"Just don't tell Ali about this~" - certifieddoormat (2024)

Jet walks down the quiet hallway, the echo of his footsteps the only sound accompanying him. After a grueling day of training, he is finally heading back to his dorm. As he turns a corner, he spots his partner Alicia in the distance.

"Hey, Alicia!" he calls out, waving and flashing a warm smile.

Alicia stands near the doorframe of the entrance to the boys' bathhouse. Her posture is relaxed, arms crossed over her chest, exuding an air of calm and composure. Yet, Jet senses a flicker of something in her eyes, a sign that her thoughts are elsewhere.

"Waiting for your boyfriend?" Jet teases, knowing Alicia often lingers outside the bathhouse for Ali.

She stands there in silence, and Jet can sense that, like him, she is probably exhausted from the long day of training. Just as Jet is about to turn towards the bathhouse entrance, Alicia calls out to him.

"Hey, Jet?"

Turning back, Jet responds, "Hmm, what's up?" He begins to walk backward, facing her.

"Can you come here for a minute?" Alicia asks, already starting to walk away.

Jet is puzzled but doesn't hesitate to follow her. What could she possibly want at this hour? Without a second thought, he trails after Alicia, curious to see what she has in mind.

Not far from the boys' bathhouse, Alicia arrives at an unmarked door. It leads to an old storage room, its presence easily overlooked. With a quick tap on her phone, she unlocks the door and steps inside.

"Come in," she beckons, her tone calm but insistent.

Jet hesitates, his mind racing with questions, but he follows her. As the sliding metal door closes behind him, the automatic lights flicker on, casting a sterile glow over the room. He scans the space, taking in the stacks of boxes that line the walls.

"What's going on here? Did Agent Leon give us a task or something?" Jet asks, his curiosity and concern evident in his voice.

Alicia turns to face him, her expression serious. "No, this isn't about Agent Leon," she replies. "There's something important we need to discuss, and this was the only place I knew we'd have privacy."

Jet stumbles backward as Alicia pushes him up against the wall in the darkened room. "Hey, what the-"

"Huh, what?" Jet tilts his head, confusion written all over his face. But before he can react, Alicia suddenly shoves him against a wall of boxes.

"Hey, what the—"

"Shut up," she snaps, pressing her forearm against his chest. Jet feels the pressure of her arm, his breath coming in heavy, startled gasps. The suddenness of the move has him completely off guard.

"Uh… okay."

"Don't think I haven't noticed," she hisses, her face inches from his. He can feel the warmth of her breath against his neck, her intensity palpable.

"I don't know what you mean…" he replies, his voice unsteady, unsure where this is heading.

"Oh, you don't know what I mean?" she mimics sarcastically, her eyes narrowing. "Don't play innocent. I've seen the way you've been looking at me. Staring at my tit*—"

"No, I—"

"—peeking up my skirt! I'm just a sex object to you, aren't I?" Her voice is sharp, each word cutting through the air as she keeps him pinned, her accusation hanging heavily between them.

"Peeking up your ski—since when did I—?" Jet stammers, but Alicia cuts him off, shoving him harder against the boxes. Her eyes bore into his like lasers, unyielding and fierce.

"Uh-huh? Last mission? Do you still remember? I'm not stupid, Jet," she retorts, staring him down. Jet feels his heart race as her piercing gaze seems to read his very soul. He knows he’s been caught.

Last week's mission at the planetary hall floods back to him. While all agents were disguised as normal middle school students, Jet had seized the opportunity to indulge his curiosity. He had designed a small, invisible robot equipped with a high-definition camera, specifically to peek under girls' skirts. The memory of how he had crafted the robot with Ali's help now fills him with a sense of shame.

Jet shakes his head, desperately searching for words. "Alicia, I'm sorry if it looked like that to you, but—"

"Oh, give me a break!" she interrupts, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "You’re having a boner at a situation like this!" In one swift motion, she grabs his crotch, her hand closing around his semi-hard bulge.

Jet gasps, his body going rigid. The situation teeters on a knife's edge; he half expects her to twist his nuts off, a thought that sends a cold shiver down his spine. But her grip remains firm, and his traitorous dick twitches involuntarily in her grasp.

Caught between fear and a rush of forbidden excitement, Jet is left speechless, his mind racing with uncertainty and arousal.

"I felt that, you pervert," Alicia sneers, her tone a mix of accusation and curiosity. She starts rubbing his swelling member through his pants, feeling it grow rapidly under her touch. "Jeez, how big does this thing get, anyway?"

Jet doesn't answer, knowing words won't change the situation. Inside his pants, his dick is now almost at full mast, pressing up against his stomach, the head poking out uncomfortably through the waistband of his underwear. Meanwhile, Alicia has started rhythmically rubbing along his bulge, her grip alternating between firm and teasing, sending waves of sensation through him.

"What do you think of when you're staring at me?" she asks, her voice softening just a little. "Do you want to f*ck me? Hmm?"

Jet's dick throbs, now fully erect, and he winces. Hearing her say those words sends a dizzying rush through his mind.

"Do I need to worry, Jet?" she continues, her breath hot against his ear. "Are you gonna rape me?"

He jolts as if struck. "God, no…" he stammers, the horror of the suggestion clear in his voice. The intensity of the moment leaves him breathless, the line between fear and desire blurring in the heat of her proximity.

Alicia chuckles. "That's good to know… it's good to know I'm safe from this!" She wrenches hard on his bulge as if shifting gears. Jet tries to stifle a whimper—this is too much to bear!

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Alicia asks, her voice dripping with mock innocence. Her forearm remains pressed against his chest, pinning him hard against the wall. "Maybe we should get it out. Relieve some of this... pressure."

Jet’s breath hitches, a mix of pain and pleasure coursing through him. The suggestion leaves him speechless, his mind reeling as Alicia's grip tightens, the tension between them thick and palpable.

With a sense of urgency, she fumbles with her free hand, her fingers moving swiftly to unbuckle his belt, undo the button of his pants, and pull down the zipper. With a decisive tug, his pants slide past his hips, and then gravity takes over, guiding them the rest of the way down to his ankles.

She pulls up his shirt, anticipating to find his underwear straining with his swollen arousal. But what she doesn’t expect is to find his swollen, purple co*ckhead peeking out the top, his snake-eye glistening with pre-cum, his frenulum stretched taut.

"f*ck, that's big," she whispers in awe, her voice barely audible above the pounding of their hearts. With a trembling hand, she slides down the front of his underwear, feeling the silky underside of his erect penis against her palm. Each inch sends a thrill coursing through her, until she cradles his balls in the soft purse of his scrotum.

She gives them another hard squeeze, relishing in the way it makes him tense up, his breath hitching with desire. With practiced ease, she pulls her hand out, her fingers lingering for just a moment before she adjusts his underwear. With a subtle shift, she ensures that the waist elastic is caught behind his ballsack, allowing his prick to thrust forward, out and proud, a testament to their shared desire.

"Do you think about me when you jack off?" Alicia asks sweetly, her voice a delicate whisper as she wraps her hand around his shaft.

Jet decides the conversation has been too one-sided so far. "All the time," he admits, his voice laced with honesty and desire.

She starts pumping his prick slowly, her hand moving with practiced precision, feeling the soft, veiny skin sliding over the steel-like hardness inside. "You think about me naked?" she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I do," Jet confesses, his breath hitching with anticipation as he meets her gaze, his desire laid bare before her.

"Yeah, I bet you do," Alicia says, her voice laced with a hint of amusem*nt as she picks up the pace, jacking him more forcefully now. "Do you think about my tit*, busting out of my bra, hmm? Do you think about my ass when I'm bending over…"

"Oh God, yeah…"

"But my tit* and ass are still underdeveloped. Do you still think you could enjoy ogling them?" Alicia smirks, her grip on his shaft tightening. She then brings her palm to the tip and rubs it, adding another layer of stimulation.

"I-I mean-" Jet moans, unable to finish his sentence as pleasure washes over him, his eyes closed in ecstasy.

"You wanna take me from behind? Hmm?" Alicia's voice is a sultry whisper, filled with a mix of challenge and desire. "Maybe press me up against the wall and f*ck my brains out with this big f*cking prick of yours?"

Jet is panting heavily now, his arousal reaching a fever pitch. A trickle of pre-cum has escaped his engorged bell-end, running down over Alicia's hand, a fact that has not gone unnoticed. She bites her lip, a mischievous smile playing on her lips, as she tightens her grip and jacks him harder, fueling his pleasure even more.
"God, Alicia, go easy… I'm gonna… I'm gonna…" Jet's words falter as he feels the climax building within him.

"Cum?" she asks sweetly, her voice teasing and knowing, as she continues to stroke him with purpose, her grip firm and deliberate.

"Nnnnnghhhh…" Jet groans, biting his fist to muffle the noise. He’s acutely aware that the squelching sounds of Alicia jerking him off could easily attract attention if anyone were to pass by the room.

His legs feel like jelly, and his mind is a foggy haze of pleasure and tension. The fear of being overheard only heightens his arousal, making it impossible to think straight. All he can do is succumb to the overwhelming sensations Alicia is drawing out of him, every stroke pushing him closer to the edge.

"Cum for me," Alicia whispers, her voice a seductive command. She removes her arm from his chest and cups her palm to receive his seed while her other hand works his shaft with expert precision.

Jet is quickly brought to the point of no return. His hips thrust forward involuntarily as org*smic pleasure courses through his body, and his co*ck explodes. Alicia catches squirt after squirt of warm, white sem*n, her hand filling with the hot, viscous fluid. She holds a small pool of it, a satisfied smirk on her lips as she finally releases him. The last remnants of his load dangle from his prick, glistening and threatening to drip onto the floor.

"Oh dear, what a mess you've made," she says disapprovingly, her tone dripping with mock chastisem*nt. She plays with the gooey substance in her palm, letting it slide through her fingers. "What should we do with this, I wonder?" she muses, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she looks up at Jet, relishing the power she holds in this moment.

Jet stands there, still recovering from the intense climax, a mix of pleasure and slight fear coursing through him. He wonders what Alicia might do next, or worse, what she might make him do.

But as he looks at her, he realizes he needn't have feared. Her expression is playful, almost teasing, but there's a warmth in her eyes that reassures him. Whatever comes next, it's clear she has no intention of crossing any lines he isn't willing to.

Alicia steps back, a sly smile playing on her lips. She tugs up the bottom hem of her suit with the hand not full of cum, skillfully unbuckling her belt and pushing down her pants to reveal her lacy panties. Without hesitation, she wipes her cum-covered hand between her legs, saturating the gusset of her knickers with his load. She feels it soak through to her puss*, a shiver of sensation running through her as she rubs her hand back and forth, from her chest to the base of her ass.

With deliberate movements, she smears the excess cum over her inner thighs, rubbing it in like moisturizer, making her skin glisten in the dim light. The mix of wetness and stickiness clings to her, leaving her feeling clammy. Once satisfied, she pulls her pants back up and buckles her belt, her eyes never leaving Jet's. The air is thick with the aftermath of their encounter, and the unspoken understanding of what just transpired lingers between them.

Jet blushes deeply as he watches Alicia's actions, his heart pounding in his chest. He can't believe what he's witnessing—Alicia, the calm and cold neuro agent, almost robotic in her efficiency, revealing a side of herself he never imagined. The image of the skillful and deadly Agent Alicia fades away, replaced by the sight of a naughty and perverted girl, her desires laid bare in the dim light of the room.

As his dick starts to stiffen once again, Jet realizes he's seen a side of Alicia that few have glimpsed. The contrast between her public persona and this hidden aspect of her nature leaves him both bewildered and intrigued, his mind racing with questions and a newfound sense of intimacy between them.

"Whoa..." Jet sighs, his breath catching in his throat as Alicia giggles in response. With a teasing smile, she brings her right hand—the very hand that moments ago collected his cum—to her lips and licks her palm, savoring the taste of him still lingering there. Her eyes remain locked onto Jet's, filled with a seductive intensity that sends a shiver down his spine.

"Do you like it?" she asks, her voice soft but filled with playful challenge, daring him to admit his desire.

"I..." Jet gulps nervously, his words catching in his throat. "I don't actually..."

He trails off as Alicia suddenly leans closer to him, her breath warm against his ear. Her voice is a soft whisper, sending a shiver down his spine.

"Just one thing... Don't tell Ali about this~" Alicia murmurs, her words laden with mischief and a hint of secrecy. Before Jet can respond, she plants a kiss on his left cheek, close enough for him to catch a faint whiff of his own scent lingering on her skin.

Staring in disbelief, Jet watches as Alicia turns away and slips out of the room, leaving him to ponder the surreal encounter and the tantalizing secret they now share.

"Just don't tell Ali about this~" - certifieddoormat (2024)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Views: 6223

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.