Thunder In Her Heart - BoredShows - 崩坏3rd (2024)

Kiana and Mei had reunited after the long few months since the Herrscher of the Void was unleashed and Kiana went off the grid, but they have finally reunited, but to Mei’s horror and shock, Kiana wasn’t doing very well. Due to the four cores in her body, she contracted the Honkai Infection virus and was slowly dying, though none wanted to admit that fact.

Mei finishes up with the dishes and goes to walk back to Kiana’s room. They had just eaten curry together and now Mei is heading back to her room.

“Kiana-chan. I’m sorry about the curry. I must’ve put in too much spice.”

“No no, Mei-senpai, your curry was great. I didn’t mind the spice at all.”

And that seals it. Mei’s heart feels like it stops and is nearing tears, but she has to see this through.

“Except, the curry wasn’t spicy at all. I didn’t put anything in it that would cause you discomfort for your sake. Kiana-chan, why did you lie to me?”

Kiana immediately averts her gaze and looks towards the ground, kicking the air lightly like a child caught in a lie. “What are you talking about? I didn’t—”

“KIANA!” Mei yells, scaring Kiana and causing her to step back in fear of the unexpected outburst. Mei steps forward once, then twice, and the next thing they know, Kiana is pinned to the wall, unable to leave, unable to escape.

“Please…just tell me the truth. We’ve been together for so long now, I hate to see you suffer, so please…just tell me.”

Kiana goes from averting her gaze to looking Mei in the eyes. “I’ve lost my sense of taste, along with my sense of pain. I didn’t want to worry you, so I said nothing. I’m sorry, Mei-senpai.”

Mei feels like puking like everything will come out of her stomach this instant. Her words hit her like a truck. Kiana can’t taste or feel pain? For how long? How long has she been suffering?

Mei puts her hand to her mouth and backs off with eyes full of fear. Her vision blurs and she feels dizzy.

“Mei-senpai?” Kiana reaches out to grasp her white shoulder, but Mei hits her hand away. “Kiana-chan. Can you feel anything physical at all?” The question is asked and it feels like the weight of the world rests on this one answer.

Kiana nods her head. “Yes, a little bit. It’s not as good as it once was, but I can still feel things. It’s almost like my body is numb and everything I touch feels off.”

Mei breathes a sigh of relief, but that doesn’t relieve her completely. “Kiana-chan.” She outstretches her arm and gestures for Kiana’s hand. Kiana is hesitant at first but takes her hand.

“Can you feel my hand?” She asks to which Kiana nods her head. “Yes.” Then, Mei does something unthinkable to the two previously, she presses Kiana’s hand against her chest, and her breast is grasped by Kiana which Mei is forcing her to grab.


“Can you feel this? Can you feel…me?” Mei stares her in the eyes, awaiting the answer. Kiana can feel Mei’s heart beating in her chest. It’s fast and steady showing her that Mei is both flustered and scared. Kiana can feel her warmth, even through her shirt. Frankly, she doesn’t want to let go, not that Mei will let her right now.

Mei gets closer to Kiana, and their faces get close to each other all the time with Kiana’s regular flirting, but this feels different than every other time. Kiana backs into the wall of the room she’s staring into, and Mei gets closer, almost reenacting the pinning to the wall that just occurred.

“Yes, I can feel you, Mei-senpai…” Mei continues to get closer, studying Kiana’s blue eyes. Their faces are only 15 centimeters apart, but Mei stops herself.

She pulls herself away from Kiana. “I’m glad, you don’t seem to be lying to me. If you lost your sense of—Kiana?” Tears flow from Kiana’s eyes but she doesn’t react, like she doesn’t know she’s even crying. Using Mei’s expression, she finally feels the tears and wipes them away from her eyes. “Gosh, this is embarrassing. Seeing you make that face hurt, Mei-senpai.”

Kiana walks forward and hugs Mei, burying her face into Mei’s supple chest and doesn’t let go as Mei looks down, tears flowing down her face.

It begins to rain outside, and thunder claps, but that can’t stop their embrace. They stay like that in silence for what must’ve been minutes as the rain patters against the window and the room darkens like it’s night.

“Mei-senpai. I want to feel you more. It’s a selfish request, but I don’t want to be alone.”

Mei nods her head and snuggles into her hair, kissing the top of her head. “Yes. I will stay with you, Kiana-chan. I won’t leave you alone.”

The next few moments are a blur. Kiana is led to the bed and lowered onto the mattress and then Mei gets on top of her and looks down while tears fall from her face onto Kiana’s own. “Kiana-chan…” She pulls herself back and wipes away her tears, her voice trembles and her body is shaking. “I don’t know what I’m doing… I feel like I’m going to break.”

“Mei-senpai!” Kiana yells as she embraces Mei and pulls her close. She strokes her hair as Mei sobs into Kiana’s shoulder. “It’ll be okay, Mei-senpai. I’m right here, we’re together and together we’re unstoppable.”

Mei sniffles and raises her head, looking into Kiana’s eyes in the darkness, and moves her face forward. Without thinking about it, her lips brush Kiana’s, and the two kiss for the first time. Their hearts beat as one and fill their ears as all other noise dissipates for just one infinitive moment.

All they’ve been through, every moment spent smiling together, crying together, eating together, everything led to this one moment in allowing the two to finally join together as one and fill the void in the other’s heart. For so long they were alone, but that is no longer.

Mei pulls away from Kiana and the two simply stare at each other, Kiana lets out a small chuckle. “Wow, I never would have thought that would happen.”

Mei blushes and looks toward the wall. “I didn’t think it would happen either…” Mei locks eyes with Kiana once more and then kisses her again. Kiana’s eyes widen with surprise, but quickly shut and accept Mei’s affection. She pulls herself away again forcibly as if she’s holding herself back from what she really wants.

“Kiana-chan. Do you really not want to be alone right now?” A textured question. She’s not asking if Kiana wants company, because Mei would give her that regardless of her answer, earlier, or now. She is asking the question in the only way she knows how to. Instead of “Do you really not want to be alone right now?” She’s asking for permission to stop holding her feelings back that she wanted to spill for so long. Leaving Kiana alone would mean that those feelings are as good as dead. Mei wants to expose her all to Kiana, and for Kiana to do the same to her. No more secrets, no more hiding, no more of being just friends. In accepting Mei’s proposal, Kiana would accept everything about Mei and they’ll become one, forever.

“I don’t want to be alone,” Kiana replies in a sad voice. Mei is everything to her, her very life. Losing her now would probably kill her.

Mei nods with a blank expression and sits up fully. She grasps her white shirt and in one motion she lifts it over her head and tosses it to the side. The normally neat and collected Mei is no longer around and has been replaced by the Raiden Mei who only cares about one thing, forsaking everything and everyone else for just this moment. Her white and purple shirt crumples onto the floor as if it’s Mei herself, and considering it’s also like a dress, Mei is now left only in her underwear and bra, along with stockings.

There have been plenty of times when Kiana has seen Mei nude. The one time when Bronya created a hot spring for them to use and Kiana stared intently at Mei’s figure, or all the times they’ve changed together in the locker rooms back at St. Freya. But this time, it feels different to her. Instead of just gazing upon her body, Kiana feels like she is instead looking at Mei, completely bare of defenses leaving her heart and soul open for attack. Her armor has been cast away, leaving her vulnerable.

Kiana doesn’t feel excited to see Mei nearly nude, or even happy. A sense of dread is the only thing that occupies her mind like she needs to help this girl because if she doesn’t, the girl will shatter like glass under the weight of a mountain. But this doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to save Raiden Mei either. It’s something she must do but also wants to do.

Kiana sits up and hugs Mei, closing her eyes and resting her chin on her shoulder. “Mei-senpai, you’re beautiful.”

Mei looks to the side away from Kiana with an uncomfortable look in her eyes. “I’m not all that great looking.”

“That’s not true at all. You’re the perfect woman.” Kiana unhooks Mei’s black, fancy bra and drops it near her top. Kiana pulls back and Mei catches her chest and covers it up out of reflex.


Mei is reluctant to show Kiana, but this is what she wants too, so she uncovers her breasts and allows Kiana to see them.

“WOW! Those look so good!” Kiana enthusiastically says and reaches out to touch them. “Can I?”

Mei nods her head and Kiana gently gropes her left breast, her hand sinking into it. Up and down, left to right, Kiana plays with her chest, the same breast that she touched earlier. Her heart has since slowed down but is still faster than normal.

Mei leans back and watches as Kiana happily gropes her. She is enjoying it but isn’t sure what to do right now. Kiana leans forward and gently bites down on Mei’s pink nipple, playing with it in her mouth like candy.

“Ah!” Mei moans in surprise as a new feeling surges through her body. She holds Kiana’s head close and allows Kiana to suck and bite as much as she wants. She strokes her white hair and relaxes as a small tingle flows through her body.

Kiana lets go of Mei’s nipple and takes another look at her. “I suppose we should be even?”

Kiana removes her black tank top and throws it across the room. She wears no bra, so her chest is immediately visible. “Mine are nowhere near as big as yours, but I hope you enjoy them.”

Mei looks at them with a blush on her face, then without warning she buries her face in them and lays Kiana down so now Mei is using Kiana’s chest like a pillow, not doing anything but laying her face on her chest.

“Hehe, Mei-senpai, your eyelashes feel like butterfly wings.” Kiana embraces Mei and the two lie like that for a few minutes. Neither speaks to the other as no words need to be said. Both are still hurting and want to spend all the time they can together. Mei wants to listen to Kiana’s heartbeat in her chest to confirm her life, and Kiana wants to feel Mei by her side during this scary time. Kiana rubs Mei’s naked back to calm both Mei and herself, and Kiana can feel Mei blink every second or two, slightly tickling the skin between her chest. Despite the two having intercourse, or at least starting to, neither feels aroused at the sight of the other, not in the traditional sense. It’s more so a sense of yearning for the other’s warmth, a need to touch the other’s skin and embrace one another. Sex is the only way they can feel closer, the only way to understand the other is to thoroughly explore the other’s mind, body, and soul. If only they could embrace each other forever like this, but time can’t stop, nor move backward, so they continue.

Mei lifts her head and stares into Kiana’s eyes, then she crawls backward and grasps her black shorts, then looks back at Kiana for permission.

Kiana nods and Mei slides her shorts and panties off and tosses them to the side like the rest of the clothes. Mei then looks at Kiana’s vagin* like she’s in a trance.

“Mei-senpai, please do something and don’t stare so much, it’s embarrassing.”

“Sorry, it’s just very pretty. I couldn’t help it.” Mei gets closer and touches it, giving Kiana a cold sensation from Mei’s fingers. She then spreads it open revealing the pink inside. Mei blushes and then without warning, sticks her tongue in feeling the fleshly walls of her vagin* along with its warmth.

Kiana jumps in surprise. “M-Mei-senpai! Erm, why didn’t you warn me?” She places her hand on Mei’s head. “Please, be gentle.”

Mei doesn’t respond as she begins to lick Kiana’s insides. “Mhm!” Kiana lets out a surprised moan as Mei licks her walls. Her tongue moves all over, desperately trying to find all of Kiana’s pleasure points judging by her reactions, which so far, she’s doing good with. Judging by her sounds, which spots make her grip on her hair tighten, which makes her walls contract, which makes her more wet, everything she can do to please her special friend.

Mei’s hands glide over Kiana’s legs as she feels her all over. Her breaths tickle Kiana with each one.

“Kiana-chan, can you feel it?”

“Yeah, I feel you. How could I not? Though, it’s a bit…dull. Not your fault of course.”

Mei stops her licking and pulls her face back, looking into Kiana’s eyes again. She crawls up to Kiana’s face and gets a scary-looking, but desperate look. “Then I’ll be more rough and make you feel it, make you feel everything.”

“Mei-senpai… I don’t like that look in your eyes. Please don’t push yourself so hard, or feel like you need to do this. I just want to spend time with you as intimately as possible. You look like you’re about to cry after all.”

Kiana cups Mei’s cheek with her right hand, and a tear falls from Mei’s eye. “I’m so sorry, Kiana. But I just can’t. You’re suffering and I really want you to feel good, but I just can’t bear this. Why does this have to happen to you?”

Kiana smiles. “Raiden Mei. I’m not suffering when I’m with you. No matter how hard things get, when I’m with you, I’m happy. Don’t worry about me, don’t you know? I can shrug all this off like it’s nothing. I'll be fine! I am a Kaslana after all!”

Kiana then pushes Mei down and removes her black panties. “Lookin’ good! Mind if I try it?” And without an answer, Kiana digs in like it’s a meal made by Mei herself.

“Ahn!” Mei moans and tries to sit up, but fails as Kiana has somehow already found her good spots.

“Ah! Mmmhmm. Ngh!” The sound of slurping mixed with a wet sound can be heard amidst the rain hitting the window and building. Kiana peeks up and sees that Mei is drowning in pleasure, briefly returning to her old, happy self, which in turn makes Kiana happy.

Mei shakes her head and tries to push Kiana’s head away, but she’s powerless when faced by Kiana. Mei can’t hold on anymore and everything flows out of her, soaking Kiana’s face in her ejacul*tion.

Kiana pulls her head back and licks her lips. “You taste great! I’m glad I could help you, Mei-senpai.”

Mei smiles at Kiana and laughs a little bit, but realizes what she’s doing and represses herself. She can’t feel happy when the one closest to her is suffering and is just putting on a brave face. That’s how Mei thinks anyway.

Kiana, the one closest to Mei, easily picks up on this and hugs her again. “It’s fine, Mei, I’m fine, really. It’ll make me sad if you can’t enjoy this too. Forget about everything else and just focus on right now, focus on me. I’m Kiana Kaslana, a happy-go-lucky 18-year-old girl. Nothing more, nothing less. And you are Raiden Mei, the bestest cook around and my closest companion. The two of us are making love and that’s all that matters, right?” Kiana pleads with her eyes for Mei to accept her words. Mei’s defenses started to rise again, but have now fallen once more.

“Yeah… alright. Let’s do this, Kiana-ch—no, just Kiana if that’s okay. Just for a little bit.”

“Of course, that’s fine, Mei! I’m all yours. I’d like to have been at the top, but it seems that’s not an option for me right now, so take care of me!”

Mei nods and smiles, tears coming out of her eyes. “Of course, Kiana. You’re precious to me, so I’ll make sure everything goes smoothly. And, I’ll make sure you enjoy this.”

Just like Mei, a tear falls from Kiana’s left eye and she smiles a big, wholesome smile as if two friends have just reunited after a long time.

Mei grasps Kiana’s shoulders and pushes her down once more, going to try again what she failed to do before and make Kiana cum by eating her. She knows she’s not as good as Kiana is, but she feels like she can do it this time. No, she will do it this time.

Her tongue swirls and pokes inside Kiana’s vagin*, seeing which spots provoke a response. She then memorizes these spots and attacks them with 120% power. Kiana moans and jumps but Mei doesn’t stop. Kiana doesn’t want her to stop.

“‘More, Mei.” She pushes down on Mei’s head, jamming her face into her crotch and causing Mei to go deeper in. “Ahn~” Kiana yelps as Mei’s nose touches her cl*t. “Right there!”

Mei only gets more vigorous in her attacks as she starts to lose herself to Kiana’s moans and requests.

A clap of thunder booms outside and the rain gets more vigorous as it falls, but the only thing the two can hear are their moans and the lewd noises coming from Kiana’s crotch. They’re lost in their own world like they’re in a subspace.

Mei begins to squeeze on Kiana’s thighs to not let Kiana escape her grasp as she gets more intensive with her tongue. Kiana is feeling it now just as Mei said she would. Of course, it would be better without the numb feeling, but the sense of pleasure almost overcomes that and a wave of heat surges up her body with each thrust of Mei’s tongue.

“Ah! Mei~ yes!” Kiana yells out, her voice shaking and breaking from the pleasure of being eaten out.

“M-Mei, something’s—ngh—coming…”

“Let it all out, Kiana. Just let it happen.”

A tingling sensation forms in Kiana’s crotch like a pipe waiting to burst. She knows full well what this feeling is as it’s not new to her, but with this context, she feels like she doesn’t want to cum as she normally would. A sense of shyness never seen before washes over her and makes her hold it in for as long as she can. Her lips quiver and she grits her teeth, her hands desperately seek something to grasp and her feet squirm around the sheets to find solid footing, her head jolts back and her torso lifts into the air and spasms. Just like a dam overflowing with water, her walls break under the weight and she lets everything out.

Her urethra ejacul*tes a clear, sticky liquid onto Mei’s face, who at first shuts her eyes, but after realizing what it is, she moves her mouth to drink it up. Who cares where it’s from, to her, nothing about Kiana is dirty.

Kiana convulses and spasms as it rains out and Mei tries to drink as much as she can with some still splashing onto the bed below.

“Ahhh—haAaa!!” Kiana can’t control her voice and it comes out in a tone she couldn’t do even if she tried.

She falls to the mattress and lays there panting heavily, putting her right arm over her eyes. That was easily the best ejacul*tion she’s had in her life, and it wasn’t even close to using her own fingers.

Mei pulls her head away and licks her lips, then looks at Kiana who is still panting like a dog. “Kiana, are you okay?”

“Yeah, just give me a moment.” But Mei doesn’t do as asked and sticks two fingers inside of her still convulsing vagin*, causing Kiana to squeal.

“Mei! I’m still sensitive!”

“I know. I want you to feel everything, so this is how. Just lay back and enjoy it.” And she begins to move her middle and ring fingers in and out of Kiana’s puss*. They’re immediately soaked by her fluids, but this only serves as a lubricant for Mei to use. Kiana grabs Mei’s arm but doesn’t push it away. She just holds onto it as Mei does her thing. It feels better than she could have imagined as each thrust sends a wave of pleasure through her entire body and makes her all dizzy in the best way possible.

“Mei, I love you. I love you so much!” Mei leans her body forward and quickens her pace and Kiana’s walls close around her, trying to draw sem*n out of her fingers, which is impossible of course. Mei places her left hand on Kiana’s right breast and gropes it as she finger blasts Kiana. Mei looks like she’s breathing heavily, fighting the pain in her arm to bring pleasure to her ally, while Kiana moans constantly and her whole body turns red. She can’t even look at her purple-haired woman as her head is stuck against the pillow, seeming chained down by gravity.

Kiana’s legs wrap around Mei’s back, pulling her closer and not letting her stop or break away. “Mei, I’m close again!” Mei pinches Kiana’s nipple, hard enough for her to feel it to which Kiana yelps, and the floodgates open once more to an admittedly less spectacular display of squirt as there’s much less now. Regardless, Mei’s fingers get soaked like she just put them in a bath and Kiana convulses once more.

Just like before, Kiana falls to the bed and pants. Mei removes her fingers and spreads them wide, noticing a whitish string between her soaked fingers. She puts her fingers in her mouth and licks the fluid off of herself to clean them, and then lays down next to Kiana for a short break.

Kiana instantly wraps her arms around Mei and they cuddle face to face, their noses touching and their bodies pushed together as much as they could be.

“I wuv you, Mei.”

“I love you, Kiana. Let’s take a short break.”

Kiana nods and kisses Mei. “Can I suggest some things next?”

“Mhm. All you want. I’m all yours.”

Kiana smiles and the two soak in each other's warmth. Their breaths damp and warm blowing against the other bringing the other relief.

Kiana then sits up and lowers her hand toward Mei’s crotch, rubbing it gently and making Mei quietly moan and stretch out. Mei glances over and begins to suck on Kiana’s breasts as she’s jerked off.

“Mei, that tickles.”

Mei moans and Kiana sticks a single finger into her slit, feeling her warmth inside. A little bit of fluid drops onto the white sheets and stains them. Kiana plants a kiss on Mei’s forehead, then her nose, and lastly her lips.

“Mhm!” Mei pulls back and touches her mouth.


“It’s nothing. I just didn’t expect tongue. You can kiss me again, I’m ready for it now.” Kiana continues to stroke Mei’s vagin* and kisses her once more, using her tongue to bond further with Mei as Mei does the same with her mouth and gropes Kiana’s breasts.

Kiana climbs on top of Mei and they continue to French kiss, Mei’s hand still on her breast, but Kiana has stopped pleasuring Mei for the moment, focusing on just kissing her love.

Kiana places her hands on Mei’s sides and presses her vagin* against Mei’s. They both feel the sensation of their cl*tor*s connecting and moaning together.

“I’m going to move now, that okay?”

“Mhm.” Mei nods and looks into Kiana’s eyes with a dreamy look reflected in her pupils.

Kiana thrusts her pelvis and the two moan again, then again, and again. Kiana reaches a comfortable pace, moving Mei back and forth on the bed, a creaking noise fills the room. Mei’s hands reach around Kiana and hold her back, rubbing her white skin and feeling her spine under her fingers. Her left hand then slides down to Kiana’s butt and gives it a soft squeeze.

Sweat beads fall from Kiana’s face and land on Mei’s as they keep eye contact with each other as Kiana thrusts. A nice feeling tingle spreads through both as they are in bliss with each other. The wetness of their vagin*s acts as a lubricant allowing them to move even better and easier.

“Hah! Ahn! Ah! Mm!” Mei cries out over and over in pleasure and Kiana smiles as she watches her love squirm around and yelp. Mei’s grip tightens on Kiana’s ass and back and Kiana leans in for a quick peck on Mei’s mouth.

At this moment, they feel connected. Completely as one body and soul. Their warmth shared with each other and their bodies entertaining. This is all Kiana wanted in life and now she has it, sharing herself with Mei, sharing their pleasure.

Each thrust pushes them into more and more euphoria, Kiana’s heart is beating so loud that she’s sure even Mei can hear it. “Mei, I love you. I love you so much, I always have.”

“Kiana, me too, I love you so much, so very much.”

“Ah, ah, hah!” Kiana breathes heavily. “Mei, I’m about to—”

“Me too. Together, let’s cum together. I want you.”

Kiana smiles and tears fall from her eyes onto Mei’s cheek. “Then, together.”

Kiana thrusts extra harder than her usual pace and slows her roll slightly, one thrust, two thrusts, three thrusts, and then…

“Cumming!” They both scream and release everything left in their bodies and huddle close to each other as they spasm.

Kiana loses the strength in her body and falls onto Mei, Mei’s arms still wrapped around Kiana, now moving to stroke her white hair. “Mei…”

“Kiana…” They listen to each other’s breaths, their chests moving up and down. The two feel like they’re burning up with their bodies being pushed together and they sweat soaking them, but they don’t care. They only want each other right now. Kiana wants Mei, and Mei wants Kiana.

Kiana closes her eyes and falls asleep in Mei’s arms. Her body is weaker after all with her virus still in effect. The two had sex and said they would put aside the issue, but that doesn’t get rid of the looming threat. Kiana’s breaths fall quiet and slower as she passes out and her body relaxes.

“Kiana?” But she realizes that she’s just asleep. Mei smiles and closes her own eyes while holding Kiana tight. “Jeez. It’s still you, Kiana-chan.”

Mei tries to sleep, but just can’t bring herself to. Now that the intercourse is over, her mind wanders back to the heart of the issue. Kiana is dying, and Mei won’t allow that.

Mei opens her eyes and looks at Kiana’s sleeping face, memories of the past flowing back to her.

“Heh, the strength of one hundred? I’m not strong, not nearly as strong as you.”

She hugs Kiana closer and a tear falls from her eye.

“I swear to you, Kiana-chan, I will save you no matter the cost. Even if that cost is me.”

The Herrscher of Thunder stands before a sleeping Kiana on the roof of their old school, the sun has finally shown itself after the rain giving her a clear look at Kiana.

“If rescuing you is a sin, I’ll gladly become a sinner.”

She didn’t want to do what she did, but there was no other choice. Mei had to leave and Kiana didn’t want her to leave. So Mei had to make sure she could leave unimpeded.

Mei cradles Kiana’s face with her hand and considers kissing her one last time. No, I can’t. Mei pulls her hand away and looks at the horizon.

Kiana-chan. Please, live. We will reunite, but for now, we won’t see each other for a while. I love you so much, so I want you to be happy. I’ll save you no matter what, and this is the cost. Mei smiles to herself. With this, your burden is lessened.

“Farewell, Kiana.” She turns away from Kiana and watches as Kurikara soars into the sky. With one last glance at Kiana, she shoots up to Kurikara and soars into the endless sky above.

Thunder In Her Heart - BoredShows - 崩坏3rd (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.