US approves sale of AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II missiles to Romania (2024)

Romania is set to boost its air defense capabilities by incorporating the most advanced version of the AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II missiles into its F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft, following the United States' approval of a missile sale worth approximately 70 million US dollars. This significant defense procurement, announced by the Romanian Minister of National Defense Angel Tîlvăr and the US Embassy in Bucharest on May 10, 2024, underscores the ongoing modernization efforts of the Romanian Air Force.
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On April 9, 2024, a pilot successfully launched the latest variant of the AIM-9 Sidewinder from an F-16 Fighting Falcon (Picture source: US Air Force)

The United States has expressed its firm commitment to enhancing security and deterring aggression in the Black Sea region by agreeing to supply Romania with the Block II version of the AIM-9X Sidewinder, the most technologically advanced in its series. These missiles are part of the AIM-9 Sidewinder family, short-range air-to-air missiles developed by Raytheon primarily for the US Air Force and Navy and currently in service in more than 24 countries worldwide.

The AIM-9X Sidewinder represents the latest advancement in the Sidewinder family of short-range air-to-air missiles, renowned for its integration of a high off-boresight focal-plane array seeker with a highly maneuverable airframe. This missile boasts significant enhancements in infrared counter-countermeasures, offering superior performance over its predecessors. Incorporating many components from the AIM-9M, such as the rocket motor, warhead, and active optical target detector, the AIM-9X distinguishes itself with capabilities that significantly exceed those of earlier Sidewinder models. Unlike previous iterations, the AIM-9X can engage not only aerial but also ground targets.

The AIM-9X Block II is the most sophisticated version, holding the title as the most advanced short-range air-to-air missile in the U.S. inventory. It features thrust vectoring maneuverability, an advanced imaging infrared seeker, and a datalink that enables it to strike targets located behind the launching fighter. This missile is designed to provide fighter aircrew with crucial first shot, first kill capabilities that are vital for survival in visually oriented air combat maneuvering. The AIM-9X Block II enhances both the offensive and defensive aerial capabilities of the fighter aircraft, supporting air superiority in both visual and beyond visual range air combat scenarios. It plays a critical role in enhancing the lethality and survivability of fighter aircraft, aligning with the strategic priorities outlined in the Chief of Naval Operations Guidance and the National Defense Strategy.

Specifications for the AIM-9X include a primary function as an air-to-air missile, manufactured by Raytheon, and powered by an ATK MK-139 solid-propellant rocket motor. The missile measures 9.9 feet (3.02 meters) in length, weighs 186 pounds (84.37 kg) at launch, and features a diameter of 5 inches (0.13 meters) with a wingspan of 17.6 inches (0.45 meters). The specifics of its range and speed remain classified, and it employs a solid-state, infrared homing guidance system equipped with an annular blast fragmentation warhead.

Minister Tîlvăr highlighted that acquiring these advanced missiles would significantly improve the operational capabilities of the Romanian Air Force, ensuring a high level of interoperability with similar US military structures. This initiative is expected to enhance the security of both national and allied airspace. The contract also includes a comprehensive logistics support package that encompasses spare guidance heads, training missiles, personnel training, technical assistance, technical documentation, and transportation services, ensuring full operational capability for the Romanian Air Forces.

Echoing the strategic importance of this acquisition, Chargé d’Affaires Michael Dickerson praised the agreement as a testament to the strong security and defense ties between Romania and the United States.

Romania's acquisition of F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft marks a significant step in its efforts to modernize its air forces. The acquisition process began in 2013 when Romania decided to purchase 12 used F-16A/B Block 15 MLU aircraft from the Netherlands for approximately 628 million euros, with the first fleet delivered between 2016 and 2017. In 2020, Romania expanded its fleet by purchasing an additional five F-16s from Portugal, bringing the total to 17 aircraft. These F-16s have undergone upgrades to meet modern NATO standards, thereby enhancing the country's air defense capabilities and operational compatibility with its allies. The selection of F-16s not only reflects a significant enhancement of Romania's air power but also deepens its defense ties with the United States and other NATO members.

Beyond the F-16s, Romania has also acquired other American military equipment, demonstrating their robust defense partnership. For example, Romania has signed agreements for the purchase of Patriot missile defense systems, a multi-billion dollar contract aimed at improving the country's air defense against modern threats. Additionally, Romania has acquired High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), further strengthening its arsenal with cutting-edge American technology.

These acquisitions, combined with the recent integration of AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles to modernize the capabilities of the F-16s, clearly demonstrate Romania's commitment to strengthening its armed forces and deepening its strategic collaboration with the United States.

US approves sale of AIM-9X Sidewinder Block II missiles to Romania (2024)
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