The Archer - SyltherSara - Twilight Series (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

My skin had been crawling since the very moment I opened my eyes this morning. There was just an overall uncomfortable feeling settling into my gut. I made breakfast and fixed Uncle Charlie and Harry Clearwater a packed lunch for their fishing trip all while trying to get my two babies to calm down long enough to eat their French toast. Bella was on the phone calling Jacob for the hundredth time this week.

"Mommy, mommy!"

I looked down at my radiant green eye girl, her tight, raven ringlets were bouncing as she clutched my apron, jumping up and down as she grinned.

"Yes, Arty?"

She giggled, covering her mouth as she pointed her sticky little index finger at her twin brother who was making silly faces with Harry and Uncle Charlie. I ruffled her curls, bending down to kiss her on top of her head. This only made her scoff and pucker her lips at me, wanting to kiss my cheek.

"Oh, silly me," I giggled with her and let her kiss my cheek before patting her little bum to go sit back down.

I quickly finished up the dishes and set a new pot of coffee down before the men. "Thanks, Addie," Uncle Charlie uttered awkwardly.

The thing about Uncle Charlie was, he was extraordinarily gifted in being awkward, but that was something I liked most about the man. He was a king in silence and only ever spoke unless it was something he had strong opinions about. He loved his family a lot, was loyal down to the core, and never made me feel anything but loved.

I waved him off and turned to Bella. She was increasingly starting to get on my nerves with her moping about over Jacob. A boy who was for starters, sixteen and plainly a total and complete jackass. I never quite got on with him even as children, probably because I was four years older than him. His older twin sisters were who I played with but that was a long time ago, my childhood visits stopped when I was twelve. The great Swan fall out I liked to call it.

Charlie and his brother Henry were never close, however, they stayed civil for their parent's sake when they fell ill. The only reason they continued to tolerate one another less was because of Bella and me. The wives wanted us, cousins to be close, but that backfired harshly. Bella didn't want a thing to do with me, she was an oddball of a child, lack of coordination or manners. I blame Renée for this, she basically kidnapped Bella in the middle of the night and only got custody because the courts are set up against the fathers. This led to my relationship with uncle Charlie being a hell of a lot better than hers with him.

I continued to visit him whenever I was able, calling him, writing to him and sending him presents. Hell, I made a trip out every fathers day to spend him, seeing as he was more of a dad to me than my own ever was.

"Come on Bells, if he isn't calling you back... Take it for what it is. Stop pestering him." I said gently, knowing she was easily angered. Even more so now since her ex-boyfriend up and left her. I may have not been here for the whole Isabella deserted exhibition, but I did the whole updates from her dad. It's one of the reasons I agreed to come to stay with them, to help and get some much-needed help in return.

She sent me a harsh glare. Uncle Charlie patted my shoulder. "Don't agonize her on, Adelaide."

My, not even four-year-old little toddlers decided this was the right time to take off screaming up the staircase. "He's doing it again, momma! Help!" Artemis was giggling as she shrieked for help as Achilles, my lovely wild boy couldn't help himself to rile her up.

Uncle Charlie and Harry smiled after them while I laughed in my palm. "Never a dull moment," I mumbled. Standing up, I took their now empty mugs and placed them in the sink, waving the men bye as I went up the staircase. My hand rubbed the small protruding bump on my stomach. Bella stopped me from going up any further. Her gaze dropped to my belly rubbing before she forced a smile on her face. My face darkened for a split moment at her.

"Have you thought about what I asked?" She dropped her voice low.

That's right, the famous Isabella Inquisition. Not even two months into my stay here in Forks, she sprang her dying need for me to call in a favor with my husband's friends to locate her missing boyfriend's family. Like I was going to use my Husband's friends for something like that.

"Bella, I am not having US military membersillegallytrack down the boy wholeft youin the middle of the woods tofreeze to death." I hissed. Her gaze dropped back to my stomach, making my anger grow with her. "Excuse me."

I went into the room that I was temporarily using, courtesy of Uncle Charlie. He gave his bedroom up for me while I figure out what was my next step. My twins were sitting on the hardwood floor, holding both hands as they leaned against each other's foreheads. Small odd wind drafts would admit around them making them giggle again. I placed my hands on their heads, making the wind brush their faces. They burst into another fit of giggles, smacking at my hands.

"Stop it, mommy!" They said together with scrunched noses.

"Come up on the bed, lay with me, my darlings." I settled in the middle of the queen bed, patting the spaces next to me. They quickly climbed up, struggling a little, but eventually snuggled into my sides as they placed their hands on my bump, rubbing gently.

My eyes filled immediately with tears that I had to blink back. Focused on their little breaths and the warmth of their tiny bodies snuggled into my sides. My next move, a thought in itself almost impossible to think about or even grasp. I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew I needed my children to live, to survive.

"Mommy?" Achilles asked quietly. I met his green eyes.

"Yes, my little warrior?"

"When's daddy coming home?"

And there it was the million-dollar question. When was Killian coming home? It's been two years since he disappeared in the dead of night. Nothing was found apart from his dog tags, which I wore with his wedding band sitting next to them. The officials claimed him missing then turned around and marked him down dead after a year. We had a funeral for him and buried an empty casket per his mother's request. I never could lie to my children about Killian. I told them he went on a little trip because explaining to two three-year-olds that he was most likely taken and tormented was out of the question. I could have said he died but I felt it in my gut that he was still out there. He had to be out there. He just had to.

"I don't know, baby," I said quietly. Looking out into the backyard through the window, my mind wandered to the day I married Killian. I was sixteen, on the verge of popping out the twins, but Killian said I was still the most beautiful woman he ever saw despite me looking like a giant balloon in a white summer dress. Our mothers stood by our side in the courthouse, crying hysterically.

I smiled from the memory. Bella knocked on the door and opened it making me look at her.

"I'm going out, I'll be back later. Do you need something?"

"No thank you," before she closed the door, I called out to her. "Bella!"

She clutched the handle a little too tight. "Hmm?"

"Be careful, please. The bear attacks are getting worse." I smiled at her. She returned it to me, albeit it was a little tight. I knew she knew I meant well and I knew that did love me back in her own strange way. We didn't fight, but we were occasionally passive-aggressive with one another.

It was getting close to dinner time when Bella came bursting through the door in fright. I had just taken the fish the two men caught out of the oven with roasted potatoes. Charlie and Harry were cleaning up their weapons as they prepared for this hunting trip with some of their buddies.

"Bella?" I came to her and took her by the shoulders as she was shaking badly. "What's wrong?"

Her eyes were wide in fright, much paler than she normally was. It was unsettling. Charlie came to us instantly. "What's wrong, Bells?" he asked her, forcing her down into the chair he was occupying before.

"They're not bears! They're huge! Like huge wolves!" She exclaimed, the shaking worsening. I crouched down and placed my hands on her thighs.

"Bells, breathe." I shushed her gently.

"Were you in the woods?" Charlie demanded. She nodded. He looked at her like she was mental. "What the hell were you doing in the woods, Bella!"


I stopped her and looked at Charlie. "Don't yell at her Uncle Charlie. She's in shock right now." Bella finally clung to me around the waist when I stood up. I placed my hand on her head, beginning to rub her back. I could feel small drops of water sink into my shirt. I knew she was crying and was just trying to hide it.

"Wolves?" He repeated a lot calmer. "Alright... Harry, you like hunting?"

I finally looked at Harry, who had gone just as pale. His eyebrows were furrowed and his hands shook slightly. Either he looked extremely worried or looked like he was caught in a lie. I couldn't place it, but I saw the worry there as he glanced at Bella and then at me.

Achilles took this time to make him and his sister's presence know that they had been eavesdropping. "WOLVES! OOOO MOMMY WE LOVE WOLVES!"

I grabbed his little hands from getting too close to the table where the guns were. Putting my leg out I stopped Artemis. They made little 'Oofs'

"Gather a hunting party?" Charlie asked. Harry nodded his head and gathered his things up before leaving the house as fast as he could. Once Uncle Charlie grabbed his gun things off the table. I let go of my littles and made Bella look at me.

"What happened?" I demanded.

"I can't tell you..." She mumbled, wiping at her eyes. I grasped her chin a little harshly. Giving her the same look I give my children when they are misbehaving. Bella swallowed hard.

"You've been hiding something Bella. I know you. You may think you have Charlie fooled but he knows too, we've talked about it. So either you can tell me or we can have a very nosey convention with both your parents to fix whatever this is and can to the bottom of it."

"Addie..." Bella groaned. "You can't-- why can't you mind your own business?"

"Me?" I scoffed. "Bella I am the least nosy person you'll ever know! I am just concerned about you. You're my baby cousin -- don't give me that look."

Bella smoothed her features out and stood up. Baby cousin didn't actually cover it. She was taller than me, by a lot. My little Five-foot range didn't make me intimidating so it was useless trying to give her the scary momma glare but it did work a little.

"The Cullens..." She choked out. Like the name burned her to say it. "are different."

"Different?" I said tasting the word on my tongue. What the hell does that mean? Were they different from me and my children?

"Yes, like how you are sort of..." Bella frowned.

"Sort of?" I sat down beside her. Achilles climbed into my lap and Bella picked up Artemis.

"They're not human." Bella finally said looking so unsure of herself, I placed my hand on hers. "Vampires."

Now originally I might have found this word hysterical but stranger things have happened to me that this was believable. And she looked honest enough. I squeezed her hand which she did back. Staring at each other, I nodded my head.

"Alright. Vampires." I patted her hand.

"You believe me?" she asked, the frown coming back on her face.

"Bella, I can hide and my children in broad daylight by simply making us invisible. And I can manipulate the shadows just enough to hide anything or anyone. My kids are little storm makers. The thought of Vampires being real is highly logical at this point." I deadpanned her. She blushed, hugging my daughter a little tighter.

Artemis didn't look pleased by this and glared at her. Bella loosened her grip on her. "Sorry Arty."

She grunted before wiggling out of Bella's grasp and pulling Achilles by the wrist out of my lap. The two of them disappeared into the other room. I stood up and grabbed the plates from the cabinet to dish the dinner out and put a plate in the Microwave for Charlie when he gets back.

We ate in silence, cleaned up, and after helping me bathe the twins and get them tucked into bed for bedtime, Bella and I sat on the couch with the TV muted as she told me about the Cullen's. Their gifts, the crap she had to go through with some Vampire named James and his mate Victoria. Honestly, her life sounded like a soap opera at this point. I couldn't wrap my head around most of it simply because it just seemed unreal.

"Edward couldn't read your mind, like ever?" I sipped my cup of steaming tea. Bella shrugged.


"I wonder if this is some sort of Swan thing," I mused. Grandpa Swan used to tell me funny stories about our ancestors having magic but I always thought he was joking. "You don't remember Grandpa Swan but he did tell me about his father being able to make things appear and disappear."

"like a magician?" Bella co*cked her head to the side.

"I guess. Yeah. Grandpa Swan was also very good at hiding too that's why Charlie stands by his dad being the best player at hide-n-seek to this day. It's probably where I got the odd gift at hiding in plain sight."

"And I'm a freaking mind shield. Hiding seems more useful." Bella grumbled. I laughed quietly at her, patting her leg.

"Bella you grew up safe where Grandpa Swan and I did not. I don't remember ever being able to just vanish until I was around eight. My dad's friends weren't the nicest to be around. I think we might just form gifts as a way to adapt to our environment."

"what's that supposed to mean?" Bella furrowed her brows. I sighed at her like it was obvious.

"You've always been secretive, Bella. Like when you found a baby bunny and stuffed it in your closet because you wanted to keep it. You wouldn't let your parents hang your clothes up and you kept sneaking food into your room. You only confessed because the bunny began to stink the place up."

Bella blushed harder than before. Mumbling under her breath. I began laughing a little harder as I explained more examples about her being secretive.

"and only you could possibly attract a mind-reading vampire as a boyfriend. Which by the way was asecret." I ticked off my last finger.

"Point made!" she was laughing with me. It was nice, being able to be civil with her now. It had been a while since the two of us could just sit and laugh without wanting to strangle one another.

Around midnight was when Charlie came home, to find Bella fast asleep, leaning into my side while I watched old reruns of I Love Lucy. He looked shocked seeing the two of us but grinned after a moment.

"Dinner is in the microwave for you," I called to him.

"Thanks, Addie." He kissed the top of my head and looked down at his child. "How's she doing?"

"Better. She finally opened up to me. So don't worry about her anymore." I gave him a playful stern glare. His eyes glimmered from tears building up.

"You being here has been a blessing Adelaide. Truly."

I brushed him off playfully by nudging him away. "Shush. We're family. It's what we do. No need to get sappy with me."

"I got the attic almost cleaned out. Sue Clearwater and her son Seth are coming over tomorrow to help me finish it up. It's not much but it's a lot bigger and we can decorate--"

"Uncle Charlie, I truly appreciate all you're doing for us but don't worry about it. I don't plan to stay in your hair for long."

Charlie stared me down and put his hand on my head. "Adelaide, this is your home. Yours, Achilles and Artemis and it will be Atticus' home too. My door is open and will remain open for as long as you want it. You don't have to go anywhere. I love having children run around this home and I love having you here just as much as I love Bells being here. You're my daughter too."

My sniffles came out as I tried my hardest not to cry. It's been a tough few years. Coming to Forks was one of the best decisions I ever made. I almost forgot what it's like to have someone in my corner. Someone to confide in and someone to hold me while I cried. I forgot what it was like to have a parent to love me.

"No one is ever going to hurt you again. I swear on that. As long as I continue to breathe Adelaide, No manwill everput their hands onyou or your children ever again."

Chapter 2

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A few days later, I had caught Jacob coming in through Bella's window. I was pretty pissed off about it too considering only a few hours ago he had her come home soaking wet and hysterically crying. Whatever was going on between them was baffling but I remember the whole young love, stupid and dumb actions. I was thirteen when I met Killian and he was seventeen. We didn't do anything but I was already madly in love with him. When I was fifteen years old, he confessed up when he came back from a tour that he loved me back. Two years in service and it was my letters that got him through the hard times.

So I snuck out of the house whenever he was home to go see him. Fifteen years old with a nineteen-year-old, of course, it was forbidden but not illegal. I was a consenting age. But I was also rather dumb about my body. We both were just so smitten that our bodily anatomy went flying out the window in a mad rush to be together. An accident that came from his night with me before he was shipped back out.

I don't regret my beautiful mistake. Sure, I was young, too young to become a mother, but it gave me something amazing. I just hope Bella doesn't screw up and make the same decision I once did. She's 18, single, and smart enough to get into a good college and Jacob is only 16, much too young for the responsibility of being a parent. I got lucky enough to get knocked up by a member of the military, take gave us free housing, a clothing and food budget, and discounts on our utilities. It was difficult, but much better than most teen parents get.

It was this mention of safe sex to Bella that had her giving me the silent treatment for the rest of the night. She was appalled that I even thought of her messing around with Jacob. Even more offensive that I assumed she would even do such a thing with someone that wasn't her boyfriend. sh*t, the way they act, can't blame me for assuming. Their relationship was strange and hard to wrap my head around. They behaved like a couple, but were clumsy and unusual to the extent that they were practically regarded as cringy.

How the hell was I supposed to know? I mean, he was in her bedroom pretty much naked while she was in her underwear and baggy t-shirt...

I was not even finished pulling the breakfast dishes out when she came barreling into the room with Artemis on her hip rubbing sleep from her eyes looking dazed with Achilles dragging his stuffed dragon behind him with a grumpy face.

"Why did you wake my children?" I immediately scolded. Taking Artemis from her hands and letting Achilles bury his face between my knees with a groan. Bella looked a little guilty, but held my car keys up.

"I need to see Jake. Come with me."

My eyes widened at her. "It's not even six! Are you crazy!"

"Please Addie!" she begged. Well sh*t. She already woke my kids no doubt will be cranky all day now. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Fine! Get them strapped in while I get their bags together. Jesus Bella... You are so weird."

"Thank you! Thank you!" she took Artemis back and held her hand out for Achilles. He shot me a dirty look. I narrowed my eyes at him making him look down immediately.

"Put their coats and rain boots on Bella! And fill up their sippy cups with water!" I said as I ran up the stairs the best a pregnant woman could. Grabbing their little backpacks and filling them with their coloring books, crayons, and spare clothes. Grabbing my purse making sure I had everything, I tugged on a pair of jeans and a simple cardigan, grabbed the bags, and went into the kitchen to grab a few snacks to put in their backpacks. Taking a Tupperware bowl to put in the now cold pancakes and some yogurt packs in.

I set the bags down under their feet, giving Artemis her stuffed bear and little baggies of cereal puffs to hold them over for the journey to La Push.

"Tank you mommy!" they said together as I double-checked their seatbelts.

"You're quite welcome, my darlings." I closed their doors and got into the driver's seat. Bella blasted the heat after the car warmed up. I narrowed my eyes at her before pulling out of the driveway.

"Why do you need to see Jake at Six in the morning?" I asked as the smooth music came through the speakers. Bella and I had some issues with music. It was my car and my kids loved music. I didn't care if she had a no music policy going on with her at the moment. Achilles would have a fit if he didn't hear Frank Sinatra or Andrea Bocelli. Artemis was just as bad but she could settle for the Italian singers as long as her little princess butt got some opera in there. Old souls as I liked to call them.

"I just need to," Bella mumbled. She looked at the trees that passed by us.

"You woke my kids up, Bells. You know they are cranky if they don't get sleep." I turned down another road. Looked briefly into the rear mirror at my littles. They were wide awake, holding hands as they took in the surroundings.

"Sorry, Addie." Bella sighed. "I just needed you."

"It's fine." I patted her leg before taking the steering wheel with both hands again. I flicked my turn signal on, making sure the coast was clear before turning down the road that lead to the Black residence.

The moment I parked the car, she shot out of the car and was banging on the door. I twisted around to grab the bowl of pancakes to give the twins. They took their mini pancakes hungrily. I watched Bella storm pass Billy forcefully.

"Oh hell no," I growled.

"ohhhh mommy said a bad word!" Achilles giggled.

"no mommy didn't." I said calmly. "stay in the car."

I got out closing my door and went to the front door. Billy was yelling at Bella. He sighed when he saw me. "Addie, nice to see you."

"I am so so sorry. I don't know what's crawled up her ass." I laid hand on his shoulder which he patted.

"Where are the babies?" he asked kindly.

"In the car stuffing their faces with Pancakes. Bells dragged us out of the house. Jesus Bella!" I snapped at her when she stormed past us. I felt conflicted, looking at Billy I mumbled an apology, chasing after her.

"Bella! Stop!" I snapped. The car door opened with my kids running out after her. "Halt! You little trouble makers!"

They froze mid driveway, biting their little lips. "back in the car!"

"But mommy!"

"Car! Now!"

Of course, they didn't listen, chasing after Bella just as she slapped some boy. My heart sank in my stomach as my kids got closer making me sprint with a scream at my lips.

That boy exploded into a giant wolf, clothes ripping loudly as it landed in front of my children making them fall to the ground. I let out a horrible sob. Skidding across the muddy yard and snapping ahold of them before one of the other boys could grab them.

As soon as my arms were encased around them, I vanished us in a blink of an eye and reappeared near the porch making the guy's jaws drop. Pushing my children toward Billy while they screamed and cried for me. Anger built in my chest
Jacob jumped over us and towards Bella with her running towards him. He exploded above her into a wolf but all thoughts went out of my mind. The need to protect my babies came barreling out as I ran towards Bella. My fist made a loud impact against Bella's nose causing her to scream out in pain.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL f*ck!" I roared.

One of the boys grabbed ahold of me, and the other grabbed Bella and forced us apart as I tried to get to her. "You unbearable insufferable child! You could have gotten my children killed! Are you insane!" I screamed at her. The boy holding onto me let me go with a painful growl. My children clung to my legs, halting my anger and turning into sorrow. I fell to my knees, clinging to them as I sobbed against their little heads.

They held on to me, crying into my neck. Bella held her broken nose with blood pouring down her hand while the two boys looked between us awkwardly.

"Take them to Emily's!" Sam ordered. Him I knew. These must be the boys he's been helping out from what Charlie told me. Now I think about it, he must be a wolf too. They all were probably... Wolves. God, Forks was a fairytale book. This whole damn place was a mythical mess.

"Quit groaning, Jared," The youngest boy muttered, helping me up. My kids refused to let go of me so it made it a little difficult.

"I got shocked! Okay, and it hurts, Embry!" Jared growled. He was staring at my kids with confusion. I didn't even feel bad or felt the need to scold them. They were just protecting me. And there was no way I was telling him who had done the shocking either.

"I am not going anywhere with you lot!" I said hotly though my cracked voice didn't do anything but make me appear small and weak. "My kids could have died!"

"We would never hurt a child!" Jared snapped.

"I SAW IT WITH MY OWN EYES!" I screamed at him. Then twisted around at Bella. "Why would you hit someone!"

She looked extremely guilty. Her eyes were starting to darken up around them. I couldn't even find it in myself for feeling bad for breaking her nose. I gritted my teeth and stomped over to my car, getting in the backseat with my babies. Embry got in the back seat with me, moving the car seat and holding Achilles who wouldn't let go of my arm forcing Embry and me to be squished together.

Jared drove my car with Bella in the passenger seat, I gave her a towel which she held to her fave muttering her thanks. "I'll fix your nose when we arrive," I said with a tinge of hostility. She just nodded her head.

We sat in silence until we arrived at Emily's. The little lodge house was quaint and nice with a large porch. It had a homely vibe that made me relax almost instantly but not enough to throw me off my guard. The kids stayed in the car while I made Bella lean against the open door with her head tilted back for me to pop her nose back into place causing her to scream, tears stinging her eyes.

Embry grimaced at her with Jared. She blinked at me, more blood coming out as I wiped it away and used a baby wipe to clean the dried blood off her face.

"I'm not sorry I broke your nose," I admitted.

"I know."

"What are you?" Embry asked me. I glanced at him while I grabbed my kid's stuff and held it out to Bella and Jared to take. I helped them out of the car, holding onto their hands.


"You teleported! No human does that!" Jared scrunched his nose at me.

"I did not teleport. Merely vanished and reappeared by the porch."

"That's teleportation!"

"Nooo..." I said stiffly. "I made us invisible and ran over to the porch. I can't stay invisible for more than just a few minutes and that's only if I focus hard enough."

"whatever man. I know you're not human," Jared growled. "and don't stare at Emily! It bugs Sam!" he stormed away and into the house.

"What does he mean by that?" Bella asked.

"You'll see," he said quietly and took the items from Bella. He held a hand out to Achilles. Which he took hesitantly. "Come on. You can wash your face in the bathroom Bella."

We went inside to find Emily scolding Jared for eating too many muffins, I saw now why they said not to stare. She had a gruesome claw mark going down one side of her face with a bit of hair pinned to hide most of it. It took a lot of willpower not to grimace at it. She was still very beautiful but holy sh*t...

"What happened to your face?" Artemis said loudly. My face heated up.

"oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I said instantly. "Artemis! That's very rude! You apologize right now!"

Emily chuckled lightly. Her russet skin was turning a ruddy color. "It's okay. I was attacked by a bear."

I seriously doubt that.

"Wow," The twins muttered.

"I'm Emily, and you are?" she smiled at us.

"Bella Swan, who else?" Jared scoffed looking at Bella with disdain.

"Vampire girl..." Emily giggled.

"Wolf girl," Bella said awkwardly.

"This is her cousin Adelaide," Embry grinned. "She can Teleport!"

"It is not teleportation!" I groaned. Sitting down in one of the chairs. Embry sat beside me laughing and picked up my son to sit in his lap, giving him a muffin. Emily held the muffins out to me.

"Thank you," I grabbed two and broke one up for Adelaide. Embry mimicked my movements for Achilles.

"And the children?" Emily didn't look at all offended by my daughter's brazen question.

"They're mine, This is Artemis and Achilles."

"We'll be four soon!" Achilles grinned with a mouth full of food. "oh wow! These are so good!"

Emily blushed, grinning down at him. "Thank you Achilles!"

He happily ate his muffin where Artemis frowned at hers, eating anyways. Emily noticed.

"It's okay Artemis, you didn't hurt my feelings."

"I didn't?" Artemis asked in a small voice. Emily shook her head. This made Artemis smile like her brother. She looked at me happily. I kissed her cheek so she knew I wasn't mad either.

"How old are you?" Jared asked suddenly. "You look too young for kids."

"I'm Nineteen," I responded. He and Embry both choked on their muffins only to get whacked by Emily.


"You were a teen mom?" The boy who Bella hit slumped down in the chair beside me before winking at Bella. "Sorry," he said to her.

I tightly smiled at him. "I am."

Bella shot out of the house, I am assuming with Jacob, given how relieved she looked. Thanks, Bells. Leave me with the pooches.

"Sorry about before. I would never hurt your kids," He held his hand out to me. "I'm Paul."

"Adelaide," I shook it. "and this is Achilles and Artemis."

"What was that Teleportation --"

I covered my face as Embry stopped Sam. "She doesn't Teleport."


A few weeks later, I found myself going to La Push a lot, mainly to Emily's. She was becoming a close friend and she adored my kids. The wolves spent a lot of time playing with them apart from Jacob who kept his sniffer shoved up Bella's ass.

Honestly, I probably wouldn't be around the wolves as often as I have been, if it wasn't for a vampire by the name of Victoria. Who by the way, was after Bella. This led to a bigger strain being wedged between us Swan chicks. I wasn't happy with the danger my children were placed in once again by her. Sam and Emily have done their best to ease my fears but it was pretty much a lost cause.

After spending the day baking up a storm with Emily, we went to the beach with Jared's girlfriend Kim and Emily's niece Claire. The three kids played together. Achilles just sat there most of the time only putting his input in when Artemis asked a question.

"I've been meaning to ask," Kim asked shyly. I looked away from the kids for a moment to lift a brow in question. "You have a wedding band..."

Glancing down at the golden band on my finger, I looked back up at her.

"Are you married?" Kim asked a little more confident.

"I supposed I'm not anymore." Both women looked confused now. "I got married at sixteen. Almost two years ago my husband Killian went missing in Iraq. They never found his body but they found his dog tags. I pulled the tags out from under my shirt that had his wedding band beside them. "After a year that declared him dead."

"Oh," Emily and Kim covered their mouths. "I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have asked," Kim whispered.

Yeah, you shouldn't have.

"It's alright." I looked back at my kids. They were making their way back to us, holding Claire's hand. "Did you have fun?" I asked them. Brushing the sand from their cheeks.

They nodded their heads, plopping down beside me and snuggling into my side, putting their hands on my bump.

"So who's the father--" Emily elbowed Kim harshly in the side.

I acted like I didn't even hear the question. "It's getting late. Want to help mommy fix Uncle Charlie dinner?"

"Yes! Yes Yes!" The twins cheered. Scrambling to their feet and helping me gather out things. They hugged Claire and Emily. Waving goodbye to them, I got the kids into their car seats.

The days ticked by slowly, and I no longer felt comfortable around Kim, leaving Embry to be the one to pretty much just hang around the house with me while I worked online and did my online classes. It was nice to have a bit of help with the twins. They behaved most of the time. Key word being most.

One particular afternoon, Embry rushed out of the house without an explanation. Not long after, Charlie called telling me he wouldn't be home because Harry Clearwater passed away. My heart broke at that news. I tried calling Bella but she wouldn't pick up. Jacob said she was supposed to be at Emily's but when I called Emily she said she hadn't seen Bella all day.

Leaving me to now officially worry my ass off over her whereabouts and unable to do a single thing about it because I refuse to drag my kids out into the cold to look for her.

Not able to call Charlie because he was already distraught over one of his best friends dying. I resulted in having a furious shower where I scrubbed my body until it was red and raw. Gave my children their bedtime baths and decided to be lenient with their tv time because my anxiety rubbed off on them. I held their little hands, going down the stairs, and flicked the light on.

"HOLY SH-" I was cut off by a small hand covering my mouth, golden eyes peering at me in shock. My children clung to my legs out of fear.

"Where's Bella?" she cut me off.

"I'm sorry?" I snapped at the nerve of this girl. She broke into my house. Not the other way around. "Who the hell are you?" I demanded.

"I'm Alice. Who are you?" She eyed my kids making my heart spike. I pushed them up the stairs.

"Alice?" I repeated slowly.

"Alice Cullen."

Ah. That makes much more sense how she got in. She was one of the vampires.

"Well, Alice..." I began. "Bella isn't home right now. I'm going to need you to leave now --"

"Where is she? I saw her jump off a cliff!"

"I said I don't-- Wait what?" I spluttered.

"She jumped off a cliff. I never saw her come back up. I'm very worried. Have you called her?"

I pushed by Alice, leading my kids to the couch and turning on a random kid show before storming into the kitchen for the house phone. I furiously punched in Bella's number and held it up to my ear.

It went straight to voicemail.

"Jesus Bella..." I muttered. Alice flashed behind me making me scream, holding my hand to my chest. "DON'T DO THAT!"

"Sorry," Alice's eyes flickered down to my belly. I placed my hand on the bump, glaring at her. I was about to open my mouth and give her a piece of my mind but she vanished from me, and the front door opened.

"Alice!" Bella exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. This was such a classic Bella situation. Gets everyone worried and turns out to be perfectly fine. I stormed passed her and sat between my babies, letting them snuggle into me. Alice and Bella sat on the Loveseat where I did my very best to act like they didn't exist. That was until Jacob had the audacity to just storm into the place like his name was on the bills.

"You wolf out and put my children in danger Jacob Black and I will kill you without a second thought," I said lowly making the Vampire, the klutz, and the shape shifter to gawk at me.

"Take it the f*ck outside," I growled. Alice looked smug at me. I didn't return the smile.

Not wanting to be in the middle of whatever was going on. I waved my lids back upstairs and began to pack our bags. I was most definitely not staying in this house any longer with this madness. Artemis and Achilles put on their coats and put their backpacks on, I filled a duffle bag with a few extra toys along with our favorite books, leaving room for their snacks and electronics. Getting the small suitcase, I filled it up with spare clothes, a lot more for the twins as they could be messy and their sneakers, extra jackets, and a photo album of our family knowing they needed to look at it every night. The twins carried the duffle bag down together while I brought the suitcase down.

They sat on the couch while I grabbed their snacks and a few juice boxes from the cabinet and wrote Charlie a note telling him I was going to take a trip to see my grandma. Might as freaking well. I went back upstairs to grab our passports and the twin's birth certificates.

Just as I ushered out the front door, Alice was in front of me. "I need you to come to Italy with me."

"What? Why?" I felt that's all I've been saying all night.

She didn't answer me and went back inside to Bella. I had just got our stuff in the trunk of my car when Alice reappeared moving it to the black Mercedes. I blinked at her confused, all of a sudden the car seats were in her car. As soon as her hands went on my daughter I flipped.

"Don't touch her!" I snapped. "Off my daughter now!"

Alice froze, Bella, stormed past us and got into the car with Jacob yelling after her. Alice picked both my kids up and had them strapped in her car before I could say another word. I honest to God do not like this pixie. I had a feeling anything I said would go over her head and not wanting to make a horrible scene in public, I got in the back between my kids.

Bella twisted around in her seat to look at me with confusion. Alice didn't let her speak before speeding down the road. I threw my hands over my twin's chests, they were giggling loudly and clapping however I was scared sh*tless. This vampire was going to get us all killed!

"Why are we going to Italy?" I asked, my voice wavered.

"To save Edward," Bella gasped, yanking at her hair. I was pretty sure my face was like how one who be looking at a lunatic.

"Why did you need me and my children to come?" I asked slowly.

Alice held a little smirk that made my blood boil. "Support for Bella. You were already leaving so it's alright."

"No, it's not, you practically kidnapped us, Alice. You took my things and my children without my permission!" I hissed.

Bella twisted around to look at me again. "Alice is harmless Addie. You'll be safe. I'm glad you're coming. "
I shook my head. Leaned back in my seat and held my kid's hands. I had a horrible feeling that this was much more than just support for Bella and to Italy of all places?!

What on earth even is in Italy? What's so damn important that I needed to be there?

Chapter 3

Chapter Text

"Such a waste," Aro stated watching Edward leave the room with an angry expression.

Marcus didn't acknowledge it. The doors closed. Caius nodded to Demetri.

"Track her."

Demetri bowed his head and disappeared through the side door. Marcus stared blankly towards the wall when he felt a rather sharp jab in his chest. He sat up, looking down at the very slender gold string that wafted out, connecting with his brothers and then expanding towards the closed doors. Clearly, Aro and Caius too felt the jab because they immediately looked at Marcus for answers.

He stared intensely at the three faint white strings that were forming just like the gold. Connecting them together.

"What is it?" Caius drawled out.

Marcus held his hand out towards Aro who took it happily. Zoning out for a brief moment before jumping a little with glee.

"Our true mate will be making her presence known to us at last." Aro tilted his head at Marcus. "Why are there parent bonds?"

Caius was standing next to the two of them instantly. Marcus sighed almost dreamily. "It appears our mate has three young children."

Aro clapped his hands, calling for Afton. He appeared immediately with his head bowed.


"Prepare a room next to my brothers and I. After the feeding, you and your mate will go to town and get a few things for our guest and her children."

Chelsea could be seen shuffling near Marcus with excitement. She immediately ceased the movements and straightened her composer. Afton bowed his head once more before leaving the room.

"I assume she's human," Caius said with a bit of disdain. Aro shot him a dirty look before sitting back down on his throne.

"Who cares, she will be one of us, brother."

Jane and Alec smirked at the ground. Looking at each other for a brief moment before composing their blank stares once more.


Alice stole a Porsche. I was officially ticked off that out of the child-friendly grand theft auto options there was she chose the pretty not child-friendly vehicle. Artemis was in my lap while Achilles was squished against the window on top of our little suitcase. The duffle bag and their backpacks were cramped under my legs with Bella's and Alice's bags.

She sped through the Tuscany countryside, making me even more amazed that I was even here. She somehow got us all tickets on the first flight to Pisa international. From there, we've been speeding in a stolen car.

"Watch it!" I snapped at Alice as she barely misses crashing into a little Fiat. Bella was gripping the dashboard so hard and panting, I was two seconds from throat punching her.

"How much time?" Bella whimpered.

"He's waiting till noon, when the sun's at its highest," Alice pressed harder on the gas. My heart was in my throat.

Bella kept glancing at her watch, I smacked her pretty hard in the back of the head, making her squawk and glare at me.

"There's Volterra!" Alice said suddenly.

Whatever Bella was thinking was forgotten and her hair pulling and nail-biting commenced once more. Honestly, she reminded me of a dying co*ckroach with all that twitching. Speeding through the small. Narrow streets, I was confused by all the red cloaks.

"Why are they all in red?" I asked.

"San Marcos Day festival. It's the perfect setting. Large crowds. The Volturi won't let him get far enough to reveal himself to the humans."

Ah, that's nice. Expose the vampire race because you think your danger magnet of twitchy co*ckroach girlfriend died. Sounds fun, can't wait.

"Five minutes .... Alice!" Bella moaned.

"Oh my god, Bella. Shut the hell up!" I snapped. The twins giggled.

Alice slammed on breaks, making me shove Artemis on top of her brother as I threw myself over them to keep them from being flung forward. Bella was already jumping out of the car. My full attention was placed on making sure my kids were okay. Alice pulls the car into a parking space and helps me out, her gaze kept flickering to the rooftops.

"What now--" I was cut off by her, grabbing a hold of all three of us and whipping harshly with the wind before I could even process what happened she sat us down. The twins were giggling wildly in the sea of scarlet flags, dresses, and jackets. My stomach churned ever so slightly.

The clock tower stated it was a few minutes past noon. Maybe Bella made it.

"Quickly inside," Alice lead us over to the clock tower and broke the door, stepping inside.

I clutched my kid's hands, taking a deep breath. I did not like this one damn bit. Why should I go inside? Why should I put my children in even more danger because Bella couldn't mind her business? Why must my family and I pay her price as well?

I held them tighter, holding my hands behind me so I could shove them back into the courtyard if needed. Taking a deep steady breath, I step inside, refusing to leave the sunlight.

There were two figured-in hooded overcoats. Probably around their 20's and both
stunningly handsome. One was huge and bulky, very tall and the other was slender with a flair of elegance to him. Both with unnerving burgundy red eyes. However, I found myself thinking that there was something else in those red eyes. A sense of safety swarming with them.

"We should take this conversation to a more appropriate venue," The slender, elegant blonde stated. His burgundy red eyes zoned in on Bella.

"Bella, why don't you stay and enjoy the festival?" Edward nudged her towards the door. Edward caught my gaze causing the others to flicker their gazes over to me. I swallowed thickly.

"The girl comes with us," The bulkier one hissed.

"Come on guys, it's a festival. Wouldn't want to make a scene?" Alice smiles sweetly. She quickly stands beside Bella leaving me and my children vulnerable. I tighten my lips, biting my tongue. I would love to make a scene. Because we've been kidnapped by a pixie vamp for some good unknown reason!

"There won't be a scene, besides we would still win," The big one grunted out co*ckily.

"Not easily," Edward muttered.

Honestly, I am pretty sure I definitely hated this guy more now that I have halfway met him. His gaze flickered to me with annoyance.

The big brute looked back at me and down at my kids before meeting my gaze again. I willed myself to maintain some dignity and not show fear but I was positive my thumping heart was very audible to them, giving me away.

A tiny young girl no older than fourteen appeared. She like the other two was wearing a dark overcoat and she looked like an angel except for the crimson eyes.

"Enough! Master Aro sent me to see what was taking so long."

All of them stepped a little away from her apart from Bella who looked just as confused as I was.

"Jane," Edward said lowly.

The angelic vampire looked directly at me and then down at my children.

"Why did you bring a mother and her small children?" She directed her gaze to Alice with hatred. "The Masters will not be pleased with this. You should have known better, Cullen. Children aren't allowed here."

She immediately turned on her toe, holding her hands out. "Children! Come!" she demanded.

My children darted forward to take her hands making me tense up. My hands shook with unnerving intensity. The twins have never willing thrown themselves into danger before. They were normally very shy apart from Artemis. She had a mouth on her with a ferocious bluntness that got her in trouble more times than I could count.

Edward puts on the robe that the tall guy had thrown at him. The blonde man held his hand out for me to take.

"Please, allow me to assist you," He said gently, his eyes darted down to my stomach.

I swallowed hard and took his arm, walking beside him. I kept my eyes trained on my twins.

"They will be perfectly safe with me," Jane said casually. "Do not worry, Mistress."


"I'm Demetri and this is Felix," the man whose arm I held gestured to himself than to the taller and broader man who winked at me.

We stopped in front of a blank wall, then Jane picked up my children and jumped down making me gasp. I rush forward, Demetri grabbed me with a slight grip. "It's okay, We just need to jump now."

I watched Edward jump and then Alice and then Bella. Felix went next and then Demetri picked me up, making me gasp again. I swear I sounded like a gaping fish at this point. Vampires keep knocking the air from me without some much as a flick of the wrist.

"Sorry," He muttered. "Hold on tight, please."

I tighten my arms around his neck. He jumped down lightly, placing me back on my feet. I blushed deeply. We got into an Elevator, playing opera music. Artemis inhaled excitedly. Twisting around and looking through the gaps at me.

"Momma! Momma! I love this song!" She proceeded in singing the Italian words and swaying making the vampires apart from the Cullens to chuckle at her.

"Arty, it's no Andrea Bocelli but I do see the potential," Achilles stated like he was a businessman. I grinned at them momentarily relaxing in our situation. Trust my kids in easing my anxiety.

The doors opened to an elegantly decorated space. It held an ancient Greek type of style mixed with moderate sleekness. It really was breathtaking. A woman stood up from her desk and smiled at us.

"Buon pomeriggio."

"Buon Pomeriggio, Signora," I said politely back towards her. Jane stopped and turned towards me.

"You and your children will wait here with Gianna until called upon." She looked at the woman at the desk. "Go and fetch them something to drink and eat."

Demetri led me over to the bench and Felix took my kid's hands from Jane, bringing them over to me and lifting them up beside me. They nodded at me before continuing down the hall. Bella craned her head to look at me.

All I could only do was just glare at her. It was her fault we were here. In danger because of her. I was angry as well as deeply concerned.


The doors opened again, Jane arrived with the others who were following her while she held her palm at once towards Aro. He took it with care, his eyes glazing over. When he came too he nodded at her.

"Thank you, Jane."

"Master," She bowed her head and took her place next to her brother.

"Sister, they send you out for one and you return with two and a half. Such a clever girl," Alec kissed her cheek.

Aro steps forward and greeted the Cullen children like they were his old friends, taking Edward's hand and reading him. "What a happy surprise! Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful?"

Caius responds with a sour expression. Marcus stared at the bonds that are growing a little brighter. Stretching towards the craved wooden doors and right through them. Their mate and her children were very close now. His eyes drifted to Jane who was looking directly at him. She craned her neck subtly towards the doors with a nod. Marcus's lips lifted ever so slightly. Finally, he thought.

"Her blood appeals to you so much it makes me thirsty." Aro licked his lips glancing at Bella. "How can you stand to be so close to her?"

"It's not without difficulty." Edward gritted out. "Now you know. So get on with it."

Aro chuckled, "Yes, I can see that."

Bella made a confused face between them. Edward looked down at her. "One touch and Aro can see every thought I've ever had in my life," He explains.

"You're quite the telepath yourself, Edward. Though... you can't read Bella's thoughts. Fascinating." Aro releases Edward's hand and turns to Bella. "I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts, as well. "

He reaches for Bella's hand. She hesitates. Aro laughs at her reluctance and further extends his hand. Bella finally takes it. It only took a second for confusion to sweep over him. "Interesting." He releases her, and moves back to his chair, deep in thought. "I wonder if--"

"No!" Edward snarls.


I glance down the halls towards the animalistic snarl I heard. Gianna sends me a friendly smile.

"It's alright. It's just the Masters working the problems out."

I picked up the fork, going back to eating the pasta, working between helping the children eat and getting them settled on the ground with a throw blanket Gianna got for us. They were drawing with some spare paper and colorful pens.

I co*cked my head at what they were drawing. It was a girl in a cape and I was pretty sure they were drawing Jane holding their little hands under the sun. Artemis was giggling as she drew one with a boy. At first, I thought she was drawing Demetri but then she colored the hair brown but he wasn't as tall as Felix.

"Who are you drawing, Arty?" I asked.

She gave me a toothy grin. "Jane's brother Alec! She said he would love a drawing too!"

"When did she--?" I was cut off by a loud bang.

The sound made my kids jump and scream. Clinging to me with freight. I stood up, staring back down the hall as cracks echoed to us. It sounds like a demolition was going on through the double-carved doors. Snarls, and pounding only increased. The doors jarred making me step back and hold on to my children even tighter.

Gianna only smiled, continuing about her business as if this was a normal occurrence.

"No! Please! Please!"

I snapped my head back to the sound of Bella. My heart hammered rapidly.

That sounded like Bella!

I pushed my kids back onto the bench. "Stay here!" I ordered.

"Miss! You can't!" Gianna called after me. She tried to grab my arm but I jerked away from her. Already running down the hall and slamming my hand on double-carved doors.

"BELLA! BELLA!" I cried out for her.

The doors flung open, making me fall on my ass brutally. I scrambled to my hands and knees the best I could for a woman who was six months pregnant. Bright light from the room filled the dimly lit corridor. Only illuminating more from the very white marble floor and walls. It was almost blinding. There was an odd hole on the side that reminded me of a shower drain making my stomach curl again. I had a horrible feeling it held a much more sinister purpose than a random drain in a vampire lair.

I finally stood up and walked hesitantly into the very circular room. Eight red-eyed vampires stood to the side. Jane, I noticed was standing beside a boy who looked almost just like her but was a lot taller with darker hair. I took it they were siblings. This must be Alec. Though I didn't understand how Artemis knew that.

Felix had Edward pinned on his knees with another man. All of them were wearing overcoats. I shifted my gaze to the raven hair man where Bella was kneeling before him with her shirt yanked low to expose her neck.

What the f*ck?

Felix immediately released Edward who manages to look up. "Get away from her!" He growled. He moved to attack the raven-haired man only to begin withering on the ground in what looked like to be agony.

I shifted my gaze back at the man who was already staring at me with something I couldn't place.

"Edward, stop. I've already seen it," Alice said with a pain-filled voice. Edward gritted through his teeth at his sister. He shifted his gaze off me to Alice.

"Stay out of this!"

I realize now I reacted with haste. This didn't seem to be a situation I needed to be witnessing or be a part of. To make matters worse, my unease caused me to finally glance around and right at the long hair brunette man that sat on the throne on the platform. He smiled at me making my cheeks heat up more. I looked away and at Bella. She was only staring at Edward.

No harm was done to her.

I scoffed loudly and clasped my hands. Demetri flashed beside me and tugged me gently towards the blonde man on the throne.

"Stay here," He said gently. "I will be right back."

I nodded once and bit my lip. I felt ridiculous for freaking out over Bella's screams. She was perfectly fine. Apart from a forming bruise on her arm.

I shyly glanced at the blonde man. He leaned forward in his seat, gesturing me to step closer. My heart picked up from fear? Nervousness? I wasn't sure but I had a feeling I couldn't very well deny him.
So I stepped closer.

He held his hand out for me to take. Slowly, I placed my hand in his and took a deep breath. It was cold as hell but oddly warm at the same time. He tugged me into his lap making me freeze.

I didn't realize I had zoned out staring at this man until he spoke, looking away from me and towards the others in the middle of the room.

"He is easily dealt with."

Who is easily dealt with?

"It will happen, Aro. See for yourself." Alice held her hand out to the man with Raven hair.

So his name was Aro. That was a nice name. Strangely enough, it made my stomach tingle and butterflies erupt. The blush took over again.

I was caught off guard at Demetri returning holding my twins in each of his arms. Achilles was whispering quietly and Artemis was running her fingers through his hair. They were clutching their pictures making Demetri stop in front of Jane and Alec.

They held them to their respective new owners. Jane smiled at Achilles with eyes filled with adoration just as Alec was looking at Artemis. I wasn't sure how I felt about them looking at my kids like they would jump in front of a train for them but at the same time, I knew for a fact it was too intense for strangers to have that sort of feelings for children. Especially three-year-olds.

Their lips moved, the papers tucked into their cloaks. My kids giggled and held their little palms to the sibling's faces before Demetri made his way over. The siblings looked at me and their smiles dropped instantly. Turning their attention to the center of the room once more.

"Master Caius," Demetri nodded at the man who I was sitting on.

Just as Aro's name affected me, Caius's did as well.

"Place the children beside me," he ordered. Demetri sit them down and they immediately grabbed my legs. Looking up at me with wide green eyes.

"Mommy, you won't believe what we just saw," Achilles whispered.

"Do tell," I smiled gently at him. Trying to ease my mind. I was scared sh*tless right now. I was sitting in a vampire's lap like it was a natural thing to do. And my children were right here.

Anything could freaking happen!

"Deme bit the blonde lady's neck. There was a lot of blood."

"All over the floor!" Artemis giggled. "Some got on my shoe but Demetri cleaned it off. See!" she lifted her leg so I could see her spotless shoe.

My mouth fell open, eyes widening, I twisted my neck around to see Demetri looking bashful at me.

I clutch Caius' hand without even realizing it. He placed his hand on my back and rubbed gently, soothing me instantly. The brunette man that was across from us, stood from his throne and kneeled before me, tucking my children into his sides, using his cloak to shield them from the others.

I blinked at them confused, going to turn my head to look, only for Caius to slam my face against his chest to shield me from looking.

"They will not die today," Aro said suddenly. Caius's chest rumbled with anger, and his hold on my head tightened making me whimper.

He immediately released me with his eyes wide. "Mio Amore, I am sorry," He frowned deeply at me. I rubbed my temples.

Jumping when Aro appeared in front of me, grazing my temples with his fingertips. The coolness relieved the ache almost instantly.

"Are you alright, Cara Mia?" His voice was low and smooth sending tingles down my spine.

I nodded unable to find my voice.

I spoke Italian, it wasn't very good pronunciation but I knew enough to know they were speaking terms of endearment to me and it was very baffling. Why were they calling it their love and their dear? Did they do that to every woman who comes in here?

Aro turned to the others. "Go make your preparations. Demetri will escort you to the foyer where you will wait for nightfall. Alice, you will give their things to Demetri and Felix,"

"You're letting them leave?" Caius spit.

"Dear Caius, the girl's disappearance will be conspicuous at best. And surely you see her potential." Aro brushed his fingers against my cheek. I took ahold of his fingers, without thinking, making him look down at me with slightly hazy eyes.

"Let us be done with this. Heidi will arrive any moment. I want our mate and her children out of this room and to safety before then." The man who held my children rasped out. He sounded like he hadn't spoken in years.

Aro gestures to Demetri, and he thrown open the carved double doors. Caius glares at them threateningly.

"We will make sure she follows through. I would not delay. We do not offer second chances!"

I struggled to move from Caius' grip. "Wait-- Bells?" I gasp.

When I got free Bella and the Cullens were gone. I stared at the closed door, my mouth popping open. I felt my kids take hold of my hands.

"Momma?" Artemis said quietly. "I need to potty."

A blush rose on her cheeks as she looked around her. I went to pick her up but Aro had her in his arms before I could react. The brunette grabbed Achilles and Caius swept me up into his arms making me gasp again.

Air whipped my face and then I was sitting on a very comfortable bed. The brunette was the only one who remained in the room with me and my children.

"My name is Marcus," He smiled.

I smiled slightly back at him with a bit of confusion. "Adelaide."

He looked down at the twins. I touched their little backs. "This is Achilles and Artemis."

"It's very lovely to meet all three of you. The bathroom is there behind that door. Feel free to explore and makes yourselves at home. These will be your quarters. My brothers and I will be back as soon as we can. Felix will drop your bags off soon."

"T-Thank you?" I stuttered, bewilder. What was even happening right now?

Marcus nodded at me and then he was gone. I ushered the kids to the bathroom so they could potty. Thankfully I found a crap ton of toilet paper under the sink. It looked like they were hoarding it.

Once their hands were washed, I sat them on the comfy bed, removing their shoes and little sweaters. There was a knock before Felix came in, sitting our bags down before he left again. Grabbing the bags, I dragged them over to the bench in front of the large bed and set them there, digging around for clean clothes.

"He said to make ourselves at home. So...Bath time?" I stated calmly. They nodded their heads.

They stood in front of the large tub as I filled up. Digging around in the cabinets for some soap and pouring it into the warm water. I had no idea what was going on right now but I needed some stability. Something normal and giving my children their nighttime routine was stability.

Chapter 4

Chapter Text

The moment the feeding was done, The three Kings returned to Aro's study. Sending Felix and Demetri to guard their mate's quarters. Aro didn't look as happy as he should have been for finally having his true mate with them after all this time.

"What did you see?" Caius hissed. He wanted to go back to her. Aro sat down at his desk, thumbing his lips.

"Our mate has had a very hard life... it was hard to see but I saw something, just a fraction. She was virtually silent." He mumbled into his palm. Aro didn't particularly like being miffed for the second time today. Was it a Swan gene? Young Isabella was completely quiet and her cousin? That tad bit of information is what he got from Alice. Adelaide was practically just as silent apart from an inkling of pain he was able to decipher from the murky fuzz that clouded her mind. He dare say it was almost relaxing not to hear anything but then he saw the pain...

"What did you see?" Caius gritted through his teeth.

"I do not think Adelaide would be happy with sharing her private story," Marcus spoke up before Aro could spill her secrets. "She would never trust us if we do not give her the same courtesy. Perhaps we should be patient with her. Hmm?"

Caius growled annoyed. Aro nodded his head.

"Yes, you are quite right brother. Though I must tell her about my gift before someone else does." Aro stood up, preparing to leave only to be stopped by Marcus putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Patience Aro... Let her get settled in before we invite ourselves into her company. She does not understand anything and we did not give her a choice so there will be consequences from our hasty impatience. That I am sure of."


I even took a shower, now wearing a fresh long sleeve shirt and some yoga pants, Artemis and Achilles had their fuzzy animal onesies on, tucked into my sides and under the covers. I had Peter Pan open in my lap, reading to them. The twins clung to their stuffed dragon and teddy bear. Their little fingers knitted tight into my shirt heads resting on my thighs. Slowly they fell into a peaceful sleep, their even little breaths accompanied with soft snores. I eased myself from between them, tucking the covers around them. They shifted so they can hold one another unconsciously. Snuggling into their embrace.

I picked up the novel and placed it on the bedside table. Leaning down to kiss their heads. A knock came making me scramble to the door and open it. I scrambled to the door, easing it open just enough for me to slip through the crack, tiptoeing barefoot into the corridor. "Quiet please!" I shushed with a bit of a bite. I didn't bother looking until I closed the door with a gentle click.

My heart slammed hard into my chest to see Aro standing before me. He looked amused. "Sorry... I didn't mean to sound so abrasive. They haven't gotten a god rest in two days," I mumbled sheepishly.

"Felix, Demetri. Stay with the children," Aro ordered. He held his arm out to me. "My room is across the hall--"

"I rather not leave--"

"I got them, Adelaide," Demetri grinned at me. I narrowed my eyes at him. I honestly didn't trust anyone alone with my kids but then again I was only human. What could I possibly do to protect them apart from begging mercifully to spare their lives? If anything it may make the kill all the more enjoyable for the vampires. I doubt their prey does much bargaining.

"Okay," I submitted to leaving my children with the elegant blonde. He hasn't so far put them in any danger or tried to make a snack out of them so maybe I was just judging too quickly? The Cullens were vegetarian vampires and Jane did say their Masters wouldn't be happy about children being here. Perhaps they were sort of different as well?

"Please do not flash another meal before their eyes. We only just found out about Vampire's existence," I added bitterly.

"I promise to keep my fangs to myself." Demetri winked at me.

I had a feeling we were going to get along great just as long as he didn't go ripping into humans' throats in front of my kids. "Please get me if they wake up or bring them to me. They... They don't do very well in unfamiliar places."

Demetri nodded his head at me. I glanced at Felix. He stood stoic but his red glimmering eyes looked directly into mine. It was strange, the way he looked at me. I couldn't pinpoint the emotion but I knew without a doubt that I could trust him with every waking fiber of my being. That I could trust my children's lives in his hands.

"Okay," I breathed. Hesitantly taking Aro's arm, I let him lead me across the long hall and into his room where Marcus and Caius sat on the couch by the fireplace. I shifted my gaze around the room to calm my racing heart because looking at them wasn't doing me any favors. There was only one way one could describe Aro's quarters.

Perfectly organized chaos.

Books sat messily in different areas, stacks of papers scattered from shelves to his desk and even on the nightstands. It was a wreck and the mothering in me shifted with a slight grimace. My fingers were already itching to reinstate the order to the room. Maybe it was just my need for order. I couldn't handle messes very well.

"I'm sorry if my room isn't up to par," Aro chuckled. I shot my gaze back at him, I almost gave myself whiplash. My lips tilted down with furrowed brows.

"Oh god... You're like an older version Edweird!" It slipped from my lips before I could process it. Immediately my blood rushed to my cheeks. Aro frowned at me with a profound look of confusion. I am pretty sure the snort and hiss of laughter that came from behind us was from Caius.

"I am afraid I don't understand?" He said slowly.

"She compared you to Edward Cullen, the filthy animal drinker disgrace of a vampire," Caius sneered mockingly. "Though I must say I like the change in his name."

Aro giggled. It was actually kind of cute. "Cara Mia, I am slightly different from young Edward. My gift comes to play by a simple touch, flesh to flesh. I can read every thought you ever had with one touch."

He had touched my flesh in the... throne room?

I released his arm, crossing my arms with a strong sense of exposure to him. If he had read my thoughts then there were no secrets and my trauma had been exposed. I hadn't even been able to tell Bella what happened to me or even the full truth to uncle Charlie. Because how does someone say the words out loud without breaking? Aro's guilty expression was all I needed to know that he knew just exactly what I was thinking about.

"Your mind is very guarded from my gift, Adelaide but yes, I saw something.--"

I held my hand up to stop him from talking. My hand dropped to caress my bump, trying to calm myself. "So what happens now? Because if I am to be killed I only ask my children be spared and let me give Atticus the life first."

The three vampires stared at me as if I had greatly offended them. I walked confidently over to the love seat and sat down. Staring at them with total calm even if on the inside I was freaking the hell out. I was terrified out of my mind for my children's lives and my unborn son's life. I didn't want to die but I would gladly do so with peace if it meant my children could live. They were young, they would eventually forget these memories and play them off as dreams or vivid nightmares.

"Mio Amore," Marcus whispered, "We would never allow harm to fall upon you or your children." He was beside me instantly causing me to flinch. My heart began racing rapidly. He looked apologetic as he took my hand and kissed the knuckles. Caius had appeared under me with me in his lap making me scream. He didn't look as apologetic as Marcus did.

It only pissed me off but I held my tongue from saying something that would have them kill me faster.

"Why do you insist on having me sitting on you?" I asked quietly. Caius smirked at me, brushing my side with a feather touch. It made me squirm a little. I was very uncomfortable but too scared to say so.

"I greatly enjoy having a beautiful woman on my lap. Exposed to my mercy..." his hand trailed to my thigh. I smack it quickly. What the hell was he playing at? Was this a game to them? Do they find pleasure in toying with my fear? Were they going to do something terrible to us?

Caius didn't stop me from sliding off his lap. Aro had snatched me up and had me on the larger sofa, cradled against him while he placed a hand on my stomach sending heat to scatter through my entire body. I don't know how I felt about getting touched by these men who could kill me so easily. They scared me and despite how uncomfortable I was, they also made me feel safe somehow which is crazy because I just met them only a mere few hours ago. And they were Vampires... And I kind of worked out they were important to the vampire species. They commanded too much respect and lived in a freaking castle! What were they, Kings?

"Are you men like... Like kings?" I asked sounding every bit as pathetic and scared as I felt.

These men were frightening, looming over my very tiny stature that I was childlike compared to them. Surely they had someone that was just as powerful and fearsome for companions. I'm just kind of waiting now for their wives to barge in here and yell. 'Off with her head!'

"Yes," Aro said softly. Brushing a stray curl behind my ear he tilted my chin up so his milky red gaze could look directly into my very steely grey eyes. "We are the three kings of the vampire world. We make the rules, enforce the laws, and judge accordingly. When our hand is forced, we are also the jury and executioners."

My cheeks stained even brighter than before. Aro brushed my cheeks.

"Sei così Bellissima," he breathed. (You are so beautiful)

"Perché mi parli come se fossi il tuo amante?" My voice came out breathy. (Why do you speak as if I am your lover?)

His eyes widened in surprise at me before he giggled. Marcus sat beside me and Caius hung over the back of the sofa. All three of them looked highly amused by me.

"You speak Italian very beautifully, Mio Amore," Caius purred.

"And yet you did not answer my question," I stated.

"In due time, Tesoro," Marcus caressed my cheek.

Atticus chose this moment to kick me so hard that I flinched painfully. My hand flew to my bump and a groan left me as he made a swift battle against the left side of my ribs. I sucked in through my teeth, hissing. Aro let go of me instantly. Three pairs of red eyes were staring intensely at me.

"What's wrong?" Aro implored.

I ignored him and rubbed my ribs. Trying to calm the warrior inside me. He kicked again, knocking the breath out of me. I stood up, puffing my cheeks as I rubbed my lower back.

"Stop hurting me, child. You're going to fracture a rib," I patted my stomach a little rougher than I should have. Atticus's assault against me deterred. Making me breathe in relief. The twins hardly made a move inside me but this child? It's like he made it his ultimate mission to break something. I was sure he would do so eventually. He was rough in there, endlessly rioting.

I turned around to look at the Kings, trying to lighten the awkwardness. "Joys of growing little humans. This child shoved a foot into my ribs," I explained.

They still looked worried at me. Making me sigh. Aro opened his mouth but was interrupted by my growling hunger. I sucked my bottom lip in embarrassment.

"Forgive us, Tesoro! We haven't been acquainted with human necessities in a lengthy time." Marcus was up instantly. "You require substance!"

Require substance? How old was this guy?

I couldn't respond because he was already from the room before I could blink. Then Demetri appeared holding two grumpy toddlers who fisted their eyes raw as they sobbed quietly. My face morphed into concern as I rushed over to him, lifting their chins.

"My darlings... What is wrong?" I asked softly. They only began to cry harder, their sniffling becoming unbearable for me. They reached for my neck, wrapping around me like koalas, making me grunt from their weight. I shuffled over to the couch. Aro helped me by taking Artemis. She curled into his neck. Her hands went to his raven locks as she combed her fingers through them over and over again. Achilles refused to let go of me. I rocked him gently, patting his little back.

"Shh... Come stop your crying, It will be alright. Just take my hand, Hold it tight. I will protect you, from all around you. I will be here. Don't you cry," I sang softly. Artemis turned her face so she could look at me. Her green eyes sparkled with tears. Their loud wails turned into softer sniffles with hiccups as they tried to reign it in.

"For one so small, you seem so strong. My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm." I held my hand out to Arty to take. She wrapped her fingers around mine. "This bond between us, Can't be broken. I will be here, don't you cry."

Their little voices flowed with mine. "Cause you'll be in my heart, from this day on. You'll be in my heart. No matter what they say. You'll be here in my heart." I stopped singing as they whispered, "Always."

I pulled their faces back to look at me. "Now tell me, why you were upset? Full truths."

Achilles toughened up his bottom lip. Swelling his little chest as he stared at me with confidence. Artemis grabbed her brother's hand and they squeezed it. "We thought you left us like daddy."

The air that got knocked out of me was far worse than any pain imaginable. I practically yanked Artemis from Aro and into me. Held their heads to my neck. My strong will to stay calm broke. Tears filled my eyes and fell down my cheeks. I didn't even care that I was exposing my emotions to Aro and Caius. I didn't look at them, just kissed my children heads and closed my eyes, holding them to me.

"I will never leave you. I promise."

The room went quiet after a few minutes. When I opened my eyes I realized it was because Aro and Caius had left. My children clung to me, blinking at one another. Probably having that twin conversation that I would never understand. The door cracked open, and Demetri came in holding a tray full of food. Just simple jelly and nutella sandwiches, fresh fruit with yogurt, nuts, and pretzels. I thanked him with a nod, shaking my children lightly.

"Sit on the floor up to the coffee table," I said softly.

Once they got settled, I laid some napkins down and places a little bit of each in front of them to eat. I joined them in eating the food until it was all gone. They fumbled with their cups of milk making me grimace when Artemis spilled it all over the table. "No! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry momma!" She yelled with frantic eyes.

The door flung open while I tried to calm her down. Caius stood there looking worried until his eyes fell on the spill. He tilted his head confused at her frantic state. "It's just spilled milk, Artemis." He flashed away and then reappeared holding a towel. He laid it on the table, cleaning it up. She sniffled at him.

"I am sorry..."

"Baby, it's okay. Accidents happen," I ruffled her raven curls. Achilles stood up and flung himself at Caius' legs. Making the blonde man freeze. He awkwardly patted his mop of curls with a pain expression. I couldn't help the giggle that left me. Caius shot me an award-winning smile.

"Alright, kids. Back to bed!" I ordered. "Tomorrow maybe we can persuade the Kings in letting us bake cookies--" I lifted a hand causing the twins to snap their mouths shut. "But bedtime must be fulfilled. Understand?"

"Yes mommy," They said together before running to Aro's bed and wiggling with struggling grunts to climb into it. I opened my mouth to stop them but Aro appeared behind me.

"It's quite alright, Cara Mia. Why don't you go to sleep as well? Surely you are exhausted."

I couldn't hold the yawn back and nodded tiredly. "Thank you," I mumbled. As soon as I got into the bed, the twins immediately snuggled against me. I couldn't hold my eyes open much longer before all the stress finally caught up to me and I was out like a light.


The Kings watched the three of them sleep comfortably, perched on the end of the bed, Caius brushed the comforter. Marcus laid beside Achilles where the little boy snuggled against him with a soft sigh.

Aro let out a little laugh as he laid by Artemis. She wrapped her small hand against his pendent, pressed through his shirt, and touched his marble flesh. He was able to see her dreams and it fascinated him. The mind of the small child was a refreshing escape.

"What is she dreaming about?" Caius asked as he watched their mate's chest rise and fall.

"She's dreaming of Alec and Jane playing hide and seek with her and her brother," Aro whispered. He reached over and took Achilles' hand. "It appears he is also dreaming the same thing only Adelaide is in this one. She's playing with a pocket watch."

"A pocket watch?" Marcus mused. "How peculiar."

"I saw something in the child's memories, Adelaide can make herself and the children invisible, like a ton in a way only hers is a tad different. She's vanishing from one spot to the next. She believes she moves unseen but I do not think it's just as simple as moving, her human eyes do not catch the way their skin shifts like a glitch."

"She has a gift?" Caius sat up, inclining his head at Aro.

"I believe the children do as well, Achilles has a memory of shocking someone to their knees, he was upset that Adelaide was unnerved. They form some sort of charge when they hold hands, two negative charges creating an energy field. I am assuming that Artemis channels some sort of energy from wind. It's quite powerful in her little body." Aro brushed her curls gently. He felt a lot of unusual protectiveness for her. He looked directly at Caius.

"I think you and her have a lot in common. She's easily tempered." He smirked.

Caius scoffed.

"Perhaps we should call Eleazar to come see them? Maybe he could shine some clarity on their gifts?" Marcus suggested. Normally he wouldn't care much about gifts but the thought of such young children showing tremendous potential at such a young age was much too intriguing to ignore.

"What a splendid idea, brother!" Aro praised. "I shall call him as soon as I can."

Several hours passed by, around seven in the morning Achilles stirred awake. He blinked at the Kings sleepily, yawning with a stretch. His smile broke out when Artemis followed after him. She kissed Aro's cheek making the King grin at her with a gasp. He was still holding on to her but didn't see her make a decision. It was as if it was a natural thing to do. She wiggled from Aro to kiss Caius and Marcus's cheek. Achilles covered his mouth giggling.

"Oooo gross! Cooties, Arty!"

"They don't have cooties, Lele!" Her little face grew red as she glared at him. "Don't be absurd!"

He blew a raspberry at her before they giggled together and threw their arms around one another.

"Awe," Aro placed his hand on his chest.

"Let's not wake your mother," Caius said sternly. They shushed one another before holding their arms out wanting to be picked up. Caius swept Artemis up before Aro could making said man pout a little. Caius smirked at him.

Achilles turned to Aro, making a grabby motion. Aro swiped him up. Marcus kissed the top of Adelaide's head before opening the bedroom door and leading the others out. He turned to Demetri. "If she wakes, take her to the kitchen after she gets ready. Chelsea will be by with some clothes for her shortly. We will take the children to get some sustenance."

Some of the human staff in the kitchen froze watching the Kings come into the room with human children. Caius snarled at them making them scurry off except for one very old woman, she. bravely came over and leaned over the countertop.

"Cosa ci sarebbe nel menu stamattina?" (What is on the menu today?) She asked gently looking at the kids. Their faces twisted a little before Artemis inhaled deeply with a broad smile.

"Crepes al cioccolato, per favore!" She sang. Achilles frowned looking at his hands confused.

"No fair, Arty! You know I struggle with Italian!"

"Too slow, bubby!" She grinned.

Achilles crossed his arms. Marcus swiped at his chin. "We'll work on it, Piccolo. What would like to eat?"

"May I have some fruit?" He asked hopefully.

"Just fruit?" Aro teased. "You can have anything you want,Mio piccolo sole."

Achilles grinned at Aro. "Okay! May I have oatmeal too!"

The old woman smiled fondly at them. "Cosa vuole mangiare?" She asked Aro. (What does he want to eat?)

"Farina d'avena con una piccola ciotola di frutta."

"Va bene!" She clapped her hands and got to work. The kids whirled to the Kings.

"Momma likes Pancakes with strawberries with orange juice but you have to be careful. She says if the fruit isn't washed right it can make Attie sick," Achilles bit his lip.

"Oh! Can we make momma pancakes!" Artemis jumped excitedly in her chair. "She always lets us mix the batter!"

"I'm sure that can be arranged," Marcus mused.

Chapter 5

Chapter Text

My hands curled to the sides, feeling around but only making contact with cold silky sheets. Jumping up with a pounding heart, my eyes wide and open. Scrambling from sheets, I frantically looked around the room and opened doors, not caring that I probably wasn't allowed to go opening doors in Aro's room.

"Achilles! Artemis!" I shrieked.

They weren't here making me even more hysterical. With my hands shaking, I tripped up on the cover that hung from the bed. I caught myself on the canopy railing before I fell.

"ACHILLES!" I screamed.

The bedroom door flew open, slamming against the wall and causing the marble to crumble from the force. Felix stood there crouched as if he were about to attack. His eyes flickered around the room so fast that I wondered if I just imagined it.

He snapped up and strolled over to me, nudging me to sit on the bed while I choked back a sob.

"The offspring are with Master Marcus," Felix grunted. His red eyes blazing with concern. I was sure he was probably uncomfortable with a very frantic sniffling human. He probably hadn't needed to comfort someone crying in years.

It didn't help though, I was still hysterical because I woke up frightened. I thought someone had taken them and they might have died. Felix was stiff as a board. He let out a string of curses. Then I was in his arms, wind-whipped harshly against my fast before he sat me back on my feet, he held me upright and pushed open a door.

It was a kitchen from what I could see through my blurry eyes.

"Mio Amore!" Marcus stood up making me dizzy from the fast movement. My desperate gaze flickered until I found my children.

I breathe in relief, ignoring how ridiculous I was acting and probably how horrid my appearance must be. My feet were moving, their heads popped up to look at me with smiling faces.

A cry left me again, tears pushing forward and down my cheeks, dripping from my chin. They scrambled off their chairs and ran to me, I fell to my knees and yanked them into my embrace. Sobbing horribly.

"What happened?" Marcus asked coldly. I didn't hear Felix's response but Marcus sighed and then his hand was on my back as he lowered himself to his knees.

"Adelaide, we did not think about the distress this would have caused you. We would have never taken your children had we known..." He said gently. My arms held onto my twins like a vice. I inhaled their sweet scents, trying to relax. I was utterly terrified.

"Adelaide?" Marcus caressed my hair. I opened my eyes, tilting my head to lay on theirs so I could look at the King who sounded so heartbroken. He met my watery gaze, his hand slipping to brush my tears away. "I am exceedingly apologetic. Forgive us?"

I nodded once, twisting my face back into their mopy curls. Their little hands twisted into my shirt and clutched my neck. Artemis pressed her lips to my cheek and scrambled to latch herself to me while Achilles was contented in holding my thighs.

"My darlings... You know you can't disappear from me. I was awfully worried about you," I whispered into their ears.

"We're sorry momma," Artemis sniffled.

"Mommy, we just wanted to make you pancakes... Caius said not to wake you..." Achilles sobbed into my thighs. "We're so sorry!"

I took deep breaths, my desperate behavior had upset them. Pressing my lips into their hair, I squeezed them once and struggled to stand up. Marcus helped me at once, holding me steady and letting me lean into him to balance myself out.

"All is forgiven," I said softly, cupping their wet cheeks. "I shouldn't have lost myself in my emotions. Go, finish your breakfast."

They nodded their heads and clambered back onto their chairs. I wiped at my cheeks with the back of my hands, turning to look up at Marcus. "Sorry, that was pathetic of me..."

He smiled gently. "Do not apologize, Mio Amore. You're their mother. It's natural for you to have strong attachments... It is I would is sorry."

Feeling embarrassed, I looked down at my bare feet. He let out a little chuckle. "Felix please take Adelaide to her room to get dressed--"

"THERE YOU ARE!" a female vampire with blonde hair appeared in front of me with wide eyes. "I came by to bring you clothes and you-- oh Master Marcus!" she bowed to him looking nervous. He smiled at her.

"Adelaide, this is Chelsea, she's my guard."

Chelsea smiled shyly and bowed at me. Making my eyebrows shoot up. I wasn't expecting that...

"Hello?" I fidgeted with my hands. Chelsea was incredibly beautiful and standing before her with blotchy wet cheeks and a disheveled appearance wasn't helping my confidence at the moment.


Marcus came into the throne room, his fists clenched against his sides, a sour and anguish look upon his face. He looked like he had been thorough told off. He took his place on the left side of his throne much harsher than he had done in centuries. Aro and Caius looked at him for an explanation for his miserable mood. He had been smiling and laughing with the children when they left him to begin their day-to-day duties.

"Brother?" Aro questioned him.

Marcus met his gaze. His voice was low and filled with pain. "We are not to take the children from Adelaide, without her permission. She woke up in dreadful terror, and nearly fell struggling to locate them. Felix heard her screaming and could not console her. He brought her immediately to the kitchens. I would greatly prefer to never see her like that again. The image will forever torment me..."

Aro took his hand immediately, looking at the memory. His face twisted at how their beautiful mate emerged. Steel grey eyes glisten, her rosy cheeks blotchy and drenched in tears. Her raven locks were knotted and untamed from sleep, in her pajamas, and she still had sleep crusted on her face. Trembling from head to toe...

He pulled back from Marcus. "Oh..." He breathed. He didn't think about it would have affected it to wake with her children missing. Caius hissed annoyed.

Aro flashed him a hateful glare. "Be glad you can't see it! For now on, we let her set the boundaries!" He slammed himself down on his throne causing the marble to crack from the force.

She hadn't even been here for a day and already they have witnessed her anguish tears. They were doing a horrible job it seemed. Perhaps they should just stay away from her until she settled and got used to the idea of being here? To trust them that she and her children would be safe within the walls of Volterra.

There was a knock and Chelsea appeared before them. She smiled with a bow, Heidi emerged through the doors gripping Adelaide's purse.

"Masters, mistress Adelaide, has asked me if she and the children are allowed to go outside the castle. I have told her I would ask you for permission," Chelsea said.

"Why didn't she come ask herself?" Caius asked, already annoyed with the idea of their mate leaving the safety of the castle.

Chelsea looked unsure now. Heidi encouraged her with a smile. She took an unneeded breath. "Mistress Adelaide is ashamed for behaving rash this morning. She believes she may have insulted Master Marcus."

"She could never!" Marcus said at once. He rose from his throne and vanished from the room. Aro held his hand up to Caius to calm him. He looked at Chelsea.

"She may do as she pleases but I want five guards with her. Jane and Alec will stay here. The cards to our accounts are on my desk. Marcus will retrieve them and bring them to you."

"Masters," The girls bowed and left the room. Caius glowered.

"She shouldn't leave the castle, Aro. They could be harmed."

"Peace brother, We can not force her hand for the time being. Undoubtedly she is probably confused. We need to be gentle, she's fragile --"

"Which is why she shouldn't leave! She and her unborn child could--"

"Dear Caius... Kindly do quit talking."


The twins were in coordinating attire. Achilles had a light blue short sleeve dress shirt on. He had insisted on wearing a pale pink bowtie to match Artemis's pale pink sundress with light blue polka dots. They had their black shoes on. Artemis tugged gently at her white tights and played with the giant blue bows in her little pink tails to hold half her hair up from her face.

I couldn't quite understand why they always preferred to dress so formally for toddlers but then again they were always a bit of an old soul.

"Mommy you must wear pink!" Artemis wagged her finger.

"I don't have a pink dress Arty," I said gently only for Chelsea to waltz into the room holding a pale pink dress off the shoulder dress. I stared at it. That looked like it was going to be rather snugged.

"Princess Artemis is right, you need to wear pink," Chelsea stood before me and gestured to me to stand up. "Now that you've showered, drop the robe, and I'll help you put this on."

"I can dress myself..." I muttered but dropped the robe anyway. Achilles covered his eyes.

"Mommy! You're supposed to say look away!"

"Sorry Lele," I chuckled at his behavior. Chelsea zipped me up and led me to the vanity, already getting started on my makeup. It was actually kind of nice to be pampered. I'm not going to lie. I always hated doing my makeup and hair, didn't mind doing it for others though.

Marcus came into the room momentarily scaring me at his sudden appearance. Though he scared him as well Achilles whirled on him, puffing his chest out. "Do you know what a door is! You're supposed to knock! Mommy could have been naked!"

"Achilles... Manners," I said lowly. He ran over to me.

"I will demand respect for you! You are my mommy! It's my job to protect you and sissy!" Achilles nuzzled his face in my legs.

I couldn't be mad at him. He's so precious. Picking him up, I let him sit on my lap while Chelsea giggled, pinning my curls back.

"You are quite right Achilles," Marcus smiled down at him, his red glimmering eyes shone with pride. "It is your job, so please, accept my sincere apology."

Achilles looked at him sternly, humming, and turned his cheek. "Do not apologize to me." he twisted his neck to look at me. "Right mommy? You said to never be what's... I forgot the word. -- to a woman. You said she is to be my equal."

"Inferior," I brushed his mopy curls. "You are to love and respect all women if you want to be respected back. However, Achilles, you have been disrespectful to King Marcus. This is his home and he can do as he pleases. So apologize and lose the attitude."

"But he didn't knock mommy! Men can't just come into a woman's room!" he said shrilly. "Where is the respect for you!"

"Achilles," I said sternly. "You may be right but no harm has been done, ap--"

"There is no need for apologies, Mio Amore. This may be my home but that doesn't excuse my poor behavior. I should have knocked. I take no offense, therefore all is well."

Achilles grinned at me. "See mommy! Marcus says I was right!"

"Don't gloat."

He lost his smile and bent his head at me. I caressed his chin. Making him look at me. "Achilles, I am proud of you. You are doing your job well as the man in the family but remember you still need to be respectful. You're my sweet baby boy. Don't let being protective tarnish that..." I spoke lowly so his sister didn't hear. "Besides Arty, she's enough trouble for an army."

He giggled.

"I need you to balance it out," I kissed his cheek. "Now up you get."

Setting him back on the ground he went to Marcus and looked up at him. "I am sorry for being rude, Marcus."

Marcus laid his hand on his head. "Very well Achilles, now I must speak to your mother. Why don't you and your sister take Chelsea and Heidi to the balcony?"

Achilles narrowed his eyes at him. "You're not allowed to hit--"

"Achilles!" I gasped.

He threw his little hands up. "Well, mommy! I'm just saying!"

I covered my face in shame. Why are they so grown up? Marcus chuckled lightly but didn't seem as lighthearted as before. "You have my word, Piccolo."

"Okay then. Proceed. Sissy! Come!" Achilles held his hand out to his sister. She took it and then they took the two vampires' hands and went to the balcony.

"I'm sorry about that. I don't know what gotten into him..." I blew out my cheeks.

No seriously, what has gotten into him? He's never been blatantly rude before. I wonder ifs he's been more affected than I originally thought... Maybe I've been too harsh on him.

I felt Marcus' hand on my cheek drawing me out of my thoughts. He looked troubled. "It is alright Mio Amore. Do not worry."

"Why are we here?" I asked. "What are you and the others going to do to us?"

"What do you mean?"

"We're human! You're vampires!" I covered my mouth, the unease was coming back. "Are you just going to plump us up like pigs for slaughter?" I whispered.

Marcus growled. "No! We've told you, no harm will come to you or your children Adelaide. Please trust us--"

"I don't know you! We were pretty much kidnapped and brought here! I feel like that damn veggie vamp traded us off to you to save their own-- oh my God she did! She traded us off!" I covered my face.

"Tesoro..." Marcus put his hands on my wrists making me flinch away. He back away immediately.

"What are you going to do to us?" my voice cracked. "I... My children... They're just babies... Oh god..."

My breaths slowly become unleveled. My skin was crawling and the ticking grandfather clock only seemed to grow louder with each passing second. I didn't feel Marcus easing me back in my chair and kneeling before me. He held my hands in his, trying to soothe the panic attack that was beginning to overcome me.

What was I even doing? Why didn't I try harder? I was such a horrible mother! I've put my kids in danger!

"Adelaide... Please, darling. You're alright."

"Why do you keep calling me that!" I snapped. "I am not your love! I am not your sweetheart! And I am not your darling! You or your brothers!"

Marcus flinched from me. Pain flared in my chest and immediately I wanted to beg for forgiveness from him. His face morphed into a painful grimace.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered. Tears fell down my cheeks. He quickly wiped them away and then he was under me, cradling me in his lap. His large hands held me in the safety only he could provide me.

"I know you do not understand right now, Adelaide. I do not deserve such trust and patience from you but I am a selfish man, asking for it now. I promise I will spend the rest of eternity earning it and worshiping the ground beneath these angelic feet." The tips of his fingers brushed my exposed toes. It sent tingles throughout my entire body. "One day you will understand the hold in which you have under me. I've been bewitched by your very essence. Your scent is enticing, your smile my demise. Such feelings are fairly intense for a human but I have waited over 3000 years for you and I shall wait more if it means one day you will take me for what I am..."

Words failed me. No man has ever been so bold with their words of endearment for me. Not even Killian... I bit into my bottom lip.

"Do not say anything, Mio Amore," Marcus pressed his lips to my temple. "Just please stay and let me earn your trust. I would want nothing more and except nothing less than just your presence in this deary castle I call home."

"I... But..." I huffed at myself, rubbing my neck trying to explain my emotions but not being able to form the words I was desperate to say. It was very frustrating.

Marcus kissed my nose then my cheekbones and finally my forehead. Leaning against me, he inhaled deeply. A guttural groan left his lips, vibrating in his chest and making every inch of my body flare in indescribable desire.

My fingers knotted in the silky strands of his hair, my chest rising and falling rapidly. I found myself inching towards him. Like Icarius to the sun. My nose brushed against his... The icy coolness of his breath fanned my face and like Icarius I was close to burning my wax wings from hasty desires. Pulling myself closer, Marcus didn't move as I swung my leg over his thighs, straddling his waist and ever so grateful for the large slit in the dress that allowed unrestricted movement.

Left hand trailing against his chest and up to his neck, he purred against the delicate movements of my fingertips against his flesh. Touching him as if he were the finest china... Warm lips with a feather brush against the cold, I tighten my hold on his hair.

His hands landed on my waist, cupping my bump with tenderness.

I was so close to pressing my lips against his... Red crossed behind my lids. A sting to my throat and pain flared in my body.

The spell broke and I leaned my forehead against his.

"I can't..." I whispered. My voice was hoarse from the tears I wanted to shed as the memories assaulted me.

"Adelaide?" Marcus pulled my face back so he could kiss the tears that fell, capturing them with his oddly soft lips

What was I doing? He's a vampire... I am human. I was practically a hostage here, right?

"What is wrong?" Marcus asked softly, shifting me around easily so he could cradle me again like I was a child. "Why are you crying?"

"Am I allowed to leave?" I asked, my voice barely audible but I knew he heard me. He flinched.

"Do you want to leave?"

Did I want to leave?

My eyelashes fluttered open. I turned my face away. I didn't belong here. Yet my heart was screaming to stay. I knew I could not though. Realistically uncle Charlie will get worried and the police will get involved. Too much has happened to me in the past year that will deem my going missing suspicious. It would be an awful thing to put even vampires through.

"I think if I don't return to Forks by next week, you'll have trouble from this..." I confessed. "My life has been filled... It's been kind of rough and it's more than just a small-town chief that would be involved."

Marcus allowed me to get up. I swallowed hard and looked out to the balcony where my kids stood.

"You should know, I am married... Was," I corrected. Marcus stood up immediately, looking very worried. "I would like an audience with your brothers at once, please."

Marcus disappeared and then reappeared, lifting me up and then sitting me back down in the throne room before I could even process more. It befuddled me, temporarily making my mind hazy as I shook it away. Aro and Caius looked sadden to see me standing there in front of them. Marcus was on his throne, his face void of emotion.

"Go on Adelaide," He said casually. The emptiness of his voice pained me and I couldn't understand why.

"What is it?" Caius asked acidly.

"I need to go home soon," I said sternly. "I was married to a marine and my and his children going missing will involve military involvement. I am aware Alice Cullen used my children and me as a bargaining chip to letting them leave however she was not aware of who I am."

"and who are you?" Aro growled. His grip on his throne was grumbling the armrests.

I inhaled deeply, holding my head up high because if I didn't I would crumble.

"Mrs. Adelaide Landen, wife of Sargent Killian Landen a man who has gone missing in action. And my father..." my voice faltered. "He's in the C.I.A."

"I see..." Aro hissed.

"If... If you let me return and make it ... Make it seem like I chose to disappear --"

"Are you saying you'll come back?" Marcus asked softly.

"I know I am not supposed to know of your existence, and I understand what that entails. Bella told me." I swallowed hard. "I only ask to be allowed to return long enough to tie my ends so no trouble occurs. For the sake of my uncle at the very least."

The three Kings stared at me. Unblinking and no moving. Still as a statue. My hands shook and I had to hold them together to maintain the anxiety that was coming from all this. I was damning myself just to save them and for what? I had no reason to protect anyone here apart from my children but I could not find it in me to risk the safety of the Kings.

Marcus said he was bewitched but it was I... The useless and weak human who heard Circe's song. I was going to burn and crumble in the end for something that did not make sense to me.

How fitting it was that I was fascinated by Greek mythology to the point I named my children after stories of those who will forever be remembered. How fitting it was that I should find myself before Greek Gods. Vampires who would be my ultimate demise.

A clock tick from somewhere in the room as I lowered myself onto my knees before them. My head bowing in submission. The coolness nipped my fingertips.

"I have a gift," I said quietly. I would do anything to protect my family. "I can create wind and hide things and people in shadows."

I felt a hand on my chin, making me lift my head. Aro was staring down at me his milky red gaze swam with disbelief as he looked at me.

"You will never bow before us again, Adelaide." He had yanked me to my feet and twisted me around and forced me into his throne.

My breath was lost to me as I looked at the three kings standing before me.

"What are you doing?" I covered my mouth at their black eyes.

Time moved slowly at them dipping forward, the gazes locked on me with unidentified emotions. Aro, Caius, and Marcus had kneeled before me.

And suddenly I realized what was happening. The looks they were giving me, the sweet words and hidden promises. I wasn't just a human to them.

I have waited over 3000 years for you and I shall wait more if it means one day you will take me for what I am.

"Adelaide," Aro hissed with alluring intention.

"I'm not just a human to you am I?" my hands shook.

"No," Caius growled. The inky pools of his eyes made my stomach clench.

"What am I?"

Aro had me pressed against his chest with him under me before I could blink. His hand was on my chest, holding me to him. His legs trapped my legs as his mouth pressed hotly against my ear.

My heart began to pound, I could hear it in my ears.

"You may go back to Forks but I will accompany you because you, my dearest are a prize to behold and I shall never let you go."

Caius was gripping my thighs, his nose running against my pulse and Marcus watched my every movement. Locking his gaze with me. An amused smile danced on his lips.

"You're our mate, Adelaide."

Chapter 6


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

I was on a private jet. Of all things, this was what was surprising me right now. It's not like I had three vampire kings kneel before me while I sat on a throne and received the shock of a lifetime.

"You're our mate."

Turning my head, I looked at Marcus across the aisle. He was on the sofa his hands in my children's curls. They were nestled up into his sides, using his cape as a blanket. He was speaking lowly to them. They kept glancing up at him with smiles before going back to playing with his clothes.

My heart clenched at the sight. Seeing any of the kings with my twins had me wanting to do some serious gratifying things to them. I blamed this mythical force that was between us. Because I wasn't always so wanting or seemingly needy. I was always pretty chill when it came to sex. I didn't have the drive like most people my age have but with one damn hell glance at the kings and all I want to do is strip.

Maybe it's just the hormones?

Looking back out the window, I sighed quietly. I was glad that Aro didn't come. He was too touchy with people. Caius reminded me of a rabid dog with all the snarling he did. Yeah like my uncle Charlie was going to willingly let me and my children leave with Caius. So that left Marcus, the calm and the quiet one of the Kings. But what was I supposed to say?

'Hey, Uncle Charlie! This is my boyfriend by default, Marcus and he's an ancient vampire who is whisking my children and me away to live in a castle so we don't die! Oh, by the way, his brothers are also my boyfriends and one of them wanted to make a snack out of your co*ckroach daughter.'

Yeah, I totally see how that's going to work. Charlie would lock me away in a hospital with padded walls.

Demetri sat beside me, pulling me into his side. His fingers twirled around my curls. His head on top of mine. He tangled our feet together and held me. It was nice and comforting. Demetri felt like home. He was safe. My escape.

Ever since I went running out of the throne room, panic-stricken from being called a mate... Destiny or fate and all that. I totally flipped and it was Demetri who found me in a random room losing my mind and muttering to myself. He talked to me about stuff that was random. He talked to me like a human. All vampires and royalty and mates set aside, Demetri made me feel normal again. I hadn't felt normal in a long time and yet he smiled and asked me my opinion on what was cuter a penguin or an otter.

Of all things, he could have asked... It took me by surprise. He was a flair of elegance, who would have thought he was like a little kid who loved water animals. He stayed by me for the next three days, being a friend and being my personal bodyguard. At some point, Felix had joined the little group and just helped me relax. Achilles and Artemis however didn't want to hide away like me and I regrettably let them do what they wanted.

The two remaining Kings in Volterra were probably basking in the break of the two toddlers.

"Little mother," Demetri whispered into my hair. "You got to loosen up. You've been tense for two days now."

There was a small snarl coming from where Marcus was. Cuddling into Demetri, I pressed myself closer to him to look around him to see Marcus. His eyes were coal-black, his lips pulled back, showing his blinding teeth.

"Stop that. You sound like a rabid dog," I said coldly before leaning back into my chair and into Demetri's cold embrace. He chuckled at me.

"You can't ignore them forever you know. At some point, the bond is going to have you pleading for their attention." He paused for a second and then dropped his voice lower. "However, I must say, I do enjoy cuddling you. You remind me of this girl when I was human. I don't recall much about her but I do know I adored her. I assume we were close friends."

"I would be careful, Marcus looks like he is prepared to rip your head off," I giggled.

Demetri laughed loudly. "I don't doubt it. I'm holding his mate."

Felix appeared on the other side of me. Placing his ankle on his knee. He looked relaxed for the very first time as he put an arm on my chair. He stared down at me, not blinking before he smiled a little.

"What?" I lifted a brow.

He smirked. "I'm just spectating the scene before me. Very brave of you, Adelaide to cuddle with Demetri."

"Shut up Felix, it's a friendly cuddle," Demetri glared.

"Ha!" Felix crossed his arms. "Nothing is ever friendly with-- what are you doing?" Felix's eyes grew wide as I climbed into his lap and laid my head on his chest. "Get off. I like my head attached to my body."

"No," I snuggled into his neck.

Demetri began snickering. There was a shuffle of feet and I was yanked off Felix and into a warm embrace. The smell of books, leather, and sandalwood devoured my senses. Marcus's black eyes gazed down at me.

"Stop snuggling the guards, Mio Amore. I rather like them and would hate to have to kill them--"

"Put me down," I demanded.

"I'll snuggle whoever I please. Besides," I shrugged when he placed me down. "These two are what's keeping grounded. This mate thing with you and your brothers quite frankly scares me. I promised to come back to Volterra but I did not promise to make my acceptance of this 'bond' easy for you."

"Very well," He said calmly.

Marcus went back to my children and let them play with his hair. He didn't look at me again for the rest of the flight or maybe he did and I just didn't know it. Demetri kept his hands to himself as to make his master at ease but he did let me hold his hand. Felix kept his arm around my shoulders just so I knew it was going to be okay.

By the time we landed in Seattle I came to the decision that Felix and Demetri were like the brothers I had always wished for. I never liked being an only child. I had always wanted older brothers. Maybe because the thought of having an older brother might have stopped the things that happened to me.

Marcus sat beside me in the SUV while Felix drove us towards Forks. I pulled my cellphone out and dialed uncle Charlie's number. He picked up on the fourth ring.


"Hey, I'm almost home. I just wanted you to know."

"You're coming back? Bells said you wouldn't. I was worried." He sounded stressed.

I clawed at my jeans, to keep my snide comments to myself. Marcus grabbed my hand and held it. As much as I was scared, I was grateful for his silent comfort. I gave him a small smile in thanks. He brushed his lips against my temple and put his arm around me.

"I just needed a break. I was planning on coming back for our things eventually --"

"Adelaide," Uncle Charlie said quietly. "Please tell me you're not going back... Back to your father. He-- Adelaide, he, --" He mumbled something that sounded like a string of curses but I didn't say anything about it. Not everyone can be calm all the time. He was worried, rightfully so. We're family.

Marcus began to run his nose in my hair, his chest rumbling with a gentle purr that oddly soothed me greatly. My anxiety started to decrease.

"I'll be home soon, and we can talk about it but can you please have Bella out of the house for the time being? Please? She's not on good terms with me right now."

"I thought so. Don't worry Addie, she's at the Cullen's. She won't be back until later. Be careful. See you soon."

The phone went silent and I dropped it back into my purse, covering my mouth as I leaned into Marcus. What the hell. Why not? He's like a pillow and he soothed me. His fingers trailed against my shoulder and neck, his deep inhaling of my scent was making me feel all giddy inside.

I don't know how long it was I was lost in his actions until Achilles began to cry. I twisted around after taking my seat belt off to see what was wrong.

He was trying to get away from Artemis. She was scrunching her nose at him and her hair was starting to fly around. I smacked her leg gently making her stop. Achilles immediately stopped crying.

"You know better Missy!" I said sternly. "What have I told you about using your gift on your brother!"

"He shocked me!" She screamed.

"Artemis!" I snapped. She clamped her mouth shut but continued to glare at me. "You are supposed to tell me if he's used his gift! Now!" I climbed over the seat and began unbuckling her. She started screaming at the top of her lungs.

"No! Mommy! No! NOOOO!"

"Honey, stop screaming," I did gently.


"Artemis, you and your brother can't behave--"

Her little hand hit my mouth fairly hard. Hard enough for my front teeth to embed in my bottom lip. I tasted something metallic and smelled rust.

"I SAID NO!" She screamed.

"ARTEMIS!" Marcus's voice was deep and held malice to it. I twisted around to stare at him with my heart in my throat. Licking my lips, the sharp inhale of Felix and Demetri didn't help the situation.

Felix pulled the car over and they were out before I could blink. Marcus's eyes were black. He snatched her from my hands in a flash and had her out of the car. He was towering above her shakey little body.

But I couldn't move ... I just looked from where I was in the car. Completely shocked.

Marcus held her wrist while her head was bowed. She was nodding rapidly. Sniffling loudly and then he released her. She was hugging his legs while he caressed her head.

I have no idea what he said to her but when she came back to the car, she got back into her car seat and I buckled her back up.

"I'm sorry mommy, I behave now," She whispered. I blinked at her and kissed her head so she knew I still loved her very much.

Marcus was still standing out of the car. Luckily the sun was going down and there was some cover from the clouds still. I got out of the car and closed the door. Demetri came back and got back into the car. He just glanced at me and then nodded to Marcus.

I unhurriedly went to stand beside the man. His jaw was clenched. His black eyes fell to my lips.

I licked them, tasting the blood still. It was still bleeding, making my cheeks warm. "Sorry..." I murmured awkwardly.

"Are you alright?" his voice was raspy.

"Umm... Yeah. Are-- Are you okay? I know... That must have hurt your ears--"

Marcus had shifted so he could press his nose against my neck, it had to be uncomfortable to bend so far down. Like he read my mind, he was kneeling and then his fingers swiped the blood forming on my lip, pressing the coated fingertips into his mouth.

My mouth popped open. My stomach jumped as the very erotic moan that rumbled from him. Did he seriously just do that?

"Can I kiss you?" his black eyes were pleading with me. The amount that just happened in the span of ten minutes was enough to make me feel like hallucinating it all.

My body had me nodding where my mind was screaming no!

Marcus' lips captured mine, his tongue darting out to coax the blood to keep oozing from my lip. I puddled in his arms. His urgent kiss captured me in the webs and spun me around and around, losing me in the delicacy of how his soft cold lips feasted on my own. And then he sucked overwhelmingly on my bottom lip drawing me back into the dangers of what kissing a vampire brings.

I pushed at his shoulders once and he was ten steps away from me. I held my stomach, taking deep gasping breaths for some much-needed air. He was smiling at me, I wondered if he was alive if he would have been blushing as much as I was.

"I'm sorry, Tesoro. It appears I got a little carried away," He said smoothly.

"A little?" I shook my head and touched my mouth. My lips were swollen and kind of hurt now and that's not just from being sucker-punched by a three-year-old.

Marcus was pressed against me instantly, tilting my chin to make eye contact with me. His thumb brushed my lips, the coolness relieving the ache.

"I'm sorry I was rough with you... Your blood is actually quite divine. Much more than I thought it would be."

"Thank you?" I sounded so unsure that he chuckled at me.

"Come, we still have quite a bit of journey left." He opened the door and helped me back in.

I caught Demetri smirking. He tilted his head slightly at me and I saw his lips move.


I scowled at him and leaned into Marcus who seemed rather happy to have me relax against him again.


The three vampires didn't accompany me into the Swan household when they dropped me and the kids off. When they drove away I knew they would be waiting in the woods behind the house to keep their eye on us. Guarding us.

Uncle Charlie wasn't back yet so I went up to the attic and opened the bedroom window. Marcus was right behind me the moment I turned away from it.

He looked rather funny in the tiny room. That when a bubbly laugh left me, he had looked pleased.

"What amuses you, my love?"

"You just look funny in my room. You're too regal to be standing next to a doll house and stack of cooking magazines." I couldn't stop the giggles and had to sit down. The kids had grabbed their toys and went to sit in front of the bed so they could play.

Marcus looked around, seemingly thinking about something before he flashed me a beautiful smile.

"Quaint, like you. I take it the color green is your favorite color?" He brushed his fingers against the duvet.

"Emerald green," I said gently. My gaze dropped to my wedding band. "It was Killian's eye color."

"Ah... Yes, the husband," Marcus sat next to me on my bed. With a faraway look in his eyes. He had a familiar sadness to him. A sadness that I knew very well.

But me being me, I took from my own experience of not liking when people pry into my business. I decided not to ask. He sighed before turning his head to look at me.

"Emerald green is a very delightful shade. I quite like it myself but conceivably my opinion is considered biased." His gaze dropped to my children. He was smiling again. My heart fluctuated. I found myself grinning at the floor.

Achilles looked right at me.
"When can I see Aro, momma?"

"Missing him already?" I asked.

He nodded his head before becoming shy a little. He glanced at Marcus.

"Yes, Piccolo?" Marcus asked. Achilles shuffled over to him and motion him to lean down. Despite his trying to whisper he failed epically.

"Aro promised to take me to see Andrea Bocelli if I made sure we come back home. He said he loves momma and asked me if he could take her on a date..."

I snorted in laughter and quickly hid it with my hand. Marcus swiped his cheek affectionately.

"You know, I am going to require that blessing too, little one."

"Why? You were eating her face earlier!" Achilles made a gross face but quickly smiled. "I would like a new Daddy. I guess it's okay."

I choked on the air and quickly excused myself. I went downstairs hearing Marcus laughing from behind me with the kids giggling.

Damn children... Why do they have to be so blunt?

The front door opened and Charlie came through, looking worn out. His droopy eyes shot open and shone brighter as he looked right at me. "Addie!"

I was swept into a loving hug as he held me in his arms. I hugged him back just as tight. Snuggling into him and breathing in the gun powder and wheat smells. Trying to memorize it straight to the core.

I didn't realize I was sniffling until he began shushing me.

"I have you," He said softly.


While the kids were downstairs playing a board game with Charlie, I was finally able to start packing. I didn't have much here. Just things I brought with me to Fork, things that I deemed important to keep. Marcus didn't talk to me, allowing me the silence.

I knew he heard me downstairs crying into my uncle's arms. Hearing me lie straight through my teeth.

I've been offered a job in Texas. Friends of Killian's. They promised to help us. Besides, it would be good for me. You know? Fresh start.

I suppose the fresh start was real. Only it was in Italy and not the safest place for children or any human for that matter.

"I'm sorry my love," Marcus said quietly after I finished packing family photos away.

"No you're not," I responded numbly.

He sighed and then he was touching my hair. "I'm not sorry for finding you, Mio Amore. However, I am sorry for what you are giving up but I promise I will try and make you happy. I will cherish you alongside my brothers and you'll never know pain again as long as we exist."

"Is it weird that you have to share me with your brothers?"

Marcus sat back down and beckoned me to him. He pulled me into his lap, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek.

"Aro, Caius, and I have been together for centuries. Aro found me after a couple of years of becoming a vampire and the two of us set out to recreate the Volturi. Back then it wasn't a safe time for humans. Vampires were wild, had no control, and killed even without needing to feed. Humans lived in terror. Aro knew that at some point the humans would seek to destroy us and so together we began our search for gifted vampires. It was just a dream then but it wasn't until after a hundred years of Aro and I traveling together when we found Caius. He was only human then but Mio Amore, he was a force to behold even then. He was fast and strong and he was the missing piece to mine and Aro's vision. Aro changed him, and from that day forward the three of us had held together through the centuries of hardships. Wars, famines, I do not believe the three of us have ever found it hard to share. We were brothers through the love shared for each other. We were fated to be bonded to each other for eternity.

"I will admit the three of us had always wondered what would have happened if we had our own true mates but through it all we each felt in our hearts that our mate would be bonded together between the three of us. It came as no surprise when I saw the bond that tied us together appear the morning before you arrived."

"I am scared, Marcus," I confessed. "I'm pregnant and have children--"

"Sweet Adelaide," Marcus kissed my head. "I know and my brothers and I will cherish you, pamper you and protect you. This is only the beginning of our story."

My heart didn't calm to the idea of being shared regardless of his sweet words or his confidence.

"If you have concerns Adelaide, trust that as our mate, our sole duty is to make you feel safe and loved. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do but we only ask you to listen to our reasonings if we ask you to do something. We're the kings, we can't afford to allow you to live outside the castle. If you fall, we shall perish with you, and without the Volturi, the humans will have the dark ages once more. Our reign has kept humans safe." Marcus pressed me closer.

I bit my lip, laying my chin on his shoulder as I hugged his shoulders.

"I'll try," I whispered against him. He rubbed my back and began to purr.

"That's all we ask and until then. We are more than happy with being your friend until you're ready. Though I can't always protect you from the feral need to touch you, be a kiss or a caress." at this he kissed my lips making me relax completely. "Your body is already in tune with the bond, Tesoro. It makes me feel extraordinarily satisfied. We've waited so long, please don't ever leave us."


Marcus is so precious 🦋 Talk about a heartthrob.

Chapter 7

Chapter Text

The glass house was actually very beautiful hidden in the trees, surrounded by luscious greens and earthy browns. Turning my head I looked at Marcus whose jaw was clenched before he immediately relaxed it.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked again.

He was probably tired of me repeatedly asking the same question. I've been asking it since last night when he suggested I talk to the Cullen's an attempt to make amends with Bella.

He had a rude awakening coming for him though if he thought Bella and I could be friends. I mean, she's family and I tolerate her. I love and will always want to protect her but you know, the last two months before the whole suicide mission happened she had dug herself pretty deep in my sh*t book. Maybe I should have elaborated on what exactly I and my children had to go through for her.

"Mio Amore," he kissed my forehead. "Demetri has the children covered at the human house. Felix is close by and I shall not let a single harm come to upon your creamy skin, not even a fiber of your lovely onyx locks. I am very old my dear, they wouldn't dare test my strength."

Seeing as we were right outside their house, I was sure that was a verbal threat made to them. Hopefully, they heed the warning and be civil with me. Even if I had every right not to be civil. I mean come on! I was a bargaining chip for them!

I took a deep breath and nodded curtly. Marcus tucked a piece of stray hair from my braid behind my ear.

We walked up the staircase. Before my hand could knock on the door a very beautiful honey golden hair man opened the door. He looked like heaven smacked him in the face. My mouth opened slightly and I promptly closed it when he smiled down at me. My cheek lit up like a fire, directing my eyes away from his topaz irises.

"You must be Adelaide," He held his hand out to me and I took it hesitantly. He chuckled before shifting his body towards Marcus. "Good to see you again, Marcus. Congratulations to and the other kings for finding your mate."

Marcus hummed and smiled at him before embracing the Cullen leader. "Thank you however our meeting her could have been executed in a much more appealing and appropriate manner."

Carlisle actually looked as if he had gone paler which was saying something. Marcus had made a jab at his parenting skills. A very impudent jab at Alice.

I had a feeling getting on Marcus's bad side might be worse than enduring Caius's wrath. Pretty certain Carlisle comprehended that Marcus was upset about it all. Hell, I was still slightly upset over it and Marcus knew that. After some insight and promises made from him, I had promised to try and try I would. Because I won't be allowed to remain human for much longer and I would very much like to live a little longer as a human and keep my kids safe. Which I can only do in the safety of Volterra with my... Mates.

"Alas..." Marcus sighed heavily. "No sense in dwelling on the past. May we come in? I would greatly like to meet your wife. Aro tells me Esme is a delight."

"Okay, yes, of course. Please come in. The family is just upstairs." Carlisle stepped aside.

"Ladies first," Marcus pressed his digits to my lower spine, giving a gentle nudge.

Carlisle led us upstairs where the picture-perfect family sat on the sofas and armchairs. They would have been picture-perfect if I didn't wear frowns on their faces. Only Alice looked to be happy and the woman who immediately stood had to have been Esme because I recalled Rosalie having golden hair from what Bella described.

"I'm Esme, it's so nice to meet you, Adelaide," The beautiful brunette walked at a human pace to stand next to Carlisle. She inclined her head to Marcus.

"My, much more beautiful than Aro led on," Marcus complimented her looks to Carlisle. Strangely enough, that made me actually feel anger towards Marcus.

Why the hell would I be jealous!

Marcus's fingertips appeared on my collarbone and I was slowly being shifted to press my back into his stomach while trailed them up to my neck to my jaw and back down. The motion was so fluid and natural. My shoulders immediately slumped and I felt at ease.

"Adelaide, would you like something to drink?" Esme offered.

"Um, yes please," I nodded my head. "Thank you,"

Esme held her hand out for me to take. I glanced up at Marcus. He nodded once at me. "Sure," I said and took her hand. Letting her led me to the kitchen.

Alice bounded in with a perky step. "You are glow--"

"Shut the f*ck up," I growled.

Her eyes widened and froze. Esme paused before going back to retrieve a glass from the cabinet.

"I-I don't understand," Alice blinked.

There was a chuckle from behind her and Rosalie came into the room, glaring at Alice. "You didn't tell us she was also pregnant, Alice. Really, of all things. You can't be that clueless."

"But my vision..." She trailed off.

"Alice, perhaps you should go see if Emmett still needs help with his shelves?" Esme smiled tightly at Alice. The pixie slumped her shoulders and then she was gone. I looked at the two women.

"I am really sorry that my sister and brother have done this to you," Rosalie looked like she was going to cry. Esme's lips moved but I didn't hear anything before she smiled at me.



Esme sat a warm cup of tea in front of me. I found that no matter how much sugar is added to the mug, it was still horrible but I didn't have the heart to tell this sweet woman her tea skills were awful. Now the tea in itself was loaded so much in sugar that it physically made my throat hurt with dryness.

"Are you finished?" Esme looked at the tea that was now cold. I nodded my head with a perfected smile.

"Yes, thank you."

Rosalie sat with me, the smirk on her face told me she knew how I felt about the burnt and overly bitter tea that I made worse with sugar. I wasn't going to fault Esme for it, God there's no telling how long she's been a vampire and I'm sure he hasn't actually needed to lift a finger in the kitchen in all this time until Bella but Bella was never much of a tea person and she preferred making her own meals, drinks included.

Between the three of us, we kept the conversation polite. Emmett eventually came in to snuggle against Rosalie. The way I saw him from the few sentences he's made in the last twenty minutes is how one would see a golden retriever with human thumbs. He was full of life, everything excited him and honestly, I couldn't help but imagine that he and Felix would have been best friends in another life. They were very similar apart from the eye color.

I had to admit though, that the gold was more unsettling than the red. It was too sharp, too luminous, and too prominent on their pale faces. At least if I shined a flashlight in a red-eye vamp's face I wasn't going to have the light amplified and reflect violently back at me

"Why didn't you bring your children? Bella said you had twins with powers."

Gritting my teeth, blinking rapidly to tone my disdain for my cousin further more. I tried to remain polite but as the Cullen's... Emmett got more intrusive in their questions, my patience was waning for such polite responses on my part.

"They're safe," I stuffed my anger down so far. My voice was smooth and calm. One glance at Emmett, that one eye contact made with me was all he needed to understand it was time to stop talking.

Esme frowned at the clock. She had been pulling her phone out of her pocket pretty often during this uneasy awkward conversation. I assume it was her wondering about Edward and Bella. The two people that we were here for but weren't present. Marcus had informed Carlisle that we would be here last night so they couldn't claim late notice.

I actually felt offended! They skive off not only me but one of the King's for that matter. How Marcus is so chill about this... I had no idea. I think I was more personally insulted than him or maybe I was pissed off because of the bond.

Does it work like that? Am I supposed to be offended for him?

Aro would have probably demanded some weird ass apology and used some passive-aggressive 'forgiveness' while internally holding a major grudge, no doubt.

The thought of Caius throwing Edward around like a rag doll made me have to cover my mouth from the amused snort that escaped me.

"Adelaide," Edward said stiffly.

Oop... I hoped he heard that.

"Edward," I swirled around on the counter stool with a smile that I only ever used when I was trying to reign my anger in. I stood up. My gaze dropped to my cousin.

"Isabella." Her name curled around my tongue in a way that made her flinch. My smile didn't falter. Holding my bump, rubbing soothing circles. "Nice to see you again."

"Hi... Addie."

"So I see you're happy again... You know after using my children and I like pawns..."

"What no!" She shook her head.

"Isabella," she flinched again. "How do you sleep at night? How can you possibly feel that your obsession with Edward can justify the things you do to people? To the things you do to family?"

"I didn't know... That was going to happen and I'm not obsessed."

"You didn't know taking more humans would be a bad thing? You just assumed vampires would just let humans who know their secret to just scurry off as before?"

"But you're fine!" her awkward smile pissed me off.

"I've been informed that you were called La Tua Cantante, do you know what that means?" I taunted.

Edward glared at me. "Don't."

"What?" Bella looked between us confused.

"It means Blood Singer. Blood Singer not mate. You see I got lucky that fate put me as a mate to the Kings or else I wouldn't have lived. My children and I would have been killed. Do you honestly think Edward saved you out of love?"

"Stop," Edward growled.

"As a blood singer, he is immediately protective of you. Your blood belongs to him in a sense. I will feel very bad for you after you've been turned and Edward finds his real mate. He was just most likely lonely and you know... You were there obsessed with him."

"You don't know anything," Bella gritted at me. I shrugged.

"Perhaps. But you really chose the wrong person to wrong." I stepped forward, glancing at the shadow in the corner of the room. Her face paled, her hand clenched. The shadow moved with the wind as I tilted my hand gently towards it. Bella looked down, yanking her hand out of Edward's grip, already twisting around to run.

"No!" I snapped, throwing my hand out in front of me I did a swiping motion and yanked back. She came soaring back towards us, her body pulled up into the air but before she could hit the ground Edward caught her. Honestly, I thought he might have caught her before but I suppose I caught them off guard in attacking so openly.

Edward hissed at me, the air in the kitchen immediately became stifling. Carlisle was by his wife almost instantly where Marcus tried to touch me but quickly retreated that idea as Edward's protective manner over Bella had directed another threatening hiss my way when I stepped closer. Felix was there yanking him to his feet and holding him by the arms in a way that if Edward moved, he would lose his arms.

I stepped closer to Bella, she stumbled as she tried to stand. I had already snapped ahold of the neck and forced her down, digging my nails into her skin as I dragged her to the entrance of the house.

"Mio Amore!" Marcus called. I didn't stop.

"Addie! I'm sorry!" Bella pleaded. The door banged open and I pushed her out of the threshold. "Addie!"

"Stop!" I growled and now that I was outside, Bella had realized whatever anger I was holding had made this dangerous for her. The Cullen's and Marcus came out after me, probably to stop me and because I didn't want to be stopped, I faded into the air.

A collective gasp was heard from behind me, Bella was whipping her head from side to side.

"Addie! I didn't want to leave you! I didn't know!"

I shoved her down on the ground, she went quiet. Her frantic gaze looked at where I pushed her. Using the wind, I dragged her back where she clawed at the ground trying to stop herself. I had her up and slammed her back down.

"Adelaide!" Edward growled. "She didn't know!"

She didn't know... She knew afterward and she didn't do anything! She told Charlie I wasn't coming back. She got me into this mess because she was obsessed with Edward! She knew what would happen if she failed and yet she didn't say anything to Alice. She allowed us to get dragged into this and... And I was so furious with her!

The air squeezed around Bella. Her breath was no longer present from me squeezing it out. Her face was being to go a deep shade of red.

"She's your cousin, stop!" Alice had joined the fold.

"FAMILY MEANS NOTHING TO HER!" I screamed, my hold on my cloaking faltered, allowing me to be seen. It was all Marcus needs to appear behind me and hold me to his chest, gripping my fists in his to keep me from killing Bella.

"Let her go, Adelaide," He said softly into my ear. "You'll regret it, my love. You don't want to kill her."

The air going into Bella's lungs sounded horrible, making her cough and wheeze very badly. Carlisle hovered over her, checking her for invisible injuries. Edward had been able to escape Felix's hold and was kneeling at his blood bag's side, holding her face. Tears slid into her hair as she struggled to calm down.

I turned into Marcus's chest. He placed a hand on my hair, rubbing my back.

"You can't just go around attacking! The Volturi isn't supposed --"

Felix stopped Edward. "The girls are human, Cullen. The laws do not apply to them."

"Felix," Marcus nodded at him. Felix made one small bow and then he was gone. Marcus looked rather calm as he directed his gaze to the leader of this Coven. "I didn't know it would come to this. Perhaps if your son and the human had been here when we arrived, this situation wouldn't have occurred. Next time when the Volturi call, you listen."

"Edward--" Carlisle sounded tired as he looked at his son. "Ask for forgiveness... Please."

Edward didn't make a motion to do anything of the sort. This only made Marcus go a bit stiff behind me. Like he was trying to hold himself back from not doing something.

"Listen, boy," Marcus's voice was twisted darker. A more of a bite to it. "Aro had originally been the one who would have accompanied Adelaide. Would you show such disrespect towards him and dream of getting by with it as you do to me now?"

"Edward!" Carlisle hissed.

Edward finally looked at his father and seemed to deflate. "I apologize," He said bitterly.

That tone didn't dwell well with Marcus from the way he went ridged. "Aro will see this encounter. This is your last and final warning. Your actions have shone bad light upon your coven, do not assume you may wander off into the shadows."

It was a threat. Marcus had made a very solid threat that if one makes another mistake... I glanced at Carlisle. He looked worn out despite being a vampire. He was supposed to have a good relationship with the Kings. A friend more to Aro and Marcus, his council was welcomed but it seems now that Edward had ruined more than just my life by being stupid. He had put his entire family in danger.

How incredibly selfish.

"Say your goodbyes to Isabella, Mio Amore. The next time you'll see one another will not be in your mortal lives."

I glanced at Bella up and down. She was huddled into Edward's side. "No thanks, I'm good."

Felix opened the car door for me immediately. I thanked him and got in the backseat. Marcus sighed.

"In the future, do think your actions out clearly, Alice. Your intuitions aren't as accurate as you hope for them to be. That false hope will be your death."

He got in and Felix closed the door. Running to the other side, he got in and started the engine. I finally made eye contact with Marcus.

"I'm sorry, I lost it."

He hummed but did not respond to my apology until he felt we were far enough from the Cullens.

"I did not believe your encounter would go well with Isabella. I was preferably hoping for it." He winked.

"You were hoping I hurt her?" I asked slowly.

"Her screeching hurt my ears."


The three vampires were not seen by Charlie when he came home. It would be my last dinner with the man. The twins had sat at the table not understanding why Charlie kept wiping tears from his eyes. This only made me hate Alice Cullen even more. I suppose she thought because I was only Bella's cousin that Charlie didn't mean much to me. But he was like a father to me. More than just an uncle and now because of her, I was having to let him go. most likely will never see him again and that hurt.

I held his hand at the table. "Uncle Charlie, I'll be fine. Don't worry about us."

"I will always worry Addie. You're my daughter too," He smiled tightly. "The twins are like my grandchildren you know... I got used to you being here. I just wish I spent more time--"

"You were great Uncle Charlie. You tried more than my own father. You did your best and I will forever be grateful for it all. This is a new start, we'll figure it out as we go. Besides your head needs to be clear because Bella most certainly did not go to see my grandma with me. I have no idea where she ran off to. The girl fooled you again."

Charlie grounded his teeth and huffed while rubbing his face. "She's going to be the death of me, I just know it."

Chapter 8


Trigger warning ⚠️

Mentions of Rape.

Chapter Text

Aro pulled his hands away from Marcus's. The hazy glaze faded from his milky irises. His mouth was open from shock. Adelaide's gift was always subtle more of a brush of feather from the memories he obtained from the children. He did not think she could take life with it. To suffocate or even throw one around. He was already eager to test it on a fellow immortal. Her gift was intriguing! There was no doubt about it. Air seemed to be attached to her. A part of her as if it were the very blood that flows through her veins.

Her body glitches, shifting when her gift was in use. It reminded him of the little hand on a clock, forever stuck on second, going back only to repeat the action. As if she had been frozen in time. Didn't help he could hear a blasted clock ticking with her movements.

"Fascinating," He breathed as he backed away from Marcus and pressed his fingers to his lips.

"What happened?" Caius sneered. "I've been rather itchy to exterminate something. Do render it promising, brother, in your storytelling."

Marcus hummed with amusem*nt. "You missed a very entertaining fight, Caius. It appears our mate is much more gifted than originally thought."

Caius sat up straighter on the sofa. A look of delighted fascination stretched across his face. He no longer sneered but grinned at the statement. "Start from the top! Go on! Go on!" he urged.

"I did not see the start but I heard Adelaide mocking Isabella," Marcus relayed the clashing taunts much to Caius's delight. A proud and boastful feeling erupted in his chest for their mate. She clearly knew how to get under one's skin.

"Then as Carlisle and I were about to intervene, his clock in his office simply stopped. The ticking was stuck in one spot, it sounded like a windstorm had come blasting through his house. The clock kept flickering. We were momentarily stunned by the strange occurrence. It didn't occur to me that the disturbance had been caused by Adelaide using her gift to hurt Isabella."

"What did she do?" Caius was like a dog with a bone being waved in his face. He was almost on the edge of his seat, his eyes wide.

"When we got into the kitchen, nothing was out of the ordinary. Only Edward was holding his blood singer in his arms. He was hissing at Ade--"

"I'll kill him!" Caius stood up quickly, his fave morphed in anger. "I'll take his head! Pike him on a stick and his body separate before I kill him!"

"Caius..." Aro sighed. "You're missing the best part of the story."

"The best part?"

"The part where Dear Marcus got to witness how powerful she is--"

Caius was back on the sofa, leaning toward Marcus. Now he looked like he was being teased. "Go on! Go on!"

Marcus explained that when Adelaide got out of the house. Her bother had faded far beyond what he could see. Aro thought it glitches but Marcus thought she looked more like she was embroidered into time. Each part of her seemed to just fade slowly until he couldn't even see an outline of her. It was the shadows of the surrounding area that told him where she had been because they appeared to lean away from her. As if the shadows were alive. And very much scared of her. He doubted that the Cullen's had picked up on that tad bit. They were much more focused on Isabella's safety than on what was transpiring around them.

Caius was standing again. "Jane!"

Jane appeared, bowing her head. "Master."

"Fetch a prisoner. A weak one. Bring him to the throne roo-"

"No," Marcus said sternly. "We've only just gotten back Caius. She's upset about her uncle. Let us not push theories and experiments on her just yet."

"I agree. I would love to see what our human mate is capable of but I have witnessed the sadness in her through Marcus. We'll give her the week to wallow before we bother her again." Aro glanced at Marcus with jealousy. "At least just us, Dear Caius."

"Why just us?" He waved Jane away before he settled back on the sofa like a pouting child.

"Because Marcus has already begun wooing her. He's made headway and we will not hamper its progression. Better be at least one of us than none of us."

Caius scowled. He wanted to kiss her first but he supposed Marcus' soft and gentle manner was bound to overpower him and Aro. She was hormonal after all. He also lacked tac, Marcus was the voice of reason.

"Fine, but I want at least two hours of her time in the evenings! At least for reading." He turned his cheek on his brothers.

Aro sighed. "We can not schedule her like an appointment, Caius. We shall speak more on the manner with her. She will come to us when she is ready until then I believe Marcus should guide her into comfort with us."

Marcus, however, did not wish to be the one to guide their bonds with Adelaide, he was fine with sharing, naturally, he was still a man, and she a woman. He did not wish to watch her fall in love with anyone other than himself. But they shared a bond with one woman. Her comforts would be his comforts just as her troubles and unease. He did not want her uncomfortable in a place that was supposed to be her home as much as it is his.

"Where is she right now? Since I was barred from gazing upon her beauty last night--" Caius was cut off by the glare he was getting from Marcus. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Marcus rolled his eyes. It was the most human characteristic he's displayed in centuries and it was new. Aro chuckled.

"Is our mate rubbing off on you, Dear Marcus!"

"You didn't get to see Adelaide last night because we got in late. There was an issue with Achilles and Artemis, again. Artemis has been irritable and more prone to tantrums. I will try and remedy that in the bud by easing the idea of Alec and Jane being around them."

Caius tilted his head at Marcus in disbelief. "Why do they need to be around the children?"

Aro giggled. Marcus covered his face and took an unnecessary deep breath.

"They're Mates."

Caius's mouth fell open. "That explains why they've been a lot more unruly since you departed! I've put them on dungeon duty because they were using their gifts on their fellow guards." he whipped his head at Aro. "Why didn't you say anything!"

Aro shrugged. "I was enjoying the show."

Caius scowled. Normally he wasn't opposed to torture. Normally he would just watch scuffles and correct them on their forms before dishing out punishment but he was feeling a little emotional himself, he was missing their Mate and her feisty children so much that he just didn't have the strength to deal with quarreling in the guard. It seemed he and Aro had switched places for the moment. Aro was happy to see the twins use their gifts on anyone who so much as breathed wrong near them.

But it explained it now and was rather humorous in twins being mated to twins. Both sets have been gifted in their human lives.

"So..." Caius said slowly. "How are you going to break that to Adelaide?"


The sun was nice on my skin despite the weather beginning to get warmer as summer approached. I was enjoying the spring in Italy though. It was very nice and the flowers smelt really good. So far I haven't been in the gardens that I heard about but I did have a big balcony I could lounge on. Demetri took the twins to the guard's quarters to play games. I wasn't too keen on the idea but I figured I needed to start trusting those who reside here if I ever hoped to settle.

It was late in the morning before we rose. My grief from saying goodbye to Uncle Charlie was taking a lot out of me. I was insanely groggy and tired. Grief plus jetlagged plus pregnancy equals one screwy mood. I just didn't have the strength to say no to anything. I wanted to be left alone. I even refused to leave the confines of my room. Well, quarters? I hadn't explored all the doors yet. I'd get to it eventually.

For now, I got back up and started a bath. A nice bubble bath ought to relax me a bit. Pouring in the oils and the soaps, I stripped from my light robe and hung it on the door, putting my pajamas in the hamper and pulling my hair on the top of my head with a simple chopstick to hold it up.

The water was a bit too warm, causing me to hiss before I finally sunk into its cozy heat. I relaxed for quite a while, with my eyes closed.

"Come back here!" A large looming man yelled after a girl with raven locks. She twisted around to just glimpse at him before she continued to run further into the dark ally. Her heart was pounding against her ribs. Fear creeping further and deeper into her.

Footsteps pounded harder on the asphalt from behind her. The girl began to shake, losing her footing as she tried to jump over a box that blocked her path.

"No!" She screamed, the terror clear in her voice as the man grabbed her around the hair, yanking her up awkwardly into a standing position.

"No!" she begged.

The man's sinister smirk took pleasure in her pain, in her terror. His caramel malted eyes were hooded with much more than simply finding pleasure in scaring her.

"No!" He mocked her. His palm came up backhanding against her creamy flesh that was pink from the cold. Only now it was angry with forming wilt of palm, blood trickled from the cuts of the rings that adorn his fingers.

The girl let out a broken sob.

"Perhaps those cute twins of yours will make you rethink your actions..." He teased her. His jagged teeth smile flashed under the alley light. Making them more yellow than they were.

At the mention of her twins, she scrambled on her hands and knees. Broken glass bit into her palms but the pain of her children hurt more than her flesh wounds. She couldn't let this man hurt her babies. She would do anything to keep them safe...

"Please, Jeremy! I'm sorry! I promise I won't run again!" She sobbed harder, reaching for his hands. He allowed her to take them and despite the bile rising in her throat, she kissed his knuckles. "I'll be good now..."

"Baby girl, it's nice you've come to your senses. Shall I call your dad now? I've been wanting to catch up. Maybe afterward--" His hands knotted in her hair at her kneeling form on the dirty ground, surrounded by trash. She felt like trash, she was a married woman... And she's just...

"I'm looking forward to bedding you."

He brought her home and gave her no time to explain why she had been with him while her father sat in his big boy recliner with a beer. He greeted her father as best friends did. He jabbed his thumb at her. "Found Adelaide, you know. Girl was wandering around near the office. Couldn't let her get in trouble with any strange men. Hope you don't mind!"

Henry clapped him on his back. "Not at all Jer! Thanks! I'll talk to her about it later. Ads, why don't you get us a cold beer!"

She nodded her head and got two cold beers from the fridge, opening them up before serving them to the men. She stayed in the shadowed corner cowering because if she made a move. She would get much more than a beer bottle tossed at her head. She hadn't been wandering around the office, she was dropping her children off for a play date with other kids from their daycare. She had been close to home when Jeremy found her walking up the street.

She could still feel him pushing her against his truck as he pressed sloppy kisses on her neck... She had kneed him in the crotch trying to escape his grubby hold.

Severing the men until they were drunk. It was when her kids had been brought home and tucked in their beds that Adelaide realized Jeremy hadn't been drunk at all. He had her on her back in her bed with a hand around her mouth to keep her quiet as he forced himself on her.

Tears fell down her face and into her hair. She never wanted to die but at that moment she wished for it more than anything. Her heart had been torn and her soul ripped apart just as he had ripped her apart. The burn was never-ending and the prints upon her body never faded.

She saw in the corner of her eye, a pair of bright green eyes watching from the cracked door. Holding his little dragon.

A burning sensation shot up my nose. Water filled my lungs. I shot up out of the tub, choking on the soapy water. Leaning over the edge, I coughed loudly. Taking deep raspy breaths.

Vaguely heard a door being thrown open. I felt hands lifting me out of the tub and a towel being wrapped around me. My eyes stung with tears as the memory assaulted my mind. I was doing better. I was healing. I was coming to terms with it... The strangled cry left me again before I finally broke into the cold solid arms. Unable to look at the man holding me, I let my emotions take a hold because I've been strong for much too long. I was too tired to deal with such memories.

To deal with my horrible mistakes.

I was lifted into their lap, my bare feet on the cold tiles as whoever came to my aid sat on the bathroom floor and rocked me with soft soothing sounds.

Wrapping my arms around their shoulders, I cried into their chest. An aroma of spices and old books with a faint smell of floral undertones became very aware to my senses. I blinked slowly, lifting my chin to see the person holding me.

Aro's milky red gaze was replaced with dark onyx irises. Clouded with a terrifying unspoken promise. He looked psychically ill. His voice was raspy and too deep to be normal. This part of Aro was the predator and the way he held me didn't scare me like I originally was of him. I felt protected and at that moment, the fogginess that seemed to always float around in my head faded away completely.

"I'm going to kill him.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

Aro held my face to his neck. His hold tightened on me but not enough on my stomach. His hand fell to palm the protruding bump.

"Why would you keep it?" He asked softly. It was almost as if he were just asking himself that question.

Oh... I didn't even have the mindset to be embarrassed that he's seen me naked or the fact I am only wrapped in a towel. Soaking his suit on the bathroom floor. Because the only thing that ran in my mind was.

Aro knew I was raped. He knew my power manifested from that horrible night. My pain had amplified my ability to do more than just hide. I didn't want to be weak. I didn't want to ever be vulnerable like that again. To allow my body to be overpowered...

I was crying again.

"Shh..." Aro soothed. "You're safe now. All three of you."


Aro respected my need for privacy now. He laid clothes out for me on the bed and disappeared. I didn't know to where but I was glad I was alone because I was embarrassed. I felt soiled and I didn't want him to look at me like I was broken.

It's degrading.

But there was a seed of doubt now in place. With Aro knowing the truth because of whatever mind block I once had come crashing now me and allowed him to see it all, he could just finish me off. Why would he want a human mate who was soiled? Who would want a woman who chose to keep a child out of one of the most painful experiences of her life?

It was f*cked. I knew it was a f*cked thing to do but I just couldn't do it... I couldn't look myself in the mirror and abort the child. I was already three months pregnant by the time I realized I was. Maybe if I knew sooner I might have done it.

Jeremy the gross foul man had loitered around my home. When he noticed I was getting 'fat' my father had put two and two together even if it wasn't right. He had tossed me and my children out of the house. Instead of going to Jeremy like I was supposed to, I had ran. I ran to Forks.

If I had chosen to abort Atticus... Before I grew to love the baby I was creating, I would have never gone to Forks and I would have never met the Kings. It was by fate's design I kept the baby I suppose but I knew in my heart Atticus was more than just a baby created from a horrible act. He was my son and I would love him to my dying breath. Regardless of how he came to be.

I just wish Aro didn't know anything. I felt exposed. Laid more bare than previously naked in his lap. This was more sensual in my opinion. I no longer had secrets or my identity that belonged solely to me. I had to share it all now with a vampire with an intrusive gift and he couldn't even help it. It's not like he chose to see anything, it just happened.

"f*ck my life."

Chapter 9


It's a short one! The next update will be longer than usual. 💕

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

In the guard's quarters, Demetri came swooping in with the toddler Twins. He was calling them the impetuous twins. Since one was like her mother in connecting with wind, creating forces, and was pretty rash in her decisions while the other could create a violent force of lighting to knock one on their ass. He would never admit it but he had been on the receiving in of that heinous force. While his Master and the future Queen were at the Cullen's making amends, he stupidly tried to make the impetuous twins to take a nap... They apparently weren't tired.

He swears he can still feel a tingling in his right hand from where Achilles caused a large crack to form.

"Ooh, children!" Corin gushed. She had been taking a break from the tower. "They're a lot cuter than Afton described--"

Jane and Alec had been watching Demetri like hawk the moment he came into the room with the toddlers. Corin's words seemed to hit a rather pissed spot in Jane because the young teenager shot a strong dose of pain into the woman making her kneel over and scream.

"They're not cute," Jane gritted. "They are beautiful!"

"Sister," Alec placed his hand on Jane's shoulder. "You'll scare them."

Jane immediately ceased her pain on Corin making the brunette woman to heave for air before running from the room and far away from Jane as possible. Jane tilted her has at Achilles. He lifted his little hand at her and waved.

Jane smiled subtly at him. Alec was full blown grinning at Artemis who was smacking Demetri to put her down. He almost dropped her causing Alec to snarl before yanking her from his arms.

"You'll hurt her!"

Demetris's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He released Achilles to go running towards Jane. Artemis planted a kiss on Alec's temple before snuggling into the crook of his neck. Achilles didn't throw himself at Jane. She waited for him to stop and tilt his head back to look at her.

"Hello Achilles," She greeted softly.

"Hi..." he held a hand up to her. "Hold hand?"

Jane grinned at him. Taking his in hers. He pulled her knuckles to his lips and kissed them the way he saw Marcus do to his mommy. She giggled at his antics. He gave a toothy grin and then pull her towards the double doors.

"Let's walk! I like walking!" he tugged her again. She followed him, holding his hand a little tighter but being extra cautious not to hurt him. "Sissy join us!"

"Brother?" Jane looked at Alec. He held Artemis closer, rubbing her back and pressing his face against her head. He gave a curt nod and joined them.

Demetri scratched his neck. "I promise their mother--" He clamped his mouth shut at their snarling. The double doors slammed shut behind them. He looked at the straggling guards. "What just happened!"

Santiago snorted, going back to his game with Heidi. "You've missed a lot, Demetri. That's the calmest the Witch twins have been in days...bloody harrowing they've been."

Demetri sat down on the sofa, rubbing his neck. He tilted his head in contemplation before shrugging and relaxing back. Nobody would dare try and get the impetuous twins with Jane and Alec with them. It would be their demise. The end of their immortal lives. He could do with a breather longer. Artemis wasn't much of a fan of his 'nagging' he didn't nag... He was fun but responsible. Ugh... He didn't really care for their size right now. Maybe when they're older they'll appreciate him.

Jane and Alec walked around with their little mates. Well, Jane held Achilles' hand the whole time. Alec refused to let Artemis walk.

"She's a child, full of energy brother. Make her walk," Jane chided. Alec hissed.

"She's too precious to walk. She deserves a steed to carry her around. Keep her from scratching her or scaring her beauty..."

"Are you saying my Achilles is not precious? Is he not deserving of a steed?" Jane's lips curled. Alec quickly shook his head.

"Oh, no sister!"

Jane giggled, shaking her head. "I am only playing Alec. Are you to be her noble steed then?"

Alec lifted his chin. "Why yes sister. Every princess needs a noble steed."

Jane giggled uncontrollably. She picked up Achilles and swung him onto her back making his giggles echo through the corridor. "Let's have a race shall we as their noble steeds?"

Alec swung Artemis on his back. The little siblings were grinning and laughing at the prospect of a piggy bank ride. "You're on!"

"Children, hold on to us," Jane instructed. She held Achilles's legs with one arm and used the other to hold his clasp arm around her neck. Alec did the same for Artemis.

"One..." Jane began.

"Two..." Alec counted.

"Three--eeee!" The littles squealed as the older siblings took off. Uncontrolled giggles whipped through the halls of the castles.

Aro lifted his head from his reading and tilted it towards the library door. "Did you hear something?"

Marcus hummed flipping a page. Caius frowned. "I do hope the guards haven't lost their minds... I'd hate to have to dispose of them."

Marcus hummed again, flipping another page. He glanced at the door watching two bond strings grow brighter. The little sibling bonds were flickering as they stretched around a mating bond.

"It is just Alec and Jane playing with the children..." He went back to his book.

"Playing?" Caius's eyebrows shot up to his hairline. "They do not play --"

"They didn't have children as mates then, Caius. However... they do now. So yes... Playing." A string of giggles shot by the door again. Marcus smiled. "Racing, I think."

Caius was throwing the door open and yelling down the corridor. "DO NOT HARM A HAIR ON THEIR HEADS! I'LL STRETCH AND IMPALE YOU!"

"Oh, Caius... How you amuse me," Aro chuckled. "I am going to check on our darling Mate."

"Give her our love," Caius waved at him. "If you see the older twins, tell them to be careful."

"I shall," Aro nodded, and then he was gone.

Marcus lifted a brow at Caius. "Have you grown soft, Brother?"

Caius snapped at him. "Soft! I am a father! Who loves his children because his mate adores them regardless of how sticky... They are."

Marcus hummed again, suppressing a smile. "You should tell Adelaide, it seems to be her lust key."

"What do you mean?" Caius asked slowly. Her lust key?

"Adelaide is a woman who loves her children. Like most women, seeing a man with a child..." He shrugged. "Adelaide is no different to that notion. What a treat it was to notice her watching me with her children. The bond strings grew brighter and her heart rate does a fluctuated waver with a clench of her thighs. Thus proving my point. She gets carnal desires from us with her children."

Caius was smug, his mind already flickering with ideas. Marcus wagged a finger at him like a wayward child. "Be wise with how you tread, brother, she does not have a flighty state of mind."

There was a commotion from outside of the library. The two Kings went to investigate. Many of the castle's inhabitants had come to observe the noise. It was a sight to behold, however. Jane and Alec were laying on one another in the middle of the corridor. Their clothes were in disarray. Hair messed up and standing in front of them with their hands held and not a hair out of place was Artemis and Achilles. The air was tense and the smiles they held were far from innocent.

Jane looked utterly confused where Alec was squinting at them. His mind worked in overdrive as he tried to process what happened.

"Explain yourselves," Caius hissed. Tapping his foot and staring down at the younger vampires.

Jane looked at her brother for an answer. He lifted his hands showing he didn't have one. Caius snarled, wrenching them into standing positions by the scruffs of their attire. He was about to punish them when Achilles and Artemis screamed. Air slashed against Caius, it sent a small wave of pain down his face making it tingle. A hairline crack appeared on his cheekbone.

He lifted his hand to his cheek in astonishment. The observing crowd dispersed immediately, getting far away from the angry king as possible.

"Children..." Marcus said calmly. The two green eye toddlers looked at him in unison.

"Marcus," They said together. Their faces show no emotion and their voices were just as void.

Marcus looked at Jane and Alec. The two pursued their lips, looking away. Having been caught... He smiled not from happiness but from surprise. Aro was going to find this moment incredibly humorous. "Calm yourselves, Bambini," He held his hands out for them to take.

Jane and Alec followed close behind and back into the library. Caius's mind was still reeling from moments before. They had cracked his cheek! They were so small!

"Now let us start from the beginning--" Marcus began, gesturing to the sofa for them to sit on. The little twins crawled up on their laps. Snuggling into their arms.

"I am not sure, Master." Jane did not find this amusing.


"We were just running, the children were laughing and then... Well, it was like we were stuck. We couldn't move anymore."

"What do you mean?" Caius hissed. "You were stuck?"

"I don't think it was just that," Jane trailed off.

"I only wanted it to be more fun," Artemis said quietly. All eyes fall on her. She bit her thumb. "I wanted Ali to win..."

"I told you that's cheating..." Achilles chided. "So I stopped her."

"Stopped?" Caius was now standing in front of them. He wanted to get to the bottom of this. Now.

"Mommy will be mad..." Achilles bit his lip. "You can't tell her..."

"You want us to lie?" Caius hissed. "Betrayal is not a promising virtue, Piccolo."

"Nooo, not lie! Just withhold... The truth?"

"Lele," Artemis whispered. "You promised, momma."

Achilles' little face turned red as he held his breath. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want Marcus mad at him and he had hurt Jane. He also was afraid of Caius. The man stood over him, angry. The last man who had been angry at him had hurt him really bad. Mommy was so sad after that. He couldn't let her be sad...

"I think Aro should be the one to talk to them," Marcus said politely. Caius whirled on him. Marcus nodded to the children. "They are frightened."

Caius deflated. "Uh fine! I can't -- I'm going on a walk!" he stormed from the room. Achilles let out a large breath, color returning to his face. He grabbed his sissy's hand.

"I sorry for hurting you, sissy,"

"It's fine," Artemis wiped her bangs from her face. "We so won."


Aro stormed through his office. He was known to be a collector of sorts and he was quite fond of pretty things. Like stain glass pictures. He had commissioned a large portrait for his office to remind him of his home in ancient Greece around a thousand years ago. Work had been done to care for such a viable piece to his collection of pretty things. Only that proved futile because that very pretty stained glass art was in shards by the time he stopped putting his fist through it.

A good thing about Vampires, it was difficult to harm them. They did not wound easily. The glass shards in little crystals that littered his office floor did not make him in danger of cutting himself however as soon as he realized what he had done he was immediately worried about the little feet that were in danger of getting hurt. Achilles had liked to spend time with him in his office, coloring or asking about all sorts of odd things.

The mind of a child was a curious thing. Aro enjoyed indulging in his mate's children's minds but it was Achilles' mind that most fascinated him. The small boy was much too curious about many things, he was silent most of the time, preferring to only speak when he deemed it necessary. In those quiet thoughts though, Aro found that the small boy appeared older than he was. It made sense to him now. Why Achilles was cautious about his mother. The memory of watching a man who Aro originally thought was a lover had been in truth violating her, her tears were not of pleasure, but of pain... Poor Achilles, Aro covered his mouth, sitting on his office chair.

The little boy did not understand but one day he would. He knew that something was wrong and it made him cautious but he did not understand. Aro felt sick to his stomach. He feared the day that the little boy who fiercely loved his mother and sister would be horribly affected by such a witness.

The Volturi had been called many things. They had been labeled as villains to many covens and that was fine with Aro and his brothers because they understood that fear kept those in line who may be inclined to break the laws set in place to protect them. But they were not always the monsters they were claimed to be. Aro had known what it was like to have someone defiled. He had wished out of all his human memories he lost to time were the very ones of his beautiful sister being dragged through their home by the man she had been forced to marry at only thirteen. Aro had been there to see it and he had not been strong enough to stop it. He had preferred books over swords and in turn that had cost him the ability to save her.

Aro slumped in his chair, staring up at the ceiling. He wanted to find this man and rip him from limb to limb but he could not do such a thing without Adelaide's order. He had taken the choice from his sister who never felt she had gotten her justice. He could not take such justice from Adelaide, no matter how much his body was urging him to protect and defend her honor, to tear the man painfully apart as he begs for mercy.

It was all too much. Adelaide had come to them against her will, forced to stay because of their laws and selfishly because she was theirs. She had all her choices taken away. Forcefully made to say goodbye to the only man in her life that she truly loved like a father because of them. He could not take another choice from her. He was a cruel and selfish man but to his woman, he would burn the world at her feet, himself included if she was so inclined for his death.

He left his office, passing an order by a lower guard to make his office clean of every spec of glass. He wouldn't want to rip heads off if the children got hurt and bled.

"Brother..." Caius said lazily at his throne. The children were sitting by Marcus playing a slapping game with her their hands.

"Miss Mary Mack, Mack
All dressed in black, back
With silver buttons
All down her back, back"

"Caius..." Aro drone on.

"She took the train
Past Driscoll Lane, lane
To spill the blood that
Swiftly runs through idle veins, veins"

All three kings turned their gazes on the children who were happily singing and clapping.

"And with her knife, knife
To sink the strife
She looked him straight into the eye, eye
And took his life, life" They giggled before starting over again.

"I say... That's awfully morbid for children!" Aro covered his mouth.

Caius sighed. "Join the party, turns out their evil little cubs."

"They cracked Caius's cheek," Marcus smiled.

"Let me see!" Aro grabbed Caius' hand against his will. Making the angry kind rip his hand away.

"They did not crack my cheek!"


Awe Jane and Alec are adorable but seriously what is up with the impetuous twins? 🥴 No wonder Adelaide is a wreck. Poor momma.

Chapter 10


As promised, longer chapter but prepare for the information overload.🥴

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The two sleeping toddlers next to me rolled up into a ball where they could hold each other as I slipped from my place between them. Covering them back up, I brushed their hair. The shadows in the room leaned further into the room as the sun rose. It's been three days since I've been hiding away in this part of the castle. I had just sat and watched the sun rise and set.

The twins spent the whole day with me yesterday. They hesitated in telling me Caius scared them the second day we were back. I could see Caius scaring them. He scared me too. He had a dangerous aura around him that didn't make me want to ever truly be alone with him.

Last night while we ate our dinner on the small table on the balcony... I had gotten the story from Marcus. What the twins did, the mystery... Cracking Caius's cheek and the small game in which they played in the throne room in front of the kings. He didn't push for explanations last night but I knew they were owed one.

Once I was showered and pulled on a light blue dress, I slipped my feet into some white flats and took the time to explore our quarters. I was feeling a little better now. Learning to accept my life. I didn't want to watch my life pass by me, watching through my window pane. I found a small room, empty but with cubbies. It seemed like a good playroom for the children. I could paint it, maybe get little desks for them. Closing the door, I opened another it was an office. There were flecks of lively green houseplants adoring the window seal. It looked to be under construction, paint buckets lined one wall, and plastic wrap lay near it. The large walnut desk had been covered in plastic wrap. The shelves that held books had been protected. Further into the room on the other side was another door.

Walking around the objects that lay on the floor, I opened the other door. My eyes shot open at the enormous library. Well, it was bigger than any library I had ever seen. A fireplace was near the large windows with their drapes closed. Looking around I grasped the heavy fabric and shoved the drapes open to allow the morning colors of the rising sun to paint the room in a golden glow. Now that the room wasn't shadowed in the darkness, I was able to see the paintings that lined the walls. Most of them were of the kings, with different attire from the changing eras. Twirling around to examine the fresco painting on the ceiling, I was in utter awe at how beautiful it was.

It was a timeline, of wars full of fire and bloodshed, to men and women living in peace. A castle rose from the ashes, and three men were crowned.

"It's the history of the Volturi. The vampiric wars that had to happen for our rise of power."

I jumped at the hardened voice. Calm but raspy. Glancing at the man with snow-white hair. Caius wasn't smiling and those piercing red eyes made my heart hammer again. The gaze dropped to my chest before he looked back to my face.

"I'm glad to see you finally leave your room, Mio Amore. How are you?"

He made no move to step closer to me. Clutching my dress plaits to calm my nervous hands. I forced a small smile. "I'm fine. H-How are you?"

Caius smiled at me, not all like the sneering grimaces he gave. This one was relaxed, carefree even. It suited him, made him look years younger. I would even say I thought he was handsome, much more handsome with this smile. I could feel the heat already rising in my cheeks.

"I am well, Adelaide. Care for to share information on the paintings?" He gestured to the room. I nodded my head and followed him to one side of the walls. He pointed to one of the largest paintings. It looked like ancient Greece.

"This is Athens. My birthplace as well as Marcus. Aro was born outside the city, however. Each of us is from different times in ancient Greece but Athens had been where we came into this world as mortals as well as into our immortal lives."

"It's beautiful," I focused on the lively blues and faded yellows. Ancient Greece had been a picture-perfect time. It held the sort of elegance and refinements that had inspired many styles throughout the years. Most architects had always built their crafts by using Ancient Greece as the foundations. Even the Romans had used a lot of their styles.

"This here was about a hundred or so years after the wars. Aro had just approved the build of Volterra castle," He pointed to the portrait of the three kings. Marcus was smiling.

As he pointed to more and more portraits, Marcus began to no longer smile. I flickered my gaze from one to the other and back again. What caused him to change so drastically? There was only a ten-year difference between the paintings. I noticed that Marcus had been sad and was still sad but he did smile like before in the photos but in the first hundred years of the Volturi's reign he was happy. The brightness in his eyes was twice the amount if not ten times the amount I have witnessed in person but in this painting of him, he had been portrayed as shut off and depressed. In better words a walking corpse much more accurate than what his kind was.

"Why does Marcus look miserable?" I asked. Caius stared blankly at me.

"Have you eaten this morning?"

Topic change... Nice and not subtle at all.

"No, the children are still sleeping."

Caius tilted his head towards the door I came through. He inhaled through his nose, it sounded like he was suppressing a snort. He smiled again at me. "They're up, Marcus came by to bring you your breakfast. Would you like to me walk you back?"

"Um..." I ruffled my hair. "Sure. Thank you."

Caius held his arm out to me for me to take. I slipped my arm through it hesitantly. "This library is free for you to use whenever you like. It's my and my brother's private library. There are some sofas near the back to rest if you'd like. We use it as a gathering room of sorts. It's the only room in the castle that connects our quarters."

"Your quarters..."

"Only the Kings, Mio Amore. This part of the castle is for us. No one else is permitted access without permission. You'll know which is which. Our first initial is on the door."

I nodded my head. Caius chuckled. I finally looked at him as he lead me through the room underwork. "What?"

"I can tell you're not comfortable with me. It saddens me, Cara Mia. I must admit but I fully understand and only hope that one day you'll be able to be at ease with my presence rather than stiff and on the verge of a heart attack. I would never hurt you, Adelaide. I would rather die than have you fear me."

I did not respond to his admission. I had nothing to say. Nothing that would please him nor comfort him. My silence was a much better response than one I could have given. I had made a promise to try but I would not put my foot toward first until I was shown the proper moment to do so. So far Caius had disregarded my question and ignored me and didn't have the class to be swift and easy about it. So no, my words would have been hurtful.

He opened my bedroom door where I was greeted immediately.

"Mommy!" My children called, they scrambled off the small balcony's chairs and ran to me. I crouched down to accept their warm hugs.

"Good morning my darlings," I kissed their cheeks. They smile at me, took each of my hands, and pulled me to the balcony.

"Marcus brought us food! Come and eat momma! There are strawberry pancakes and orange juice!"

"I saved you some bacon!"

"And some scrambled eggs!"

"There is tea too! But it's cold now..."

I grinned at how excited they were and sat down next to Aro. The two Kings didn't make a move to touch me. I was grateful for it.

The breakfast was eaten in silence, each King was doing their own thing. Aro was reading a dusty old book, Marcus was holding a stack of papers and Caius was just staring at me. I kept glancing at him, the blood in my veins pounded. He was creeping me out. Scrunching my eyebrows, I switch my attention to my children.

"Do you want mommy to help you clean up?" I asked them. They nodded their heads and wobbled a little before running to the bathroom while giggling. I quietly excused myself and shut the bathroom door.

Starting the bath, they pulled their clothes off and jumped into the tub, splashing me with soapy suds. I squealed when they flung the water at me making me laugh with them.

"Stop you little heathens!" I swatted at their hands playfully.

They quickly let me wash them up and wrap large fluffy towels around them each. Opening the bathroom door, I led them out. Wiping the water from my face. Marcus smiled at me, I couldn't help but return it.

"Why are you wet?" Caius co*cked his head at me.

The twins giggled. I swatted their bottoms lightly. "Change now, troublemakers."

"Can we match again?" Artemis asked.

"I suppose, but let your brother have a say Arty, and Chelsea bought you both a ton of new clothes. You'll have to thank her nicely when you see her today."

Achilles grinned showing his dimples as he tilted his head back to look at me. "Mommy?"


"I love you."

"I love you too, LeLe."

They ran into the closet with me following after them to change my dress.


"We heard a very interesting song from the children yesterday," Aro said cautiously. He looked worried to be asking about it.

"So I've heard," I nodded.

"Wherever did they learn it?"

I lifted a finger and went to the nightstand and grabbed my phone. Going to the browser, I went and found the song. I sat back on the sofa and pressed play.

🎶 Miss Mary Mack, All dressed in black. With silver buttons All down her back.

She took the train Past Driscoll Lane, To spill the blood that Swiftly runs through idle veins And with her knife, To sink the strife

She looked him straight into the eye And took his life. 🎶

"It's a song by The Rare Occasions. The twins got a nursery rhyme mixed up with a song. I've tried to tell them it was wrong but--" I shrugged. "They prefer the horrid lyrics over the innocent Miss Mary Mack nursery rhyme."

"Why?" Aro rubbed his lips with his index finger. Tilting my head, I looked away from him.

"They've always been a bit strange about death. There have been times I caught them tormenting insects or furry rodents to death. They are sweet to me but I wouldn't go as far as to claim them to be innocent children. They have a nasty vibe that encircles them around others, especially Artemis. She can be quite sad*stic if you leave her alone for too long."

The three Kings looked at the two toddlers that were innocently playing with blocks. They were giggling and sharing.

"Do you think they're cruel?" Marcus asked gently.

"They can be. I've tried correcting their bad behaviors when they show them. A lot of it comes from what was around them when we lived with my father. Children pick up on things, they're impressionable. I'm hoping they'll grow out of it with time."

Which I highly doubted. We reside with Vampires now. They would be surrounded by death more than killing a harmless mouse. I can kiss my angel's goodbye. They would pick up on a lot here, more than I could correct.

"Also I blame Isabella for a lot of their vacant feelings of compassion. The bitch was practically a zombie when we arrived in Forks. She did nothing but scream and cry at night and during the day she was a shell but was easily set off. The slightest thing had her reacting like a volcano." I gritted my teeth just thinking about it.

Two weeks into my stay, Uncle Charlie had attempted to make her cookies. He was at a loss and simply wanted to cheer her up by making her favorite sugar cookies with the help of the twins while I supervised them. The cookies had turned out great. We even put yellow icing on them. Simple color yellow. The yellow had made her furious. She had flung them on the floor and refused to apologize.

I now understood why that particular yellow pissed her off. It was the same topaz color as the Cullen's. Regardless it was uncalled for. Artemis had taken to flinging her food on the floor now if it doesn't appease her. Something she learned from Bella.

Caius scoffed. "I don't see why we couldn't just kill her when we had the chance... She isn't even a mate. The waste of venom malnourished vampire was so keen on reacting an overrated human tale, should have given them what they so desperately wanted."

"She will have an intruding gift, Caius." Aro chided. "I am curious about it."

"She was just a blood singer, Aro," Marcus droned. "And what is the use of a gift if you can not procure her into the folds?"

Aro looked irritated now. "If I can just convince Alice and Edward to join--"

"Aro," I said calmly. The three Kings looked expectantly at me. "I've met the Cullen's and I've also heard a great deal about them from my ridiculous cousin. You'll never convince them to join you. As long as you drink the blood of humans, you'll never be taken seriously by them."

"Disgusting... Deplorable... Wasteful..." Caius growled under his breath.

I swallowed the nervousness in me and placed my hand on Caius's making me stop his muttering. "That is one thing we can agree on, Caius. But do please calm yourself. You'll scare the children."

I squared my shoulders. "I think it's time I am given a tour of my home now. Will you show me?"

"It would be our honor, Mio Amore." Aro stood up and held his hand out to me. There were no secrets now and as much as it killed me to know he knew them and hated how exposed I was... I knew very well the truth would have eventually come out. I wouldn't have been able to hide forever. I forced a perfected smile and took his hand. His eyes furrowed but he said nothing.

Marcus and Caius excused themselves with Marcus taking the children with him to his office. They were kings after all and their duties could never be put on a pause. They kissed my cheeks and left me and Aro alone. I sniffed, holding myself higher. I would need to be brave and just power through this. Just take it in stride and accept it.

"Shall we begin?" Aro opened the door for me.


So far I have seen a much larger library that is welcomed to all those in the castle and the guests that come to Volterra. It was by far my favorite place in the castle but I must admit I rather preferred the secluded library more. I loved the fresco painting on the ceiling. There was a lot of detail you could examine.Aro took me to some different other rooms, a training area for guards. It was mostly a barren room with walls entirely made of steel. When I asked about it Aro gave an amusing laugh. It was then I learned how much damage a vampire can do. The steel was made of the strongest metal on earth and so far it was a little harder to destroy but not entirely incapable of being demolished even the giant ripping hole in the wall as if someone's entire body had been pushed through.

"Felix and Santiago are the only ones who can tear the steel in the room. Don't be alarmed if you hear screeching metal. They have to go easy on the other members because of their strength."

He showed me a lobbying room that was mostly just furniture for relaxing on. He said you could find most guards in this area if not in their quarters. The room was used for entertaining guests of less importance which was normally filled with a few traveling nomads or clans simply wanting to use the castle's impressive collection of books or art pieces.

There were quite a few other rooms to see but it was noon now and I was starting to get hungry. Aro escorted me to the kitchens and was replaced by Marcus's company for the time being. My children hugged my legs and clambered onto their chairs. Three plates of potato and leek panini were placed before us after a few minutes.

"Are you enjoying your tour, sweetheart?" Marcus asked, trailing his fingers across my cheek before tucking a loose curl behind my ear.

"Yes. However, I am excited to see this Garden I've been hearing so much about from my children." I took another bite.

Marcus hummed, pressing his lips to my temple. "Aro would be the one to show you the garden. He has a passion for plants. I wouldn't dream of taking something such as that away from him."

"What is your passion then?"

"I'm rather fond of books but since you have already seen both Libraries I am also fond of Archeology and Anthropology. Like Aro, I have my own collection of sorts."

"Please tell me you don't have human skeletons stashed in a closet." I deadpanned him. He smiled at me, chuckling.

"I keep those in a museum here in Volterra."

"Of course, you have a museum."

"Come, I will take you back to Aro for him to show you the gardens. I'll take the Bambini to Demetri to guard for the remainder of the day."

Aro was excited when Marcus reappeared with me in his study. Though he was going to come to me later, he was happy to show me the gardens and had a more pep in his step at the prospect of showing me all the 'lovely' plants he search high and low for.

The garden was much larger than I thought it would have been. With a large flowing pond with a fountain in the middle. Water lilies floating gently on the top. Koi fish swam around inside. It was surrounded by small marble benches where one could enjoy the fresh air.

Aro pointed to a rather odd-looking plant, it looked like a bat. He was like a child on Christmas as he brushed the long black petals. "This is called Tacca chantrieri. It's one of the rarest flowers in the world. It normally only grows in the southeast of Asia but I have my ways of making the plant thrive here in our Garden."

"It looks like a bat."

"Ah!" Aro lifted his finger. "You are correct, Cara Mia it is also known as the black bat flower. Come, come, I think you'll love this next flower.

He pointed down a reddish-brown flower with a funny shape. It oddly resembled a cocoa bean. He plucked a petal very delicately before placing it in my palm. "Crush it and smell it," he instructed.

I rubbed the petal raw until it was shredded before smelling it. I was hit with a strong fragrance of deep and rich dark chocolate.

I unintentionally moaned at the smell. Aro clapped his hands once and covered his mouth.

"This plant is called Cosmos Astrosanguineus other known as chocolate cosmos. It is a native plant to Mexico but due to the destruction of its environment, it no longer grows. It took some procuring such a rarity plant. Some of our newer vampires who were human during the creation of the sweet treat chocolates, have informed me that the plant brings some form of comfort to them. A lot of them do say that chocolate is one of the things they miss most about being human..."

I let him lead me around the glorious garden pointing to each plant and educating on me about the species, native land, and the treatment it needs to flourish. He led me to one side of the wall where colorful flowers lined the stone. It was by far the prettiest flower I ever saw. They looked like tiny girls, swaying in the gentle breeze.

"Impatiens Bequaertii, they're from East Africa. Hard to spot for the human eye. They are the most wanted flower in the world."

I knew Artemis would love this once she saw them. The next plant was a Chiranthodendron pentadactylon otherwise known as the devil hands or monkey paw. It looked like a red hand, exploding from a brown-red, larger petal.

"It's considered to be of supernatural nature. The fruits that this plant bears are considered to be important in human medicinal uses. Carlisle Cullen had studied the fruit while he resided here. I think he may have proved that the plant does in fact heal the human heart."

When he led me to another flower, my heart jumped in my chest. I backed away from it without realizing it. Aro laughed, caressing my cheek. "Cara Mia... It is just a flower..."

"It's frightening." I blinked at him.

He gave a maniacally laugh. Gazing at the flower that had a monkey face in the center. "Well... I suppose it is rather interesting but I wouldn't go as saying it is startling."

It had two long fangs extending down from the petals along with what looked like eyes, a pair of furry eyebrows, a beard, and a small nose. It was a monkey face in the middle of burgundy and pink flowers.

It was creepy.

"It's called Dracula sima."

"Ha..." I forced a laugh wanting to get away from it as soon as possible. Monkeys scared me.

"Adelaide you are surrounded by Vampires and yet you are still frightened by apes? How peculiar..."

"What is the rarest flower in the world?" I asked wanting to change the topic immediately. Generally, I was also curious. Marcus wasn't kidding when he said Aro was passionate about plants.

"The rarest flower in the world is the Middlemist Red Camellia. It's native to China but sometime around 1804, it was brought to London. It's extinct in China now however humans may gaze upon its beauty in London or in some locations in New Zealand I believe..." Aro smiled at me. He guided me to the back of the garden, pushing some ivy to show me a wall full of pots. "I also have procured such a rarity."

It was a bulky dark pink camellia, sitting in the middle of leafy plants, the petals expanded out looking every bit like a show flower. There were about twenty large terra cotta pots full of them.

"They're beautiful..."

"I am fond of them," Aro mused. "There is no plant I can't procure, however. Much to my brothers bothersome, I've spent quite the hefty amount for such rarities."

"What's the most you spent on a plant?" I was scared of the answer. Aro smirked.

"Three million."

I inhaled deeply. My eyes widened in shock. "Three million?"

"My dear sweet Adelaide... Three million is pennies to me." He waved his hand. "Rare flowers are nature’s bounty. As humans progress, they create so many environmental impacts, leading to extinction and unabated human activities that led to deforestation and habitat loss. I procured these rarity plants because I refused to let something so beautiful be destroyed. Though they come at a hefty price, it is worth it."

I took his hand in mine stopping his explanation. He smiled down at her palms, interlacing our fingers.

"Have I bored you, my love?"

"No... not at all." I was truthful. I found everything he told me incredibly interesting. "Please, do continue."

He pulled me under his arm, tucking me into his side. Kissing the top of my head he began again. Every word sounded like music to my ears. I could listen to him all day...

Why was I even scared of him? He isn't t so bad. More like an ecstatic child than a big scary vampire king.

"I will show you big and scary, Mio Amore... Do not test me." He growled lowly in my ear. Nipping my earlobe causing me to jump and squeal. My cheeks inflamed.

"You are easily flustered, my dear. Come you must be tired, let's rest your feet and I shall rub them for you."


I could get used to this.


Awe... Aro finally has someone who cares about his passions 💕

Poor Caius though ... 😭 He's not going to have an easy time like his brothers. It appears he's going to have really woo the crap out of her.

Chapter 11


Prepare yourselves. sh*ts about to get bumpy. 😬

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A week had past sent we've returned to Volterra with the intent to stay. I hadn't realized that the week held a silent promise to me from the Kings to allow me to settle in my surroundings.
For the past two days, it was divided between time with Marcus and Aro.

I spent the mornings in the garden with Aro and the evenings with Marcus.

"Good morning Bellissima," Aro greeted me with a large smile holding his hand behind his back. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes while yawning.

"Good morning?"

He chuckled. "Come, walk with me."

I let him pick me up from the bed and carry me from the room. I laid my head on his shoulder, relaxing into his hold as he took me into the conjoined library. The drapes were already open allowing the sunrise to bathe the room in a beautiful glow.

He sat me down on the sofa in the back and grinned at me. "I have a gift for you..."

"What is it?" I asked warily.

Aro showed the hand that he kept hidden from my view. Holding his palm open a small and elegant tear drop ruby glistened in the sunlight. Behind it was a pure white stone, sleek and smooth. He lifted the silver chain, letting the charm sway before me.

"It's beautiful!" I whispered. He grinned at me.

"Hold your hair up, my love..."

I let him clip it around my neck before hugging him. "Thank you..."

"You're most welcome Adelaide. Do you know what the white stones are?"

I shook my head.

"They're moonstones. They're supposed to channel power, to ground one, and focus on their energy. I've done some research and thought we could give it a try. Steady you, help you feel better again." His lips brushed my temple.

"I'll never take it off. I love it."

Grasping the necklace, I tried to ground myself. Ground my anger.

Caius had kept his distance which I was immensely grateful for but also saddened by it. There was always a dull ache in my chest every time he came into my view but didn't make a move to touch even a strand of my hair. He no longer offered me his arm and his anger had grown.

The children dodged him at every chance given to do so. They wouldn't even look at him or acknowledge his existence. I had tried to understand what had made them close off entirely to the ferocious King... My questions were left unanswered leaving me with a form of resentment for the man for terrifying my children to the point that they couldn't even tell me what was wrong. It was much more than a minor crack to the cheek now and I wondered if he had punished them for it without consulting me.

It was this very day I had trouble parting with them. My motherly fears overpowering words of reason. Demetri had tried to reassure me he was an excellent babysitter but I had the horrible hunch he was not babysitting them at all. After the incident with Jane and Alec... My mind had trouble understanding why they hadn't been with Demetri at all when my orders were that he must remain with them at all times or I would not allow them to ever be out of my sight.

"I'm already their godfather so to speak... at this point, Addie," Demetri placed his hands on his hips. "I've been watching them while the Masters struggle to woo you in their favors."

"But that's the thing!" I jabbed his chest, closing the door to the now designated playroom where the kids were immersed in their world surrounded by pastel green walls. "You haven't been watching them!"

"I have to!" he shot back through his voice cracked slightly.


He held the bridge of his nose. Making a dramatic sigh that I knew damn well was just for the flair of his 'personality'

"Alright! Alright... You're right. I've been watching them--"

"Whose has been watching them!" I hissed. Grabbing his tie I yanked him down to my level. Another thing he did just for show. He shouldn't have budged at all yet he allowed me to manhandle him. "Demetri Volturi! Who the f*ck has been watching my children!"

"Uh..." he looked up at the ceiling like he was praying to the gods or something. At this point, I didn't care if he was my friend not that I even considered him to be a brother. I was their mother, what I said was final. It was my responsibility to protect them.

"Demetri!" I screamed. The air blasted into him, sending him flying through the open door of my quarters and right into the corridor stone wall. Parts of it crumbled on top of him as he shot back up, unaffected.

"Addie... Come on..." He pleaded.

Pulling my hands back, I flung them forward sling shooting him down the hall and into the next room. Chelsea stood with her mouth open watching in horror.

"Watch them!" I pointed at the room. She nodded her head.

"But... But..." She stammered.

"It's fine!" Demetri yelled. Chelsea looked back at me before disappearing into the room. The blonde man in my sights swallowed unnecessarily.

"You!" I pointed my finger. "Spill!"

"I can't!" he shouted.

"Ooo!" I snarled. Disappearing he shouted.


Flinging him into the wall like a pinball. He pleaded. "I can't tell you! I'm sorry! Stop!"

He went sliding down the floor towards the throne rooms. "HELP! HELP! ADDIE HAS LOST HER MIND!"

The throne room doors opened just in time for him to be shoved hard with a gust of wind, glass screamed through the air, and large cracks formed on his neck and face. Flying through the air, he dropped before the thrones. The three Kings stood up immediately.

"She's is MAD!" He shouted. "Addie has lost her mind!"

Aro took his hand while he laid still on the marble. The cracks were still healing.

"Adelaide!" Caius yelled. "Stop hiding this instant!"

How dare he command me! I am not one of his subjects! The anger flared. My chest warming... My neck twitched uncomfortably. The distant clock tick seemed to amplify, growing louder and louder. Making my disgruntled state worse than before. It caused my body to flare in pain causing me to lose my hold on shielding my body.

Something felt wrong. My body felt lighter, different. The necklace heated against my skin making me clutch at it.

Marcus was next to me in an instant. He held his hands out to me, looking to frighten to touch me.

"I--ell-- ong" they were looking at me confused.

"Adelaide... Mio Amore... Calm yourself. We can't understand you..." Marcus backed away from me.

"us-- Ell--ight"

"What's happening?" Caius panicked. I turned to look at him. His eyes were wide. Everyone one was looking at me with horror.

I reached out for him only to catch sight of my hands, they were flickering... I was transparent. My skin was moving... Flickering a gold light.

That's not normal...

The clock got louder and louder. Sending me to crouch on the ground, covering my ears with a piercing scream. My eyes met Marcus's before I was sucked into something else entirely. They were all gone as if they were never there.
My body stopped flickering and became solid again.

What... What just happened?

I stared around the throne room confused, turning around a few times and slapping my cheeks to make sure I was in fact awake. Alright... Okay... Breathe Addie. Just breathe...


Everyone stood and stared at the charred spot Adelaide had been standing only seconds before. Marcus let out a wounded cry when it sunk in it that she was gone. The place was warm and smoking.

Demetri scrambled to his feet, rubbing his eyes. "WHAT!" He shouted.

Caius snarled and grabbed him by the neck, slamming him to the ground. "What did you do!"

"I was following your orders, Master!" He responded instantly. Aro placed his hand on Caius stopping him from tearing Demetri apart.

"Caius... Calm yourself."

"How can you be so calm! Our mate vanished! She could he hurt! Or--"

"Don't say it! I can not bear it!" Marcus hissed. Venom pooled in his eyes as he stared at the spot. He couldn't bear to lose another love. He barely survived losing Didyme, he could not survive this.

"Search the castle. Demetri looked everywhere. Alec, bring the children. They will stay with us."

Jane and Alec shared a worried glance before parting.


"Hello?" I called out into the corridor that led to the King's quarters. There was no response. It was oddly quiet in the castle. Normally a guard was around but now... I rubbed my bump feeling nervous.

I had a bad feeling.

Biting my lip, and staring at my bedroom door, I finally opened it and went inside. It empty... Completely barren.

What's going on?

Following the way into the private library, I made myself invisible again before opening the door and slipping inside. It was dark, cold, and stuffy. Pushing the drapes open I was met with fewer paintings and a partial fresco.


I squinted around the room. This wasn't right.

I almost screamed at the door being thrown open and finding an angry Caius snarling.


I held my breath, trying to calm my erratic heart. I had the sinking feeling that I somehow managed to end up in a place I shouldn't have. Caius was wearing a pale blue tunic with a dark robe and... Are those tights?

He was sniffing the air, seemingly stumped as he stared around the room with cold calculating black eyes.

Aro appeared looking annoyed with him, wearing similar clothing but in red. They were speaking in Italian. "Brother... What has you so ravenous?"

"Someone's been in here... I can faintly smell them. Take a whiff, Aro."

Take... A whiff?

Aro inhaled deeply, stepping closer causing me to step away but knocking over a fire poker. It cluttered to the ground loudly.

"Show yourself!" Caius snarled. "We are the Kings! You are no match for us!"

Aro tsked him. "That's not going to help, Brother."

I was able to back further away before they stood where I once was. They looked around the room. I glanced around for some escape and it was then I noticed the looming figure that sat at a medium-size wooden table, staring into space... Right at me.

His dark red eyes were following my movements. He looked intrigued but remained silent. Marcus was wearing a dark green tunic, his fingers adorned in several large jewels.

Caius growled. "Why do you just sit there! Someone is in our home! You distant old fool --"

"You are older than I. I am but 20 and you are what 35?" Marcus droned. No hint of emotion in his voice.

This was just like him in several of his paintings... Oh, Marcus. I almost reached out to him. Aro went to grab Marcus's hand only for him to snatch it away before he could.

"I told you once and will not tell you again, you are not permitted to my thoughts, Aro."

Not permitted? But Aro always read your thoughts.

"Forgive me," Aro said but did not look as if he had meant it. Marcus stood and walked toward me. My eyes widened. He hide his hands from being seen by the other two and pointed towards himself and right at me.

"I'll be in my chambers," He drawled. "Have fun with your search Caius."

Caius snarled. Aro looked to be consoling him when Marcus's hand landed on me. Right on my breast. He pulled back immediately with a crestfallen face. My face heated up.

I followed behind him, his door closed behind me.

"You can show yourself to me. I will not harm you," He said softly.


Marcus flinched, his head felt rather odd. A memory pulled at his eyes. Raven locks... Steely grey eyes looked frightened as she glanced around his room. He left the throne room immediately and appeared in his chambers searching for her but not finding her.

He sat down on his chair, his eyes gazing over.

The girl was wearing a white dress, holding her bump as she bit her lip.

"Hello..." She whispered. Her cheeks warmed her heartbeat rapidly in her chest. Marcus took a good look at her face and was almost whole again. The pain in his chest lessen and he found himself almost smiling at her.

"How did you get in here, Cara Mia?"

Marcus snapped his eyes to the door. Horror struck him. Oh, God... He thought. She couldn't have possibly? He grew worried about the implications this would bring about. Surely she didn't go back in time! His mind is playing tricks on him! He's imagining it!

"I'm not sure... I was standing with you in the throne room and then ended up alone. Marcus?" her voice wavered. She was looking at him like a frightened mouse. "Do you know who I am?"

"No, but I would be honored too..."

She closed her eyes tight, deeply breathing. "It's not possible..." She whispered. Her eyes snapped open when he touched her face. "What year is it!"


Marcus shot up off the sofa and began to pace. Covering his mouth. No, he was sure it wasn't a trick now. Adelaide had truly managed to time jump. She was in danger. Horrible danger. He couldn't believe this but was too shocked to tell his brothers. What could they even do?



"Huh?" my mouth went dry. He was joking. This had to be a major joke gone wrong because I'm human. There's no possible way I just time jumped! It's impossible!

"How do you know me?" Marcus brushed my cheek like he was scared he would hurt me. I mean he could if he wanted to. "You said you were standing by me but I could never forget a beauty such as yours..."

"I think I just time hopped... I'm not from this time --"

"Your gown is rather odd for a woman." He mused.

"This isn't funny!" I hissed. Already stress rubbing my temples. My children! Oh my god! What the f*ck! What the actual f*ck!

"Shh..." Marcus soothed. "Breath, Cara Mia"

I can't breathe! I time hopped into a whole other century and I don't even know how I did it!

"My babies..." My voice cracked. "I..."

"What century are you from?" He asked carefully, rubbing my back but not looking like he believed me.

"It's 2007... I have two children... The Cullen's--"

"The Cullen's?" Marcus implored.

"My cousin, she's Edward Cullen's blood singer. He told her about Vampires and in return, she told me when he left her. I... My children and I came here to Volterra to save him though my children and I were kidnapped by Alice, his sister. When we arrived, you and your brothers... You said I was your mate."

Marcus focused intently on me and then looked toward his bedroom door. He nodded. "Yes, I see a faint Yellow bond."

"I'm not supposed to be here Marcus... I'm from 2007!" My cries broke through and immediately I was pulled into his embrace. He settled me on his lap as I began to sob.

My children are probably so scared! Hell, the Kings are probably losing their sh*t!

"We need to speak to Aro and Caius... What is your name?" He wiped my tears from my cheeks with his thumbs.

"A-Adelaide," I sniffled.

"Beautiful name..." He whispered. I threw my arms around his shoulders.

"I'm so scared..."


The Marcus in 2007 was inconsolable. Adelaide had still not returned. He had been wrecked with new memories invading his mind forcing him to stay hidden in his room and refusing to retreat from its safe confines. He was unable to explain to Aro. He could show him the memories making their way into his mind or keep her secret. Then there was the whole other factor.

She had barely been gone, it's only been a few minutes yet his head pounded with memory after memory.

She could come back and if he told Aro, he was worried about what would happen... Their mate deserved to be cherished not gazed upon like an experiment or a prized pig.

He could only hope it stopped soon and she returned to him. To the him, that was here in the now not stay in the past.


Holy crap on a cracker! What's going to happen now? 👀

Demetri just had his dramatic flair ✨Stolen✨
He's going to be so pissed. 😂

The cliffhanger I am leaving you guys on for a few days... I shall apologize now. 💕

Chapter 12


I am not sorry! I just had to do one more chapter before my break! 🥴

Also 🌶️🌶️ You're welcome.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Marcus returned to me at night with food. Fresh stone-baked bread, fruit, and onion jam. He looked a little confused as he placed it on the table with a flagon of water. He placed a small burlap bag next to me on the bed.

"It's been so long since I was human... I wasn't sure what it was you would need. I asked a woman at a stall in the city what a pregnant woman needs--"

"You asked a human?" I shook my head. This was a time when contacts weren't a thing. Colored contacts weren't even close to a thing. "But your law-- you can't feed in the city."

"I brought her into the castle. Demetri-"-

"Demetri!" I stood up too fast causing me to stumble. "Demetri is here already?"

"You know him?"

"He's my soul brother." I grinned but it fell immediately. "I... Fought with him before I came here."

Marcus was focusing on my body, then smiled lightly at me. "I see the bond. Perhaps after speaking with my brothers we can introduce you again. Now, please eat, Cara Mia."

I sat at a desk that was different from the one he had in the future. Picking up the knife, Marcus snatched it from my hand and cut the bread for me, and spread the jam on it. "I won't allow you to be at risk of getting cut." He said calmly.

Hmm... He didn't do that to me in 2007. He seems more, I don't know... protective?

I ate in silence while he stared at me in wonder. He ended up disappearing into the room I know was where his bathroom would be. He reappeared after a few minutes. "I warmed some water for you to take a bath. I put lavender petals into it."

A sigh escaped me. I was a history buff and I knew damn well that having modern washroom necessities was going to be a hard time for me to get used to. Hopefully, I could figure out how to return to my time before I have to accept this way of life. Not to mention I hit a horrible year of Europe. The great famine of 1315 was the start of a large-scale crisis in the 14th century. A famine that hit Europe severely. All due to the count of bad weather.

No doubt it had already started. It was close to the end of spring when I left my time. If it is still close to the ending of spring here, I knew the bread was probably hard to procure. Maybe not as much as it would be for most people. I knew the Volturi were wealthy so they could easily pay more to get what they wanted.

"How are the humans fairing outside the castle?" I asked. Marcus tilted his head at me. "The Famine that's hitting most of Europe right now. It caused a large dwindle in the human population. If I recall correctly, it should have begun this year."

"Thou know of the crop failure?" he sounded surprised.

I need to get used to this why middle English of all things... Why couldn't I have traveled to a century of modern English...

"I know of a lot of things Marcus. I'm not from this time. I could tell you of every famine and plague that will come to pass."

"Do tell me more," Marcus said kindly. He gestured for me to turn around. His fingers hardly brushed my dress and then he groaned. "How do you get this bloody thing off!"

I giggled and put my hand behind my back, pointing to the little metal piece. "It's called a zipper. Just pull the handle down."

Marcus pulled too harshly, jerking the zipper right off the seams. There was a wild rip and the dress exposed my back to the frigid climate of the castle. I barely had time to catch it from exposing all of me. If vampires could brush, I bet Marcus would be red as a tomato.

"My apologies..." He mumbled.

"It's alright..." I blushed.

"After thy bathe, I shalt bring you forth to Aro and Caius." He bowed a little and turned away.

I licked my lips. Alright, I officially feel like I am in a Shakespearean play. Dropping my ruined dress, I stepped into the murky whitish-blue water. The dried lavender petals floated on top, expanding from my body before settling once more like a blanket around me.

There was a bar of yellowish soap on a ceramic plate, sitting on the mantel. I grabbed it along with the cotton cloth, lathering it up. I quickly washed my body down and settled back into the warm water, taking my time to look around.

A fire crackled near, with a large basin of water in a terra cotta pot next to it. A pitcher laid near. Good because I need to rinse all this off don't care much for bathing in my filth but then again I had showered before I arrived here so I guess it's alright just this once. I wasn't particularly dirty to start with.

Another large basin sat in front of a metallic mirror, reminding me of the mirrors in fun houses. Beside it was more lye soap and a pitcher of water with a hand cloth. The bathroom was very different. It did not hold a single wooden frame as it did in the future. This was purely stone and marble. The only colorful thing in here was the basket of potpourri and the terra cotta pots with a few cloth rags laying in a woven basket.

Not wanting to take too long, I washed my hair and then rinsed off. Wrapping the rags around me I was pleasantly surprised by how incredibly soft they were. I thought it was going to be itchy.

"Thou clad from indecency?" Marcus asked.

"Yes!" I responded quickly. He appeared in the doorway, his red eyes darkened immediately, racking my dripping body from head to toe. I bit my body lip.

"Sei molta deliziosa..." He groaned. (You are most delectable)

My breath swooshed out of me. My thighs clenched together. This Marcus was very different from the one I was getting to know. This one seemed to be just as brazen as Caius. Granted I only saw a snippet of how brazen Caius could be when I first met him before he backed off but I could see it in his eyes. The man was more than just angry, he was ravenous with lust. Marcus' soft look completely darkened as he zoned in on the water droplets running down to my cleavage that fell from my ringlets.

✒️OPE- Actions ahead.

Marcus backed Adelaide against the wall. His dark eyes were appraising her. Taking in the way the moonlight cast an ethereal glow upon her flesh.

The thin cloth she wore clung to her body in all the right places. Her womanly hips that could only come from bringing life into the world curved perfectly into his palms as he caressed them. She was breathing heavily, her steel eyes darkened like a stormy sky, swirling flecks of gold like tightening. Her lips barely parted when he nudged her nose. Her bosom heaved against his torso as he pressed closer. He could feel the blood rushing in her veins beneath the surface of her silky skin.

Marcus encased her with his towering body, hands pressed against the stone behind her.

"What is it that thou desire?" He asked her. His voice was deep and throaty yet smooth like velvet. Grey to red... Adelaide dropped her gaze to his lips before meeting his stare once more.

She was beyond comprehending what had made Marcus switch. He had enjoyed kissing her in her time, but their shared kisses had never gone beyond that day on the side of the road in Forks. Their first kiss had been rough yet tender all at the same time. She thought it was wrong that she wanted to share that kiss once more with him now granted he was not the same Marcus she knew. How different was he really? She wondered.

Adelaide clutched his biceps with her small dainty hands. The crimson red of her nails stood out against the white of his tunic. She was shaking yet did not move.

"What is it that thou need?" Marcus urged her to answer him. He needed to know what it was she was thinking. The dark irises were drinking in her body with carnal lust. He would not make the first move.

Her lips parted more, her hands gripping the fabric of his shirt with force. Moving one hand she pressed the palm to his cold chiseled jaw, her eyes searching his face for a hidden answer. Adelaide was terrified of what it was she wanted. She was still very much human and fragile... He could hurt her. Or even killed her. The hand slid to the back of his neck.

"Kiss me," She breathed.

Marcus wasted no time, dipping his head lower and pressing his lips against hers. She threw her arms around his neck as the smoothness became rough. Marcus let out a deep grunt as his want for her swelled. Grasping her thighs he shoved her harder against the wall, wrapping them around his torso. He pressed harder against her mouth making her whimper when he dropped to her under her jaw.

"Marcus..." She whimpered.

Her fingers tangled into his hair, the nails racked against his scalp... He instantly bucked against her hips. His want for her nudged against her exposed warmth. The linen tights he wore were rough and it drew out the softest cry he ever heard from her lips. It was like music... He flexed his hips against hers once more.

Adelaide let out another lovely cry, her wide grey eyes connected with his. He watched in utter fascination, mouth opening, nose flaring, eyebrows scrunched. He pressed harder. Her jaw slacked further.

"Come sei Bellissima..." He whispered. She caressed his cheek where he leaned into her palm, kissing her wrist.

Using one arm to hold her up, he dropped the other between them. His fingers trailed over her clothed stomach and under her robe. She started at him, a look of innocence and eyes full of lust but never voicing her need...

He pressed the pad of his thumb against her cl*t... She tossed her head back with a sigh.

A smirk appeared on his face, dropping his mouth to her exposed collar, he worked against the flesh with his lips and tongue. Rubbing her cl*t gently. Her arousal assaulted his senses making it harder not to fling her against the bed and rip this flimsy tortuous layer of cloth from her delicious body and have his wicked ways with her.

Adelaide grounded her pelvis instinctively into his hand. Her hands fell to the cloth that kept her hidden and undone the wrap. It fluttered to the stone. Marcus's eyes zoned in on her breasts then dropped to her stomach.

"You are with child... I do not wish--"

"It's a lot safer than you think," She grounded out, her mouth latching below his ear. "Now, please. Love me before I lose my courage."

Marcus had her on his satin sheets before she could take another breath of air. She was cold from the damp castle, her body still dripping lightly. He tugged his tunic off exposing his pale chest with large patches of chest hair falling to his waist, creating the perfect definition of a happy trail. He climbed beside her, shifting her to lay on her side, as he captured her mouth, kissing her once more.

Adelaide grasped his tights, pushing them down. A silent order when she stopped that he finish kicking them off. He grinned against her neck, nipping the skin and making her gasp and moan.

"Your move, Bellissima," He groaned against her.

She nudged him to get on his back. Sitting up she admired his fitted form. Toned, muscular... Damn what a man...

She dropped her gaze to his manhood, forcing a groan back as she drank him in. He smirked at her, tilting his head and placing an arm behind his head. Relaxed... Waiting and practically begging her with his eyes.

Adelaide did not want to have sex with him with her wedding band on, she didn't think twice about removing it from her finger, not realizing how easy it had been for her to do it. Her mind was completely clouded in unadulterated lust for this Greek God before her she grasped him causing him to flex his hips up for more friction. The thick groan that left him from such a simple action had her already climbing on top of him.

She had no need for foreplay. She was already a wanton mess from the bathroom. He got her memo, helping her direct his tip to her entrance. She bit her lip, her face scrunching up. She was not prepared for how large he was when he flex upward, pushing fully into her in one swift motion. She gasped at the unfamiliar feeling.

"Okay?" He gritted his teeth.

She couldn't find her words, but nodded her head and placed her hands on his chest. Lifting up and slowly rocking against him. Marcus closed his eyes, relishing in the pleasure she was bestowing upon him.

Slow, steady, and soft cries...


Marcus leaned against his bed. His unneeded breaths of air had him gasping for it regardless. His core, his body blazing in pleasure. He could feel her against him like a ghost. Her soft cries her moans with his name falling from his lips, he was already unbuckling his pants. The torture was unbearable.

He fell onto the mattress. Staring up at the ceiling, trying to steady the building pressure that had him wanting much more than he had in centuries.

His eyes slipped closed, falling into the abyss of her naked body perched on top of his, her movements gliding in fluid motions... Her skin flushed against his.

"That's it, Adelaide... Good girl..."

"Marcus..." She whimpered. He gripped her hips, holding her in place as he thrust into her.

"Come for me Cara mia. Call for me, plead for me..."

"Please! Please!" she cried out like a prayer.

"Say you're mine!"

"I'm yours! I'm yours!" She was sobbing, flushed, and trembling in his arms as she came. He continued thrusting and with a roar, she fell against his chest. Kissing him, her tears fell against his skin.

"I'm never going to be able to pleasure myself again after this..." She breathed heavily.

Marcus' eyes shot open in a haze. Γαμημένη κόλαση... (f*cking hell.)


I lay on the bed twirling my fingertips against Marcus's chest. He sighed with contentment. His fingers brushed my hip, using his other arm that I wasn't laying on to bring me closer to his side. He put it back behind his head, staring up at the ceiling.

"I did not think I shall ever lay with a maiden once more..." His chest vibrated under my head. I twisted my face around so I could gaze at his face.


He smiled faintly. "As good luck would have it... My sorrows had been remedied in a single glance of thy beauty..." He grazed my cheek with his pinky. "Al be that I shall never forget to live again, Mio Amore. Thy have healed me in delicate touches."

I miss modern English... But that was cute.

Marcus tensed and had his clothes thrown back on almost immediately. Crouched in front of the bed, already snarling. I covered my body with the duvet. Trying to shrink from view. A small knock tapped against the door before Aro strode in with black eyes. His hard gaze was focused on Marcus before slowly shifting to me.

Recognition flickered across his face as the bond snapped in place. He placed a hand on his chest just as I did. That feeling was something I would never get used to. The first snapping wasn't all the comfortable, to begin with, but my fear had barreled over any sort of painful snap from adrenalin rushing through me. I did not have that fear coursing through me now.

Why wasn't as I afraid as I was hours ago? Marcus relaxed and was back at my side once more. Aro shut the door. Human pacing to the end of the bed. He tilted his head at me. Speaking some language I did not understand. I got used to some of the Greek they spoke, ancient Greek is mostly forgotten now. I was able to decipher a few words but I still had no idea what they said.

Marcus placed his hand on my curls, moving them around until my neck was exposed.

Aro was now sitting on the bed, making me jump. He smiled at me.

"I shall not harm you," He whispered.

"I know, Aro" I whispered.

He grinned at me. Then leaned in, pressing his nose to my exposed neck. He inhaled deeply before leaning back. "Divine."

"Great... Well, here. You may read now but I doubt if it will work. You've complained about how your access to my thoughts comes and go." I held my hand to him.

"Are you close with me from your time?"

"Hmmm... Kind of? It's new for me, we haven't gone as far as holding hands. However, you love my children and that makes me incredibly happy. Achilles hardly ever want to part with you."


"Just take my hand," I grabbed his hand first. His eyes immediately glazed over. We sat for what felt like a very long time. He flickered through all my memories until he finally refocused his gaze on me. I noted that he did not release my hand.

"How extraordinary you are, Cara Mia." He looked at Marcus. "Tis not baseless, brother. Adelaide truly is from another era."

I blushed. "I'm still very naked... Not meaning to intrude or anything..."

Aro's eyes darkened. "Pity... Be a shame if thy covering should fall away..."

I clutched the duvet closer to my body. "Yes, it would."

Aro chuckled. "I joke, my dear. I shalt return with a maiden to help with your dressing --" I opened my mouth causing him to place his cool fingers against my lips. "You are unfamiliar with these linens. Jane will assist you."

Marcus and Aro disappeared from the room leaving me to wiggle to the edge of the bed and stand, the duvet wrapped around my body. The door opened once more with a light knock.

Jane was wearing a pink dress. Her hair fell down her shoulders and back. Her red eyes were bright and full of life.

Damn... Are all vampires different? What the hell happened to them all? Jane in pink... Baffling.

"M'lady," She bowed.

"Jane... You look very beautiful," I smiled at her. She lifted her head back up and grinned.

"Master Caius bought it for me, I'm so pleased."


Her smile fell away making me smooth up my shock. "Forgive me... That was unkind. I just, well..." I rubbed my neck. "Caius buying a pink dress..."

"Oh, yes..." She smiled again at me, pulling the cover away and causing me to shiver. "His wife actually did."

"His... His wife?" My voice was low, also a little high at the end. He didn't tell me he had a wife.

"Mistress Athenadora will be pleased to know Master Marcus has a mate again. She and Suplicia will ever be so gracious with joy." She grabbed the burlap sack and pulled a velvety red fabric from it. I couldn't focus on the dress as her words rang in my ears.

"Suplicia?" I repeated.

"Master Aro's wife. Step please."

I followed her orders, taking a deep breath as she tighten the corset a little but not enough to hurt me. I sat down on a stool as she began to work on my hair. Aro and Caius had wives?

Slipping on the dress, she tightened the ribbons behind me and vanished before returning once more with a gold headband. It looked like ivy vines. She held a few wildflowers in her other hand and began to twist them around faster than I could keep up with.

Braiding a few pieces of my hair around the crown to hold it in place she helped me up and slip-on leather flats. I let her guide me into the washroom to see my reflection in the fun zone mirror.

The long sleeves dragged against the ground, deep red, and fit me like a glove with a long train. From what I could see, the dress look rather funny on me but I couldn't find it in me to laugh.

"Where do the wives live in the castle?" I asked.

Jane grinned. "In the tower. They are kept hidden from the Volturi's enemies. Only Master Aro and Master Caius are allowed within the tower other than Corin."

Corin... I remember meeting her. She said she was stationed in the tower but seemed too scared to tell me.

Did Aro think I knew? Surely he would have seen it. Would have warned Jane that I didn't know. He would have done something to keep it secret...

My chest flared with pain at the betrayal. Aro and Caius had kept their wives a secret from me... That's what hurt. I do not care if they had married before. I had been married too but I did not keep it a secret. I had been honest and truthful from the start.

When Jane led me back into the conjoined library, Aro and Marcus brightened at the sight of me. Caius had his back to me, most likely glaring out the window rather than just simply looking. Just the sight of those two caused me to want to throw things at them for their secretive ways but then I had to take a deep breath and reign it in. These were not the same Aro and Caius that fooled me. I could not punish them for what their future selves did.

"This barefaced and baseless! " Caius roared. I jumped only to be steadied by Jane. "Deceit!"

"Thank you, Jane," Aro waved his hand to the door. She bowed and promptly left.

"She has fooled--" Caius lost his words when he twisted around to look at me. His anger morphed into hurt and then he was taking me into his arms causing my heart to race as he nuzzled his face into my neck.

I patted his back gently.

I was being nuzzled by Caius... What has this world come to? Why are they all switched around? From 1315-2007 They sure were all very different.

"You'll smother her," Aro mused. "Bring our mate over here. I wish to hear what this year will bring."

He already knew but I suppose it was mostly for his brother's sake. Aro knew everything that will ever happen from now and to the future. Granted, I must have caused some major rifts in time. The most ambitious man in the world has the true power of knowledge because of my little time hop.

I sat down on the wonky cushioned bench between Caius and Marcus. Both of which curled into my side, already nuzzling my neck again like f*cking cats.

Not that I minded... This was sort of nice but kind of weird.

No Adelaide, what's weird is you having sex with Marcus. You know... A whole different type of Marcus. Not even the same one.

Oh shut up!

"Start from the top," Aro gestured to me to begin.

Wracking my brain, I wiggled in front of the Vampires nuzzling. Placing my hands on both of theirs. "Please, stop. I can't think when you're doing that."

They apologized and let me continue.

"The crops will continue to fail until 1317 and even then it will not recover until sometime after 1322. Diseases will impact livestock like cattle and sheep causing most to die. There will be a struggle for meat among the humans. Most will starve to death. They will become ravenous and fall to sinful acts of cannibalism and infanticide. The levels of crime will set a pathway to sacrilegious cults because of the consequences for the Church, The states, and all of European society. The future calamities to follow in the 14th century will be a disaster. The human population will fall drastically.

"Those who would not be inclined to violence will fall to it because of their desperation to feed their children and themselves. Governments will be overwhelmed and unable to stop the appalling acts. Women will be at a high risk of social violence than before, rape, gang banging, and assault.

"This Famine will sporadically continue for about 30 years. While between 1348 and 1375 during thePlague known as the black death will be around 17 years. Black death will be what causes the human population to diminish. Around 43% will die between 1348 and 1375."

"Our food supply will wane?" Caius frowned. "Tis will not bode well."

"We know of the issue, we just need to--"

"Fish," I interrupted.

"Fish?" Caius co*cked his head. "Darling, thou have nat witnessed what we are?"

I giggled. "Nooo... Fish as in have a vampire go out and collect humans from other places. Inconspicuous hunting. It's one of your laws."

"How must we go along with that?"

I frowned. "I don't know... Heidi, she isn't born yet but she was your fisher. She used technology from my time to bring you, humans. I'm not sure how to go about it here in this era."

"Not to worry, Cara mia. We shalt make do." Aro waved me off.

What I would like to do is go home. This is nice and all but I didn't like how weird they were. I definitely like the idea of pissing in a basin. I am human after all... The kind of human that lived in the era of a flushing toilet.

I forced an awkward laugh.
"So... I hear you have wives?"

Aro and Caius tensed, looking away from me.

"How's this going to work? You being married with a true mate on the side? I don't particularly care for sharing my men with other women..." I crossed my arms. "I know that sounds awful considering how you have to share me with each other."

"I'll kill them," Caius said blankly. "I shall kill them now. Say the words."

My eyes widened. I stood up immediately. "No! No! Nobody is killing anybody!"

Caius shrugged. "Come may it be, I have no quarrels doing what I must to appease my queen."

I smacked my face. I've changed my mind. Caius is the same.


Get it, Marcus!

And Jane in Pink? What has the world flooded in fire? Because 👀 damn...

Chapter 13


A bit of a jumper here. Get the story rolling. 😌👏

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"f*ck!" Adelaide screeched, her hands going to her chest with wide eyes.

Demetri pursed his lips, struggling to keep from smiling at her. He must admit he was extremely curious when Master Aro approached him about Lady Adelaide. Master Aro told him stories about the human in which he shared many joyous memories with her in the future. Master Marcus explained the sibling bond they shared. He always wanted a sister. After sitting on the tale for two days, he came to her. Only he had forgotten she was human.

"f*ck?" He tasted the word on his lips. "What a silly term."

Adelaide dropped her hands and began to giggle, she covered her mouth with her fingers, and her eyes crinkled at him. "It means lots of things, crude actions, vulgar expression, or surprise but also exasperation."

"f*ck... Hmm. I must tell this word to Felix. I believe he will like it." Demetri sent her a dashing smile. "Thou art an incredibly quite quaint maiden."

Maiden... Adelaide was trying to get used to that word. Three days in this time and she was still trying to wrap her head around it. She missed her children more than anything but knowing that no time could possibly pass for them because they didn't exist yet brought her some comfort. They would not miss her as she does them.

"Thank you," She blushed. Demetri had complimented her quite often before but this time it seemed he was more of a gentleman. This century had demanded it.

"Thee, m'lady art to beest mine own soul sister. Fair warning, I taketh mine own obligations as a brother exceptionally momentous."
He perched himself on the library's tabletop and patted the chair for me to sit on. "I wish to hark thy accounts of our relations."

The laughter that bubbled out of her could not be contained. It was hard to take any of them seriously with how incredibly posh and Shakespearean they sounded. But to hear Demetri speaking with grandeur flair on top of his elegant movements, it had made it completely ridiculous. It was the word 'relations' that ended her.

"Art thee amus'd by me?"

"No, no." She shook her head, still giggling. "The word relations means to have... How would you say it? Amorous right."

Demetri shot his eyebrows up. Wagging his finger at her, playfully. "Such a filthy tongue for a maiden."

She grinned at him, crossing her arms. "I am but a modern woman. It's very different from my time. Women are not oppressed and share the same freedoms as men. We love sex just as much as you do."

He stared at her for a moment trying to determine her words. He thought her language of English was odd and strange. Especially for a woman. He chuckled. Women sharing rights as men? Women enjoying the pleasures of lovemaking? He thought the Christian plague had demolished all thoughts when it swept through the lands. It pleased him to know that in the future women much like the women of his homeland of ancient Greece will part take in pleasures once more.

"I behold to such a future." He bowed at her.

"And I behold... To modernize your language. Jesus, it's like a play."

The two of them spent the rest of the morning together, telling stories of some of their fondest memories. Demetri was surprised she knew a lot about him and the human girl he had been fond of. It made him a believer in his master's tales. Adelaide proceeded to tell him all about her two children and described every little inch of their descriptions, straight down to the birthmark of a lightning bolt on Achilles' wrist and Artemis's birthmark perfectly shaped circle on her chest.

Marcus had eventually come to spend time with her. Leading to repeated activities in his room. Soft, gentle, and making sure to tire her out every single time. Aro and Caius had heard her cries, growing jealous with each sound she made caused by their brother. Yet they did not try to persuade her into doing such activities with them. Caius feared he would cause her to lose the child for he isn't a soft man when it comes to such titillating acts. Aro however does not want to begin the process of making her his in every way until his marriage to Suplicia is eradicated in every single possible way. He cared too much for Adelaide to make her be the other woman. He wanted to be fully available in every single way first.

Leaving the two married kings in an irritable situation. Caius wanted to kill them, but Adelaide said no. So he offered to throw them out. Aro did not think that wise considering they still have enemies and they shared too many things with those two women.

Marcus had offered the idea of allowing them to meet Adelaide which was turned down immediately but the whispers had already begun in the castle, and the kings did not go about this situation with tack...

When Adelaide was finally alone with the meal Jane had brought her with what food she could find in the city, she ate in silence waiting patiently for the Kings to come to her. Thinking it was them when the door opened, she was grinning from ear to ear only for it to fall when she turned around to find two women staring back at her with wonder.

Neither of the women appeared to speak English when Adelaide greeted them. They just stared at her with ruby irises, unblinking and unwavering. She began to feel weary of their presence. Caius told her the library was off-limits to anyone that did not get direct permission from the kings to enter and she highly doubted they would have permitted these two women to be around their very human mate.

One of the women looked around sixteen, her hair looked like melted chocolate while the other looked around Adelaide's age but maybe a little older. Her hair was just like Caius's white as snow and full of life. Their skin was nearly translucent just like the Kings. Artificial blush painted on their cheeks... High cheekbones and their clothes were pretty much non-existent. You could see every inch of their body through the sheer fabric of what looked like a peplos. A dress women in ancient Greece and the Romans wore.

Adelaide quickly realized who they were and it sent her heart to go in a frenzy. The brunette appeared in front of her, pressing her finger to Adelaide's chest with her nail.

The words she speak, Adelaide could not understand but from the sound of it, it seemed that this goddess of a vampire had made a nasty remark about her. The nail bit into Adelaide's skin, drawing blood to the surface.

Adelaide gasped, trying to step away from her. The other woman grabbed the back of her neck, shoving her nose against her pulse, and inhaled.

The two women said something else before they giggled. Adelaide flinched, preparing to blast them both away from her.

The women were ripped away, screeching. Caius was snarling on top of the blonde while Aro held the other on her knees, his hand on her throat. Their eyes were pitch black, faces held a twisted sinister look. Marcus appeared at Adelaide's side, wrapping his arm around her waist, and holding her face.

"Are you hurt?"

She shook her head, looking at Caius and Aro. The two women cast their gazes down to the floor, refusing to look at them. Their lips moved but no words came out.

"Who--" Adelaide began.

Caius had backhanded the woman he held down, the sounding crack to her cheek sounded like lightning striking making Adelaide jump. His lips moved and the woman began to nod rapidly, venom filling in her eyes but incapable of shedding. He grabbed her chin roughly and forced to her look at Adelaide.

"Ea est Regina." (She is your Queen.) "Rursus digitum impone, mea uxor. necabo te." (Touch her again and I will kill you.)

The two kings inhaled deeply, flickering their gaze to Adelaide, watching a small trickle of blood soak into her gown. This seemed to only anger them more.

"Ignosco." (I am unforgiving) Aro grasped the woman he had kneeling before him. He sneered down at her fingernail that had Adelaide's blood coated on the tip. "Suplicia cara, non videbaris."

Adelaide covered her mouth in shock, tears fell down her cheeks, her ears ringing with the hiss of Aro yanking her head from her body. The blonde woman screamed, thrashing in Caius's hold, dry sobbing.


Suplicia's body smacked the ground with a thud. Aro held her head, frowning at it before tsking. "Such a waste..."

And just like that, her head had been flung into the fireplace over his shoulder without much thought. He stood in front of Adelaide, pressing his index to the trickle of blood that fell from the cut Suplicia had made on her chest. He swiped it up and popped it in his mouth with a hum. He merely pressed her baffled mouth with his venom coated finger before directing his gaze on the other woman.

"Athenadora... Exceedingly naughty of you." He wagged his finger. Caius sneered cruelly.

"Do you wish to join your dear sister?" Aro asked her.

Athenadora shook her head, dry sobbing. "N-Ne."

"Mio Amore, what is her punishment?" Caius asked Adelaide.

The kings looked down at their mate waiting for her order. Adelaide was unable to give one. She just saw a vampire die for the first time in her life. And she... She was killed by her husband. Aro didn't even bat an eye...

"Cara Mia?" Marcus whispered softly in her ear. "The ruling?"

"Le-Let her live. I'm-- I'm sorry." Adelaide's bottom lip quivered. Would Aro do that to her? Would he kill her just as easily as he killed Suplicia?

"Are you certain?" Caius looked almost crestfallen. Athenadora looked at him, her face full of betrayal. He looked down at her with hatred. "I told you not to go looking for her, Dora. You went against my order."

Athenadora shook her head again and pointed a manicured finger at Suplicia's body. The venom poured in her eyes. Caius's scowl softened as she spoke. The beautiful woman finally looked at Adelaide.

"Με συγχωρείς χίλιες φορές. Δεν ήθελα να θυμώσω την αδερφή μου." (Forgive me a thousand times. I wish not to anger my sister.)

"What did she say?" Adelaide asked quietly.

"She asked for your forgiveness." Marcus sighed."My love, do not believe you are to be obligated to give it."

"I do not wish to kill the woman whom Jane is fond of. In my time, Those poor children are tortured souls. I will not be the cause of their pain." Adelaide forced out.

She knew of the troubles the twins had been through. Demetri who thinks of the twins as his siblings regardless of them being more powerful than because of their gifts had told Adelaide the day he met Jane when she was human, it was he who killed the man who started the fire. He had tortured the man to death because it was sick for someone to hurt a child. He was protective of her from that very moment. She didn't need to ever combat with her hands because he would always be there for her and Alec. Felix and Demetri would never let harm come to them.

Aro had been interested in them as humans but chose to let them live until they were a decent age to join the Volturi. He had been hard pressed when he was contacted by the guards he sent to look after them, They told him they would be burned at the stake at only 13. The two guards had only left the area to hunt for a small amount of time, only to come back and find the twins had been taken, beaten, and forced to watch their human mother die. One returned to Volterra as fast as he could. When Aro and Caius arrived in the small village, Caius was livid and tore the village apart. Aro had no choice but to change them. Badly burnt on the brink of death.

No Adelaide couldn't let Athenodora die. Not now... Not since she witnessed how happy Jane was in this time. She would not be the one to take a child's mother away. Even if Athenodora had attacked her.

"Very well," Aro nodded. Caius shoved his wife away from him and appeared in front of Adelaide. He took her chin with his palm, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Athenodora stood up, pressing her back to the wall with her head bowed. "Jane is not fond of me. She just likes gifts. Her devotion exists only to the Kings. Ne I nor bestowed on my sister."

Hearing the commotion and their names mentioned, Jane appeared in the room with her brother Alec. They observed the scene. Athenodora against the wall, Suplicia missing a head. Marcus held Adelaide against him with Caius positioned in front of her in a caring manner. Aro was brushing his chin appearing lost in thought. Jane felt the need to say something, now that she knew Adelaide was the true mate of all three kings.

"Our loyalty furthermore shall be yours, Adelaide." Alec had spoken before his sister could form the words she was trying to find. She grabbed his hand. Their silent communication between one another was all they needed.

Adelaide had taken their feelings into consideration of a ruling.

"It will be a most welcome and generous blessing to be provided a mother. My sister and I have never been taken into consideration in a ruling before." Alec smiled at her.

The Kings did not seem shocked at all but Adelaide's struggles to get out of their grasp had surprised them. She flung herself toward the twins. They looked wary as she threw her arms around their shoulders and brought them into her embrace. Adelaide was crying once more, holding their heads to her shoulders. She sniffled.

"You've been through so much, it's about time someone cares for you too..." Adelaide pulled back slightly, holding their cheek in each hand. "Sweet Jane and loving Alec, in the future, you've taken a liking to my children. I have already considered you my own."

The twins grinned at her and hugged her once more. Jane did not let go even after Alec did. Because to Jane, being given a mother meant the world to her. Aro may have created her and provided her with her every wish, and Caius may have taken the responsibility to be a stern father for her... But Marcus was the one who devoted his time to allowing her to be the young girl that she was. A mother was something she had yearned for but never could find in the wives of Aro and Caius. They treated her like a doll and tried to make her stay in their tower because a girl was never supposed to be capable of doing anything other than looking pretty... Jane did not want to be a doll even if she liked to look pretty.

"I shall never let your thoughts be pushed aside, Jane," Adelaide whispered, holding the small girl to her.

Jane smiled. This is what she wanted.


Athenodora was not allowed to be alone with Adelaide. No one was to ever be alone with Adelaide apart from the Kings and the twins or Demetri but Adelaide had been the stronger willed of them all. She did not think leaving Athenodora stuck in a tower with Corin as her only companion was a good idea and since Athenodora was no longer in need of being protected, she had no reason to be stuck in the tower for safekeeping.

This led to Adelaide and Athenodora having tense silent encounters. Neither one was sure of how to be with the other but set on being around one another. Adelaide had felt sorry for her, losing a sister and she was married to Caius before, meaning Caius had loved her once. Adelaide knew what it was like to lose a husband. So she knew Athenodora was suffering a loss of a husband on top of grieving for a lost sister, friend, and companion.

For five tortuous days, the two of them repeated this situation for hours. Demetri and Felix had been present for most of these encounters. Their jokes were not appreciated and Felix had begun to struggle not to kill Athenodora just to terminate the thick painful anticipation.

"That's it!" Demetri snapped. His outburst had caused Adelaide to jump and look at him whereas Athenodora just stared at him unaffected. Felix rolled his eyes.

Demetri had complained till his immortal ears were ringing his voice over and over again 'Keep your peace, Felix. All in do time.' Of course, that did not apply to Demetri.

"Tis torturous! Mine mind is screaming of volatile need for unrest! Speak! Or I shall end the misery and slan her with mine own hands!" Demetri whipped his cloak around his body taking unnecessary puffs of air for dramatic effect.

Adelaide furrowed her eyebrows at him. "Really Dem... If you had just waited a minute you would have no need to yell. I was about to offer a game of chess."

Athenodora giggled. "Aye, I was keen to speak! I have grieved and overcome."

If Demetri could blush, he might have. For he took a bashful stance and sulked back into his corner muttering his apologies. Felix did not stop the rumbled laugh that vibrated his entire body. Demetri glared at him.

"Die off, you massive brute!"


I have a feeling Addie and Dora are gonna be friends 💕

Chapter 14


It is a long one. ❤️

Chapter Text

I was being shadowed again through the garden. It wasn't as lavished as it was in the future. This time it held a less chaotic atmosphere, the rare plants I've smelled, gazed upon, and appreciated Aro's rambles on weren't here but I had a feeling it was because he didn't know about them. I was sure in a few months he would collect them but as to how to preserve them I did not know. The vampire who could manipulate plants, his 'Gardener' was probably a child right now. Florterra came from the Kingdom of Sicily.

"You know, I would love to meet Dante Alighieri..." I said cautiously to Caius when he came to sit with me to watch the sunset.

I couldn't take my eyes off his glittering skin no matter how much I tried. It was like a million diamonds and I could see why she loved admiring Edward's skin in the sun. I still no matter how hard I tried... Could not stop thinking about disco balls and glitter pens.

"Elaborate." Caius had taken to just sifting his palm near mind. Just brushing his pinky against my own.

He's been doing this for the past few days. I assume it was him waiting for me to make a move. Aro must have told him how our relationship was in my time because he was a lot more expressive with me. Maybe not in personal emotions or actions but he spoke a little more, he was calm and seemed to have put his anger aside for once. He always smiled.

Caius smiling about broke my heart it was so beautiful. I could stare at it all day and just swoon inside. I like this side of him more than him raging.

"Dante is writing an Italian narrative poem which is basically a book about his accounts of walking through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. It's a poem that is representative of themedieval worldview developing in this century. To sum it up, It's pretty much one journey their soul takes toward God. Beginning with the recognition and rejection of sin part Inferno, followed by the penitent Christian life part Purgatorio. Then followed by the soul's ascent to God, part Paradiso. It's based on Roman Catholic theology andThomistic philosophywhich is derived from theSumma TheologicaofThomas Aquinas.

"But! The Divine Comedy was called The Summa by most people. Dante originally only called it Comedìa.
It helped establish theTuscan language, that language became the standardizedItalian language for the whole world. It's the one I and my children speak."

Caius nodded his head a few times. Rubbed his chin in thought and looked right at me, stopping our walk as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "Do you know when he wrote it?"

"Umm... He should have started writing it around 1306? Or maybe 08? But it wasn't finished until 1320, he died a year later sadly. Shame really... The Divine Comedy is considered one of the greatest works ofworld's literature combined."

"Do you recall it?"

I gave him a sly smile. "Do I recall it?"

"Yes." He furrowed his eyes at me.

My sly smile turned gloating. "Of course I do! I could recite the damn thing from the top of my head. It's hard to understand for most people but I am not like most people, Dear Caius."

"When halfway through the journey of our life,
I found that I was in a gloomy wood because the path which led aright was lost.

"Ah, how hard it is to say just what this wild and rough and stubborn woodland was, the very thought of which renews my fear!

"So bitter ’tis, that death is little worse; but of the good to treat which there I found, I’ll speak of what I else discovered there." And so I began the tortuous process of pulling the first part of the poem from the top of my head.

Caius listen to them with a small smile on his lips. Watching every little concentrated tick as I faltered a little on my words. He gave me time to filter through it and start back up again. It was the simplified version of the poem because the original would have anyone from my time banging their heads against the wall with struggles.

The sun had eventually gone down, cloaking us in the moonlight glow. I sat down, pulling my cloak closer to my body. Caius sat beside me on the marble bench. I moved closer to him and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He froze watching me as I snuggled closer into his side. He relaxed, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"Sei la perfeczione," He laid his chin on my head. Hugging me to him.

I allowed myself to relax into him at this moment and find peace within his hard exterior. Long after I finished showing off, I found myself sitting in his lap once more. My face nuzzled against his neck and enjoyed the presence of his being. It was odd to be like this with Caius. I used to be almost terrified of him. He held too much anger, too many grudges and he had such a short fuse anything would cause him to explode.

"Caius?" I asked softly, picking up my head so I look into his eyes. He gazed down at me.


I bit my lip unsure. I've yet to kiss Aro but I like to think I would get there with him eventually. I've made love with Marcus and it's where I have chosen to rest every night, in his embrace. I could barely stand to hold Caius's hand...

"Mio Amore, what is on thy tongue?" Caius caressed my face.

I took a deep breath and sat up straighter, pressing my mouth against his. He let out a grunt from shock, freezing as I moved my mouth against his.

"Kiss me back..." I whispered against him. He relaxed against me.


"I want this," I sighed. "Please?"

He took a deep breath unnecessarily and then nodded his head. Dipping his mouth against mine once more. The kiss was soft and gentle and he held my face like china. He was obviously terrified of hurting me. His fingers flexed unsure against my skin.

Shifting around I held my knees on either side of his thighs and pressed harder against his mouth. His hands moved around my neck and down my spine to my hips, tightening a smidge as he forced his way into my mouth, prying it open for him to explore. It caused a small whimper to escape me. It was enough to have him bared his teeth against me and drop instantly to my neck. He had barely nipped me and then I was alone on the bench with him out of sight.

I stared around me, flushed and breathing heavily for the fresh air. I didn't want him to leave me. Yet when I called for him several times he never responded. I slumped down on the bench with the feeling of being rejected.

I thought that was what he had been wanting? Didn't he want to kiss me?

"Adelaide?" Marcus smiled down at me though it didn't reach his eyes.

I wiped the tears that fell down my cheeks, embarrassed at myself for crying over Caius leaving.

"Caius asked me to apologize for h--"

"It's fine," I stressed. Forcing a smile on my face. Marcus smiled sadly.

"Aro had a Pizza? Made for you. Are you hungry?"

Standing up, I held my cloak around me tighter and nodded my head. I've been craving pizza. Desperate for such a delicious meal. Aro had read a memory of me making such a thing to know how to do it. He hired some old woman from the Kingdom of Naples to come live in the castle to be my personal chef. He explained what it was I wanted and it seemed she must have attempted it.

"Is there something wrong with me?" I asked quietly once I was alone with Marcus in the makeshift small dining room they made for me.

Marcus tilted his head in confusion. "Wrong?"

"Caius... He... Am I not good enough?"

My insecurities were showing again. I had thought I had done a good job stomping them away but here I was raging hormones and throwing everything out of proportion because Caius didn't want to kiss me as much as I did him. I blame it on my pregnancy making it ten times worse. I was about to pop, my due date was only two weeks away. So it definitely was giving me a mushy brain.

Marcus looked horrified at me. "Tesoro! No! You are enough, more than enough. Caius loves you. He was only frightened of wounding you."

Marcus got on his knees and forced me to look at him, as he held my hands. "I have waited a very long time for you, Adelaide. My forbearance is beyond any of this existence. Temptation is effortlessly discouraged for me. Caius and Aro have never needed to be tested, therefore they struggle the most being with you in this extraordinarily delicate state of human.

"As long as you're human, they endlessly must be on guard to keep you protected from themselves. It would destroy them if they were ever the element that had caused for you to be harmed. Specifically, while they allot you the affection you want. Beware, they want nothing more, as I, to love and cherish you, for all eternity.

"Give patience, my love. Caius had never meant to propel you to believe less of yourself. He was only fearful of his desires conquering his restraint."

I nodded my head and let out a little sigh. I was overthinking it.

"Finish your meal and I shalt have Caius come speak with you in the library. His reassurances will be well met by him than I."


Caius was waiting patiently for Adelaide in his room. He was just waiting to hear her heartbeat before he showed himself to her again. He was angry at himself for almost losing control. She was his mate, not his meal. He had wanted to sink his teeth into her neck... It was not an option not while she is still with the child. Not while she is this weak.

He was ashamed of himself. Marcus and Aro found him trashing his study in rage and took forever to calm him enough to stop trashing everything in sight and talk to them. So he ranted his desires out and how he was so close to killing their mate over a kiss! Aro had been saddened to hear that he was now officially left out on experiencing a kiss with her but was even more saddened by Caius being terrified.

"I shall go and speak with her..." Marcus said lowly.

"Please tell her I am sorry," Caius whispered. Holding a hand to his forehead and hunched over on the bench. He never wanted to make her feel bad which he was sure she undoubtedly did. Aro sat with him and patted his shoulder.

"It shall not forever be as arduous."

When Caius finally heard her heartbeat long after Aro had been called on to deal with some issue. He was in front of the library door, waiting. Marcus nodded to him when he opened it and nudged her inside before closing it behind her. She met his gaze.

"I should not have fleed as I did," Caius spoke first. "I admit guilt."

"I understand," She stood carefully in front of him and hesitantly paused at lifting her hand against his cheek. He leaned into it. "Marcus explained to me how difficult it is for you and Aro."

"Mio Amore... Thou are mine own life. Mine own heart and mine own soul... I can not beareth the thought of hurting you. Bestow me forgiveness?"

"There is nothing to forgive, my love," Adelaide kissed his cheek and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around her and breathed in her heavenly scent.

He just had to be more cautious with her. He had to not be so willing to give in as he has almost done before. He needed to keep some distance. Give her kisses and hold her but always on guard.

They stayed wrapped in each other's embrace until she fell asleep in his arms and he laid her into Marcus's bed before leaving her to her dreams and returning to Aro to find out what this problem was.


Adelaide awoke with a start, her lower back ached terribly and it felt like she was laying in water. Shifting the blanket off her she groaned at the sight of wet linens beneath her.

Her water broke. Her son would be coming a month earlier. She would like to blame it on the stress of jumping timelines. Blame it on her depression of not getting to hold her precious children. She had hoped she would have made it back to her time before her son decided to make an appearance.

She clambered from the bed and held her back. Taking deep breaths as she went into the washroom and began warming water and preparing rags. Adelaide washed up the best she could and changed her dress. Pressing a chopstick into her bun to hold her hair up. She opened the bedroom door and shakily walked out of the library. Felix was standing guard today.

"Ciao Felix," She smiled tightly at him.

"My lady," He bowed. His red gaze zoned in on her shaking legs. "Are thy well?"

"I'm okay. Can you please go send Jane and Athenodora to me? Afterward please go and fetch me a midwife from town." She paused and bit her lip. "Do not tell the kings."

"Addie?" Felix looked at her with concern.

"Please Felix. I do not wish to worry them but I need Jane and Athenodora."

"As thy wishes," He bowed and was gone.

Adelaide took a deep breath and closed the door. She went back into the room to put more water on the fire to warm it and began to fill the tub up. Athenodora had come immediately, waltzing into the room with concern.

"Ads? Are you well?"

Adelaide waved her off. "I am fine, Dora. I am in labor. Can you help me with the water? I need to sit a moment."

Athenodora grinned and clapped her hands. "Of course! How exciting! A baby..."

While Athenodora got to work with the water and Adelaide, braided her hair to keep pinned back from her face. She began doing small squats and taking deep breaths as she let gravity assist her. Adelaide's hips were beginning to ache by the time Jane showed up with Corin. A human midwife was trembling while she held a basket of her things and stared at all the red eyes that were looking expectedly at her.

Jane hissed at her making her jump and finally look at Adelaide who was now bent over a table, sweating as she held herself up. Athenodora was rubbing her low back trying to ease the discomfort she was beginning to feel.

The stupid midwife put crucifixes near Adelaide... "No!" Adelaide snapped. "I am not religious! Put them away!"

The midwife looked shocked. Jane snatched up the wooden crosses and threw them out the window. "Pull that book from your robes and I shall make you scream!" Jane growled.

The Bible was immediately tucked away. No Christian faith was brought up and all things were kept stored. Adelaide did not believe in such things and do not want to have it shoved at her.

The problem with being in a century when technology did not prevail let alone nonexistent, was bringing life into this world. Adelaide was terrified as the hour turned into five. She was in horrible agony. Her body was burning, aching, and eventually sobbing hysterically. She missed modern medicine. The pain relief of an epidural, the ice chips, and the air conditioning. Despite being in a cold castle that was always frigid at night, she was burning up. Not even the vampire's touches could cool the fire in her veins.

"It hurts!" She cried out.

"I brought Alec!" Jane reentered the room with her brother who looked terrified of being in there. "He can assist you, Mother."

"What a great idea!" Athenodora praised. "Ads, his gift can ease your discomfort."

"Ne! Ne!" The human midwife screeched. "Ne gents! Tis shameful!"

"Mine teeth shalt relish sucking your blood," Athenodora growled at her. "Quiet!"

The midwife clamped her mouth shut and got back to work on Adelaide. The young mother only sobbed harder as another contraction sent her into a screaming fit.

"I can't!" Adelaide's throat was getting raw as she tried to not scream. It was the worse pain she's ever felt. Giving birth to the twins had not felt this bad but then again she had medicine that helped. She had not this time. The herbs the midwife gave her did nothing to ease it. Alec settled beside her on the bed and pressed his palm to her head, using his gift just a little to help. Her cries eventually subdued and became whimpers. Jane settled beside her, holding her hand.

"What is the nature of this!" Caius roared from behind the door.

Felix and Demetri had been flinching at every outcry and scream that came from Adelaide. They stood guard outside the room to keep anyone from entering.

It had been lucky that the Kings had business in the Kingdom of Naples. They had taken lower guards, choosing to keep the best to protect their mate. They had only just gotten back when they heard Adelaide crying. They had felt discomfort from the bond but thought it was just from being separated. They were angry when they got back and Caius was now livid because these two guards are refusing to let him get to his mate when she is clearly in distress!

Felix was under orders not to tell his masters Adelaide was in labor. He looked very comfortable at averting his eyes away to keep from spilling. Aro had no chill and snatched his hand up. He dropped it immediately.

"Step aside," Aro ordered lowly.

The door opened and Athenodora glared at them. Allowing the kings a brief glimpse of their mate being comforted by the twins as she cried and twitched in pain. The blonde goddess closed the door behind her and crossed her arms. She had some of Adelaide's blood on her.

Caius almost attacked her but was held back by Marcus.

"Adelaide is in labor. It's been ten hours presently. The lady is in a lot of pain and Alec is using his gift to help ease her pain. The lady doest not needeth the three of thee acting liketh dogs. Adelaide needs us women and thee shall remaineth out here until she sayeth otherwise." Athenodora slammed the door in their faces and reappeared by Adelaide's side.

The kings stared at one another before sitting down. Felix and Demetri sighed heavily.

After a few minutes of Adelaide struggling to talk she grabbed Athenodora's hand. "Dora..." Adelaide whimpered. "Please get me, Aro..."



Aro had been brought into the room and looked extremely wary of touching his mate but swallowed it down and settled behind her. Holding her against him while he rubbed his hand against her face to help cool her. She sighed and groaned.

Aro could read what she wanted and understood why it was he she wanted with her. She was too tired to speak. So he whispered encouraging words to her and softly hummed in her ear. It was just a waiting game now. The ten turned into twelve.

"Perhaps a cold bath will help?" He offered. She nodded her head and he dismissed the others from entering the washroom. He shall be the only one in here with her.

"Can Marcus and Caius come?"

The two appeared the moment their names left her lips. Caius growled at the midwife who tsked shamefully at them. Athenodora ripped into her throat instantly growing annoyed with the woman only to make Corin shake her head.

"Athena! What shalt we do now! Queen Addie required the hag!"

Aro helped Adelaide sit in the cold water of the tub, to lower her high fever. She had cried against the tiles, she had been caressed and cared for by her mates with soothing words and encouragement but nothing helped. Adelaide knew something was wrong. She had been terrified of this. Being from a time when surgery was normal the risks had been made a lot lower... It was a bitter taste in her mouth to say the words aloud.

"I think he will need to be cut out of me."

Caius was livid at the thought of any living being, dead or alive, slicing into her to retrieve the child from her womb. He held her head to his chest as he stayed leaned over the tub. They were all hoping the cool water and his cold body would help cool her off but the fever refused to relent. By now word had already spread throughout the entire castle.

"My Kings..." Corin bowed. Charmion said she's been studying midwifery for the queen. She wishes to help the queen."

"Who?" Adelaide snapped. She didn't mean to be so rude. Alec's gift was still in use as he stayed by the curtain that shielded her from view.

"She is called Chelsea in your time, my love." Aro brushed her wet hair from her face. Adelaide nodded. She trusted Chelsea very much.

"Let her come in then."

Chelsea bowed and smiled sweetly at Adelaide. "My queen..."

Adelaide did not have the strength to complain about the title and just closed her eyes, offering a forced smile.

"Perhaps we should pray to the goddess Artemis?"

This made Adelaide cry again. She missed her children so much. Chelsea looked shocked.

"I am immensely apologetic!"

Aro smiled sadly. "Artemis is her daughter's name. All is well Charmion. Please continue."

Chelsea had some herbs she gathered from Athens when she visited a few days. She had been preparing for her Queen and began to make a paste with them before having the kings pull her from the water to rub on her stomach and then had her drink a special tonic she made.

Clean olive oil, sea sponges, pieces of wool bandages to cradle the infant, a pillow, strong smelling herbs in case of fainting, and a birthing stool was placed by the bed, and Adelaide, was moved to the bed where she crouched when another contraction hit. Chelsea checked her and gasped. "I see feet!"

"Feet!" Adelaide's voice was high-pitched. "Oh no! No! He's breached!"

Caius frowned. "Breeched?"

"You'll have to push my queen. Have her sit on the stool..." Chelsea ignored his question.

"I can not push!" Adelaide hissed. "Not until I have a contraction!"

Chelsea placed olive oil-soaked clothes on Adelaide's stomach and pelvis. She rubbed her lower stomach and Caius and Marcus stood back watching and terrified. Aro held on to Adelaide to help her communicate even though he would like nothing more than to feel more useful. He was just as lost as his brothers.

There was immediately a lot of blood that hit their nostrils as Adelaide screamed out, pushing with her first contraction. The three kings crowded around her immediately.

Jane and Alec reappeared and Alec kept his back to her as he used his gift again. Jane sat with her brother, averting their eyes to give her privacy but wanting to be here for her.

For a torturous 40 minutes, Adelaide pushed, rested, and pushed again.

"Got him!" Chelsea caught Atticus and began to smack him a little and help clear his airway. He was too blue.

"Somethings wrong..." She whispered where Adelaide couldn't hear. She immediately ran from the room with him with Caius.

Adelaide was too tired to scream after them. Marcus covered her up and placed her on the bed with each laying beside her. Alec held her hand. The blood intensified in the room, and Adelaide was growing paler.

They all heard her heart rate slow... And slower... Jane checked under the cover she met Adelaide's fading grey eyes. Venom filled her eyes.

"She's bleeding out."

Chapter 15


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"She's bleeding out."

Aro had stood up immediately, looking at the blood-soaked sheets. Alec lost control of his gift but it didn't make a difference. Adelaide was comfortable. All the pain seemed to vanish from her and she smiled at nothing.

"Mio Amore..." Marcus choked. "No... I can not bear to lose you too."

She blinked up at him, tears gathers in her eyes, and slid into her hair. She placed a hand against his cheek, smiling softly.

"I am not afraid to die." She whispered.

"Don't be a fool," Marcus snapped at her.

"His name was decided to be Atticus but I changed my mind." Adelaide sighed. She was beginning to feel cold. "His name is Ares. Ares Marius Volturi. For each of my kings... and I want you to love him like your own. When the time comes, I want you to love my twins just the same."

Adelaide was prepared to accept her fate. Aro was able to read all her thoughts.

"No..." Aro sounded like a wounded animal.

But it was there. Adelaide had lost too much blood. She would die before the venom could spread.

"The venom will not spread fast enough, Master..." Jane whispered.

Caius ripped into the room.
"So be it I! Fools!" He had torn his teeth into her flesh. Adelaide screamed, losing the fluffy clouds and the colorful lights that flashed before her eyes. Ripping her into the now, full of fiery

Caius bit her neck below her ear. Aro and Marcus joined in littering her body in bites. Each King prayed to the unknown. To anything that would listen to their pleas for their venom to spread fast enough.

Alec had venom filled in his eyes as he clung to Adelaide with Jane. He used his gift once more, not being able to stand hearing her cries but not wanting to leave her. They had only just gotten a mother. It was cruel to rip her away just as they were beginning to feel happy.

Adelaide did not like this pain. She did not like this feeling. The fire was eating at her soul. She wanted to scratch every surface. Gouge her nerves out just to stop it, to put an end to her misery. Then the pain was being smothered like a blanket of fog.

My sweet boy... Adelaide whimpered.

Aro held her hand and ruffled Alec's hair. It was uncharacteristic and he had never shown affection to get them in such a way but knowing that he was trying to help, Aro was nothing but immensely grateful. "She recognizes what thou are serving to support her."

Adelaide no longer jerked as Alec's gift relaxed her and took all her senses. Her blood did not stop but slowed. Caius had a sheepish smile as he looked to the ceiling. Aro took notice of a bite that was too close to her pelvis.

"Caius... Really..."

He lost his smile. "It's working isn't it, brother?"

Aro huffed.

Marcus did not want to leave Adelaide's side but she had asked him to love her child as his own. He rose, the others looked at him. "I must discover how Ares is fairing. It is what she wished."

Caius looked guilty. He had returned to them when he heard Jane say what she did. He knew Aro was in shock and Marcus too much in the grief of the past to do what must be done...

He had left the room and went found Charmion bent over the baby on the floor. She had him bundled in a wool blanket.

"How is the child?" Marcus asked. Charmion frowned up at him.

"I fear he may not last the night. He was on the threshold of death. I believe his leg is crushed. It is swollen and turning purple. He retains a fever."

Marcus held his hands out for the child. Once the baby boy was in his arms. Marcus felt better. At peace once more and the little baby stared up at him with his mother's eyes. Holding his gaze... Marcus sat down. Venom filled his eyes again.

"Mio Figlio... My ἀρή..."

The little baby cooed before coughing and began to cry. Marcus held him to his chest, wrapping his cloak around him to add extra warmth, and rubbed his back.

"I am to find a wet nurse for the child..." Charmion left him alone.

Marcus stared at the fire that had been started to bring warmth to the child. Athenodora had made her presence known. Holding several clothes and warm water skins to place under the child.

"We shalt need to maintain his warmth, sever his fever."

Marcus allowed her to assist in helping place the warm water skins in cloths and swaddle them against him. Athenodora averted her eyes and picked a book. The lonely king held Ares. Speaking in Greek, the dialect that was forgotten long ago, Marcus prayed a hymn in hopes of giving him the strength he needed, the strength that Ares needed to survive this night.

"Ares... exceeding in strength... chariot-rider, golden-helmed, doughty in heart, shield-bearer, savior of cities, harnessed in bronze, strong of arm, unwearying, mighty with the spear.

"O defense of Olympus, father of warlike Victory, an ally of Themis, stern governor of the rebellious, leader of righteous men, sceptered King of manliness, who whirl your fiery sphere among the planets in their sevenfold courses through the aether wherein your blazing steeds ever bear you above the third firmament of heaven; hear me, helper of men, giver of dauntless youth!

"Shed down a kindly ray from above upon my life, and strength of war, that I may be able to drive away bitter cowardice from my head and crush down the deceitful impulses of my soul.

"Restrain also the keen fury of my heart which provokes me to tread the ways of blood-curdling strife. Rather, O blessed one, give you me boldness to abide within the harmless laws of peace, avoiding strife and hatred and the violent fiends of death."

Marcus did not part with Ares easily even when Charmion returned with a wet nurse she tracked down. Corin used her gift on the human to make her stay put and feed the child. She had offered to also help ease Marcus's anxiety but like always he refused it. Athenodora eventually went into Marcus's chambers to assist Jane once Adelaide stopped twitching around. The venom had finally made her still.

Aro and Caius did not want to part with Adelaide but they wanted her to retain some dignity. She would be horrified to know they have seen her in this state if... When she wakes.

The human woman covered her breast and swallowed harshly, passing the child back to Marcus.

"Thank you," He nodded his head at her and she gave a slight shake. Bowing lowly before scurrying away with Charmion trailing after her.

"How is he?" Aro asked. Sitting beside Marcus as he peered down at the bundle.

"He's very weak." Marcus frowned. "His fever will not break and his leg is shattered from the birth..."

"I have already sent Santiago and Renata to locate the best physician for our son," Caius said.

He was looking out of the window into the dark. Aro and Marcus shared a look. Caius being on top of the child's care was not something they thought he was capable of doing.

"Ares Marius Volturi... I must say, I do enjoy the name." Aro giggled. "The combination of our names... How sweet of our darling Adelaide."

"And here she was snapping at Felix and Demetri when they tried to get her to switch the name..." Marcus laughed.

"His name is Atticus!" Aro joked.

Caius growled. "How can you joke at a time like this! Our mate is unsure of her fate and our son is weak!"

"Peace, Caius... If not for fond memories to look on we shall all be miserable. Ares needs us to be in good spirit not dwelling on antagonistic thinkings. Adelaide will wake as a newborn." Aro clicked his tongue and then held his hands towards Marcus. "Now, allow me."

Marcus gave Aro the child. Turning his head to the door that Athenodora came out. She was wiping blood from her hands.

"I believe Ads will become one of us. The bleeding presently cometh to an end. Jane shall remain with her to hold watch."

"Thank you, Dora." Caius didn't look at her. Athenodora smiled sadly at him.

"Of course, she's mine sister."

Aro beckoned her to gaze upon the baby. "Beautiful, yes?" Aro grinned down at the sleeping child whose little nose was scrunched. Athenodora cooed.



The trails could not be put on a hold for the day. Despite not wanting to leave the child or his mother, the Kings were still Kings after all and nothing could stop their duties. Athenodora was to watch over Ares. Santiago and Renata returned a few minutes into the trial. After depositing the human man in the King's quarters, the two guards took their positions in the throne room.

Athenodora and Charmion watched the doctor with narrow eyes as he made Ares squeal and cry with every poke and prod. The reshaping of his leg and wrapping it tightly in linen with two small rods held on the sides to keep his leg straight.

Ares wailed when the man smacked his bottom too hard. At least his fever seemed to be going down. He was a little more alert but every time he closed his eyes the doctor was pinching him to wake once more. This caused a lot of tears.

The child's cries echoed throughout the corridors of the castle. Alec clenched his fists from where he stood guard of Marcus' chambers. He already despised the human for hurting his little brother. Every cry made Alec want to rip his throat out. Make his death slow and painful. If it wasn't for the child desperately needing a physician he would have already begun the process of a long agonizing death.

Caius caused his armrests to crumble beneath his palms at the fifth wail. Aro kept glancing behind them to the door that led to their quarters, he was just as spaced out as Marcus but was trying his best to focus on the trails.

"He is deemed to be the best, Master," Renata said quietly to Aro. Seeing him in pain and with worry had distraught her. Aro patted her hand that was placed on his shoulder.

"Thank you, Dolce Rena."

"Bring in the next prisoner," Marcus drone. He was already done with this. He wished to be with his family not serving verdicts.

By the time the human was done torturing the baby and deemed the child's fate as surviving. Alec was across the room ready to clamp unto his juggler before Charmion had flung him across the room.

"Not yet! What if the little prince falls ill once more! We shalt conserve the human for 12 moons then thee can eradicate him!"

Alec growled, crossing his arms and standing back in his position in front of the door. He bared his teeth at the human man who was cowering with shifty beady little rat eyes.

Athenodora clicked her tongue and lifted the child in her arms, rocking him and shushing his sniffles. "Fetch the bitch. Prince Ares requires sustenance."

Charmion nodded once and left quickly. The room was full of stifling air. Alec would not stop glaring at the human. Athenodora was wrapped in the presence of the baby. Behind the door Jane was curled against Adelaide, running her fingers through the raven locks that were shifting into a slightly silver shine. The ringlets were getting tighter, wilder, and turning into silk.

Jane had her head on Adelaide's shoulder, watching all the blemishes and small scars smooth out and the rosy cheeks begin to fade off. The heartbeat was getting idler...

"Please wake up, mother." Jane intertwined their fingers and rested them on Adelaide's abdomen.


Ares was passed around between Athenodora, the Kings, and Charmion. Even Demetri and Felix had come around to watch but they were much too afraid to touch him. Ares was eating with no difficulty, always wide awake when the Kings held him but it was when Caius held him did Ares blow his nappies out.

Caius hissed. "For one so small... He reeks." Ares let out a coo, kicking his tiny feet.

"Ares!" Caius grimaced. Another blowout and it covered the angry king's hand and forearm.

Aro and Marcus roared in laughter. Athenodora pursed her lips trying not to crackle at Caius's unfortunate of constantly being sh*tted on.

"Ha...ha..." Caius mocked and went to the washroom with the child to wash him once more for the seventh time today.

They were spending the day in the room with Adelaide watching her transformation. It's been three days now. She should be waking soon. They didn't want to miss her awakening. Jane as the dutiful daughter she was being, never once left Adelaide's side. Alec and Demetri constantly stood guard.

Aro had humans brought to the twins to feed last night. He was still worried about what Adelaide told him what was to come. Finding humans will be a torn in his side. Sick human's, blood was tainted and would make them sick if they ingested their blood. It was easily determined who was sick by the way their blood smelt. So he administered an order: feeding will take place once every three weeks. One human per vampire.

Time just seemed to tick for those several next hours...




Then finally as the sun rose on the fourth day. The beams shone upon their mate. Adelaide's heart stopped beating.

Her body seemed to glow and shrink into her pre-baby body as everything tucked back into its original and appropriate places. Aro stepped closer to her bed, Jane took her baby brother and ran from the room.

The moment the door clicked shut. Adelaide's violent red gaze flew open, she was crouching on the bed in a feral stance ready to attack.

Aro took a tentative step and she pounced. An animalistic cry left her lips and her teeth clamped near his face. He had pulled back just in time for she would have bitten into his neck.

"Mio Amore..." Marcus purred to her. Trying to calm her down. Caius had tackled her to the floor, wrestling her down on her back. His hand wrapped tightly around her neck, the other holding her hands above her head as he straddled her.

Adelaide's wild gaze flew around, growing and hissing. She almost bucked Caius off her stomach only to have his groin push against her own. She mewed before hissing again.

Caius swallowed loving her newborn side. She was strong... Even more beautiful and not easily damaged.

Aro took hold of her hands as Caius used his feet to keep her legs spread and locked. The two of them kept her pushed on the stone floor as Marcus grasped her chin trying to calm her. She was rabid and confused.

"Shh... Gattina..." Marcus purred. "Thy are safe and adored."

Adelaide shook her head, screaming. All her memories were jumbled. She was so confused. Nothing made sense.

Aro frowned at her, learning of her inner turmoil. "She does not remember."

Caius let a roar rip when her pelvis bumped against his again. He growled. "Stop!"

Her struggles ceased immediately like a wounded animal she whimpered against his hold.

"You will listen and do as you are told!"

"Caius! We agreed to not use the bond on her!" Marcus hissed.

Aro looked conflicted. The flashes that whipped in her mind were not something he had been prepared to see.


"She's not upset," Aro's eyes went black. Marcus went to make another input but faltered from the look on Aro and then he dropped his eyes down at Adelaide. Her red eyes were replaced with onyx. She was practically begging with her eyes and slack mouth.

Caius backed away, he could smell the arousal coming from all over them, especially on her.

"Her emotions are heightened," He muttered. "I will not take advantage. She must feed..."

He was gone leaving them alone. Adelaide's black eyes focused on Aro. She shot up and shoved him against the wall. Marcus wasn't quick enough as her lips slammed against Aro's her fingers ripped through his tunic. He gasped against her trying to nudge her off.

Marcus tried to wrangle her away from him. Aro looked flustered and damn near excited but also building guilt.

Caius returned with a human and flung her to Adelaide's feet. The sound of a pulsing heart and following veins. Adelaide had pounced on the human girl making her scream as her teeth tore into the artery on her neck.

Adelaide threw her head back moaning at the warmth of the blood pouring down her throat before going back to sucking her dry.

Once she fed, her feelings seemed to fall into place and her memories made more sense. She blinked rapidly given the unnecessary of it.

"Where's Ares?"


Vampire Addie! Vampire Addie! 😩😩😩

Seems like Addie likes dominating Caius. ☕👀

Poor Aro... He didn't get a happy kiss from Addie. 🥴

Chapter 16

Chapter Text

Every particle of my body was ignited. I could feel everything around me. Sense the earth, every tiny organism, see every speck of lint and all its little hairs... I could smell the fresh-baked bread from the streets in the city, though it no longer felt appealing to me.

As I focused on the sounds around me, waiting for the Kings to tell me where my son was... I heard the little pulse, and smelt the sweet ambrosia that pulsed in the veins that made my entire body glow and warm with love. Twisting on my heel, I fled from the room before they could stop me.

Jane held a bundle in her arms with Alec and Demetri crouched in front of her with a protective stance. Felix flexed his fingers, cracking his neck as if he was prepared to attack me.

A snarl ripped from me in annoyance. Did they seriously think I would hurt my own child!

I took a step. Something heavy landed on my back, sending me flying across the room. A screech and blonde hair pelted my face as hands landed under my chin and pushed up, there was a hissing coming from my neck as Athenodora had me shoved against the wall. Her black eyes were wide with fury.

I grabbed ahold of her face, ready to rip her head off. Anger pulsed through me the longer she put me in pain.

Caius roared, tackling her off me and Aro grabbed my wrists shoving me against the wall. His mouth against my ear as he trailed his lips with what sounded like purring. The fight in me left just as quickly as it came. Marcus glided across the room to where Jane held Ares and took him from her.

I watched him like a hawk. Not completely understanding why Athenodora attacked me! Or why they were all treating me like a threat!

"Tis for the child's protection, Mia Cara..." Aro purred. "Calm thyself and be gentle... And I shall let be you freed..."

I took unseeded breaths, nodded my head, and looked into his milky irises. He grasped my chin when he let my hands go and pecked my lips once. "So beautiful..." He whispered then stepped back.

I relaxed and came off the wall. Aro took my hand, gripping it tight, coming to stand behind me and wrap his arm around my torso. My head leaned against his chest. Caius released Athenodora, taking her hand once before letting go once he was sure she was fine. She smiled at me.

"My apologies Ads... I was worried about Ares. Forgive me?" Her voice sounded even more like bells than I remembered.

"It's fine..." I muttered though I was still reasonably pissed. I have never once got to hold him and here they all were, trying to keep me from my son. Aro's hand wrapped around the front of my neck and he squeezed gently. Showing his dominance over me... Who was in charge.

"We do not wish to keep him from thyself, Adelaide. Thy are a newborn now and unpredictable... Do not jester such ludicrous ideas." Aro's voice was deeper, throaty, and full of annoyance. I immediately felt bad.

"Caius assist Aro. I shall bring him closer..." Marcus said calmly.

Once Caius was pressed against my side, his arms going around my waist being caged in like a wild animal by the two kings, Marcus stepped closer with the bundle. I could feel the muscles bulging from Aro and Caius. The grip getting tighter... Aro refused to release my neck. The chokehold on me was doing something strange to my emotions. I didn't want to fight them.

Aro let out a please grunt against me. He nipped my ear. "Good girl..."

"Gross." Jane curled her lip in disgust. I flickered my eyes to her and then to Demetri who nudged her, wiggling his eyebrows. She scoffed, crossing her arms with Alec struggling to suppress a snort.

Marcus getting closer with the sweet blood of my child growing stronger had me craning my neck towards it with a low snarl building in my throat. The burn increased.

"No!" I hissed. "Get him away!"

I shoved back, Aro did not lose his grip on me as he helped back me up. Caius was in front gripping my face and pressing kisses all over me.

"Don't inhale, Addie. Look at me," He demanded. I met his gaze my teeth grinding together as I tried to reign in the need to rip...

I understood now why they were worrisome. I was a horrible mother... How could I think of draining my own child?

"Lose those thoughts, Mio Amore," Aro growled lowly. "Thy is a perfect mother. Tis not your fault. Tis is your nature now..."

I clenched my eyes closed. "Take him from me! Please!" I was begging now. Venom pooled in my eyes, a dry sob left me at the pure terror I felt for not being able to control myself long enough to hold him.

The tiny heartbeat began to pick up and the cry emitted from him caused my knees to buckle in agony.

I stared at the bundle, wanting nothing more than to comfort my son but unable to do so. Marcus looked sadly down at me. Athenodora took Ares and vanished from the room causing me to let out a wounded howl.

I felt the King's arms wrap around me, holding me as I wrecked dry sobs once after another.

I haven't even seen his face...


Caius kept me tucked on his lap, nuzzling his face in my neck as his hands roamed my arms and thighs. Purring... Aro did that too...

What are they f*cking cats?




His lips brushed my neck and shoulder every few seconds before trailing his nose once more against my skin.

I marveled at our hands clasped together. We were the same temperature now. I was comfortable when I was human, I didn't mind the Kings touching me. Their cold bodies had always felt perfect against me. I had always weirdly run at a higher temperature than most people. But even now being the same as the men whom I adored... Our bodies felt even better together.

Now I wish I had held Caius's hand more often while I was human.

Thinking about this was a lot better than torturing myself over Ares. Caius was comforting me now that I think about it. He's trying to make me feel better...

"Do you realize that your purring is quite soothing?" I asked him.

Caius opened his eyes and tilted his head back, snaking his arm around my waist and lightly brushing his fingers on my stomach. Sending flutters to my core at such a simple action.

"It's what mates do to comfort their love, Tesoro. I did not recognize I was purring..."

"It's nice," I hummed. "Certainly made me stop my self-loathing."

Caius gave me a pointed look, disbelief crossing his eyes. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look down at him. "Stop... You are a wonderful mother, Adelaide. Ares is lucky to have you. He will never go a day without knowing a mother's love... And he has siblings, a guard, and three very protective Kings as fathers. Do not think because of this hitch will have him less love."

My nose stung and I wished more than anything I could cry again. How annoying and irritating it must be to never be able to cry again, to forever dry sob and croak with venom burning the back of the throat like a hot branding iron had been shoved back there.

I had never asked to become a vampire... I didn't think I wanted it but because of my being fated to not one but three kings? The decision had been made for me, to benefit them. They were selfish by making me into this... This thing that could never again express normal human emotions, never grow, and forever frozen in time... A beautiful perfect predator.

And yet I couldn't even be mad that they changed me. I didn't even know who changed me but from the way, Caius gave extra close attention to the part below my ear on my neck. The forever slight tingling... I wondered if it was he who had put that mark there.

"Did you change me?" I asked quietly, playing with his fingers.

He frowned at me.

"No, Aro and Marcus had joined in on your transformation. It was dire and we could not bear the idea of relinquishing you to an eternity without you. Time was not on our side. I had been the one to make the first bite," He brushed the bite under my ear that tingled. It enticed a soft moan from me making him smile lightly.

"The first bite will always be the most sensitive. The vampire that put that bite there will be the only one who can draw pleasure from you by touching it... Not just any vampire but your mate."

"So who was the culprit that tore their teeth near my Vag?" I quirked an eyebrow.

Caius chuckled. "Guilty."

"You're insufferable..."

He smirked at me, brushing my collar. "And I have the pleasure of keeping you for forever... Plaguing you with my insufferable means..."

"Caius..." Aro glided into the room, wagging his finger at his fair-haired brother. Caius rolled his eyes and groaned, throwing his head back on the sofa.

"Gattina..." Aro purred, shoving his face into my neck and placing a quick kiss on another bite I didn't realize was there. My hand shot up to it when it burned with delicious tingles. Aro brushed my lips with his, so light I could have imagined it.

He stood back up and held his hand out for me to take. Caius let out a whine when I stood from his lap. This caused Aro to look at him with annoyance.

"Need I remind you she is all of ours? Yes?-- don't give me that look, Caius. You have the pleasure of smothering her in love while poor Marcus and I attended to our duties..." Aro pouted at me causing me to shake my head.

"I miss Marcus--"

Marcus was in front of me and yanking me into his arms and away from the two pouting kings. "You called...." he smirked at them then winked down at me.

"I'm starting to feel like our Dear Mate has a favorite, Aro," Caius narrowed his eyes playfully at me. Aro sighed dramatically.

"Ah... Yes... I do see what you mean. I'm beginning to feel neglected--"

My heart pinged with an uncomfortable tightness. The whimper that left me caused all three of them to look at me with concern. I rubbed where my heart lay dead inside.

"Don't say such things!" I growled. Turning away from them and storming into Marcus's Chambers. "THIS BOND THINGY f*ckING SUCKS!"

I slammed the door too hard causing it to fall through the wall and land in the library. Immediately I was embarrassed.

They blinked at me.

"Opps?" I murmured with an awkward smile.

"We need to work on that..." Aro muttered. "She's going to break everything in the castle..."

"Ah! Not the collectible vases... How tragic! Be a shame if our mate were to break them. Caius covered his mouth.

"Ha... Ha..." Aro mocked. He turned to look at me with a pointed finger. "Stay out of the Vase room"

"You have a room for vases?" I twisted my face up in confusion. "What-- you know what. Never mind King Flowerpots."

"Take that back!" Aro gasped offended.

I crossed my arms. "No."

Marcus sighed, covering his face and muttering something about children.


At sometime in the night, the Kings had been called away and I was looking through a cracked wall watching a human breastfeed my son. Athenodora had told me to go away and that it would hurt too much to watch but I couldn't go. I just wanted to see him. Know he was being taken care of. Chelsea... Charmion had been helping Athenodora so I knew he was going to be alright but it still hurt.

Ares let out a gurgle before crying out. My chest was tight at the sound. I pushed my finger through the crack, my voice soft and sounding so much different than before.

"Come stop your crying, It will be alright...

Just take my hand, Hold it tight...

I will protect you, from all around you...

I will be here. Don't you cry...

For one so small, you seem so strong...

My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm...

This bond between us, Can't be broken...

I will be here, don't you cry..."

You'll be in my heart, from this day on...

You'll be in my heart. No matter what they say. You'll be here in my heart...." My voice cracked with a sob. "Always."

Ares quieted his cries and went silent with only his calm heartbeat filling me with joy. Athenodora open the door and stuck her hand out to me. I took it.

"It will get better Ads. Just a little longer... It's too dangerous right now." She kissed my cheek. "We'll work something out. Okay?"

I nodded my head.

"Take her somewhere else Felix. Her forcing herself in misery isn't going to help her."

Felix held his arm out for me to take and then I found myself in the area that was turned into the guard's quarters though it was a lot smaller than I remember it to be. It was almost bare. Without only bookshelves and a few couches. Chess boards littered the area.

"Fe!" Santiago waved. "Queen mum! Welcome to our humble abode!"

"Hey Santi," I sat beside him, crossing my legs. He threw an arm around me and patted my shoulder.

"You look fantastic! Immortality suits you!" He whistled only to be smacked in the head by Felix.

I was feeling a little better that my English seemed to be rubbing off on these vampires. I wasn't struggling as much to figure out what they meant much anymore apart from The Kings and the Twins. They still struggled but Deme, Fe, and Santiago were picking up modern English like a champ.

Felix's favorite was indeed 'f*ck' where Santiago had taken to calling Demetri a 'c*nt.'

I relaxed into their antics. It was familiar and helped take my mind off the burning in my throat and my heightened emotions.

At some point, the relaxed conversation came with telling me about the other guards. One in which I never got the pleasure of meeting as she has always been incredibly busy.

"Renata's gift is the ability to divert physical attacks. If someone were to approach her, she repels them by implanting a thought in their minds to make them want to go in another direction. It's always amusing watching them confused." Felix chuckled.

A young woman with raven hair matching my stature of being 5'0" with a slight build came into the room, she was wearing a light yellow silky dress.

"I can also project mine shield several meters out in front of me to protect others. It helps and physical attacks away. Master Aro is mine primary priority when it attains to going to battle but I do mine best to embark in protecting everyone." She plopped herself into Santiago's lap. "Whenever Master Aro departs from Volterra, I am constantly by his side. As his bodyguard, and the close ties I feel for him like a father... I would rather perish than see him come to harm."

Santiago kissed her jaw. "Renata, mine lovely mate... This is Adelaide..." He nipped her ear making her giggle and smack his chest.

"I know who she is, you giant doof." Renata smiled at me. "You look amazing as a vampire. Have you seen yourself yet?"

I fidgeted in my seat and shook my head. Renata clicked her tongue.

"We must find a mirror then--"

"Not yet..." I whispered. I couldn't look at myself. I was still upset that I couldn't hold my child because of what I am. I don't think I will ever truly be okay with this turn of events. Seeing myself will only anger me once more.

Renata grabbed my hand. "Care to hear my story?"

She offered a gentle smile when I looked back at her. I nodded once and leaned back. She grinned.

"I was born in the 1240s in Malta. On my 20th birthday as a gift my great uncle Luca gave me the gift of immortality. My family has always been a vampire-friendly family. Many vampires had been made from my ancestors and years after me. My descendent Makenna whom I am very fond of chose the nomad life. We are quite close. She occasionally pops in for a visit. She was also given the gift of immortality by uncle Luca.

"When uncle Luca discovered my aversion gift, he had me use it to help our family line flourish by driving those who wished us to harm away but one of those vampires grew angry and reported my family to the Volturi. When Aro came to uphold our secrecy, he pardoned my uncle and asked me if I would like to join him. Naturally, I wanted to stay with my family but Uncle Luca encouraged me to join the Volturi. Our interaction with our human family is a grey area so I joined expecting to be miserable... Until I realized the Volturi was not at all like the stories. I found happiness here. Found another family to love and protect.

"Two years ago when I left Volterra with Master Aro and Master Caius to investigate a newborn invasion near the border of England I found Santiago..." She kissed his nose. "He was starving... A newborn from a vampire that snuck unto his ship. Turned many of the sailors for no reason at all. He was merely bored."

"I am from a small island, not yet discovered by Europeans but full of many tribes. I do not recall my human life... I am only guessing at this point." Santiago rubbed his chin. "Eh, unimportant... Tell us! Has your gift improved yet?"

My eyes widened. Oh! Oh... My gift.

Felix clapped his hands. "Alright! I'll fetch Dem. Meet you three in the training room?"

We stood up and I followed after Renata and Santiago to the training area. It didn't have the tough metal because it wasn't discovered yet but I could see what Aro meant when he told me about how Santiago and Felix could do some serious damage. The place was a wreck.

Demetri jumped on my back, making me grunt and barely have time to catch myself from falling. It was awkward from how short I was compared to his height of 6'3"

He roared in laughter. "Sorella Piccola! I am... How do you say it? I am... Stoke! Bring it on!"

"Don't be a c*nt..." Santiago yanked him off my back making me snort.

Jesus christ...

Chapter 17

Chapter Text

Stepping into the makeshift arena. One of the lower guards who could bind invisible ropes to confine someone to one area formed ropes around the arena that Demetri and I were in. He smirked at me.

"Sorrella Piccola... I am about to royally kick your ass..." His lip tugged up further flashing his teeth.

I flicked a curl from my face. Narrowing my eyes at his form. I was never one for combat but I knew a few things and one of those was to take notice of which leg your opponent favors.

"Alright..." I smiled at him, "Kick my ass, brother."

"Whoo! Queen Addie! You got this!" Renata cheered.

A few guards filed into the room to watch. Demetri took my momentary distracted mind to charge at me. I twirl out of the way at the last minute, my hair and dress fanned out as I slid across the floor.

"Not bad... Not bad..." Demetri nodded. "No enough dod--"

I pounced taking him by surprise. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I tilted back and threw him over me. Before he could get up, I straddled him, slamming his hands down.

"I win!" I giggled.

He grinned. "Never lose focus--" He had me pinned under him immediately with his hand around my neck, and a crack formed under my eye.

"Ooh," The guards groaned.

Demetri helped me stand up and turned to Santiago. "Your turn Santi!"

Santiago bounced in like a child playing hopscotch. His dreads swayed around as he discarded his jacket. He snapped his fingers at me and winked. "I don't hold back."

"I sure hope not," I teased.

Santiago did not go easy on me. After my first pin, he went to pin me about twenty more times after that. It's a good thing vampires couldn't get tired or injured easily but after my last pin by Santiago, I briefly wondered if that was bullsh*t. I felt stiff in places I didn't even know could be stiff. The laughs that rang from around the room were loud and slightly made me mad when they came again when Santiago had me on my back.

"Come on!" I threw my hands up.

"If you think that's irritating, try Felix," Renata giggled. Jane appeared by her side and smiled up at me.

"She's right, Felix is very hard to pin."

"I hear cheering," Alec flashed beside his sister. "Fighting are we, mother?" He smirked.

Felix cracked his knuckles. "My queen," He bowed ridiculously at me as he traded places with Santiago. I frowned. Not feeling so confident as I once did when we started this little game of 'kick Addie's ass.'

"Use your tiny stature!" Demetri called out.

Felix charged, I slipped between his legs using his advice. Felix frowned, twisting around and coming at me again. I kept ducking and swerving around him. After about the tenth time Felix growled annoyed.

"Stop running and f*cking fight!"

I tsked him, landing on his back. "Such a filthy mouth--" Felix grabbed my head and yanked me over him where I got a nice winded effect from being slammed so harshly on the stone floor.


Felix roared in laughter.

"Again." Jane droned.

Getting back in stance, Felix and I stood in stance again and this time I charged. Right before he could grab me my body whipped me from view. I slammed my shoulder into him, sending him into the invisible ropes. He jumped up quickly, whipping his head back and forth.

"That is cheating! Show thyself!"

I giggled, ramming into him again causing everyone to cheer.

"No fair!" Felix whined.

I showed myself, catching him by surprise as I wrapped around him and brought him down to the ground in a chokehold. Several cracks formed on his face and neck making him gasp for unneeded air. I threw my hands up in victory.

Felix took my distraction just as Demetri had and pinned me down, a snarl ripped from me when I tried to get up only for my dress to rip clear up the thigh. The loose fabric made me angry, I ripped most of it off exposing my legs. All the boys turned their heads.

"It's just skin!" I hissed. "Don't act like you horny bats haven't seen legs before!"

I attacked first, and Demetri jumped into the ring with Santiago. The three boys took turns fighting me. Slowly I started to see a pattern and like chess... I began to tick off the opponents one by one.

I had gotten Demetri down and bested Santiago twice and made Felix go flat face on the stone. Using my newborn strength to my advantage and disappeared from view. Sadly I discovered I could hide but hiding my mental tenor from Demetri was not possible. The tracker caught me every single time, yanking me from my hiding and pinning me down.

"My turn! My turn!" Alec giggled like a small child, shoving past Demetri and jumping over Santiago to stand in front of me. Felix grumbled, rubbing his neck from almost being beheaded by me.

"Alec, your combat skills are sad..." Santiago chuckled. Alec sent him a glare but grinned boyishly at me. He was so happy.

"With gifts then! You said you could control the wind? Then control the wind! I'll go easy on you!" He hopped up and down, all regal mannerism left him, and in its place stood a young teenage boy who just simply wanted to have fun. Who wanted to play.

"Alright! Alright!" I laughed. "But go easy on me? I haven't tried to use my gifts since my awakening."

"Cross my heart," He placed an x on his chest. Alec and I faced each other. He grinned at me wickedly. "Mother..." and then his vapor began to pour from his palms.

Focusing on the air around me, I pulled inwards. The air felt different than when I was human. It felt alive, I could feel the particles in the air, taste it on my tongue, and smell the aromas from all around me. The air was calling for me. There was a burning forming in my palms, my eyes stung like fire igniting in my nerves.

I whirled my wrists, the air wrapping around them like vines, a soft glimmer formed, sparkling like blue sea glass in the sunbeams. I watched them in fascination as the vines grew to the floor, shooting across like a frost.

Alec was standing there one moment and then he was gone. His black most disappeared with him.

"Alec!" Jane screamed.

Lyra dropped her ropes allowing Jane into the arena. Felix and Demetri rushed to me. The vines sliced through Jane's hand making her scream in pain when she touched them.

I blinked, dropping my hands and the vines cracked like glass, falling in a million pieces to the ground, melting away as if they were never there.

Alec no longer looked like a thirteen-year-old boy. He was taller, more defined. His clothes were ripped in tatters. On his knees, he took rasping breaths. He could hardly hold himself up before falling over to the ground, Jane barely caught him.

Shoving away from Felix and Demetri I slid onto my knees to Alec and touched his face, turning him to look at me. He no longer had a baby face...

Alec resembled a young man.

"Oh." I covered my mouth.

"Wow." Santiago breathed.

"What the f*ck..." Felix muttered. He crouched and picked Alec up.

"Alec," I whispered. I clutched his hand. He opened his eyes, wincing, making me let go.

"It hurts..." He moaned.

"Alec, love... I'm so sorry," I followed after Felix with Jane holding my hand in a vice as we ran through the corridors and to his room.

"Demetri, alert the Masters," Felix rumbled, trying not to rustle Alec.

The poor boy moaned in pain, his body trembling as Felix laid him down on his bed. I got in beside him with Jane. I placed my hand upon his chest, and he held my hand, staring at me with so much agony it pained me terribly to know I was the cause of it.

I had aged him. Made him into a young man, versus being a child.

"Alec, I am so so sorry..." My eyes stung again and I wished once more that I could cry.

"It's okay, Mum," He whispered.

I turned to face Felix. "He needs new clothes. Felix--"

"I'll be right back, buddy," Felix whipped away.

Aro busted through the doors being flanked by Caius and Marcus. The raven hair king nudged Jane from her brother and took Alec's face in his hands.

"Alec..." Aro sounded broken. "Are they well?"

It looked like Aro was going to cry. His gaze flickered all over Alec, looking for injuries. When Alec winced and nodded his head, he looked at me.

"Mio Amore... Are you okay?"

"I'm just worried for Alec... I aged him, Aro... I could have killed him--"

"But you didn't," Marcus mumbled into my ear. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his chest to lean against him.

"He must be experiencing growing pains," Caius said. "He looks as if he's aged a good five or six years. It's a lot for anyone, especially, someone who has been frozen in time for centuries."

"I don't understand--" I hissed, rubbing my face. Aro's hand shot out and gripped my wrist from rubbing further. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Adelaide, gifts are extremely fickle. Being emotional will not help gain control, you will be unstable and the gift will become impulsive. You must steady thyself and take a deep breath before you bring harm to thyself or someone else."

I took a deep breath and held Alec's hand tighter. He tried to smile at me only to let out a whimper. His back arched with a crack. Aro laid against the headboard and pulled Alec to him, rubbing the side of his head, whispering so low even I couldn't hear him. Alec seemed to relax but only slightly.

Felix returned with new garments, dropping them on the bed.

"Thank you, Fe," I nodded at him. He bowed his head and then left the room. I held Jane's hand. "Step from the room while I help Aro attend to your brother--"


"Step from the room, Jane," Caius said sternly. She sagged her shoulders. Pecked her brother's cheek, closing the door behind her.

Alec groaned when Aro and Caius helped pulled him from the bed. I gripped his collar and kissed his forehead. "We'll make it quick. I promise."

"Momma... It hurts--" He whined. I nodded to Marcus and he got behind Alec.

The clothes fell from Alec's body in shreds as Marcus and I ripped them from his body. He bit out a cry from the jostle of putting the new clothes on him. My heart felt as if it ached again and I was sure the feeling was real. That I truly felt pained at seeing Alec in pain.

Once he was settled back in the bed, I cradled his head to my chest with him playing with the fingers of my free hand that were the other was tangled in his shaggy hair. A soft hum built in my chest that oddly reminded me of a lullaby I couldn't place but the sound brought comfort to Alec. He seemed to curl into me more despite it being more difficult not that he was no longer small.

I shared looks with the three Kings. There was a discussion that needed to be had about my gift and what this meant. It was no longer just a gift to them but a death sentence. If I could age... I could most likely reverse and given how I came to be at this time. I could do some serious damage to a timeline.

Aro who loved to collect gifted vampires did not look at me like he won a prize anymore. He looked scared, his eyes showed terror when he glanced down at Alec who was cuddled against me.

I could have killed our son.

Chapter 18


Please keep in mind, I am sometimes never serious about Fanfic writing. I like to throw some jokes in there. Maybe it's not your cup of tea and that's fine but I am here to pull out all the odd quirks for every character. Weird or not.

Chapter Text

By morning, Alec was feeling better and moving around once more. Caius had ordered Demetri to go find Alec a nice and juicy human to feed on, preferably a 'pretty girl' so that he may woo her or something... I kind of figured out what Caius was implying and zoned out on that bit. I wasn't aware that Alec was active in that department but I guess if you were alive for so long, despite being frozen as a 13-year-old boy, you would eventually succumb to the pleasures of the flesh. Then again... When I was 13, I was quite curious about the anatomy of a boy's body and I had been already catching some feelings for my own desires. I don't know why it never caught my mind that Alec was just the same as young children from my generation.

Catching Jane's eye, she looked bashfully down at her flats, fumbling with her hands. I smiled, biting my lips. Jane was interested too but unlike her brother, she wasn't willing to partake in such activities. I crossed to the side of the room, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and tilting her head to look at me by placing my fingers under her chin.

"Do you want your own little human?" I asked her playfully.

"Mum..." She whispered, her eyes wide and embarrassed. I chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

"I was only asking, there is no harm in it, Jane. I'm sure no one would ever fault you for wanting something entirely natural." Sure they were changed at a young age and forever took the image of young angels... well only Jane now but they have been alive for a very long time. They're practically adults in some sense. Even if they do occasionally behave as children do.

"Christ... Mio Amore..." Caius hissed as he glared at me from the other side of the room. "Don't be as vulgar with the girl-- She is not Alec."

I whirled on him. "What's that supposed to mean--"

"Caius..." Aro said testily. He clicked his tongue. "Jane has been alive and alone for a very long time.--"

"I am going to go vomit my meal, now." Jane bowed her head at Caius and Marcus. "Masters." She looked right at Aro. "Father." She kissed my cheek. "Mother."

And then she was gone. Aro looked smug at me. I shook my head. "It seems we have established a parentage."

"Oh yes... Daddy, how--" Words got caught in my throat at the look I was receiving from Aro when I looked back at him. His eyes were coal again, and I immediately smelled something sweet wafting from him. My throat burned...

"Really... Daddy... Aro..." Caius tsked. "Does mommy make our mate want a raw fuc--"

"Caius!" Marcus growled.

I zoned in on the three of them. No mommy does not do it for me but with the way, their eyes were black as night. Three of the most amazing scents filling my senses and twisting me into pits of desire... Falling, swirling. The feral rumble that echoed around the room came from me and before I knew what I was doing. Aro was flat on his back a bookcase beneath us. Lips clashing together, he growled in pleasure at my urgency.

I was being pulled off Aro immediately. My nostrils flared as I licked my lips with a low whine. Marcus's touch burned my skin with blatant lust. I turned around and yanked him to my level. Forcing him on his knees.

"Take off your clothes," I ordered in a low growl. "Now."

"Do as she says," Caius's raspy voice drawled.

Hands landed on my dress, already ripping it to shreds. Aro attacked my neck with his lips...

There was a knock on the door. I was determined to ignore whoever dare interrupted us. Surely they heard what was happening in here and yet they disturbed us anyway. After the fifth knock, Caius growled and flung the door open.


"Forgive me, Master... Prince Ares is inconsolable. The human mule refuses to feed him."

Marcus had his shirt back on and kissed my cheek before he was gone along with the guard. Caius reeled back around to continue but my worry for my child killed the mood.

He pouted quite adorably but it is what it is. I patted his cheek.

"Kids... Such co*ck blocks." I teased.

Aro giggled, kissing my cheek from behind me. Keeping his arms around my waist as Caius looked at me with wonder.

"Such vulgarity... My my..." Caius hissed under his breath, capturing my mouth with his.

Aro began to lift the light undergarment dress, while Caius grasped my corset, ripping it off in one tug.

Just as I was about to cave in to their little temptations Caius was being called to oversee a prisoner brought in. He rested his forehead on mine with an annoyed sigh.

"Just once... I would appreciate the opportunity to f*ck my mate."

Throwing my head back, I giggled hysterically with Aro. Caius looked put out at us. Flicking his hair he stormed from the room. I turned to look at Aro and hold his cheek. "And he says I'm Vulgar!" Unable to reign in my giggles, Aro nuzzled into my neck, chuckling.

"We do need to discuss what happened yesterday, Cara Mia... After you get in a new state of dress." Aro's blackened eyes zoned in on the very thin white underdress. My skin was hardly covered by it. Zooming into Caius's room where I had more clothes stored. I threw on another corset and dress.

Once I returned to the sitting room, Aro patted his knee. I smirked a little at how he and Caius act as if chairs do not exist for me. So I settled myself on his lap, curling around him. He brushed my cheek and ran his fingers through my hair before capturing my lips for a moment.

"I wish to cultivate your gift, Cara Mia. I do understand it is dangerous but I want to understand what it is you can accomplish. For everyone's safety."

I knew he was going to want to do that and well... I've been thinking about it as well. I would like to put Alex back if he wishes. He's been struggling all day with random bouts of aches that put him on his knees. He can withstand a lot of pain but whatever is happening to him now, is a lot worse than 'growing pains' as Caius put it.

"Rather of disposing of guilty prisoners, we shall use them as our subjects... Hmm?" Aro grabbed my chin, raising his brows.

"Of course, my love." I traced my index down his temple to his jaw. He smiled at me. "Or from recent knowledge... Shall I call you Daddy--".

Aro deadpanned me. "You are a vixen. Hold your tongue."

I stuck my tongue out and clamped on it with my fingers. "Bitter?"

He chuckled, removing my hand he pushed it down and had me on my back on the sofa instantly. Running his nose across my neck and chest. He inhaled deeply, pressing a kiss on my throat before he was back up and fixing his clothes.

"I shall find you later. Caius and I need to discuss your gift and using prisoners for examination. The sooner we begin the sooner you attain control."


"Alec?" I knocked on his door, leaning on the frame. He put his book down to give me his full attention. "May I come in, sweetie?"

He smiled and placed a bookmark in his book and placed it on the bed. Patting the spot next to him. I was there in a flash laying against the headboard. He immediately snuggled into me. My hand fell to his shaggy hair, running my fingers through it.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I do not like the way I feel. I suppose I will just have to get used to it..."

"I'm really sorry for what I--"

"Mother," Alec pulled away to frown at me. His lips tugged down harshly and his eyes were black. "I am not angry at you. It was not your fault for what happened."

"Maybe I can reverse--"

Alec shoved his hand against my mouth looking angry. He bared his teeth at me, huffing. "I do not think it wise. We do not understand what could happen to me if you attempt such a stunt."

"Then I can test it on a prisoner. I can practice, we can study my gift more closely and if I can fix you I will put you back if you so wish it--"

"I have been teased and taunted all my life, Mum. My human and my immortal existence have been filled with words that can not be taken back. Jane and I have never been equal because of the age at which we were changed. No one has even attempted to give us a chance. If it weren't for our own horrendous gifts, they would have killed us without out a second thought. They fear us because of our power but when it comes down to being simple beings in this life... They do not try to welcome us--"

"Alec, that's not true and you know it." I grabbed his face and forced him to hold his forehead against mine. "We love you. I love you like my own child. Demetri and Felix are your brothers. Charmion is your sister. Corin is your friend and so is Renata. You have three fathers who adore you and Jane. You need no one else but us. We are your family and if you want to remain this way then so be it but I will do everything in my power to fix this if you allow me to."


"Jane is content staying the way she is, Alec. Aro has spoken to her already about it. She just hopes you will be well and that you don't grow up too much without her."

I brushed the hair off his forehead after kissing his temple. Venom welled in his eyes, huffing again. He plopped himself back into my side. I smoothed his hair once more.

"You are allowed to have your own decisions, sweetheart. You and Jane do not always have to be the same."

Alec mumbled under his breath and then snatched my free hand to play with my fingers once more. He and Jane find that action to be calming from what I could tell and I enjoyed being a comfort for them for whatever they needed. Their presence and their affections helped ease the ache I felt in my heart for Artemis and Achilles.

"It has always been just Jane and I against the world..." Alec whispered. "Aro may have created us and given us the chance to be more but in truth, it has always been just us..."

"And now you have me, my love." I held him to me. "A mother who will love you no matter what you chose. I will stand beside you and walk this life with you until the flames of the end of the world consume us."

"And father..." His voice was questionable. As if he was asking something in which he feared the answer.

Aro had appeared in the room and laid on the other side of him, putting his arm around us. He poked Alec in the nose. We didn't even hear him coming.

"Of course, I would, mine child. You and thy sister are mine greatest creation. Gift or no gift. I would never abandon you. It would take a thousand armies and the flame of hundreds to separate us. It is mine promise."

My heart swelled for the pure adoration that Aro displayed for Alec and Jane. From an outsider, it would seem as if Aro controlled the twins and that they were nothing but weapons of war but to those of us who live in the inside of these walls we see the real relationship in which the three hold for one another. It is father and child, a protector over his lambs. Aro still saw Alec and Jane as children he needed to coddle and comfort for every little thing. He constantly dotes on them and fusses over little things that make them sad. I believe he would burn the world down if they should ever perish. They had given him the chance to be a father in the first place.

Even Charmion looks at Aro as a father despite her being changed at 20. She did not have the best human life and him changing her into a vampire had given her a new chance at a family. She would literally do anything for him that I was sure of. I couldn't wait for Afton to be born. She would be happier and Aro would show her just how much he too adores her by giving her another of her heart's desires.

Aro met my gaze. His childish grin brighten his face as he leaned over and brushed my cheek. "I love you, Cara Mia."

My chest fluttered with joy. It was the first time Aro has ever told me allowed. He was the first of the kings to utter such confession. Though I knew they loved me it still felt like my world stopped and filled with sunshine to hear such a phrase.

"I love you, my king." I kissed his wrist.

Alec groaned. "Please... Leave if you are going to make such faces in my presence. I do not wish to taint my room with your gross affections."

"Hold your tongue, mine son." Aro tapped his forehead making Alec scrunch his face and he turned his head to look at me.

"Get out," He said in all seriousness. I giggled and stood up, pecking his cheek. Holding my hand out to Aro, the peppy king appeared at my side and took it.

"Rest," I said sternly. Alec rolled his eyes.

"Yes, Mother..."

Aro and I walked casually through the corridors to the combined library. Caius was seething for some unknown reason. Nothing new to witness honestly. The man wasn't called the angry king for nothing. Aro gave an exasperated sigh at blondies antics when he started to just bang a large book against the wall, grumbling too low for anyone to hear before flinging the novel clear across the room and into the wall.

"Caius, what is the matter with you?" I asked. He threw his hands in the air, seething before he vanished from the room without an explanation. I looked to Marcus, expecting him to know what had him do rile up.

"I do not know, Tesoro," Marcus informed me before going back to his reading.

"Aro? Weren't you with Caius before you came to me?"

Aro pursed his lips for a few seconds then nodded once. He wouldn't meet my gaze causing Marcus to chuckle.

"Aro... You've been caught like a fly on molasses. Do tell us. What have you done now?"

The Raven hair King looked at Marcus in mock offense. "I... I have not done anything --"

"You're lying," I giggled, nudging his shoulder. "What have you done to my poor Catty Caius?"

"Do you not trust me, Mio Amore. How you wound me so." He placed a hand over his chest. I stared blankly at him and shook my head.

"I'll be back. Don't ... Just stay put you, insufferable man child."

"Man child!" Aro called after me, "I resent such words that flow from that lovely mouth of yours!"

My giggles rang through the corridor in response to him. There was a grunt before a door slammed. I found Caius in the throne room, sitting on his throne and glaring at nothing in particular. He didn't even look at me when I came in but widened his legs and moved his arms. Settling in his lap, I pressed my face to his neck making a soft purr against him. He immediately put his arm around me and kissed my temple but still didn't look.

"What is it? What did the man child do to you, Mio Eros," I whispered against his ear.

Caius tightened his hold on me and flickered his onyx gaze on me. The blackness of his eyes was not because of Anger nor thirst. I felt his desire beneath me.

"Say it again..." He hissed over my lips.

"Mio Eros..." I nipped his lips.

Caius grinned. "The God of Desire and war... How my ego has boosted, Gattina... What shall I ever do if you keep inflating my head with such enduring words..."

He yanked me around, forcing me to straddle him. Grabbing my neck harshly, he forced me closer and slammed his lips on mine. Hungrily kissing me, he deepened it, invading my mouth with his tongue. I caved in to his dominance. Tangling my fingers into his hair, soft whimpers escaped me when he bit his nails into my flesh. Cracks formed on my skin beneath the crescent indentions of his nails.

"Caius..." I moaned.

He grabbed my hair and yanked my head back hard, making me cry out. His teeth scraped against my skin, making me shake.

"I am determined to rectify what keeps being snatched from me, my sweet..." He growled.

In a haze, I somehow ended up bent over his throne. Him behind me, and my dress bundled up against my back. Caius grabbed my hair, tilting my head back.

"I promise to make up for this soon. For now, do you wish to appease me?"

Appease him...

"Yes! Yes, I do!" I bit out quickly.

I was already panting with want. Three times it was built up only to be dragged back down and far away from me. Now that I am on my fourth attempt to be given satisfaction... I did not care how it happens rather it be fast or slow. I just wanted it. I wanted all of it.

His hands landed on my hips, gripping harshly and kicking my legs apart. Caius hissed in pleasure as he rammed into me. My voice got caught in my throat, coming out more as a squeak than anything.

"I am to your satisfaction?" He growled. "Do I please you, my love?"

My mind was shadowed with a cloud of lust. I do not I could properly respond even if I wished to. Whatever sound I was able to form must have been enough because he shoved my face into the seat. Holding my ass high into the air with a palm on my spine. Caius gave no warning before pulling all the way out and ramming back in just as quickly.

I struggled to hold my body in place. Taking his merciless impaling force. I found myself needing the air. Every growl, hiss, and curse he threw out, drove my desire deeper and deeper. I tried to push against him only to receive a harsh slap across my backside making the most unattractive moan leave me.

"Does my mate like being stricken?"


Caius spanked me harder making me stand on my toes. The action made him grunt. He pulled out and twisted me around, my dress was ripped open, hanging from my body like a robe. He tore the corset off using his teeth. A fistful of my hair had my head craning back as he exposed my throat to him.

He grabbed my leg, hiking it up. I grabbed ahold of his shoulders as railed into me right against his throne.
Caius kissed me roughly. Leaving cracks across my body as he had his way. Filthy words slew from his lips, repeatedly. Making me react like a sponge, soaking it all up.

With Caius, I felt starved. It felt like I hadn't been touched at all. I was needy and all too willing. The build-up was there in my stomach, growing... Expanding. My fingers tightened against him.

"Cum for me," He whispered into my ear.

The demand brought me to the edge, pushing me off and falling hard.

"Caius!" Teeth sunk below my ear causing me to immediately buck my hips, falling once more. "Nnghhh..."

Caius continued to shove against me, coming with a wild cry. He did not pull away from me until he kissed me sweetly, tenderly caressing the cracks on my body that now began to heal.

"So beautiful..." He whispered against my lips.

I hazily looked at him, palming his cheek. "You, my king... Are not at all what I was expecting..."

He smirked. "I'm not like Marcus, Adelaide. I'm not a gentle lover. Nor shall I ever be."

"Careful... You make that sound like a challenge," I teased.

"You do understand now that I've had you... You'll never escape me."

"Why would I ever want to do that?" Wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs tightened around his waist. His eyes darkened once more.

"Have your ways with me, Mio Eros. Your throne has not crumbled yet. You're being too gentle."

"I am offended... Gentle ... I shall show you gentle."

Caius's throne had to be replaced by the time he was finished with me against it. Turns out Caius rather enjoyed the sounds I made, determined for every being in the castle to hear what he was making me do.

Demetri and Felix would never let me live it down... Mocking my sighs and leaving me to punch them both in the face. They claim it was entirely worth it. I gladly did it again.

Chapter 19


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

After another day were my hours were spent watching from a distance on Ares. Jane tried to keep me some company but eventually, she was called to the throne room for her duties. Alec was up and moving around though. Albeit he was sluggish still. He wasn't a fan of his new body. You could hear him from his room growling, growing more and more annoyed.

Whispering my love to Ares, I placed my palm on the cracked wall and disappeared into the guard's training room. Lyra and a few other guards I haven't met before we're the only ones in there. They stood up as soon as they noticed me, bowing their heads. I waved them off.

"That's not necessary."


"Oh non of that," I shook my head. Jesus... I was literally changed before my 20th birthday. I do not need to hear the term, ma'am.

"As you wish," one of the boys bowed his head.

"What are your names?" I asked, making eye contact with the two boys.

"Torsten," He was tall but his face was like a child, probably around 15 years old. His hair was long and in a thick braid. Golden bands wrapped around his arms and fingers. A white scaring covered half his face, sort of like a tattoo. The closer I looked the more I noticed they were tattoos. Runes to be exact and the way they shone was enough to know he used Venom to tattoo his skin.

That's rather creative.

"Nikola," He was the largest of the two. Probably around 16 or 18. His build was robust and stocky. Like a mini Felix in my opinion.

"Do you have gifts?" I asked kindly, taking a seat on one of the share chairs. I motioned them to sit across from me.

Torsten was the first to sit down. He tapped his foot once on the floor, causing it to shift and expand before settling back to its original position. He was smiling. "Geokinesis, I can manipulate earths solid elements."

"All elements?"

He slipped off one of his gold bands and held it in his palm. Staring intensely at the gold band, it wobbled around before compressing and splitting into many golden rings. He held one out to me. "For you."

"Thank you!" I accepted the ring. "That's really impressive!"

Torsten grinned.

"What about you?" I asked Nikola.

"Only strength. Not as impressive as Felix and Santiago... I nevertheless carry the equal endurance."

"Nikola is Volodymyr I Sviatoslavich of Kyivan Rus'
little bastard," Torsten joked.

"Says the Prince Finehair."

"Wait-- wait-- wait!" I held my hands up. "You're the first king of Norway's son?" I gapped at Torsten. "Harold Finehair?!"

"Yes," He winked.

I looked at Nikola. "And you're a son of Volodymyr's? As in Volodymyr the great?"

"It's what I've been told..." He rubbed his chin. "Mine mother was a whor*. So who knows."

Umm... Alright then. Where the hell does Aro find these people?

"I'm just a merchant's daughter," Lyra smiled. "Master Caius ate my mother and then felt guilty about it when I became an orphan so he changed me and brought me here to Volterra."

Hmm... So he does have compassion and remorse.

"How did you two come to Volterra?" I asked the boys.

"Jane thought I was pretty," Torsten smirked. "She begged Master Aro to change me."

Wow... Did not expect that one.

"But she grew bored of me after a time."

"Master Caius saved me from the Rus army. He thought I would make a powerful immortal." Nikola was a boy of few emotions. He hasn't so much as smiled except for one time and that wasn't even technically a smile.

"Do you work in the dungeons?" I asked carefully. Torsten furrowed his eyebrows.


"Would you like to help me strengthen my gift?" I bestowed them a full-blown confident smile. The one I normally preserve for begging occasions such as these. Technically I am not actually Queen of the Volturi because the Kings and I are not married so I didn't really have a sway here. But Aro did say he wanted me to practice... And well... The sooner the better.

"I need a prisoner, one that is guilty and will be put to death. Do you think you could fetch me one and Lyra can confine them to her ropes?"

"The Masters..." Torsten said slowly. He looked conflicted.

"How guilty?" Nikola smirked sad*stically.

"Very guilty but easily subdued."

"Right away my queen," Nikola bowed. Lyra clapped her hands excitedly. Torsten stood and shook his head but followed after them, muttering something about a blood eagle and an ax.

The three guards returned after a few minutes with a thrashing man. He snarled a few times, cursing in Latin until his gaze fell on me. He immediately stopped and tried to look dashing.

He probably would have been a dashing man had he not looked so wasted away and covered in grime. His long locks were ratted up like multiple bird nests. Twigs, leaves, and other strange things stuck to it. I could practically smell the substances. Made my nose scrunch in disgust.

Lyra's eyes went hazy as she used her gift to form ropes around him. Torsten pulled his bands off once more and melted him down to the floor. The man screamed as the metal burned into his flesh, causing large deep cracks on his calf's. Nikola stayed close by, pushing Torsten a little behind him and crouching.

"Thank you," I told the three of them. They nodded their heads. Lyra's gaze drifted far away in a haze, it looked like cloudy milk splashed over her red irises as she focused on keeping the man in place.

The dress I wore today allowed a lot of movement. It wasn't from this time, it looked to be something they wore in Rome. Most of the skin on my legs was on display. From my hip to my bare feet, keeping my private bits... Well private. I had a lot of black leather cords holding my white gown in place. My raven ringlets were allowed to remain wild and ferocious. I blinked at the man.

"Tu es sicut angelus," (You resemble an angel) He breathed heavily. "Angelus inferni." (An angel from hell)

"Angelus in quo loqueris, Regum est." (The angel you refer to belongs to the Kings) Torsten growled.

"Regibus?" (The Kings?) The prisoner looked amused, his gaze never leaving my face. Torsten tightens the gold on his feet making him scream again.

"Aye!" Torsten growled.

"Ea est decore. Verecundiam meam non possum ponere eam sub--" (It is a shame for the beauty that I can't put her beneath me)

Nikola slammed his fist into his face, forming a large crack and sending his nose flying off from the impact. The prisoner screamed. Nikola, stomped on the nose, turning it to dust.

"Observa reginam!" (Respect our Queen!)

"Enough," I said sternly.

They all looked at me as I crossed the room without making a sound. I crouched before the prisoner. His gaze dropped to my legs. And the arms that rested on my knees, I used a nail to hold his chin up. He grinned at me.

"You... Are... A brave? Woman? No?" His accent was horrid. I punched him where his nose should be making him yell out again.

"Do not speak to me," I placed my hand on his cheek. Focusing on his gaze. His mouth popped open as small cracks began to form. His pale skin slowly turned ashen...

I felt the burn again in my eyes, heat flaring. Power coursing through my body. I breathed deeply...


Caius and Aro heard the yells. The screams... They busted through the guard's training room. Watching as Adelaide held a prisoner's face. Her red gaze was completely gone and in place was pure white. Her wild hair floated around her head the air felt like it was being sucked away and straight towards Adelaide. Cracks formed on the ashen cheeks of the man she held.

His skin began to sink in...

The shadows moved away from her...

"What is she doing!" Caius growled, he stepped in to stop her but was pulled back from the hand Aro placed on his shoulder.

"Let her finish..." He hissed. Caius looked at him like he was insane. He hated it when Aro only looked at what was in front of him when it came to gifts.

Time stood still as the prisoner let out a pitiful moan. He was going completely honey and then. Adelaide grabbed both of his cheeks. Her face tilted upwards. Her nails dug into his skin. He screamed in agony, thrashing under her hold. He tried to claw at her hands but was too weak to do any damage.

Frost spread across his body... Like vines, sinking into his body...

Adelaide snarled, a painful scream erupted from her and then cracks, glass shattering, the man exploded into dust, nothing to remain, like glittering diamonds rained down around her. Her mouth was wide open, gasping for air. Her hands circled around her, bringing the glittering dust together and the man slowly reformed.

He lay on the floor, sobbing. Tears streaming down his face and a hard pounding heart thumped loudly in their ears.

Adelaide dropped to her knees, her red irises slowly reappeared and rolling back. Before she could hit the floor, Caius caught her head, holding her to his chest as she trembled in his hold.

He tilted his head at Aro. 'What the f*ck was that?'

Aro looked at the prisoner that was now very human. He looked wary in touching him. He held his hand out and then pulled back. He looked down at Adelaide.

She blinked her eyes open slowly, staring right back at him.

"Do I frighten you my love?" she whispered.

Aro crackled. A wide grin split across his face as he held his fingers to his lips. "No my dear! Not at all!"

"Well I am," Caius hissed annoyed at Aro's fascination with the power their mate displayed.

Not only did she age but she killed and then brought back the seven hundred-year-old vampire as a human! Reversed time and resurrection! You'd have to be mad not be frightened by such raw power! Never in his thousands of years... Never did he expect to be handed a power such as hers.

Adelaide, touched Caius's cheek, her head tilted into his arms as she lightly brushed his cheek. Venom pooled in her eyes. "I would never harm you..."

Caius could not smile at her. "I know." He kissed the top of her head.

"What are we to do with this... Thing?" Torsten nudged the human in the face. He had no nose still... It was an unsettling sight as the man struggled to breathe through his mouth still unconscious.

Aro tilted his head down at him. "Save him for dinner... Put him back in a spare room for now. Guard him."

Aro turned back to his mate. Caius stood up, cradling her against his chest with one arm, as he brushed a strand of hair from her face. Aro sighed. "My love... Why did you not wait for us to assist you in your training? You could have been hurt--"

"She's already hurt!" Caius growled.

"I'm fine," She persisted and tried to get down but Caius held her firm in his arm.

"Let me hold you!" He snarled protectively. "I could have lost you!"

Aro and Adelaide widen their eyes at him, sharing a look. Aro shook his head amused. Adelaide just laid her head against his chest, Caius purred happily. Content that she didn't resist him.

Caius brought her into his room and laid on the bed beside her. Aro stood at the end. "I shall fetch Marcus," He mumbled before leaving. Caius grasped Adelaide's chin.

"What were they thinking... Hm?"

"I was thinking I wanted to fix Alec..."

Caius hissed through his teeth, baring them at her. "Stupid girl... What am I to do with you?"

Adelaide was feeling better already and was in the mood to annoy the angry King for the comment he made. She was not stupid, nor was she a girl. Leaning up on her elbows, she pressed her mouth closer to his.

"I've been bad..." She whispered hotly against his lips. Her fingers trailed up his chest. "Perhaps you should punish me... Since I was a stupid girl."

Caius looked shocked but as quick as it came, it was gone.

He flipped her around on her stomach and dragged her to the end of the bed until her feet were dangling above the floor and her pelvis against the edge of the bed. He undid his trousers, pulling the cord that held them up, and lifted the pathetic cloth off her body, displaying her bottom in all its glory.

(OPP! 🍋 )

She blinked at the wall, not expecting this. She thought he would kiss her... Not-- "Oh!" she gasped when the cord came down hard on her ass.

Caius was smirking down at her. "You reap what thy sow, Mio Amore... Shall I do it once more?"

"Yes!" Adelaide said quickly but frowned at the wall. "I mean... No?"

Caius tsked. Grabbing her hair roughly and yanking her head back, making her lean on her palms and force her pelvis deeper into the mattress so she could look him in the eyes. Her hair was wrapped tightly around his wrist. His eyes were black as night. He inhaled deeply, co*ckily smirking down at her.

"From your scent... I say yes?"

Oh God ... That's hot.

"Stand up and hold onto the bedpost. Lean forward..." He hissed.

Adelaide whipped into position, bent over and holding onto the post, panting. Seeing Caius like this... Did things to her. So many bad naughty things.

The cord whipped through the air, slicing into her exposed thighs tight below her ass. Caused them to crack and her to moan out in delight.

"Naughty girl..." Caius sounded pleased. "Loving to be whipped... Shall I go harder?"

"Yes! Yes!" Adelaide was shifting her feet, wiggling with anticipation. Caius placed his hand on her lower back, ceasing her movements.

"Stop moving."

And then the crack came on her lower back, bringing her up on her toes, the bedpost splinter beneath her fingers.

Aro opened the door just as Caius whipped her harder, with a hot and long breathy moan falling from her lips. His eyes darkened instantly. Marcus slammed the door behind them. Watching the scene before him. Caius chuckled.

"Dear Brothers... Look at our mate. She's acting like a little slu*t."

Adelaide's brain was fuzzy with lust that it did not occur to her to be embarrassed at being whipped in front of the other two. She was panting.

"Again..." She breathed. "I've been bad..."

Caius grinned at her, caressing her neck with his fingers. "Yes... You have. Would you like Marcus to whip you?"

Marcus... She furrowed her eyebrows and then relaxed. She moved to hold the mattress, dipping lower. Caius began undoing the knots on the cord that held her dress up.

"Do you want Marcus to whip you, love?" Caius repeated harshly.

"Please..." She whispered.

Marcus stared at her with dark hungry eyes. He had not seen this side of her before. The cord came from around her and the dress fell to the floor, pooling at her feet. She stood stark naked before them. Caius held the cord out to him.

"Do go easy, brother. She rather enjoys her skin cracking."

Aro looked worried for a moment but he was so tempted to touch her. He dashed to the bed and grabbed her chin roughly. She grabbed his thighs, staring into his eyes as the cord flew through the air and cracked into his bottom. She hissed with delight. Blacken eyes bored into Aro's.

"Little slu*t... Indeed," He smirked at her.

Marcus did it a few times more until he dropped it to the floor and twisted her around, shoving her into Aro's lap as he grabbed her throat and slammed his lips on hers. She reached behind her, holding onto Aro's neck as Aro grabbed her other hand, using it to guide her across her own body. From her breasts to her abdomen... Down her stomach... He kissed her exposed neck.

Caius chuckled. Watching the sight before him.

Aro slid her hand longer, brushing her pelvis. Marcus kicked her legs apart and yanked her hips forward. Exposing her. Her hand landed on her cl*t, Aro applied pressure making her squirm and moan.

Marcus pulled away and watched what Aro was making her do. She kept her gaze on Caius. Boring into his.

Aro hissed from her nails biting into his skin.

"Look at you..." Caius sneered. "With all three of us too..."

Adelaide blinked hazily. Her mouth slacking as Aro used his free hand and wedged it between her thighs. Brushing her entrance. He thrust his finger into her in one go, groaning against her neck, his teeth scraping at her neck.

Adelaide tossed her to the side, exposing it more to him as she cried out.

Aro moved his finger and added another, going extra slow and enjoying her twitching in his lap. He met his brother's gazes as he worked against their mate.

"Shall I make her cum?"

Caius rubbed his chin. "Drag it out, I'm rather enjoying watching her come undone slowly."

"I agree," Marcus and Caius sat on the sofa. Watching Aro slowly torture Adelaide.

He moved her hand away and done both himself. She held on to his wrists. Her mouth was open and small whimpers left her as she begged for more.

Aro chuckled. "What do you want?" He asked her.

"Faster..." She moaned.

"Faster?" Aro teased and used three fingers now, curling them up and hitting the spot that made her practically crumble in his hold. She was gasping for breath. Pressing her ass into his hard on.

He groaned, licking his lips. He wanted to take her but wanted his first time with her to be private and in his own bed. For now, he will just enjoy pleasuring her.

It didn't take long to have her coming undone against his palm. He forced her to watch him as he slipped the three fingers into his mouth and sucked them, then spread his venom on her lips.

He gave her an award-winning smile making her chest tighten.

Then the situation settled as her brain cleared. She looked horrified.

Caius was in front of her immediately. Gripping her chin. "Do not be embarrassed. I found it satisfying, the greatest show... To see you come undone by Aro."

Aro hummed against her cheek, kissing her gently. "It is just us, Cara Mia..."

"So sweet," Marcus added.

Adelaide looked at the floor. She can't believe she just allowed that to happen to her and how much she completely enjoyed it too.

"Take it as a gift for helping me solve our human shortage in the future..." Aro kissed her.


Oh man! 😳🦋✨

Look at them... Sharing is caring. 🤧💕

Chapter 20

Chapter Text

I was fiddling around with the ruby necklace Aro had given to me a few days before I ended up here. It's August now, four months living in the past. The humans were beginning to starve. Sickness was already spreading... And the vampires in the prison cells below the castle were all very guilty of their crimes.

Aro saw something good in my gift, something beyond useful and it all comes back down to feeding the throne. Feed the throne, keep it satisfied and all is well.

When I say feed the throne... It does not settle well with me. I do not feel comfortable changing these guilty vampires into humans just to eat when the time comes. It just felt wrong. But I suppose this is a time in which we can not be picky.

Another prisoner was being retrained by Torsten's ability and Felix's strength. We were in the throne room this time. Marcus was present at this showcase. The three kings upon their thrones... Watching their little mate brings pain... Death... And life back into this God-forsaken place we call home.

I did not touch his face, I only looked into his red gaze. Seeing the pleas there that begged me not to kill him. The word has already spread to the dungeons of a young woman with the ability to take their lives and force them to be human once more. And to be human... Places you back on the bottom of the food chain and being in a place where vampires resided meant being cattle.

I bored into this man's soul. My hand hovered over his head as he looked up at me like the angel of death, I suppose I was.

"Please... Beg of mercy...." His voice was strained. The venom tearing the sound to bits.

"The children in which you turned, did not have the same option. Therefore you have no right to ask for forgiveness," I said calmly.

I barely tapped his forehead causing the frost to spread, seeping into his body and the chalky parlor turned ashen. Felix let go instantly, stepping far back from the prisoner that slowly turned to dust.

Rotating my hand, I brought the dust up into a swirling ball. This I couldn't remember how I did. It had been like second nature to bring the man back but now I was highly unsure.

"Focus on human attributes," Caius said. "Imagine a heartbeat. What does it sound like, resemble..."

"Think of the man's physical features," Aro added.

It was like building a body from the inside out. Luckily the human anatomy was something I knew well from my taking online classes to become a nurse before my life was totally flipped upside down.

Placing the organs where they belonged, the dust swirled, clumping together, shaping. Then the man's height... An outline formed.

It was straining work. Exhausting even. I lost focus and the dust scattered making me sigh. Rubbing my face, I relaxed at Marcus's soft touch on my back. He kissed the top of my head.

"Take your time..." He murmured in my ear and then he was back on his throne.

I sent them a small smile, working the dust back into a ball and beginning again. It took five tries before a face was starting to become visible. Only to lose it once more.

I hissed under my breath, pacing the throne room, staring at the ball of ash I held floating in the air. I stomped my foot silencing Aro from speaking.

"Alright!" I snapped. And the dust ball stretched out. My eyes burning, my fingers aching. The frost shot from my hands into the swirling mass. Vines wrapped around it, shielding it from view. A scream escaped me, fire erupted in my chest.

I tensed up further. Focusing on life.

The man that was uncovered once my vines sunk deep into his body and were no longer present was not the prisoner I killed. It was an exact replica of Felix.

Felix growled, backing away from him. "No! Put him back!"

"Fascinating!" Aro gasped.

I slumped my shoulders, and Caius caught me again before falling to my knees. I was tired and the heartbeat of the human that was now in the room regardless of him looking like Felix was severely appealing to me. My throat ached.

"Bring him over," Caius motioned to fingers to himself. Felix didn't want to touch the human. He clenched his fists.

Marcus chuckled, grabbing the human by the scruff of his neck and dragging him over.

I didn't necessarily like feeding from a very naked man that looked like one of my best friends but I was hungry. Like a viper... I struck. Felix let out a shocked grunt. I noticed him turn his face.

I imagine watching someone feed from your exact replica was not something pleasant to witness.

Caius wiped my mouth with his fingers when I sat back up, pressing his blood covered thumb into my mouth. "Suck," He instructed. "No drop wasted."

I wrapped my lips around his thumb making him grunt, yanking me up to my feet and holding me tightly against his chest.

"Leave us!" He growled at everyone in the room.

The body disappeared with the guards. Marcus and Aro watched as Caius ripped my dress from my shoulders, letting it lay in tatters at my waist. He grabbed my corset. In one fluid motion, it ripped apart. He wrapped his hand around my throat, forcing me onto my knees. Holding on tight, his grip increased as he stood in front of me.

"Take my trousers off. Now." He hissed. I met his blacken gaze. My core ignited instantly.

"Brother..." Aro said. Caius hissed.

"Let her be!"

My fingers began undoing the strings of his waistband. Not taking my eyes off his. Pushing them down slightly, I pushed my hand inside and pulled him out.

"Suck." He growled.

I smiled up at him.

"Do not test me, Mio Amore..." He said lowly.

"Oh but my love... It's so fun to see you worked up," I teased.

Caius let out an annoyed groan and gripped my chin, forcing my mouth open and slamming himself into my mouth. He let out a deep moan.

Holy sh*t...

"If you do not suck... I will be harsh."

I stared up at him and felt another pair of hands circling around my waist.


My dress rose as I began to work against Caius.

There was a loud banging on the door. "MASTERS!"

Another voice joined in. "Masters!"

Caius growled, removing himself from my mouth and fixing himself. Marcus wrapped his cloak around me. Aro made sure I was decent before opening the throne door.

Corin and Renata stood there looking terrified.

"You better have a good explanation for interrupting," Caius bored down at them.

"Something is wrong with Alec," Corin whispered.

It was all Aro needed to flash from the room and down the corridor. Holding the cloak tighter around me, I ran to Caius's room and snatched a new gown from the wardrobe, and had it on before Caius could get to me. Aro was in Alec's room while Marcus tried to console Jane who was extremely upset.

I was itching to comfort her but knew Alec needed me. I brushed her cheek and kissed her forehead and went into the room. Shutting the door behind me. I turned slowly around.

Alec was huddled in the bed. Trembling from head to toe, convulsing. Having what humans call seizures.

I was by his bedside instantly, Demetri gave me room to get behind Alec on his bed and bring his head to my lap.

"It hurts!" Alec cried out. "Make it stop! Make it stop! Make it stop!"

"Adelaide, my love. You need to try and fix him," Aro said sadly, holding on to Alec's chest to keep him still. Alec was making my body tremble with him from the violent force of his movements.

I shook my head. I couldn't fix Alec. I didn't know how. I could kill him.

"He's not meant to be this way, love. You need to try."

"I can't... I can't... I won't lose my son." I held Alec tighter. He cried out again, his pale skin, was turning darker, beginning to have hairline fractures forming on his face and neck. "Alec!" I caressed his face. "Alec!"

"I don't want to live anymore..." His voice cracked. "It's too painful."

"Adelaide!" Aro roared. "Try!"

They helped me get Alec to lay against me. His head on my shoulder back pressed against my chest. Venom pooled in my eyes. As I held his cheek. Alec tried to hold on to my hand that was laying on his stomach.

"Leave us," I broke. "Leave us now."

"I'm going to make it go away, baby..." I whispered. Kissing his head. He moaned again from the pain that was a fire in his body. I could feel the heat in my fingertips.

I could age... But it wasn't permanent. Alec had never recovered from what I did to him and now he was paying the price for being put like this for far too long.

Focusing on the small boy, the boyish smile. The giggles get matured. The baby face and childish eyes... Frosted vines circled around us. Cocooning us, sheltering us from the world as I focused hard on Alec before I broke him. The boy who was barely taller than his sister, the boy who chased my children and cuddled with me like he was awoken from a nightmare. The boy who was constantly shadowing Aro, and doing everything to make his father happy.

"I'll make it go away..." I whispered again.

Something wet fell against my hand. Alec clutched his chest. In that little ball of frost that kept us safe, I heard his heartbeat again. His first intake of breath and his body become smaller once more. He held on to me tighter. I loosen my grip on him, fearing I would break him.

Pink fleshed his childish cheeks, his body grew warmer.

I pressed my mouth to his neck, his sharp breathing filled my ears as I sunk my teeth into it. He screamed out in thrashing pain once more for only a few moments. The frost sunk deep into his body, freezing him in time.

I do not claim to understand what my gift does, it is a mystery to me. I fear it will always be a mystery. I had aged Alec, turned him human, and bit him, my venom ran through his veins... But because my gift was a mystery, I could not say I sired him as Aro had down. None of it made sense but one thing was undeniable.

Alec was stronger, his gift swirled with the frost, turning it black. Blending and bending the air around us. It was a sight to see, his red bloody irises were luminous. His hold tightened on me, and he screamed. The clock ticking filled my head like a pounding drum. Hurting my head, my body numbing from the sense of deprivation from Alec's uncontrolled temperament.

I had caught the door bursting open, Aro and Caius reached out to us as Marcus struggled to hold Jane back. Alec looked at me and I back him.

The clock struck and air howled through the room. My necklace felt like it seared into my chest. I looked back at Aro and like a switch had been flicked off.

Alec and I were alone, on the damp forest floor. Silence rang all around us and completely alone.

His clothes hung over his small body, swallowing him whole. I helped him roll the pants and sleeves, using the ribbon that held my hair back to tie around his waist to keep his pants up. He held my hand, glancing around us.

"Mother... Where are we? What happened?"

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

He furrowed his eyebrows. Such a human trait. "I'm fine. I feel normal again."

"Good," I brushed his cheekbone. "As for where we are... I don't know... The last time I traveled through time I had remained in the castle. This I am not sure of..."

I glanced around with him. Focusing on the noise around us. "Let's tread carefully. You need to feed. I am not sure what I did to you."

His fingertips held a tinge of black frost to them, not noticeable to humans but most definitely noticeable to vampires. He nodded his head and pulled leaves from my hair.

"Father is going to be awfully worried."

I let out a puff of air. "Don't I know it..."


The kings stared at the charred spot on the bed. Flames flickered and were quickly snuffed out by Demetri throwing a vase of water on it.

"Alec!" Jane screeched. "Alec!"

Aro touched the damp burnt spot on the bed, his nose tingled from the smell of burnt cloth. He was trying to focus on something from Adelaide's memories of when she left like this before but he could not tell if this was the same action as before. He could only hope she didn't travel far.

"What is it?" Caius asked bitterly. He felt it in his chest like his brothers. Adelaide was gone and Alec had vanished with her. The sorrow of losing a mate seeped into them.

Marcus stared at the golden bond that was that connected him to his brothers, vanishing entirely. When he spoke it broke him into a million pieces. He felt the pain of losing someone whom he loved with his entire soul once more.

"She is gone..." He sounded distant and cold.

Aro frowned, and Jane screeched. Having to be pinned by Felix and Demetri. Corin used her gift on Jane to help calm her down.

"She's traveled once more. I believe she just no longer exists in her time." Aro concluded. "We'll just have to wait for her to make her appearance once more."

"What of the boy?" Caius growled, his face softening, "Alec..."

"Let us pray he is safe with her, wherever they may be." Aro placed his hand on Jane, nodding to the others to release her. She folded into him, dry sobbing. "My dear Jane. All shall be well..."

And all was well for a long time. Years passed, and the Volturi struggled to retain the peace and keep up appearances. Alec's disappearance hurt Jane beyond measure. She did her best to uphold her duties but was never sent out of the castle on missions. Torsten kept her company, as he once did long ago.

Ares grew into a fine little boy. An exact replica of his mother. Grey eyes, raven ringlets, and attached to Marcus's hip.

The human boy fell ill a few times, they struggled for his food and took to farming on the terrace of the castle, growing veggies. Floraterra a girl Aro acquired from the Kingdom of Naples had used her gift of controlling plants to make sure the little prince was well fed from then on.

It was Ares who held the Volturi together. His presence kept them all same and on high alert, to protect him until the time came to make him a vampire.

Ares became an excellent painter for a five-year-old, learned to play the harp by seven, and was a whizz at chess by nine. He became a strong soldier by thirteen. Jane and Torsten helped trained him with uncle Demetri and Uncle Felix. During the winter of his thirteenth year, Ares traveled to Florence with his Father, Caius to acquire some painting that was supposed to describe Dante's work the Divine Comedy. His mother apparently knew by heart so he made it his mission to know it by heart too.

It was nighttime when they met the seller in a beautiful villa. There was a small girl around the age of ten looking at him with big beautiful hazel eyes with golden hair of silk. She looked like a doll and Ares was convinced she was an angel.

"Good evening," He bowed low to her. Making the small girl giggle.

"Sir," She grinned, and she curtsy.

The two kids disappeared from their parents to go play in the maze in the garden. It was there at Ares formed a relationship with a young girl and earned a strong alliance with the house that would soon come to rule over Florence. He had been welcomed, time and time again into the Medici home.

By fifteen, he wanted to win little Lucia's heart by becoming the best in Archery. He practiced day and night and brought fresh fruit from his garden to meer her every Domenica, on a Sunday as Babo Aro called it. Lucia grew just as beautiful as he grew handsome. On her thirteenth birthday when he turned sixteen, he brought his bow and his arrows to participate in a game. His fathers permitted him to attend the games and it was there he was determined to win the heart of a fair maiden he grew to love just as ferocious as he knew his fathers loved his mother.

He wanted Lucia for eternity.

He became the Archer of the story, set on fixing time. To cherish the clocks, every second that ticked would not go to waste by his hand. Ares aimed his arrow, sending it flying through the air... Into the future events that are yet come to pass...

The black plague was slowly etching its way across Europe and at seventeen, Ares had been struck by the vicious timeline. Marcus turned him, wishing that Ares would forget the beautiful Lucia Medici by the time he woke.

When Ares awoke into his immortal life, his undead heart was plagued like the black death that took his love away. He was a shell of himself, sorrow and pain... Marcus tried to cheer him up but failed with every attempt.

They could only hope that Adelaide did not take much longer to return to them. Perhaps having her presence in their lives would fix their broken Son and Daughter. How the Kings missed her and Alec.

317 years passed... Another no-show.

Time was all they had and with time, they could only hope that all would be well...

Chapter 21

Chapter Text

Things were very different, it was apparent to me that we had indeed gone far into the future. Give or take 200-300 years. The forest tracked through gave us good covering from the small village that lined the treeline. I wasn't entirely sure where we were in this era but it most definitely wasn't Volterra. Perhaps not even "Italy"

Alec tilted his head at a certain spot. He paused and then shifted around, tilting his head once more.

"What is it?" I asked.

Alec scratched his throat. "I am sure we are in England. I think it used to be my village..." he proceeded in pointing to various areas, telling me what used to be there and what was different now. "I am sure this was mine and Jane's home."

I took notice of how different everyone was dressed. Alec and I were going to stand out like sore thumbs even more so because of our attire. I grabbed his hand and began to drag him away and to a seamstress lodge. With Alec of course telling me this was entirely new.

I walked carefully through the aisles, making sure the shop owner doesn't hear us. I grabbed a beautiful red lace and silk dress from the rack and moved to the boy's section. Contrasting waistcoat and lacy neckcloths.

I fumbled with the material, we were close to the 1700s. At least I think we were. These were watched colonists wore. I grabbed a navy blue waistcoat with rosy and white embroidered patterns for the trimmings. The silky velvet texture felt luxurious. Slim collar and narrow sleeves and flowy lace cuffs. I grabbed some tights and a brown hat and brown shoes, passing them over to him.

"Dress quickly," I nodded to the door. "I'll be right behind you."

I turned and grabbed some flats and a black ribbon and a new corset, snatching a large sunbonnet off the shelf and an umbrella. I ran out the door and met Alec.

He was struggling with his clothes, standing there in his new breeches and tights. He fumbled with the shirt, trying to tuck it right. Laughing, I sat my things down and had him turn around so I could tuck it right and button up the waistcoat, fixing his lacey neck cloth around his neck, I smooth his hair back and placed the large floppy hat on his head. He looked adorable, like a wealthy little prince.

"Thank you, Mother," He looked down at my pile of clothes and turned his back. I patted his shoulder and quickly removed my clothes, struggling to get the stockings and hooking them to my now grateful and love for a time of panties!

"Tighten me up," I held the corset up against my chest. Alec nervously tightened the contraption and helped me get into the lacy red dress. It was bigger than I thought and my color. I quite liked it.

Alec already had the umbrella open, staring at it in amazement. While I tied my curls back with the black ribbon and got the bonnet on. I took the umbrella from him.

"Let's figure out how to get back to your fathers."

He grinned. "Jane shall be frantic without me."

I tried to find some humor but all I could think about was Ares, my son... The baby I never got the chance to hold. He was assumably all grown up and if the Kings transformed him or not was a mystery to me. Perhaps he fell in love and married, or had children of his own, or grew old... The thought alone almost made me want to scream.

Alec snatched an older man who wandered a little too far from the village and I grabbed a younger man who had one too many pints of ale. After satisfying our hunger, we took off through the countryside of England. The English language was a lot more understandable and more pleasing to my ear. Alec wordlessly mouthed some of the words and asked me for their definitions. Some I knew not so we looked for a scholarly. Closer to the city of London.

You could tell there was a skyrocket of differences in how people lived in this noisy, overcrowded, and filthy city. The rich civilians became insatiable with greed as the Industrial Revolution brought new machinery making many people out of work. So many humans roamed the streets, sleeping in their feces in dark corners and having trouble finding their next meal or a warm place to sleep.

The luxuriously lavish elegant mansions and country houses have guards stationed by their gates to keep the hungry malnourished children and adults from stealing from their food storage. Dinner parties rang jovially from the open windows, mocking the poor. Large cathedrals and theaters emitted music, opera and Shakespeare plays.

The women we passed who wobbled in their heels and were full of liquor wore lavished clothing, donned in
bodices with strips of whalebone, and hooped petticoats under their dresses. Their clothes were like ugly drapes and it was apparent that the dress I stole was French-inspired. For no English lady would dare wear the blood red lace and red leather. Few women looked at me in disgust whereas the men that dragged behind them in their knee-length trousers and stockings with frock coats stared at me with undeniable desire.

Alec almost ripped their wigs from their heads and triangle hats to strangle them with. He might have done so had I not kept my arm around him and ordered him to keep walking.

We would need to take cover soon. Posters of witch trials wanted posters of criminals lined the cobbled walls. Advertisem*nts from the churches needing hunting parties to hunt vampires...

Alec stared at it too long, drawing attention. I held his hand.

"We need to go... Now," I whispered too low for human ears.

Alec glanced behind us subtlety and nodded his head. We made haste down a dark alley and jumped to the rooftops, running as fast as we could through the city and to a very large and ancient-looking building.

We slipped through a rickety window, finding ourselves surrounded by millions of books.

"Look at that, mother. It seems we found one," Alec was already rushing around and plucking books from their places, flipping through them hastily and repeating the action.

I glanced out the window, the dark sky was beginning to have a bluish tint.

"Mother!" Alec waved a large tome. "Do you think they would miss this?"

I shook my head at him. He grinned childishly and continued reading anything he could get his hands on.

I picked up a first edition copy of The Prince by
Niccolò Machiavelli. It was the one book I immediately thought Aro would love. It was also strangely one of my favorites. The purpose was clear in the book that it was no fictional Prince. But a book about how to gain power and keep it. It was the one book that humans throughout in the later centuries would turn to.

No happiness. No warm and fuzzy pats on the back. No words of encouragement and definitely nothing about pleasantries. In politics, war and the greed for power will always end with one reigning champion and the latter disgraced, exiled, or left for dead.

Machiavelli took a step back and observed the warring states of Italy. He presented his findings to the person he felt held the most promise.

The book was utterly diabolical.
If you were a leader, scary decision-making left no room for emotion and sentimentality. You always did what you needed to do to survive in the world of wars and an insatiable thirst for power.
When you are fighting for survival, all ends do justify the means. The goal is survival.

I was surprised that this college even had the book. I thought the catholic churches banned it because of its context. The author was known to be 'The Devil' of the century.

It delivered on what it promises - how a person can gain and acquire power and keep it. Regardless of the ruthless actions necessary to maintain it.

At the end of the day, it is better to be feared than loved, if you can't have both. Cruelty, wickedness, immorality; all those things needed to achieve greatness... Could be found in these little pages. From a very twisted point of view.

There is no other way
to guard yourself
against flattery
then by making men understand
that telling you
the truth will not offend you.

I tucked the book into the pocket of my dress and wandered the aisles of books until the humans slowly made their way to the great library.

Alec and I slipped away into a hatch door, with him holding the Art of War in his palms like it was the greatest gift he had ever received. I smiled down at him knowing he was seriously going to enjoy it. It was indeed the 1700's

Remaining hidden in the shadows of the school, we were glad when the sun was hidden by the clouds in the evening to continue on our journey back home. Finally, outside the city of London, we found ourselves in Brighthelmstone, a fishing industry city. It was there we came across another immortal by the name of Alistair. The blonde hair man was a loner, preferring not to be bothered by any creature.

Yet he was kind to me and Alec, offering us shelter in his little cove in an abandoned building. Humans were very much aware of our kind and it was unsafe to be in the sewers. They didn't think about the dark buildings thinking us of more vile and filthy creatures of the night.

"Tis not much but it will do," Alistair sat down on a wooden stool, motioning us to sit with him. He was setting up a chess game. "Will you join me for a game Adelaide?"

"Sure," I agreed and he turned the board around so I could be white. I made the first move.

We chatted idly over the game with Alec reading the Art of war quietly in the corner. Sometime in the morning, Alistair motioned to Alec.

"The boy looks familiar."

"Oh?" I made another move on the board.

"I was wondering what became of the prince of the Volturi, tell me, sweet Adelaide... What are you doing with one-half of the witch twins?" Alistair grinned at me.

I glared harshly, Alec hissed, immediately taking his place behind me. I touched his wrist, a silent order to calm himself.

"Alec is my son, Alistair and I will not tolerate that horrible name for him or his sister." I moved another piece on the board. "As for me with Alec, that is no concern of yours."

"Your son?" Alistair took my rook. He looked interested in the term I used. "I was under the impression that the Twins lost their mother when they were human..."

I placed my bishop on the board, cornering his King. I smirked at the safety of my queen. Alistair looked at the board and then at me and back down.


"My god..." His eyes widened when I plucked the queen and placed it in the middle of the board, flanking them with two knights. Placed the King in front of the queen.

"Every great King... Alistair has an even better Queen who stands behind them."

Alistair stood up instantly. Eyeing me warily. I tilted my head to the side, not moving a muscle as frost took over the table and covered his entire game pieces leaving the white untouched.

He dropped to his knee, causing a crack in the wooden floorboards. "My queen... I did not mean to offend."

Alec crossed his arms, his eyes black and waiting for an order that would never come.

"Stand up Alistair, you're a friend. Not a subject." I waved my hand and the frost melted away. "You've provided us safety and for that, you are forgiven for your slander on my child."

Alistair sat back on his stool, glancing at Alec and then back to me.

"Where have you been all this time?" He asked lowly, timidly.

"I can not explain how it works, but I have the habit of hopping the timeline. Twice I've done it, and each time I've been emotional beyond sanity. Anger... Grief. Accidently brought Alec with me this time. Ended up here in England by mistake." I explained.

Alistair frowned. "You're a traveler? I thought that was a myth."

Apparently not," I shrugged. "It's rather a nuisance in my opinion. Not sure I care for the whole Houdini act."

"The who what?"

"He's yet to be born, It not important." I waved my hand. "Now... Would you care to accompany us back to Volterra?"

It was a brazen question and I saw the answer the moment I asked.

"As much as I love your enthralling company, Queen Adelaide... I do prefer my solitude. I will have to politely decline your offer but I wish you and Alec well on your travels."

"You're more than welcome to come to Volterra, you'll be treated kindly and with honor should you ever visit. I'll see to it." I smiled warmly at him. Alec placed his hand on my shoulder. Alistair returned the smile, his posture completely relaxed.

"Thank you."

The Sun was starting to go back down now and it was time to travel once more across the English Channel.
It was like a narrow arm of the Atlantic Ocean separating the southern coast of England from the northern coast of France. Alec remained close by.

"If you get a good start, there should be no need for swimming," Alec explained. "You must not decrease your speed or you shall sink."

"Are you seriously saying we can run across water?" I stared at him in disbelief. Who even is Jesus? Ha! Must have been an immortal too.

Alec grinned. "Come on!"

And then he ran, skimming across the water, silently. I giggled and chased after him. Keeping my speed, I was amazed by my feet making small splatters as if I were walking in puddles then on the deep waters of the channel. It was by far the coolest thing I have ever experienced as a vampire.

As soon as we crossed into the French Territory, Alec and I didn't stop until we reached Versailles. On the third day, we had to hide from the sun.

"It's okay Mother," Alec hugged me once we were settled in a barn. "Jane is not fast either."

Turns out I was a slow-ass vamp. On the bright side at least we'll be in Volterra tomorrow.

Travelling for three days and yet, our clothes held no dirt and were as clean and fresh looking as if we just put them on. I fixed my ringlets and retied my hair back with the black ribbon. We did change our shoes and stockings out for drier ones.

There was a loud crash from the farmhouse, screams and two young girls came barrelling out the back door screaming.

"Aidez nous!"

"Le Démon!"

Alec and I watched a man swoop down on one of the girls. Sinking his teeth into her neck making the other girl burst into tears. Alec ran out and slammed his mouth around her neck, silencing her. The man stood and snarled at Alec.

"Elle était à moi pour la tuer!" (She was mine to feed on)

"Vous n'étiez pas prudent dans votre chasse." (You were not being cautious with your hunting)

I stepped out into the field to examine the man. "Afton!" I exclaimed. He looked at me startled. He landed on the ground as I tackled him into a hug. For getting that he had absolutely no idea who the hell I was.

"Comment savez-vous qui je suis?" He didn't attack me. When I stepped away. My French was horrible so I looked to Alec.

"He wants to know how you know him."

"It's a long story," I said. Afton grinned.

"I speak ah... Bit... Of anglash." he held his fingers up and pressed them a little together. "Who ah my you be?"

"This is Alec, my son and I am Adelaide." I placed my hand on Alec. "Volturi."

Afton opened his mouth and pressed a hand on his chest, sweeping into a low bow with a childish grin. "Heureux de faire votre connaissance! Bienvenue en France!"

Alec laughed. Afton motioned to the house. "De Mun... Is... Ah bonked," he tapped his head. "Eat? You ah eat. Yes?"

"Thank you."

I followed him into the home and grabbed the man who was beginning to wake up. I finished him off quickly and Alec dug a hole in the backyard, to bury the bodies while I explained to Afton who I am and how I know him. He was very excited to meet Charmion or Chelsea as I am sure she goes by now.

He took the information in stride. Not really questioning it. His English wasn't very good but I suppose that was because he never had the means to learn it until Chelsea found him. Which she wasn't supposed to until the 1930s. I was pleased with myself for coming across him so early in the years. Afton and Chelsea were two of my closest friends. I missed Afton very much and missed how happy Chelsea was to have him.

It took no convincing to have him come to Volterra with us. He was only a few years old in his immortal life. His maker left him not long after creating him which was highly irresponsible. Alec said he would need to notify Aro of a vampire in France, creating newborns and not training them. Afton was surprisingly very calm for a newborn. He did not thirst as most do. He had control and his gift helped him hide from the humans who killed his brothers and sisters. He had been alone for the past year and was just happy to finally have company.

Alec changed his linen shirt and pulled his waistcoat and frock back on. The sun came through the windows and Afton sighed.

"We play a game? Yes?" He motioned to a wooden box with marbles. "Mancala?"

Alec shrugged. "Tu devras m'apprendre." (You'll have to show me how to play.)

We took turns playing the game for a while and then j went wandered up to the second floor of the farmhouse. A small porcelain doll caught my attention. She wore a sunflower yellow dress with a white bonnet. Her golden hair was silky and had the bluest eyes. I picked it up, running my finger across the glass rosy cheeks.

I didn't see a child here, only two young women and their father. I held the doll delicately under my arm. I think Jane would like it. I thought it resembled her part from the eyes.

I found a bag and placed the two books Alec and I found into it along with the doll. Someone in the home painted from what I could tell and another played the violin. I picked it up and brought it down the stairs and showed it to Alec.

"It would be a shame for it to go to waste. You should learn to play this." I held up the beautiful walnut violin. Alec stared at it confused.

"What is it?"

"Ah! Wondrous instrument!" Afton clapped his hands. "De best!"

"I can teach you," I offered. "I learned to play the Violin when I was eight. We've jumped at least 300 years, so there's a lot for you to catch up on."

Alec took the violin and I placed the coffin on the table.

"You'll teach me?"



The three of us crossed into Florence in the dead of night. The streets were practically empty. We didn't stop running until we got to the city gates of Volterra. I tossed the sunbonnet to the side and the shabby cloak I found in the farmhouse onto some random woman laying in the street sound asleep. Afton has changed his clothes out from some Paris seamstress to match Alec. He wanted to look his best to meet Chelsea. I thought it was rather sweet.

We walked silently and carefully through the narrow streets and towards the sundial tower.

I opened the wooden doors, and we slipped inside. Alec and Afton stayed behind me. With our heads held high, we inched closer to the winding staircase and made our way down. The torches cast a low glow around us, sending our shadows forward.


Marcus sat up on his throne. His eyes focused intensely on the golden bond and white string that grew thicker around him and his brothers.

"What is it?" Caius asked, not taking his eyes off Ares. The raven hair boy had his ringlets pulled back with an Emerald ribbon, don in his finest velvet silk frock. He was sparing with Demetri and Felix. Torsten and Renata were cheering him on. "Ares! You know better than that!" Caius interjected when Felix had him flat on his face.

Ares sat up. "Sorry, Father!"

"Try it again, You're doing well." Caius waved his hand and the sparring began again. "What do you see Marcus?"

"She's returned," Marcus calmly stated, smiling at the door. The sparring stopped instantly.

"Whose returned Papa?" Ares asked. Caius was pin straight on his throne. He knew it was a good day. He felt it. The pull. He thought he imagined it.

"Renata, Retrieve Aro from his study. Our queen has come home." Marcus stood up and walked gracefully towards Ares.

The young man of only 17 was having a hard time believing it. He's waited over 300 years for his mother and she's finally come home? She's finally here? Here... In Volterra?

Aro busted through the door, buttoning his velvety golden frock, and held his hand out to Marcus who happily placed his palm into his brother's waiting hand. Ares sat on Caius's armrest of his throne. The blonde king ran his fingers through the boy's curls.

Three footsteps sounded from the other side of the door. The kings and Ares stood in front of the throne. The golden bond was blazing now.

Athenodora took her place by Caius as she skidded into the room.

The doors opened...

Chapter 22

Chapter Text

Charmion who now gone by the name of Chelsea as one of her best friends and queen had called her numerous of times, had been with Corin in her room.

The addictive contentment of Corin's presence had caused Chelsea to have some withdrawal symptoms. She was not as happy as one would normally be if they were a daughter to Aro and a favorite. She normally received whatever her heart desired and she was grateful but... Watching Ares grow and helping Athenodora mother him through his mortal life and even into this immortal life left some sort of ache in her.

Corin offered her services to ease Chelsea's pain as she had done for Aro and Caius when they needed relief from the stressful duties as king. Caius however always dabbled in her addictive gift more often than not when he was just simply bored. Marcus never would accept Corin's gift, he much preferred to deal with his grief and stress on his own. Not that he had much of that in the last 300 years, Ares was his guiding light through the darkness. His little pride and joy.

"You can't stay in here forever," Corin rubbed Chelsea's back. It hurt Corin to see her sister grieving for something unknown to them both. Whatever it was, it was strong enough to leave an ache that could no longer be fulfilled by Demetri's company.

Corin was lucky to have Felix. It wasn't a true mate bond but a mate bond nonetheless and it was something they only thought about having together in the last thirty years. The dancing around one another for the last few centuries has finally come to this, this understanding. Neither one wanted to be lonely anymore.

"You have a duty, to protect Marcus," Corin continued. "He's been lenient with you, sea. You know eventually Aro is going to come for you regardless of Marcus's kindness."

Chelsea of course knew she was right but that still didn't mean she had the strength to come back. Something was missing, it's been missing for the last few years. She just couldn't put her finger on it.

"There is a reason you are Marcus's Personal guard, Sea." Corin tried again. "Your gift to create bonds and break them pair with his to see bonds are extremely compatible. You haven't been to a trail in months... You have to come out of hiding..."

"I am tired..." Chelsea muttered.

"You can't get tired," Corin scoffed. "You're a bloody vampire!"

"I am emotionally tired, Cori," Chelsea rubbed her forehead. "Please just leave me."

Corin stood and crossed her arms over her chest. She took one last pitiful look at her sister and then left the room. As she was leaving, she saw Athenodora zip down the corridor faster than she ever saw the woman run. Curiosity sunk into her and she followed after her to the throne room.

The moment she slipped into the room, she found the Kings, the prince, and Athenodora standing in the center of the room, staring at the double-carved doors as if they were waiting for someone. Demetri and Felix wore a sh*t-eating grin, Renata stayed close behind Aro, with her hand on his shoulder as if he endangered being hurt. Torsten stood close to Caius, crouching at the sound of three pairs of footsteps.

Corin immediately fluttered to Marcus's side. She was not much of a fighter but if her sister couldn't do her job then she will have to try. Marcus smiled at her briefly, then looked back at the door as it opened.

Alec stepped through the door for the very first time in years. Donned in Navy blue velvet attire of the century, golden and rosy embellishments lined the trimmings of his frock. He was a boy again, not the mature version of himself that almost killed him. Childish cheeks wore a smile that had Corin breaking away from her hold on Marcus and rushing to him with a cry. He grunted at her collision with him. He held her just as tight and then let her go to go directly to Aro. The raven hair king held Alec's head to his chest, his face covered from where he laid his cheek on the top of his head. Holding him, shielding him from the world.

To Alec, he's only been gone three days, it was normal to leave the castle for days or even weeks at a time but to Aro... It's been hell to lose one of his children to time. hundreds of years without his first son and having to witness the unbearable agony of his daughter's loss of her brother, had only made it much worse.

Jane had not been the same. She was colder, quieter, and distant and only Ares could bring about some peace for her. She couldn't make her baby brother grieve with her. That was too selfish of her.

"I have missed you," Aro whispered.

Alec hugged him tighter after hearing the pain in his voice. He was pulled away by Caius rather roughly. The angry king squeezed his head so tight superficial cracks formed on Alec's cheeks.

"Don't ever leave us again!"

Marcus gently tugged Alec from Caius's raging emotions, to embrace him. "Careful Caius... You'll break the boy."

Caius huffed and then looked at Ares who was practically eye level with him. "Ares, meet your brother Alec."

Alec twisted around so quickly that he almost gave himself blurry vision for the first time as a vampire. The young man that held an impressive stance, puffed chest, and bulging muscles, was too tall too bulky, about 6' or maybe more. He had long raven ringlets that were just as wild and untameable as their mother's and cold steely grey eyes that pierced Alec's soul. He was not as pale as the others, having an olive complexion but that couldn't be possible... Alec looked closer at the grey irises and noticed the swirling crimson red like a raging sea crashing against the white specks.

"I'm a shadow summoner, I can mask my vampirism." Ares gave a co*cky smirk down at Alec. Towering over him intimidatingly.

Alec rose his eyes brows. "I am older than you, are you trying to scare me?"

Ares gave a boisterous laugh and grabbed Alec, clapping him on the back. "I would never! We're family!"

Alec grunted from the brute force of Ares's smack. Clearly, the boy was trained up to be a fighter before he was changed. Probably Caius's doing.

Alec pushed himself away from Ares with little difficulty and turned to the open doors. The Kings and Ares stood more to attention, they didn't forget they were just caught up in the emotion of having Alec back.

"Where is your mother?" Marcus asked. Forlorn to see that she had not shown her beautiful essence to them.

"She needed to do something first," Alec smiled lightly. "She'll be here soon."

"What can be more important than us?" Caius looked put out. He had trouble believing Adelaide would put them off any longer than she already had by taking forever to return to them.

"On our journey, we found Char-- Chelsea's Mate. He's come back with us and mother wishes to present him to her first."

"How wonderful!" Aro held his chest in a praying manner. "Surely dear Chelsea will be in better spirits now! The poor dear... Has been very dearie as of late."

Corin was beaming again, she and Athenodora held hands. This was great news.

Adelaide wanted to return to the Kings of course but she felt this was important for Chelsea. She needed her friend to know that her mate was here and to come out of hiding. Chelsea would have been in the throne room for her return. She would have not missed this for the world.

Afton kept himself invisible and followed obediently behind her, letting her hold his wrist and drag him down the corridor.

Adelaide wanted to look at Ares and see how grown he was but forced herself to remain behind the doors, she only looked at Marcus and saw Corin there instead of Chelsea. It's how she knew something was wrong.

She knocked on the door.

"Go away, Cori! I wish not to be disturbed!" Chelsea snapped.

Adelaide wasn't having this. She slammed the door open and yanked Afton through it. Slamming it shut. Chelsea was up in the instant. Her cloak fell and allowed Chelsea to see her.

"Addie!" Chelsea dry sobbed, flinging herself at her lost best friend.

Adelaide held on to her. Soothing her bronze hair. "You're here!" Chelsea held on tighter.

"I'm here," Adelaide whispered, holding on to the distraught woman. Time had not been kind to her friend. For someone who was frozen in time, Chelsea looked positively exhausted and hadn't been feeding regularly. She had purple under her eyes, her eyes black as night, and devilish hair and attire.

"Chelsea..." Adelaide held her back. She glanced to where Afton was hiding. He thought he saw such beauty in his entire life. She was marvelous even if she looked like sewer trash.

"I brought you someone," Adelaide, brushed her hair back. "Afton, you can reveal yourself now."

Chelsea's world fell into the place the moment she met the eyes of her true mate. All the wrong suddenly felt right. All her sorrows melted away and in the dark, the light flicked on. Adelaide let herself out. Feeling much better now that was all out of the way. She could return to her family now.

Walking at an elegant human pace from the guard's quarters, she turned the corner towards the main hall. She felt the forceful tug of her mates coming from the throne room. Ruffling the skirts of her dress, she took a calming breath and held her head high. Hands clasped in front of her and made her way to the open doors.

All eyes snapped to attention at the entrance of the room. There in all her glory, in the lovely shade of red, lace and silk was Adelaide. Like a dark angel... Her curls were just as luxurious and ferocious as they remembered them to be. Deep burgundy red eyes bore into theirs. She stood regal and expectedly in the doorway. Her ruby lips pulled in a half smirk, daring one of them to acknowledge her.

The Kings stood dumbfounded. Rooted to their spots.

Ares walked towards them, Adelaide felt an ache in her chest, swelled with pride. May how her baby boy grew into a young man. He loomed over her and carried the air of someone who knew they had power. Traits he only got from his fathers. He was stout and handsome. A warrior... A heartbreaker.

"My son," Adelaide placed her palm upon his razor-sharp jaw. "Look at you..."

Ares leaned into her palm, holding his hand over hers. He's waited his whole life for this moment. Caius's paintings of his mother did not give her beauty justice.

"Hello Momma," He closed his eyes. Enjoying the feel of her delicate arms wrapped around his waist and embracing him for the very first time. All his daydreams never upheld the sentiment of this moment. This was much better than he ever imagined.

Adelaide clutched his cheeks in her hands. "You're gifted?" She asked, boring into those incredibly unique eyes. Red and grey. It was marvelous.

"Shadow Summoner." Ares nodded his head. "I can hide like you and move shadows but not the way you can. Mine is a defensive talent. Shadows are weaponized by my hand," He held his hand up and drawled the shadow from the corridor into his palm and shaping it into a small dagger.

Adelaide touched the shadowed dagger, it glitched under her finger, turning to frost and hardening like stone.

"Wicked," Ares grinned lopsidedly.

Adelaide picked up the dagger and then flung it far across the room with the brute force of her wind. It caused a massive and vociferous crack in the elegant marble before evaporating altogether as if it was never there.

"Fascinating," Aro hissed.

The spell was broken.

Adelaide looked right at him. Her gaze shifted to the other two and a lurch in her chest had her in their arms. Wrapped in the safety of their Embrace. The three kings placed kisses across her face, neck, and shoulders.

"Mio Amore,"

"Cara Mia,"


Their words clashed together their faces nuzzled into her neck. Holding her in place. Adelaide was well aware of the pain they were in. She could feel it in the bond. Apart from Aro whom she never truly had the chance to complete the bond. She could still feel his sorrow but it wasn't as strong as it was with Marcus and Caius. Their agony and elation of having her back was making her body have a strange battle of tug-O-war. The bond was flipping her focus around. Becoming a little overwhelming for her.

Marcus was the first to notice the inner turmoil she was beginning to have and pressed his brothers away from her just slightly. Enough to make them blink back their need to touch and cherish, to claim...

Adelaide pressed a hand to her stomach and chest keeping her eyes closed until it cleared and the tug relaxed back into a slight tremor.

"I'm sorry my loves," She whispered. "But three mate bonds clashing with one another is a lot for a newborn to handle."

Recognition filtered crossed them and guilt settled in. It hadn't occurred to them though she was gone from them for years that no time passed for her the way it did them. She was only two months into her vampirism. And she had made a long journey from a small village in England and across Europe to return to them in three days without losing her control.

Pride swelled in their chests for their little mate. She was so much stronger than they gave her credit for.

"Forgive us, sweetheart," Marcus spoke first. "We did not think--"

Adelaide pressed her finger to his lips. "It is alright, Marcus. I understand perfectly."

Marcus held her hand to his chest while Caius snaked his arms around her waist from behind her. He hunched over her form, laying his cheek on the top of her head. Aro took to holding her other hand.

"I feel immensely offended," Demetri muttered.

"c*nt," Felix snarked under his breath at Demetri. The elegant blonde gasped dramatically.

"She is my sister! She has wounded me vastly! I feel as if I shall never recover from such blatant BETRAYAL! It is she who is the c*nt."

As soon as the last word fell from his lips, Felix slammed his hand over his mouth with wide eyes.

"He was only joking!"

It was too late, Caius had already wrapped his hand around Demetri's throat and popped his head like a pop-it.

Adelaide covered her mouth in horror. "Caius! My god! You can't just go away and rip people's heads off! Crazy!"

The angry king wasn't at all remorseful. Ares caught his uncle's head before it fell to the ground. He grimaced at it.

"Don't worry momma... This is tradition."

"Tradition!" Adelaide smacked Caius on the side of his face so hard it caused a large crack to run from the temple to his chest. "Caius!"

His black gaze zoned in on Adelaide, heatedly and full of carnal desire.

"Put him back together Ares..." Caius growled. He grabbed Adelaide by the nape of her neck and had her bent over like a dog. "No one is to disturb us."

Adelaide swallowed thickly. Aro tried to ease Caius' anger toward Adelaide, it fell on deaf ears as he dragged her to their chambers.

There was a weird twisting on her bond to Caius that had Adelaide feeling very displaced. From the looks on Marcus' face, she knew that he was aware of what Caius was doing. He shoved her to the center of the room. Already removing his coat and shirt. Standing before her bare-chested. She crawled backward on her hands.

"You will do well to remember who is in charge, Cara..." Caius hissed. He was wrapping a leather strap around his pale fist.

"You did rip his head off, Brother," Aro said quietly. "Perhaps this isn't... Needed."

"Aro," Marcus grounded out with eyes just as black as Caius's. "She needs to be reminded how one treats their counterpart."

Aro sighed. "Very well."

Well sh*t... Adelaide thought. She barely got to her knees before Caius had her kneeling before her and her face in his palm.

There was a painful twist in her chest. Enough to make her dry sob. She could feel Caius's deep seeded anger towards her for having hit him. For humiliating him in front of the coven. It was a dark void of anguish, tearing through every single nerve in her body.

"Have you learned your lesson, love?" Caius growled. His nails bit into her marble flesh. Adelaide nodded her head quickly. Wanting the pain to stop right this instant.

He released his painful grip on her chin and fell to his knees before her, kissing her cheeks and nuzzling her neck with soft words of adoration. Adelaide collapsed in his hold wanting his forgiveness more than anything.

"We should not use the bond against her," Aro hissed. "It is not right."

"It is necessary," Marcus muttered. He agreed with Aro to an extent but Adelaide did hit Caius in front of the coven. In front of their sons. Over Caius's protection on her nonetheless. She had completely ignored and belittled his love for her by doing so. This was a harsh lesson for their reunion but it was needed. Actions like that will not be tolerated.

Caius captured Adelaide's lips with his. She melted into him instantly. Even if her mind was screaming what he had done to her was not acceptable. The bond made her want to comfort him and seek his forgiveness.

He had rid of her gown and lay against the soft rug of the study.

Marcus and Aro sat in their chairs, watching Caius ravage their mate. Healing the pain they felt coming off her for having the bond manipulated. Neither party was keen to experience it ever again.

That was mistake number one. Adelaide was not as forgiving as they assumed. Kisses and sensual touches could not remedy the pain she just endured.

Love should not make you feel like walking on eggshells. If it is destroying, it is not love. Sooner or later, they will have to sit at their table of consequences, and damn does those tables turn.

God save the King who scorned his Queen.

Chapter 23

Chapter Text

Once the Caius and Marcus left me to redress. Aro refused to leave me. He seemed so out of place. Standing there, watching me pick through several gowns he had bought for me through the changing centuries. He said he was always trying to be prepared for when I came back home to him. It warmed my chest with so much love for the exuberant man. I did notice his worry for me, his pleas, and how he was outvoted by his brothers.

Aro had claimed his throne in my soul, claimed the gateway ticket to know everything, my thoughts, my feelings, my moves before I would make them. He would be the one I would turn to for every single thing. He doesn't even realize what he had done by wanting to protect my heart from hurt. He left that dominating woman values, body, mind, and soul and having the right to dictate my person in the past.

Perhaps it's because he was able to see my thoughts when I appeared to them in 1315. Perhaps it's because he knew me better than Caius and Marcus combined. He knew that manipulating our bond would do more damage than just yelling at me.

Yes, I let Caius try and make it better but sex does not heal. How could it possibly heal? No, I shouldn't have let my newborn emotions push me to the edge to become violent with him.

I am not a violent person. I do not care for it. Communication is key. It is the proper way to express emotions and yet my heightened emotions got the best of me. Surely Caius and Marcus could have understood that. Surely it was not just Aro who realized that was not me.

"Mio Amore..." Aro held his hand up and placed it back to his chest. I could see he wanted to touch me.

With the slip now on, I walked over to him and grasped his palm between mine. I brought his knuckles to my lips and kissed them. Looking into his eyes, they were black and full of venom he could never shed.

"I know," I whispered. Kissing his knuckles once more. I held the palm to my cheek, leaning into it. "I know, my love."

"They should have not done that to you," He sighed. Yanking me to his chest. He dipped his head to kiss my hair. "You are still a newborn."

"Do not stress, Caro. I will heal in time--"

"You should not require healing at all, Adelaide! They should have not done that to you and think sex could ever make it right! You can say no, you do not need to let it happen. You can say no." His voice cracked. Holding my chin tightly, he forced me to look at him.

He saw right through me, his gift allowed him to know now that Caius didn't heal but dug up a very bad night of my human life. The very same night that brought Ares to existence. Caius would never forgive himself should he find out what he has mentally done to me only moments after it happened.

"Don't tell them." The venom building in the back of my throat caused it to fill like I was being sliced open.

Aro looked down at me with so much concern. I could see the emotions swirling in his now milky red gaze. He couldn't possibly understand why I don't want Caius and Marcus to understand. Why I don't want to ever know the pain they brought me.

"They will feel it, Adelaide. You've completed the mating bond with them. They are more in tune with your emotions and what your body needs than I. I am only given the opportunity to know because you keep your shield down for me long enough to know."

He kneeled before me in the closet. His hands fell to my wrists. "I would love nothing more than to show you my unyielding and undying love for you. To caress this skin and make sweet slow and raw love to you but I shall never touch you that way until you have healed from this night. Until you are healed from what that foul horrid mortal did to you."

He stood up, holding my hands now. "My brothers will know, and you need to tell them because if I do, Gattina. I will destroy them."

I pulled on his tunic to kiss me. It was soft, slow and clearly, Aro was holding back.

"Only gentle, Cara Mia. Only gentle," He whispered.

Grabbing a simple dress from where it hung, he pulled it over my head and helped me into it. Tightening the built-in corset. He kicked the heels from me.

"Go barefoot, love. Feel the stone beneath your feet and harmonize with the earth. It's the only way you can adjust to your unstable traveling talent." He took my hand, holding it as he led me out of the room and into the corridors. He did not let go until we were in front of Jane's room.

He knocked on the door and opened it. Jane was sitting on her balcony, sparkling in the sun. She no longer wore beautiful colors. She was in a black dress. Barefoot and hair down. The golden waves blow gently in the breeze.

When she turned to look at us, her eyes lit up just a little but dulled right away again.

"Jane?" I let go of Aro's hand and walked to her. Placing my hands on her shoulders.

"Please do not touch me, Queen Adelaide."

It felt as if I had been stung. Slapped in the face and cracked into a million pieces. Jane was void of emotion. So distant in herself that I was strongly reminded of the paintings I saw of her and Alec back in my time. It felt so long ago. It was strange. I had grown to the girlish and childish version of herself.

I didn't like this Jane. The product of my hurting her. Taking her brother away and leaving her alone. I covered my mouth and stepped away from her, turning my cheek.

"Jane, you can not stay angry forever, child. Please. Come out of this room and see your mother and brother." Aro placed his hand on her shoulder. She placed hers over top of it. Refusing to use her words.

Aro sighed heavily. Swiping her cheek with his other hand, pressing her head to rest against him.

"She will gain control of her gift. She didn't mean to leave you. To leave any of us." He looked at me. "She loves you very much. Do not assume so ill of yourself."

He glanced down at her. And nodded for me to come closer.

Hesitantly, I wrapped my arms around them both. Encasing Jane between us, she was immediately tense, and then she began to tremble. Within a blink of an eye. Jane was dry sobbing. Clutching me against her, cracks began to form around my neck and face.

I held a hand to Aro not to pull her away. I could handle the painful grip because it was nothing compared to what my sweet Jane had to endure.

"Momma!" Jane gasped. "Please don't leave me ever again! Please!"

"Oh, Jane... No baby... I will try. I promise. I will try not to do this to you ever again." I held her to me. The crack snapped further into my cheek, and to my neck. I swallowed thickly from the pain.

"Jane you're hurting her," Aro had reigned his anger and choked back the venom. He even kept his hands to himself with was a huge accomplishment.

Jane loosened her grip reluctantly. She did not let go entirely.

I clasped her cheek. "Sweet Jane... Do not let your pain and sorrow change you. I promise I will learn to gain control. Would you like to help me? That way if I accidentally turn time again, you might be with me and Alec."

"Please! Please..." She said more gently.

"Why would Alec need?" Aro trailed off. "The black frost..."

"Alec's forever changed. Look at his fingers. My frost, the time... It's embedded in his gift. He will not be using it until we know what exactly happened to him." I kept my arm around Jane as I turned to face him completely.

"I made Alec human again. It's how I fixed him. I don't know if you could say I sired him like you have done, Aro but I changed him back. My venom runs through his veins just as yours did. I think my gift amplified his in a way..."

"Remarkable..." He hummed in a prayer. "Truly, Remarkable that you are, Mio Amore."

"Is Alec a newborn again?" Jane scrunched her face.

"No, he's not had any difficulties. He's just as he was before apart from the frosted fingers. Would you like to see him?" I brushed her cheekbone.

She nodded.

"Want me to come?"

"No, I need... I need to do this on my own." She jumped off the balcony. Pausing at the door with a sour expression.

"Please don't have sex in my room."

I busted into a fit of giggles with Aro as she disappeared. He put his arm around my waist and led me from the room.

"La mia familial is finally complete." He hummed, pressing a kiss to my temple. "Come I wish to show you something. I think it's time."

Aro took me to his study. He moved a tapestry out of the way and plucked a portrait from the wall. He sat it gently on his desk so I could examine it.

A young girl around 16 or 17 years of age with Raven ringlets and a violent shade of red ruby eyes stared at me with plumpy lips on childish cheeks.

She looked just like Aro.

"I had a sister, She was very beautiful and always seemed to find the good in everything... Even with society." Aro began softly. Coming to wrap his arms around my shoulders.

"I was twelve years old when my mother had her. This bright blue-eyed little girl. She had me wrapped around her finger. I would have done anything for her.
But my father had shamed our family and built debts from gambling. He traded me, his only son to pay those debts. I was to be sent to fight in the wars. Leaving my sister behind was the worst feeling I ever had to bear as a human."

I turned to face him. He was smiling sadly at me. I waited for him to continue.

"Instead of dying on the battlefield when I realized we were losing, I fled like a coward. I was only 13 when they put me in battle. Just a young boy. 12 long brutal years later... I knew I couldn't return home. On my journey trying to flee Greece... I ran across a strange man. He had been watching me for weeks, following me, and found my persuasive influence to be rather intriguing."

I had a horrible feeling settle in my gut.

"He offered me a deal. Serve him twelve full moons, for any wish I wanted. Except the only thing I wanted was my sister and he agreed to help me get her out of Greece.

"He turned me into a vampire. After a year I realized how difficult it was and was too afraid to go back for her. So I continued to serve my creator until he no longer had a use for me and encouraged me to go on my own after training me and helping my tactile gift improve.

"My sister was now 16 years old and I had excellent control. I went back for her. I had hope that perhaps she would have a gift similar to my own... This is when I concluded that gifts are created from our strongest human traits. Where I have loved knowledge... Greedy for it even, my sister was always happy.

"Her gift was
simply to make those around her incredibly happy. Many people fell at her feet, loving and adoring her without much thought. It was a powerful gift, to be adored so strongly that these people would willingly die for her.

"The aura of happiness was a drug and so many people craved it... And I even craved her happiness. To see her happy brought me immeasurable joy. As a brother, my only duty was to protect and love her..."

Aro frowned, venom welled in his eyes. He did not look at me but past me. He couldn't even look at the portrait. Staring into the distance. I grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at me.

"Aro..." I whispered. "What is it?"

"I failed..." his voice cracked and then he folded into me, his head on my chest, clinging to me as if his life depended on it.

I knew what heartbreak was in losing a loved one. I knew the pain it brought to lose a person but I did not understand the pain of losing a sibling. Losing a sister...

Aro dry sobbed against my gown, shaking and clutching to me it tore me to shreds. Venom welled in my own eyes at the sight, hearing his raspy dry sobs and choked breaths ripped into my heart and tattered against my soul.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed the top of his head. My poor love... My broken king...

"Aro... You can not expect to do everything..." I whispered against his hair.

"We were ambushed-- Dora and Didyme got separated." He choked again. "When Caius and I got to the room they were supposed to be in... Only Dora was there... I went to search for Didyme... Checking every nook and cranny of the castle, but when I found her she... She had been tarnished..."

Tarnished. She was being tarnished.

Venom burned in my throat at the hidden meaning of his words.

The horrors of my experience had been shoved to the forefront of my mind once more. His grip tightened on me. He saw it in my memories. Saw how Ares came to be. I only tightened my hold back and kissed his head.

"It was not your fault Aro."

Aro sat up and laid his head on my shoulder, intertwining our fingers. "In my attempts to kill the vampire... He had been able to trot me. Another came in my distraction, they had burnt my fragile sister to ash. Caius and Marcus found me huddled next to her ashes when the day broke. That was the day Marcus had gone from us, shutting himself from the world and hiding in his misery."


"Was Marcus's best friend..." Aro said gently

For some reason, I struggled to put the notion away that Aro had meant to add something else to that sentence but I trusted that my mates would always tell me the things I needed to know.

"It's not your fault, Aro," and even as I said the words... I struggled to believe them.

Because I struggled to believe a lonesome vampire could get the best of Aro even more so of two getting the best of him. He was an excellent fighter... And he was one of the ancients.

Aro did not speak anymore of his sister to me since that night and I would never mention them to Marcus. The things Aro had told me... With respect for them, I let the past stay in the past.

And in the past, it stayed until the dreadful night of the anniversary of Didyme was only days away. Athenodora had shared her version of that night with me as her grief for a lost sister troubled her. She had shared a selfish wish of her own in the sworn notion of a pinky promise that the wish would never meet the King's ears.

She had wished she had my gift to turn back time and retrieve her sister before her untimely death. And I knowing Aro's grief, his sorrows, and wrongful guilt... Had entertained my own wish.


"Chelsea," I knocked on her and Afton's bedroom door. She swung it open and yanked me inside. Slamming it shut behind her.

"I'm so glad you came! I thought you would spend all day with Demetri!"

"I would have, but he's not woken up yet." I crossed my arms. "But I missed you too. I've been just trying to give you space with your mate."

Afton waved at me from where he was lounging on their bed. Shirtless and practically nude. The sheet was keeping his bit private.

"You could have put on some trousers," I laughed. He pressed two fingers to his eyebrow and saluted me.

"Why would I? It iz not as if ou haven't zeen me in de nude, my Regina."

"Wait... What?" Chelsea grinned. "Tell me!"

Afton groaned. "It is when we were in Parigi.--"

"Human girls stormed his dressing stable to get a peek of your mate. I dragged him out naked and forced clothes on him because of the attention it was drawing." I finished for him. Chelsea giggled and launched herself next to him on the bed, curling into his side.

"On to why I am here," I sat down by her feet. "I wish for you to tell me what you know of Didyme."

Her mouth popped open... "Uhh... What do you already know?"

"She's Aro's sister. She was Marcus's best friend. They met when Aro brought her to join him and Marcus in forming the Volturi. She had many admirers. Aro's ambition for domination of the vampire world and Caius's need to wipe out an entire race of werewolves
caused them to have enemies who were able to get into the castle a thousand years later, she was a causality... Marcus grew sad and shut down because of it."

She looked conflicted and then sighed heavily. "Master Aro had me use my gift to strengthen his bonds to the coven after Didyme died. He was debilitated by her death... became suicidal. She was his closest companion. Her happiness had merged with his own as many vampires fell victim to the gift. It was only after she died did we realize how dangerous it was to be exposed to it for a lengthy amount of time.

"I had been exposed to her gift for only a short period. Only a few years. Master Marcus had been exposed to it for a thousand. He spent almost every single second of every day with her. He was the most affected and therefore hit the hardest by the loss. Even Master Aro who is her brother could not grasp why Master Marcus was completely destroyed until it clicked. Her gift was extremely dangerous, I don't think she even knew what she was doing when she used it.

"After examining the effects of her gift, Corin had gone through terrible lessons in controlling her own gift. It's why she likes to stay away from most of us for a few days. She doesn't want a repeat of what happened to Master Marcus."

I took in that information and let it roll around my head for the next few days. Dodging Caius and Marcus at all costs. Aro could not read my thoughts as I kept my mind guarded against him. He didn't like that but he didn't ask about it. Only that he hopes I would open my mind to him.

I trained very hard with the twins and Demetri when he was back up and moving about again. Felix, Nikola, and Renata even joined us a few times. Torsten only watched from the edge with Lyrica. Neither one was brave enough to get near me after my disappearance with Alec.

We discovered that Alec's gift was no more a simple black mist. It now simmered with frost, a tall tale of him being touched by time. It was even more deadly. A prisoner had been a test dummy to the newfound power. Not only was his senses taken, but he had been expanded apart. Slowly turning to dust. The frost didn't spread as fast as mine did nor could they truly die. They only lost the parts of themselves that used the five senses.

It was incredibly perilous.

With my own gift, I was finally able to see flickers of the past in my mind by using the wind to create a tiny window only I could see through. For the time being, I could only look in the past and if I focused hard enough I could focus on one person or even an object and find them in the present.

This is how Santiago was reunited with his favorite strip of cloth for his dreads. Much to Renata's disappointment, she had been the one to hide it deep in the castle a hundred years ago.

I worked very hard, every single day. The Kings chose to leave me alone at my request. Aro only came to see me in secret when he came to the tower where I was staying with Athenodora.

She kept her lips sealed from Caius and Ares was pretty good at keeping his mouth closed from the other kings. He even led them away from me if they got too close.

Turns out Ares was just as upset with them as I was. He told me about his human love, Lucia, and how he wished he could have changed her but he never once requested I attempt to go back for her.

He couldn't take an angel from heaven. His love for her would remain eternal. He had come to terms with her death through his Sister's Jane help. Now that he had Alec too, he was fine now but he was pretty set that no amount of time could make up for the lost time he was supposed to have with his mother.

He hardly ever left my side and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Surrounded by my children, my sister Dora, my brothers, and Aro's support.

I just wish I could find it in me to let go of my anger towards the other two kings then again... I truly wanted to return the favor to my darling mates.

Chapter 24


Sorry! Sorry! It's been hotter than Dantes Inferno here in Italy and I just hadn't been able to write but here we go! 🤺

Prepare yourselves, it's a doozy.😌

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Tesoro," Marcus stopped behind me. Placing his hand on my shoulder. I sighed. "You've been avoiding me."

I placed the large book back on the table and turned around to face him. Ares, Jane, and Alec stood up from the sofa, each looking at me.

"You may leave children. Papa and I need to talk." I made eye contact with Marcus. He looked over his shoulder slightly, watching them leave. I slipped under his arm and gracefully sat on Aro's armchair. Crossing my legs, I placed my hands on my lap and watched him.

"Sit down, Marcus." It was an order.

The lonesome, lonely king who made room for himself in my heart looked just as broken as he was when I was human. My ignoring him was taking a rather large toll on him, I included but it was easily fixed with Aro's extra cuddles and sweet kisses.

He sat down across from me. I did not get comfortable. Flaring out my green dress a little, I smoothed down the fabric.

"If you ever used the bond on me again..." I began. He opened his mouth and wind blasted his face without me ever having to move my hands.

"I am speaking," I said calmly. He leaned back on the armchair and kept still.

"If you ever use the bond on me again in the way Caius did, I am more than willing to spend a century not talking, not looking --" My voice slipped down into a low hiss. Marcus's eyes turned black. "Not touching. You can spend a century watching your brothers make love to me, hold me, caress me and you will never be allowed to whisper in my ear again."

It was a little harsh but I had a point to make. I stood up and he watched me warily. "I am not just your mate. I am a woman of the 21st century. I am not your property, I am your equal. Women from where I come from are powerhouses. We do not take your masculine misogyny ideology easily. Get your head out of your ass and not time listen to the f*cking man who knows my mind, my horrors, and my desires when he tells you not to do something when involving me.

"I think we're done speaking, Marcus. I have training to attend and you and Caius will stay away from me until I come to you. Is that understood?" I placed my hands behind my back. He looked as if he desperately wanted to reach out to me.

He nodded once. I sped from the room faster than I could and for a slow vampire, it was considered hasty.

Lyrica, Torsten, and Nikola were leaning against the wall when I came into the room. A few short seconds later, Ares and Alec appeared. Today Ares and I were going to train together. Figure out how far our gift works when clashing.

"Alright, Lyrica. Use your ropes to insure nothing gets to this half of the room but be wary."

"Yes, Addie."

As soon Lyrica got in place. Ares was already standing there shirtless showing off the same glimmering that adorned Torsten's face and body. I touched one on his chest.

"If I had known my son was going to grow and be some macho, leather-clad, tattoo war gifted man I would have tried to birth you in the dark ages," I joked. "You're going to love the 80's and 90's."

He grinned at me. "I take after my father and papa..." He was referring to Caius and Marcus. Both of them were a huge influence on Ares from what I could see. Though his style was more up Caius's alley. A whole hell of a lot of leather.

Shaking my head at him, I kissed his cheek and rotated my hands, forming a ball of glittering dust. I looked into the window, focusing on Felix. I could see him moving around his room. A book was held in the air as he practiced speaking, though there was no sound. I scrunched my eyebrows together. Watching his mouth move, picturing his voice until I caught the static sound, and then he sounded distorted and then underwater. His voice wasn't very loud but I understood he was studying German.

I motioned to Ares. He grabbed the shadows from all corners of the room, waving his hands around, he formed a bow and three shadowed waving arrows.

Holding my hand out in front of the pathway for the arrows, glimmering vines twisted across the track.

Ares places the arrows on the bow. They wavered in the air, before drifting back into place. Seeing his gift was like watching black water on a shore. It would leave only to descend again.

"Release," I demanded.

The arrows shot through the vines, turning slowly to ice and glittering like a million diamonds as they formed into a solid. The arrows went through the window I had made and shot past Felix's head.

The giant man dropped his book and growled, facing the iced arrows that embedded into his wall. He turned to look at the way the arrows came from as if he could see us. He roared.

"ADELAIDE! ARES!" He roar could be heard from the other side of the castle. We all faced the door and waited for him to bust through.

In seconds he was there, breathing hard and then he pounced. I crackled as he swiped to get me only to slip under his legs and kick him hard in the back, sending him flying to the other side of the room.

Ares formed several more arrows and shot them at him, making his body crack. He threw the shadowed objects into the air and before they could disappear I wrapped my vines around them and snapped them up.

They were light as a feather, glinting and sturdy. I placed an arrow to it and eyed the wrestling brutes as they snarled and laughed. Closing one eye, I aimed, sending an iced arrow soaring through the air. It shot between them, and using my wind, it blasted them apart to both ends of the room.

The castle shook from the force. Making us wobble for a second.

The chandelier trembled, the diamonds clanking in the hall. Aro looked up at it and grabbed ahold of the wall as he was thrown off balance for a second. Marcus and Caius repeated the action, each of them glancing at each other.

"Adelaide..." They said in unison.

"Ares Gift is very compatible with hers." Aro had a bit more pep in his step. He was very encouraging to them in training together and developing their gifts.

"I do not think we have the funds to fix the damage in the training room," Caius murmured. "Her wind sweeping force and her looking glass talent--- f*ck!"

They had ducked in time to the flying arrows that shot past their head. Tinkling bell-like laughter wafted from all around them. They looked up to see Adelaide wiggling her fingers at them from the end of the hall before the looking glass faded from view.

"How wonderful! Her gift is improving!" Aro clapped his hands.

Caius scoffed. "She could have killed us!"

Marcus tsked. "She was only meaning to maim or seriously injure, Caius. Not kill us."

He huffed and crossed his arms. He wanted to love on her but here she was sending arrows or daggers through her glass and at them. For three weeks now she had been catching them off guard with her insane talent. Every time he tried to get her she had known and moved at the last second.

"Do you think she is beginning to glimpse into the future?" He voiced his thought. Aro rubbed his chin.

"She might, she's gotten good at seeing our movements before we made them. Just last night she had gotten a punch in on Demetri when he appeared behind her. We were all very surprised by how quick she had gotten him." He grinned childishly. "Wouldn't that be something!"

Caius and Marcus both shared a look when Aro wasn't looking. Here we go again...


It had been peaceful for quite some time but word had spread from England of another plague making its way across the country. Crops were failing. Humans starving once more.

I couldn't recall a plague in the 1720s that happened. Not a single one. When Aro asked me about it and I shared my thoughts he was just as surprised as I was. They had barely made dew in the 1315- the 1400s due to crop failure from bad weather and then the black death. Now we were facing another crisis.

None of it made much sense. I sat and wracked my brain, trying very hard to remember if something happened in England but it was blank. We just had to hope that whatever caused the bad weather in England didn't affect us here.

The only problem was we did not have to wait much longer for the peace to come crashing down. Spain was at war. Someone was creating newborns. Making an army out of them and the country was existing in terror. Rumors spread of demons in the night. Vicious monsters of hell.

The mid guard we sent out to scope the situation which consisted of Nikola, Torsten, Lyrica, and three others accompanied by Demetri and Felix, had yet to return. It was days before Lyrica finally came back with worry and laced fear.

The situation was much worse and it was deemed the full control of the Volturi intervening. Caius was excited at the prospect of another war. Aro had me and Ares training extra harder as we would be going with the Elite Guard and the Kings. Athenodora was just as excited at Caius. The two of them trained just as hard as our son and I did.

Thankfully the newborn wars in Spain had distracted Caius enough from our mate's problems and Marcus only spoke to me, keeping his distance as he did so when we discussed my personal guard situation.

We had chosen to have Lyrica stay by my side as the elite guard needed to focus more on containing the situation than protecting me. Jane and Alec didn't want to leave my side but eventually, I got them to trust Lyrica's gift and her loyalty to me enough to calm them down.

A small temporary queen's guard consisting of a few gifted vampires was dispatched to keep any newborn from getting too close to me while Lyrica's job was to get ahold of any newborn before they broke the line. I was not yet a good fighter for combat but my gift will be most handy used from a distance. Ares would remain at my side unless he was absolutely needed.

When we arrived in Spain, Renata had been attached to Aro's back like a second skin. She was full of worry just as much as I was.

I grabbed his hand and held my hand to his face before he could leave. He stared down lovingly at me when I dropped my guard so he could see my thoughts.

"Cara Mia, We will be well." He kissed my cheek and then my lips. "Be safe?"

"Of course," I nuzzled his hand. Pressing a kiss to his wrist. "Ti amo, Mio Amore."

"Ti Amo, Regina Mia," Aro whispered.

I grabbed Marcus's and Caius's cloaks before they darted off with Aro. They stared at me confused.

"Be careful. I would be devastated if you were hurt or worse..." The venom scratched my throat, making it hoarse.

"We are very old, Tesoro. Years of experience." Marcus caressed my cheek. I pulled him down to my lips and brushed them against his and hugged him tightly.

"Be safe."

"Always, sweetheart." He murmured before pushing me away slightly and rushing off after Aro. I looked at Caius, he stared at me confused and then sighed heavily.

"It is us who will be worried about you. Stay with the guard and do not wander off. If it gets too rough, get far away as you can. I could not bear it if you should perish." Caius grabbed my face roughly and slammed his lips against mine. "I am so sorry for hurting you, Amore Mio. Please forgive me and live for me. Don't get hurt. Please."

"I love you," I meant it with every fiber of my being.

"As do I."

He was gone.

Lyrica placed her hand on my shoulder. Ares kicked a rock and nodded to the church. We were to get to a high point so our views were obstructed. Looking over the city of Madrid, burning homes, burning schools and churches. The city was in total chaos. Humans lived in fear only to end up dying at the hands of ravenous newborns. The city smelt of soot, piss, and gunpowder but behind the human messes was the sweet elixir of life... Blood. It burned my throat.

I wanted nothing more than to rip through the barriers and tear homes apart to taste the sweet liquid and soothe the burn in my throat.

Even in the eight months of my life being what I am I still had the insatiable urge to be a beast and rip throats to get the liquid that I craved. But I had control, much better control than most at this stage. I wasn't the fastest, nor the strongest but my gift allowed me to be an ultimate weapon of destruction. One brush of my vine and you're as good as dead.

My eyes burned as I settled on the roof of the church and held my hands out to the street below.

"Be at peace and sleep now..." I whispered into the drifting wind. Screams erupted and the war began.

Smoke, explosion, and gunshots rang. Screams and pleas left ungranted. My vines shot out into the night sky, the stars didn't shine on the city tonight that was left in the desolation of death. Ares began sending Arrows through the glimmering glow.

One by one many of the undead dropped. My gift flowed like the river, kissing the flesh of the murderous terrors. Their bodies fell into little pieces, like ash in the breeze, their bodies drifted apart into nothing.

It felt like ages of taking down half this part of the city before we had to move. Jumping from rooftops to rooftops and chasing the smell of blood. Our cloaks billowed behind us. We became surrounded in the courtyard.

The guard was separated faster than we could keep up. Someone was training these Newborns. Someone knew we were coming.

Ares and Lyrica pressed their backs to me as he darted our gaze around at the twisted faces. We were completely outnumbered.

"I vas hoping you vould show..." A man chuckled. His hair was a brilliant white, his face as pale and if not more transparent as the Kings. Another man with black hair dropped beside him, having more color but still just as pale.

"Stefan... Vladimir," Ares greeted co*ckily. "Should have known you were behind this."

"Yes... It takes an awful lot to draw the Volturi scum from their castle." The dark-haired man grinned. He looked like a cracked out chipmunk. The blonde one looked at me, his eyes drifting across my body.

"Hello, Beautiful..." He sent two kisses to me. A sickly sweet smile plastered to his face. I bared my teeth at him. "I love it vhen dey're feisty."

"Stefan..." The raven hair man tsked. "De boy, ve came for de boy."

"Da." Stefan rolled his eyes and lunged.

Focusing hard I made us unseen when I grabbed Lyrica's hand. I tried to quickly grab Ares but he had been yanked away from my grasp. I couldn't use my vines and still keep us hidden. I was already feeling a little weak from overusing my gifts.

"Vhere did they go!" Stefan roared. Ares chuckled darkly then spat in his face.

He was smacked hard, a large deep crack embedded from his chin across his face to his temple. I growled wanting to attack but Lyrica had already used her own gift against me.

We were outnumbered. More and more newborns kept popping up.

The two bitches latched on to Ares's wrists, tugging back and a hiss filled my ears as he was slowly being torn apart.

I screamed and wailed at Ares being dragged further away from us and fighting the Romanian trash as Lyrica tried to muffle my sobs for my son.

What did Ares do to make them hate him so much? What did the Kings do while I was gone?

"You must focus!" Lyrica begged. "They'll see us!"

I do not care if they saw us. I wanted my child back! My rage was consuming the clock ticking in my ears louder.

I tried to force it away. Tried to focus on my child. As they tore his clothes and --

A blast shot from me when they tore his head from his body. A powerful scream fell from my lips causing them all to go flying back and into crumbling walls. The shield dropped and I shot across the courtyard. Vines wrapped around the men and women.

The Romanians knowing they were going to lose, took one last fleeting look at me before they ceased their actions in killing my child. They ran away as fast as they could. Lyrica grabbed Ares's head that had been tossed carelessly to the side and pressed it back to his body, using her cape to tie it in place and around his shoulders.

On my knees, my face buried in his chest, I wish I could weep, but only able to dry sob as I clung to him. His body was ashen, full of cracks that didn't heal.

My fists shook in rage. A snarl ripped from my chest. Lyrica tried to grab me. "Addie! My queen! No!"

I had already disappeared from her view and shot off after the Romanians.

I searched and searched for them trying hard to find the man who tried to kill my baby. Jumping from buildings to soaring over monuments. My shield fell away as I landed on a newborn's shoulders, ripping his head from his body.

Anger coursed through me like poison. Seeing red and the ticking clocks. I tore everything apart that stood in my way. My vines ripped them apart, shattering like glass.

A quiff of blonde hair had been pinned by three ferocious newborns. I shot at them. My hands yanked from their nose and up, their head ripping in half with shattering glass. The two others let go of Demetri and stared at me. It gave him enough time to rip one apart and for us to rip the third in time before he struck.

"Addie! What are you doing!" He growled. "You shouldn't be here!"

"Stefan and Vladimir are here. They ambushed us..."

"Where's Ares!" He looked frantic. I dry sobbed again. "Addie! Where's Ares!"

"They ripped his head off!" I screamed. "I'll kill them all!"

Demetri grabbed my shoulders and shook me violently. "Get it together Ads! You can't just go killing everything! Tell me what happened."

In a rushed breath, I explained how we were led into the courtyard, following the blood that had been spilled to lead us there. I told him about how the Romanians gloated Ares enough to send him flying at them and then how... How they hurt him.

Demetri grabbed my hand and we were running, he was trying to trace them down. In circles, we ran. Seemingly to never end. Like a f*cking carousel.

We found ourselves in the courtyard where I left Lyrica and Ares. Only they were gone now and it was silent. Only the distance screams could be heard.
It felt bad, the air did.

Demetri let go of my wrist and walked around. Smelling the air.

I glanced around feeling like someone was watching us.

"Deme..." I said quietly. He looked at me. "I think we're being watched."

He was at my side in an instant. Pressing his back to mine, he held my wrist. "Stay close to me. Keep your eyes open. Move slowly... Whoever it is. I don't know them."

Before we could move to an alley a body dropped from a roof, the blood was potent, strong, enticing. I jumped, behind held back by Demetri as we stared at the
man who was now lying in a pool of his blood.

Demetri pulled me over to him and dropped to access the man for wounds. "Keep your eyes open, Ads." He ordered.

I looked around and dropped my gaze to the human for a split second.
He was very tall with raven hair that was caked in blood. He is too handsome even for a human. He gurgled from choking on his blood as he looked into my eyes... pleading blue eyes glimmered with tears.

Demetri stood up just as I shifted my dress around and got on my knees taking his hand, and caressing his forehead.

"Por favor, ayúdame..." (Please, help me) Blood speckled my face as he coughed.

Demetri sighed. "He will die."

"No deseo morir." (I don't want to die) He sobbed. I grabbed his hand.

"Estoy aquí..." (I'm here) I kissed his knuckles.

"He will die..." He whispered, his eyes swimmer with sorrow.

I hissed. "There has been enough death in these streets from these blood baths. I refuse to allow him to die too!"

"Addie..." He warned. "The Kings--"

"Are not here. No, I'll do it." I sniffed and squared my shoulders. "¿Cuál es tu nombre, chico?" (What is your name, boy?)

"El... Eleazar..." He rasped, coughing again. I kissed his temple.

"Lo haré mejor. No morirás bajo mi mirada, Eleazar." (I will make it better. You will not die under my watch.)

I looked at Demetri. "Find my son. That is an order."

Demetri gritted his teeth and stared down at me before growling. "He and Lyrica are safe, Addie. They're close by I can sense them."

With one last look at him, I dropped my mouth to the human's neck and sunk my teeth into his flesh. Venom poured from my mouth as it seemed to seep from my throat. It took a lot in me not to drink the blood of a human who was much my blood singer. I had hoped the Kings would be at least proud of me.

Eleazar cried out into the darkness. I covered his mouth and held him to my chest. Dragging him into an abandoned house where I soothed his cries knowing it was fruitless.

"Go and fetch Alec for me, if he is subdued then get me Corin. Do not tell the kings what I have done. And Find my son!" I glared at Demetri.

His fists clench he left me alone with my first sired vampire in the making.

I had an unnerving feeling that I was going to be in some major sh*t with my mates.


Oh, Addie... You have no idea. 💃

I hope this made up for my late update! 🤍

Chapter 25

Chapter Text

Eleazar had become my responsibility, neither of the Kings at been thrilled that I had sired someone, a male at that. It was also an issue because there was a bond between a creator and their child. Eleazar was very protective of me, never wanting to stray too far.

It was something Aro fully understood and he played peacekeeper the best he could when it concerned Caius. Marcus wasn't as bad but he clearly didn't like it. His gift allowed him to see the bond that Eleazar and I shared. The newborn was completely devoted to me and I was regrettably very close to him. I had not taken into account that because I was his maker I would basically mother him and even get into scuffles with anyone who dared a glance at him even remotely different.

He may have been 25 in his human years, older than me in general but it did not stop my snarling protectiveness over his well-being.

Eleazar and I grew closer and closer as the weeks passed. Aro had formed a friendship with him, slowly Marcus came around and Caius was still pouting. I could understand why... Eleazar had been marked by me. Forever carrying my venom in him. None of the kings had been marked by me and for something strange territorial gene the men carry, this had been what triggered such rage for my angry mate.

I wasn't even sure why it was such a big deal until Demetri explained to me that Eleazar carried my scent on his person stronger than my mates did. Having my scent on a male vampire within the radius of my mates had been triggering more volatile emotions.

"My Queen," Eleazar was wearing the Volturi cloak. Slightly lighter in color than the rest of the Guards it looked more navy than black.

We discovered he was gifted with an interesting talent for identifying abilities. Aro had been ecstatic over it to the point he allowed me to make him a member of the guard. He was given the task to detect if any threateningcovenhad members with gifts. He would report it to Aro.

It was mentioned that he would be sent around the world to look for any human or vampire with usefultalents to add to the coven once he got his thirst under control. He wasn't an overly bloodthirsty Newborn but he still had his moments of low self-control.

I looked at his kind face, he was always gentle when it came to me. He appreciated the idea of upholding the law so he was always interested in being allowed to discuss the laws, especially me who had finally finished my queenly duties by learning them like the back of my hand.

"Ele..." I walked over to embrace him. "I was wondering when you would show your face again."

He had gone hiding in the castle for some time deep in the castle. He had a strong disagreement with Corin from what I was told. Even her contentment gift couldn't affect him strongly enough for him to agree with whatever it was. I do not worry about the disagreements in the coven. My thoughts are better occupied elsewhere.

"I was itchy without you near," He stepped away from me and bowed his head.

"I too felt that uncomfortable sensation." I confided. "Your English has improved, I'm very pleased."

He smiled at me widely and motioned to the middle of the room. "Would you..."

"Spar?" I grinned.

"Si," He laughed.

It was where Alec found us later that evening. He had said my audience was requested in the throne room for my first sentencing introduction.

The discussions of easing me into the tedious tasks of becoming a judge and a true acting Queen had taken place between the Kings.

Caius didn't want me anywhere near the Throne Room with traitors and violent prisoners. He had been on edge about me being involved in the Spanish war. I came out unscathed but emotionally distraught over it but other than that I was fine. Ares had been damaged and putting his head back where it belonged along with his arms was very hard for me to deal with but again... It's fine. He's perfectly back together, good as new.

Marcus partially agreed with Caius to an extent but was more than willing for me to join them in active duties for the vampire world.

Aro however was the most vocal about it. He wanted me there. Desired me to be there. He wanted to make the world fear me... A little over dramatic in my opinion but this is Aro. He's got the flair for it. It's his personality.

Then there was me... I wanted to be an active Queen. I didn't want to sit idle and look pretty. I've never been one to just let life go by without taking advantage of the opportunities available to me.

After the Newborn Armies in Spain and restoring order... I never wanted to be more active than I was now. I never wanted to see the horrors that I witnessed in Spain ever again... And I was most desperate to be prepared for making Stefan and Vladamir pay for what they had done to my son.

And I blame them for Eleazar losing his human life. He had been a victim. and my kind heart couldn't let him die.

After changing into a black gown and slipping into my black robes, Jane braided in the golden thin olive branch design headband in my hair. It was the one thing the Kings had agreed on. I was to always wear this simple ordinate headband to represent my status in the throne room.

An olive branch for peace.

Fitting for a queen who wished for nothing more than peace. Not sorting to violence at every turn.

I didn't care for it, it felt a bit ridiculous. Wearing a damn crown no matter how simple it was. They didn't have a crown on their head... It definitely doesn't do well for one's ego.

Alec and Jane let me into the throne room with Eleazar and Lyrica following close behind as my personal guards.

Ares was standing next to Marcus with Chelsea to the side. Renata was close enough to Aro but far enough away to not be entirely seen.

Then there was Torsten, granted higher up now in the elite guard. He had been made into Caius's personal guard. He deserved in my opinion. The boy was very dedicated, and Alec's disappearance allowed him the room to grow in the King's eyes.

I curtsied very lightly to them in the middle of the room. Keeping my eyes solely on Aro before I glanced at Marcus and Caius. Aro was up out of his throne and crossing over to me to wrap his arm around my waist and have me stand between his and Marcus's throne.

"Cara mia... So glad you joined us," He kissed my cheek.

I held my hand out to Marcus to let him kiss my hand. Looking over at Caius he was already at my side and pressing his nose to my neck, inhaling deeply and then yanking me to his throne and slinging me to sit across his lap.

"Must you do that here?" Aro sighed. Caius smirked.

"Why yes, brother... I do."

"Demetri, bring in the first prisoner," Marcus waved to the door.

And so I sat there for five trails that took less than an hour. It was pretty straight towards stuff. Nothing too exciting and a little boring to be quite honest.

It wasn't until a woman who must have been around 30 was dragged into the room, kicking and screaming that my attention was fully clipped. Caius's hold tightened on me as he zeroed in on her.

She was the first one to put up a fight. And a fight she did, she made Felix groan as she kicked him hard in the groin and then whip her leg across Demetri's head. Jane had to use her gift on the woman to send her on her knees, allowing Demetri and Felix to hold her down to keep her from going crazy again with rage.

"Finally!" Caius cheered. "A feisty one! I thought they've all gone stiff in the dungeons!"

Aro looked at him with displeasure whereas Marcus looked actually quite amused with Caius's behavior.

I leaned against his back making him place his chin on my shoulder, purring slightly in contentment.

"Who is she?" The girl snarled. She was rather crazed and had this glint in her eyes that unsettled me.

"The Queen," Felix grunted. "Show some respect."

"This is the Queen!" She gave a crackling haughty laugh. "She's just a GIRL!"

If this was her way of trying to get under my skin, then clearly she was mistaken. Being called a girl as an insult was juvenile.

"I'm well aware of it," I started calmly. Placing my hand on Caius to calm him as he was beginning to become more rigid than normal. He was close to losing his head.

He immediately relaxed a little but did not hold me captive in his arms as I would have thought he would when I got up and moved around Aro's Throne to graze Marcus's cheek to calm him as well.

He smiled at me, taking my hand for a second before he released it. Aro had already held his hand out towards me, wanting to help me down the dais.

Placing my hand in his, I lifted my dress and stepped down to stand beside Aro. The woman eyed me up and scoffed.

"Just girl... A little girl..."

"I was changed when I was 19, just five days shy of my 20th birthday. I am well aware of my tiny stature--" I stared deeply into her black eyes. "My... You have been rather naughty haven't you."

Aro looked slightly surprised as he let go of my hand. "How extraordinary! Our mate's gift truly is remarkable!"

"What is it now?" Caius asked, leaning forward on his throne.

"Her gift allows her to see..." Aro fawned over me. "And without touch... Truly remarkable."

The woman no longer sneered at me. Instead, she looked frightened. I nodded to Felix and Demetri to hold on tighter to her. Forcing her on her knees, her arms being put in a locked hold. She began to stutter, unable to form a coherent sentence.

"You've been changing children, young children barely even ten and twelve... leaving them to fend for themselves. That's very reckless of you..." I tsked her, wagging my finger. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I--I--" She shook her head. "Don't kill me!"

"Don't kill you?" I tilted my head at her. "My dear girl... I do not wish to kill you."

My use of girl made that glint deepen in her eye. Her lip curled upward. "Then why am I on my knees? To beg mercy!"

"You dirty bitch are not even fit to lick the dirt from her heel!" Caius snarled.

"Caius, my love..." I said softly, looking directly at him. He slumped on his throne with his fiery gaze on me. "Calm yourself."

Marcus chuckled only to receive a dirty look from him. Aro sat down on his throne, crossing his legs and holding his hands under his chin as he watched me before them as I began to circle the woman.

She kept craning her neck to look at me every time I went behind her.

Hmm... I tapped my fingers on my collar bone, holding the arm across my torso as I thought about it. Finally, I stopped in front of her again.

"Here's what I am going to do," I smiled down at her. "Alec, come here, please. You too Ares."

They stepped beside me and I grabbed Alec's wrist. He looked confused as I walked him to stand behind the woman. "Mother..."

"Your gift has improved since it clashed with mine. Put your fingers on the side of her head."

"W-What..." The woman stuttered, trying to shake Alec's hold off her. "You... Your aid you didn't want to k-kill me!"

"I did, but that doesn't mean you aren't going to be killed," I remarked.

There was a chuckle from behind me on the thrones. Demetri grinned at me with Felix.

"My son's gifts work wonderfully with my own. You see, you have been taking children from their homes. Changing them and abandoning them to be slaughtered. As a mother, I do not like that at all. In fact, it disgusts me." I slapped her cheek gently.

"Ares, a dagger, please. I have a wonderful idea." I looked at Alec. "Now my little love but just eyes."

It was like watching two little red marbles combust in a fire. She screamed out, thrashing painfully as the dust that was her eyes scattered about to the marble floor.

I touched the shadowed dagger and pried her mouth open, smashing it into her teeth. Those two shattered and turned to dust.

I backed off, for a second and had them release her. While she collapsed to her hands and knees, touching her face and crying out in pain. I kicked her onto her back. She whipped her head around trying to find me.

"You b-bitch! What--what have you done to me!" She screamed.

"I do not like it when children are forced to suffer!" I snarled.

I stepped hard into her leg making it crack. When she shot up to grab me. My index barely brushed her forehead, sending her spiraling back onto the floor, screaming in agony as her body aged rapidly until she was around sixty I should say. I've gotten rather good at not killing them.

"No eyes to see... No teeth to drink... I say it's going to be quite brutal for you considering you are now very frail and easily breakable. You'll die a very slow and painful death. Either the thirst will take you or your fragile unhurriedly regenerating heart will."

I stood up, squaring my shoulders as I clasped my hands together. "Take her back to her cell. Her very existence is repulsing."

I watched them drag her away with her moaning in pain. Slowly turning to face the Kings they were looking at me with awe.

"What?" I asked.

"I've half the mind to take you righ--"

"Caius!" Aro snapped. The blonde lifted a brow at him in question.

"Get off your pedal stool that was bloody sexy and you know it!"

I popped my lips and climbed the stairs to stand beside Marcus. Placing my hand on his shoulder. He covered it with his.

"Brothers, please... We have trails to get through but first. Tesoro, why didn't you tell us your birthday was in August?" Marcus smiled lightly at me. "We could have celebrated after you woke from your change."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Seemed kind of ridiculous, technically I haven't even been born yet."

"What a load of poppy co*ck--"

"Caius!" Marcus sighed exasperatedly. I snorted at his choice of words.

"You'll be a year old soon, Tesoro. Only a few weeks away---"

"We shall hold a ball!" Aro interjected, cutting Marcus off. "A grand ball! The perfect opportunity to introduce you to the world. We can invite all the covens!"

"Ahh!" He gasped in excitement. "We must plan!"

Before he could run from the room, I snatched his cloak making him halt. He looked at me like I was mad for handling him in such a way. I chuckled at him.

"Love, I get you are excited. But darling, we have trials that have been backed up due to the newborn crisis."

"Ah... Yes, you're quite right. Thank you, Cara mia" He smiled childishly at me and then sat down on his throne. I leaned against Marcus's throne.

"Bring in the next one!" I ordered.


Aro was in full swing in his grandeur plans for the biggest ball the Volturi had ever planned. It was also a time to celebrate Ares 330 birthday and his first birthday with me. Not only was I celebrating my first year as a vampire beside him but also using this as my big debut as Queen of the Volturi.

I had so many dress fittings and materials flung about the tower with Athenodora trying to design the most elegant and grand ball gown known to mankind. I kind of gave up on it. I honestly didn't care as long as I wasn't put in a mustard yellow drape.

"Once you're married--"

"Married?" I stopped Chelsea, making her look like a deer in highlights. Corin and Athenodora glared at her.

"W-Well... You... Uh..." Chelsea fumbled with her words.

"You're the Kings mate," Athenodora talked over her, batting at her arm to make her shut up. "Of course, you'll be married to them, eventually."

"That seems kind of silly doesn't it?" I laughed awkwardly. "It's just a piece of paper that wouldn't even be valid years from now--"

"Of course, it'll be valid!" Athenodora said shrilly. "It's valid between each other!"

"I thought you've been married before," Corin said quietly.

"I was--"

"Was it just a piece of paper then!" Athenodora snapped.

I flinched away from her tone. "No, it wasn't"

"Then why is it just a piece of paper with Caius!" She fumed.

"And Aro and Marcus..." Corin added hastily, side glancing at Athenodora.

"Yes... Them too," She growled.

I looked at her. Really looked at her. She had been on edge since she was informed I would be introduced to the world as queen.

"Dora, are you alright?" I asked.

"I'm fine!" She growled, snapping up she stormed from the room, slamming the heavy door behind her. I looked at the other two girls.

"Care to explain?" I asked them.

Corin held her hand up to stop Chelsea from speaking. "Dora still loves Caius..."

"I know," I frowned. I felt really bad for her. I never try and flaunt my relationship with the man in front of her. I always tried to be considerate of feelings.

"She just knows him, a little better than you," Corin added. I opened my mouth but closed it just as quickly. "Caius wants to marry you, Ads. He loves you but after the lover's quarrel you were in, he confided in Dora. She's on your side truly she is but she's just as protective of him too. He's a man set in his ways. He's going to want to marry you--"

"I'm not saying I won't marry them," I spoke up. "Of course, I would marry them if they asked me. I just think it's a little silly to make a big deal out of it all."

"Oh." They said together.

"What? You didn't think I wanted to marry them?" I asked surprised.

"Well... I mean... Yeah?" Chelsea shrugged.

Falling on my back, laughing. I shook my head. These vampires.

"I think I better go tell Dora she misunderstood before she tells Caius his mate doesn't believe in marriage." Corin chuckled.

"Yeah, you do that! Sounds more fascinating than these swashes. What the hell is even different?" I held up two different cream colors. "Seriously? What is the difference?"

Chapter 26


Sorry about the wait guys! Writing this chapter was a bit more difficult than I would have liked.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

On June 28th, 1730 my reign as queen of the Volturi had officially begun. With the simple crown placed upon my head, I took one last look into the mirror. My gown was a champagne white, embroider with many gold swirling designs. It was a sweetheart neckline, that exposed my pale chest. A choker of gold lace surrounded my neck before disappearing to expose all of my back. Covered only by my hair.

It was the most beautiful ball gown I had ever seen. Though I normally dodged white, I quite loved this and found the golden white color to be fitting for me.

With my moonstone still hanging from my neck. I clipped on the ruby tear drop diamonds that Caius had dropped by earlier today before they went to greet the incoming covens that were coming for this grand event.

Jane and Chelsea helped me prepare and to keep me company as I was not allowed to leave the room until the ball started. Athenodora had taken over any duties for me and to make sure Aro doesn't get overly joyed by the guests and to stay on track. Lyrica was stationed outside of my door, and every now and then contributed to the conversation through the crack we kept for her.

It took a while to convince Ares to leave the room and help his fathers greet the guests. Corin breezed into the room in a deep emerald dress, her brown locks tucks back into a Dutch braid. Ares was immediately no longer wanting to leave the room.

Corin swatted at him. "Oh stop it! I changed your nappies!"

He still looked at her with deep hunger. "Gods woman..."

"Ares," I said sternly. His greyish red eyes returned as he looked at me. "Behave yourself and do as you are told."

"Yes momma," He bowed gently, and with one last look at Corin, he left the room. All of us girls laughed over Ares's crush on Corin.

"I swear that boy gets worse and worse the more time he spends with Demetri," Chelsea mused as she tucked a few strands of my hair around my crown.

"I don't think it's Deme... More like Caius." I smirked at her through the mirror. She pursed her lips.

"I suppose you are right, my queen. Master Caius is rather abrasive."

"More like climatic," Jane snorted.

All eyes drifted to her, even Lyrica poked her head in the room to look at the young girl. "What? It's the truth." Jane defended. "He's obscene! Oh, come on! He's always straining to get under momma's skirts!"

"That is true," Corin grinned evilly. "Not to mention he has a contest with Master Marcus on who can make Addie the most vocal."

"They do not," I blinked at her. But the looks I was reviving were anything but joking. "That's nice..." I muttered.

Jane giggled loudly making them all burst with laughter.

"Come off it!" I tried to sound serious but only joined in with them.

Athenodora busted into the room in a deep ashy blue sheer dress that had to be held up by gold chains, wrapping around her body like a second skin. She had an abundance on display but still managed to look like a radiant goddess rather than a flashy prostitute. It always amazed me how flawless she truly was.

"It's time," She grinned widely. "Take your places ladies."

Corin, Chelsea, and Jane disappeared leaving only Lyrica there outside the door. Athenodora looked me up and down and hummed in agreement.

"Let us show the civilians their new queen," She danced from the room. I quickly followed after her with Lyrica close by.

Eleazar met us outside the door where he stood on my other side, flanking me. He kissed my hand.

"You look wonderful, my queen."

"Thank you, Ele. You look just as dashing as well."

He grinned. Athenodora turned to me. "Aro was able to be talked out of a grand display of having you sit upon their thrones."

"Oh, thank god!" I sighed in relief, holding a hand to my chest. "I was so worried."

She smirked. "Yes, I know. You ought to thank Caius for it. He tossed Aro out the window over it."

"He... He did what?"

"So that's what that jarring was," Lyrica mumbled. "I thought it was an earthquake."

Can't ever leave them alone...

"The ball is in full swing, everything as planned. Once these doors open, mingle freely. Everyone will know who you are regardless. It's why you're wearing a crown." She smoothed out my hair. "Alright, show time."

The doors were opened and she quickly disappeared inside.

They had expanded the ballroom, its bright opalescent marble glimmered from the flickering flames of the candles about the room. Crystal chandeliers spiraled down from the arching glass ceiling, illuminating the glimmering marble walls. The floor was so polished it looked like an iced-over lake.

The luminous moon beamed down from the glass roof, relaxing gently across the exposed skin of dancing vampires making the place sparkle like diamonds, and yet it was so subtle, it was absolutely breathtaking.

All the gowns were covered in jewels. Shades of emerald, ruby, sapphires, and amethyst swirled before me. The room was potent in floral and musk. A scent easily separated between every person in the room. There were even different fragrances of water; salt, fresh, and the rainforest.

A low chatter of different languages blended in with the orchestra like a prayer.

Lower guards fluttered about the room with silver trays holding flutes of blood, serving everyone like royalty. No one was left out and all welcomed each other like old friends. Dancers swirled on the dance floor, and elegant floral arrangements and satin ribbons donned every wall.

The more I stepped into the grand room, the eyes seemed to follow me. Curious, cautious, and friendly though I believe some glances were not as friendly as others would like to believe.

"My Queen... Regina Mia... ملكتي... 我的王后... Ma Reine..."

So many different languages filtered past me.
I nodded at them in respect, making my way gently across the room with the parting like the sea as if I were Moses. It was truly an odd sight and feeling.

My Kings stood on a dais much like the one in the throne room, only instead of their thrones being black, they were white and gold. They were each donning a golden frock, wearing today's fashion for men. Handsome as ever and yet the outfits made me laugh under my breath finding it utterly amusing.

It felt like a fairy tale.

"Adelaide, Αγάπη μου, πραγματικά είσαι σαν τον ήλιο," (my love, you are like the sun.) Aro doted, brushing my hair over my shoulder.

"I still struggle with greek, Aro but it sounded beautiful. Thank you."

"He gave you no justice to your beauty," Caius asserted. "No sun could marvel her."

"Ah... Brothers let us not commence another pissing match over praises," Marcus said calmly. "You look lovely, Adelaide."

"All three of you look dabber, exceedingly handsome." I kissed each of their cheeks.

"Oh look there is Pyas, I must speak to him," Caius pecked my forehead and rushed off.

Marcus excused himself to talk to the Chinese Coven leaving me alone with Aro.

He held his hand out to me, a silent invitation to join the gathering couples in the space where they moved with such precision it was almost inspiring by their grace. Not many danced with only one partner as some took to doing folksy dances to the orchestra shifting from upbeat to soft tempos.

"Aro, are you sure?" I teased.

"I'll take my chances, Cara Mia." One side of his mouth tugged up into a lopsided smirk. Sending my chest to tighten over the love I had for him.

He took my hand and twirled me into his arms, falling into step and letting the rhythm control our movements. Our surroundings blended in the background, no candle lights flickering or reflecting off the scenery or the glimmering jewels that adorned the bold and vibrant dresses of those moving around us. All I could see was him. His milky red gaze shone back at me.

A smile spread across his handsome face, heightening his prominent cheekbones. The tightening of my stomach fluttered, begging to burst like a shattering dam. Even my fingers tingled in delight.

"You look very beautiful tonight," He breathed down at me. His cool breath that always smelt of mint made me want to dive into him.

"Am I only beautiful tonight?" I teased.

"You, Adelaide would be the most radiant star in the entire universe even if you were in a rugged sack."

"How cliche, my love but thank you." I smiled up at him, fluttering my lashes. His fingertips brushed across my cheek.

There were no chains to hold us back from this pure paradise... Our love only grew more as the seconds passed. He twirled me under his arm and drew me close to his chest, holding our hands over my heart with his arm wrapped tightly around my waist. Aro smirked and kicked my foot under me, making me dip back, exposing my neck fully to his mercy.

I broke out into a small squeal before giggling as he kissed under my jaw and then brought me back up, to brush my lips with his own.

"My turn," Caius broke into our trance. Aro clicked his tongue and let go of me, bowing and sending me a wink.

Caius snapped into his arms, only he held me much closer, her bodies pressed so there was no room to even let the wind drift between us.

"How generous of you, to give these glancing eyes a show," I jokingly deadpanned him.

He pressed my lower back harder into him, and his pelvis ground into my stomach. His lips dropped to my ear.

"I am immensely charitable..."

He gripped my chin tightly and pressed his mouth to mine, forcing his way into my mouth with full dominance. How could anyone ever assume Caius would ever be willing to be modest even in a room full of his subjects?

I should have known the angry man would want to flaunt his immense power even over me, as I was currently puddled into his arm like a wantoning mess. A simple kiss already ignited my body with fire but a kiss like this lit my soul.

He swung me about the room in a waltz that was more sensual and partially salacious. Caius laughed jovially, without a care. For the first time, he truly looked at peace. Relaxed and unbothered. And clearly, was a better dancer than Aro despite the slight aggression in the way he moved.

The dance came to a close and Ares dragged me away and into a group of gathering people to an interchangeable dance. I talked and laughed with those dancing beside me. Finding the french coven, Henri, Yvette, and Anna to be a joy to be around. They spoke perfect English though we speckled in French into our conversation even if mine was not pleasant to hear. They were still pleased that I attempted.

Alec who became my partner, now looked proud as he and Afton were working tiredly in making an effort to teach me.

"I feel as though it is only right that I too, dance with my mate," Marcus snuck up behind me making me twist around on him preparing to scold.

I had let my guard drop for the night. Being snuck up on made me a little jumpy.

"May I have this dance?" He asked sweetly. Pulling the charm only he could carry. It was like a sonnet... his soft-spoken voice. How could I refuse such a pretty sound?

"You may," I held my chin a little higher.

Marcus bowed before me and I cursty deeply. He held his hand aside from mine own, leaving space between us. Keeping eye contact, I could feel my body shivering with the intensity of his passion. Step forward once and twirl. Our bodies never once brushed, but the electricity was there.

We moved fluidity around one another. Toes pointed and turned out. Smiles tugged gently, he finally came up behind me. Placing a hand on my hip and grasping my palm that was stretched out on the side of me. We walked the room in between the other dancing couples.

It was an enjoyable sensual dance that needed no body contact to make it heaven and for the first time, Marcus and I felt closer than even when we were behind doors.

He twirled me around to face him, caressing my cheek as the dance came to a close. He bowed once more and then I stood there alone in the midst of the crowds, my head tilted back to look up at the balcony, where my mates stood gazing down upon all of us like gods.

Jane, Corin, Chelsea, Lyrica, and Floraterra rounded around me led by Athenodora. All of them dressed in colorful fabrics of many shades and textures. Laughing, giggling, and dancing... I joined in their charades. Intermingling in dance movements where were changed partners constantly and interlinked arms with the surrounding men around us.

It was a nice night, I would never forget. The joy I felt to be surrounded by so much love and laughter.

The Waltz became more scandalous as the music went on, the men lifted the ladies over their heads trying to see under their skirts. Demetri and Felix were constantly being scolded for brazen behavior. Alec and Jane hopped around to a lute, their fabrics flowing out with every turn and smiles that radiated through the room. Renata was just as keen to join in the medieval trot that would be long forgotten had they been human.

A sweet melody sounded throughout the room from the large harp that was being plucked beautifully by a beautiful blonde woman. She was perhaps around fifteen, her eyes were white. Having been blinded at a young age, she was one of the few humans in the room.

She may be the only human here that won't be killed when the night was over and from the looked Torsten was giving her, I
doubt she would be killed. He was always fluttering close by here, inhaling the mimosa scent she was protruding with every pluck of the string.

"You should sing," Athenodora wrapped her arm around mine. "The one about Jenny and her ghosts."

"I don't--"

"Please!" Jane rushed out. "You have the voice of an angel!"

I stared at them and when I looked at the others around me, I sighed. "Alright... Alright... But just one song. One!"

I let Dora drag me up to stand beside the human girl. Rolling my eyes at the excited pouncing in Jane and Corin's behavior. Lyrica immediately placed herself in front of me, on high alert.

I met the king's gaze from the balcony, taking a deep breath and letting the song flow.

"High in the halls of the kings who are gone, Jenny would dance with her ghosts.

The ones she had lost and the ones she had found, and the ones who had loved her the most. The ones who'd been gone for so very long, she couldn't remember their names.

They spun her around on the damp old stones, spun away all her sorrow and pain and she never wanted to leave, never wanted to leave.

They danced through the day and into the night through the snow that swept through the hall. From winter to summer then winter again, 'Til the walls did crumble and fall.

High in the halls of the kings who are gone. Jenny would dance with her ghosts. The ones she had lost and the ones she had found And the ones who had loved her the most"

Athenodora was the first to clap causing everyone to join in. I took a mocking bow feeling every bit of ridiculous in doing so. Aro was beside me in a second, wrapping an arm around my waist and drifting me away from Athenodora before she requested another.

"That woman will have you hoarse by daybreak if she could have her way," He teased.

"A joy as always, Tesoro, to hear you sing," Marcus kissed my cheek.

Thank God I lost the ability to blush.

"I quite agree. Even if it is strange to hear such ballads..."

"Hush Caius, our mate is not from our time," Aro chastised him. "She could take credit for--"

"No," I interjected.

"No? But their sentiments can't be wounded if they do not exist." Aro justified. "So it can't be faulty, can it?"

"Let me guess, you've already put plans in motion for many things you've seen in my mind?" I smiled fondly at him. "My exceedingly ambitious King."

Aro's smile did not disappoint once more. The knowing sly twinkle in his eye, his determination written clear across his features. He did not have to reply for me to know the answer to that question. Perhaps it was pointless to even ask.

"I'm not surprised," I taunted him jokingly. "You've got a knack for manipulation and invading. Did the Prince give you wonderous ideas?"

"Of all my wildest dreams, Amore Mio."

"Adelaide, this is our good friend Andonis, he's the patriarch of the Greek Coven in Crete." Marcus quickly guided the conversation elsewhere with expertise.

The man was tall, built like all the marble statues I studied what felt like long ago. He was the physical embodiment of the Statue of David. Probably changed when he was in his late 20s.

"Βασίλισσα μου," (My Queen) Andonis bowed deeply. "Peace and many blessings in your long reign."

"Thank you," I smiled at him. "I've heard so much about you."

He looked surprised, touching his chest like a child much like Aro.

"My dear Caius has bragged but I wish to hear your side of the many human battles you fought." I teased Caius making him scowl. Andonis gave a blusterous belly laugh. Nudging Caius in the ribs.

"Your mate doubts your skills, Cai! Truly I am blessed to hear it!"

Caius sneered. "I'll take you right now, do not test me, Doni."

"You most certainly will not!" Aro was profoundly offended, his hand in a prayer. "I've prepared this occasion with the utmost priority and devotion!"

"They are only playing, My love," I soothe his cheek with my thumb causing Marcus to chuckle, his eyes twinkling merrily.

"They certainly are not, sweetheart."


I am not sure how I feel about this chapter. Please comment and let me know what you think. All criticism is welcomed. 💕

Chapter 27


Guess who's messing up timelines again? 😌

- Sara. 💕

Chapter Text

"And where is it are you from?"

I cut Caius off as he sneered at the vampire I had been patiently waiting for. The doors opening broke his sneer and turned into a smile that he directed at me as the doors bounced off the walls from me opening them a little too forcefully.

I plopped down on Aro's throne and grinned at the honey-golden hair man. "Carlisle Cullen of London, England. A vampire hunter turned sewer changling." Carlisle looked taken aback that I knew of him. I held my hand out towards him to shake. "Queen Adelaide."

Carlisle took my hand, placing a kiss on my knuckles. It caused Caius to snarl but I glared at him making him stop. I abruptly stood up and motioned Carlisle to follow me. I looked at Caius and Marcus.

"You two will behave. Carlisle and I have much to discuss. If you can't keep your knickers from knotting, tell Aro that Carlisle has finally come to Volterra at last."

Marcus thumbed his lips. "Another memory, Cara Mia?"

"A leading factor in my meeting you, my beloved darlings." I winked at them and turned to the vampire who looked so lost. "Follow me, I shall explain."

It had been almost fifty years since I was crowned Queen of the Volturi. In those fifty years, Aro, Marcus, and Caius did not push for anything. They did not touch me nor did I them. They let me do what I thought was best. They left me to rule on my own and when they needed council they knew where to find me. I was always with Ares, Jane, and Alec. My children stood by my side. My gifts have improved so much that when combined with Alec, it was extremely deadly. Felix often joked he would be out of a job due to the fact most of the executions as of late have had to due with immortal children, rapists, and over indulgent of the flesh on the humans. They were being greedy and causing mayhem. I could not sit upon my mate's thrones, perched on the armrests or standing dutifully beside them while these beasts were forced in a kneel and plead for the right to a pardon. As if I would ever let them leave the throne room with their lives.

Then my marital status with the Kings was often thrown in our faces in their last moments... Leaving a bitter ashen taste in my mouth. A downside of being a vampire was, I found forgiveness was quite hard to give. My feelings are amplified by being what I am. Had caused me to be cautious and in turn, caused me to be a bit spiteful. Aro was truly still the only one of the three I could be around without complaint. Caius hadn't been allowed to brush my hair for more than a minute and was forced to only hold my hand. Even Marcus was held at a distance for he hurt me most deeply.

I had forgiven them some but not entirely. They still got to hold my hand and hug me when we needed it. The bond forced us together. They were in tune with my needs and desires and because Aro was not entirely in tune, at least they had the decency to send the raven beauty my way when I was feeling a bit brutish.

Sometimes I felt bad for not completing our bond with Aro. I did want to and I could feel his desire every day, see it in his eyes when they would gaze upon me. He was not used to being told no, he was not used to not getting what he wanted, and surprisingly if I took our kisses a little too far, it was he who threw me off gently, cleared his throat, and excused himself from my presence for several long hours before he returned chipper and take me in his arms for a stroll. Or if he was most in dire need... He would demolish me in the training room, wiping the floor with me. Caius was a lot rougher when it came to training, he also fought dirty. He would accidentally touch me and play it off as if he didn't.
It was truly bothersome at best.

"I was born in 1640, in London. I am the son of an Anglican pastor, he led hunts for werewolves, witches, and vampires. He said he was attempting to rid the world of evil and sin. Many a time, however, I found that most of these. The creatures he was murdering were just innocent citizens. I challenged him and he sent me to led a hunt in the sewers for punishment." Carlisle looked down at the ground, a look of disgust twisted upon his very handsome face.

"You chose to survive on animal blood because you don't want to hurt humans." I tapped the table, getting his attention. Once he made eye contact with me, I gave him a wry smile. "Humans are vile creatures too, Carlisle. They destroy everything they touch. Their technologies will destroy ecosystems. It may not be that way today but it will be and most animals will be endangered, or extinct.

"If you are truly hardpressed over not killing humans even those deserving of it like rapists, child molesters, or murderers... The endless guilty parties... Do not waste the animal that you killed. Butcher it and give it to the impoverished, those who starve in the streets. Two birds with one stone, you feed in a way while also keeping humans alive and you also give life to a family."

He stared back at me. It was almost comical. He truly did look lost. I had knocked a tinge of sense into him. I knew he would stick to the animal diet. There was no change there but it's the hypocrisy of the animal diet. You can not claim to be saving humans if you are wasting their food supply and waning the ecosystems all at the same time.

"Tell me how you came to be at Volterra and let my advice settle in your mind." I crossed my legs. He gave an uncomfortable sort of smile.

"I met another one of our kind, the first since my transformation, he was quite odd and preferably a man of solitude. He told me about the Volturi while I stayed with him for a few months. He said I would have to meet the new Queen of the Vampires if I wanted... Clarity. " He looked extremely confused as he told his story.

"Man of solitude you say?" I smirked at him. "I'm surprised Alistair let you stay with him longer than a night."

"You know of him?" Carlisle looked surprised.

"He gave my son and I refuge a little over fifty years ago. My gift you can say is precarious at times..." I waved my hand, allowing the dust particles to build. Carlisle watched it on the edge of his seat. Staring at it with keen interest.

"It sounds like a clock ticking."

"It is a clock." I let the dust drop. "I threw myself back in time and have yet to figure out how I did it but I ended up jumping forward by accident. Gifts develop over time, of course. I am rather good at retrieving lost things from the past. So much that there are several lost paintings stashed away... Caius is rather fond of my gift, he can be competitive when it comes to the arts. Several artists have wondered the years mad that imagined spending countless hours on their works..."

Carlisle chuckled. I could see he did not think the Volturi could be playful. We did our best not to show this side of ourselves to outsiders. After all, we had an image to uphold.

At some point in my little meeting with Carlisle, Aro finally made his appearance. The exuberant man-child that he was swooped in planted one on me in a way that only he seemed to know how to do all while keeping his utmost grace and authority as if it were normal. From there Aro took over the meeting with glee and led Carlisle to the grand library to browse and show off the castle. Many years ago, I had informed to the best of my ability to remember what Bella told me of the Cullen's. Ever since Aro has waited patiently for the vampire who would create little spawns who would be thorns in our backsides in the coming years.

Demetri and Felix trained with me, Dora stood on the sides screaming with Jane as we whipped around, again and again, new holes and cracks formed around the room as each kick or swing sent us tumbling or flying back into the surfaces. Surely the castle would eventually fall at this rate but it held fast. Staying just as strong as a mountain, un-yielding to the strength of three vampires, one in which he always felt like he had something to prove. Felix never like being bested at anything. Demetri didn't like losing his head as he was quite often losing it... So he was always extra flaunty in his need to keep it. Then there was me, who simply was just sad. Of course, I was happy, I had my three children, my two brothers and my mates, and my sired son. I just didn't have my toddlers. My sweet human babies who would not recognize me when they saw me again. The pain of not having them was becoming harder to endure.

Free of having to entertain any man, I sat down in my chambers and pulled out the painting of my beloved babies whom I miss so much. Artemis and Achilles... they do not exist yet so they can not feel the pain of losing me as I do them. It took many years to paint them to perfection. To paint them as I remember them but even then it is not right. I only wish to hold them in my arms, to smell the baby powder and lavender upon their flesh, to feel the warmth beneath their cheeks as I kiss them. To hold the softness of their curls on the pads of my fingers. I miss them so much it pains me. I have done well hiding my pain but it has been 53 years. It has been too long. Way too long...

And in my despair... I accidentally opened another portal, and before I knew it I had been swept into it. Only this time I was aware I had royally f*cked up.

I crashed roughly on cold grey stone, my room was shrouded in creamy drapes, fur skin rugs were spread close to a smoldering hearth, and books line several shelves of oak wood. The room was drafty though I could not tell the difference. The windows were wide open and the sweet smell of molten sugar and freshly baked bread was wafting strongly around me making my teeth ache and my stomach curdle slightly. There was a time I would have basked in the goodness of the smells that devoured the room from the streets below but I was a vampire now and it was like smelling acidic bloody vomit that had been sitting in piles of sh*t for days on end. Honestly, I couldn't wait for the day that I could tolerate the smell of human food. It was a day I would welcome greatly but today... Was not the day sadly. Not to mention you could quite literally smell the filth of poor human hygiene blending in with the food. It was overpowering the essence of life that pumped in their veins. My fist clenched and my throat stung a little from thirst. I was still considered to be a baby in my vampire years. 53 years was not enough to be used to the smell of humans.

I sat up from the floor and stood on shaky legs. I was not used to jumping, I have only done it a few times and it always left me trembling. Jumping timelines left me feeling queasy. From the look of my room, I jumped way further than I did the first time. I was clearly NOT in a time that was the beginning of Tuscany. Hell, I doubt from the looks of this room that I was even at the time of the fall of the great Roman Empire. Because... Well, I was in the roman empire...

The streets below me were full of togas and olive branch crowns adorning the men's heads and women were hardly covered by their sheer wraps about their bodies. I looked down at my dress which was skin forming, creamy blushed pink of light silk. The golden olive branch crown adorned my own head full of voluminous wild curls... Diamonds covered my wrists and the outer shell of my ears in the many piercings I had gotten when I was human. My feet were bared and held the opal and diamond ankles that wrapped around my middle toe like bottomless sandals. The Volturi crest hung between my breasts and glinted in the sunlight just as my body mimicked the flickering diamonds I wore.

I swallowed hard. Meeting the King's the first time was hard, meeting them the first time from the past was much harder... Meeting them a third time knowing damn well Suplicia and Dora were here and MARRIED to Aro and Caius was even harder to swallow. Suplicia despised me from the very start. Dora was too scared to stand up to her and I now considered her a sister regardless of her being with Caius.

Oh God, I was not ready to surface this era with the kings. Why is it I went back? Why couldn't I have gone forward like last time? It would have been easier!

I clenched my fists and rubbed my arms. This was not going to be good at all. I took a shuddering unnecessary breath and immediately regretted it from the pungent smell from below. I gagged a little before squaring my shoulders. I have survived much and I will continue to survive. I must because... Well, I just had to.


Marcus sat with Aro and Caius in their throne room, it was small and he couldn't wait till the bigger one was complete, it would be able to hold more people rather than this small space when it came to feeding. As he flipped mindlessly through a large leather back tomb he felt a sharp jab in his chest at the same time as his brothers. He looked at the golden chains that linked together and shot out from the room through their archway. They were each heaved over by the force over it, making them drop their books and glance at one another. Marcus shook his head as he realized what it was.

Their wives were not going to be pleased at all...

Chapter 28


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The door opened and when it did... Oh man I felt the air leave my lungs. There standing before me was Didyme, Aro's baby sister whom he loved so much. Who was supposed to be dead but I guess... Wow. I had planned to retrieve her from the past before. But to actually be in the past with her? Oh mary mother of God! She was ALIVE well kind of?

"Quis es?" She asked softly, her face; just the perfect picture of happiness. I could see what Aro meant when you couldn't help but love her.

I had to rack my brain for the Latin lessons that Marcus said I should absolutely learn to perfection regardless of it not being a language spoken anymore. My Italian was native at this point but I suppose it was moot, they didn't speak Italian, they spoke Latin in this era.

"Ego sum Adelaide, salve. Um... Longum est, quaesone ad reges me adducere?" She realized it might not have been a good start she did not know Didyme at all. But it was better than nothing. A simple; my name is... It's a long story... Oh please take me to the Kings despite the fact I could sniff them out like a bloodhound.

Didyme leveled her with an odd look, the eyes I suppose would have been a very beautiful blue at one point but were now the same blood red as my own. "Quomodo huc venisti? Hic locus est fines communibus. Debeo vocare custodes."

"No! Quaeso ne feceris!" I waved my hands. Oh my God she going to call the guards. How am I going to explain myself?

Think Addie! Think!

"Custodes! Custodes!" Didyme yelled.

I swear if I could have blanched I would have. f*ck me! Wait!

I grappled at what shadows I could see and vanished from the room making Didyme gasp and tell. It wasn't long before several guards came busting into the room looking around as she pointed at where I once stood. I zipped out of the room faster than I ever has before because why wouldn't I? Sure the young girl was shocked but calling the guards? What the f*ck...

I ran, and it was not lost on me that the guards who came into the room were completely foreign to me. The whole place was foreign to me. Nothing looked right, and the place was so dark inside the corridors. Not even torches and it was moist and just plain sad the castle was. No matter how many doors I opened, everything was austere and dismal. It did not carry the life as I thought it would have.

When I shot into the throne room, what I found made me freeze. It was butchered all the hell. There was no marble... No dais or thrones. Even the roof of glass that once held beautiful sunlight did not exist. It was dark and just... Clearly, at one point, these Kings sucked at the decor. Because this was just gross!

I backed out as fast as I could when I heard the guards running towards the room. I quickly made for the old throne room that was now more of a private dining/ simple court proceeding room for the Kings. The first one. Surely they would be there.

Just as I was rushing into it, Aro was rushing out and before I knew it, I had slammed into him. Taking us both down and skidding across the stone. My hold on the shadows fell away and I was ripped up by my hair and forced on my knees by Caius who was about to take my head clean off.

I looked into Aro's eyes. He was confounded, astonished, and mesmerized by me. His confusion morphed into horror when the hiss sounded from my neck.

"NO!" He roared.

My skin was already crackling. Jesus, it hurt. I was terrified that I would lose my head! That, unlike Demetri's lucky ass, I actually might not heal.

Marcus was the one who body-slammed Caius off me. I fell onto my hands and heaved, touching my throat as it slowly mended back together. Aro was kneeling before me. Taking my face in his palms looking at me with so much love that I quite remembered.

"Cor meum!" He breathed. Pulling my face to his chest and nose and shoving it into my hair. Tu laedis? Laesus es. Mala quaestio. O amor meus!"

"Uh... Well..." I scrunched my face up. This was rather awkward. I was not very good at Latin. Yes, I could understand some and get by but whatever the hell he said I was confused by. "English?" I said softly.

"Een- glesh?" Aro blinked. "Quid est.. Een- Glesh?"

Oh, f*ck me! I groaned internally. I rubbed my face, letting him just keep holding me to his chest while I thought about it. What! Ha! I know it! Greek! I am good at that!

"Λοιπόν δεν μιλάω λατινικά." I said though I was sure it was botchy. Can't all be perfect. (I do not speak Latin very well.)

Aro beamed at me, holding me at a small distance, taking ahold of my cheek once more but frowned. "Δεν μπορώ να σε διαβάσω..." (I can not read you)

"Για το καλό σου, Caro Mio" (It is for your own good) I pressed my palm to his cheek. I wasn't stupid. I kept that shield up at all times so he couldn't read me once I figured out how to do it. It was not safe for him to read me now. Imagine the damage that could be done!

"Carroo... Mehoo?" He looked so damn confused it was absolutely adorable! He frowned a little.

I am not going to bode well in this era. I needed to get back to my time again. I needed to get back to my actual timeline. I was going to really mess things up! Much worse than I already have!

Caius and Marcus didn't touch me but they were looking at me with the same love and fascination as I remember the first two times they saw me. Caius looked a bit saddened that he was going to rip my head off, Marcus was talking to him with ease. A type of look in his eyes I had never seen before. This was Marcus before his heartbreak. Before he became a shell of himself. He was truly much more different to look at than before. He was more sure of himself, taller in a way, and looked undeniably happy.

And here I am popping up like a weasel, messing things up again. They should not have met me. Now it was going to be hard for them to let me go.

The three of them spurred into fast pace Latin and a bit of Greek. I couldn't decipher anything they were saying. It was making my head hurt. They kept looking at me and then pause and go back into it once more. I slowly got up off the floor, untangling myself from Aro's grip, and crossed my arms.

They froze when they looked at me. Their eyebrows furrowed deeply as they looked at my breasts. I would have blushed if I could have. Caius leaned in and grabbed the pendant from around my neck. The Volturi crest.

I covered my eyes. Why must I not think? Honestly, I was a hot mess at this point and not it was a sticky mess. Should have tucked it in ... Why didn't I tuck it in?

"Πού το πήρες αυτό?" (Where did you acquire this?) Caius asked slowly as if I were a child.

I sighed deeply and held my hand out to Aro. This was going to so totally bite me in the ass.


The three Kings looked at Adelaide from where she sat on Aro's throne flipping through the book that she seemed to have trouble understanding. Her Greek was strange to them, her Latin was rather odd as well. Aro tried to explain to his brothers and it left them all three baffled.

Their mate was from the future, a timeline jumper as she tried to tell him and he knew she wasn't lying. Her native language was so odd but exciting to Aro even if he couldn't understand a damn thing she said in it. Her dress was odd too, it was also rather modest compared to what their wives wore... Just thinking about Suplicia made Aro angry.

He was also saddened to see it was his hand that killed her. And to know his baby sister would be killed one day... Well, Aro was very disturbed by all the future events. Things that have yet come to pass. He honestly didn't know what to make of it. However, there was something that needed to be done about their wives.

Aro didn't even bat an eye when he left to go and dispose of his 'wife' regardless of whether or not she might be different. He found her quickly in her chambers. When she stood to greet him, he popped her head before she even knew what was happening. This left Dora screaming in shock that Caius immediately tried to explain to her leaving her to dry heave in sorrow.

Caius and Athendora were not the same as Aro and Suplicia or even Marcus and his baby sister. Those two were more friends than anything that just took comfort in one another, to fulfill their needs. It was nothing really born from love, more fondness than anything. Aro thought it strange to know at some point those two would eventually love one another.

Athendora was more of his companion, to see them romantic or at least notions of a suppose true marriage from their true mate, well... Aro had trouble wrapping his head around it. As for Suplicia, well... He cared not about disposing of her. She often grated his nerves anyhow and was more of a simple whammy and a hello release.

As for Didyme... Aro could not bear losing her. He would lock her up if he had to. He would do it, to keep her safe. Not to mention now that he knew about Stepfan and Vladimir he could dispose of them before they took his Didyme away from him. He would not allow it!

Marcus seemed the most put out by their True Mate appearance in their lives. He was worried about how Didyme would take it. They loved each other most deeply, it was more than just attraction, it was their souls who knew each other. He couldnt bear to hurt her but Adelaide... Was his mate. Was his true heart and he already loved her so much despite not knowing her.

The kings had a lot to think about and the two remaining Wives were now sitting before them, only one who was quite pissed off. Athendora was perched on her stool with a lovely smile at Caius, she was so excited for him.

Didyme was not. Her back was ramrod straight, glaring daggers at Marcus all while he pleaded for her to understand.

Adelaide was left to roam the garden, taking in how classical and Greek it was, there was the bare minimum of any plant life, no organized chaos that she fell in love with. Just terra cotta pots with plain shrubs. Nothing exciting. Even the fountain was boring as hell. She rubbed her face several times. Trying to make sense of this problem. Trying to grasp at the invisible straws here. She had to get back. She already messed up having shown Aro her memories so they could understand.

Taking deep breaths made her gag several times and she grew even more frustrated. Balling her fists up, wanting to just tear the place apart. She needed to go home! She needed to get to her time!

Aro came out to talk to her, and the other two left to talk some sense in his sister where Athendora tried to make Didyme see reason. The spoiled girl that she was had attacked Marcus and began to trash the place. She did not understand nor did she want to. He couldn't handle her temper so he left to talk to his mate.

Adelaide snapped her head up and met his gaze. She huffed in annoyance. She could not speak to him well! Sure her Greek was decent but it was a struggle and she didn't want Aro to keep reading her mind. It was hard to do that.

Meanwhile, the future Kings, the ones she left behind in the 17th century were currently bent over with rearing head aches as well as Dora. And three of the common guards were slowly turning to ash and stones were shattering...

She had already messed up.


That's not good at all... 👀

Chapter 29: Re-write or No?

Chapter Text

Hello, my readers!

I feel like I am not loving this story anymore and have been considering rewriting it. However! I might just push on through it but would like your opinions.

Comment, please and give your opinion and feedback, as usual, is much appreciated. 💕

Thank you,

Sara ♥️

Chapter 30: Final note

Chapter Text

I am not liking how the story took this turn... So I have decided to rewrite 'The Archer.'

I do hope you all will join me in the rewrite, where I hopefully do not make it utter chaos again. 😩

It will be in a new book, with a new name that I haven't decided on yet. But, if you subscribe to me, you'll see when I post it, and of course, I will mention the name in this chapter.

Thank you all so much for the support on this FF. I just do not have the mindset to try and fix the mess I have made, nor go back and correct all my grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

I will leave this FF up as so many people surprisingly and 'shockingly' enjoy it. 🥹

Thank you!

-Sara 💕

The new Fanfic is up. Titled ‘Hunger’


If you want an ending for this story?

Addie is stuck in the roman era, with no return to the future.

That is all.

The Archer - SyltherSara - Twilight Series (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.