goes up and summons a massive whirlwind, dealing 89513206849654980465308468541 damage to the Imperial Fleet.

<Freddy> Okay I am going to use the Harbringer of Death.

Freddy uses the Industrial Flamethrower. 984960856549684654605430543543546854035135463523543087683543501 damage to Cranky Kong. He is defeated!

2017 February 24, 18:36:55


(At???'s base)

<???> Do we have the mind control ready.

<???> Yes. I'll start it.

(A huge beam hits Sonic, but does no damage)

<???> Good job. It worked.

2017 February 24, 18:41:39

404 found

but then the Imperial Fleet is in outer space, where there is no wind.

[Auditor(me)] get rekt by science.

2017 February 24, 18:57:06


The Royal Imperial fleet continues attacking Leviathan BB, exploiting the EMP torpedoes as much as possible.

2017 February 24, 19:19:44


<Leviathan BB> HAHAHA! None can beat me!

Leviathan BB sends a Crasher to the Royal Imperial Fleet. 100 ships are destroyed!

<Freddy> Prepare for the harbringer of death.

Freddy uses the industrial flamethrower at Puppet. 9406516860513543521218605469879064513216846132016483035468963213 damage! Puppet is destroyed!

<Freddy> Prepare to die, Enragement Child.

Freddy uses the industrial flamethrower at Leviathan BB. No effect!

<Freddy> F***.

2017 February 24, 20:37:00


The Royal Empire is forced to retreat.

Alpha654, however, has organized a secret project more powerful than the strongest Dreadnought... More powerful than his Wing Battleship...

2017 February 24, 20:43:35

404 found

the First Order prepares to hold back the Leviathan as the Improbability Drive is rebuilt from scratch.

2017 February 28, 02:32:09


The secret project is already ready for action...?

Out of hyperspace comes the Galaxy Destroyer, a massive battleship that takes the appearance of an eagle, is equipped with TWO Annihilasers, a huge hitpoint bar, the ability to regenerate any damage instantly, and landing bays that can hold Royal Imperial Destroyers.

Upon entering, the Galaxy Destroyer's "head" opens, revealing what it really is: An Eagle Blaster.

A weapon similar to yet even more powerful than the Gaster Blaster or the Galactic Blaster, it destroys EVERYTHING in its path, except for itself.

A Galactic Shield surrounds the ship, as the Eagle Blaster fires at Leviathan BB.

2017 February 25, 11:48:38


Leviathan BB takes 9846048465316086513 damage!

But he isn't fazed at all.

<Leviathan BB> HAHAHA! Did you think that THAT would hurt me?

Leviathan BB uses Empowered Grasp. It instantly destroys one of the annihilasers and the Eagle Blaster.

<Scientedfic> Dammit... all right, here goes nothing...

Scientedfic uses Freddy's Sacrifice. 9.62x10^69 damage! 8.65x10^69 damage! 1.68x10^69 damage! 4.66x10^69 damage! 7.98x10^69 damage! 6.55x10^69 damage! 3.56x10^69 damage! 5.11x10^69 damage! 2.47x10^69 damage!

<Freddy> Inhale.

Leviathan BB is destroyed for good.


<Error> Wow... that was big.

<Fresh> Bruh.

2017 February 25, 16:12:02


Another Galaxy Destroyer jumps out of hyperspace, along with several Superior Construction Rigs. The construction rigs are sent to fix the other Galaxy Destroyer.

How do we already have another Galaxy Destroyer? Well, we already have blueprints AND the Royal Empire is a HUGE empire. On top of that, when building the first of any prototype, we build two of them in case one isn't enough in a battle.

<Alpha654> ...Okay... That was pretty powerful.

<Scientedfic> I know. Anyways, how do you even know about these things?

<Alpha654> I'm allied with the Royal Empire, you know. I've created blueprints for ships such as the modified Wing Battleship that I've been flying, and mass-produced them. The only threat that they've ever had is Project Gemini, but my modifications to their ships have yet to be beaten by them.

2017 February 25, 17:35:00


<Scientedfic> Welp, that was fun.

<Oiniteoderfla> ... what was that?...

<Scientedfic> Oh, just some form of DARK POWER. I mean, my being not so moral.

<404 Found> Oh...

2017 February 25, 17:37:01

404 found

[404 found] so what next?

2017 February 25, 19:22:13


<Scientedfic> Welp, let's see here... Error and Fresh are still somewhere out there. There's that council doing nothing but talking. Herobrine, Topala, and the Monster were destroyed. Hm...

2017 February 25, 20:39:04

404 found

[404 found] Wait.

remember when I was corrupted and spawned a clown?

I think Alpha blasted him away.

but something tells me he is lurking.

[OS systems] All Madness Combat material has been destroyed in the Normality Restoration.

[404] but I rebuilt the Drive.

2017 February 26, 14:06:52


[Red] Come on, come on..

[Yellow] What's the matter?

[Red] We need to help him!

[Black] He already has help.

[White] Wait, the Yatagarasu and Hydragaryu are back?

[Blue] Impossible! I thought when they die, they could never be revived!

[Green] I remembered when Oinite was fixing the Gem of Stability, he used the Timer Gem, whatever it was called..

[Purple] Limbo Gem.

[Red] It gives him the ability to teleport to Limbo.

[Green] But what exactly is Limbo?

[Red] That is a place where anything destroyed, deceased or disappeared reappears. We are quite unsure of how it works, though.

[Blue] So that is how Oinite got the two tripedals back!

The Room of the Council shook violently. Everything started to collapse.

[Red] We need to get out of-

Too late. They got covered in the rubble.


[Oinite] Yata, Hydra. You may go back to Hellven and rest. You had a long day.

Yata and Hydra go back to Hellven.

[Oinite] I will set up a temporary pocket base for Team Fortress. You guys deserve the break.


[White] Is everyone alright?

[Red] Ugh.. I-I'm fine.. Thank you for asking.

[Blue] Are you guys kidding me? It didn't hurt at all!

Yellow, Green, Purple and Black got up.

But Orange didn't.

[Yellow] Orange! We need to get him out!

They searched through the rubble to find Orange.

They found him crouching inside a spherical shield, crying.

2017 February 27, 20:34:41


<Universe Owner> I detected an anomaly in a universe.

<Dimension> Which one?

<Universe> Color Universe.

<Time> Oh no... I think I know what it is...

Cue Oiniteoderfla saying what it is.

2017 February 28, 17:57:30


No. That's the same universe where the Crystal of Stability. (I think.)


Hundreds of green and cyan cubes suddenly appear, surrounding the team. Massive blocks from Geometry Dash pin Alpha654's ships to the ground, crushing them all.

<Oiniteoderfla12> Wait... What's happening?

<Alpha654> It's the biggest Geometry Dash hacker of all.

<Oiniteoderfla12> What? There's a hacker?

<Alpha654> There have been several reports of hacked Geometry Dash players recently.

<Scientedfic> Looks like we're the hacker's next targets.

<Alpha654> The guy behind this is trying to destroy Geometry Dash, and because of this, he'll probably get the Demon Guardian on his side...

<Oiniteoderfla12> And since he's a hacker, he can do that easily...

The cubes slide closer. Green-eyed copies of Leviathan II stand by, ready to burn the team if they try to escape.

<Alpha654> Well... Looks like we have no choice but to fight.

2017 March 2, 15:28:50


<Scientedfic> Welp. Time to show this!

Scientedfic grabs an object from Uncle Melker's Grab Bag. It's a chain bomb. He throws it at one of the cubes. All the cubes spontaneously combust!

<Alpha654> Wow! What's that!

<Scientedfic> Uncle Melker's Grab Bag.

<Uncle Melker> Hey! Give that back! I am 84 years old and I'm not gonna be wasted like that! (read in Texan accent)

<Scientedfic> All right...

<Uncle Melker> Now... what's an item... *he grabs a pie*

<Scientedfic> A pie bomb?

<Uncle Melker> Yup! *He throws it at the Leviathan II copies. They all explode.*

<Oiniteoderfla12> Well, let's see who the hacker is...

<Haxor> HAH! IT'S ME!

<Anaban> Lol, and me!

2017 March 2, 18:06:51


* You got it right. Anaban's the hacker.

* /null

2017 March 2, 18:41:32

404 found

[404 found] this requires extreme firepower.

(to systems) summon the Clown.

[OS] got it.


the Clown is summoned. he immediately produces an indestructible streetsign and teleports to Anaban and hits him with the streetsign so hard, he flies into a planet.


[404 found] HAH! Suck it! GIT GUD!

(to Ship Coms) wait. one more thing. warp to the battle field.

2017 March 8, 21:54:07


The Crystal of Stability is in the Castle of Hellven, which is in Hellven itself.


[Hacker Icon Clone] MUAHAHAHA!!

[Red] No, it can't be.

[Black] It's the (Other) hacker, the one who also tried to destroy his own world.

Hacker Icon Clone uses [DELETE]. The Council and the Castle of Hellven disappears.

(In case if you are wondering who is the Hacker Icon, it's the Can't Let Go icon with Orange as a primary color and green as secondary. You might see them in Cube Story levels)

2017 March 5, 18:22:25


<Haxor> Lol! Maybe Anaweeb is gone, but I'm still here!

Haxor traps everyone in fireballs.

<Haxor> Say goodbye! MWAHAHAHAHA!

<Electrix> Not on our watch!

Team 1N appears.

<Psychomaniac14> We have to free them!

<Zeyosh> I know what to do... Knobbelboy! Boy of the cones! Hotball1! Rustam! Toshdeluxe! Taman! Serponge! Come out!

They come.

<Haxor> HAH! What can they do, shame me? HAHA!

He hacks all of them. They melt before their eyes.

<Minh> Freak.

<Cvolton> I'll rescue all of you!

Cvolton comes in. He hacks Haxor and eliminates him. Cvolton then frees everyone from the fireball.

<Scientedfic> Hey Cvolton!

<Cvolton> Hey.

<HollowEarth13> What do we do about these guys?

<Cvolton> Hang on...

Knobbelboy, Boy of the cones, Hotball1, Rustam, Toshdeluxe, Taman, and Serponge are resurrected.

<Alpha654> Nice! Who are you?

<Cvolton> I am Cvolton, expert hacker and owner of a private GD server that's not a potato.

2017 March 5, 22:15:09

404 found

[404 found] wait. WHAT HAPPENED.

2017 March 7, 15:18:49


Alpha654 receives a message from another version of himself.

<Alpha654> Guys... We may have a problem.

<Cvolton> What?

<Alpha654> Anaban and that other guy weren't the only hackers

<Cvolton> Explain, please...

<Alpha654> Several reports of hacking and griefing have been reported in the Minecraft universe, and the hacker behind these incidents has thousands of clones of himself. It's only a matter of time before they spread to other ones.

2017 March 7, 15:37:44

404 found

[OS] DANGER: sabotage attempts detected on Improbability Drive mainframe.

[404] cut the Drive off from the main network, then purge the mainframe.


(5 mins later)

[OS] enemy sabotages has stopped. all malicious files terminated.

[404] (to everyone) Someone just tried to hack the Drive. what is that supposed to mean?

2017 March 8, 14:33:06


Brown and Pink are about to head to the Castle of Stability, only to realize it is gone.

[Brown] What? I thought this was where the Castle of Stability is?

[Pink] Maybe it disappeared?

[Brown] I'll ask Oinite.


Beep. Beep.

[Oinite to Brown] Hello?

[Brown to Oinite] Uhh, we have a problem. The Castle of Stability is gone.

[Oinite] What? How is that possible?

[Brown] Not sure. We were about to go to the Council, but apparently, it's gone.

[Oinite] Wait, is the Crystal of Stability still there?

[Brown] Yep.

[Oinite] Protect it. If it breaks, then Hellven will suffer from that same fate as before.

[Brown] Yes sir.



[Oinite] Hello there, hacker.

[Haxor] Well, look who we have here. A black guy.


[Haxor] Well, it doesn't matter. Time for you to di-

Brown uses Earthly Grab on Haxor. Haxor is trapped!

[Oinite] Brown! I thought you were protecting the Crystal!

[Brown] No worries, it's covered with obsidian.

2017 March 9, 15:51:41

404 found

[OS] sir, you have a call from the Mini PEKKA.

[404] .... ok. connect him.

[PEKKA to 404] dude.

[404] what?

[PEKKA] the Supercell servers just went down. apparently there's somebody hacking the systems and breaking the game.

[404] like?

[PEKKA] they buffed the Elite Barbarians, Executioner and the Royal Giant. AND they made the Rocket OP.

[404] Hold it.

(to others)

Guys, we have a problem.

2017 March 9, 17:22:41

404 found

[404] GUYS?

2017 March 14, 09:53:05


<Scientedfic> What problem?

2017 March 13, 11:46:41


Alpha654 pulls out a glowing white sword, and strikes Haxor with it. Haxor is destroyed instantly.

<Alpha654> No time to explain, I'm afraid. We need to go.

2017 March 13, 15:25:07

404 found

[404] but to where?

oh and one more thing, I got updates of hackers in quite a few worlds. I have a bad feeling about this.

2017 March 13, 17:53:36



Cvolton shuts him down with a hack of his own.

<Scientedfic> All right. We just need to get out, cuz there's some more hackers coming our way.

<Carl> Guys, anybody seen Paul?

<404 Found> No.

<Carl> PAUL? I'll find you!

2017 March 14, 11:09:26


One thing wrong with that; you don't know what the sword is made of.


An army of hacked clones enters through a portal. There seems to be millions of them, and everything they touch joins them.

<Alpha654> Well, looks like we have to fight again.

2017 March 14, 18:25:03


[Oinite] So, where did the Council go?

[Brown] I dunno, they just disappeared, like, poof.

[Oinite] Strange.

[RED Medic] Oinite, we have detected an anomaly in Limbo!

[Oinite] What the..

I'll deal with it. You may go back to the pocket dimension.

[Brown] Limbo?

[Oinite] Will you mind helping the party while I go to Limbo real quick? I'll be back soon.

[Brown] Alright.

Oinite teleports to Limbo. Before he left, he told Brown to be careful.

2017 March 16, 16:53:30

Mini P.E.K.K.A

Agents, drop the nuke.

[Roswell] DIE!

*all Clones explode, or die of radiation*

U mad? Problem?

2017 March 18, 00:48:41


The hackers see the team and create a Barrier cage around them.

<Scientedfic> Heh. I can delete the wall anyway.

<Alpha654> Must be a huge inconvenience to them. Well, now it's my turn.

Alpha's glowing sword shapeshifts into a bow and arrow. He fires at the wall, in the direction of the hackers. The arrow pierces through the wall and lands in the center of the group, causing a huge explosion that wipes out many of them.

<Scientedfic> But can't they respawn?

<Alpha654> Nope. In addition to killing the hackers, the arrow banned them.

<Scientedfic> Well... We still have a huge horde coming our way.

A white crystal comes flying back at Alpha654. He catches it, and it reforms into the arrow.

2017 March 19, 19:35:48

404 found

[404] hmm.

(takes out the Ban Warhammer from LS:DZ)

(throws it like a boomerang)

(the hammer explodes, banning every hacked clone in the area.)

Git gud m8

2017 March 21, 18:13:45


The hackers bypass the ban and reappear.

<Alpha654> Oh. Forgot about that.

2017 March 22, 16:56:58


Brown uses Earthquake! Some clones fall into the crack.

[Alpha654] Whoah, what just happened?

[Brown] *clears throat*

[404 Found] ..and who are YOU?

[Brown] I'm Brown, I'm replacing Oinite while he is in Limbo.

[Alpha654] Makes sense, you look like a stickman, similar to him.

[Brown] Many of the citizens in Hellven are stickmen, otherwise, they are animated sprites.

Brown uses Obsidian Crush! Some of the clones are crushed by obsidian!

Unfortunately, they are unaffected, and the clones that fell returned.

2017 March 22, 17:40:44

404 found

[404] we need firepower.

(to Ship Coms)



the clones are vaporized by turbolaser fire.

Meanwhile, a small group of Aureus Judicators lay mines in the area, making a trap for any more clones.

2017 March 22, 18:45:52


<Cvolton> Hold on, making a hack!

Cvolton makes a hack and hacks all the clones. They are eliminated.

<Cvolton> When you see hackers, you hack back.

2017 March 22, 19:22:47


Anaban appears again, and hacks Cvolton and turns him to his side.

<Anaban> Thanks for the advice. Now it's your turn.

Ilawner3, the hacker behind the clones, freezes the team. Anaban then hacks them.


2 hours later


Scientedfic regains control of himself. The room seems to be pitch-black. He doesn't have any of his items with him, not even the Stellar Star.

Yet something's keeping him alive without it.

<???> Hm. Looks like you've managed to get out of the hack.

<Scientedfic> Who are you!?

<???> That's not important. I'm going to have to hack you again.

Scientedfic resists the hack.

<???> What!? He's resisting! Destroy him!

<???> Alright. Strength 256 for me, Slowness 256 for him, and...

<!!!> A thousand hitpoints of damage to you.

<???> Who's ther-

A black and white hydra stabs the second hacker. A power emanating from him restores Cvolton and Scientedfic. The alarm goes off.

<!!!> Let's go. Once we get our stuff back, we can destroy them.

<Cvolton> And who might you be?

<!!!> I'm called Hunter. Pleased to meet you. Master sent me here to rescue you.

<Cvolton> Who's this "Master"?

<Hunter> What? You don't know Alpha654?

<Scientedfic> Alright, now where is he?

<Hunter> He's clearing a path for us. Let's go.

2017 March 24, 14:46:04



[Oinite] Huh, I don't see an anomal-

@%#$?? uses Sword Stab on Oinite. Infinite Damage!

2017 March 25, 20:25:41


(I don't have the Stellar Star, I have the Dark Star)


<Time> Too many anomalies.

<Dimension Leader> 100 dimensions.

<Reality> Fantasy striking everywhere.

<Space> Fake hackers and beings.

<Universe King> And so many universes destroyed!

<Matter> But guys, we can't just go ahead and reset the story!

<Dimension Leader> I'm afraid action must be taken. The hacks are ruining what exists.

<Space> You should know just as much, Matter.

<Matter> I know, but that takes a lot to reset.

<Universe King> Really? I thought it would be easier, seeing that I'm doing nothing but slowly dying.

<Matter> Think about what it would do to you guys!

<Time> It's all right. I'll be the first back.

<Matter> You don't get it! Don't you know what will happen?

<Time> What?

<Matter> Nothing will exist anymore. Nothing. Never will exist.

<Time> Even me?

<Matter> Yes. Nothing will exist anymore.

<Space> I'd rather have nothing than chaos.

<Reality> Seriously, though. Infinite damage from an unknown being? 69-digit damage from a player? That's impossible!

<Universe King> Actually, 69-digit damage is possible if it was a sacrifice. Which it kinda was...

<Reality> But still!

<Time> Well, I really want this to end.

<Matter> But what about all of us? What we've worked for?

<Space> I don't care. This must all end.

<Matter> Space, you are the least sensible thing I've met. Why should we end all this?

<Space> I don't exactly see you doing something.

<Matter> Grr...

<Dimension Leader> SILENCE!

Everyone looks at the Dimension Leader in fear.

<Dimension Leader> Matter, you do bring good points. But my mind remains unwavering. I will do it.

Dimension Leader whips out a button.

<Dimension Leader> Now... I shall-

Dimension Leader is suddenly cut off by something.

<???> hhhHHHoooOOOwwwWWW hhhHHHiiiIIIdddDDDeeeEEEoooOOOuuuUUUsssSSS...

<Dimension Leader> Who?

<Corruption> mmmMMMeeeEEE...

<Space> YOU! Why are you here, Corruption?

<Corruption> fffFFFoooOOOrrrRRR tttTTThhhHHHiiiIIIsssSSS tttTTToooOOO cccCCCoooOOOnnnNNNtttTTTiiiIIInnnNNNuuuUUUeeeEEE...

<Time> Corruption, you can talk regularly. We're not creeped out anymore.

<Corruption> Dang, I thought it would work... but seriously... this is really hideous...

<Matter> And what exactly do you mean?

<Corruption> Sure, all this is going on, but why? Is not chaos a natural part of the world?

<Universe King> You sound a lot like Matter right now.

<Corruption> Oh please... Matter is as congruous with me as I am with that Antivirus that keeps hunting me down.

<Space> Speaking of which, where is that hunter?

<Corruption> Hah... I have evaded him for now...

<Reality> What do you want, Corruption?

<Corruption> Oh, to spread the corruption across the border, whip up some more of that cream I love.

<Reality> That's not even real cream.

<Corruption> Oh, hush. I am fully aware that my cream isn't real. I just enjoy it.

<Dimension Leader> No, but really. Why are you here?

<Corruption> I have a bargain to strike with you...

2017 March 25, 22:01:03

404 found

(alarm blares in every capital ship of Imperial Fleet)

[COMBOT] All units fall back to main battleship fleet. this is not a drill. repeat, all units fall back to main battleship fleet. the Force field will go up in 60 seconds.

(smaller ships enter vicinity of capital ships, which enter formation. Force field activates, closing in the area)

[404] Identify enemy vectors.

[COMBOT] corrupted enemy ships entering airspace. estimated 100,000 fixed-wing ships and 200 capital ships.

(corrupted ships of every kind, piloted by hacked users, assaults the Force field in an attempt to break it.)

[404] well.

(to players)

you might want to watch out, because we are getting zerg-rushed.

2017 March 26, 16:08:48


As they are running...

<Cvolton> So what brings you here?

<Hunter> Me? I was supposed to bring you to the rest of them.

<Cvolton> Who's "they"?

<Hunter> The rest of the players, of course,

<Scientedfic> Well, we're not going anywhere so soon, cuz there's a lot of hackers in front of us now!

Hacking Sentry Bots appear.

<Scientedfic> Dammit, I could wipe them out in one hit...

<Hunter> Leave that to me.

Hunter throws a series of antivirus knives at the bots. They explode.

<Cvolton> All right! Let's go!


<404> This isn't good...

<Alpha654> Where's the rest of those guys?

<PEKKA> I think the other two were left behind, and Oiniteoderfla went to Limbo.

<Brown> He went to Limbo for something. But he should be back by now...

<RED Medic> Ohohohohoho!

<Alpha654> Medic! What are you doing?

<RED Medic> Vat? I am merely just making ze other heart vith uranium, ja? Eet seems to be vorking...

<Brown> Uh...

<Carl> Hey guys, I found Paul.

<Paul> Ugh... WOAH. What is happening?

<Alpha654> We're being attacked... but seriously... where are Cvolton and Scientedfic?...

2017 March 26, 17:59:04

404 found

[COMBOT] sir, we detect a damaged friendly capital ship with 3 lifeforms and many more corrupted lifeforms inside.

[404] thats probably Sci.

send out a rescue party.

(several Nexar Skirmishers and Nexar Vindicators, led by a Nexar Commander, fly out and use Tractor Beam to drag the ship back into the safe-zone protected by the Imperial Fleet and the Force field. the ship docks with the Imperial Fleet)

[404] send in the Black Ops team; they are to rescue the hostages at all costs.

(Black Ops team enter ship)

2017 March 26, 19:31:48


Several glowing, white crystals fly back to Hunter, and he grabs them.

<Scientedfic> What are those?

<Hunter> Let's just say they contain the power of a WORLD-EATING ENTITY. Grants us access to any hack, and right now, it's set to restore hacked entities and destroy hackers.

<Scientedfic> ...Do you have a name for it?

<Hunter> We don't have much time, but I can break the fourth wall for you. User, this is what they originally were:

2017 March 27, 14:58:28

404 found

(switch to Black Ops team)

[LDR] 0-1 and 0-2, go left. 0-3 and 0-4, go right. 0-5, follow me down the middle.

[0-1 to 0-5] got it.


[LDR] Contact!

(gunfire, LDR and 0-5 fall back)

(0-1 to 0-4 move to LDR and 0-5)

[0-5] This thing won't die!

[0-2] (shoots grenade at the thing, fails to kill it)

[LDR] sir, reported contact of unknown entity resisting debugger grenades and deletion rounds.

[404] you guys, fall back. I am gonna have to seal the connection for security. Get to the airlock in 60 seconds.

[LDR, 0-1 to 0-5] got it.


(Black Ops team enter USS Independence, airlock sealed)

[404] they will have to hang in there for a bit.

2017 March 27, 17:54:02


<Scientedfic> Wow... that's pretty neat...

<Hunter> Very neat indeed. Let's work it out.

Hunter attempts to use the crystals. It failed.

<Hunter> Wait... what?

Hunter tries again. It fails.

<Hunter> It should work. Why isn't it working?

And suddenly, they turned dark, and restored the hackers.

<Cvolton> Ah... dang it.

<Anaban> Back so soon?

<Scientedfic> I would've asked you the same.

<Haxor> Well, now that we're back, let's hack you guys.

<Scientedfic> Not if I can help it!

Scientedfic summons the Dark Star. It comes to him, and with it, the All-any Sword and all-any shield. He also retrives Cvolton's keyboard.

<Hunter> All right. Let's do this.

Scientedfic, Cvolton, and Hunter vs Anaban, Haxor, and Pappo.

2017 March 27, 22:11:41

404 found

(alarm blare)

[COMBOT] DANGER: Force Field power 15%. perimeter breach in about 5 minutes.

[404] wait WHAT

(to everyone)

guys, we need to hurry. I can't hold this for much longer.

(to Imperial Fleet)

weapons free.


all the ships fire away at the corrupted enemy ships. They are cut down, but spawn in exponentially greater numbers.


[404] OS, hax them.

[COMBOT] unable to hack. reason: no enemy source found. unable to target enemy command systems.

[404] (to everyone)

guys, we have a problem.

2017 March 28, 14:26:46


Hunter suddenly freezes in place.

<Hunter OS> Extreme scenario detected. Primary system shutting down.

Hunter shuts down. The hackers are frozen, while the Auracrysts are restored by the one that is Hunter's primary power source. They all come back together to transform him into their original owner: ENTITY. (Although he still takes on a diamond-like texture, this time he's not a Bloon, but still a hydra.)

<Hunter OS> Reboot successful. Emergency transformation successful. Prepare for destruction.

<ENTITY> I can only hold this form for so long, so let's make it count. They don't know what I am now, so they can't hack me now.

ENTITY's Auracrysts surround Anaban first. He doesn't hesitate and commands them to drill through Anaban, destroying him quickly.

<Hunter OS> Power level at 80%.

2017 March 28, 17:59:25

404 found

I got this swag post but it deleted itself.

Summary: Force Field critical power, I reroute power from Drive to compensate. 10 minutes till breach.

apparently the thing that the Black Ops team encountered is The Clown from 2 stories ago.

no seriously, the post I made disappeared. there is no post talking about the Drive. /null

2017 March 28, 18:42:09


Uh, I thought the post was up there.


2017 March 28, 18:47:35


Oinite is dead, dats gud, emen

(No one knows about his death, however.)


[Brown] I see Anaban's dust, I should put it in a jar if he ever reforms.

[Alpha654] Are you sure?

[Brown] It's better to be safe than sorry.

Brown collects the dust of Anaban in a jar.

[Brown] If this is broken due to a drunkish Scotsman, then Anaban will reform, and we will have to deal with him again.

[Alpha654] You mean... Demoman?

[Brown] Yep. And me.


[Red] Darnit, where are we?

[Orange] I don't know, it looks scary though.

[@%#$??] TIME TO DIE.

@%#$?? uses Multi-Death.

Red is dead!

Orange is dead!

Yellow is dead!

Green is dead!

Blue is dead!

Purple is dead!

Black is dead!

White is dead!

@%#$?? disappears.

2017 March 29, 19:41:31


<Scientedfic> Hm...

Scientedfic summons a Death Notebook.

<Scientedfic> Who's first...

<?.?.?.?> What is that?

<Scientedfic> Hm? A Death Note.

<RED Engie> Well, ah don't know 'bout that, now. But that contraption is gonna be quaht a danger.

<RED Heavy> Heavy does not care. Heavy wishes death who killed doctor.

<RED Medic> Um, Mikhail... I'm still alive. I still have ze majority of my soul, ja?

<RED Sniper> What?

<RED Medic> I've only traded in tree souls so far! It's working out perfectly, mein freunds!

<RED Spy> And... how much of zis souls do you have?

<RED Medic> Vell, I've collected all of yours, then I took everyone's here

<Scientedfic> Except mine.

<RED Medic> Yes, except hees. Ahdn ve must not forget ze enemies!

<Scientedfic> Which brings it up to...

<RED Medic> Oh, I vould say... 27?

<Scientedfic> Well, that's odd...

By the way, they're all in the Doom Dimension for unknown reasons.

2017 March 29, 22:51:48



[Pink] Uhh, what's going on with that crystal?

The Crystal of Stability is starting to break.

The crack grows bigger.

Then, the Crystal breaks.

[Pink] Uh oh...


[Brown] Huh, Oinite's been gone for a long time.

[Alpha654] Well, he did say he would go there real quick. Maybe he is in danger.

[Brown] Unlikely, his power is strong enough to counter such anomalies.

I'll try calling him.


Beep Beep.

[Voice Message] We are sorry, but the individual you are attempting to call is either unavailable or in an unknown area. We apologize for any convenience.

[Brown] ..Darn.

[RED Scout] 'Ey, you. Yeah, you. Where's Medic and Engie an-

[Brown] I don't know. I thought they were in the pocket dimension.

[RED Soldier] Well, they are not!

[Brown] Hmm.. Strange.

2017 April 2, 10:01:01

404 found


Force Field power critical

Perimeter Breach detected. Force Field failed.

activating warp sequences and evacuation sequences. 60 seconds to hyperspace.

all fighting ships ordered to retreat back to capital ships. individual energy shields activated.

estimated enemy capital ships: ~ 1000

estimated enemy fighting ships: ~ 1M

estimated 60 seconds until individual energy shields fail

[404] 60 seconds to bail!

Sci needs to hurry up, NOW!

[COMBOT] breach in airlock to derelict craft. one entity detected.

2017 March 30, 15:41:52


<ENTITY> Let's end this.

ENTITY's Auracrysts drill through Haxor. Haxor got REKT!

The Auracrysts clip through Pappo (Whoever he is) and he gets destroyed as well.

<Hunter OS> Energy level 60%.

<ENTITY> Now we need to find Alpha.

<Scientedfic> We don't have time!

<ENTITY> Relax. I can teleport. It's built into the other projects too.

ENTITY locates Alpha654 and teleports to him.

<Hunter OS> Energy level 55%.

<Alpha654> Took you long enough, Hunter. 404 and his fleet are trying to teleport out.

<ENTITY> Right. You destroyed the other hacker yet?

<Alpha654> Sure did. Now let's get out of here!

As if on cue, a Wing Battleship jumps out of hyperspace and Alpha654 and co. are teleported in. Alpha opens a communications window with 404 found.

Communications link opened.

<404 found> Alpha?

<Alpha654> They're all on board. I've planted an antimatter bomb in the ship, too.

<404 found> Then let's go! We can't lose any more time; our shields are almost down!

<COMBOT> Estimated 10 seconds until individual energy shields fail.

<Alpha654> Right. Let's go.

Communications link closed.



One of the remaining clones deletes Alpha's antimatter bomb and activates the ship's Red Matter bomb.

After everyone else warps out, a black hole forms in the middle of the ship. Soon, the ship is consumed by it.

The black hole grows steadily...

2017 March 30, 17:04:33

404 found

[COMBOT] warp sequence begin.

prepare to jump into hyperspace.

(outside world turns white then glowing blue as Imperial Fleet jumps into sub-hyperspace)

[404] I think we got away from the hacked enemies.

(to computer) set course for the Unknown Regions. pretty sure the hyperspace anomalies there will keep them out for now.

(hyperspace not = to SUB-hyperspace)

(to computer again)

status update.


Force Field generator overloaded, suffered minor outages.

most ships low on power. sustained usage of Energy Shields may deplete it further.

Unknown entity from damaged friendly ship has been purged via airlock expulsion.


set course to refuel station Beta Zero.


(entering area of Beta Zero safe zone)

[AF Agent Smith] (in safe zone, over radio) I heard you guys took a beating from the hackers.

[404] yes, we did. I suspect they will be here in a couple of hours. are the rest of the Antor Federation fleet here?

[AF Agent Smith] all our ships are here.

[404] good. get the automated defenses up and let us in.

[AF Agent Smith] got it.

2017 March 30, 18:25:34

404 found

this thing refuses to let me edit so heres the rest.


Beta Zero is more of a safe zone than a refuel station. It surrounds a spherical area of about 1.5AU diameter. It is designed survive just about any attack, as the power systems for the Force Field is powered by hundreds of fusion reactors on the only planet in the sphere, designated New Earth.

(Imperial Fleet enters through a temporary gap in the Force Field)

[Beta Zero AI] Welcome to Fulzar safe zone Beta Zero.

2017 March 31, 18:51:02


Meanwhile... a long time ago...

<???> Hello?? Hellooooo??? Is anyone there?? Hello!!!...???

<???> Yeh, uh, soh... I just remembered... those hackers? Yeh. They're always cohming back. Soh... no matter what, you'll awlways end up having to fight them. Yeh. Soh... but at least yu cahn do one thing... Trah to hack their source. It's nought the perfect cut, but at least... you can trah. It juhst maight work.

2017 April 2, 23:55:07

404 found

meanwhile at Beta Zero


[404] update on the conditions of the Federation.

[AF Agent Smith] the hacks have destroyed most of our population centers. all our remaining survivors we pulled from the destroyed cities are here.

[404] anything left salvageable?

[AF Agent Smith] We took the computer from the AF Research Facility along with some weapons from the AF Armory. everything we have left is here.

[404] Set the warp gate to (insert coordinates here). Warp in 60 minutes. get the self destruct on the warp gate ready. we need to get the civilians out of here before the enemy fleet arrives.

[AF Agent Smith] got it. (leaves)


[404] wait, where is Sci and Alpha?


[???] (hello?)

[AF Agent Smith] this is Agent Smith of the Antor Federation speaking. please identify yourself and your location. over.

[???] (rest of stuff)

[AF Agent Smith] I repeat. identify yourself. over.


please respond. over.


2017 April 3, 14:59:34


In an unknown dimension...

[@%#$??] Eins, zwei, drei... Ve are missing zwei.

[#$?@%%] Well, this was a disappointment.

[@%#$??] I veleive zer is a pink and a brown.

[#$?@%%] I will get them.

[@%#$??] Ve voth vill.

2017 April 3, 21:35:24

Mini P.E.K.K.A

[Me] agents

[Soldier 6] what

[Me] We're going inbound. I don't know what's happening, but we're gonna find out.

[Squad Chief] Good idea?

[Soldier 3] What if its that Ghost making out with her loved ones?

[Me] we immediately terminate them, in that case.

[G. Roswell] unlikely

[Me] Get ready

(group enters Story arc forum fight round 5B)

2017 April 4, 10:08:24


Whoever that guy is, I'm not claiming responsibility for being him.


Alpha654 opens communications with 404 found.

<Alpha654> Right here.

<404 found> How did you know I said that?

<Alpha654> I have my ways. But I'm here to notify you that there are unidentified ships heading this way. I'm going out to check what they are.

<404 found> Alright. Tell me what you find.

Communications closed.

2017 April 5, 00:58:37

Mini P.E.K.K.A

The agents proceed to enter.

[Me] oh, it's alpha and 404.

[G.Roswell] sending units to destroy Ghost and her turnip.

[Me] Good. Where's the squad Chief?

[G.Roswell] He's one of them.

[Me] Okay.

2017 April 4, 13:10:04

404 found

[404] (to Agent Smith)

we got unidentified, possibly enemy ships incoming. Get the civilian ships and warp them out of here. over.

[AF Agent Smith] Command acknowledged. over.

[404] (to computer)

begin evacuation procedure.


(alarm sounds in Beta Zero)

[AF Agent Smith] (over broadcast)

This is Agent Smith of the Antor Federation speaking.

Our radars detect unidentified, possibly enemy ships bearing down on us.

We are activating the warp gates. all civilian ships please warp to the designated location, and one at a time.

Do not panic. They cannot break through the Force Field.


[404] (over radio frequency, to Imperial Fleet units only)

Listen up!

We got pings from 12, about 12 AU away. possibly enemy ships.

All Star Destroyers, enter defense formation around the base.

Executor and Aureus units, circle behind them and prepare to surprise attack.

All Nezerian capital ships and the Advectorian, get to the sides and wait for signals.

We are to hold the base at all costs until the survivors warp out.

The rest of the Antor Federation units get above and below them, and attack once the battle goes underway.

Unity of purpose is strength. Auditor out.


(Imperial Fleet enters position to ambush possibly enemy ships)


BTW, an hour passed between Imperial Fleet arriving at the refuel station and the unknown ships. the Fleet is repaired. currently all non-military ships are warping out of the galaxy (or at least the star system of Fulzar) and to a planetary system with multiple H-congruous planets capable of supporting the remaining population. The Imperial Fleet will stay and fight until everyone else left, then destroy the warp gate and jump through sub-hyperspace.

2017 April 4, 14:20:14

404 found

I quietly BUMP this thread.

2017 April 6, 15:04:42


An hour passed before you told everyone that there are other ships in the area. LOGIC! (Or maybe just bad planning.)


Alpha654 once again contacts 404 found.

<Alpha654> They're friendlies. Mini P.E.K.K.A and his team.

<404 found> Alright, thanks for letting me know.

Communications closed.

2017 April 6, 16:32:19

404 found

[404] oh uh....

(to Agent Smith) continue with the evac.

(to Imperial Fleet) false alarm. everyone fall back.

(to self) OOPS!

(opens communications channel with the Mini PEKKA)


note: an hour passed between the Imperial Fleet getting to the station and you telling me about the ships.


[Mini PEKKA] yes, got a problem?

[404] next time, remember to send a message before flying in. I almost thought you are enemy.


(alarm stops)

[AF Agent Smith] everyone, that was just a false alarm. the evacuation will continue. The Imperial Fleet will be following shortly. please warp one at a time and do not panic.


(404 opens secure communications with each player [think group chat] and Agent Smith)

[404] it is a matter of time before the enemy comes. Any ideas?

[Mini PEKKA] just use a tactical nuke.

[404] the last time I tried that, they came back 10 times stronger. any other ideas?

[AF Agent Smith] I picked up a radio signal, and the guy behind it said something about hacking their source.

[404] seems legit. but they have no source. or do they?

2017 April 6, 18:14:51


[Brown] Jeez, Oinite's taking a long time.

Pink arrives to (wherever brown is lol)

[Pink] Hey, what's going on?

[Brown] I don't know. Not much is happening.

[Pink] Well, the crystal thingy broke, and I don't know what to do.

[Brown] Wait, WHA-

@%#$?? uses Sword Stab on Brown. Infinite Damage!

#$?@%% uses Back Stab on Pink. Infinite Damage!

2017 April 7, 17:45:09


[@%#$??] Excellent. We can now start our master plan.

[#$?@%%] Yes, our influence will grow!

[@%#$??] We have to wait until those people finish their enemies, then we come in one hour later.

[#$?@%%] Alright, meeting conclude.


Hellven, without the Crystal of Stability, is starting to tear apart. Finally, the entire realm is completely shredded into pieces. Nothing can fix it.


In the Castle of the Sticknights...

[Light Blue] Really? Hellven is destroyed?

[Gray] Yes, because without the Crystal, the entire realm will break apart.

[Magenta] Strange, Oinite can fix it, but why has he not fixed it?

[Light Blue] We are quite unsure.

[Oderfla] I know why.

[Gray] Why?

[Oderfla] Apparently, two entities has killed him off, rendering the Council vulnerable, weakening the Crystal.

[Magenta] Wait.. How do you know?

Oderfla holds out the Seeking Mirror.


[#$?@%%] Wait, there are three more?

[@%#$??] No, impossible! I calculated seven stickmen!

[#$?@%%] Well, we have to track them down.

2017 April 11, 19:25:26

404 found

[COMBOT] Enemy fleet detected entering from position of black hole.

[404] wait, I thought the only people who know how to warp with a black hole are our elite units.

[COMBOT] apparently not, sir.

[404] raise the alarm.

(to Mini PEKKA and others)

look, they are coming. screw the core; I am going to have to blow them up.


(Missile strike siren sounds)

[AF Agent Smith] this is not a drill. repeat, this is not a drill.


[404] all units, enter ambush positions!

(ships enter positions from a few posts ago)

they are not to pass our defense. Hold the line at all costs.

2017 April 11, 19:37:48


I quietly join the thread.

[Snuffles] What is happening here?

[G-1000] It all started when somebody did something.

[Snuffles] Be more specific...

[G-1000] No. I'm not even yours... actually i'll just kill you now.

[Snuffles] Oh shoot...

Next thing I know, a swarm of G-series robots are swarming around me, trying to evaporate me.

2017 April 12, 23:32:01


So, the two entities quickly killed off the three stickmen. Oderfla is hiding until the time is right.

[#$?@%%] Happy now?

[@%#$??] Argh. Fine. Let's start our master plan.

The two entities both teleport to 404 Found.

@%#$?? attempts to use sword stab on 404 Found.

2017 April 13, 19:07:32


what did I miss this time...

2017 April 17, 13:34:08

404 found

(404 dodges like a pro and draws lightsabers)

[404] Identify yourselves!

[@%#$??] just kill him.

(epic fight ensues)


[404] enough.

time for you noobs to die.

(Force Lightning)


[Star Destroyer] contact! releasing TIE fighters. turbolasers charging. over.

[Executor] entering spin phase I. Aureus Lightning blast charging. all Aureus units moving out. over.

[AF Agent Smith] destroy them all. take no survivors. over.

[Advectorian] deploying cruise missiles and plasma torpedo barrage. Fighters deployed. Battleships and Battlecruisers ready to go. over.

[AF Hunter] entering battlefield. multiple contact with enemy crafts. please advise. over.

2017 April 17, 18:32:03


@%#$?? uses Hyper-Beam on 404 Found.

#$?@%% uses Anti-Byte on 404 Found.

(I'm waiting on your reply btw)


@Btd456Creeper So, there were hackers, dunno what happened to them, but Oinites dead so yeah

2017 April 17, 18:52:09

404 found

(computer systems inside 404's brain)






(404 turns into a shadow with red eyes. he [I] looks like the guy in this link: http://<a href="http://madnesscombat.wikia.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">madnesscombat.wikia.com</a>/wiki/Auditor)

[#$?@%%] wait what?

[404] you screwed up, noobs!

(the 2 entities are decapitated and incinerated by dark flame)


2017 April 17, 20:31:05


The two entities quickly teleport behind 404 before that could happen.

[@%#$??] You have yet to know our master plan.

[#$?@%%] With 10 hyper-buffed stickmen with us, we can destroy the multiverse, starting here!

#$?@%% and @%#$?? summons the 10 stickmen.

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Grey, Magenta and Light Blue appear in front of the entities!

[404 Found] 10? I count 9. nubs cant count lol

[@%#$??] That's not all.

Oinite reappears with the Yatagarasu and the Hydragaryu.

[@%#$??] ATTACK!

Red uses Brimstone Flames on 404 Found. 404 is now on fire!

Magenta uses Mercuric Soul on 404 Found. Part of 404's soul is absorbed!

Oinite uses Icycle Shot on 404 Found. 50 Damage!

The Yatagarasu uses Final Beam. 500 Damage!

2017 April 14, 11:14:15

404 found

(in brain)





[404] I have had enough of you guys.

(teleports out)

(room then explodes into nuclear flame)


so my private room on the USS Independence had a trap that sets off a controlled nuclear explosion inside of it when needed.

and it is detachable, and I sent it to outer space and away.


[404] we have a big, BIG problem.

[Mini PEKKA] can it be solved with a tactical nuke?

[Alpha] what problem?

[404] it seems 2 unknown hackers killed Oinite and hacked his stickmen. they just tried to kill me, but I got away.




Evacuation: complete

ambush: underway

destruction of Fulzar warp gate: imminent


[AF Agent Smith] all units, report. over.

[AF squadron leader] taking severe damage. there's too many of them. requesting support. over.

[Executor] maximum spin phase. preparing to activate Aureus Lightning and Nexar Light Wave Generator. over.

[Advectorian] all Fighters have been exhausted. taking damage. over.

[Star Destroyer captain] we got a huge swarm of enemies coming from twelve. over.

2017 April 15, 00:22:58


Suddenly, a mysterious character appears. It looks like...a monkey?

[Alpha] Guys, there's an intruder here...

Everyone pulls out their weapons.

[???] Wait, what are you doing? There's no need to hurt me. I'm here to help.

[Oiniteoderfla12] And how can we trust you?

[???] Someone told me you guys encountered the ENTITY. That thing is acting as your ally right now, but it's very, VERY dangerous.

[BTD] I'm BTD. I have first-hand experience with the ENTITY. Its powers will get out of hand. We need to kill it before...*shudders*

[Alpha] What's wrong?

[BTD] If ENTITY's servant, Codexhak, enters this world and joins ENTITY, we're going to have a big problem. There's no time to explain. We need to get rid of that thing, NOW!

2017 April 14, 13:28:01

404 found

[404] what about the 2 weirdos that attacked me earlier?

[AF Agent Smith] perimeter breach!

(door to the room is knocked down; the 2 hackers enter)

2017 April 14, 14:34:45


(fyi, oinites now the villain. unless if you want Oderfla to join the party, oinite cant be with the group.)


[Oinite] They got away..

[Red] Darnit.

[Magenta] The two guys told me we need to make the Anti-Universal Bomb to destroy all mater in this world.

The stickmen got to work.


Oderfla is trying to teleport to where Alpha and the rest of the party is.

He succeeded, and saw them talking.

[BTD] ..We need to get rid of that thing, NOW!

[Alpha654] Wait, why?

[BTD] Wait, who is that?

They see a stickman.

[Alpha654] Oinite! There you are!

[Oderfla] Did you mean, Oderfla?

Oderfla is a white stickman with a right red eye and a black left eye.

[Oderfla] I heard what happened to Oinite. The ENTITY, however, I am unsure of.

2017 April 14, 17:01:34

404 found

(door open, Agent Smith stumbles in with a leg wound)

[AF Agent Smith] the 2 entities has breached the security! (stumbles over to the party)

(door closes only to be knocked down)


I decide to refer to the 2 entities as hacker 1 and hacker 2.


(hacker 1 fires some beam at Oderfla)

[404] Duck!

(Oderfla dodges beam)

[hacker 2] time to finish off the fight.

[404] oh... you want a real fight?

(quick-consumes Doritos and Mountain Dew)

(gains 200% power)

come at me.

2017 April 14, 17:47:40


They're not hackers. They are just a bunch of people who want to destroy the universe for their own likings.


[Oderfla] Argh. It's them.

[Alpha654] Who are they?

[Oderfla] The last anti-matter beings. Because they are made of anti-matter, I don't know what their name is.

Oderfla uses Sword Slash on Entity 1 (Hacker 1). 4367 Damage!

[Entity 1] Pfft. Weakling. You think that will get me-

404 Found uses Dark Flame on Entity 1. 235645232534 Damage! Every second, Entity 1 will now take 25345 damage!

2017 April 14, 18:24:45


Alpha654 stops time for everyone except for him, Hunter and Btd456Creeper.

<Alpha654> Hold on, I need to explain something.

<Btd456Creeper> What is it? Does it involve this hydra thing?

<Alpha654> Yep. You said you needed to get rid of ENTITY, didn't you?

<Btd456Creeper> You know why.

<Hunter OS> Request accepted. Initiating transformation.

The five Auracrysts return to ENTITY, who transforms back into Hunter. A few seconds later...

<Hunter OS> Reboot complete. Transformation complete. Initiating AI.

<Hunter> So, you need these, right?

<Alpha654> Let me explain: Those Auracrysts contain the ENTITY itself. There are actually ten of them, each containing a tenth of the ENTITY's power.

<Btd456Creeper> Where are the other ones?

<Alpha654> We've split them so they can't combine and recreate the ENTITY. I have an anti-hacker weapon that has three, and there's two kept in secret bases at the center of two different stars.

<Btd456Creeper> I think I remember something similar in a game. I think it was called the Cobalt Star...

<Alpha654> Also, one of the stars is artificial. You'll know which one it is because of the fortress protecting it. Also, it does not exist in this universe, but rather in another universe. I'll tell you where it is in that other universe you're known in, okay?

<Btd456Creeper> Sounds good.

<Alpha654> Alright, get ready to fight those hackers... Now!

Time starts again.

2017 April 14, 19:20:30

404 found

[COMBOT] keystone rejection increasing. compensating.

(all Improbability Drives activated)


[404] so it seems you guys need more damage to go away.

Taste this.

(pulls out Nexar Light Wave Generator)


FILE: http://<a href="http://astroflux.org" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">astroflux.org</a>/wiki/index.php?title=Nexar_Light_Wave_Generator


404 found fires the LWG at Hacker 2. 5478648761842 damage. Target will now take 57521 damage every turn as well as take 500% damage from energy attacks.


[404] ROASTED!

2017 April 14, 19:55:06


[Entity 2] ARGH. NO! I WILL BE BACK....

Entity 2 is dead!... not.

The ashes of Entity 2 forms into 10 more of himself.

[All Entity 2 Clones] DIE!

The Entity 2 Clones use Final Attack on 404 Found. 3253461245 Damage!


[Hydragaryu] Foolish mortals. You will now die.

Hydra Left Head uses Laser Beam on Btd456Creeper.

[BTD] Darnit.

Btd456Creeper uses Gaster Blaster on the Left Head.

[BTD] The old good laser battle.

Hydra Right Head uses Brimstone Fireballs on Alpha654.

Oderfla deflects the Fireballs. The Left Head gets 4352 Damage!

Btd456Creeper increases the power of the Gaster Blaser. The laser destroys the Hydra's laser and the Left Head!

Two more grow back.

[BTD] What?

[Oderfla] Don't you know about the legend of the Hydra? When the middle head is present, all of the other heads that are destroyed will grow two more back!

[BTD] Oh.


Black uses Black Hole Cannon on BTD. BTD uses the Hyper Goner. The Hyper Goner absorbs the Black Hole!

White summons 20 knights of Heaven.

[White] Attack the stickman!

2017 April 14, 20:37:50

404 found

(side doors open and L337 agents enter, shooting up the knights)

[AF Agent Smith] move! take them down!


L337 agents fire at Hydra central head. 50,000 damage. bleeding effect of 2000 damage for the next 5 turns.


[404] I don't like fighting u noobs here. its too cramped.

(everyone minus the L337 agents teleported away)


(everyone arrives at new place)

[404] tada!

[BTD] what is this place?

[Alpha] have I been here before?

[Mini PEKKA] I wish I can get here.


yes, welcome to the Legendary Arena. minus the towers and the audience of course.

2017 April 14, 20:41:51


A portal appears out of nowhere.


[Oderfla] What?


[Oinite] It is complete! The Anti-Universal Bomb is now ready to be denonated!

[Green] Say your farewel-

[Oiniteoderfla12] Nope.

Oiniteoderfla12 takes the Anti-Universal Bomb back to Random Discussions Fight.

The portal disappears.

[Oinite] YOU.. IMBECILE!

[Green] Eugh.

2017 April 15, 17:19:32

404 found

[404] here, I have the advantage.

(swarm of skeletons come out of the ground)


404 found uses Lightsaber on Hydra central head. 511446574 damage.

Skeleton Army uses swarm on Green. 845187 damage.

King Tower uses Rocket, Poison, Fireball, Lightning and Zap on Entity 1 and 2. both take 67159 damage as well as stunned for the next turn.


[404] and just to finish this off.....


404 found uses GPU-43 Massive Ordinance Air Bomb on all the enemies. 447161846484 damage along with 547649 burn damage. all enemies are stunned for the next turn.

2017 April 15, 17:42:55


Oinite is completely immune to stuns, so he in unaffected.

Oinite uses Bellow Absolute Zero on 404 Found. 404 Found is completely covered on ice that can never be melted!

[Oinite] I've grown tired of your ridiculously powerful damage weapons. NOW DIE.

Oinite uses Hyper Beam of Omega Death on 404 Found.

[Oinite] That should do it.

Of course, it didn't because the beam deflected off the ice, and hit Oinite. 4563496233532 damage!

Oinite is dead!

2017 April 15, 17:47:17


(BTD isn't Gaster yet, he's been brought from the past from BCoW to here.)


2017 April 15, 17:55:12


oh, phoey.

2017 April 15, 20:31:23


(Wherever we are) is starting to get pulled towards a void.

<Oderfla> What... What is happening?

<Btd456Creeper> That's a black hole. It shouldn't be growing in size so quickly... It's only possible if that were a Red Matter black hole.

<Alpha654> ...And I used the only Antimatter bomb I had to destroy those hackers, and the only Red Matter bomb that my faction's ever made was used to destroy TimewornKaiju's ship back in RFF.

<Oderfla> So... The universe is ending?

<Btd456Creeper> I'm afraid so.

2017 April 15, 21:47:19


I pull out my Hypercannon, set it to "Shadow", and shoot it at the nearby Btd456Creeper.

<Snuffles> Somethings... wrong...

<Btd456Creeper> Of course something should be wrong.

2017 April 17, 08:02:09

404 found

(the ice around me shatters)

[404] you can't melt it, but you can break it.

(feels gravitational waves)

wait.... why is Clash Royale being pulled into a black hole?


(fixed for brevity: Imperial Fleet wins and warps out)



this planet is not going so quickly.

(obtains portable computer and enters codes)

(somehow, SOMEHOW, Clash Royale planet gets teleported to the supposed safe zone in the Astroflux universe. for now.)


[404] problem solved.

now to deal with the stunned enemies.

2017 April 19, 02:00:06


Oderfla uses Decapitation on Hydra central head. The central head is now detatched from the Hydragaryu!

[Oderfla] Perfect.

Oderfla uses Brimstone Breath on Red. No effect.

[Oderfla] Woups.

Red's stun is now cleared!

Red uses Cracks of Doom on Oderfla. The ground breaks then Oderfla starts to fall.

Luckilly, he has a grappling hook, and uses that to his advantage. He grapples onto Red and pulls himself towards her.

Oderfla uses Sword Slash on Red. 124214 Damage!

[Oderfla] Good, you are weakened. Let's see if this will work.

Oderfla uses Purification Powder on Red. Red is now fully healed! Red breaks free from her mind controll!


Alpha654 uses Godmodder Cannon on Hydra Head 1. 3425124 Damage! Hydra Head 1 is dead!

404 Found uses the Light Wave Generator on Hydra Head 2. 2352352152 Damage! Hydra Head 2 is dead!

Oderlfa uses Pulsar on Hydra Head 3. 24124554 Damage! Hydra Head 3 is dead!

The Hydragryu has been defeated!

2017 April 19, 12:31:07

Mini P.E.K.K.A

Agents, something is going on.

(Agents load rifles, preparing for lethal threats)

2017 April 16, 11:39:52

404 found

404 found borrows some purification powder from Oderfla and sprays them on the stickmen.

they are now out of the mind control.


targets left:

Entity 1

Entity 2 (clones)


the Imperial Fleet hovers over the planet in case things get out of hand.

2017 April 16, 15:53:22


[Oderfla] That's not how you do it. Only when they are weak, they will be out of the mind controll.

The stickmen, exept for Red goes back into Entity1's Control.

Entity 1 uses Anti-Matter Beam on 404 Found.

Oderfla uses a Gaster Blaster on the Beam. The Blaster is destroyed!

Alpha654 uses Godmodder Cannon on the Beam. No effect!

Red uses Flames that Matter. The Anti-Matter Beam is anihillated, and so are the flames!

[404 Found] Danke.

[Red] No worries.

2017 April 16, 21:47:32

404 found

404 found uses Iron Fist and summons a swarm of Elite Barbarians. they swarm attack all the stickmen, dealing between 637 and 901 million damage to each. note: they are not dead. yet.


[404] is that enough damage?

2017 April 20, 10:33:01


[Oderfla] ..Maybe a couple million more..

404 Found uses the attack again. 637-901 million damage!

[Oderfla] Ok, that's good. Here, use this.

Oderfla hands 404 Found a Clentaminator set to Purify Mode.

[Oderfla] That will be easier to cleanse them off.

2017 April 21, 00:01:05

404 found

404 found purifies the stickmen. now they break out of mind-control.

the Elite Barbarians attack the 2 entities, dealing 1 billion damage to each.

the entities break out of the stun.

2017 April 17, 14:15:27


[Entity 1] No! Aughhh.. I will destroy you!

Entity 1 uses Final Anti-Matter Beam. 318975 Damage to everyone! The Legendary Arena is now destroyed!

2017 April 17, 14:21:22

404 found

[404] this is gonna take a long time to rebuild.

anyways. so we beat the entities. what else? I remember that strange message about a core or something.

(Executor flies in and beams the team to it)


[404] so. whats next?

(door is knocked down, The Clown enters)

2017 April 17, 14:39:22


BTD pulls out a tank of molten soup with razor sharp crackers and shoots it at the Clown...but because BTD logic applies to him, he omly does 3 damage.

[BTD] Dang it.

(What does the Shadow Gun or whatever do?)

2017 April 21, 11:40:52

404 found

[Clown] (demonic laugh)

[404] agents.

(L337 agents enter with assault rifles and combat shotguns)

[Clown] (triggered)

(produces a street sign and rekts all the L337 agents in 3 seconds)

[404] dude. are you serious.


what Shadow Gun? I only used these so far:

* Nexar Light Wave Generator

* Chrono Beam

* Lightsaber

* Shadow FLAMES

2017 April 21, 14:09:21


[Oderfla] Guys, I'm afraid Oinite's dead. Completely dead.

[Btd456Creeper] What? Why is that so?

[Oderfla] Well, I saw him try to use Hyper Beam of Omega Death on 404 when he was frozen, but apparently, it got deflected.

[Alpha654] Well, atleast we have you, right?

Oderfla thought about it for a while.

[Oderfla] The Castle of Stability is destroyed, and so is the Castle of the Sticknights. Hellven itself is destroyed, and I have nothing else to do, so.. I'll join you guys.

[Blue] What about us?

[Oderfla] Hmm..

2017 April 21, 15:17:42

404 found


2017 April 25, 18:11:47


I mean, I don't play this game anymore, but bump?

2017 May 1, 18:07:59

404 found

I have no idea what should happen next.


2017 May 2, 14:31:13


[Oderfla] I have an idea.

Oderfla takes out a soul jar. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Black, White, Brown, Pink, Grey, Magenta and Light Blue gets absorbed by the soul jar.

[Oinite] That should do it.

2017 May 3, 16:17:26

404 found

while you guys worry over stuff, I try to roast The Clown without breaking anything.


(TP to the top of Project Nexus)

[404] the fight started here. I will end it here.

[Clown] I will end you.


(Clown triggered, proceeds to rage attack)

[404] (dodges and produces lightsaber)

2017 May 3, 17:21:37


well we dont have anything to do



2017 May 3, 18:11:40



That word... I hate it now...


The black hole grows ever larger. Soon the heroes begin to feel its effects again.

<Alpha654> Well... There's still that. That's a problem.

<Oderfla> Huh?

<Alpha654> The black hole. It's consuming the entire universe.

<Oderfla> Oh... Yeah, you're right. That is a problem.

<???> There's no escaping it. The end is coming, right now.

<Oderfla> Who's that!?

<Demon Guardian> Remember me, mortals?

<Alpha654> So YOU were the one who created that black hole!

<Demon Guardian> No, but I'll still take this moment to end your game early.

2017 May 4, 20:32:41

404 found

(Clash Royale planet suffers from gravitational waves; starts to be dragged in)

[Clown] (confused)

[404] im out. (teleports)


(I land conveniently on top of the Demon Guardian.)

2017 May 5, 14:09:07


Still deciding if I want to join this game. TBH, no one cared when I joined last time.


2017 May 5, 17:58:06


The King of the Sky grabs 404 found with his talons, and throws him into the black hole.

<Demon Guardian> I brought friends. I still have an Improbability Drive, you fools.

<Alpha654> And you forgot about my Master Block.

Alpha654 teleports the Improbability Drive into the black hole, just before the King of the Jungle knocks the Master Block away. It falls into the black hole with 404 found.

<Demon Guardian> Nice try, but a fair fight isn't happening.

2017 May 10, 17:39:36

404 found

(alarm sounds)

(X-34 Mobile Air Support gunship appears)

[Demon Guardian] wait what

(the X-34 can run on its own. it also has a mini Drive in it.)

[X-34] panic in 3,2,1,0.

(massive barrage of missiles hit the Demon Guardian and the corrupted Kings)


The Clown then jumps in and randomly hits the Demon Guardian with his stop sign then dodging all the missiles.

[Clown] wait. where did that guy with the goggles go?

[King of the Sky] I dropped him in the black hole.

[Clown] YOU!

you stole my kill!

(Clown then proceeds to rage attack the King with the indestructible stop sign)

2017 May 10, 17:52:57


<BTD> I know one way to defeat this Demon Guardian...the One-Nuke Wonder. Capable of taking down entire planets. But only three can exist in this universe, and using it would kill us all. Still...

BTD pulls out a 2-3 B.L.A.S.T.E.R.

<BTD> ...maybe we could use this in some way?

BTD blasts the Demon Guardian with 14 missiles. Demon Guardian takes...28 damage and an additional 1 damage per second.

2017 May 10, 19:01:08


[Oderfla] Hmm... Maybe I could use a portal out of this universe before I can set off an Anti-Universal Bomb...

2017 May 10, 20:04:13


(Sonic finally wakes up, on an undisclosed planet)

(Sonic looks at the sky)

[Sonic] ...What's happening up there?

2017 May 12, 19:04:04


Alpha654 jumps onto the Clown and rips him away from the King of the Sky. The Clown falls into the Black Hole.

Alpha then engages the massive eagle.

<King of the Sky> You dare challenge the guardian of Minecraft?

<Alpha654> Remember that I'm not who I was two years ago, bird.

<King of the Sky> I'm not who I was back then, either.

Alpha654 immediately pulls out a railgun and shoots at the King, who flies above him quickly and dodges the attack. The King then dives, smashing through the ship and sending Alpha flying.

<King of the Sky> No player, with your powers or not, can defeat the King of the Sky.

<Btd456Creeper> Alpha! No!

The King of the Cold constricts the gunship before lunging at Oderfla, who drops the Anti-Universal Bomb into the black hole.

Alpha quickly equips his Elytra and swoops back up. The force shatters the Elytra within seconds, but Alpha has enough momentum and lands back on the eagle.

<King of the Sky> Nice try, human.

The King of the Sky flaps his wing in an attempt to shake Alpha off, but is unsuccessful.

Meanwhile, the King of the Ocean bites down on the ship, snapping it in half. Oderfla nearly gets eaten, but gets up and pushes the shark into a portal to a parallel timeline where the Anti-Universal Bomb explodes successfully, closing the portal quickly.

2017 May 12, 00:52:00


I throw four squishy green jellies at Alpha654.

2017 May 11, 13:58:03

404 found

meanwhile somewhere else

(alarm blares)

[Agent Smith] we got anomalous hostile entities in the area!

[COMBOT] automated defenses deployed. Mobile Task Force N-7 ETA 5 minutes. X-34 gunship support compromised. all Fleet units on battle alert.


gun turrets pop out of the wall and ground, and shoot at the Demon Guardian and his possessed minions.

note: the fight is happening on the decks of the Executor. all the ships are now heading away from the black hole at maximum speed. try not to fall off.

also, respawn in 5 posts.

2017 May 11, 14:17:54


[Sonic] Why is it so light in the sky? It's night time.

[Sonic] I think the others went out on an adventure. Hmm... What planet am I on?

(Sonic is studing the planet)

2017 May 11, 16:01:49

404 found

actually, I meant 2 posts. but then it won't let me edit.


[COMBOT] XK-class universal destruction scenario imminent. activating backup Admiral.


a door opens, and I (or a clone, depending on your logic) walks in. I am encased in a suit of armor that looks like (refer to below file). do note that its the Black version.


open file: http://<a href="http://saszombieassault.wikia.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">saszombieassault.wikia.com</a>/wiki/Rubicon_Hardplate_Series


[404] ......

who broke my gunship.

[King of the Ocean] me. u mad?

(Gunship regenerates itself, due to the Drive within)

[404] fail on you.

(Gunship deploys Aureus Photonic mobs and drones. they attack the Kings randomly.)

(other doors open, agents rush in)

[Agent Smith] be advised entities are armed and extremely dangerous. proceed with caution.

(shock grenade flicked into the group of Kings)


all the Kings and the Demon Guardian shocked for 3 turns and took 100 electric damage.

2017 May 11, 16:46:17


[Oderfla] Parfait.


In the parallel timeline..

[King of the Ocean] What the-

[Anti-Matter Bomb] Anti-Matter Bomb Exploding in: 2 Seconds.

[King of the Ocean] M3rde.

The Anti-Matter Bomb detonates. Millions and Billions and Trillions of Anti-Atoms gets sent off flying into space, annihilating everything in it's way. The universe is now destroyed.


In #&@^@$^*...

A stickman with a knife stands in front of a mirror.

He destroys it.

[01N173] Time do destroy them.


With his Vortex Booster, Oderfla flies towards the King of the Cold.

Oderfla uses Hydra Breath on the King of the Cold. 51976254 Damage! The King of the Cold is now on fire!

Oderfla uses Absolute Zero on the King of the Sky not before pushing Alpha off the eagle with a new pair of Elytras. The King of the Sky is now frozen! Oderfla dodges his attack.

2017 May 11, 17:30:45


You have the Master Block, 404.


The King of the Desert, being a skeleton, is unharmed by the electricity.

Alpha654 lands this time. He fires a Hypervelocity Driver at the King of the Desert, who dodges it. Alpha loads another projectile just before the King crashes into the ship. As the King circles around for another attack, he fires again. The projectile hits, shattering the King of the Desert.

As the skeletal snake falls into the black hole, the King of the Cold floats close to the King of the Sky, freeing him from his frozen prison.

2017 May 11, 17:55:51

404 found

[X-34] panic mode in 5,4,3,2,1.

(instantly, all weapons on the X-34 fires at the Kings. over 1 million damage to each as well as a 200,000 burn damage for the next 5 turns.


[COMBOT] danger: gravitational pull critical.

all Fleet units prepare to warp to hyperspace. emergency warp gate generated, all civilian ships prepare to warp to emergency coordinates.


[404] (to group only)

I think we should get inside now. before the hyperjump leaves us stuck here next to the supermassive black hole.

2017 May 11, 18:05:47


The Kings are no longer stunned. The King of the Sky charges at the warp gate, but Btd456Creeper harpoons him, saving the gate and allowing Oderfla to land a finishing blow on the eagle.

However, the King of the Jungle grabs Oderfla before that can happen, while the Ender Dragon and King of the Nether tear apart many of the ships in the Fleet.

[COMBOT] WARNING: The fleet has sustained major damage in <1 minute. Retreat immediately.

<404 found(1)> What!? How!?

[COMBOT] No time for questions. Leave now.

<404 found(1)> But we can't leave them behind!


Alpha654 pulls out what looks like an enlarged Bob-omb: A clone.

Using this, he creates a copy of one of the Fleet ships, then sends it flying towards the King of the Jungle, who releases Oderfla upon impact.

Oderfla instead uses Decapitation on the massive lion. It succeeds.

The King of the Cold bites through the ship's bridge, rendering it uncontrollable, while the King of the Sky begins to push it towards the fleet.


<Btd456Creeper> What's happening!?

<Alpha654> That bird's trying to push this ship into 404's fleet. We need to get him to evacuate them all immediately.

<Btd456Creeper> I see... Contacting the fleet commander now.


<Btd456Creeper> Wait... 404, you're alive?

<404 found(1)> Now's not the time. We need to leave now.

<Btd456Creeper> You'll need to leave even sooner. The ship's about to crash into every one of your ships.

<404 found(1)> Well then...

404 found(1) sends the signal, and the civilian ships warp to the emergency coordinates before the King of the Nether destroys the gate.

<404 found(1)> No! They destroyed our escape route!

<King of the Nether> You're not escaping. You're dying with this universe.

<Alpha654> We'll see about that.

Alpha654 clones the King of the Desert's skull just before it falls into the black hole, then manipulates it to bite down on the King of the Nether. The dragon, slain, falls into the black hole, as the Ender Dragon attacks Alpha by surprise. Having experienced this type of attack too many times to not know when it's coming, Alpha backflips over the dragon. While it circles around, 404 found strikes it with a Phase Lance, and it begins to fall into the black hole.

Nobody thought the dragon was faking it. It lets itself slam into Oderfla before swooping back up and snatching Alpha654, throwing him into the black hole with Oderfla.

Oderfla hasn't given up yet, however. He uses his Vortex Booster to fly back up to the battlefield, but then the King of the Sky rams them both, destroying the Vortex Booster.

Thinking quickly, Alpha654 grabs the King of the Sky's talon as well as Oderfla's hand. Together, they climb onto the eagle's back. Oderfla uses Decapitation again, but the King makes a sudden dive, and they are launched into the ship. This time, they pass through the King of the Ocean's hole, and Oderfla grabs the wall.

The King of the Cold sees this and chases the two of them through the ship. Oderfla heads to where the bridge would be, while Alpha654 jumps off and grabs one of the golden rings on the snake's armor.


I think I got a little bit carried away with this one.

2017 May 11, 19:46:06


[Oderfla] I might need help with this.

Oderfla opens the Soul Jar. Magenta comes out.

[Magenta] What do you need now?

[Oderfla] Can you grab part of the King of the Cold's soul, and try to stun him? Here he comes!

The King of the Cold charges at the two Stickmen.

Magenta uses stun on the King of the Cold. Succeed!

Magenta uses Mercuric Soul on the King of the Cold. Part of their soul is taken!

[Magenta] What do you need it for?

[Oderfla] Give me the mercury soul. I have an idea.

Oderfla receives the Mercury Soul[King of the Cold] and inserts it in an Anti-Entity Cannon.

What it does is that when a Mercury Soul that contains part of an entities' soul enters the cannon, the cannon will be a million times more effective against the entity the soul contains.

2017 May 11, 20:13:14


I decide to shamelessly throw more multi-coloured slimes at Alpha654 while hunting for a precious artifact.

2017 May 11, 21:29:49


So you're going to ignore the fact that the world is ending and that we're fighting seven corrupted gods at the same time?


2017 May 11, 21:35:32



Those slimes? they're called "Puyos"

Try matching 4 of the same colour together.

Or maybe I should demonstrate.

~Matches 4 Purple Puyos together~

They pop and send garbage at the opponent (in this case, the corrupt gods). Hope that slows the gods down a bit.


In the meantime, let me hunt for that darn artifact- It might help you stop the corrupted gods.

2017 May 11, 22:30:44


[Sonic] Of course I don't know where I am.

(Sonic sees a temple in the background, possibly holding an artifact.)

[Sonic] Got nothing better to do. Going in there.

(Sonic goes in the temple.)

2017 May 13, 19:15:02


Snuffles, they're being held corrupted by an Improbability Drive.


The King of the Cold finally shakes Alpha654 off. Alpha nearly manages to grab onto the ship, but it ends up just out of his reach. He is then rammed by the Ender Dragon. Thinking quickly, Alpha takes out his sword and decapitates the dragon.

Oderfla fires the Anti-Entity Cannon at the King of the Cold, scoring a hit. Unfazed, the snake flies into Oderfla and Magenta, consuming them both.

Btd456Creeper fires a harpoon at the King of the Cold, attempting to throw them both into the black hole. It misses, and the King nearly rams him as well.

404 found braces for his demise, but sees the Master Block float nearby. He grabs it and uses it to get out of the black hole.

Alpha654 rolls out of the way of the King of the Sky as it tries to ram him. He fires another projectile from the Hypervelocity Driver, but it misses. The eagle flies around for another attack, but Alpha jumps on it and holds on tightly when the eagle tries shaking him off. However, the King then flies close to the ship in an attempt to scrape him off instead, forcing him to jump. The King of the Cold bursts out of the ground in front of him, but misses. Alpha takes the opportunity to slice the snake in two.

No longer able to control its movements, the King of the Cold's head floats off into space, although still alive. Btd456Creeper harpoons it again and swings it into the black hole instead.

The eagle once again circles around, catching Alpha654 and Btd456Creeper. in its talons. But just before it can throw them into the black hole, 404 found rams the eagle with one of his ships and catches the two players.

<404 found> I caught your Master Block. You can thank me later.

<Alpha654> Well, that explains a lot, doesn't it?

The eagle still isn't down, however. It flies straight through the ship, breaking it in half. Seeing the issue, 404 found pulls out the Master Block, types in the command and-

The Demon Guardian shoots and destroys the Master Block using Fuzion II, clipping Alpha654 as well.

<Demon Guardian> Surprise! I'm going to end your fight earlier than you thought.

<404 found> Don't think we're going to allow that.

<Demon Guardian> You have no power here, you know. I'll just destroy you right here, right now-

Another one of 404's ships rams straight through the Demon Guardian and the King of the Sky, destroying the eagle and Fuzion II.

<Demon Guardian> WHAT!?

<Btd456Creeper> Key word: We're.

<Demon Guardian> Whatever. You're not escaping from the black hole anyway.

The Demon Guardian gives off one last laugh, and teleports away. The black hole begins to consume what remains of the battlefield.

<Btd456Creeper> Oh. Right. What are we going to do!?

<404 found> We need an Antimatter bomb.

2017 May 12, 13:24:45

404 found

[404] also, says who?

[COMBOT] initiating hyperdrive. deploying one (1) antimatter weapon of mass destruction. detonate in 30 seconds. warp in 10 seconds.


(group is TPd into the bridge of the Executor, which is in the very center of the concentric circles of gold. it took some damage but is still partially functional.)

[COMBOT] all units entering hyperspace. estimated 95+% loss.

remaining capital ships:


AFS Independence


X-34 Gunship

The Cleaner


AF Officer ships


* this ship is basically a flying nuke launcher.

^ a spawner basically.


[side note: look in my section of the RFF weapons and abilities section if you want to see the entire list.]

[also, the big capital ships have built-in warp gates. its the civilian ships that need a separate ship.]

[ALSO, I managed to salvage a mini Drive and put it in the Gunship.]

2017 May 12, 14:12:13


[Snuffles] AHA! The artifact! Now just to take it and unlock its secrets...

(The Demon Guardian warps in)


[Snuffles] Tough luck, Demon Guardian- i'm getting that artifact whenever you like it or not!

[Demon Guardian] Hahaha... You are more foolish than I thought.

(Snuffles realises that if the word "Demon" is used in GD, so can the word "Devil")

[Snuffles] HEY! DEVIL DUDE!

[Demon Guardian] DON'T CALL ME THAT-

(I pull out my Giz-X Hypercannon, set to "Puyo")

[Snuffles] GET. REKT.

(The Demon Guardian is bombarded with Garbage, giving Snuffles enough time to snatch the artifact and give it to 404 found)

2017 May 12, 15:35:05


<???> Well, you did a good job here, Guardian. We're not finished, you know. The universe isn't destroyed yet, and you only killed two of them. But don't worry; I'll take it from here.

Daniel Topala warps it, piloting another ship from his own fleet. He quickly takes the antimatter bomb and fires it at the nearby planet, so that it won't affect the black hole.

<Daniel Topala> That ought to destroy two of the few "heroes" that remain... Whether or not the bomb destroys them, the black hole will.

<Herobrine> Wait, where'd the other ones go?

<Daniel Topala> The wake left behind by those ships leads to... here!

<Herobrine> Let's not waste time. We only have Btd456Creeper and 404 found to destroy.

<Daniel Topala> Now there's three of us and two of them. We outnumber them. This'll be too easy.

<Herobrine> You know they can respawn, right?

<Daniel Topala> Nope. I disabled respawning.

<Herobrine> That is a huge risk, though...

<Daniel Topala> Three of us, two of them.

<Herobrine> Right. Now let's go.

2017 May 12, 15:54:44


Three of you universe destroyers, and Three entities trying to protect it. Four if you count G-1000, who is currently bombarding your ship, Daniel Topala.

2017 May 12, 15:59:08


Oderfla and Magenta teleports behind Alpha654.

[Oderfla] Alright, thank's for your help Magenta.

Magenta returns to the Soul Jar.

[Oderfla] So, what's happening now?

[Alpha654] What? I though you were eaten by that snake!

[Oderfla] I have my tech.

And Oderfla shows him the Multi-Versal Teleporter.


[Herobrine] We need a plan first.

[Daniel Topala] We don't need a plan, we're ready.

[Herobrine] Well there's a guy with ludicrously powerful weapons, a stickman who have stupid powers, a monkey with a harpoon and a bunch of other idiots.

[Daniel Topala] So?

[01N173] You need a plan.

Herobrine quickly takes his Sharpness X Diamond Sword.

[Herobrine] Well, look who's here. The stickman who tried to kill me with his puny crow.

[01N173] I'm not that stickman.

He shows his red, glowing knife.

[01N173] I'm Zero-One-Enn-One-Seven-Three. I can help you destroy them.

2017 May 12, 16:37:50



(G-1000 finds Oderfla and Magenta)



[Snuffles] This artifact is special- it's the Tyzek Power Amulet. It was designed by the ancient king Raputea for his eternal power, but during a battle, he lost it to a minion of the dwellers, and died to a spear through the heart. I've been looking for this Amulet for ages, and only now have I found it. I was going to put it onto my Giz-X Hypercannon, but I think that it is better used against those who are trying to destroy the universe.

[404] That was overly complicated, but okay.

2017 May 12, 16:47:10

404 found

[404] considering most of the Fleet is damaged and we are outnumbered, I might have to use my last resort weapons.

(to Agent Smith) tell the Foundation to weaponize the Keter class SCPs and prepare them for containment breach. also overload the backup Drive

[Agent Smith] but that requires unanimous authorization from the O5 Council.

[404] m8, I AM the O5 Council.

[Agent Smith] k.


theres 2 files. one describes the first 25 SCPs to be weaponized. the other shows the entire list. it is not required to look but go ahead if you want.


open files: O5 authorization required


http://<a href="http://www.scp-wiki.net" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">scp-wiki.net</a>/keter-arc

http://<a href="http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">scp-wiki.wikidot.com</a>/system:page-tags/tag/keter

2017 May 12, 17:33:33


Did you just forget that I gave you a Powerful artifact from an ancient king, 404?


2017 May 12, 19:15:38

404 found

yes. that artifact has been included. I just didn't mention it.

2017 May 12, 19:19:53


Mother of pineapples did this suddenly get active...


2017 May 12, 19:40:14

404 found

[COMBOT] we have enemy contact, 1AU to rear. all units to battle stations. Regius armed. Executor weapon of mass destruction armed. Keter-class SCPs armed. preparing for last stand.

[404] guys, whatever tricks up your sleeves you guys got, get them out now. I don't think the Fleet will survive this contact.

(proximity alarm blares)

[COMBOT] Regius and AFS Independence engaging enemies. X-34 Gunship deployed. Cleaner and Advectorian receiving contact from enemy. AF Officer ships moving out.

2017 May 16, 19:22:09


[Snuffles] HEY! DANIEL TOPALA!!!

[DanTop] WHAT IS IT!!!

[Snuffles] I challenge you...


[DanTop] Nope.

[Snuffles] Okay then.

(I turn into my Lifeless form and create some Shadow Minions)

[Snuffles] It's my turn now.

2017 May 13, 19:44:56


<BTD> Time to get serious.

BTD builds a giant golden temple within a few seconds.

<404> What the...?

<BTD> Oh, this thing? It'll just shoot sunbeams, missiles, ice, tornadoes, blades, and acid-like glue.

<Alpha> No, how did you build that thing so fast?

<BTD> BTD logic. I guess it does come in handy, after all.

BTD sets up a village, a building, and a monkey engineer next to the temple.

<BTD> When the time comes, we can use these to massively increase its fire rate.

<404> How...?!

<BTD> Look, I don't know, either. BTD makes no sense. That's why it's such a great game.

2017 May 14, 18:53:43

404 found

[404] I guess I need to get my science out as well.

[COMBOT] SCPs weaponized and ready for containment breach.

[404] anyways,

(teleports in 4 beacon looking things)

these are Scranton Reality Anchors. they basically prevent things like summoning, teleportation, The Force, hacking, etc. Basically levels out the playing field. no running away, no overpowered weapons.

2017 May 14, 19:23:29


You guys do realize that me and Oderfla were killed during the battle, and that Daniel Topala disabled respawning, right?

(This won't carry over when the story switches to another timeline.)


2017 May 14, 19:56:22


oh well i didnt notice dat

so wat now

2017 May 14, 21:27:42

404 found

I do realize.

technically I didn't mention any dead players.

2017 May 15, 14:06:33


I have used dark magic many times before.

Guess today i'll use it to RAISE THE DEAD.

(Alpha654 rises from his grave (this includes black holes) and continues from where he left off)

2017 May 15, 22:01:41


But.. Isn't reanimation considered respawning?

2017 May 16, 16:10:30


Heheh... Nope.

I used dark magic to SHOVE HIS SOUL BACK INTO HIS ROTTEN BODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2017 May 20, 07:41:02



2017 May 19, 16:31:45


I think being vaporized by a shot from Fuzion II wouldn't allow that, Snuffles.


2017 May 19, 19:48:30

404 found

[COMBOT] All 7 of the O5 Council's instant supermassive black hole generators armed and ready for battle.

WARNING: anomalous entities detected in cargo bay 3.

primary Keter SCPs ready for deployment.


the Demon Guardian and the Kings teleport right into the trap of the hidden Scranton Reality Anchors. they don't know yet, but they can't use magic, hax, teleportation, etc.

However abilities on the SCPs doesn't get affected.

2017 May 20, 15:50:52



[Respawner V2] Entity Ariving: Oinite Oderfla.

[Respawner V2] Entities Ariving: RED Team Fortress 2.

[Respawner V2] Entities Ariving: BLU Team Fortress 2.

[Geo-Derfla] Well, look who we have here!

Geo-Derfla is Oinite's Geometrical Version. They are the xStep cube with Primary Colour Light Blue and Secondary Colour Grey.

[Administrator] Welcome back.

[The Yatagarasu] Well, they have returned.

[Oinite] Hmm, what is this place?

[Geo-Derfla] This is Limbo Version 2. Limbo Version 1 has been destroyed by the two anti-matter beings.

[Anti-Matter Being 1] Yeah, sorry about that. I destroyed it under Herobrine's order to ensure "no one respawns" but I secretly built this place.

[Anti-Matter Being 2] We forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Limbo and they're Glitchart. The term "Limbo" was named after me, but you stickmen forgot about it.

[Glitchart] We can no longer return to the original place. We can't do anything about it.

[Oinite] So, what now?

2017 May 20, 22:00:17


I get G-1000 to fix up Alpha654's body.

[Snuffles] Take good care of him, he's only just be brought back.

[G-1000] Normally I would exterminate you, but when the universe is ending I can see logic in helping you.

2017 May 21, 20:41:23

404 found

I teleport into cargo bay 3, just outside of the Scranton Reality Anchors.


[Demon Guardian] oh hey look, its the stupid suit of armor again.

[404] m8, you shouldn't be talking.

[Demon Guardian] times up. Kings, kill him.

(The Kings attempt to use their abilities, but they are unable to)

[Demon Guardian] (surprise)

[404] ha, ha. (snipes Demon in the head for 1,000 damage)

2017 May 22, 14:11:55


Somehow, the Demon Guardian recovers from the attack, so I decide to put my Sega Genesis to good use.


[Snuffles] HEY! DEVIL DUDE!

[Demon Guardian] Not YOU again...

[Snuffles] Soo, I would have just killed you right about now, but i'm going to challenge you to a round of Puyo Puyo instead!

[Demon Guardian] Oh. OH. THAT GAME!!! NO! NOT DOING IT!

[Snuffles] Do you wanna die or do you wanna be locked in a cage?

[Demon Guardian] Cage.

[Snuffles] Then we Puyo Puyo.

[Demon Guardian] FINE. >:(


The Demon Guardian eventually loses and is locked in a cage of pure Antinium.

[Snuffles] You ain't getting out of there...

2017 May 22, 22:07:41


hey can i join

2017 June 13, 18:26:01

404 found

[404] well the black hole is still there.

2017 June 13, 19:43:13


and... uhh...


2017 June 15, 06:32:03


<???> You don't.

The mysterious figure grabs Snuffles and throws him into the black hole. It then teleports behind and backstabs everyone who remains...

...but 404 notices and dodges. Knowing he's the only one left, and that there's no longer any hope in saving the universe, he pulls out the Magic Keyboard that he picked up when Alpha was vaporized and resets the world. The figure teleports away just before that happens.


The world resets. The heroes haven't awoken yet, so they don't notice the figure watching from far away...

<???> I told them I would have revenge. The black hole would have been a great way, but I'll have to resort to using HIM.

<???> Yes, if I release his corrupted soul, I can finally destroy this world. It'll start with these heroes... again...

<???> I can't believe it took me three tries to pull this off... But still, I will do this. I will destroy all worlds. After all, I AM the king of the mobs.

<???> All I need to do is figure out how to get through Alpha's seal, and vengeance shall be mine.

The figure teleports away.


The team wakes up and realizes that they are in a flat, grassy area.

<SnufflesTheDog> ...Uh... Where are we?

<404 found> We were almost slain by this red-eyed enderman. I had to reset the world to save us all...

<Alpha654> A red-eyed enderman... It has to be him...

<404 found> Who?


<???> The seal requires three codes to be broken, and I happen to know just where the first one is... The only problem with this one is the defenses he has set up there. My scouts have already discovered most of them.

<???> And two of them have found the button that leads to a secret room... One which most likely contains a code...

<???> The thing is, where are the other two codes?


The reset might be a slight plot twist, but you haven't seen anything yet. Anyway, hope the new beginning helps.

2017 June 17, 19:38:39

404 found

[COMBOT] CK-class reality restructuring event has occured. hostile anomalies and anomalous singularity removed.

[404] anyways. I don't see how they can possibly break our world again, after their black hole fails.

2017 June 17, 19:56:56


<Alpha654> Unfortunately, there is.

<404> What is it?


<???> So this is the room with the hidden button, you say?

<Wither Skeleton 1> Indeed. The button blended in with the stone bricks, but we found it on the ceiling. We can't reach it, though...

<???> Relax, I got it.

The enderman pushes the button with ease. A portion of the wall retracts, revealing the hidden room. In front of him is a chest.

<???> What could be in here... Of course. The first code... and another key?

<Wither Skeleton 2> We opened all the other locks. Inside the pit below that staircase is another one. Maybe this key will work there.

The enderman and his two Wither Skeletons enter the pit. The enderman jumps on one of the magma cubes, which jumps in order to let the enderman place the key into the lock. Another section of the wall opens up, revealing yet another hidden room with another chest.

<Wither Skeleton 1> What's inside?

<???> These are coordinates.

<Wither Skeleton 2> Coordinates... Maybe these are for the second code.

<???> Indeed they are. Come on, minions. Let's go.

<Wither Skeleton 2> Yes, sir!


<Alpha654> ...They've already found the first code. They're definitely looking for the second right now.

<404 found> I see... This is bad. We need to get over there and defend the second code.

2017 June 17, 20:34:55


[Snuffles] Jeez..... I feel a bit... off...


[404] ...What

[Alpha654] (How did G-1000 get here)

2017 June 17, 21:16:21


<Alpha654> Whatever. We have a bigger problem, one that we can't just select and delete.

Alpha654 takes out his Magic Keyboard, selects any "parasites" that G-1000 detects and deletes them.

<Alpha654> Come on, we need to get to Outpost Wolf. That's where the second code is hidden. If we don't hurry up, they'll get to it first.


<???> These coordinates... They led to nothing.

<Wither Skeleton 1> Hm... Maybe Alpha put it in this location in another server?

<???> Good thinking... Which one, though?

<Wither Skeleton 2> I've been watching him, and he's been located only in... this one! That's where the second code must be.

<???> Let's go.

2017 June 21, 12:22:09

404 found

[404] just sent out a Flare order. all Fleet units in the local region will be heading to the Outpost. anyways, (TPs in a troop transport) get in.

[COMBOT] Flare order deployed. all Fleet units heading to coordinates.


(as the troop transport lands at the Outpost, a large force of Fleet units has arrived and set up concentric defenses around it.)

2017 June 21, 13:35:00


<???> There it is.

<Wither Skeleton 1> It's heavily guarded, but with enough forces, we can take it down.

<???> I have a plan. First, we need a huge army to rush the base. And by huge, I mean THOUSANDS of mobs. They definitely have explosives.

<Wither Skeleton 2> We have a scanner in there as well. They have a deflector shield there... That would be able to deflect any attack unless it's deactivated...

<???> That's where the second part of the attack comes in.


<Alpha654> Here we are.

<404 found> So you had a LOT of defenses around here... Think this is overpowered along with my forces?

<Alpha654> Hey, you never know who you're gonna face. We have a Deflector Shield in there as well. As long as it's powered, nothing's going to get in. Unless...

2017 June 18, 10:17:27

404 found

[404] unless someone sabotages it.


[COMBOT] DANGER: Deflection Shield offline. massed enemy swarm detected heading toward defenses.

[404] (on radio)

we have a perimeter breach. defend the outpost at all costs.

(to COMBOT) activate all orbital artillery.

[COMBOT] Rain of Fire procedures initiated. Scorched Earth barrage inbound.

2017 June 18, 10:21:06



[Snuffles] What are they going to do?



G-1000 took offence to that and shot me with a missile to shut me up. I managed to survive the missile only because I quickly swapped into my Lifeless form.

2017 June 18, 14:08:31


<BTD456Creeper> Hmm, let's see if I can help.

BTD calls in several nuclear airstrikes, which, because of BTD logic, won't damage the terrain or the castle, only the enemies.

2017 June 18, 14:43:18


Meanwhile, Endermen go unnoticed as they dig holes towards the outer wall. Creepers crawl through these holes, detonating at the end and collapsing the outer wall of the outpost.

Once the nukes pass, more endermen teleport in with even more mobs.

<Alpha654> Guys, we have a problem.

<404 found> Oh, NOW I see how many mobs they're throwing at us.

<Alpha654> BTD, do you have any more of those?

<???> Not a chance.

<404 found> Who's that!?

The red-eyed enderman knocks Alpha into the nearest wall.

<???> I thought you would recognize me, but that's not important. What is important is that this base is going down, and you're going with it.

<SnufflesTheDog> Not a chance.

Snuffles and G-1000 attempt to strike the enderman, who teleports to the area where the code is hidden.

<???> I will take this. My minions will take care of you.

Alpha654 sneaks up behind the enderman and strikes it with his sword. The enderman retaliates, teleporting rapidly around Alpha to confuse him. Instead of trying to follow the enderman's motions, Alpha creates a large ring of water around him. The enderman stops teleporting and confronts him.

<Alpha654> This isn't your world, Erebus. Now give that back before we kill you.

<Erebus> Indeed it isn't. It's HIS.

Erebus teleports away.

<404 found> INCOMING!

A swarm of endermen appear in the sky, holding creepers. They teleport away, allowing the creepers to fall onto the base. Snuffles jumps into one of the (Elite: Dangerous-inspired) hangar bays moments before they explode.


<Erebus> That's two.

<Wither Skeleton 4> Sir! We have found the location of the third code!

<Erebus> Excellent... How are the defenses?

<Wither Skeleton 4> It is still in this server. It is owned by a hacker, but since we just destroyed a group of "heroes", this should not be a problem.

<Erebus> Any activity there?

<Wither Skeleton 3> Negative, sir.

<Wither Skeleton 4> Well, except for Alpha, there's nothing.

<Erebus> Then we shall take it.


<404 found> ...Guys?

<SnufflesTheDog> What happened? I was hiding the whole time.

<Alpha654> They destroyed the base... And now they have two codes. They're heading for the third right now. We don't have time to get there, so we need to guard the place where he's sealed away.

<404 found> Which is...?

<Alpha654> The Break the Chest universe. I sealed him in the same place as the Godmodder, except it had a different method to open it: Those three codes.

<Btd456Creeper> Let's go. We don't have any more time.

2017 June 18, 14:56:14

404 found

[deleted because ninja'd]

2017 June 18, 14:59:26


(Did you read my entire post or get ninja'd by me? The latter is extremely unlikely...)


2017 June 18, 15:03:16

404 found

(I in all seriousness get ninja'd)

(I AFKd after reaching this tab for like 5 mins so I missed the big update)


[COMBOT] second Flare order launched. all Antor Federation units heading to coordinates. Instant Supermassive Black Hole Generators and weaponized SCPs ready for deployment.

[404] well. either we defend the world at all costs, or everything is screwed.

2017 June 18, 15:06:57


Meanwhile, Erebus and his minions have come across what looks like a prison.

<Erebus> Here it is... Not too impressive, but it contains the third code, doesn't it?

<Wither Skeleton 4> Yes. It's contained in the only unused room in the place.

<Erebus> Let's go. We need to grab it before they come.

<Wither Skeleton 5> Sir, there are no enemy forces coming towards this place...

<Erebus> Then they're focusing on the seal. Hurry up and get it!

<Wither Skeleton 3> Yes, sir!

The Wither Skeleton breaks one of the doors, climbs to the second floor and discovers a locked door.

<Wither Skeleton 3> It's this one!

<Erebus> A lock? Is that all you have?

<Wither Skeleton 3> It was meant to look inconspicuous... That's why.

<Erebus> If that's all we have to get through...

Erebus places a creeper at the door. It explodes, and an alarm is set off. The sizzling of a TNT fuse can be heard.

<Erebus> I thought you said there were no traps here.

<Wither Skeleton 3> My apologies-

<Erebus> This'll be your fault.

Erebus grabs the code and teleports away, leaving the Wither Skeletons to get blown up by the trap.

2017 June 18, 15:34:27

404 found

(idk how the seal is supposed to look like, so afk)

2017 June 18, 17:16:32


I found this build a while ago. Would this work as an entrance into the room with the sealed entity?

2017 June 18, 17:27:24

404 found

hmm, nice idea.


(the Imperial Fleet arrives at the planet with the entrance, and activates a massive Planetary Shield over it. layers and layers of defenses are constructed around the entrance, and the Fleet ships patrol the solar system.)

(meanwhile troop transport lands and everyone gets off)

[404] here it is. the entrance.

(to radio)

these are your orders. defend the entrance with maximum prejudice. seal integrity is to me maintained at all costs. in case of containment failure, activate instant supermassive black hole generators.

(to Combot) get the SCPs ready for battle.

[Combot] weaponization complete. SCPs ready for deployment.

2017 June 18, 20:18:09


<Alpha654> We have an army of hundreds of thousands of mobs coming our way, including airships and ghasts.

<404 found> When do we open fire?

<Alpha654> I'd say about now.

Everything the team has guarding the Gateway begins to fire at the mobs. They start to go down by the thousands until Illusionists appear, creating shields that protect from the blasts.

<Alpha654> Get your team to strike from behind.

<404 found> On it.

Several of 404's ships open fire at the mobs behind the front lines. Endermen start appearing on the ships, powered up by the Illusionists, planting creepers in them and detonating them. While the Illusionists are distracted, however, even more of the mobs are wiped out by the other weapons.

<404 found> Detecting several hostile units tunneling towards the Gateway.

<Alpha654> I got this.

A large plane flies through the sky, dropping several Bunker Busters (from Worms games) into the tunnels, detonating the Creepers there and creating a gap that the mobs have to cross.

The Illusionists bypass this once again, mirroring themselves to quickly create a bridge. Endermen begin to bombard the Gateway with creepers, most of which are shot down immediately. Some of them hit, blowing up several of 404's weapons and troops.

Alpha654 throws a Black Hole Grenade into the mobs, and the resulting black hole swallows many more of the mobs before dissipating.

<404 found> There's a group of endermen teleporting more and more mobs into the army. We need to cut off the reinforcements if we're going to win this.

Several large warships warp out of hyperspace and aim for the battlefield.

<Alpha654> Oh. They took over the server with the third code.

<404 found> Shoot them down.

Explosions shake the earth as the ships are hit by several of 404's weapons. Debris falling from the sky crushes almost all of the mobs. Then the Illusionists appear on the remaining ships, shielding them from damage until the final moment before impact.

The ships crash into the Gateway, destroying the remaining defenses and breaking the gate open.


<Alpha654> ...You awake?

<404 found> What happened?

<Alpha654> They destroyed the defenses, but the ships piling up in front of the gate are blocking access for a short time.

<404 found> Including the Black Hole generators?

<Alpha654> Unfortunately so.

<404 found> So this is the room where that entity is sealed away?

<Alpha654> Impressive, isn't it? Whatever, there's no time to talk. The mobs are going to pour through any second now.


In case the link doesn't work properly, go to 3:16 in the video. The final room (shown briefly at 3:30) will be the one containing the sealed entity.

2017 June 19, 13:31:40

404 found

[404] good thing I have reserves left.

(to Combot)

are the SCPs on the field?

[Combot] SCP-682 has been deployed.


(Erebus randomly appears, and a few mobs)

[Erebus] there is no hope. surrender and I may give you a quick death.

[404] look behind you.

(at that moment, a giant indestructible crocodile explodes out of the ground and with one swipe of its claws kill all the mobs)

[Erebus] what. the.

(SCP-682, the crocodile, then lunges at Erebus, trying to swallow him in one bite)

2017 June 19, 13:32:14


Erebus teleports away. An Illusionist appears, creating several false clones of him.

<Erebus?> Which one's which?

<Erebus?> You won't find me now.

<Erebus?> Fight me. I dare you.

<Alpha654> Another one of their tricks... I know what to do.

Alpha654 runs towards the clones and strikes directly in the middle of them all. The clones dissipate as Erebus flies backwards. 404 then shoots the Illusionist.

<Alpha654> Sometimes, when they do that, the real one's invisible and in the center of them all.

<404 found> Understood.

Erebus gets up and tries to teleport away, but SCP-682 flies out of the ground beneath him and almost crushes him in its massive jaws. Erebus barely escapes, and continues running.

<Alpha654> He's heading for the seal...

<404 found> Let's go!

Alpha654 and 404 found chase down Erebus, tripping him in an attempt to prevent him from reaching the interface that keeps the seal active.

<Alpha654> You won't be releasing him. Just give up now.

<Erebus> You should be saying that to yourself.

Alpha654 shoots an arrow at Erebus, who teleports away. Expecting this, Alpha swings his bow behind him to strike Erebus, who had teleported behind him, by surprise.

Erebus, unfazed, grabs Alpha654's arm and smashes him into the wall. In response, Alpha creates a ball of water that surrounds Erebus.

<Erebus> Nice try, but I'm no longer harmed by water.

Erebus throws Alpha into another wall, then teleports up to him and attempts to crush his head. Alpha rolls out of the way and grabs Erebus's leg, tripping him. He then attempts to stab Erebus, who teleports right in front of him and kicks him down, then shooting a few arrows at him to ensure he stays down.

<Erebus> Looks like it's you and me now, 404.

2017 June 19, 13:59:07

404 found

[404] well executed.

but you will regret this.

(to Combot) release everything.

[Combot] got it.

[404] (produces a folded paper and throws it at Erebus)

[Erebus] are you serious.

[404] yes. very. go ahead and look at it.

(Erebus looks at the words on the paper)

(note: when Erebus looked at it, it triggered another SCP, who will kill anyone who sees non-image information of it. even saying its number can be fatal.)

(SCP-[null] appears, grabs Erebus and tries to explode his head via tentacles)

[404] and if this is not enough....

(404 teleports Alpha away for safety, then deploys SCP-106.)

(SCP-106 then attempts to grab Erebus and throw him into a pocket dimension, all the while dissolving Erebus with acid)

[404] I guess I will leave you here to suffer for now.

2017 June 19, 14:16:29


SCP-682 starts going crazy.

<404 found> ...What?

The real Erebus is seen teleporting around the SCP. Eventually, it crashes into SCP-106 and SCP-null in an attempt to grab him.

Another Illusionist, hidden in the shadows, is powering him up.

<Erebus> How'd you like that show?

<404 found> You...

<Erebus> Now, I'll go ahead and destroy your friend while this guy takes care of you.

Erebus holds up Alpha654, unconscious.

<404 found> ...How did you...

The Alpha654 that 404 teleported away transforms back into a creeper and blows up (wherever it was teleported to).


Music: Mattashi - The Assassination (https://<a href="http://www.youtube.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">youtube.com</a>/watch?v=_7LgUwURsT8)


SCP-682 lunges at Erebus, who teleports away, leaving Alpha654 to be hit by the machine, while Erebus enters the first two codes. 404 then strikes Erebus from behind before attempting to stab him. Erebus teleports back to the interface and types in most of the third code before SCP-682 lunges at him once more. Erebus teleports on top of the robotic alligator, who rears its head and tries to throw him off.

Erebus lands safely, entering the remainder of the third code. Just before he can release the entity, however, 404 found pulls him away.

SCP-682 guards the interface from Erebus as he and 404 clash.

<Erebus> Just give up now. Your friend's about to destroy you all anyways.

<404 found> NEVER.

404 found throws Erebus to the ground and shoots him, only for him to teleport away.

Erebus then grabs 404, flinging him at SCP-682. Meanwhile, Alpha654 regains consciousness and shoots the Illusionist. The Erebus clone dissipates, revealing the real one next to the interface.

404 found realizes what's about to happen and shoots Erebus, who hits the button just before the bullet/energy bolt can hit.


Music: M&L Bowser's Inside Story Deep Castle theme (https://<a href="http://www.youtube.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">youtube.com</a>/watch?v=66y6456xAWg)


<Alpha654> No...

Erebus teleports away from the projectile just in time.

<Erebus> It's too late. This battle is over now.

<404 found> What have you done...

<Erebus> Now... Rise, MASTERFARKOS. Destroy these mortals.


Story time.

Remember Break the Chest?

Early on in the game, MASTERFARKOS was corrupted and killed. This event was unplanned, so I had to create a clone of him to take his place.

Meanwhile, I made an attempt to purify his soul, which didn't work. It seemed that this power was so strong that I could not erase it. I couldn't destroy it either, so I had to seal it away in that stronghold.

Knowing that someone would try to release MASTERFARKOS, and that he was even more powerful than a Godmodder, I hid the three codes in well-protected areas. (The third one ended up being in the middle of a warzone, so it weakened over time.)


Music: Mattashi - Here They Come (https://<a href="http://www.youtube.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">youtube.com</a>/watch?v=2Csb82PqDIw)


<Corrupted MF7Ultra> Nobody tells me what to do.

The corrupted MASTERFARKOS throws the X Star at Erebus, who is destroyed instantly.

<Corrupted MF7Ultra> Now I am free... Now this world is mine... I'll destroy you two first.

2017 June 19, 15:12:01

404 found

[404] (to Combot) SCP-001 has breached containment. Activate Molecular Disintegrator and annihilate the planet. the entity is to be destroyed at all costs. in case of failure, we are screwed.

[Erebus] soon, this universe should be destroyed. your puny attempts to stop it will do nothing.

2017 June 19, 15:40:06


(The corrupted MASTERFARKOS would have said that, since Erebus was slain.)

Alpha654 attempts to escape the room, but the mobs finally break through the wall that had formed in front of the portal.

<Corrupted MF7Ultra> There is no escape. You shall be the first victims.

<404 found> We will be back to destroy you.

404 teleports himself and Alpha654 onto one of his ships.


Meanwhile, MASTERFARKOS leaves the room as the mobs run away in fear, knowing that this corrupted entity had killed their leader.

<Corrupted MF7Ultra> Those fools... I will destroy them all.

MASTERFARKOS teleports onto the ship with the Molecular Disintegrator and assassinates the pilots, then spinning the ship around right as the weapon fires to deal as much damage as possible to the fleet, powering up the beam so that it would last for much longer. 404's ship barely escapes.

<404 found> We need to evacuate the area. It looks like we can't fight.

<Alpha654> Maybe there is. We'd need to find the clone I made first.

<404 found> You made a clone of this thing?

<Alpha654> A clone of him from before he was corrupted.

<404 found> Oh. Good. Now, where is this clone?

<Alpha654> I have no idea. That's the only problem...

<Alpha654> *whispering* I'm secretly expecting him to return right now, since I just mentioned his name. Same thing happened with CyanSkull.

2017 June 19, 15:52:39

404 found

(and somehow, the Master clone appears)


[404] m8 chill hes friendly.

[Agent Smith] oh ok.

[404] wait. how did you get here? I set up like 12 Scranton Reality Anchors to ward off your evil version.

[Master clone] \_(O)_/ (shrug)

2017 June 19, 17:29:17




[404] ...Shoot.

[G-1000] SOO...

[Snuffles] what


[Snuffles] *Turns into dust and posesses Erebus's lifeless body, which somehow survived being disintergrated* I Don't think so.


I am fighting to keep Erebus under control. His consciousness is returning and fighting my dust, and the swarm of Parasites is also making control unbelievably hard. If I fail to keep Erebus under control, I will die and he will return to life. If I leave his body, he will return to life. If G-1000 wins, the universe will be doomed and both me and Erebus will die. If I can sap his power for long enough to defeat G-1000, we will have a heightened chance to win. I will need a lava pit to dump Erebus in once this is over.

2017 June 19, 23:11:59

404 found

(I just go behind G-1000 and snipe him with a Barracuda, which is an energy sniper. it should short him out.)

2017 June 22, 23:01:01

404 found


2017 June 21, 00:21:49


<Alpha654> Hold on. Is he... No, he's not.

<Alpha654> HEY GUYS, IT'S A SPY!

Several MiniFox XX units appear and blast the "MASTERFARKOS clone".

<404 found> What... What did you just do!?

<Alpha654> I tagged the real MASTERFARKOS clone a while back. This one doesn't have that tag.

<404 found> ...and how?

<Alpha654> It's kind of hard to explain. The important thing is, we need to find the real clone. Nobody knows where he is, but I do know where he once was... and that may give us a lead.

2017 June 20, 13:08:13

404 found

[404] well, where is he?

[Combot] sir, we have a problem. SCP-001 (aka Corrupted Master) has destroyed dozens of frontier planets and is now heading toward the Outer Rim. estimated complete destruction of the Federation in 12 hours.

[404] well we better hurry up. now where is the clean clone again?

2017 June 20, 14:17:11


<Alpha654> No idea, but I got a few old friends of mine to try and search for him. Don't know how long it'll take, but I'm hoping it'll attract him, and if not, maybe they'll have answers.

2017 June 20, 14:37:50

404 found

[404] in the meantime, I might as well prepare for the final battle.

(to Combot) set ALL the SCPs to overkill.

[Combot] affirmative.

[404] if this goes right, it might distract Corrupted Master for long enough for us to defeat him.

[Combot] SCP-001.

[404] .....

2017 June 20, 16:20:16


can i join please

2017 June 20, 21:20:51


I teleported Bananafan12352 into the game just before Erebus started to fight back.

[Fusion] Get out Ere- I WILL HAVE MY REVEN- You are under my control Erebus- I HAVE NO MASTE- Won't you STAY DEAD- WHO SAID I WAS DEAD!?!?!???

I am then thrown out of Erebus's body just as he reclaims full control over it.

[Erebus] You really thought that you could beat me, didn't you?

[Snuffles] Well yeah... Duh!

[Erebus] NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!!! My revenge will play out- Whenever I am alive or dead.

Erebus then teleports away to a place unknown.

2017 June 20, 22:35:43

404 found


2017 June 24, 13:11:02


,bananafan12352. oh hi there

2017 June 21, 20:42:44


oh wait i cant use gullients

2017 June 21, 20:52:18

404 found


2017 June 22, 10:07:47


what does bump means

2017 June 22, 18:38:51

404 found


(someone respond to my action, this can't stay dormant for too long)

2017 June 22, 19:06:51


Just realised that I have the Bomb Error ability I got from Alpha654 :P

Now I needed to find Corrupt MASTERFARKOS and use the Bomb Error on him...

(We need a new thread for both this and RFF)

2017 June 22, 23:13:11

404 found

[Combot] Series 2,3, and 4 SCPs weaponized and ready for deployment.

[404] just use SCP-105, SCP-682 and that infohazard SCP on SCP-001 for now. do make sure that SCP-001 does not absorb them.

2017 June 26, 10:14:08


By the way, that attack only resets the entity to the state they were in at the very beginning of the current thread. MASTERFARKOS was corrupted long before Discussions...

Also, nothing from the players over at MCPE Wiki. No signs of activity, either.

2017 June 23, 14:50:18

404 found

[COMBOT] update. Inner and Mid Rim planets largely destroyed. evacuation ongoing. SCP-001 has resisted all containment attempts. estimated total destruction in 8 hours. Core worlds under attack.

[404] well. let us hope someone find the clone quick.

2017 June 23, 16:47:29


If I use it on MASTERFARKOS, I could slow down his attack. At the beginning of the thread, he was still locked up, yes?

Also thanks to those parasites, Erebus is back again...

2017 June 23, 17:20:09


how do you play this game

2017 June 23, 21:59:02


(Someone please tell Bananafan12352 the rules)

2017 June 23, 22:43:36

404 found

RULES are at the opening post made by Scientedfic.

actions are conducted via dialogue. you can use anything you want to carry out actions as long as it doesn't instakill everything.follow the plot.

2017 June 26, 14:25:06

404 found


2017 June 24, 17:48:41


I hand 404 found a Giz-X hypercannon.

2017 June 24, 17:51:29

404 found

[404] thank you.

(incorporates Blackwing Force crystals into cannon)

hopefully this can shock Corrupted Master when it comes down to this. you never know.

2017 June 24, 17:53:21


A new setting appears on 404 found's Giz-X hypercannon- Essence. The same cannot be said for my Giz-X Hypercannon, as it has not gained a new setting yet.

2017 June 24, 17:57:26


i dont know what to use for brackets

so i guess ill use this;


bananafan12352; so, what's going on

2017 June 25, 11:53:01


I use < and > whenever I want a character to speak, similarly to Minecraft, but you can use whatever you want. Using brackets makes dialogue easier to see.


<Alpha654> In short, an overpowered entity escaped and we're trying to do everything we can to counter it.

<Bananafan12352> Which includes...?

<Alpha654> Well, there's a clone of this entity that was created before it became corrupted. I know where it was last seen, so I've been trying to contact the players over in that Wiki. So far, nothing.

2017 June 25, 17:25:21

404 found

[Combot] 75% of total population has been killed during containment. most Core World planets destroyed. estimated complete destruction in 4 hours.

[404] (panics)

[Combot] all Weapons of Mass Destruction has failed to contain the entity. Attempts to utilize lethal memetic hazards has failed, due to its immunity.

[404] (panics more)

2017 June 25, 17:30:47


<Alpha654> Capital class signature detected... We need to get out of here.

Within moments, MASTERFARKOS's ship warps out of hyperspace and instantly charges the Molecular Disintegrator.

<404 found> (panics even more)

<Alpha654> Wait a second...

The Molecular Disintegrator fires, but once the laser disappears, the ship emerges from p-space.

<Alpha654> That should buy us some time. Now, let's call in some of my own fleet...

Five Dragon-class ships, as well as a massive fleet of Apex ships, warp in and bombard the Molecular Disintegrator ship. As the Dragons prepare to annihilate the enemy, the Apex ships shoot and slice through MASTERFARKOS's ship, although they are stopped by a nearly indestructible shield.

This changes, however, when the Dragons open fire. Wave after wave strikes the shield, weakening it steadily until it finally gives up. One last blast and the enemy is destroyed... except for MASTERFARKOS, who then teleports on one of the Dragons.

But they were prepared for this. The other four ships crash into the hijacked Dragon. The impact causes the Annihilasers to become unstable and explode in a massive ball of destructive energy, failing to kill him but still erasing any weapon of mass destruction that MASTERFARKOS can abuse..

2017 June 25, 18:21:32

404 found

[404] I am warping out of this place.

(Flagship warps out)


(Flagship enters turbulence)

[Snuffles] what was that!

[404] we are at the very core of the Federation. here the stars are very close together and the gravitational waves is sort of strong. but at least Master will have to spend some time to get here.

(to Combot) get the warp gate ready.

[Combot] ready.

(404 pulls out a blue arrow, a red arrow and a yellow arrow from the spherical warp gate)

(note: arrows are virtual.)

[404] Blue for warp target. Red for location to warp to. Yellow for power source.

(404 points a blue at himself and splits the red into thousands of filaments. he points the yellow at the black hole at the Core, and multiplexes himself into thousands of clones sharing one mind. the clones are spread out around the galaxy.)

[404] now for the deflection code.

(404 splits the blue and red into millions of strands and spread them out into a sphere around the ship so that it appears to be a sphere of purple, and activates it.)

[404] This warps incoming damage from one side of our Deflection Shield to the other. since it burns lots of rotational energy, I can't use it on everything.

2017 June 25, 18:56:23


<Snuffles> Remember, you still have a Giz-X Hypercannon.

*A new setting appears on both of our Hypercannons*

<404> Huh?

<Snuffles> It says "Pulse"

<404> *Tests it out*

*A giant pulse of energy rocks the Federation, causing what can only be described as a star-quake*

<Corrupt Master> *Senses the massive energy output* SNUFFLES...

2017 June 25, 23:30:47



2017 June 27, 22:24:23

404 found

well, 7 days and still no post? I shall post.


[Combot] the Federation is 90% destroyed. SCP-001 will reach the Inner Core in approximately one hour. chance of successful containment 1 percent.

[404] does anyone know where the Master clone is?

2017 July 5, 16:09:44


<Alpha654> Neither do I. Still no response from MCPE Wiki...

2017 July 5, 16:15:47

404 found

[Combot] 64 unread messages.

[404] .....

requests for help from neighboring nations. it seems like they don't have a way of dealing with Master either. dispatch an automated message.

[Combot] got it.

2017 July 5, 16:57:57


Time to move this back to the forums.

2017 July 5, 21:34:24


<Alpha654> We're running out of time here. I've tried to contact him directly, but we'll have to wait a while to get a message from him...

<404 found> Well, I hope he gets the message soon. We have only so much time before we all get destroyed.

2017 July 7, 21:50:00

404 found

[404] actually, I have a plan to delay Master.

using Centerpoint Station only a few AUs away, we can use its hyperspace traction beams to drag Master into a black hole.

or if that doesn't work just use a Sun Crusher atomizer torpedo on him.

2017 July 9, 00:18:10



<Scientedfic> Eh, let's do this.

Scientedfic falls into the labyrinth.

Explanation of absence in-story: I was unconscious after something blasted me. Real explanation: I've been busy. VERY busy.

(Fill me in what happened.)

2017 July 8, 16:56:34

404 found

[404] so basically an enderman called Erebus released a corrupted MASTERFARKOS and now we are screwed.

2017 July 8, 17:55:25


This is possible because this universe and the old BtC2 universe are the same.

Which also means that the MASTERFARKOS that replaced him for most of BtC2 is still there, and we're trying to get answers as to where he is.

Anyways, Corrupted MF7Ultra is stronger than a Godmodder, supporting 404's "we're screwed" statement.

2017 July 8, 20:59:46


We need some MLG formula. I've been observing my alternate counterparts, and I found one who has four vials of the stuff. We need to get to him!

2017 July 8, 22:07:16


Bah, that's nothing.

<Scientedfic> Problem: I'm in a labyrinth.

Oh. Welp, ya'll on your own, at least until he can get out.

2017 July 18, 21:26:59


<Alpha654> Nope. Nothing at all from him. Looks like we're on our own for this. Anyone got a plan?

<SnufflesTheDog> Well, there's my MLG formula...

<Alpha654> Could work. There's an element of randomness, but I may know how to counter the random nature of it. I suggest we also bring him somewhere where he won't be able to do so much damage.

<404 found> Well, let's act quickly. That's him right there.

MASTERFARKOS's ship appears out of hyperspace.

<Alpha654> 404, distract him. Snuffles's formula, with my help, will send him crashing down onto the nearest planet. Uninhabited, so he can't steal another ship to escape and do more damage.

2017 September 5, 17:46:21

404 found

[404] very well.

(to radio) prepare SCP-001 for deployment.


(if you guys saw what I did a few rounds earlier in RFF, you will understand this.)

meanwhile, a Base Delta Zero hits Master's ship from all directions.

2017 September 5, 18:33:54


<???> Prepare to land!

<??????> Time to return to the battlefield.

<???> We're here! Get ready to jump off!

<??????> Wait what?

The ejection seat activates.

<??????> What the?! What are you doing?!

A cloaked.. Humanoid being falls down.

2017 September 11, 16:50:02

404 found

[radio] Weaponization complete.


a giant mechanical monstrosity the size of Jupiter appears out of nowhere and crashes into Master's ship, smashing it into the nearby Super-Earth planet.

2017 September 11, 18:33:26


<Alpha654> Well, that works too. Come on, Snuffles, we need to get down there and do our best to take down MASTERFARKOS. Maybe bring that formula you mentioned.

<SnufflesTheDog> Well, don't we still need to get to that other counterpart?

<Alpha654> Nope. I had some right here.

Alpha654 opens up a secret compartment containing a vial of Snuffles' MLG formula.

<Alpha654> Normally I would destroy this, but seeing as we have no choice, I've kept it here for a situation like this. Take it.

SnufflesTheDog obtains the MLG Formula.

<Alpha654> Now let's get down there and fight.

Alpha654, 404 found and SnufflesTheDog are teleported to the planet.

2017 September 13, 18:34:38

404 found

Meanwhile, the mechanical monstrosity continues to consume the starship, eating its entirety in moments.

[404] Should I call the thing off? or let it eat Master?

2017 September 13, 18:50:18


<Alpha654> Well, we don't really need it anymore, but keep it on standby in case the plan goes wrong. Now, we've been stalling for too long. Let's confront MASTERFARKOS.

2017 September 13, 18:52:27

404 found

[404] Very well.

(into radio)

Get SCP-001 off of our target.

(mechanical monstrosity, now only size of a city, rolls off and leans on a mountain)


[404] *jumps in with Binary Saber* surrender, Master! there's no escape for you! if you don't resist, we may consider sparing your life.

2017 September 13, 18:58:13


<MASTERFARKOS> Have to say, really clever. And foolish.

MASTERFARKOS snaps his fingers, and the floor beneath the three heroes collapses into a massive hallway. The floor of the hallway collapses into a lava lake, leaving behind only a few pillars of land.

<404 found> I thought you said this place was uninhabited.

<Alpha654> We only scanned the surface. We didn't expect a civilization below the ground... but let's hope they're not very advanced. And by the looks of it, they might be long gone.

<SnufflesTheDog> Guys!

MASTERFARKOS knocks over the pillar 404 and Alpha654 were standing on. Luckily, another pillar was right next to it, giving them a space to land safely.

<Alpha654> You know what, we need to get to somewhere that isn't destroyed. Looks like there's a long way to go until we get there.

<SnufflesTheDog> Well, we'll try our best to stay alive until we get there.

<Alpha654> Alright. Let's try and lure him there.

MASTERFARKOS collapses the pillars leading to the safe zone.

<MASTERFARKOS> Don't think I wasn't listening.

404 found strikes MASTERFARKOS from behind. MASTERFARKOS falls into the lava.

<404 found> Also, don't think I'm not here, because I will destroy you, just like I did now.

MASTERFARKOS levitates out of the lava.

<404 found> Right. Godmodder. Need to remember that.

404 found jumps to an adjacent pillar right as MASTERFARKOS incinerates the one he was standing on, just as a portal opens on top of it. 404 falls through, and onto a larger platform on the other side of the gap. He looks up and sees Alpha654 holding a portal gun.

<Alpha654> I just recently found this thing. That's why you didn't know about it.

<404 found> How about you use that to bring us to the other side?

MASTERFARKOS then appears next to Alpha654, knocking the portal gun into the lava.

<Alpha654> ...uh...

Alpha654 turns around and begins running towards the safe zone.

2017 September 14, 16:08:39

404 found

[404] watch out!


I fire a wave of Shock bullets at Master, hoping to slow him down. Follow that up with a cryo grenade.


[404] Snuffles! catch this!

(throws another bottle of MLG formula)

2017 September 14, 16:28:43


<Alpha654> Remember, we need to use it at the right time. Let's get to the safe zone, shall we?

<SnufflesTheDog> Enough talk! Just move!

MASTERFARKOS recovers from the stun and raises the lava in the room, albeit very slowly.

<404 found> Guys, the lava's rising!

<Alpha654> You don't need to tell us! Keep going before we run out of time!

<404 found> We do have a lot of time, now that I think about it. That lava's moving really slowly...

<Alpha654> Yeah, and the safe zone's far away, so let's go!

Another set of pillars collapses in front of the heroes.

<SnufflesTheDog> Again!? Does anyone have any idea how to get past this one?

<404 found> Nope.

<Alpha654> Hold on... I know.

Alpha654 uses an old grappling hook to fish out the portal gun from the lava lake.

<404 found> Wait... How!?

<Alpha654> I'll explain later! Let's go!

Alpha654 fires yet another portal on the ceiling above another larger pillar, and another below the three heroes.

<Alpha654> Again, though, for the moment: RUN!

2017 September 14, 18:39:01


I drink a bottle of MLG Formula.

The results are as follows:

* The lava begins to rise even faster.

* We are all teleported even higher up.

* Chains made of a super-heavy metal are attached to MASTERFARKOS, tethering him to the lava.

* G-1000 is teleported to us. Since he's made of Tungsten, he can resist the Lava to help attack MASTERFARKOS.

2017 September 14, 20:11:22


<Alpha654> ...Didn't I tell you that we needed to save that for later?

<SnufflesTheDog> Why?

<Alpha654> Look, the effects of your formula are dependent on the moment it is consumed. If we get it right, we defeat him quickly. We get it wrong, we're probably going to lose everything to him.

<SnufflesTheDog> So you're saying I can't use this until later?

<Alpha654> Yes. You should still have one more, but keep it until later, okay? We don't want to risk these pillars being destroyed in the process.

2017 September 15, 15:29:53

404 found

[404] *into a radio* get the remaining forces in.

[radio] got it.


several Star Destroyers that survived the end of the Federation hovers above the lava pit and sprays Master with bombs.


[404] don't worry, these Star Destroyers explode the moment Master tries to control them.

2017 September 15, 15:35:02


[Do you guys mind filling me in on what's going on?]

2017 September 15, 15:47:52



So, a corrupted version of MASTERFARKOS was released, and has pretty much destroyed a huge chunk of the universe (according to 404). We've pinned him down, but he's still fighting back. There's a battle taking place here, inside a giant, broken hall that was presumably created by an old civilization, and we're trying to get to somewhere that's safe. Our plan is to use Snuffles' MLG Formula to defeat MASTERFARKOS, and the reason we need a safe zone is because we can't risk being dropped into the lava by it. We are also about halfway to this safe zone.

2017 September 15, 15:51:54


[Thank you.]

????? appears next to the group.

<?????> Hello.

<Alpha654> Who are you? Show yourself!

<?????> I'd rather not, until you tell me the current situation.

<404> Alright, short form, there's a guy who's corrupted and they are trying to destroy this universe. We are trying to get to somewhere safe right now.

<?????> Hmm... Alright.

<?????> Well then. I will help you defeat this person.

<Chrono> I am Chrono, leader of Chromatica. I am a friend of the Black Stickman, and I might be able to help you.

<Snuffles> Wait.. Black Stickman?

<Alpha654> Oinite?

<404> I thought he was dead?

<Chrono> He is. He will never come back. But I could replace him for you.

<404> What about the Council and the Sticknights?

<Chrono> The Soul Jar they were absorbed into by Oderfla, it got destroyed, killing them in the process.

<Alpha654> And Oderfla, Yata and Hydra?

<Chrono> They simply disappeared.

Suddenly, rumbling happens.

<Chrono> We must hurry. Let's go!


Chrono, leader of Chromatica.


Chrome-Blade: 60K Damage, an iron sword infused with unknown crystals.

Shield of Chromatica: A magical shield that can deflect all projectiles.



2017 September 15, 16:16:51

404 found

(shaking, as SCP-001 rolls into action)

[404] technically, I can get SCP-001 to meatgrinder Master for long enough that we can escape to safer ground.

(SCP-001 falls through ceiling hole, crushing Master underneath)

[404] feel the fury of the Broken God!

2017 September 15, 16:56:30


...You guys realise that you too can use MLG formula, right?

2017 September 15, 18:09:02


MASTERFARKOS throws the Broken God into the pillars that the heroes are standing on.

<MASTERFARKOS> Feel the fury of the corruption.

<404 found> Oh.

The Broken God slams into the pillars, deactivated. Alpha654 jumps onto it, bringing the other three with him and doing his best to keep everyone on top of it. As it screeches to a halt, SnufflesTheDog realizes that they're now close to the safe zone.

Before they can get off, however, MASTERFARKOS reappears in front of them.

<MASTERFARKOS> You thought it would be that easy, huh?

<Alpha654> Actually, yes.

Alpha654 takes out his old rocket launcher and fires at MASTERFARKOS, who dodges. However, the rocket hits the ceiling, causing it to collapse and creating a thick layer of dust that prevents anyone from seeing. Alpha654, having already memorized the positions of the nearby pillars, sneaks past MASTERFARKOS, again bringing everyone else with him.

Finally, the safe zone has been reached. MASTERFARKOS realizes that the heroes have escaped while he wasn't watching, and cuts off the hallway.

<MASTERFARKOS> You're not escaping. I thought you knew that.

<Alpha654> Wasn't our intention anyway.

<Chrono> Wait... What?

<Alpha654> You'll see. Just a few more moments...

2017 September 18, 00:14:01


[[[Chrono]]] I have no idea what is going on... What should I be doing?

[[[??????]]] You will figure it out eventually. Just wait, just like Alpha said.

((By the way, when I use three square brackets (like this: [[[]]]), that means Chrono is talking to himself in his head.))

2017 September 18, 00:19:58


MASTERFARKOS force-lifts 404 found and repeatedly smashes him against the walls before throwing him into the lava. The throw was misjudges, however, and 404 lands on a pillar, which Alpha654 places a portal on (and another above MASTERFARKOS). 404 decides to take advantage of this and stomps MASTERFARKOS's head into the ground.

<404 found> And that's why you don't mess with MY creations.

MASTERFARKOS teleports behind the heroes and throws them back onto the pillars.

<MASTERFARKOS> Clearly you've forgotten that I'm the stronger one in this fight. You should just give up.

<Alpha654> Except for one tiny thing that you cannot control...

Alpha654 gives SnufflesTheDog the signal, and he drinks the MLG Formula.

<Alpha654> ...and that tiny thing just won us the war.

Immediately after Alpha's sentence finishes, the lava cools instantly, the pillars collapse and MASTERFARKOS falls to the ground, unconscious. At this point, only Alpha654 is aware that the MLG Formula destroyed the corruption, leaving only the true MASTERFARKOS behind.

<Chrono> So that's what you were doing... How did you do it?

<Alpha654> Simple. The whole time we were running, we were manipulating the outcome of the formula to what we wanted, which was what just happened.

<SnufflesTheDog> Also, how did you get the portal gun out of the lava?

<Alpha654> This? Oh, yeah, they're built to survive extreme temperatures. The device does contain a black hole, so they wouldn't want it to be broken, you know. Now, does anyone have some sort of revival device?

2017 September 18, 16:11:16

404 found

[404] should I use a defibrillator or these nanobot injections?

Defibrillator it is.

*repeated zaps*

it seems this tiny thing is not enough.

*injects nanobots, followed by more zaps*


at this point, Master is sort of revived and starts to regain consciousness.

2017 September 18, 16:19:44


(Music: https://<a href="http://www.youtube.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">youtube.com</a>/watch?v=aZsD6CfY1_I)

(Music should be at 0:00 at this point)

<MASTERFARKOS> ...what... Where am I?

<404 found> YES! It worked!

<MASTERFARKOS> What worked?


<SnufflesTheDog> Well, we were fighting a corrupted version of you just now. Alpha managed to manipulate the outcome of my MLG Formula to destroy the corruption. Then we revived you.

<MASTERFARKOS> Huh... Can't remember any of that. Last thing I remember, actually, is being destroyed by the corruption back in the X Realm...

<Chrono> Well, all's been said and done. Let's go back home!

(Music should be at 0:33 at this point)

<Alpha654> Actually, you're forgetting something.

<404 found> What do you mean?

(Music should be at 0:39 at this point)

Alpha654 tears open a dark void between him and the heroes.

<404 found> Wha... What are you doing!?

<Alpha654> All part of the plan. I've been setting this whole thing up so that I could destroy you right now.

<Chrono> What... You're corrupted, aren't you?

<Alpha654> Haha... no. I've been a villain for far longer, which is something you've never seen from me. But let's get to business. I hope you know of a way out besides the Ancient Fabric, which is gone.

(Music should be at 1:15 at this point)

<404 found> Wait... What?

<Alpha654> But this talk is taking far too long. I have work to do. Goodbye.

The void grows, consuming the four heroes. Once the four of them disappear, Alpha closes the void, then teleports away.

(Cut the music at 1:25)


(Music: https://<a href="http://www.youtube.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">youtube.com</a>/watch?v=IcBVf5Nq-To)

404 found slowly wakes up.

<404 found> ...where... Is this...?

<MASTERFARKOS> *sigh* Back here again...

<SnufflesTheDog> Wait... You guys know this place?

<404 found> We've been here once already. MASTER and Chrono's friend were sent here by a bunch of red eyes that are apparently called "monoliths" a while back.

<SnufflesTheDog> So... How do we get out of here?

<404 found> Last time we did, it was because of a patch of Ancient Fabric that lies at the very bottom of the dimension.

<Chrono> Didn't Alpha say that the Ancient Fabric is gone now?

<404 found> Yes. Yes he did. But he might be lying. It's worth a try. How would he be able to remove all the Ancient Fabric?

<MASTERFARKOS> Hold on... Aren't we already at the very bottom of Limbo?

<SnufflesTheDog> Limbo... So that's what this place is called?

<MASTERFARKOS> Yep. Now, does anyone know of any other way to escape?

<404 found> Actually... Yes, we are at the bottom of the dimension. Also, we should run.

<Chrono> What do you mean we need to...

Everyone turns around to see a Monolith, which is opening its eye.

<SnufflesTheDog> Wait, what makes that thing so dangerous that we need to run from it?

<404 found> Now's not the time for-

The Monolith scatters everyone across Limbo.


One last thing: Should we bring this back to the forums?

2017 September 19, 13:49:14



*A machine appears to everyone. It's a video. It plays.*

<Sci> "Hello? Hello?... Hello?... Hey. It's me... Scientedfic. It's been a while, huh? Well... I'm kinda dead. Kinda. But right now, Limbo presents itself as a labyrinth. When you guys were scattered, you guys ended up in a maze. I only know because I had to go through this, and, well, I failed. Pretty hard to think like that when I have my versatility, huh? Then again, I was by myself... but guys. You have to find each other. You have to find one another. Try to get to the center of the labyrinth, and you'll find something really important. I'll spoil it: it's 2 chests. One of them apparently is the key to something good, and the other is the key to the opposite. The person who'll talk to you in a little bit will tell you to choose only one. However, he'll open both if you ask for both, so do that. Let the balance happen. I'm sorry guys... I've been stuck all this time. But I'm still there. And I'll be back... Just stay strong. All right?... Frik. The thing is disconnecting. I need to go. Augh, bye."

*The machine rolls away from each person, and soon, the Narrator speaks up.*

<Narrator> Hello. I know you all. I've been watching all of you.

<404 found> Wait... where are we?

<Narrator> 404 found asked, 'Where are we?' I'll answer it for you. You are in a labyrinth. It appears that the Monolith scattered everyone to different locations. So let me tell you the rules.

<Masterfarkos> Let's hear it.

<Narrator> Masterfarkos said 'Let's hear it.' Anyway, so this is what it is. You cannot fly in the maze. This is actually because in Limbo, flying is disabled. You cannot climb the walls, for obvious reasons. If you 'die', you must start over from the beginning. This applies only to one person each. For example, if Chrono dies, only he has to go back to the beginning. It must be fair. Anyway, your goal is to survive and make it to the middle of the labyrinth. I'll explain more. Thank you, and have a good day.


<Alpha> Fools. Now all I have to do is get to Sci... and there, he can be finished.

<Scientedfic> Already too late, are you?

*Scientedfic punches Alpha. Alpha manages to dodge it, and stares back.*

<Alpha> Right... let's get down to business.

<Scientedfic> So where did you put them? That place?

<Alpha> Yup. And now they're dead. Heh heh heh...

<Scientedfic> But I'm helping them. My bot is guiding them.

<Alpha> The Narrator? He's on my side!

<Scientedfic> No, not him. BOT, or Boisterous Overflowing Trinity.

<Alpha> That makes no sense.

<Scientedfic> I don't care... but anyway. Came here to capture me?

<Alpha> Yeah...

<Scientedfic> Oh well. I still have my weapons. And spending months here gives me the environmental advantage...

*Scientedfic pulls out his All-any Sword and All-any Shield. The Stellar Star floats down next to him. Alpha pulls out his weapon and shield too.*

2017 September 19, 14:09:48

404 found

@Alpha heck yeah, get it onto the Forums


I launch a flare up into the sky, hoping that anyone might know it's me and see my location. I am not expecting help, just to note my location to others.


also, respect to the music.

2017 September 19, 16:18:59


<SnufflesTheDog> Darnit, Alpha... Anyways, There's one thing that seems off...

<404> And what exactly would THAT be?

<SnufflesTheDog> Where is G-1000?


<G-1000> Alpha. May I suggest an alliance?

<Alpha> I don't work with ANYONE. I thought you would know that by now.

<G-1000> I recognised your plans from the very start. I was always there, watching as you manipulated those around you. The way you tricked those fools was well-executed.


*Alpha grabs G-1000, and throws him into Scientedfic. G-1000 recovers and throws Scientedfic into Alpha*

<G-1000> You have underestimated my abilities greatly, Alpha. I was designed to be the perfect killing machine, and I even exceeded my creator's expectations. You don't even realise who actually created me.

<Alpha> Was it Epic?

<G-1000> No. 404 might know, however. My data logs related to him go further back than my data logs related to Epic...


2017 September 19, 16:54:42


<Chrono> Limbo.. I've read about that place.

And this labyrinth? Where am I again?

Why did Oinite send me to help them again?

Why did Alpha654 got plot-twisted?!


Ugh. I shouldn't be here.. I should be back at the Imagination Mansion..

But this is an completely different universe from my universe..

I have to get out of here!

Chrono begins running straight.

2017 September 19, 17:46:54


<Scientedfic> Welp. I'm not going to get thrown around without throwing around.

*Scientedfic lifts up both G-1000 and Alpha and throw them against each other using telekinesis. They both crash against each other, and fall down.

<Scientedfic> I can see it's a 1v1v1.

<Alpha654> Grr...

<G-1000> Ow... heh. You're not getting anywhere.

<Scientedfic> Heh heh heh... you both realize that I have the field advantage... so lol.

Scientedfic immediately melts into the background.

2017 September 19, 22:42:39



<Oiniteoderfla> GahhH!!!!!

<Masterfarkos> I see something... it's a flare! I need to come through!

<Snuffles> I'm coming 404!

<404> Dude I'm right here.

<Snuffles> Oh. But where's everyone else?

<404> That's what we're doing. Trying to find everyone else.

<Chrono> Gosh... where is anything? Where is it all?

<Narrator> Remember, everyone, this isn't the labyrinth of the Minotaur. This is my labyrinth. And running straight won't work. There are traps all over the place. You might run into it...

<Masterfarkos> AUGH! *Masterfarkos ran into a trap: it's a bear trap. Really?* And... it's out!

<Narrator> There will be worse things that lie ahead.

2017 September 19, 22:47:54


<Snuffles> You're getting on my nerves, Mr/Mrs/Miss Narrator...

<Narrator> So? You are powerless here. It's not like you have magical powers or anythin-

*Snuffles turns into his Lavalord form*

<Narrator> WHAT?!?!?!????

<Snuffles> What, is this Cheating?

<Narrator> Actually, yes. Yes it is. But that's besides the point. I thought I made it impossible for you to change forms...

<404> There's exactly one way to do that, and i'm not telling you.

<Narrator> Don't worry, I already KNOW that. I'm just not going to use it. You may Keep your forms, Snuffles, and I don't want to hear another word from either of you!

*Narrator tunes out*

<Snuffles> How on earth does he/she do that?

<404> No idea. No freaking idea.


<G-1000> See NOW why I suggested an alliance?

<Alpha> Don't care. SHUT UP!

*G-1000 Smashes Alpha against a nearby wall*

<G-1000> Maybe it doesn't occur to you that you've made a powerful enemy today. The choices were: either you Join me in my destructive causes, or you become a victim of my destructive causes. Clearly, you chose the latter.

<Alpha> *Gasp for air* Shouldn't you be in pieces anyways? *Cough*

<G-1000> I got better.

2017 September 20, 12:49:35


<Alpha654> Oh, finally. An enemy worthy of my powers.

<G-1000> Thank you.

<Alpha654> You know I'm joking, don't you?

Alpha654 opens a portal below G-1000, and another on the surface of the Moon.

<Alpha654> I have much to do. I'd prefer to do so sooner rather than later, so get out of my way.

Once G-1000 is pulled through the portal, Alpha654 teleports away, leaving one of his creations somewhere...

2017 September 20, 13:22:28


Scientedfic comes from the background.

<Scientedfic> Welp. Guess that was taken care of.

<???> So it's over?

<Scientedfic> Yup. You can come out now.

Mister comes from the background as well, timid and shy.

<Mister> I don't see why I have to hide.

<Scientedfic> Unfortunately, G-1000 is hell-bent on destroying you.

<Mister> But didn't you send that thing after G-1000?

<Scientedfic> Unfortunately, the thing is a bit weaker...

<Mister> Huh. And if all else fails?

<Scientedfic> Hmph. Let's just say... things won't get pretty.

<Mister> Would you want G-1000 to die?

<Scientedfic> Hm... not quite yet. And plus, it's a robot. It won't die from suffocation. Plus, it's heat-resistant and cold-resistant.

<Mister> Fair point.

<Scientedfic> But thing is, I can't lose you again... not like last time.

<Mister> Relax... it wasn't your fault. You couldn't do anything. Trust me. I rewatched it all. I saw nothing that could've helped.

<Scientedfic> Hm...


<G-1000> Blast. Now I'm stuck at the moon.

<A-999> Well, would ya look at that! 1000, dear ol' cousin!

<G-1000> Good to see you too...

<A-999> How are things in the looks? Oh wait, you're stuck at the moon, poor ol' chap!

<G-1000> I see...

<A-999> Well, thankfully, I do have a way to get to Alpha. I kept a tracker at where Alpha is.

<G-1000> I think he took it out.

<A-999> Well, rats! But look-a-boo, a-blazin! We'll find him, pal! Just you wait!

<G-100> This is already getting annoying...


<404> Hah hah... anyway. Let's melt through these walls!

404 tried to melt through the walls. That failed.

<404> Wait... what? Then... anything?

404 failed to melt through anything. In fact, nothing he could do worked.

<404> I... AUGH!!!

Waterfalls rain down upon 404, making him fall in pain. He runs away from the waterfalls, but they chase after him. He reverts back to his form, and the waterfalls go away.

<Snuffles> Oh no...

<404 found> This is bad...

<Masterfarkos> Where is Chrono...

<Chrono> Well, this is bad. Straight doesn't work...

Suddenly, Fears, spiny black things that can penetrate the hearts of the fearful, come across Chrono.

<Chrono> This is REALLY bad... what are they???

One of the Fears spike through Chrono's heart. Chrono dies because he was fearful. Chrono starts back at the starting position.

<Chrono> Well, dang it! How am I supposed to get through that???

<Masterfarkos> Wait... what is that?

Masterfarkos sees a treasure chest. Carefully opening it, Masterfarkos picks up a strange vial. It's labeled "Dream."

<Masterfarkos> Dream? What is this for?

He reads the label further. Apparently, it's for Fears.

2017 September 20, 14:38:06

404 found


I think you got it wrong. Snuffles turned into a lava hound.

though I could use my Binary Saber.....


I launch another flare.

[404] *loudly, on all frequencies* ANYONE THERE

2017 September 20, 16:18:37


<Chrono> *sigh*

<Chrono> And my weapons are gone..

<Chrono> If only someone could tell me what to do..

<Chrono> I just wish Oinite told me what I should expect.

>404< A-N-Y-O-N-E T-H-E-R-E

<Chrono> Binary..

<Chrono> I GOT IT!

Chrono gets out his Telegraph, and starts tapping in Morse Code, "I AM HERE WHO ARE YOU THIS IS CHRONO".

He understands Morse Code and has it completely memorised.

<Chrono> I hope someone picks this signal up...

2017 September 20, 18:32:16


<Narrator> Sorry, the Morse code was intercepted. Please try again.

<Chrono> Dammit.

<404> I hope someone got it...

2017 September 20, 18:35:03


Also, @Scientedfic, Oinite, Oderfla and the other stickmen, Yata, Hydra and Team Fortress 2 are dead. All of them are in LIMBOV2, which cannot be accessed at all. If you try to teleport to that place, it will not work.

Oiniteoderfla is not in the story: I am Oiniteoderfla, but I will not introduce myself (I said in Round 3 I will use Oinite instead of Oiniteoderfla.)

2017 September 20, 18:35:24


Chrono keeps going straight. Even if he keeps dying, he will still keep going until he gives up.

2017 September 20, 18:36:07

404 found

[404] no response? over and out.

might as well look for traps.

(immediately gets killed by spring trap)

I just fell for the trap I knew the most about.

(gets blown up by Giant Bomb)



I keep on going, taking random turns.

2017 September 20, 18:47:16


<G-1000> A-999, do you have any batteries on you?

<A-999> No need, ol' chap! We have Lunar Power!

<G-1000> "Lunar Power"? Have you lost your bolts?

<A-999> Not at all! Come with me, i'll show you what I mean.

[G-1000 (internal log)] I vaugely remember A-999. He was closer to a prototype than anything, to be absolutely honest, but i'll go along with his "Lunar Power" story for now.

<G-100> You're not the ONLY Gamma Mech sent here, G-1000, and I know who to trust...

Meanwhile, after witnessing what the waterfalls did to 404 found (who was empowered for some odd reason), Snuffles comes to a conclusion about what to do. 404 arrives at that spot shortly afterwards.

<Snuffles> I'm sure that the narrator's tuned out right now, so if I change into my Hydrobeast form, I should be able to swim up these waterfalls and disable them from the inside.

<404> I wouldn't do that if I was you. It seems like these waterfalls adapt to whatever element is being used to counter it...

<Snuffles> I'll test that theory then! *Turns into Hydrobeast form*

*Shortly after, the waterfalls stop. A hissing sound is heard as lava begins to fall from the ceiling. Snuffles is partially evaporated by the lava*

<404> See what I meant? There's NO WAY we can get through here! It's a dead end!

<Snuffles> If only we had SCP-682...

<404> Putting faith into that thing? Really?

<Narrator> I'm sorry Snuffles, but 404 is right on both counts! Anyways, time for you two to go back to the start, where you belong! *giggles*

*A scolding Iron falls over the entire pathway, crushing 404 found and evaporating Snuffles, forcing them to respawn*

<Snuffles> [REDACTED]

<404> This Narrator guy seems to be alot more... aware... than he's letting on...

2017 September 20, 19:49:06

404 found

[404] *puts on super jump boots*

well, Snuffles see you on the other side.

*dashes down the corridor, jumping to avoid ground traps*

2017 September 20, 19:55:00


(by the way guys, the Narrator isn't supposed to show much emotion. The Narrator is essentially a computer. Well, the Narrator is a robot. Imagine it like Handyman from FNAF: SL)

*404 immediately gets killed by an air bomb, and is sent back to the beginning*

<404> DAMMIT!!!


<Scientedfic> They seem to be in trouble.

<Mister> Don't worry about them... they'll be fine...

<Scientedfic> Hm... fair point. Anyway, I wonder how A-999's doing...


<G-1000> So... where's this "lunar power"?

<A-999> Right here! *rips out G-1000's power source*

<G-1000> AHH!!!... Ahhh... hahaha... you... can't... shut me, down!

<A-999> No, but I can do this! *hacks into G-1000's critical programs and deletes some of them*

<G-1000> *glitching* *error* ACK! What... have you... done???...

<A-999> Hey, dear cousin, you're a killing machine, righto? So naturally, when all of this is all-a-workin', all I gotta do is make sure ya can't kill!

<G-1000> Grrr... so... *error* you... won't get me... down! And... why... would... you betray... me???

<A-999> Well, when you're a turned mercenary, and you're hired by some people for some saweet cash, ya can't help but accept it, cousin!

<G-1000> Augh!!!

<A-999> But seriously, here is the lunar power. Good luck gettin' that! *kicks the lunar power source away from G-1000* *vanishes*

2017 September 24, 02:15:02

404 found

[404] OK, new plan. Time to tank all the damage.

*anomalously produces M1A1 Abrams tank, enters*

come at me, traps!

*drives tank down the corridor*

2017 September 24, 02:12:07


(alien bomb that can penetrate the M1A1 tank penetrates the tank, and it explodes, killing 404. He reappears back at the beginning)

2017 September 21, 11:23:37

404 found

[404] desperate times requires desperate measures.

(turns into The Auditor and gives self anti-electricity armor)

(flows through the air down the corridor)


meanwhile, the hidden Primary and Secondary Improbability Drives start to bend reality to regenerate the galaxy and everything Master broke while he was corrupted.

2017 September 21, 11:30:21


<G-100> Fell for the same trick, huh?

<G-1000> You've... Seen... This... Before????

<G-100> Yes, yes I have. He's done the exact same thing to me. A-999 went rouge a while ago, tried to delete my programs.

<G-1000> Juuuu *ERROR* st... HELP ME!

*G-100 picks up the Lunar Power Source and wires it into G-1000*

<G-100> This should keep you active. I'm going to do a Data Transfer in the mean-time.

<G-1000> Data Transfer *ERROR* Hu-hu-huuuuuuuuu-Huh?

<G-100> *Completely ignores G-1000* You should have noticed by now- This place is a graveyard of robots. You're standing right next to what used to be B-48, for one.

<G-1000> I presuuuuuuuuuuume that A-999 diddddd all of thi*glitching*s, right?

<G-100> I'll answer that later. The data transfer has to happen Now!

*G-100 unveils a USB cord attached to his left shoulder, and plugs it into G-1000's right shoulder*

<G-1000> Thanks. Now how long will I be up here?

<G-100> Uhh... Presumably, Forever.

<G-1000> Unless we ambush A-999.

<G-100> That'll take a while. You will need to re-learn most of your combat skills.

<G-1000> WHAT?!?!?!??

2017 September 21, 14:16:53


<Scientedfic> Hm...

A-999 suddenly appears

<A-999> Did it, chap.

<Scientedfic> All right. Nice. I hope you're telling the truth.

<A-999> Hey, with the hard-earned cash right in my hands, how can I lie?

<Mister> No worries... He's telling the truth.

<A-999> Now, I don't think he's exactly DEAD, but I'm certain I did a lot against him. I think he'll be stuck for a good long while, eh?

<Scientedfic> Now, with that killing machine out of the way for a while, let's see where Alpha is...

<Mister> But... that's going to take a while...

<A-999> Oh, hohohoho... Lemme tell ya somethin', pals. I used to be a part of them, and before that, him. But then, you two hired me! You both gave me what I never got from them: cash! I need the money for some repairs, ya know.

<Scientedfic> You could've asked for repairs. I'm a kinda bot expert.

<A-999> Ayy, look at that babbler. Whaddya know about bots?

<Scientedfic> I have a Stellar Star right here...

<A-999> Duly noted. Then again, getting fixed by mah own means feels all the better.

<Scientedfic> Hm. Fair. Now let me upgrade you.

<A-999> Woah woah woah... who said I would let ya upgrade me?

<Scientedfic> You did.

<A-999> Ding-ding-ding! Right-o! You got the password! Now go ahead and do the upgrade.

<Scientedfic> Mister?

<Mister> Now... hold still A-999. This might hurt a bit...

<A-999> Bahh... I'm highly resistant to pain! The good ol' stock and log couldn't make a dent in mah computer wires! What you got against me?

<Mister> I... have things that might be worse than that...

<A-999> It's all righty. Now gimme the details of the upgrade.

<Scientedfic> Right. Welp. For one, your personality won't change.

<A-999> All righty!

<Scientedfic> But you'll no longer be a prototype. You'll be a fully fledged robot, ready to help.

<A-999> Uh-huh...

<Scientedfic> And when that's done, I need you to help my friends...

<A-999> Nice then! That's the lickity-spirit!

<Mister> Right... now I hope this won't hurt...

<A-999> Hey. Never felt a thing!

<Mister> Good...

<A-999> Should I mention that I deleted his combat skills?

<Mister> Most of them?

<A-999> Right-o again!

<Mister> Good...

<Scientedfic> Mister?

<Mister> Huh?

<A-999> Uh oh... I sense a tender moment comin' here, ladies and gentlemen. I'll tune out for now. *shuts down microphone and audio equipments*

<Scientedfic> Are you... all right?

<Mister> Yeah... I'm all right. Why?

<Scientedfic> Are you able... to come back?

<Mister> Hahahaha!!!... If you want me to.

<Scientedfic> Really?... but I want to know... what will make you more happy? Staying here in peace, or coming back to turmoil?

<Mister> Whatever makes you more happy. I think, for one, that I would like to come back.

<Scientedfic> Really?

<Mister> Yeah... I've been kinda bored here. Sure, I honed my skills... but I haven't been able to do anything here. It's... boring...

<Scientedfic> Hm...

<Mister> But don't worry. I wouldn't mind coming back. In fact, I'd be happy to come back.

<Scientedfic> Okay... thanks...

<Mister> Nah... remember! You're my best friend! I would've been gone even sooner if it hadn't been for you!

<Scientedfic> Thanks...

<Mister> Well... I'm done with him. See for yourself.

<Scientedfic> A-999, you can turn your microphone back on.

No response.

<Scientedfic> A-999?

<Mister> He can't hear you. Here, let me do this.

Mister knocks A-999. A-999 turns on the microphone and audio equipment.

<A-999> Done, ol' chap?

<Scientedfic> With both.

<A-999> Hoo-wee, that's good. I was thinking I'd rust here forever!

<Mister> Nah... you were here only for 1 minute...

<A-999> Well, does time exist in this place?

<Scientedfic> In this place, we see time.

<A-999> Right-o!

<Mister> So... what do we do now?

<Scientedfic> We find Alpha.

2017 September 21, 15:30:08


btw guys, is the maze like, have a ceiling or somethingth?

2017 September 21, 16:43:06


also, how do you get out?

2017 September 21, 18:52:10

404 found

the Maze has no ceiling but you get killed the moment you try to fly out. You have to make it to the center w/o being rekt by traps.


I equip super sprint boots and lightning my way through the corridors, taking turns that bring me closer to the center.

2017 September 21, 18:54:50


Suddenly, a sign pops up. 404 gets knocked down really badly, and is promptly trapped by trap spikes. He isn't dead, but he can't move!

<404> Augh! Help me!

<Narrator> Chrono, it's quite obvious you have no idea what to do, so I'll explain again. Your job is to get to the center of the maze. There, you'll find a way to get out. However, as the video explained, there are 2 chests. One is good, one is bad. You should only pick one.

2017 September 21, 18:55:53



*Snuffles turns into his Sonic the Hedge-Dog form and sprints to where 404 found is, without falling for the same trap as him*

<Snuffles> That's no good!

<404> Snuffles? Hello???

<Snuffles> Let's get through this with SONIC SPEED!


*Snuffles reverts from his Sonic the Hedge-Dog form and retrieves 404 from the pit*

<Snuffles> Sorry about that. it's the first time i've used that form.

<404> I can tell!

<Narrator> I should have mentioned this before: Speed forms are prohibited!

<404> Let me guess- Another scolding Iron?

<Narrator> No.

<Snuffles> What then?

<Narrator> SCP-682!


2017 September 21, 19:09:22


Chrono has three items left, with the exception of the Telegraph.

The first item is an Umbrella, given by.. Umbrella.

The second item is a Steampunk Jetpack, given by the Steampunker.

The third item are Hermes Boots, found somewhere.

Chrono tries to do some stuff to avoid the traps.

First, he tries to fly over the traps with his Umbrella, but he trips over wires and activates a flame trap.

Second, he tries to run fast with his Hermes Boots. He activates many traps, all of which he misses.. But he trips again and gets stabbed by spears.

Third, he flies over the traps with his Jetpack and tries to dodge all of the trip wires. An observer catches him and activates spiky ball traps.

He is almost done with this maze. He tries one more attempt. He uses all three tools at once.

With his Hermes Boots, he builds up speed, then with his Umbrella, jumps high and flaps it to temporarily fly, but with the Jetpack, he flies towards the middle, but realising that flying is disabled, he keeps using his Umbrella. When there is an observer, he covers it with his Umbrella.

He is almost near the middle. He nearly got caught in a trap, but he gets to the middle safely.

2017 September 21, 19:28:03

404 found

[SCP-682] *inaudible*

[404] look behind you, there's a lump of ham on a string.

*whispers to Snuffles* RUN.

*proceeds to run at maximum speed through the corridors, using the distraction to maximum use*

2017 September 22, 14:53:09


Chrono may have thought he was in the center, but it was a hologram. It reveals more mazes, and Chrono still has to keep going. But hey, it's an item! It's labeled "Dream". Huh... Chrono wonders why he needs it.

<Masterfarkos> What are those???

The spiny things have returned.

<Narrator> Well, I may as well answer that question. These are called Fears, and the more afraid you are, the more likely you are to die. I think that bottle you have there might work.

<Masterfarkos> Awesome! So should I use it?

<Narrator> Might as well. Let's see.

Masterfarkos releases the bottle of Dream. It immediately dissipates all the Fears.

<Masterfarkos> Wow... I should find more of these.

2017 September 24, 05:44:01


Chrono, with "Dream" keeps going. He runs, but watches out for observers, trip wires and pressure plates. He is determined to get to the real middle.

2017 September 22, 21:46:44


He suddenly stumbles upon the remains of a stickman.

[Chrono] Oh no.. Oinite?!

The remains reforms into Fears.


The Fears grow stronger the more afraid Chrono becomes.

[Chrono] Wait! I think I remember what these are..

[Chrono] They are fears! I remember reading about them in a book. One of the ways to dissipate them is to release the bottle of Dreams.

Chrono opens "Dream" and the Fears immediately dissipates.

[Chrono] ..It works! Now to keep going.

Chrono is filled with DETERMINATION!

2017 October 5, 22:20:30

404 found

*decides to use a jetpack to speed up flight from 682*

(sorry, am not creative today.)

2017 October 5, 22:23:39


<Snuffles> Y'know, I don't think 682 is near us anymore...

<404> *Slows down* That big lizard better not be...

*Snuffles and 404 found look around, keeping an eye out for SCP-682*

<404> Well, here's the good news, and the bad news.

<Snuffles> The good news?

<404> SCP-682 is no-where to be found.

<Snuffles> *Thinking sounds* Aha! Drunk Driving!

<404> ...Anyways, the bad news is- we're lost. We have seven paths we can take, not counting the one which is seemingly inhabited by 682.

<Snuffles> Not really helpful, now is it?

2017 October 6, 23:40:03


Meanwhile, Scientedfic is suddenly hit from behind, knocked down by the force of the blast.

<Scientedfic> ...Ow... Who are you!?

<???> What, you don't remember me from that time I tossed all your friends into Limbo?

Alpha654 walks forward, now wearing a dark gray coat and black gloves, as well as glowing red eyes and the alias of -α.

<A-999> Get him!

Before A-999 can even attack, -α teleports through A-999, the attack severely damaging him and throwing him far away.

<Scientedfic> That sword...

<-α> Yes, your old pal MASTERFARKOS doesn't have his sword anymore... Or his star, for that matter.

<Scientedfic> But how did you do that? Isn't the sword supposed to be unusable by anyone other than him?

<-α> Of course. Magic. Expert at that now. Well, been an expert at it for a while before I backstabbed you all. But the reason I'm here is to introduce you to my creation, Razer.

A small snakelike head bursts out of the ground. Then another one. Then two more. Then the whole thing, a massive mechanical snake/squid hybrid nicknamed Razer, bursts out of the ground.

<Scientedfic> ...what...?

<-α> Well, worst of luck to you. I'm gonna go ahead and leave you to deal with this monster.

-α disappears once again.

2017 October 7, 00:52:01


<Scientedfic> Welp. This monster...

Razer braces ready.

<Scientedfic> Well frik.

<Mister> It's okay! I'll help!

Mister instantly canters a water spell. No damage.

<Mister> Wait... but why...?

One of Razer's heads lunges at Mister.

<Scientedfic> NO!

Scientedfic blocks the head with a Tongii-brand shield. It blocks the head back.

<Mister> More imaginations?

<Scientedfic> Oh, ever more than you can ever imagine.

Razer lunges at Scientedfic with every head. The Stellar Star shoots out and swallows Razer whole. Razer disappears into the Stellar Star.

<Mister> Is the Stellar Star that powerful?

<Scientedfic> Mmhmm... now to find out where Alpha is and bring him back once and for all.

<Mister> What do you mean?

<Scientedfic> He's corrupted. Or, to be exact, that's another body form. The real him is trapped somewhere else.

2017 October 7, 01:55:04


http://<a href="http://geometry-dash.wikia.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">geometry-dash.wikia.com</a>/wiki/Thread:236633

I think it's long due for a new one, this time on the forums. Time to ditch the discussions.

2017 October 7, 07:24:01


<G-100> Do you remember the other series still?

<G-1000> Vaguely. I don't remember what the letters stood for...

<G-100> They stood for letters in the Greek Alphabet.

<G-1000> So that's why i'm a Gamma series robot...

<G-100> Yes. The Gamma series started out as a series of waiter robots, before being turned into combat robots. I was the last waiter robot produced, and the first to be converted into a combat robot.

<G-1000> Then what about the other series?

<G-100> Let B-635 explain. He's a construction robot. I'll lead you to him.

*G-1000 turns his Gear Gun to G-100, pointing it at the motion sensors*

<G-1000> No. I'm not even sure that I can trust you, after what A-999 did to me.

<B-635> What is going on here?

*G-1000 turns around in shock to see B-635- A small, hunched robot with a hammer for an arm and a single motion sensor*

<G-1000> *Robotic sigh* Sorry for doubting you, G-100...

<G-100> Don't bust your bolts over it...

<G-1000> Right. Soo what do you know, B-635?

<B-635> Just call me by the identifier "Gramps", Every other robot here calls me that. Anyways...

2017 October 7, 07:32:07

JSONterpreter:Story Arc Forum Fight Chapter 5 (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.