Himorogi, burn in azure - Chapter 5 - witchofvulpinedreams8 (2024)

Chapter Text

“so this is the capital?” Naruto was not impressed, “I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t this.”

“too boring for you?” Genma asked. While it is rare for a genin ninja to ever need to go to the capital, the ones that were were always unimpressed by the Daimyo’s city.

“No, the city has a fast pace,” Naruto mused “but with how many nobles and wealthy merchants talk about the ‘art, culture, and scholars of high society.' You’d they’d show it off more.”

Genma smiled senbon in mouth. “true, true. But remember this is the summer and unlike ninja schools they have breaks for the summer. And this is a place for politics; not military, commerce, pleasure, or business. Open markets aren’t allowed like in Konoha. Everything is more refrained here.”

Naruto turned to Genma “So we’re looking for a smith right? Why’s this one so important?”

“He’s just a good smith, who unlike most land of iron former samurai, doesn’t mind ninja clients. We can meet him after we present you to the daimyo.”

“I have to meet the daimyo?”

“As one of the Hokage’s kids, yes you do. Jiraiya presented your siblings to the daimyo early during a mission that led here.”

Quickly switching to formal dress ware (thank the gods Mima bullied him into actually bringing that.) Naruto wore a azure blue kimono with the red Uzumaki swirl on it. Genma smiled bemused that Naruto would even bring such a thing, but it made his life easier and kept his boss’s wallet fat so he just let it go. Walking into the Daimyo’s palace, the two were greeted by two maids who guided them to a waiting lounge.
Waiting in the lounge was a weird feeling, tense but also boring; Naruto was safe from any immediate danger, but he was also about to speak to a man who could order his death with a simple gesture. “Genma-sensei, how should I act in front of the daimyo? I was never taught these political things…”

Before the hokage’s guard could answer a woman’s voice cut in “Don’t worry to much about formality, just be polite.”

“Lady Tsunade!” Genma gasped. A tall buxom blonde woman entered the guest room. Following her was her student Shizune holding a pig and surprising Naruto, Suika in her adult form.

Himorogi, burn in azure - Chapter 5 - witchofvulpinedreams8 (1)

Naruto walked up and bowed to the three. “It’s an honor.” Before failing at subtilely and blushing while watching his newfound crush.
Smiling Shizune activated her big sister mode and started teasing the blonde. “Uh oh. Tsunade sama it look’s like we need a bodyguard for your bodyguard.”

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“perhaps, we do shizune, the boy is awfully interested in you.” Tsunade said behind her hand

“Considering what we did in Gensokyo, I’d be offended if he wasn’t” Suika said plainly.

Both women gasped. Shizune sent a weary look at the woman. Tonton the pig gave a single nod of approval to the boy, Naruto returned it with a smile.

Filing away the mention of this Gensokyo, Genma turned to the women “Your looking as beautiful as ever Tsunade sama. I’m surprised to see you.”

“Genma how kind, based on the fact you’re here this young boy must be one of Mine and Jiraiya’s student’s Kids.

“Naruto Uzumaki, pleased to meet ya! Fair warning, My father is assigning me to pick you up with the pervert after the chunin tourney.”

Tsunade groaned as Shizune chuckled “Suika has been working on rehabilitating Tsunade-sama with me. She’s no longer afraid of blood, and is working off her debts by being the daimyo’s personal medic. Her tenure was supposed to end next week.”

“But the deal with the man was if I got called to return by the leaf I would have to go after my tenure.” Tsunade sighed

Naruto laughed “Good thing I’m not supposed to get you now then!”

Genma raised an eyebrow “Wouldn’t you want to complete a mission early?”

“and make Jiraiya’s life any easier? By the gods no.” Naruto smirked.

“I like him already,” Tsunade smiled.

“Uzumaki san the daimyo would like to see you now.” A servant called out to the boy, genma went to walk with the boy but was stopped. “ONLY Uzumaki san.” Genma nodded nervously as The boy was led to the room alone.

Naruto was brought before the daimyo who himself was protected by a screen hiding his features.

“It is an Honor to meet you Lord Daimyo,” Naruto bowed

“And it’s a pleasure to meet you.” The lord replied “Normally a simple dinner meeting have sufficed for this meeting but I had some questions I wanted answered and I took this chance to talk with you privately.”

That shot red flags up for Naruto, Mima soothed him by sending a jolt of energy through him ‘I’ll take over for you if it gets to much so don’t worry.’

“of course, sir, um my lord? To be honest I was never taught the political nuances on talking with nobles and lords.” Naruto admitted.

The daimyo laughed “You are doing just fine young Naruto. So what is a young boy such as yourself doing here when the chunin exams are so soon?”

“I’m on a training trip right now, to catch up to my siblings.” Naruto responded “After the exams I’m going to team up with them.”

The Daimyo smiled from behind his screen “I see. But then why would you come here of all places? There aren’t many good places to train here only the samurai camps.”

“Genma-san said he wanted to meet a smith from the land of iron.” Naruto shrugged

“That seems a little convenient of a reason if you ask me, boy.” The Daimyo sounded like he was annoyed but also like he prodding for more information.

Mima gently wrestled control of her student and spoke in his voice “I don’t think it could be anything else, maybe to check your security with what went on in the forest…”

“The forest? You mean as part of the exams?” The Daimyo

“You must already know about that… my teammates and I were attacked by Orochimaru.” Mima smirked inside Naruto’s body while displaying confusion on his face “Unless my father sent me and Genma-san to warn you. I can’t say for sure but rumor has it Orochimaru threatened a dangerous attack if the exams were called off. Perhaps he used my trip as a means to warn you without looking too suspicious.”

The Daimyo stroked his chin “That actually seems plausible.” He was worried about that Tsunade might have been a spy for the leaf, and that they were going to replace him soon. But no, they had no idea the medic was here, and and the boy was too unguarded to be on a spy mission. Lifting the screen he smiled “Well young Naruto, Lets go tell Genma your mission is complete.”

The two walked back to a lounge where Mima made Naruto give a thumbs up “Hey Genma! They daimyo was really nice! I told him about the exams, but not in much detail.”

Picking up on what Naruto (Mima) was putting down Genma smiled. The daimyo was a paranoid man who chases after coup attempts like delusional knights from the lands outside the ninja world chases after windmills. Whenever any major change happened he always assumed it was a threat on his life. When Orochimaru escaped the leaf village the first time he nearly doubled the amount of samurai in capital while making threats of investigating the village. Same when itachi killed 1/2 his family and put his father in a coma.

Sharing a glance with Tsunade the bodyguard thanked the sage and the gods for Naruto’s quick thinking. “Now why don’t you two stay in my palace tonight?” The land of fire’s lord asked.

Mima made the blonde grin “That’d be great!”

“So, the smith you told me about, is actually an informant?” Naruto was actually dejected. Genma put his papers away. Nothing new from the land of iron

“He still makes good weapons.” The boy lifted his spirits at that.

“see any think you like?” Came the aged voice of the smith, a former academy dropout who like lee could never properly channel chakra. Who unlike lee never had a might guy to stick up for him, but was introduced to jiraiya by hiruzen and became a ninja as a spy dealing out information from the land of iron.

Naruto looked at the mans wears “whats that moon shaped staff in the back? A monk’s spade?”

“Yeah canceled order it has no tail blade.”

“can you shorten it to my hight?”

“you sure kid? fine.”

“oh don’t worry it’s perfect for someone like me.”

After returning and a dinner with the daimyo, Tsunade, Shizune and Suika, Naruto went to put his head down on his pillow. Moments later a door opened and Suika drunkenly walked in “just cuddles tonight.”

Naruto sleepily nodded and opened the sheets “I thought you said you wouldn’t be my girlfriend until the end of my trip.”

“yeah but I got to drunk and tsunade kicked me out her room.” The Oni regressed into her true form and laid her face next to Naruto’s as the two drifted into a calm sleep.

The minute he fell asleep was woken up by an ice cold bath in a misty lake. “That's for having sex at my shrine.” Remiu stated hovering in the air above the lake.

“Woah really?” A girl with ice blue hair and crystal wings flew over to watch Naruto pull himself up and stand on the water’s surface.

“Mad because you didn’t get to join in?” Suika unhelpfully asked. Reimu responded by dunking her under the water. Suika floated up “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Naruto picked up and princess carried her to the shore ignoring the ice fairy’s cold touch poking his cheek “To be fair, we only had oral. I’m saving my true virginity for if she becomes my girlfriend.”

Suika smiled “Not if I get cha drunk enough.”

Naruto gently let the Oni from his grasp “Um, if your ok with it, and we find a place where we don’t bother anyone. ” then he got annoyed with the cold pokes and bit at the hand, the ice fairy pulled away in time, “Will you stop? Who are you?”

“I’m Cirno, what are you doing at my lake?”

Himorogi, burn in azure - Chapter 5 - witchofvulpinedreams8 (3)

Naruto squinted “being rudely awakened by ice cold water.”

“Oh are you one of those ninja guys? That’s cool. where’s your head band?” Cirno stuck out her hand.

Naruto accepted the handshake “ Yes I am thanks, I left it at home this training session want me to bring it next time? And you can let go of my hand now.”

Cirno grabbed the sleeve of the newcomer’s sopping wet kimono and froze the entire shirt. “HAHA got you! I’m the strongest fairy and best prankster. See you around blonde ninja. HAHAHA.”

“fairies and their pranks.” Reimu facepalmed “Suika get him to the mansion and warmed up, I’m going to get his teachers.”

By the time Marisa and Alice got to the mansion they were greeted to a dozen Narutos reading ‘the basics of’ and ‘introduction to’ books.

“Geez this is a bit much to start off with…” Marisa complained

“Not really though.” A thirteenth Naruto said appearing with a stack of books “I need all the help I can get to catch up and since shadow clones give memories back to the user I can prime myself for the lessons you have.”

“Oh sweet!” Marisa smiled “that's actually really useful.”

“yeah I missed that feature at first when learning the jutsu.” Naruto scratched the back of his head.

Alice tilted her head “then how did you learn?”

Naruto blushed “well it’s not that-”

Mima laughed “He made a clone with a custom transformation jutsu of a sexy female version of him and literally tried to f*ck himself! the clone poped befoe he could even insert the tip.”

Alice blushed and hid a smile over her hand and Marisa laughed, Naruto blushed and looked up only to see patchy’s library assistant giving him a sultry look. “Hey-hey!” Naruto yelled as the redheaded woman flied off.

Mima looked up and frowned “she uses a succubus as a familiar?”

“Koakuma’s nice enough” Marisa shrugged

“it’s just advanced masturbation! it Didn't even work!” Naruto justified.

“Not helping you case boy.” Mima sighed “She won’t become a problem now would she?”

“She never has before.” Alice said.

“Lets just get to Master… Baiter’s lesson for now.” Marisa smiled

Naruto flushed “H-Hey!”

Despite the teasing Naruto’s lesson went smoothly, with Naruto’s clones able to cover a weeks worth of beginners lessons in one day, The real boy was learning the beginning of Suika fighting style, and while he was beaten up and tired he didn’t seem to mind how the small Oni grappled him. Tonight they all shared dinner at the mansion, where Marisa mortified the poor blonde by telling Mima reveiled earlier.

"It's actually a shame that didn't work. Would have made dealing with Jinchuriki hall of a lot easier, especially Uzumaki Jinchuriki." the familiar voce of Tsunade called as she and shizune walked in.

“How are you here?” The blonde boy asked.

“Same as you I’d assume found a seal crystal unsealed a woman they brought me hear and made my life markedly better through the sheer power of being annoying.” Tsunade said as she and Shizune sat down. Suika waved at her.

Koakuma held a calculating gaze on the child until she saw Mima glaring at her she winked at the ghost and turned to her summoner. “Ah, Patchouli- sama! I think it’s time to get back to work. Oh and Naruto, if you need a release here you have a succubus to help.”

Naruto gulped “I’m sorry but no matter how high my sex drive is, I still am trying to become Suika -sensei’s boy friend. I can’t cheat on her.”

Suika gave her student a deadpan look “Naruto, a succubus bound to another person is offering you sex. Because she is both bound and offering herself to you that means she can bind, possess, or otherwise attack or harm you. worse she can do is charm you. Take the offer.”


“Look you want to lose yer virginity to me first fine, but I’m an Oni, I’m not stuck on something small like this. You still have a year to prove yourself to me before you can be claim me as yours anyway.” Suika drank from her gourd.

“Lady tsunade shouldn’t you say something?” Shizune asked.

“When kushina was my genin, she repressed herself chasing after Minato to a point she lost control of herself and jumped tsume in the middle of the night shoving her puss* in the poor girl’s face, it took all my strength and her other teammate mikoto to force her off the now Inuzuka clan head. If someone want’s to stop Naruto from that type of disaster then more power too her.” Tsunade took a bite of steak “Good food by the way.”

“Why, thank you.” The head maid Sakuya said.

“My offer still stands Naruto.” The Redheaded succubus smiled as she left.

Naruto sighed, “Koakuma-san, I accept your offer.”

Mima squinted “I’m done with my meal. Naruto, tomorrow we will quiz you on what you learned today, I want to be sure the shadow clone training works well enough before we move on from basic theory to actually using magic.” Naruto groaned

Almost finished putting away all the books her master used today Koakuma was humming to herself while working. “ehehehe Im going to finish cleaning in record time! Then maybe milady will reward me and let me have some fun with her body again. oh mm~ I can’t wait. ” The succubus groped herself while her head wings started flapping in excitement.

“Boss not giving you enough attention so you have to go after my child?” The stern voice of Mima rang down the halls as she stared down the librarian’s lusty aide. “Don’t get me wrong if sex is all you want I’ll allow it but try to harm my child and neither hell, heaven nor Makai will be safe to harbor you from my wrath.”

“why think I have ill intentions?” Koakuma asked “I simply offered a young boy brimming with lust and energy an outlet for his desires.”

“Then why did you not do this to the red eyes who became a butler here? Or the clan of blood manipulators who settled here? Don’t play me for a fool you’re targeting him and he’s under my protection, He’s been through enough with his family.” The Ghost Woman stated pointing her moon shaped staff at the succubus.

“I did in fact bed the son of the rouge Uchiha. As for the Chinoike Clan? Never had a chance to meet them, allied with the Gouyoku Alliance too quick for me too.” Koakuma responded, before sighing. “I do have designs for the kid but none evil. And none for you to worry about.”

“You mistake me for the boy’s mother. Do you think I will see someone after him and idle?” Mima growled “I may have agreed to stop my vengeance on this world for my daughter Marisa, but do not forget the threat that I am. if you get in the way of my goals for me and the boy, not even shinki will be able to save you. What. are your. ‘designs’ for the boy?”

The succubus stared the ghostly mage in her dangerously green eyes with a serious expression. Slowly she put down the books she was carrying. “You know why we need these people. That world. Their chakra. It affirms our existence, literally. Yokai, gods, and the like who have gotten chakra no longer need the beliefs of humans to exist they just do. But that’s only part of it, that boy I think he’s perfect to wield the powers of lust and love as a yokai. To become like me.”

“You wish to turn him into an incubus?” Mima held herself back from attacking the bitch in front of her.

“Succubi have the ability to switch genders, or become futanari, so yes in part. See, nothing bad. Beneficial to both the boy and your goals actually .” Koakuma smiled genuinely.

Mima’s staff glowed with energy. “Beneficial!?” She stoped when she saw a finger gun point purple energy at her out of a rift just in the corner of her eyes. “You agree with this, Yukari?”

“It is my plan. We discussed this while you were with the boy. some agree with this some don’t. Suika wants him to be an Oni, Alice a magican, But we came to an understanding, we won’t force or trick him into becoming any type of yokai, but we will let him know it’s an option and let him choose for himself.” The gap yokai said.

Mima snorted "Why him?"

“you told us about Naruto’s life.” Yukari responded “ filled in the blanks after he started that romp with the Suika at the shrine. Do you think they’ll ever give him what he wants? The love and respect he deserves?
The sister that tried him for years to get him to give up on his dreams? Do you think she’ll change just because she saw him make a few of incomplete spells? Or will she go back to trying to ‘help him stay safe’ by demanding him quit again? love him as she may she is blind to how she hurts him.
What of his mother? mind so muddled by super natural lust she sucks off her kid’s hated rival. How far will she go with Kiba and his teammates? Will she let Kiba try to fulfill his goal drugged up on supernatural lusts?
And his brother, who encourages the rival to f*ck his mother because he has an affair with the rival’s mom. Will he be repentant if called to task on that?
Not to mention the father, never trains the kid, maybe had a good reason but then holds off others from training him because of selfishness. As well as let Naruto down as he acquiesces to taking him off a team with his mother because of a crying child and a spiteful politician. Then let the boy’s mother, who he knew has a supernaturally enhanced sex drive spend time teaching the same child who pulled her away from her son like she wouldn’t fall to her lusts with all the sex she hasn’t been having.
They will never give him what he wants unless he takes it for himself, and if they find themselves hoisted by their own petards lustfully bent into his pets in the process it’s well deserved punishment.”

Mima said nothing as she unsummoned her staff. “If he chooses it’s fine by me. But force him to walk this path -”

Yukari continued on "I know your goals Mima... to become a god, and you want to use the boy as a means to do so. I have no problem with that, but remember who I am. I alone, not including the other sages have been the rise and fall of many a gods and those who have attempted to become gods. Work with me and I will show you how to obtain your goal, you will join the new pantheon of Gensokyo when we arrive in the boy's world. Don't and you will be left to fumble in the dark.

Mima frowned in thought as she flew back to Naruto.

so yes the corruption i was asked about before is yokaifcation. Can't put pictures in notes (AFAIK) so i'm leaving this here, Naruko as a succubus in the manga. this is the basis for the idea I had, I didn't want naruto to become a kitsune, because that has been done many times before.

Himorogi, burn in azure - Chapter 5 - witchofvulpinedreams8 (4)

Himorogi, burn in azure - Chapter 5 - witchofvulpinedreams8 (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.