[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata - World of Warcraft (2024)

Premium Member
Cary, NC

warcraft Rottfang

[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata - World of Warcraft (2)


Premium Member

2012-Mar-23 8:15 am

[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata

We have seen the new lands, both directly and flying overhead. We have saved the day throughout Azeroth and made a difference with several new factions. We witnessed love and loss, we have slain dragons and fought in epic battles...only one question remains. How would you rate the Cataclysm expansion?

1=lowest 5=highest

Results (Bar Chart) Results (Pie Chart)

· actions · 2012-Mar-23 8:15 am ·




2012-Mar-23 8:39 am

This was my first new expansion and I enjoyed it but I feel they cut too many corners in order to bring the 1-60 up to speed. Not having a new class was a mistake in my books and I wasn't a fan of the new archaeology profession.

I mainly raid when I play so in terms of raiding:

4.0 - Lots of new bosses, good variety, overall enjoyable.
4.2 - I liked boss fights, I did not enjoy the amount of trash. Ragnoros HC still give me nightmares.
4.3 - I didn't like that they reused the old backgrounds (malygos etc) would have prefered something new but the fights weren't too bad. Fights against DW were disappointing. We're working on HC spine now I don't think it will be as epic as killing LK on normal.
LFR - good addition. Something to do if i'm bored

Bring on the Pandas. New xpac looks very decent

· actions · 2012-Mar-23 8:39 am ·




2012-Mar-23 9:12 am

While i didnt step into the DS raid until recently (scroll of res ftw). Cata was pretty much a big let down. I think towards the end they started to get some improvements rolling for the majority of the player base (LFR), i feel the expansion as a whole was just lacking. There was no "Kara/Ulduar" raids that had, you know, the "feeling". Heroics were fun at first but then got nerfed into oblivion and felt like wrath heroics again.
As a player that has been around since the start of WoW, it just felt bleh. Not much content sides a few raid zones. Vash had a great feel at first (being an underwater zone) but it got way too old way to fast and then it was just a place no one wanted to visit. I liked the changes to the old zones, but leveling is still a painful grindy experience (once i get to BC zones i lose my mind).

That being said, the new expac looks promising. Ill hold my thoughts as i have never stepped foot into a Beta other than the first beta.

· actions · 2012-Mar-23 9:12 am ·

Rochester, MI

clawfury to stvnbrs


2012-Mar-23 9:21 am

to stvnbrs

I enjoyed Cata. It wasn't the best (BC), and it wasn't the worst. The LFR is a fun addition, I like the new areas, and the firelands daily quest area was much more fun than previous daily quest areas. I haven't had more fun in WoW than pre-nerf Cata heroics in blues. That was just great. The only complaint with that was the sheer amount of trash. The difficulty level was refreshing, but I hate spending 2 hours cc'ing and clearing trash.

· actions · 2012-Mar-23 9:21 am ·


[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata - World of Warcraft (4)

Arthritis to stvnbrs


2012-Mar-23 9:48 am

to stvnbrs

I went with average, and it was introduction of Dragon Soul / LFR that saved it from not being a bad expansion.

BC was just the bomb, and Wrath was and is so epic and huge…I felt Cata was a bit smallish by comparison. Don’t get me wrong, the storylines, phasing and quests were enjoyable but they were nowhere near as enjoyable as the newly renovated zones in the Old World.

Maybe I’m biased by the nostalgia, or maybe it was too high expectations, but other than Old Azeroth, I never got the feeling in the higher zones of the world being ripped apart and the desperation and urgency to rebuild and fix it. Deepholm was by far the most satisfying zone for me in this regard because you did get that sense of urgency due to the Cataclysm. The end quest line for Thrall did do a good job of capturing that as well.

Dragon Soul for me was absolutely fantastic in both content and storyline, and a major home run as far as I’m concerned and made up for a lot of shortfalls this expansion had.

· actions · 2012-Mar-23 9:48 am ·

Port Richey, FL

warcraft Tijeras

[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata - World of Warcraft (6)

Taino to stvnbrs


2012-Mar-23 10:02 am

to stvnbrs

I voted average. I think that the devs tried too hard to slow progression at the start. Gear inflation has hit ridiculous proportions. DS as the final raid was the real let down for me. There was not as much buildup in the 80-85 grind to want to go kill Deathwing. The most epic of DW questlines was actually in the badlands with "The Day that Deathwing Came" and that is a lvl 47 quest.

After seeing Arthas at so many quest points in Wrath I think DW's absence in most of the 80-85 questlines more jarring. We don't really see DW until Twilight Highlands.

I liked the idea of the harder 5 mans at the start of Cata but I did not think that it would work all that well as far as lfd. Most of the players who started in Wrath had no idea how to cc, what the marks meant, and the buff was not active for the first few months which also really hurt. I did not step foot into an LFD without a full server/guild group. By comparison the Hour of Twilight heroics are faceroll easy even in 353 gear.

DS has been one of the most disappointing raids for me. Spine and Madness did not feel epic at all. While I hated Malygos for p3, at least we got to face the dragon. I would have been happy with the dragon aspects as the main tanks so to speak but being allowed to face DW directly and not riding on his back. I was also disappointed with DW's size. He looks to be slightly bigger than Alextraza in the quest line fight than all of a sudden he's this huge thing we can ride in Spine? The lack of continuity was jarring.

· actions · 2012-Mar-23 10:02 am ·

Premium Member
Potomac, MD

[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata - World of Warcraft (8)

hsindogg to stvnbrs

Premium Member

2012-Mar-23 10:30 am

to stvnbrs

Looking back, I think I liked this tier the most.

The Lore was excellent, and the leveling from 80-85 supported the storyline very very well.

Raiding wise, FL was meh, but I liked DS, except for the last two encounters. Fighting on a the back of a dragon was a novel idea, but after a while, it really sucked. Fighting limbs and arms wasn't very exciting.

LFR was a great addition, they just need to refine the looting mechanism.

WOTLK was a second close, only because I liked the last encounter of ICC, as it was a truly epic ending to the tier (Ruby Sanctum doesn't count at all imo).

· actions · 2012-Mar-23 10:30 am ·

Premium Member

[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata - World of Warcraft (10)

saillaw to stvnbrs

Premium Member

2012-Mar-23 10:31 am

to stvnbrs

I voted Good.

The ability to fly in Azeroth, and coming back to our homes rather than being stuck in some far off island, was great. I also enjoyed the reworked leveling experience and actually enjoyed playing low level alts.

On the down side, I think the potential for some of the new zones was wasted. You could basically complete a zone in a day or two and then never have to step foot in there again except to pick up an enchant. I wish they had done more with the desert and underwater zones.

· actions · 2012-Mar-23 10:31 am ·

Premium Member

[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata - World of Warcraft (12)

Skittles to stvnbrs

Premium Member

2012-Mar-23 10:34 am

to stvnbrs

I clicked Average....though honestly it couldve just as easily been bad. I feel like they missed the boat with this xpac, the whole thing lost cohesion and felt clumsy. The 1-60 revamp was nice I suppose, but I dont think that should have been the bulk of the developers work on an xpac. The zones felt disconnected and the storyline was meh.

1-60 zone revamp
Uldum(IMO a great zone,besides the cinematics)

Portals in main city kept everyone in main city
railed questlines
having to do all of deepholm on every toon in oder to get a shoulder enchant
initial difficuly in dungeons and "dance" raids
initial changes to healing

· actions · 2012-Mar-23 10:34 am ·

Ignore Button. The coward's feature.
Premium Member
united state


[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata - World of Warcraft (14)

Snakeoil to stvnbrs

Premium Member

2012-Mar-23 10:38 am

to stvnbrs

I enjoyed the starter area for worgens. The lev 80 and up quests were interesting.

I just wish they'd change the other quests, so if you are levelling an alt, you don't have to follow the same quest chain.

· actions · 2012-Mar-23 10:38 am ·

Texan and Proud
Premium Member
Baytown, TX

[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata - World of Warcraft (16)


Premium Member

2012-Mar-23 10:41 am

Ya it would have been more interesting if it were ether a make your own story like quest chain where you pick one or the other and do something differant.

and then if they would bring back class quests, make the zone tailor the quests in a zone to be differant based on your class, spec, professions, so it'd be more unique and interesting.

though I know they won't because it'd cost to much and you'd get tons of QQ'ing

maybe have the quests in a zone be more rewarding for your professions and thus help level your professions some as you do the quests, but not something so direct like the darkmoon faire stuff.

· actions · 2012-Mar-23 10:41 am ·

Ignore Button. The coward's feature.
Premium Member
united state


[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata - World of Warcraft (18)


Premium Member

2012-Mar-23 10:59 am


· actions · 2012-Mar-23 10:59 am ·

Texan and Proud
Premium Member
Baytown, TX

[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata - World of Warcraft (20)


Premium Member

2012-Mar-23 11:07 am

Can you imagine a super elite zone where say if you're spec is a healer you'd have a group of 4 NPC's that'd act like your party and even through in one bad DPS'er that you can't let die?

then if you're speced as a Tank have it so you have to keep aggro off the NPC's or the healer would run away.

have it be like a monsterously long dungeon, and be able to replace the NPC's with actuall players, it could be like the final zone and made into required to que for heroics or enter raids.

even throw in iLVL gating so that you must upgrade as you go through the zone, with profession patterns and everything scattered or good chance random drops (kinda like pattern drops in raids)

then when you finish the zone you'd have had to use all of you're class/spec abilities (have some mobs that's have to be CC'ed, but throw in the badie NPC that'd break the CC at the wrong time)

· actions · 2012-Mar-23 11:07 am ·

Bountiful, UT

warcraft Kierne

[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata - World of Warcraft (22)

Gork to stvnbrs


2012-Mar-24 2:34 am

to stvnbrs

I liked the addition of vanilla flight. Beyond that, things were lack luster, not very well thought out, dumbed down and sort of lazy with regard to graphics and new content. My opinion, of course.

· actions · 2012-Mar-24 2:34 am ·

El Paso, TX

[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata - World of Warcraft (24)

Fiftycals to stvnbrs


2012-Mar-24 3:49 am

to stvnbrs

Average - the feel of the expansion never really hit the right spot for me. I enjoyed the difficult of the dungeons/heroics until they nerfed them. I enjoyed going back to the "old world" but the redesign softened that feeling. Theyve made the game easy, which is cool if youre a casualist. The list goes on, average....

· actions · 2012-Mar-24 3:49 am ·


[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata - World of Warcraft (25)

Fiftycals to stvnbrs


2012-Mar-24 5:17 am

to stvnbrs

Average - the feel of the expansion never really hit the right spot for me. I enjoyed the difficult of the dungeons/heroics until they nerfed them. I enjoyed going back to the "old world" but the redesign softened that feeling. Theyve made the game easy, which is cool if youre a casualist. The list goes on, average....

· actions · 2012-Mar-24 5:17 am ·

Virginia Beach, VA

Josof to stvnbrs


2012-Mar-25 11:05 am

to stvnbrs

overall pretty good. as an above poster mentioned, it would be nice if they brought back class quest. Not madatory to get a certain ability/spell but maybe to reward you with a nice class specific weapon or helm/mount and an alternative to the main story.

· actions · 2012-Mar-25 11:05 am ·

Thread Killer
Premium Member
Dodge, NE

warcraft Myrthynn

cymraeg to stvnbrs

Premium Member

2012-Mar-26 9:42 am

to stvnbrs

i want thistle tea quest back, it was a right of passage for any rogue.

· actions · 2012-Mar-26 9:42 am ·

[poll] Friday Poll: Rate Cata - World of Warcraft (2024)
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