The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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'it THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN: SEPTEMBER 10 LOCAL NEWS Some of the Action at Masonic Outing Yesterday 5S the purpose 'X'U' i jg i OBITUARY 8 4 i' (Photo by The Republican Staff Photographer) XTTl I RYAM Tel River 941 uller Building 4 1 A The Truth About ELECTRIC RADIATORS No Ashes gg tl No Labor No Dust No Worry No Odor No Coal pn nsmil (I'uulu by bather) IE hos 6 ADVANTAGES ANXIOUS OB NEWS Ar near United Electric Light Go CASPER RANGER a SES had taken TO SHOT? NEW ASHIONS I The Complete Building Tel 7125 Call at our offices or send for literature Dept Contractors Main Office Holyoke Mass Automatic Oil Heating Co Branches used riday Boston Springfield New York of the East Tel River 104 Night 244 Main St a sea too to abroad will make it easy offer Springfield the latest deserving of the rench He will have a commis eiJB 6119 will elect lb members at Snfety irst lnst and Always i condition to receive return to I $o000 are to during a day too soon than a day too son street esti your HOPES GRAVES NOT CORRECTLY QUOTED money was taken from him The woman who was the other oc 6 ways voted for the best interests of the working men Mr Ryan also advocates legalizing the sale of light wines and beers and preventing the publication of the names of persons arrested for drunk enness He is opposed to the $5 poll tax and believes that the outrage ous raising of rents should be stopped Other planks of his plat form are the bonus a flve cent carfare and better compensation laws Mr Ryan cites as bills which he favored while serving in the Legis lature the insurance bill providing for the repayment in part of premiums of lapsed policies the bill for the state Institute for the eeble Minded the tax bill which allows two years in stead of one before property can be confiscated by tax sales and the handcuff bill I or these reasons would it hot be to your advantage to consult us about your heating problems for the winter? STATE DEMOCRATSI TO CONVENE HERE Mary Mr and avenue died last night at the Wesson Memorial hospital The funeral will be held this afternoon from the un dertaking parlors of Grise Jr at 3 o'clock Burial will be in air view cemetery Shaw Indian Orchard women two minutes: Won market gained in Mils frequent bus iness trips for him to and most fashions sionaire always in Paris Jean Or sini of the aubourg Poissoniere In cluded in the showing of gowns and wraps for the opening Tuesday will be original and direct adaptations of models from Rene Patou Molyneux Worth Paquin Lanvin and Choruit There will be hats from Suzanne Tal bot Georgette Maria Guy Groult and Lucie Hamar English sport costumes will also be a specialty at Mr new place of business Plaids and tweeds and camel cloth suits and wraps right from England are included in the showing Sweaters and scarfs in vivid and more subdued shades with hats to match will also be there All the long and formal clothes for afternoon evening or street wear along with the sport models that appeal more directly to college girls are to be found and hats to go with them all Mr Leary is well known in Spring field He has been in the millinery business here for 14 years His father is the oldest jeweler in the city hav ing been in business here over 50 years Socony urnace Oil can be purchased under contract at a guaranteed price of 10 cents per gallon delivered in your tank to May 1st 1923 I a DEMAND $5000 BOND JITNEY OPERATORS The Cost of Using the average size headlight type of Electric Heater is 62 cents per hour WOMEN ATTEMPT TO BEAT UP DETECTIVE Let us give you an mate on covering house with this morning If the lure street corner politics and beach witching waves are great they will saddle Springfield on Thursday the cool night air and the absence of traffic had much to do with their starting at midnight but the chief reason was that Charlie Healey had to hold down the clerkship of a local drug store until 10 The fact that he had sold castor oil and per fumed soap all day phase him at all when he hit the trail however All three boys are on vacation and it is only because the remaining two club cyclists have to work that they remain at home Healey is ex presi dentr of the club Roos is acting sec retary and Rogers the treasurer 6 No ashes to shovel out Approved by UndenvrltcrA Lnbornt orie Wit hout Xenervat loin Arthur Leary Will Open New Store On Tuesday Paris and ifth avenue fashions on Springfield streets is the aim of Arthur Leary who announces the opening of his new establishment on Tuesday He is removing from 7 Elm street to more spacious quarters at 351 Dwight street at the corner of Worthington In enlarging his store Mr Leary has also 'enlarged his stock to include besides millinery suits coats furs gowns blouses sweaters and sports apparel The corner shop is attractively fur nished in mahogany with melon color walls and decorations done in a plain Colonial style The fitting and dis play rooms leading off the main shop at oile side are finished in Chartreuse and black The millinery room at the other side is done in Louis XIV style with old ivory and gold rench model gowns and hats will be the feature of Mr shop His SEPARATED DURING WAR AMILY REUNITED One of the happiest of reunions took place in West Springfield Thurs day when Mrs Stefania Leavey and her two children Paul and Catherine joined her husband Michael Leavey at his home 79 Day street after separation of seven years Mrs Leavey and the children sailed from Danzig Poland August 25 on the steamship President Arthur and arrived in New York Wednesday September IQ days ahead of schedule time West Springfield Selectmen Declare for Ample Protec tion The West Springfield board of selectmen is only seeking ample pro tection against possible liabilities of jitney operators for its citizens when a surety bond of $5000 is demanded of the operators for the privilege of running during exposition week ac cording to Herman Walker chair man of the board last night No license fee of $15 has been de manded the chairman stated Last year the operators furnished surety of $300 he declared and it is deemed that this amount is far from offer ing protection in case cf accidents or loss of Mfe through jitney 'accidents He scoffed the idea that the amount of surety demanded of the opera tors was being set at a prohibitive amount in order to" make competi tion with the street railway impos sible It is simply a matter of pro tecting the people and a moral obligation as well he said He pointed out that the Jitney Op erators 'association is not responsi ble for the individual operator in case of accidents and a $300 bond would scarcely cover serious liabil ity In regard to the statement made by city officials of Springfield to the effect that the $10000 bond required of the operators in Spring field protects the citizens of West Springfield as well as those of Spring field Mr Walker stated that the town counsel David Hoar advised him that this bond does not apply in West Springfield As far as Mr Walker is concerned in the controversy he will continue to advocate the demand for a bond of the operators If they run between the two cities exposition week We can please you both as to material and price as fol of Am herst college we desire to call to your attention the candidacy of John Madden of Springfield for the Republican nomination of district at torney in the Berkshire Hampden district is a graduate of Amherst in the class of 1912 and was football captain in 1911 He is an overseas veteran having attended the first Plattsburg camp going through rance with the infantry He has been prosecuting attorney for the district court of Springfield since January 1 1921 and has done well He is married and has one child His record is clean There Is no reason why any man and especially Amherst men should not accord him their hearty support we request that you do what you can to bring about his nomination by the Republican party on primary day September 12 are inclosing five of his polit ical cards with the request that they be placed in the hands of neighbors or acquaintances who will go into the Republican To avoid misunderstanding or surprse in the cost of their use we wish to go on record as to the use of Electric heaters at all taking their mothers on a thea fter party the other night and letting them in on some of the inside spokes of the organization but they've turned down application upon application from envious cyclists The sparkled from bell to tail light when they peddled out last night and six new tires gave assur ance that not 'yet would the reputa tion of the club be punctured If they aren't pulled in for speeding or the road they expect to relax in a church pew at Worcester of Boston the not back Of course 'John Ryan Would Have State Pension the Agedi of a bill providing for old hgo pensions for women of over 60 and men of over 65 will be the foun dation of the campaign of John Hyan of Holyoke for the Democratic cupant of the cay was treated with little ceremony When she remonstrated with the highway men for taking a necklace she was roughly treated and her was such that she had medical treatment on her Springfield After the two strangers all the valuables they could find they went back to the Hupmobile after telling the occupants of the McGree vey car to get out of the vicinity Before leaving however the driver of the Paige took the registration num ber of the Hupmobile He then turn ed his machine and started Tack to Springfield Due either to nervous ness or the beating he had just re ceived the driver of the McGreevey car lost control of the machine at Sumner avenue and Longhill street Sergeant Thomas Moriarty of the Springfield police happened alofa*g shortly after the accident and gave first aid He was given a report on the hold up in East Longmeadow The Hupmobile in which the two hold up men rode is owned by a resi dent of Pearl street according to the number supplied by the driver of McGreevey car The police are of the opinion however that the Hup mobile was not being night by the owner Chiem Aims Letendre Longmeadow police is working in conjunction with the Springfield po lice department on the case The owner of the Hupmobile Was ques tioned yesterday and immediate ar rests are expected Wife and Mrs Con stablini Assault Lieut en ton With Live Chicken Mrs Alberta Magoni 30 wife of rank Magoni who was arrestetl a few days ago on a charge of assault and Mrs Paulina Constablini 60 of 81 Wilcox street were arrested yes terday afternoon on charges of as saulting Detective Lieutenant Patrick enton in a store at 301 Water street Lieut enton went to the store to investigate certain matters' in connec tion with the Magoni case which Is scheduled for trial this week Mrs Magoni approached the officer on his entrance and struck him During the tussle which followed Mrs Constablini seized a live chicken and brought it down on Lieut head Then started a free for all fight in which the two women were urged on by a large crowd which gathered in the doorway The gathering attracted the atten tion of 'Patrolmen Michael Curley and John II McDonald whose timely arrival on the scene prevented a riot as the crowd was unmistakably tile to the officer Paul Revere and all his midnight dash of tailcoat wig and lanterns had nothing on three boy cyclists who pumped out of Springfield when the campanile clock chimed 12 last night Charles Healey of Armory street Ivor Poss and Charles Rogers of Staf ford street are off for a four day wheel of Boston and the beaches They realize perfectly that Revere didn get held up by any motor cycle cops and so they too have chosen the hour when all good people and not so good cops 'should be bed putting it over on Paul in more ways than one though Pa jamas and toothbrushes were sent by express to the Boston on ri day and when the riders streaked onto the Boston road in the first minutes of the morning no one would have guessed they were all set for a four day grind Ever since their legs got long enough to stick to the peddles Charles the 1st Charles the 2d and Ivor the Invincible have been pumping around Springfield They got so attached to the handle bars that dubbel themselves the an exclusive three To date only two other peddlers of the wheel have been admitted to the select club The fellows mind NOKOL can be installed in any furnace hot water or steam heater nomination for state senator from the 2d Hampden district according to a statement issued by Mr Ryan yes terday Mr Ryan states that his rec snL11! Legislature from J15 to 1914 proves that he has al The so called or reflector type Electric Heaters are not intended to heat a house or a large room They are useful as an auxiliary heating unit taking off the chill in the all and Spring and making the bath room or other small room comfortable Madden Asserts Representa tive Did Sign Letter to Am herst Men Indorsing His Candidacy lat denial of an alleged assertion by Representative Merle Graves to the effect that unauthorized use had been made of his name a letter requesting Amherst alumni to help to bring about the nomination of John Madden for district attor ney on the Republican ticket was is sued by Madden last night in a state ment' to The Republican Madden expressed surprise at a statement as coming from Graves saying that the representative had come out publicly in support of District Attor ney Charles Wright for renomina tion cannot recall such a state ment from Mr said Mr Mad den this was the first' time I had heard that he was not support ing my campaign for the The original letter in question which has been circulated in mimeo graphed copy among Amherst gradu ates bore according to Madden the signatures of Graves and ex Mayor Nathan Avery of Holyoke Mr Avery last night confirmed the fact that he had authorized his signature on the letter but Graves could not ae reached Madden Graves and Avery are all graduates of Amherst college Mr statement to The Re publican was as follows: regard to the statement of Merle Graves in an evening paper I wish to say that I tried to get Mr Graves on the telephone all this eve ning to find out if he had been cor rectly quoted says that he did not sign the letter printed riday in an evening paper and bearing along with his sig nature that of Nathan Avery ot Holyoke but that earlier in the sum mer he had signed a pen and ink let ter bearing Mr signature which urged all Amherst men to go into politics and mentioned my can didacy for the Republican nomination for district attorney and that he did not intend urging my candidacy Avery now says that he never signed a pen and ink letter that the only letter which he ever signed in regard to my candidacy is the type written letter which appeared in full an evening paper yesterday and which he authorizes That after signing he sent the letter to me to use as I saw fit say I took the very same letter to Mr Graves that he read it and signed it I then showed it to James Heenehan a brother attorney be fore giving it to Miss Eva Dupre the multlgrapher in the Court Square With the approach of cold weather and the scarcity of coal there is sure to be a great demand for elec tric heaters Samuel Ik Gates Samuel Gates 70 died yesterday morning at his home 11 Spruce street Mr Gates was born in Lee and was a resident of Pittsfield and Dal ton many years making his home in Springfield the past two years He is survived by his widow Mary two sons Howard and branklin I a sister Mrs Elmer Jackson of ram ingham and three brothers William of ramingham George of Center brook Ct and Charles of Norfolk Va The funeral will be held tomor row morning at 10 at the home of his Howard Gates 41 Daytona Burial will be at 230 in Lee Mary Miller Miller infant daughter cf Mrs red Miller of Saratoga CONSTRUCTION CO I 1 Costs less than coal WRECK OLLOWS HOLD UP AUTO (Continud rom irst Page) Train Wreck Causes Delay in rival of Greek Paper Derailment of a New York Haven Hartford railroad train Woodlawn early yesterday caused a gesticulating crowd of 150 to gather in front of Main and Lib erty streets last night It developed that the gathering stood hard by At lantis the New York Greek daily pa per for authentic news on the Turk ish Grecian front and were awaiting arrival of the much 'delayed 72S from Manhattan Several other trains were delayed to lesser extents by the wreck riday night a large crowd of Jew ish people waited patiently in front of a North end news stand for a New York paper published in their lan guage Bates Roofing Co 66 CRYSTAL AVE circuses Belcher lodge of Chicopee alls beat Ludlow and then on the play off with Winchester Square won again Each member of the winning team received a silver spoon A five inning game between a team from Adelphi chapter Eastern Star and Springfield chapter was won by the former which was given a silver Vase for its lodgeroom and each member secured a thermos bottle The Winners Summaries of the other sporting events are: Slow walk for men two minutes: Won by Reart Esoteric lodge 2d A Jlickey Belcher 3d Shaw Indian Orchard Slow walk for women two minutes: Won by Ellice Black 2d Dorothy Hill Jd Kath erine Xllll ast walk for men one minute: A TT T1 oit 09 T5 A Xiacfcuej neivum Oseood: 3d Earle Williams Indian Orchard fast wain ivr MVIUtU V11C yu I building That the origina) letter I with the original signatures is now ir her possession and that the copie with the facsimile signatures wen: out from her office 4 on Thursday last Mr GtatRs' office called me and asked if I fended publishing the letter which bad signed I told his stenograph? that I would not have it published it displeased him but that it had bee sent out to 500 Amherst men and th'j I had no control over it morning a reporter the Daily News asked me for a oop cf the letter which he had heard ha gone out to Amherst men I told hit of Mr request and that give it to him for that reason I ask voters to read the lettei in question and then ask if they think a man of Mr intelli gence could read and sign such a let ter without knowing beyond any question of doubt that he was in dorsing my candidacy for district at torney I hope Mr Graves has been misquoted but in justice to myself I place the facts which are suscept ible of proof before the The letter copies of which the signatures of Nathan Avery 8tiq Graves reads lows: fellow graduates Three Musketeers of Springfield Ride orth to Conquer Boston MASONIC PICNIC AT LIBERTY PARK (Continud rom irst Paje) Party Representatives Will Meet at Auditorium Sep tember 26 to ormulate Platform and Chopse Mcm bers of Committee The Democratic state convention for the purpose of adopting a party platform and electing members o' the state and national commit tees will be held at the Auditorium hero the afternoon of the 26th Rep resentative William II Grady of the 3d Hampden district received a txle gram yesterday from Gardner Perry chairman of the state executive com mittee thanking him for securinghe Auditorium for the gathering and "William Goddard chairman of theliemocratic city committee has ie ceivea a letter outlining cf the convention Besides the adoption of a jiartyvY I am 111 4 I ir: ij i i i 1 i 1 1 i i women and 1a man na large of the Democratic state commit tee one woman and one man of this number being designated to serve as well on the national commit tee Those chosen will serve as mem bers of the state committee during the years 1923 and 1924 Each town and each ward of a city In the state is entitled to one dele gate for every 100 votes cast for the Democratic candidate for governor in 3920 and each town and each ward Is entitled to send one delegate at least regardless of the vote cast Eacn delegate and each member of the con vention must be provided with an official credential issued by the Dem ocratic state committee and the cre dential of every delegate must be signed by the chairman of his local committee Won by Belcber 2d 'nistadt Won hv Katherine Hill 2d Dorothy Hill 3d Ellice Black Standing broad jump for men: Won by Is Cochran Indian Orchard: 2d Shaw In dian Orchard 3d II Ginley Standing broad jump for women: Won bj Mary Hackney 2d Laly McComb Lllcc B'race race for members of Eastern Star chunters: Mrs Dibble SpringHeM 2n Mrs' Keyes Adelphi 3d Mrs WrightNeedle and thread race for wmnon: bv Dorothy Hill 2d Mrs Gmloy od men: Won by Dick smssfeR 50 yard dash for women of vzfzxin vxy pi'rif) Tliurston of Adclpni xh White A Hackney 2d A a00ban Wdtfor Ch Throwing baseball for Edith Kronwall Mildred Evans a uu Witherspoon 3d Events i hv Arthur lor uujb "oj? a ureensway 51 yard iash for Won by Hobcrt a Tawrpnne McClel OOI1I1 QIUHU zwv rd dash for Won by Mia Me Insurance i Surety Bonds 2 The most dependable fuel 3 Superior dean sanitary heat 4 No tending of fires 5 No coal to shovel in Sw BURNING SOCONY URNACE OIL A Silver Lining In the Clouds Some people never believed the clouds had any silver lining until they heard about RAIN INSURANCE Now they have become converted to the old axiom and protect themselves against the weather 'SWAWugaNCE Sales and Service Hampden Hampshire ranklin 318 MAIN ST SPRINGIELD Tel River 7110 Day tiimn Bigelow: Malcolm Schnare 3d TUs pInw linH fid 50 yaru aasn ri i 01 Comb Mary Hackney 2d Harriet Blair yd yard dash (special for Aon by Cochran of Indian Orchard: Logan Belcher 2d: Earla Williams of IndianrTug of war Grotto and Blue lodges Won by Bela Grotto Tug of war Eastern Star and Shrine women Won by Shrine women The total value of the prizes was $500 and 135 were distributed Tlie committee in charge of the affair follows: Chairman Hut chinson: secretary Stevens treasurer red Brewer director of sports Dr John Baker Sports com mittee A Johnson Paul Otto Clarence Howard George Schnare Harry Heyman Tyler Howard I I I I I.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.