Pain assessment in the recovery room. (2024)

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The most widely adopted definition of pain describes it as 'anunpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual orpotential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage'(International Association for the Study of Pain 1979, p250). Thisdefinition recognises the subjective, complex and multifaceted nature ofpain and encompasses physical, psychological, social, cultural andenvironmental factors that interconnect and affect how pain isperceived, managed and evaluated (International Association for theStudy of Pain 2003).

Kehlet and Dahl (2003) contends that the practical aims of painrelief are to provide subjective comfort and enhance the patient'sability to deep breathe, cough and move easily, thus avoidingpostoperative complications (Carr & Goudas 1999, Bertolini et al2002). However achieving 'subjective comfort' can offerpractitioners a challenge, as a report of pain requires that they musttry to develop some understanding of the intensity, quality, locationand meaning of the pain being described in order to treat itappropriately. Social attitudes and cultural beliefs (of both the personin pain and practitioners) prevail and can limit effective assessmentand management of pain (McCaffery & Pasero 1999). Furthermore,researchers have repeatedly highlighted the inconsistencies that existbetween nurses' and patients' interpretations of pain (Dahlmanet al 1999, Sjostrom et al 2000, Idvall 2004, Carr et al 2005). Arguablydiscrepancies may be due, in part, to the fact that the parameters beingcompared by patients and nurses are not necessarily measuring the samepain experience (Sloman et al 2005, Brown et al 2007). Nevertheless painand pain assessment should be an accepted consideration for all patientsundergoing surgery.

Pain assessment tools

Pain assessment tools offer patients an opportunity to make alargely subjective experience objective, by describing pain in a waythat is meaningful to them. It is argued that it may also facilitatecontinuity of care (Bouvette et al 2002). In addition to improvingcommunication, insight into the potential analgesic needs of theindividual patient can be developed (particularly for those patientswith underlying chronic or palliative pain). While no satisfactoryobjective measures of pain exist (Joint Commission on the Accreditationof Healthcare Organisations 2001), it is imperative that formal painassessment tools are utilised not only to facilitate effectivecommunication, but also to reduce the chance of error or bias Carr &Mann 2000).

Practical pain assessment tools for consideration in the recoveryroom

Choosing the correct pain assessment tool requires practitioners totake into account the patient's age, language, socio-economic,educational and cognitive status (Bucknall et al 2001, Coll et al 2004).Presented below is a selection of the more commonly used pain assessmenttools which may be used in the recovery room to promote thepatient's self-report of pain and assist teams in managing thepatient's pain. A critique of their advantages and disadvantages isalso offered to aid decision making for applying the most appropriatetool for individual patients across the age spectrum.


Unilateral pain rating scales

Single indicators of pain are arguably the most straightforwardtools to apply in the recovery environment and are primarily used todetermine 'how much a person hurts' (McCaffery & Pasero1999, p62). The Verbal Rating Scale (VRS), Numerical Rating Scale (NRS),Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), and Faces of Pain Scale (FPS) are suitablefor interpreting the intensity of pain and may be easily integrated intodocumentation processes in acute environments.

Verbal Rating Scale (VRS)

Known also as the Verbal Descriptor Scale (VDS), this tool offers achoice of four adjectives to describe increasing levels of painexperienced by an individual. The scale may be assigned numbers (rangingfrom zero to three) or letters (ranging from A-D) to assist recording(see Table 1).

For acute pain, the VRS provides a quick and simple method of painassessment in the recovery room and can be easily integrated intoroutine observation charts. Additionally, their simplicity may be moreappropriate for older people or those with mild cognitive impairment(Lawler 1997) as VAS or NRS for pain can be conceptually difficult forolder people to use (Closs 1996). While offering a limited choice ofwords may be deemed prescriptive (Schofield 1995), extending the wordchoice makes the VRS time consuming and complicated for patients (Jensen& Karoly 1992). A significant difficulty of employing a VRS is thatit can be difficult to ascertain small changes in pain, as the VRSintervals are less sensitive than those of the NRS and VAS (Williamson& Hoggart 2005). Nevertheless, Lara-Munoz et al (2004) propose thatthe VRS can provide reliable scientific information.

Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)

This tool comprises of a 10cm line with 'no pain' locatedat the point of zero and 'worst imaginable pain' located atthe opposite end. The patient is asked to place or move a marker to thelevel that best indicates the intensity of their pain. The VAS (Figure1) may be administered using a plastic ruler with a sliding marker or bypaper. It is largely presented to the patient horizontally (Ogon et al1996), however as pain may be considered as something that'rises' it can also be used vertically (Aun et al 1986,Stephenson & Herman 2000).

There are variations of the VAS available with numbers (from zeroto 10 or zero to 100) or words (no pain, moderate pain, severe pain)being supplemented (see Figure 2).

Williamson and Hoggart (2005) suggest that the more levels a paintool has the more sensitive it will be to detecting changes in pain.However, Jensen and Karoly (1992) have urged caution in its use due topatients experiencing difficulty in understanding and using the VAScompared to other scales.



Numerical Rating Scale (NRS)

The NRS is an interval level tool that is applied verbally by thepractitioner who asks the patient to rate their pain intensity from zeroto five or 10. Some studies present the NRS as increasing from zero tofive, 10, 20 or 100 (Williamson & Hoggart 2005). As with the VAS,the end point zero signifies no pain and five (10, 20 or 100) representsthe worst pain possible.

Since many patients understand the concept of rating their painfrom zero to 10, with minimal explanation, this method of painassessment can be useful when trying to determine the degree of pain anindividual is experiencing in situations where they will not or cannottolerate lengthy questioning. Thus NRS may be useful for patientsrecovering from anaesthesia, those admitted under stressful or traumaticconditions, the less well educated and the visually impaired (McCaffery& Pasero 1999). Ferrell (1995) suggests that applying a NRS fromzero to five may be the most appropriate pain rating scale forcognitively-impaired patients.

The validity of the NRS has been well established (Jensen &Karoly 1992). Additionally, its sensitivity to small changes in pain andits correlation to the VAS are robust (Jensen et al 1986). Its ease ofunderstanding and application makes it a useful tool for daily practice,research and audit purposes. Nevertheless not all patients have theability to perceive their pain numerically (Carpenter & Brockopp1995, Bird 2003). A further consideration in applying this tool is thatthe end point number (5, 10, 20, 100) must be agreed upon and appliedconsistently in order for meaningful pain assessment to be achieved.

The Faces of Pain Scale (FPS)

The Faces of Pain Scale (FPS) employs six facial expressions thatrange from a smile through to a grimace. The smiling face at the zeroendpoint signifies that the individual has no pain and as they progressthrough the faces the expressions change indicating that the pain isgaining in intensity. On the reverse or below the faces scale there is anumerical rating scale (NRS) ranging from zero to five (zero to 10versions are also available). The patient is asked to choose the facethat best represents their pain, which in turn corresponds to theappropriate number.

The Wong-Baker FACES of pain scale

A popular variation of the FPS, the Wong-Baker FACES of Pain Scale(Figure 3) comprises of a series of six facial expressions (ranging froma smile through neutral to a sad crying face). The smiling face at thezero endpoint signifies that the person feels happy because they have nohurt/pain. Progression through to face five symbolising that the personis experiencing the worst hurt/pain imaginable. The patient is asked tochoose the face that best describes how they are feeling (though theymay not be crying). Hurt, soreness and pain may be used interchangeablydepending on the age of the person who is using the tool.


In a modification of the Wong-Baker scale, a VAS has been added tothe faces (McCaffery & Pasero 1999). This amended tool has beenrecommended as the choice for most clinical settings due to itspopularity among children from three years (McCaffery & Beebe 1994)through to adult patients. Furthermore it has been translated intoseveral different languages. The FPS and Wong-Baker Scale also have theadvantage of avoiding the bias that can be associated with someinterpretations of the FPS (for example, Oucher scale (Beyer & Wells1989) for children and adolescents), because the faces do not depict oneparticular age, culture or sex. However, a primary drawback of this toolis that it can be a barrier for use with the visually impaired.

Several studies (Herr et al 1998, Kaasalainen & Crook 2004,Jowers Ware et al 2006) have confirmed the validity, reliability andsensitivity of the faces scale. Questions have been raised as to whetherthe FPS may measure overall well-being or fear, as opposed to theconstruct of pain (Stein 1996, Jowers Ware et al 2006). However, JowersWare et al (2006) contend that ease of use and the reliability andvalidity of the FPS make it a useful tool for evaluating pain intensity.


Although useful for encouraging practitioners to apply a pain scalein busy recovery room environments, limitations of unilateral RatingScales exist in that they:

* offer a singular approach to pain assessment

* focus primarily on the intensity of pain (Flaherty 1996)

* fail to take account of the context of pain (Williamson &Hoggart 2005).

Other important factors such as location, quality, duration,emotional impact, type of pain and things that may exacerbate or reducepain are omitted. Though recovery room staff may focus primarily onrelieving immediate postoperative pain it is worth noting that the abovefactors might ultimately influence pain management decisions.Furthermore, applying the appropriate pain assessment tool accurately isonly one part of pain management. Of equal importance is thepreoperative preparation of patients (Coll 2004), accepting thepatient's self-report of pain (McCaffrey 1968, JCAHO 2001) andfrequent consultation with patients to determine the adequacy ofanalgesia, in order to plan and provide pain management interventions(Bucknall et al 2001, Dihle 2005).

Multidimensional Pain Rating Scales (MPS)

Increasingly patients admitted to hospital have an underlyingchronic pain condition for which they are already receiving treatment.For such patients Multidimensional Pain Scales (for example, The McGillPain Questionnaire (MPQ), (Melzack & Torgerson 1971), The short formMcGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ), (Melzack 1987), Brief Pain Inventory(BPI), (McCaffery & Pasero 1999)) may be more appropriate. Thesescales assess the location, intensity quality, duration, pattern and/oreffects of pain. Arguably multidimensional pain scales are not wellsuited for application in the recovery environment. However these painassessment tools may offer valuable information to recovery roompractitioners if they are completed prior to surgery. They may beparticularly helpful when the analgesic needs of patients, withunderlying painful conditions, appear to exceed 'the expectednorm'. Possibly this is an area that requires further investigationand input from recovery room practitioners.

Paediatric pain assessment tools

It is essential that pain assessment in children is appropriate forthe individual child and his or her family (Twycross et al 1998). Asculture, belief, cognitive level (including those with developmentaldisability), perceptions and the tolerance of pain differs in allchildren, determining the level of pain experienced can offer asignificant challenge. Thus there are a number of pain assessment tools,ranging from assessing pre-verbal to adolescent patients, available. Asa rule of thumb pain in paediatric patients can be measured by:

* what children do (behaviour)

* how their bodies react (biological)

* what children say (self-report) (Twycross et al 1998).

In addition Twycross et al (1998) have offered some guidance toclinicians in terms of which pain assessment tool should be used when(Table 2).

Older people (65 years and over)

While the prevalence of pain in older people varies throughout theliterature, what is consistent is that pain, in this patient group,remains problematic (NCEPOD 1999, Kaasakainen & Crook 2004, Lovheimet al 2006). As the admission of older people to hospital increases (DH2000), and inadequately managed pain is associated with many adverseconsequences (JCAHO 2001, Kemp et al 2005) the need for appropriate painmanagement is crucial (Brown 2004). However, as older people presentpractitioners with unique challenges (Table 3) it is necessary todevelop some understanding of what these challenges are, ifpractitioners are to enhance their practice.

Table 3 was compiled following a review of the literature relatingto older people undergoing surgery (Brown 2004) and an in-depthethnographic study of older people undergoing colorectal surgery (Brown& McCormack 2005, 2006).

Pain assessment with older people

None to mild cognitive impairment The principles for assessing painin older patients with no or mild/early cognitive impairment (includingdementia) are the same as those for a person with no memory problems(McClean & Cunningham 2007). McClean (2003) suggests older peoplecan report pain as accurately as their younger counterparts, using thepain rating scales outlined previously. However, it may be necessary toconsider adopting words other than pain in order to elicit a forthrightresponse (for example, ache, discomfort, sore). For those patients withmild cognitive impairment it is also helpful to clearly ask if they havepain at present, how big a problem it is and to give them sufficienttime to answer (McCaffery & Pasero 1999, McClean & Cunningham2007). Pain rating scales should be used until patients are no longerconsidered able to respond to the scale for themselves. They may well besignificantly cognitively impaired before this occurs (McClean &Cunningham 2007).

Moderate to severe cognitive impairment

As cognitive impairment progresses it becomes more difficult forpatients to accurately describe their pain and recovery roompractitioners become reliant on other sources of information concerningthe patient's pain. Assessing pain using behavioural indicators mayassist recovery room practitioners at this stage (American GeriatricsSociety 2002, Zwakhalen et al 2006). Behavioural indicator pain scalesplace the practitioner's observation of the patient into aframework that usually consists of:

* physiological changes--such as colour, vital signs, sleeppattern, guarding, sweating, loss of appetite

* body language changes--such as agitation, aggression, weeping,reaction to touch, increased or decreased movement

* behavioural changes--such as facial expression, withdrawal,assuming a foetal position.

There are a number of behavioural indicator pain assessment scalesavailable (for example, Hurley et al 1992, Kovach et al 1999, Feldt2000, Warden 2003, Abbey et al 2004) that include observation of some orall of the behaviours mentioned above. Debate concerning the reliabilityand validity of observational pain scales led the American GeriatricsSociety (AGS 2002) to examine the reliability of practitioners utilisingobservations to make a diagnosis of pain in patients with severecognitive impairment. Consequently they suggested six areas that shouldbe incorporated into behavioural pain assessment charts (facialexpression, negative vocalisation, body language, changes in activitypatterns or routine, changes in interpersonal interactions, mentalstatus changes).

Currently the only two behavioural pain assessment scales that takeaccount of all six areas are:

* The Assessment of Discomfort in Dementia Protocol (ADD) (Kovachet al 1999)

* The Abbey Pain Scale (Abbey 2004).

However, changes in activity patterns or routine, changes ininterpersonal interactions and mental status changes may be difficultfor recovery room practitioners to ascertain as they care for patientsfor relatively short periods of time. Nevertheless if ward nursing staffhave initiated behavioural assessment scales prior to surgery they mayassist recovery room practitioners in assessing pain in older patientswith cognitive impairment. This is an area that requires furtherresearch.


Pain assessment tools enhance communication between patients andpractitioners by making a subjective experience measurable. Field (1996)suggests that recovery ward nurses have a special and significant rolein assessing and relieving postoperative pain. Postoperative painassessment should focus on the needs of the individual patient ratherthan on preconceived ideas of how much pain a certain type of surgerymay elicit (Sjostrom et al 2000). To achieve this, a valid painassessment tool should be consistently utilised.

As highlighted earlier, a unilateral pain assessment tool may bebest applied in the initial postoperative period, with the recovery roomnurse taking an active part in asking the patient to rate their pain anddocumenting the reported pain for the patient. However, unilateral painassessment scales are not without their limitations. For those patientswho are anxious or not responding to pain management interventions,recovery room practitioners may need to consider the broader context ofpain (Botti et al 2004). In addition, MPSs (for patients with underlyingpain conditions) and behavioural pain assessment tools (for patientswith cognitive impairment) may offer recovery room practitioners theadditional information they require for enhancing pain managementpractices. However, this is an area that requires collaborative workingand further research (Table 4).


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About the author

Donna Brown



Senior Acute Pain Control

Sister, Belfast Trust, Royal

Hosptials, Belfast

Task 1



Review this article in relation to your experience of painassessment in the recovery room.

Reflect on your approaches to pain assessment, across the agespectrum.

Notional Learning Hours 1 hour for each task

Knowledge and Skills Dimension

Core 2: Personal and people development

Task 2


Scheme of work

Arrange to spend some time with the Acute Pain Service observinghow they assess pain in different patient groups. Reflect on yourexperience and consider how you could use your new knowledge to improveyour practice and patient care

Notional Learning Hours 1 hour for each task

Knowledge and Skills Dimension

Core 2: Personal and people development

Task 3


Identify patients in the recovery room with complex pain assessmentand management needs. Reflect on what knowledge and skills recoverywards nurses used to assess and manage their pain.

Notional Learning Hours 1 hour for reflection

Knowledge and Skills Dimension

Core 4: Service improvement Core 5: Quality

Task 4

Case study


Complete a case study on a patient with complex pain managementneeds (e.g. underlying chronic or palliative pain).

Reflect on your how you assessed and managed their pain and whatknowledge you could bring to your role.

Notional Learning Hours 1 hour for each task

Knowledge and Skills Dimension

Core 2: Personal and people development

Core 3: Health, safety and security

Core 4: Service improvement

Core 5: Quality

HWB6: Assesment and treatment planning

HWB7: Interventions and treatments

Task 5


Identify members of the multidisciplinary team who could assist youto develop preoperative pain assessment guidelines for patients withcomplex pain assessment needs. Consider what steps you may need to taketo promote enhanced pain assessment practices for these patients.

Notional Learning Hours 1 hour

Knowledge and Skills Dimension

Core 2: Personal and people development

Core 3: Health, safety and security

Core 4: Service improvement

Core 5: Quality

by Dr Donna N Brown Correspondence address: Acute Pain Service,Level 3, New Building, Royal Victoria Hospital, Grosvenor Road, Belfast,BT12 6BA. Email: [emailprotected]

Additional Learning Resources

Associated AfPP online modules:

* Additional Learning Resources

* Associated AfPP on line modules:

* Airway Management

* Breathing Management

* Breathing Circuits and Their Uses

* Anaesthetic Drugs

* Supportive Pharmacology

* Circulation and Invasive Monitoring

* Patient Care: Knowing and Doing

* The Multi-disciplinary Team in the Operating Theatre

* Communication Skills

* Patient Care in the Operating Department

* Organisational Skills and Tools

* Patient Assessment in Recovery

* Pain Management in Recovery

* Health and Safety

* Infection Control

* Universal / Standard Precautions

* Managing Sharps and Waste

* Control and Scavenging of Waste Anaesthetic Gases

* Liability and Accountability

* Care and Responsibility

* Consent

* The Human Rights Act

Web links and key documents

International Association for the Study of Pain 2003 InternationalAssociation for the Study of Pain (IASP) pain terminology, availablefrom [Accessed 12/07/07]

British Association of Anaesthetic and Recovery Nurses

Reflective model

You will find this reflective model template and many others underthe career development tab on the AfPP website.

Table 1 Verbal Rating Scale0 Or A No pain1 Or B Mild Pain2 Or C Moderate Pain3 Or D Severe PainTable 2 Paediatric pain assessment tools and age suitabilityWhich tool should be used when?Tool Age groupFaces From 3 yearsPoker chips 4-8 yearsEland Colour Scale 4-10 yearsNumerical From 9-10 yearsVerbal Rating Scale 9-15Oucher 3-12 years Useful for young children and those with language difficultiesReproduced with permission of Twycross et al (1998) PaediatricPain Management: a multi-disciplinary approach Oxford,Radcliffe Medical Press p57Table 3 The challenges of assessing and managing pain in theolder personResearch findings suggest that:Pain sensitivity: threshold/toleranceMay differ in people of advanced age (Helme & Gibson 2001, Fine2001) with subsequent management of pain being complicated bymultiple, non-concomitant causes and locations of pain (Herr &Mobily 1991, Closs 1994, Epps 2001, Horgas 2003). However, it isincorrect to assume that 'differ' means that pain reduces orbecomes absent. Rather it implies there is a variation in theexperience of pain, with some possible increase in patients' paintolerance (McClean & Cunningham 2007).Analgesic intakeOlder people receive less analgesia than their younger counterpartswith the same degree of pain (Morrison & Sui 2000). This may be duein part to psychological or physical changes associated with age orthe dominant ageist belief that it is usual for older people toexperience pain daily and they 'simply have to put up with it'(Harkins et al 1990, Yates et al 1995, Gloth 2000). However, Owenet al (1989) argued that older patients, using Patient ControlledAnalgesia as a form of postoperative pain relief, did notself-administer less medication.Cognitive impairmentCognitively impaired people receive much less analgesia than theircognitively intact peers (Feldt et al 1998, Morrison & Sui 2000).Ferrell and Ferrell (1992) argue that it is dangerous to assumeolder people with cognitive impairment perceive pain differently,as there is no available evidence to suggest that individuals withcognitive impairment overstate or invent the pain they report(Bruce & Kopp 2001).PerceptionsThe older persons' perception of staff being 'too busy' (Yates etal 1995) or fear of being regarded as a nuisance influence theolder patients' willingness to communicate their pain concerns(Herr & Mobily 1991, Carr & Thomas 1997, Brown & McCormack 2006).Older people may further be disempowered because of negativestereotypical attitudes which assume that growing older inevitablyresults in reduced capacity for involvement (McCormack 2003). Thuscomplex pain management needs remain unaddressed (Helme & Gibson2001, Horgas 2003) or discussed with family members, who maythemselves not be sufficiently knowledgeable to best advise theolder person (Brown & McCormack 2006).PracticesTask orientated practices in the hospital setting, a lack ofawareness of older peoples' needs and wishes and inadequatecommunication affect pain assessment and management with olderpeople (Brown & McCormack 2006).CommunicationIt has been well recognised that older people may experiencedifficulties in communicating their analgesic needs to others(Sengstaken & King 1993, Simons & Malabar 1995). Brockopp et al(1996) found that although 92% of 125 older people understood thatthe person who is experiencing pain is the authority on their pain,only 66% believed that their pain would not be taken seriously whendiscussed with others. Ferrell (1995) highlights that poor memory,depression and sensory impairment may contribute to the challengesof achieving accurate pain assessment. The practicalities of olderpeople experiencing hearing difficulties make it possible thatpatients do not respond to questions concerning their pain becausethey misunderstand or simply did not hear what they were beingasked (Brown & McCormack 2006).Table 4 Key points for pain assessment toolsKey pointsPain assessment tools and charts must be:* Easily understood by patients and staff* Appropriate for the patient population they are to be used with* Quick to apply* Consistently applied and evaluated with patient input* Used with consideration to context and behavioural signs* Offer a sensitive, reliable and valid measure.

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Pain assessment in the recovery room. (2024)
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