Eternally Bound - NoodleGoBoom - Naruto (Anime & Manga) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

It had been several, long months since Kankuro’s little surprise visit to your bedroom, one that ended up flipping your life on its head and changing your understanding about your entire childhood completely; apparently just how much sem*n your body could fit too. Safe to say, you did not end up going to work the following day, the fact your stomach was still swollen with Demon seed and it wouldn’t stop leaking from your puss*, was definitely to blame for that. Calling in sick to work was something you had never had a reason to do before, so it had come as a bit of a shock to your boss when you had rung that morning to tell them you wouldn’t be able to make it in. When they had asked why, you didn’t see the need to completely lie to them and so a fraction of the truth was more than enough to convince them; the absolute sardonic laughter coming from your Demon lover in the background helped in driving the point home.

News of your calling in sick happened to spread like wildfire throughout your work space and of course, the fact you had been f*cked within an inch of your life being the reason you had been unable to attend work also managed to get out somehow; words would be had with someone about that!

Returning to work the following week was some form of uncomfortable horror show, one you didn’t particularly want to be part of. All the girls working with you wanted to know the details surrounding your mysterious rendezvous and the man whose co*ck was apparently good enough to make you miss work. You couldn’t really blame them for being curious about the whole ordeal, after all it wasn’t as though you had ever mentioned having a boyfriend to them before and suddenly you missed work because of a good f*ck. Oh, how little shame the nurses of your hospital had been when it came to gossiping about you or questioning you about him and honestly, you kind of wished they wouldn’t have said some of the things they did.

“Can we meet him?”

Sure, just give you the night to summon him from beyond the gate to another world so they could all see him and without a doubt try to flirt with him.

“Lucky you, getting f*cked by a guy who actually knows what he’s doing.”

Yup, lucky… you weren’t about to break the bad news to any of them that he wasn’t exactly normal or even human for that factor; you’d let them all keep their delusions that a man like him existed out there somewhere. You wanted to keep his Demonic nature completely out of any of the talks that would occur with your coworkers, thank you!

“Come on, don’t keep him all to yourself.”

You didn’t even justify that statement with and answer when it was snidely and rather rudely thrown your way, mainly because you knew that if you were to say something then you’d more than likely be the one to get in trouble; luckily you had learned to ignore people after having been a nurse for several years yourself.

“Do you think if we asked nice enough, your man would want to share his knowledge and techniques with our partners?”

Oh, of course… You were sure he’d be all too happy to show their sex partners how massive his actual co*ck was and make them feel like they could absolutely do the same job he could. Also, what the f*ck? Way to make your partners feel as though the actions they perform for your useless asses while having sex aren’t good enough; talk about a massive blow to the ego.

“Sweet talk him for us, yeah? See if he will be willing enough to f*ck us like he did you.”

It was at this point, nearing the end of your shift, that you had almost ended up snapping at the person who was stupid enough to make this request of you; having to remind yourself that you were still at work. You ended up having to break it to them all that you had known Kankuro since you were both just children and he sadly wasn’t going to be interested in being with any of them like that. Also, did they seriously think he was some kind of man-whor* who would happily stick his dick in one of them if they batted their eyelashes at him just right?

Sadly, you did accidentally end up letting his name slip to your colleagues, something you had been hoping to prevent from happening but alas it f*cking did.

In the end you had decided to relay your rather stressful day of interrogation on behalf of your female coworkers and even some of your male coworkers, back to your Demonic Prince. You had hoped he might be able to offer you some form of suggestion as to what you could say to them all that would make them stop asking about him, that would be if he could stop laughing long enough to actually give you a response. Kankuro was a Demon though, you knew he didn’t fully understand how something like this could be really frustrating for humans; it seemed like Demons weren’t exactly ashamed of their sex lives. You had also found out that Kankuro had a rather dark side to him that night while making love to him and despite the fact it was a side of him you happened to like; you just didn’t think he would fully care about the opinions of your coworkers.

Honestly, you probably should have expected his answer long before he even gave it but, his initial words had still taken you by surprise.

“Why don’t I just come meet them at your work then?”

Of course, just let him rock up and speak with your coworkers; there couldn’t possibly be anything wrong with that. It wasn’t as though any of them would try throwing themselves at him, or like any of them would ask him to absolutely f*cking destroy them with his massive co*ck. You had thought he had been joking when he made the suggestion but sadly, no!

Going to work the next morning was just like any other day for you, a nice bright and early start before what felt like the crack of dawn. A delicious piping hot coffee in one hand and a trained smile plastered on your face as you braced yourself for what was going to undoubtedly be another hectic day. It wasn’t until about halfway through your shift that there was a buzz throughout the air, patients gossiping and whispering amongst themselves while members of your own staff were far too busy ogling something to tend to any of their said patients. After making your way through the swarm of people and over to the reception desk in your area of the hospital, did you see the cause for why no one was going to be able to get any work done. Standing there at the desk, wearing skin tight black jeans and a loose tank top was Kankuro, a smile etched across his lips as he asked the poor attendant behind the desk where you were.

You had been quick to make your way over to him, pressing your face against his side as you twisted your fingers into the hem of his tank top, thankful for the reprieve but also embarrassed by all the commotion. Kankuro had simply chuckled to himself as he wrapped his arms around you and placed a firm kiss to the crown of your head, you could feel the low growl vibrating through his chest as he pulled you tight against his body; no doubt shooting a dangerous glare towards your coworkers in the process. He declared rather loudly that he was taking you out to lunch, even getting your rather flustered and stuttering shift manager's permission to steal you away for an entire hour so he could have a decent meal with you; this man really was turning your life on its head.

It was while you were out at lunch with your Demon, that Kankuro decided it was the perfect opportunity to spring yet another new subject on you.

“Bonding Ceremony?” You had almost choked on your water when he had mentioned it, drawing the attention of those nearby as you tried to recover your composure; you were definitely intrigued to know more about the whole thing.

“Mmmm, I believe you humans have something similar to it in this world; you call it marriage?”

Kankuro’s nonchalant attitude in regards to the entire thing was somewhat of a refreshment in itself but at the same time it served to make you wonder if the two of them were really all that similar. Hold up, was this man you’d known your entire f*cking like really asking you to marry him in some Demon Bonding Ceremony after he had already f*cked your brains out?

After getting Kankuro to further explain the Ceremony to you, it turned out that he was right about it as a whole, it sounded as though the two of them were the same but you also couldn’t help but feel as though there was something he was purposefully leaving out. You wouldn’t press him for the details though, it might have been something he wanted to remain a surprise for you on the actual day and that in itself was actually really sweet. Of course, you had a multitude of questions of your own which Kankuro had been all too happy to answer for you; even if some of his answers were a bit vague or indirect in their meaning. The only real hitch the two of you arrived at, was one that would ultimately change the course of your future and something you struggled with personally; you would have to leave this world behind.

Kankuro allowed you time to think it over, delivering you back to work and saying that he would give you a few days of space before he returned to speak with you. You were grateful for the few days of grace that your Demon had given you, it allowed you the appropriate time to thoroughly think things over without feeling as though you were being pressured into giving up an answer. On the day you knew Kankuro was due to return for your talk, you decided to do something you hadn’t done in a really long time; ring your mother.

The conversation had been somewhat awkward to start with, the two of you exchanging pleasantries with each other before there was an uncomfortable silence between you. How were you supposed to bridge the nine-year gap that had grown between you? Kankuro would have probably lost his mind if he knew you were contacting your mother, especially after you had told him how things had been left between you; he would have been supportive of your decision though. You hadn’t left on the best of terms the night you had packed your things and walked away from the family home of your childhood. The words your mother had screamed as you left, the front door swinging shut before you, had stuck with you all this time and even not with her on the other end of the phone; those words still hurt.

You walk away from us now and you never come back! Forget all about this house, forget about any attachment you have to the family name and consider yourself dead to me!

It had been your mother who had broken the lingering silence, asking if everything was going ok with you and if work was being kind. It was strange to hear her ask such things to you after all this time; even if the worry you hear in her voice wasn’t genuine. For the first time in a long time, it felt as though your mother actually cared about your wellbeing, but that painful memory of her harsh words kept nagging at your mind; a reminder not to let yourself become complacent with her. You told her work was going great, busy as it always would be for any person working in the nursing industry and that your health had never really been better.

It was inevitable for the main subject to come up, getting it out of the way was going to be far easier than holding off and prolonging whatever consequences would come with mentioning it to her.

Bringing up your memories of Kankuro from when you were both children was all it would ever take to sour your mother’s docile mood and she instantly became extremely cold towards you. Her words were harsh as she told you to forget about those silly little dreams and to move on with your life, saying that the innate musings of a child shouldn’t be something an adult holds onto. Telling your mother that those, ‘machinations’ as your father had called them, hadn’t been silly little dreams and you had in fact reconnected with Kankuro over the last couple of years; that wasn’t what your mother had wanted to hear from you.

Your mother became irate with you, raising her voice to the point she was screaming into her phone for you to stay away from him; you couldn’t imagine what she seemed like to anyone who happened to see her. You sat on the end of your bed, tears brimming in your eyes as you listened to your mother scream her frustration at you, her words becoming jumbled and incoherent the angrier she got; her words bleeding into each other as she spoke too fast for understanding. As her temper simmered and her words began to become clear to your ears, you didn’t miss how she called Kankuro a monster or pointed out the fact that you didn’t really know who he was.

It was too late once she had let those words be heard, silence falling over the line for the briefest of moments before your mother was stuttering in an attempt to backtrack her words, but you weren’t about to let that happen. You cut across your mother, definitively denying her whatever pitiful excuse she was going to attempt to fix her mistake with; asking what she could possibly have meant by her words. Considering that just moments ago, she had considered Kankuro to be nothing more than the mere ‘silly dreams’ of your childhood imagination and your adult delirium as she had cruelly screamed at you.

This time, it was your mother who was going to sit in astonished silence as you chewed her out over her not being willing to understand how you felt. Once you started tearing into her, it was as though a flood gate had opened and all the emotion you had bottled up over the years just came pouring out of you in the form of painful retellings of your childish memories. You reminded her about how she had always treated you as though you were nothing more than a plague and that looking at you in the wrong way would bring about disaster. You demanded that your mother explain to you what exactly she had meant by her cruel words about Kankuro and reluctantly your mother did just that; letting go of a secret she had long since kept to herself.

Turns out Kankuro’s stumbling across you wasn’t all that accidental to begin with, your mother had played a part in ensuring that your paths would inevitably cross one day. While your mother explained the situation of how she had once almost squandered her life away to some Demon a long time ago, Kankuro appeared in your bedroom; stepping through the gate in his true form to stand before you.

He could sense just by looking at you that there was something wrong, but the way your shoulders were trembling and you were feverishly chewing on your bottom lip; he could see there was something deeper at play. Kankuro moved instantly, dropping to his knees between your legs and took your free hand within his own before lifting your palms to his cheek; allowing himself to nuzzle against it tenderly. There was an eerie silence in the room, bar for your mother’s muffled voice coming through the phone as she hurriedly explained the situation to you. He couldn’t make out the words she was saying clearly, the fear behind her voice causing it to tremble as she spoke quickly; certain parts of her explanation causing your heart to falter momentarily. Kankuro ached to comfort you, he wanted to crush that phone and wrap you up in his wings where you wouldn’t have to face the bitter and unjustness of your life without him.

Silence returned once more to the room as your mother finished with her fevered explanation and you drew in a slow, shaky breath. “I understand… I suppose I have you to thank then.”

At that Kankuro’s face twisted into a distorted visage of disgust and anger as he lifted his head to look into your eyes. He was ready to tell you that you had no reason to thank your mother, especially not with how you had told him she had treated you or that fact she had made you cry like this, but that small smile he saw straining against your lips was enough to keep him silent.

“If not for you, I’d have never met him. Your idiocy gave me the perfect opportunity to meet him and fall in love. I’m going to marry him, whether you approve of our union or not; I really couldn’t care less! I’m marrying Kankuro, I’m going to his world to perform the Bonding Ceremony with him and I will never, never, come back! Consider me as you always have, mother; dead to you.”

Those were the last words you spoke into the phone, your voice breaking with the last words before you hung up the phone and dropped the device down to the floor. Kankuro hadn’t needed telling when he moved, wrapping you securely in his arms and folding his wings around you as he cradled you to his chest; allowing you to cry your heart out for as long as you needed. He didn’t care how much time you needed, he would be there, holding you together as your world as you knew it came crashing down around you.

It wasn’t until much later into the night, once the tremors had subsided and a massive headache had at some stage set in whilst your throat was raw from all the crying; only then did you divulge the truth to Kankuro. He listened as you told him about your mother’s deal, how she had bartered with a Demon and promised him that he may have her first-born child; no matter what gender they may be. When Kankuro asked you for the name of said Demon, you all too happily gave it to him; the name your mother had mentioned to you over the phone. He had become livid upon learning that the Demon your mother had so unceremoniously bartered you away to was none other than his own father, Kankuro promised you he would have words with his useless old man and sort it out.

It was hard to believe that a singular phone call was more than enough to help you arrive at an answer that would ultimately share the rest of your life. The next day, while Kankuro had returned home in order to keep his promise of dealing with his father, you went to work and handed in your two months’ notice of resignation; you’d be unable to return to this place soon enough anyway. While your boss was sad to see you go and to lose such a valuable member of staff, they fully understood your reasoning for wanting to leave. They took the time to wish you a happy future together with your coon-to-be husband; that was two months ago.


Today was the day! You had made your final rounds and handed back your badge at work, clocking out from your shift for the final time. The journey back to your house had seemed to take forever and by the time you had stepped over the threshold of your front door, you were before tired. Kankuro had said he would send someone later to deal with your house, making sure that it was sold off for you so that you wouldn’t have to worry about it; something you were truly grateful for. There was a sense of anticipation that washed over you as you thought about the events that had already been put in place for the evening, you knew what was expected of you at tonight’s Bonding Ceremony and you knew you were quickly running out of time to get yourself ready for the upcoming event.

Showering and washing away all the filth you had acquired from your gruelling shift was the first priority you had in mind. You really didn’t want to be showing up to your Demon wedding with muck still on your skin from some of your patients, Kankuro may not have cared all too much but you sure as sh*t didn’t want to give the impression that you didn’t care! Speaking of your Demonic spouse, Kankuro had asked two things of you when it came to the preparations for the Ceremony. One was that you kept your beautiful hair down for the entire duration and the other was that you wore the dress chosen by his dear sister; you had complied with his wishes of course.

Walking out of your bathroom had given you quite the scare, you were more than a little shocked to find a very tall woman standing at the foot of your bed, not having expected her to be there nor to have her eyes trained solely on you. She was gorgeous to say the least, her sandy blonde hair framing her face perfectly as she stood there; her arms held out in front of her with a delicate looking piece of fabric draped over them.

“Forgive me for intruding on your home, my name is Temari; I am Kankuro’s older sister.” The She-Demon spoke clearly, bowing her head to you as she slowly lowered herself down onto her knees; an attempt to make herself almost your own height.

“Oh… right, he did say that you would be coming to me before the Ceremony was due to start.” You whispered, more to yourself than to her as you stared up into her eyes.

You could clearly see the resemblance between her and Kankuro now that you were really looking at her, but those teal eyes of hers were such a contrast to his own. There was a brightness in her eyes and a very clear warmth to them that just made you want to leap into her arms for a giant hug. The warmth her eyes held was in direct contrast to Kankuro’s own, his had held a coldness to them since you had reunited with him and you couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to him in the time you had been apart; what had made his eyes lose their warmth while his sister’s eyes kept theirs. You flicked your eyes down to the material that was still draped over her arms, the delicate looking piece of fabric causing realisation to sink in.

“Is that my dress for tonight?”

“It is, my brother is yet to see the dress. It is customary for the man not to see the dress until his bride is brought to him in order to be revealed at the Ceremony.” Temari confirmed as she carefully maneuvered the dress off her arm and into an upright position so that you would be able to have a better view of it.

It was absolutely gorgeous, there was no way in your wildest dreams you would have been able to find something so stunning in any of the wedding stores in your world and there were several reasons for that; you could think of several celebrities who would kill to have it though. First of all, you weren’t entirely sure what the material was made of, it looked as though it was simply lace but there was an odd shimmering to it that made you feel as though that wasn’t quite right. The length of the dress would have it sitting just above your knees, most traditional wedding dresses in your world were known for having more of a gown length and would drag on the floor behind the bride; you preferred this much shorter version.

There were no sleeves on this dress either and absolutely no backing either, the entire back had been cut away, leaving it as an open backed dress; right down to where it would sit just above the small of your back. The neckline of the dress was ornately cut too, plunging low to the point you were certain it would be revealing most of your stomach as well. However, there was one detail that had caught your attention the moment Temari had first moved the dress and that was the intricate purple thread woven into the fabric around the edges of the dress; sewn into each of the hems as though to say it was the final touch.

“The purple… it’s for him, right?” You asked tentatively as you peeked up into Temari’s eyes.

“In a way. For us Demons, purple is the colour that indicates someone is a member of our royal family.” Temari responded as the smallest of smiles etched its way across her lips and though you knew she wasn’t going to bring you any harm, her smile still caused your stomach to twist uncomfortably; maybe it was just a Demon thing.

“I’m told you have seen my little brother’s true form, which means you are aware his eyes are purple and the inner of his wings are too.” You nodded your head quickly in response to her statement, definitely remembering the vivid purple you had seen and been wrapped in that night. “It is further proof that he is our Prince and heir to the throne. This purple thread in your dress is what ties you to him, a declaration that you belong with him from this night onwards.”

Temari’s explanation behind the meaning of the purple thread was pretty simplistic, thorough and yet easy enough for you to understand, it didn’t really leave you with any further questions for her.

She was quick to remind you that you were quickly running out of time before the Ceremony was due to start and her reminder had you discarding the towel wrapped around your body to the ground. Temari was kind enough to help you into your dress, too scared to trust yourself to wriggle your body into the delicate looking garment without tearing it in some way. She had simply laughed at your slight panic over damaging the dress and kindly informed you that your dress was made of a special material which even the claws of most Demons would struggle to tear through; her brother on the other hand would have no issue doing so. Once you were secured snuggly within the confines of your dress, Temari used some form of wind magic to dry your still damp hair and added in heat before allowing it to cascade down around your face in beautiful curls as her brother had asked; you’d have to ask her how she managed to curl it later.

You were finally ready!

Tilting your head back to just the right angle, you looked up into Temari’s teal eyes and watched as she motioned past you to the mirror that stood behind you against the wall; her subtle way of telling you to look yourself over before you departed. Swallowing down the lump that had formed in your throat, you turned to face the full-length mirror behind you and what you saw there had your breath catching in your throat.

It was absolutely stunning; you were stunning!

The dress fit your body perfectly, sure it was practically see-through on account of the fact it looked like lace and left little to the imagination for anyone who looked at you. The bodice of the dress hugged your body like a second skin, clinging intently to every one of your curves and the neckline did indeed plunge down to the middle of your stomach; the material barely managing to contain your voluptuous breasts. You already knew that your back would be exposed to anyone who would be watching your Ceremony, but you were grateful at least for the fact the lower skirt section of the dress was more free flowing. Giving a little twist of your hips, you watched as the skirt swished around you, twirling with your motions as it sat loose around your hips and your thighs.

“Are you ready?” Temari’s voice came from somewhere behind you, soft spoken so as not to startle you from your admiration of your dress.


You couldn’t really blame the shocked look that crossed Temari’s face at your blunt answer as she watched you through the mirror and a small laugh escaped your lips. You tilted your head slightly, turning to face your soon-to-be sister as you blinked back the tears that had gathered in your eyes.

“I don’t think anyone is ever really ready to spend the rest of their life with someone, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to.”

A small smile pulled at the corners of Temari's lips, relief replacing her concern as she stood and walked towards you; carefully patting you atop your head as she looked down into your eyes. “This is true, but after tonight you will be bound to my brother for all eternity. No-one will be able to tear you away from him; not unless they wish to die.”

You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled past your lips in agreement with her statement. You could just see it now, Kankuro would definitely be willing to kill someone for trying to steal you away from him and honestly, it was kind of hot to think he would go so far for you. You blinked as you were pulled from your thoughts by a piece of soft material falling over your face, the sheer fabric covering your body from head to toe as you tilted your head back to look up at Temari.

“Now come, my brother has patience by not so much that he would allow his bride to be late to her own Bonding Ceremony. Let us take our leave, (Name).” That was the first time you had heard Temari actually say your name and a sense of acceptance settled over you as she took your hand gently within her own.

You watched as she waved her hand, the gate between your two worlds seeming to spring to life from nothing as it swirled before your eyes as a void of darkness. Temari gave a slight squeeze to your hand before pulling you forwards, stepping into the gate and taking you over to the other side; the place where Kankuro was waiting for you.

There was a definitive difference between the air in your bedroom and that on the other side, you noticed it the moment you stepped through the gate; there was a chill to the air. Hushed murmurs reached your ears as all eyes in the room turned to focus on you. Just before the first person could lay eyes on you, a shimmer passed over your vision as the material draped over your head changed from see-through to a clouded veil. You looked up at Temari quickly, you had been wanting to ask her about the material earlier but hadn’t been given the chance to do so once she had started speaking to you. It didn’t take long for you to realise her eyes weren’t focused on you as she stood beside you, turning your head to follow your gaze you understood the reasoning behind the veil instantly.

Standing up ahead in an area which had been cleared for the procession of your Ceremony, stood Kankuro in his full Demon form and his much larger frame was facing away from you as he waited for you to reach him. You had no doubt the veil draped over your body was enchanted in some way, a spell that probably prevented those present for the Ceremony from being able to see you before you were presented to your husband for him to reveal you to them all.

Temari released your hand slowly before giving a gentle nudge to your back as she urged you to take those last few steps and close the distance between yourself and her brother. You did as was needed, stepping forwards down the narrow path and glancing back over your shoulder in time to see Temari disperse into the darkened room around you; with that you turned your attention back to your awaiting Demon. Now that you were here, present in his world and no hope of ever returning to your own; a pang of loss ebbed its way into your heart. You could feel the anticipation growing heavy in the air, every set of eyes trained on you alone as you made your way towards the small clearing to begin the Ceremony and from the way Kankuro’s tail was flicking about; you could tell he was well aware of your presence.

You faltered momentarily as a young auburn-haired man stepped out from the shadows, his hand gripping at Kankuro’s bicep firmly before the taller Demon was pulled down the match the other’s height and clearly words were exchanged between them. Kankuro’s tail curled momentarily before dropping to the floor as he pulled away from the younger Demon, rolling his shoulders and stretching his wings slightly before pulling them back in tight; the firm grip on his arm remained.

You bit your lower lip to contain the laughter that was threatening to spill forth as you realised your ‘patient’ Demon had been about to break the rules and turn to look at you; it was painfully obvious he had just been scolded by the younger Demon. As you drew closer to Kankuro, you flicked your eyes over to the man standing beside him and you couldn’t help but to see the resemblance between them; he was obviously another sibling. You took a calming breath as you took those final steps to reach the space beside Kankuro, lowering your head ever so slightly as an older man stepped towards the two of you.

“Thank you, Gaara. You may release your brother now that his bride has made it.” A chorus of soft laughter rang throughout the room at the man’s softly spoken words, a reminder of just how acute a Demons hearing could actually be. Your attention was caught as the man standing before you moved his hand within your view and gestured for you to turn towards Kankuro, closing your eyes as you tentatively followed his silent instruction. “Kankuro, would you like to reveal your bride for us please?”

“More than you know, Baki.” Kankuro’s words were barely containing the growing growl you could hear vibrating in his chest and it was almost enough to make you giggle.

“Young Prince, I may be your officiant right now but don’t think that will save you from punishment if you break tradition.” Baki, the man standing to your side as you now knew him, stated grumpily as he gave a pointed look towards your beloved Demon.

Kankuro took a slow and steadying breath, the room falling silent in anticipation as he raised his hands up towards your veil. You watched as his fingers shook uncontrollably before gripping the fabric hiding you away from his view and with a swift motion, Kankuro removed the scarce material from over you, revealing you to all who filled the room. There was a collective gasp throughout the room, mixed with sweet coos and several happy squeals from deep in the room, but there was only one reaction that really mattered to you. You lifted your head cautiously, peering up into the vibrant purple eyes before you and relief flooded your system as you saw the look of utter adoration plastered over Kankuro’s face. A smile pulled at your lips as you tilted your head to the right slightly, a silent reminder to your soon-to-be husband that there was something he still had to do.

“(Name)…” Kankuro whispered as he snapped back to attention, letting go of the material still gripped between his fingers before lifting his hands to take both of yours in his.

Baki gave a slight snicker, not having missed your subtle reminder to their young Prince and his eagerness to follow your instruction; perhaps you would be good for his wild nature after all. “Let us begin.” Baki’s voice boomed across the room as he initiated the beginning of the Bonding Ceremony.

“Today marks the beginning of a new union, the day our young Prince takes unto his own the responsibility of caring for another outside of his own being. Here now, in this Ceremony of Binding, Kankuro will take the life of his chosen and hold it within his own hands.” There was applause as Baki finished speaking and a few cheers from those you figured were close to Kankuro.


“Yes.” Kankuro was right on the mark, answering Baki without hesitation as the older man called upon him.

“You will now speak the Words of Binding and take your bride, (Name) to be your bonded mate for eternity.”

Ah, there it was again; eternity. You weren’t sure if the Demons didn’t realise or not, but you were starting to doubt they were aware just how short and frail a human’s lifespan could be; probably nothing more than a fleeting moment in a Demon’s existence. The slight pull against your right hand was enough to pull you from your thoughts as Kankuro turned your hand palm up and produced a small dagger. He had told you about this particular part of the Ceremony, feeling as though it would have freaked you out too much when the time came; to be fair he was probably right.

You watched as Kankuro drew the blade across the palm of your right hand in a slow, steady motion and you were unable to stop yourself from completely flinching at the pain in your hand. Biting down on your bottom lip, you shifted your attention to Kankuro as he drew the blade across the palm of his left hand before placing his hand atop your own. This was the part that would bind you together with him, the mixing of your bloods would be what would bind you to him for all eternity. Baki stepped forwards then, holding a piece of fabric which seemed to resemble the same material your dress was made from and you watched as he securely wrapped it intricately around both your hands; locking them together until the Ceremony’s end.

“With this blood of mine that flows freely from me to you, I take my life and place it in your hands. Through the mixing of our bloods, I pass to you my power, my love, my trust and above all else my eternal loyalty. In accepting this blood of yours as my own, I take you as my beloved Mate for all eternity. I will cherish you. I will love you. I will protect you from all harm that may come and I will carry you through your darkest days. With this life of mine and the binding of our bloods, I accept you (Name), as my one and only eternal partner.”

Kankuro’s words were strong, the power behind them evident as he spoke aloud the words of the Binding Ceremony; the same as his forefathers had done before him. You blinked away the tears that had welled within your eyes, feeling as they streaked down over your cheeks and took a deep breath; it was going to be your turn next.

“(Name), it is now unto you that we entrust our beloved young Prince. May you be able to tame that wild nature and guide him into a long reign as our future King.” Baki’s words rang throughout the hall as he spoke directly to you, his eyes glancing around the room as he took in all the eyes now trained solely on you.


“Yes.” Your voice was barely above a whisper as you answered the man standing beside you, trying to keep yourself from bursting into tears too soon.

“You will now speak the Words of Binding and take your husband, Kankuro, to be your bonded Mate for eternity.”

Alright, you could do this! You just had to make it through these words and you could cry all you wanted afterwards.

“With this blood of mine that flows freely from me to you, I take my life and place it in your hands. Through the mixing of our bloods, I pass to you my power, my love, my trust and above all else my eternal loyalty. In accepting this blood of yours as my own, I wake you as my beloved Mate for all eternity. I will cherish you. I will love you. I will protect you from all harm that may come and I will carry you through your darkest days. With this life of mine and the binding of our bloods, I accept your Kankuro, as my one and only eternal partner.”

There was a beat of silence throughout the room as you finished speaking the Words of Binding, casting your gaze up to catch Kankuro’s eyes and almost bursting into laughter as you saw his head tilted right back while he looked up to who knows where. A smile pulled at your lips as you gave a quick tug to his right hand and Kankuro instantly dropped his head back down to look into your eyes, your heart stuttering as you saw the tears threatening to fall. Both of you turned your heads to look at Baki as he places both his hands around your own before bowing his head forwards, a sign of honour towards the vows the two of you had spoken here today.

“It is with the greatest honour, the highest of privilege that I declare the union of these two souls, eternal; may they make many memories along the way!”

With Baki’s final works spoken aloud, you felt an odd stinging sensation against the palm of your right hand but you didn’t have time to question it as the room roared with cheers. You couldn’t focus on the cheers erupting around you either though, your husband was making that far too difficult with his lips pressed to yours in a searing kiss as he pulled you tight against his body. A soft mewl passed between your lips as you returned Kankuro’s fevered kiss, your bound hands falling down to your sides as you interlaced the fingers on your free hand with his.

You gasped for air as Kankuro pulled his head back, shifting his right hand to place it firmly against the small of your back as he pressed his forehead down against yours. It felt as though you could lose yourself in the depth of his vibrant eyes, not caring whether someone would complain about whether you were being too affectionate with him or not; it was the first time in a long time that you had seen the light back in his eyes.

“Now what?” You whispered softly against his lips as Kankuro leaned in for another kiss, his advance halting as a slight smile pulled at the edges of his lips and he shifted his head to press his lips to your ear.

“We consummate.”

A violent shudder shot down your spine as your eyes widened, biting down on your bottom lip to hold back the moan that was rudely bubbling its way to the surface. The act itself wasn’t something you had anything against, hell you had done it with him already and you knew all too well that you would be able to take his co*ck without issue. There was just something about the way he had said it that had you feeling as though there was more to it than what your beloved Demon was letting on.

“You can hide your face against my neck if you need, but I doubt any of them will have enough restraint to watch us for long.”



You pulled your head back quickly, turning to look at your Mate as you raised an eyebrow in question. “Here?” Kankuro gave a quick nod of his head in answer to your question, his tail flicking about behind him as he moved his hand from the small of your back and slowly traced his fingers up along your exposed spine. “With everyone watching us?”

“It’s tradition, the part I didn’t want to tell you about.”

Ok, you could understand why he wouldn’t want to tell you about this part of the Ceremony, but at the same time you kind of wished he had. You moved your left hand to his shoulder as you looked away from him and for the first time you realised there were now little flecks of light throughout the dark room, candles having been placed at all the places where Demons were seated. Unlike weddings of your world, there were no chairs for the guests to sit on, instead there were mounds of pillows and cushions spread throughout the room. Ah, you understood now. You and Kankuro were merely to start the consummation process with everyone watching you, but no doubt the other Demons would feed off your energy and end up f*cking whoever it was they had brought with them.

“I expect you to make this little surprise up to me later… when it’s just the two of us, understood?” You stated calmly as you faced your Mate once more and looked directly into his eyes, daring him to so much as try to deny your request.

Kankuro smirked as he pulled you close before lifting you up against his hips and kissed you hungrily. A growl vibrated through his chest as he twisted his bound hand in the material, pulling the fabric tighter around your hands as he interlocked his fingers with yours. The soft moan that passed from your mouth to his was enough to have the Demon falling to his knees, his tail slapping against the floor as he pulled your smaller body down with him. Kankuro snarled softly as you bit his bottom lip, pulling your head back slowly as you kept your teeth latched to his sensitive flesh. He watched as your eyes flicked down and he understood what it was you were asking of him, moving his right hand quickly to undo his pants, freeing his erect co*ck from the restraining material.

“Good boy.” You whispered as you released his lip and pressed a tender kiss to the base of his horn.

The design of your dress was actually starting to make a lot more sense now, the fact the skirt didn’t cling to your hips or thighs; intentionally to give you the ability to straddle your Mate. Your back being exposed was so the guests could see any marks Kankuro would undoubtedly leave on your skin and your stomach was exposed because the Demons probably knew they would be able to see how his co*ck would stretch you.

You let out a soft laugh as you moved your left hand up, tangling your fingers into his hair firmly as you moved your hips and positioned yourself over his co*ck. Kankuro growled hungrily as he looked into your eyes, his hand against your back twitching as he withheld from pulling you down onto his co*ck himself; no doubt wanting you to take him yourself. He didn’t have to ask, you wouldn’t be so cruel as to make him do that and despite the suddenness of the situation, there was a certain thrill that came with having so many people watching you as you took your Mate officially; allowing him to claim you as his eternal Mate.

There were groans that would be heard throughout the room already, soft moans echoing as other Demons began to help relieve themselves. You smiled as you pulled on Kankuro’s hair roughly, lowering your hips down slowly and allowing the head of his co*ck to press between your folds; pulling a soft moan from your lips. Your chest heaved as you lowered yourself down onto the monstrous length of Kankuro’s co*ck, relishing the feeling of having him back inside you after not having been touched for the last two months. A mewl left your lips as you planted your arse in his lap, his co*ck nestled snuggly inside you and causing your stomach to bulge as your puss* clamped down around his thick girth.

Kankuro groaned and jutted his hips up firmly as you sat in his lap, your hand still tangled securely in his hair as his claws pierced the skin on your back. “f*ck, you’re perfect. Absolutely f*cking perfect, (Name)!”

You moaned as his claws dragged down along your spine, the usual chill of his ice not following after them but that wasn’t necessary right now; the way his claws tore at your skin was enough to have pleasure coursing through your veins. Shifting your weight just enough, you lifted your hips slowly and stopped once just the head of his co*ck was nestled between your folds. Kankuro’s lips curled in a growl as his pupils slit thin, his eyes trained on yours as he waited to see what you would do next. Dipping your head down quickly, you sunk your teeth into his ear as it wriggled in anticipation, pulling a low groan from him just moments before it turned into a pleasured snarl as you dropped your hips back down harshly; forcing a loud moan from between your own lips in the process.

Kankuro groaned, pressing his forehead against your shoulder as his co*ck throbbed inside your puss* and he dropped his hand from your back to place it tenderly against your hip. His eyes focused on the bulge in your stomach as you rolled your hips steadily, moans falling from your lips as he grunted at the feeling of having you move around him. f*ck, it was really hot to see your stomach distended from having his co*ck buried inside you like this but, right now these mounds pressing into his face were very distracting. Kankuro growled hungrily as he moved his hand from your hip, lifting it to your breasts and slipping it beneath the thin material barely managing to contain them. He had to hand it to his sister, she sure knew what she was doing when she chose this dress for you to wear; the way it accentuated your curves was almost too much for him.

You arched your back as Kankuro’s hand clasped down over your left breast, the head in his hand seeping into your skin as he squeezed roughly. A whine slipped from your lips as your puss* clenched tight around his co*ck, your hips stuttering their steady rhythm as his thumb pressed firmly against your nipple. You could feel his breath against your skin, shuddering violently as you felt it growing colder and you knew exactly what he was about to do. Kankuro pulled a loud moan from your throat as he dipped his head, latching his mouth onto your right nipple, his tongue causing the material to drag and catch against the sensitive bud as he sucked on it.

The moans falling from your lips seemed to bleed with the ones coming from around you and you couldn’t stop yourself from focusing your attention past your Mate, your eyes falling on the Demons behind him. You watched as the She-Demon’s body arched in a way you didn’t think your body would ever be capable of, an elicit moan falling from her lips as her partner’s face was buried between her thighs; both of them obviously enjoying the other. Heat flooded your cheeks as your puss* responded to the image before you, clamping tight around Kankuro’s co*ck as you pulled tight at his hair.

Your attention was pulled away to the side, turning your head as you caught sight of a man with his partner’s face pressed down into the cushions beneath her. His hand was twisted into her hair tight as he held the back of her head, his hips snapping forwards with such power it was rocking her body with each thrust; the sound of skin slapping against skin reaching your ears as you watched.

“Enjoying the show?”

You startled, pulling your eyes away from the Demons around you and turning your attention back towards your Mate to look into his eyes. The cheshire grin that greeted you was a very clear indicator that he had been watching you for a while before he had bothered to speak up. You hadn’t even noticed that Kankuro had relinquished your nipple from his mouth because you had been too distracted by the other Demons.

“Would it be such a problem if I were?”

Kankuro chuckled as he rocked up onto his heels, slipping his hand around through your dress before sliding it up along your spine before gripping the back of your neck firmly. He groaned as your puss* clenched tight around his co*ck, causing his hips to jerk up against your own as his claws pierced into your skin slightly. A snarl slipped past his lips before he surged forwards to smash his lips against yours in a heated kiss, pressing his tongue against your lips and forcing them apart as he slipped into your mouth. He felt your hand loosen in his hair for the briefest of moments, only for you to grip his hair tighter and pull on it harshly; eliciting a groan from him. Kankuro growled into the kiss, pulling moans from you as he rocked his hips up and caused you to bounce in his lap with the force of his thrusts.

You cried out as Kankuro pulled his head away, moving his head to bite along your jaw before making his way down along the side of your neck. His claws dug deeper into the back of your neck as you leaned your head to the left for him, allowing your Mate the complete access he desired. You had been expecting an actual answer from your Demon, but judging from the way his co*ck was throbbing inside you right now; it didn’t seem as though he minded you watching the Demons surrounding you in the slightest.

An indignant whine left your lips as Kankuro shifted beneath you, his hand leaving your neck to find purchase against your hip as he lifted you with ease and pulled out of your completely. You watched him closely as he leaned back away from you, but your complaint was replaced with a squeal as your husband spun you around and forced you to face away from him. Kankuro’s co*ck pressed firmly against the small of your back and you could feel his pre-cum against your spine as his co*ck twitched continuously.

Kankuro growled as he leaned forwards, moving his right hand to pull your hair back over your shoulder and expose the right side of your neck to him. Using the binding wrapped around your hands, he pulled your right arm across your stomach and pressed the back of your hand down against your thigh firmly. He flicked his eyes over to the Demons in front of you, smirking as he watched the bigger male Demon suck the She-Demon into bliss.

“Look at them. Look how absolutely blissed she f*cking looks, (Name)!”

The words growled against your ear caused several shudders to pass down your spine and a whimper to leave your lips as your eyes focused on the woman Kankuro had spoken of. Gods, she looked as though she was having the time of her life and a part of you couldn’t help but to wonder if you had looked like that when Kankuro had f*cked you within an inch of your life.

“I think it’s time I showed them just how beautiful you look while I f*ck you, (Name.” Kankuro snarled hungrily as he tucked his fingers into the front of your dress and pulled it to the side, causing your right breast to fall free. “Will you let me do that? Let me f*ck you until your face looks just like hers again?”

You gasped as you arched your back, whimpering when Kankuro pulled your left breast free from within your dress and allowed both of them to bounce freely. “Yes! f*ck, yes Kankuro. f*ck me until I can’t take it anymore, please? f*ck me until I’m swollen with your seed.”

Kankuro snarled behind you as he lifted your hips once more, his claws sinking into your flesh as he brought them back down just as quickly; ramming his co*ck deep inside your heat. You screamed his name as your puss* clenched tight around his throbbing co*ck and you moved your left hand to dig your nails into his thigh firmly. His thrusts were harsh as he jostled your smaller body atop his co*ck, your breasts bounding with each of his powerful thrusts and moans poured uncontrollably from your lips. You couldn’t help the way your needy c*nt squeezed around him, pulling him deeper each time his co*ck punched into your stomach and knocked the wind out of you. Whines and whimpers fell from your lips as you pushed your hips back hard, managing to match his thrusts as you ground back against him and pulled a guttural growl from him.


Your strangled moan of his name only served to spur your Mate on, his co*ck aching and throbbing each time he buried it back inside your needy c*nt. Kankuro growled hungrily as he raised his right hand, wrapping his fingers around your throat before applying just enough pressure to stop your intake of air. He groaned loudly as the walls of your puss* fluttered around him before clenching tight, his hips bucking uncontrolled and causing your stomach to distend further as he pushed deeper into your heat. The way your arse pushed back into his lap was cute, as though your body was trying to take his co*ck even deeper and your Mate wasn’t one to deny you what you wanted. Kankuro snarled low and hungry as he slammed up into your sopping puss*, your juices gushing out of you into his lap with each of his thrusts.

He smirked as he sunk his teeth down into the crook of your neck, the taste of your blood rushing against his tongue as he chewed feverishly against your skin; he’d be sure to leave your body littered with his marks. You gasped loudly as he released your neck, his hand sliding down your throat before latching onto your right breast and he squeezed firmly. Kankuro growled into your neck as he fondled your breast, squeezing and rolling the mound of flesh within his larger hand as he pulled moan after moan from your plump lips. f*ck, he needed you beneath him badly.

The room before you blurred momentarily before your face was being pushed down into a softness you hadn’t expected to be there. You lifted your head slightly and saw cushions littering the floor around the two of you, no doubt your Mate had made them appear there before he had even dared to move you. Fingers that once held your breast, now tangled into the back of your hair mere moments before it was harshly pulled and your head was yanked backwards. You moaned loudly as Kankuro used his grip on your hair to force your back to arch forwards and curl you back towards him, his co*ck hitting completely differently as he continued to pound into your puss* with relentless force. Releasing your Mate’s thigh, you moved your hand to brace yourself against the cold ground, if Kankuro was going to keep up this brutal pace then you weren’t so sure you’d be able to hold out until he was done.

Kankuro pulled on your hair roughly, snapping his hips forwards with more power as he f*cked your soaked c*nt; burying his co*ck inside you completely with each thrust. He could feel your walls clamping down around him, pulling him in with each thrust of his hips and fighting against him each time he tried to draw back. f*ck, two months without your puss* had been torture to him, but he knew it would be so much sweeter the moment he got to f*ck you like this and this time he really didn’t have to hold back.

He smirked as he flicked his tail around his hip and slapped it harshly against your arse, pulling a cry of pleasure from you in response. To think tonight was just going to be the start to eternity together, the rest of his life with you by his side and your puss* to keep his co*ck warm whenever he needed or whenever you would desire it. He couldn’t wait for your Demon features to come through, by the time morning came your wings, tail and horns would have come through but above all else your size would change to accommodate the child you would inevitably bear for him one day; the morning would be spent with him f*cking you all over again.

You moaned his name loudly, the head of his co*ck pulling over your g-spot with each thrust of his hips and sending pleasure coursing through your body. Ice shot up your spine as Kankuro released your hair and placed his hand on the small of your back, the cold sensation causing you to scream in pleasure; your walls clamping tight around his co*ck. You dropped your head down onto the cushion as Kankuro’s laughter sounded from above you and a pitiful moan spilled past your lips as his rapidly heated hand came down against your arse with a solid crack. His tail against your arse had been one thing, but his heated hand was a whole different story; Kankuro knew how much his ability to control the elements had an effect on you.

It didn’t matter what was happening around you anymore, the terror that was the man behind you with his co*ck buried deep inside you, was the only thing you were capable of focusing on now.

“f*ck, (Name)…” Kankuro groaned as he thrust his hips faster, pounding into your puss* as he leaned down over your smaller body and pressed his forehead against your shoulder. He had missed you and, in all honesty, he hadn’t been expecting the two months apart to have this much of an impact on him.

A snarl left his lips as your hand wrapped around his horn securely and you pulled his head forwards without warning, your lips crashing against his as you turned your head to meet his. f*ck, what had he done to deserve such a perfect woman as you? There was no doubt in his mind that he was never letting you go and he was glad that you would officially be bound to him for all eternity.

You moaned against his lips as you managed to twist your body around slightly, your grip on his horn tightening as you used it to push your hips back hard. The guttural groan that left him was swallowed into the kiss as your tongues clashed against each other, each of you trying to drink in as much of the other as you possibly could. Kankuro’s teeth sank into your bottom lip as he drew his head back slightly, his eyes locking with yours as he rocked your body with each of his powerful thrusts. You whined as his right hand pressed tighter to your hips, his claws sinking deeper into your flesh as he moved his hips faster and rougher, the wind being knocked out of you each time he punched his co*ck into your aching puss*; your lungs struggling to keep up with his vicious pace.

Pleasure coursed throughout your body as your Mate continued to pound his co*ck into your puss*, his fierce actions causing your nipples to drag across the course material of the cushion beneath you. His name fell from your lips in breathless moans as your nails dragged across his horn firmly, pulling a groan from the man above you and causing him to press his co*ck into your heat harder.

Kankuro growled as he pulled back away from you, sitting back on his haunches as he looked down at the way you had twisted your body around for him. You were flexible, he would give you that but he hadn’t been aware just how flexible his little Mate could be. He stretched his wings out behind him fully as he rolled his shoulders, rumbling down to you as he flapped his wings quickly and used the extra force to drive his co*ck into your body harder. The scream of his name that punched out of you was choked off as your poor lungs struggled to produce enough air to carry the sound.

You dragged the nails of your left hand over the tiled floor, gasping as you tried to draw in enough air that your lungs would stop feeling as though they were on fire. The mini gusts created by Kankuro’s wings as they flapped behind you mixed with his ravenous and vicious pace as he pounded your puss*, was making it near impossible for you to catch your breath. You whimpered pitifully as darkness started to fill the edges of your vision and the pleasure throughout your body coiled tight in the pit of your stomach; your climax drawing ever closer. Sure, you knew Kankuro’s monstrous co*ck had the ability to f*ck you into bliss but you had never before been f*cked to the extent you couldn’t breathe; not that you were about to start complaining.

The pleasure coiled tight in your stomach unwound, snapping free like a rubber band pulled past its point of breaking. You choked on the scream lodged in your throat as your org*sm rocked through your system, your body trembling uncontrollably as your puss* relentlessly clenched tight around Kankuro’s co*ck. The room around you disappeared as your vision went black, your mind going blank as your org*sm caused your body to convulse.

Kankuro snarled low as your org*sm hit, the walls of your hungry puss* trying to milk him of his seed as they clenched around his co*ck repeatedly. His ears wriggled slightly as he realised he couldn’t hear you beneath him, his heart faltering momentarily as he went completely still inside you. Using his left hand, Kankuro quickly pulled your right arm out from under your body and twisted you around on his co*ck until your back was against the cushions. He leaned down over you quickly, twisting his right hand into your hair as he pressed his forehead against your own.

“Breathe! Breathe, (Name)!”

Relief washed over him as you gasped audibly, your chest heaving as you drew in lungful after lungful of much needed oxygen. Kankuro watched as you continued to attempt to catch your breath, his fingers cording through your hair soothingly as he rubbed his nose against yours tenderly.


Kankuro chuckled softly at your struggled word of insult, tipping his head back to place a kiss to your cheek. “Apologies love, I suppose your body wasn’t quite ready for that yet.”

You rolled your eyes, blinking away the black spots still clouding your vision as you looked up at your Mate. His statement was something you really wanted to slap him over but at least he realised he was to blame for your current state. Your lungs still ached despite their much-needed reprieve; it was going to take a hot minute for that pain to subside but you also doubted your Mate would be able to withhold from f*cking you much longer.

“I didn’t think you’d try to f*ck me into unconsciousness, Kankuro.” You teased as you meekly lifted your left hand to touch his cheek.

“Now there’s an idea…” Kankuro rumbled back to you as he nuzzled into your hand, earning him a quick pinch to his cheek before you pulled your hand away. “Once your body has adjusted though.”

You hummed in response to his words, not particularly wanting to know what he meant by that. Rubbing your left hand over your chest as the ache in your lungs slowly subsided to a dull throb, you watched Kankuro for a moment and realised he was trying his hardest not to move for you. A smile pulled at the corners of your lips and a soft mewl left your lips as you lifted your head to ghost your lips against his. “Were you worried?”

“You weren’t breathing, (Name)!” Kankuro stated blankly, his lips moving against yours with his whispered response.

“Are you close?”

Kankuro hummed as he corded his fingers through your hair and moved his hips ever so slightly, his co*ck throbbing with the motion and causing him to groan. He wanted to f*ck you, but he didn’t want to cause harm to you and it was clear to him that you weren’t ready for him to stop holding back yet; he’d have to wait for morning to come for that. Kankuro grunted as your puss* clenched tight around his co*ck and you rolled your hips up weakly, your attempt to tell him you were alright.

“Move! Just… gentler, ok?”

You watched as Kankuro’s eyes flashed with gratitude and he nodded his head in understanding, placing a chaste kiss to your lips before he was pulling back away from you. Soft moans fell from your lips as Kankuro moved his hips, his thrusts slow and steady as he pushed his throbbing co*ck deep inside you. You placed your left hand over your stomach, feeling it as his co*ck moved beneath it and stretched your stomach each time, he buried himself in your heat. The walls of your puss* fluttered around him, pulling low groans from your Mate each time he pulled his hips back before thrusting back into your soaked c*nt.

Kankuro kept his eyes on your face as he moved his hips, slowly thrusting into your puss* and watched for any signs that it was too much for you. He gripped your right calf with his right hand and hooked your leg over his left forearm before moving his right arm beneath your left leg and hoisting it up over his shoulder. Carefully, he leaned forwards over you, curling you in on yourself as he moved his hips a little faster. You moaned louder for him, your nails digging into your stomach and dragging against his co*ck as he thrust his hips firmly, pulling a groan from the depths of his chest.

You mewled as you weakly rocked your hips up to meet with Kankuro’s thrusts, lifting your left hand and gripping the back of his neck as you pulled him down closer to your body. His growl vibrated through his body and into your chest as he pressed his face between your breasts, his teeth grazing over your skin there. You gasped as he turned his head and his teeth sunk into your left breast, your back arching up off the ground in response. Turning your head, you looked to your right hand where it was still bound to your Mate’s and saw that his knuckles had turned white as he gripped your hand tight. A smile pulled at your lips as you moaned for him, curling your own fingers tighter around his and digging your nails into the back of his left hand.

Kankuro snarled hungrily as he chewed on our breast, moving his hips faster as his tail wrapped around your thigh securely. f*ck, he really wanted to just f*ck you with all his might but he couldn’t risk hurting you until your Demon features had come through. He grunted as your nails dragged across the back of his neck and your puss* clenched tight around his co*ck. There was no denying he had been extremely close just before; it wouldn’t have taken much more before he would have ejacul*ted and filled you with his seed once more. Kankuro growled hungrily as he shifted his weight, repositioning himself over your smaller body and caging you beneath him as he thrust his hips harder; pounding into your poor little c*nt.

A cry of pleasure was ripped from your throat as Kankuro’s co*ck pushed deeper into your aching body, throbbing against your sensitive walls as your Mate undoubtedly drew closer to his climax. You pushed against his chest with your left hand, urging Kankuro to sit back with you and luckily, he more than understood what it was you were asking of him. He moved his arms, allowing your legs to slide free from them before he sat back with you; his co*ck pressing deeper into your heat as you sat in his lap. You twisted your fingers into the hair on the nape of his neck as you pressed your forehead against his, your breaths mingling together as you rocked your hips down hard in time with his thrusts.

His eyes locked with yours as he allowed you to move your hips as you pleased, knowing you were only trying to help him to his climax. Kankuro groaned into the space between you, his hips jutting up and breaking his steady pace as your hips ground down hard against him. His balls were heavy and aching as they pulsed, the closeness of his climax causing his co*ck to throb continuously as you effortlessly took it into your body each time. Your lips pressed to his in a ghost of a kiss before you moved your head to bite into his ear roughly.

Kankuro snarled loudly as he gripped your hip tight with his right hand, his claws once more sinking into your supple flesh and he pushed his co*ck deep into your soaked puss*. He rumbled loudly, growling your name as his balls drew up and his climax crashed through his system. Your sweet moan filled his ears as he stretched his wings out, displaying them completely as his seed flowed into your tiny body. His grip on your hips tightened considerably as he pulled you down onto his co*ck with all his strength, making sure to keep himself buried inside you as he filled you with his seed. Kankuro pressed his forehead against your shoulder, rubbing his face against your skin as he allowed his hips to rock relentlessly against your own; riding out his climax as best he could.


Your curse was enough to draw Kankuro’s attention and he tilted his head to look at your face, only to find your attention was focused between your two bodies. He cast his eyes down, following your gaze and a loud rumble vibrated through his chest as he took in the sight before him. Kankuro watched as the bulge in your stomach steadily grew, his seed pouring into you at an alarming rate and no doubt flooding your womb. A low groan slipped from his lips as he moved his right hand to place it over your stomach, feeling the warmth beneath his hand as his seed continued to pump into your frail little body. He couldn’t wait for the day where there would be movement beneath his hand when he placed it on your stomach, the child you’d carry for him responding to his touch.

“Kankuro…” You purred as you pulled at his hair, drawing his attention upwards as he leaned his head back to lock eyes with you. “We’re not done yet!”

Kankuro’s eyes widened and a wicked grin stretched across his lips as he surged forwards, smashing his lips against yours as he claimed them in a passionate kiss. You were right, this was just the first round; he had no intention of leaving your body until your stomach was swollen with his seed. Kankuro had promised to f*ck you into sweet bliss after all and he was nothing if not a man of his word. He was happy to f*ck you until your body gave out, your stomach full and swimming with his seed until it was leaking out of you once again.

“For all eternity, (Name)!”

Eternally Bound - NoodleGoBoom - Naruto (Anime & Manga) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Views: 5853

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.