Random Moments of Lunacy: June 2024 (2024)

There must be more than this to life!! Reflections on the perils of parenthood, politics, passing sixty, accumulating (collecting), tools, The South, The Civil War, old cars, and assorted ailments. Not to mention my obsession with stupid people!!

Friday, June 07, 2024

Doonesbury and Biden

I read the comic strip Doonesbury for many years before giving up on it sometime in the 1990's. In the early 1970's, there was a character in the strip called "Honey". She was a Chinese girl who was an interpreter for Chairman Mao. In one strip, she was talking to Uncle Duke, and he asked her about her job. She told him that Mao spoke a very obscure dialect and she was the only other person who spoke his dialect. So, Uncle Duke asked, "Does anyone else really know what the chairman said?" Honey just smiled.

What does this have to do with anything today? Have you listened to Joe Biden lately? Is Jill the only person who knows what he really is saying?

In late 1919 Woodrow Wilson had a stroke which paralyzed the left side of his body. From October of 1919 until March 4, 1921, Edith Bolling Wilson was the de facto President of the United States. During that time, according to her own account, Woodrow told her what he wanted to do, and she relayed that to the government officials. Only a very few people were allowed to see Woodrow. Were the people of the United States all informed of this process? In early 1920, the story of Wilson's condition became more public, but no one took any action to change the situation. Of course, not. Just for the record, Edith told her side of this story in the Saturday Evening Post in an article she wrote in February 1939.

That article was published during the second term of Franklin Roosevelt. FDR was the President who tried to hide his physical impairments from the American public. He was never seen in public in a wheelchair. Roosevelt suffered from many diseases. His doctors would swab his nostrils with a cocaine solution as a treatment for assorted ailments. Does this mean that bag of cocaine found at the White House last year had been there a long time? Roosevelt died at the age of 63 in Warm Springs, Georgis. His longtime girlfriend, Lucy Mercer was there with him when he died. Were Americans told any of this when it happened? Of course, not. The little people didn't need to know all of this.

Fast forward a few years to the administration of John F. Kennedy. Kennedy suffered from an assortment of illnesses, but did the public ever know about them? No, the little people didn't need to know. Kennedy's doctors treated him with an assortment of medications that should have probably been explained to the public. I used to work for a guy in Tampa who had been in the Treasury Department during the Kennedy years. He used to tell us stories about JFK and women, drugs, and alcohol that most of us had trouble believing. He told us of women being sneaked into the White House through an underground passage from the Treasury Building. As the years have passed, many of those stories appeared in other sources. Apparently, Oswald shot Kennedy before a jealous husband could. Of course, we still haven't been told all of the facts about the assassination of Kennedy. If you guessed that I don't believe in "magic bullets", you are correct.

This brings us to Joe Biden. Other than being a Democrat, what does he have in common with Wilson, FDR and JFK? They all had serious medical issues that the government would not tell us about. That and they are all Democrats, which is another disease.

Who can watch Joe Biden and not see that he is mentally impaired? If this is what he looks like in public, what does he look like in private? They are drugging him for public appearances. He is either drugged or he has the worst case of split personalities ever seen. They may have to redefine schizophrenia to use Joe as an example. The movie about the Biden Presidency will be titled, "The Many Faces of Joe".

All of these "leaders" are telling us that behind the scenes, Biden is at the top of his game. This is the same group that told us that the Hunter Biden laptop was "Russian misinformation", and we know how that turned out. Democrats are lying to the American public to maintain control of the White House. The guy works about three hours a day and works four days on a big week. Write this down, he has dementia!

There is no difference between the government lying to the people in North Korea and the government lying to the people in the United States. The truth will set you free!!

posted by Gilbert Jones @ 7:39 AM 0 comments Random Moments of Lunacy: June 2024 (1)Random Moments of Lunacy: June 2024 (2)

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Mid-Week Rants and Raves

Yes, Thursday is actually the middle of the week, do the math. Having spent most of my life in the restaurant business where we work seven days a week, there is no magic about the "weekend". Saturday and Sundays were just days that we worked harder. Enough of the calendar issue, let's move on to the whining and pining.

I saw pictures of Biden arriving in Paris on Air Force One. They didn't take any chances getting Joe off the plane. He took the short stairs to the ground. One news source claimed that Biden will praise men like his uncles when he speaks on D-Day. I hope to God that Jill tells him not to talk about Uncle Bosie and the cannibals. Instead, he will probably talk about how, as a child, he convinced Eisenhower to land at Normandy and not at the Pas de Calais.

As Biden always likes to tailor his comments to the place he is visiting, look for him to mention his love for French fries, French toast and you guessed it, French vanilla ice cream. By the time Joe falls back onto Air Force One, he will have celebrated Pride Month in Gay Paree and lived to tell about it. Maybe Corn Pop has children in France? When Biden gets back home, his story will be that he attended a service for his Uncle Bosie in a gay cannibals' church in Paris.

Kamala and Joe are the Bert and Ernie of politics. That is despite the puppets being smarter than the Biden-Harris combo. Harris shares some common ground with Donald Trump. If you ask Americans what law Trump violated, no one knows. If you ask Americans what Kamala does as Vice-President, no one knows.

As I expected, an appeals court panel in Georgia has halted any action in Phony Fani's case against Trump and others in Georgia. Apparently, there is someone on the appeals court with the pair that Judge Scott McAfee clearly lacked. McAfee had worked in the DA's office for Willis and as a judge failed to realize that he no longer reported to her.

Willis paid her boyfriend, who had NEVER tried a RICO case, more than she paid another lawyer who is considered to be the expert on RICO cases in Georgia. Of course, the RICO specialist wasn't balling her like Nathan Wade was alleged to be doing. I think that the US House of Representatives still wants to know where that center is that they gave Willis the funding to open. Money is gone, no center is visible.

The hero in the whole case is Harrison Floyd. Floyd was indicted by Phony Fani because he was the only black man involved and she wanted to teach him not to hang out with Republicans. Like most conservatives, Floyd had an encounter with the FBI. He claimed that two agents failed to identify themselves. This seems to be a common thread among cases involving the FBI. Houston: We have a problem with the FBI and the Justice Department as a whole!!

Makes you wonder if those who took a plea to avoid trial might have acted in haste. Sidney Powell, are you reading this?

Let's wrap this up with the Hunter Biden trial in Delaware. Jill Biden is attending daily to try to keep the jury intimidated. If the jury convicts Hunter, she claims that Joe will quit buying ice cream in Delaware. I thought that Jill and Joe visiting Hallie Biden the week before the trial would have been all of the intimidation that the Bidens would try. I was wrong.

Also at the trial is Kevin Morris, Hunter's "sugar brother", who has loaned Hunter money and paid his tax bill with the IRS. Tyrus on Gutfeld had it correct. Kevin isn't a "sugar brother," he's a "sugar daddy." Nobody loans their "sugar brother" more than $6 million. Of course, there are also rumors about the CIA protecting Morris. What's the truth? Hell, we are talking about the Bidens. There is no truth.

posted by Gilbert Jones @ 6:00 AM 0 comments Random Moments of Lunacy: June 2024 (3)Random Moments of Lunacy: June 2024 (4)

Tuesday, June 04, 2024


Several people have suggested that I need to be more positive about things. This post is for you!!

My older son and his family live in New Bern. My granddaughter Alice attends Grover C. Fields Middle School in New Bern. She's in the sixth grade there. It's the end of the school year and last night they had an awards ceremony.

Alice received a certificate for service to the school and a certificate for being on the principal's list for the year for high grades. She received a plaque for the highest GPA for the year in the sixth grade.

Great Job Alice!!!

Random Moments of Lunacy: June 2024 (5)

posted by Gilbert Jones @ 7:44 PM 0 comments Random Moments of Lunacy: June 2024 (6)Random Moments of Lunacy: June 2024 (7)

Twisted Tuesday topics

Biden is starting a plan that will close the border if the illegal immigrant count averages more than 2500 illegals crossing the border a day for a week. This was obviously modeled after the California plan to let people steal up to $950 before it becomes a felony. Biden is taking the executive action that a few months ago he claimed he did not have the power to take. Is someone confused or are they just trying to influence an election?

Attorney General Ma Garland says that he will not release the audiotapes of Joe Biden from the Hur investigation. Allow me to direct Ma Garland to the case of United States v. Nixon. Nixon was compelled to release the tapes form his Oval Office concerning Watergate by the Supreme Court. Memo to Ma: You are on the losing side of the law on this one. Garland is my age; he should be able to remember that far back.

Why won't the government release the tapes of Biden's interview with Hur? They have already released the transcripts. Why are they even wasting their time claiming that they won't release the tapes? They claimed in a legal filing that they won't release the tapes because someone could alter them using AI. They should have considered letting AI file their motion. Anyone with more than a room temperature IQ, which may include a few Democrats, knows that they don't want the tapes released because they will show Biden's mental condition. They are just stalling until after the election.

Dean Phillips. one-time Democratic Presidential candidate, has called for Gov. Kathy Hochul to pardon Donald Trump. Wow! A Democrat who sees that there is a problem for them with the Trump case.

The Hunter Biden trial is like a Biden family reunion. Jill and Ashley are there to support the crackhead and Hallie Biden will be there to testify. Maybe the prosecutor will ask Hallie if Joe or Jill mentioned the case when they stopped by Hallie's place for a visit last week.

I am just curious that none of the reporters who covered Joe's trip to Chez Hallie asked how often Joe and Jill had visited before the indictment.

Watching Ma Garland testifying before the Congress causes me to redefine "stonewall". Garland is incapable of a simple answer, He is also not able to tell the truth. Who else has seen a lawyer unable to give a direct answer to a direct question? If there's a second Biden administration, the AG will be Alvin Bragg.

I am not of fan of Mitch McConnell, but I remain thankful to Mitch for keeping Garland off the Supreme Court.

If Judge Merchan jails Trump for even a day, Joe and Jill need to go ahead and call the movers. As the Democrats keep losing supporters, one would think that the Democrats would concentrate on beating Trump at the polls. No, the dumb asses want to pursue this lawfare tactic.

"Lawfare" is a Democratic strategy to fill the Trump campaign coffers with record amounts of cash. It seems to be working as the GOP is receiving record amounts of donations.

Anthony Fauci, the guy who taught Ma Garland all he knows about lying to Congress. Fauci is such an arrogant prick that I find myself missing Obama. But to be honest, Chris Wray is closing the gap on that comparison. Move over O!!

posted by Gilbert Jones @ 2:47 PM 0 comments Random Moments of Lunacy: June 2024 (8)Random Moments of Lunacy: June 2024 (9)

Monday, June 03, 2024

A Trip to Trump Country

Twice a year, for the past several years, I have attended the Dublin Lions Club Flea Market in Dublin, Virginia. Dublin is in southwest Virginia which even a Democrat would concede is a Republican stronghold. Pulaski County is as conservative as Fairfax County is communist. Yeah, I like to visit there.

I arrived there on Friday to set up my collection of fine wares and assorted stuff. It always takes longer to set it all up than it takes to toss it all back into the truck and trailer and go home when the sale is over.

The Flea Market opened at 7:00 AM and it only took about thirty minutes for the first liberal to show up at my spaces. It was a woman who appeared to have been a "hippie" in the 1960's and had never changed. I won't say that she looked a little rough, but my initial impression was that she looked like was working now as a curb girl at a crack house. I was talking to a guy who is a regular customer who usually buys something from me at the sale.

I had a stack of Civil War books that I was trying to sell. There was a sign on the table that read, "Civil War Books. Buy them before Biden bans them!" She was in front of that spot and said, "What does this mean? Biden doesn't have anything to do with this." I replied, "Where do you want to start? Do we start with the renaming of military bases? Do we talk about tearing down statues? How about the desecration of graves? How about the banning of Southern symbols?" She was visibly excited and screamed, "Biden doesn't have anything to do with any of that." I said, "He's the President of the United States. He has something to do with everything that happens in his administration." She then screamed some incoherent phrase. I told, "Honey, you're out of your league here. Move on down the line!" Then she screamed, "f*ck You!". By then, I was laughing and told her, "You must have had to think for days to come up with that!" She flipped me and stormed off. She was probably running late for that job at the crack house.

The guy who I was talking to before her rant was still standing there. He said to me, "I have pulled out my phone to record all kinds of stupid stuff. Finally, something happens worth recording and I just stood and watched with my phone still in my pocket." I just laughed and told him, "Maybe next time." He said, "I'm pretty sure she's not coming back." Mercifully, she was not seen again.

Apparently, there is some kind of minimum for liberal stupidity in that area. A couple of years ago, a guy told me that Trump had met with Putin 53 times at the White House. He also claimed that information was available on the White House logs. I told him that he was obviously bad with math. He hasn't been back, either.

I sell old Life magazines. They range from 1937 to 1972 in publication dates. I also have a few Look magazines and some Saturday Evening Posts. Earlier this year, I acquired a large collection of Popular Mechanics, Popular Science and Mechanix Illustrated magazines from the 1940 and 1950's. I like to tell people that the future can be found by reading the history of the past. I also tell people that history is circular. A guy is his thirties was asking me about the old magazines and I explained that to him. He seemed a little skeptical about my claim. So, I said, "Let me show you." I picked up a Look magazine from 1962 with a Brazilian girl in a bikini on the cover. That wasn't what I wanted to show him, but it makes it easy to find in the pile of magazines. At the top of the front cover are a couple of headlines. One is "Washington, DC Crime-sick Capital City". Then I pulled out a 1972 Life magazine where the cover story was "Sky High Meat Prices". He just looked and said, "Okay." He bought four magazines.

I park my cargo trailer in my spaces at the market, so I don't have to walk far if I need anything. I had a 3X5 flag that read "Trump Nation" on one side and a 3X5 flag on the other side that read "Get on the Trump Train". I had no negative comments. However, on Saturday morning, a guy walked up and asked, "Is that your trailer with the flags?" I told him that it was. He said, "I want to buy something from you." He bought about twenty dollars' worth of wrenches. It pays to advertise!

I was telling the vendor beside me, next to my trailer, about that incident. He told me that several people thought that it was his flag and had complimented him on it. He pointed out that lots of people had told him, "I am voting for the felon." One guy said it best with, "I am voting for the felon, not the crook."

Looking forward to the September Flea Market in Dublin.

posted by Gilbert Jones @ 7:27 PM 0 comments Random Moments of Lunacy: June 2024 (10)Random Moments of Lunacy: June 2024 (11)

Random Moments of Lunacy: June 2024 (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

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